On special New Year’s Eve, angels in white held his ground.

Seven medical staff on duty are eating "imprint" New Year’s Eve correspondent Yan Lingling for the picture.

Blessing cake sent by enthusiastic friends

  On New Year’s Eve, family reunion, having a reunion dinner, saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming the new year are the customs written into China people’s genes.

  However, on this special New Year’s Eve, about 80,000 medical staff in Wuhan are still sticking to their posts, leaving behind the figure of "the most beautiful retrograde". Encourage each other to welcome the new year with patients with new pneumonia, and send the fruit cake that was sent by enthusiastic friends to the family online for the New Year … … Give up reunion with relatives, only because of a common desire — —

  Stick to the battlefield and give more people the strength to overcome the epidemic.

  "I hope to win this war as soon as possible!"

  Medical staff of Jinyintan Hospital spend New Year’s Eve with patients.

  On New Year’s Eve, Changjiang Daily reporter made layers of protection and entered the isolation ward of Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan, and visited doctors, nurses and patients with new pneumonia on the spot for New Year’s Eve.

  At 11: 30, nurse Yang Anli came to the front door of the new pneumonia isolation ward with Spring Festival couplets and lanterns, put the couplets on the door and hung the red lanterns. Yang Anli is a provincial model worker. In 2003, she went to Beijing to fight SARS on behalf of Jinyintan Hospital.

  There are more than 30 patients with new pneumonia diagnosed in the South Third District, and the hospital has prepared an apple for each of them. After the protection, nurse Le Yanling made a victory gesture to the reporter, carried the apples into the ward, and distributed the apples to the patients one by one.

  At 1 o’clock in the afternoon, the reporter came to Nansi District. Four nurses put on protective clothing and sent the hot jiaozi to the ward, giving each patient a copy.

  The reporter learned that Jinyintan Hospital is the earliest "four centralized" hospital in our city to deal with the new pneumonia epidemic. The hospital went to work as usual during the Spring Festival. In the first line of the decisive battle against the epidemic, more than 460 medical staff were on duty every day.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Ke Aesthetics correspondent Li Jie Liu Lu)

  Dr. Han Yuan missed the group year video.

  Cake fruit sent from all over the country is "New Year’s Eve".

  "Professor Wang, come and have dinner!" At 5: 20 pm on January 24th, Professor Bing Wang, who rushed to Wuhan from Jingzhou Central Hospital, returned to the department. Cakes and fruits sent from all over the country became his "New Year’s Eve" this year.

  On the morning of 24th, Bing Wang got into intense work, and got off work at 12 noon. In the afternoon, he voluntarily gave up his rest for fear of the unstable condition of his seven patients, and missed the "video" of his family reunion in Jingzhou.

  "In the year of the 3 o’clock group at home, I didn’t receive a video call, and my family sent me a picture." Bing Wang said that his family’s annual meal was very rich, but his annual meal was not bad, which was very special.

  "How about cakes, fruits and dumplings? Not bad!" Bing Wang pointed to boxes of food on the table and said that these were sent by enthusiastic friends from all over the country. The first time I spent the New Year alone in a foreign country, I ate such an annual meal for the first time, but I was able to reunite with the medical staff who fought side by side. Bing Wang felt very warm. "I will finish my work later and video with my family."

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Yang Wei)

  The "video dinner" family of three told each other to be 9 years old and asked their parents to pay attention to safety.

  "Mom, I’m eating New Year’s Eve." "Eating New Year’s Eve, did you say a blessing to your grandparents?" … … At 6: 50 pm on January 24th, Yang Qian returned home after a day’s frontline battle against new pneumonia, and she and her husband Liu Xinghua got through a video call with her son who was in Huangzhou for the New Year.

  Liu Xinghua is a radiologist in Wuhan No.1 Hospital, who is responsible for taking CT images of patients. Yang Qian is a radiologist, who is responsible for registering patients at the window. He needs to contact a large number of patients with fever every day. Because my grandparents in Huangzhou always talk about their grandchildren on the phone, the couple sent their children to Huangzhou as soon as the winter vacation was over on January 6.

  "I didn’t expect that after returning to Han, the number of fever patients increased day by day. We were often busy late at night to go home, and sometimes it took several days to call our son." Liu Xinghua said that his son pays attention to the news of new pneumonia on TV every day and reminds them to pay attention to safety every time he calls.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Yu Wei)

  Take off the protective mask from the intensive care unit and eat the "imprint" reunion dinner.

  On January 24th, at 12: 20, the first wave of "reunion dinner" was served at a small table outside the intensive care unit (NCU) of the First Hospital of Wuhan. Seven medical staff on duty just took off their protective masks, leaving a deep impression on their faces. The annual dinner on the table is a box lunch provided by the hospital, with a banana and a box of yogurt for each person.

