31-Year-old Feng Timo was diagnosed with advanced cancer, and the cause was exposed: Stop indulging your body…

Text/Mr. Mizuki & Zhuojue

Source/Mr. Mizuki said (ID: shuimujunshuo)

Singer Von Timo is hot.

The reason is not a scandal, not a new work, but cancer.

In August this year, Feng Timo interviewed a family.

The host asked, Why did you disappear for more than half a year?

Feng Timo says:Health went wrong, got a cancer, thyroid cancer.

The host looked surprised: That’s benign, right?

Feng Timo says:No, it was advanced malignancy.

On another health talk show, Feng Timo presented his cancer medical records.

"Contrast-enhanced ultrasound shows a high probability of CA."

CA, thyroid tumor.

Feng Timo is a female anchor debut.

Singing skills, emotional intelligence is quite high. After the live streaming host industry, and through their own efforts, into the entertainment industry.

In 2016, he sang the opening song "You Don’t Understand Me" for the movie "28 Years Old".

In 2017, he sang the promotional song "Goodbye Ex" for the movie "Ex 3".

Fame rose, once became a new corner of the music scene.

Feng Timo cherishes everything that is hard-won.

After learning of the cancer, the first thing she asked the doctor was: Will it affect my singing?

The doctor said: Yes, even if you fully recover, it will be difficult to return to the past state.

Von Timo collapsed.

"Singing is not only my career, but also the meaning of my life. After knowing that it will affect my voice, my heart really died."

Unfortunately, thyroid cancer, also known as "lazy cancer," has a very low metastatic rate.

More than 90% of patients recover after surgery.

Von Timo’s surgery went well.

The laryngeal tumor was completely removed and soon discharged from the hospital.

After recovering, Feng Timo lowered his collar, revealing a "smile scar".

Just after the surgery, Feng Timo did have difficulty pronouncing.

Not to mention singing, it would be difficult to make a little louder.

But Feng Timo was unwilling to give up.

After his body recovered 80% to 90%, Feng Timo found a famous teacher and practiced his pronunciation every day.

A few months later, Feng Timo returned to the stage.

Regarding the cause of cancer, Feng Timo did not respond positively.

However, I can roughly guess from the content of her Weibo response.

"Through this cancer, I want to tell everyone, especially the girls, that you must not have internal mental friction, and don’t accumulate negative energy in your heart…"

After Feng Timo rushed into the hot search with cancer, Wu Jian, director of the Cancer Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing University, said:

It is necessary to be vigilant against long-term mental internal friction causing cancer.

Existing studies have shown that emotional internal friction such as sensitivity, suspicion, and nervousness can easily lead to endocrine dysfunction and decreased immunity, which in turn lead to various physiological dysfunctions in the body and lead to cancer.

It’s not just thyroid cancer.

Yang Video once released a popular science video, and stomach cancer is also related to bad emotions.

Negative emotions such as internal friction and tension can reduce the body’s immunity and leave the stomach in a state of high reaction, which can lead to diseases in the long run.

New Weekly has interviewed three cancer patients.

Thyroid cancer, both in their 30s.

The results revealed that these young patients all had one characteristic:The work is stressful and the mood is very anxious.

Photo: New Weekly Interview

If it is not forced by life, who is willing to carry the burden forward.

I don’t want to say tasteless advice like "don’t work too hard" or "take a break".

I just want to say, friends, if the external environment cannot be changed for a while, we can try to change our mindset.

Last week, I had a small chat with a well-connected colleague.

Now the official account market is getting more and more difficult, and the graphic market has been severely impacted by the short video market.

Last year can earn a million accounts, this year basically halved; last year to earn 300,000 accounts, this year I am afraid even to feed themselves are difficult.

Friends complain that their income is getting lower every day, they are very anxious, and they can’t sleep well.

I asked, What’s the worst possible outcome?

The friend said: The account is not profitable, so it is sold cheaply. Maybe I will send the courier.

I asked: If you sell it, you can sell it. In Guangzhou, how much is the express delivery?

The friend said, There are eight thousand.

I said, Can’t I survive with a monthly salary of 8,000?

Friend said: It seems to be able to live…

My words are not to persuade friends to mess up, but to reduce the anxiety of the moment by adjusting the "bottom line mentality".

A few days ago on the short video platform, I saw a quote from Ma Yun.

"You should be serious about life, but don’t be too serious about work. If you are too serious, you will be very tired."

"Being a person is already so tired, and working is so tiring, it’s boring."

"Work should be like play."

This sentence is easy to be misunderstood. If you don’t work seriously, the boss will fire me every minute? How can you live without money?

I think what Ma Yun said "don’t take it too seriously" should beDon’t be too concerned about the quality of the results.

In life, some things can be changed through hard work.

For example, the level of skills, such as speech.

But some things are just about luck.

Such as talent, such as trends, such as the decline of the industry, such as some unpredictable opportunities in destiny.

We’re going to take these and then use a"Let fate belong to fate, let your own belong to yourself"Attitude, looking at everything.

This doesn’t necessarily bring happiness.

But at least it can help us reduce anxiety, make our bodies lighter and our lives lighter.

Anxiety affects people’s health.

A bad lifestyle can also destroy a person’s health.

The "2021 Contemporary Young People Staying Up Late Report" shows that,More than 40% of young people say they stay up late almost every day and fall asleep after the wee hours of the morning.

As for the reasons for staying up late, there are mainly the following:

First, follow the drama and watch the video.

Second, swipe Weibo Zhihu and so on.

Third, play games.

Fourth, think about life

Fifth, online chat

Sixth, work.

It is a common phenomenon for young people to stay up late.

But universal does not mean that this is a normal, rational way of life.

What are the dangers of staying up late?

To put it mildly, skin deterioration, baldness, hair loss, memory loss, poor concentration… People will accelerate aging.

To put it more seriously, the harder you stay up late, the greater the risk of sudden death.

We often get this kind of news.

"The 22-year-old girl died suddenly after staying up late and working overtime."

"The guy was too excited to stay up late playing games and was sent to IUC for rescue…"

I can understand why many people stay up late.

The day belongs to the company, and the night belongs to you.

When night falls and the time approaches midnight, I rationally know it’s time to fall asleep, but my heart is full of unwillingness: brush for five minutes, brush for another five minutes…

It seems that only in this way can we cherish the precious time that belongs to us.

Is that really the only way?

No, definitely not.

If you enjoy it in advance, you will always come back later.

Today you stayed up too late, and tomorrow you will use all possible rest periods during the day to catch up on sleep.

Since that’s the case, we might as well change our posture and cherish time.

Move the sleep time forward a bit.

Push the wake-up time forward a bit.

This results in not only healthy work and rest habits, but also self-discipline.

Your body is better, and your willpower will be stronger than ordinary people – and self-disciplined people are generally not too bad.

Haruki Murakami said,The body is everyone’s temple, and no matter what is enshrined in it, it should be kept strong, beautiful, and clean.

May we be open-minded and look down on external gains.

Allow everything to be as it is, and accept that everything backfires.

May we all enjoy a disciplined and disciplined life.

Less indulgence, more delayed gratification, and always put health first in life.

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Author:Mr. Shuimu @Zhuojue, source: Mr. Shuimu said (ID: shuimujunshuo), analyze the society, share the view of education, and grow with 5 million readers. There is temperature, depth, and attitude. See you at 21:21 every night. Let our voice become the sound wave that promotes world change.

A post-00s mortician, entering the profession at the age of 16, does not eat meat, does not attend weddings, and does not touch babies…

These three colors are called "depressed colors", and if your child likes them, parents should pay attention!



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??Editor: Comprehensive collation of primary school Chinese

??Source: Mr. Mizuki said

??Labels: Primary School Chinese

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