  At this time, 15 critically ill patients were admitted to NCU, including one suspected new pneumonia patient who received isolation treatment. On the same day, there were 15 medical staff, including Shan Ping, director of the ward, and Sun Chun, head nurse. In the afternoon, the medical staff transferred the suspected patients with new pneumonia to the designated hospital for treatment.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Yan Lingling)

  The nurse fought for more than 20 days and didn’t go home. The family had a new year’s meal across the screen.

  On New Year’s Eve, Feng Qiong, the head nurse of the first ward of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of Wuhan Sixth Hospital, who has been stationed in the hospital for more than 20 days and has not returned home, still sticks to the front line. "Don’t worry about family matters, it’s all up to me!" At 7 o’clock in the evening, Feng Qiong, who had just finished her work, ate the New Year’s Eve dinner sent by her husband, while taking advantage of this rare gap, she connected with her relatives at home by video phone, and a family of four had a different kind of annual meal through their mobile phones. Feng Qiong, who has been engaged in nursing for 25 years, has successfully completed the medical treatment of flood fighting in 1998, SARS in 2003 and Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. This time, in the fight against the new type of pneumonia, she is still in the forefront, leading a group of "white warriors" in the department to the front line.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Luo Yao)

How to keep the safety red line under the upsurge of frequent safety accidents in ski resorts?

  CCTV News:In recent years, China’s ice and snow industry has developed vigorously, and ice and snow sports have risen rapidly. Skiing in winter has become a new fashion for many Chinese people to exercise and relax. However, under the upsurge, accidents occur frequently. Since this year alone, there have been safety accidents in several ski resorts. In mid-January, two accidents occurred in Hebei within three days. First, a woman died accidentally while skiing, and then a 10-year-old boy fell off a cliff in a ski resort and died. On February 3rd, a temporary unlicensed ski resort in Julu, Hebei Province collapsed, injuring five people. On February 9, another accident occurred in a ski resort in Linyi, Shandong Province, in which children were caught in the conveyor belt of the snow field and died. What caused these accidents? What kind of alarm bells have these accidents sounded to people? How to keep the red line of safety under the skiing craze?

  Shandong: A 9-year-old girl who was bitten by a conveyor belt in a snow field was killed.

  On the morning of February 9, 9-year-old Chenchen was involved in the conveyor belt of the snow field while skiing in a ski resort in Linyi, Shandong Province, and died.

  Chenchen’s mother Chen Di:At that time, when the child was called, the child would not say a word. I said wake up in the morning, it’s mom, wake up, but I didn’t agree to shout.

 Schematic diagram of accident

  On the day of the incident, Chenchen stood on the conveyor belt wearing a snowboard. When she was near the finish line, she squatted down and picked up her cane, but her hair was caught. She tried to catch her hair with her hands, and her left hand was brought into the gap of the conveyor belt. Because the conveyor belt kept sliding forward without stopping, the strong biting force quickly bit Chenchen’s whole arm, which eventually caused a tragedy.

  Chenchen’s father Dong Wenshan:The seam of the conveyor belt is so wide that my hand sinks in and my chest is cut off directly, but not directly at that time.

  Family members questioned: Is the gap in the conveyor belt compliant?

 Conveyor belt gap

  The conveyor belt of the snow field, also known as the "magic carpet", is equivalent to the "snow field elevator", similar to the conveyor belt of the airport. During the interview, Chenchen’s father showed several photos of the gap in the conveyor belt. So, does such a gap meet the specifications? The reporter didn’t find any relevant regulations in the "Regulations on the Management of Ski Resort in China". So, I consulted the local safety supervision department.

  Quality Supervision Bureau: The conveyor belt does not belong to the elevator.

  Liu Yongqiang, a staff member of lanshan district Safety Supervision Bureau in Linyi City, Shandong Province:Our safety supervision bureau is a comprehensive coordination department and does not have the qualification to check this professional equipment. Magic carpet (conveyor belt) is the most similar to elevator. At the first time, we also called the Quality Supervision Bureau, but the Quality Supervision Bureau replied that this magic carpet (conveyor belt) did not belong to the elevator.

  The conveyor belt of the ski resort was equipped with an emergency shutdown device, but this key device did not play a role in a critical moment. What’s going on here?

  Liu Yongqiang, a staff member of lanshan district Safety Supervision Bureau in Linyi City, Shandong Province:They (the conveyor belt) has an emergency switch, but his (ski resort) personnel are not in place, which leads to the equipment not stopping in time.

  The reporter randomly investigated several other ski resorts in China. Almost all ski resorts are equipped with conveyor belts. It is clearly stated in the riding instructions at the entrance of the conveyor belt that when tourists get on the conveyor belt, the interval of queuing is 2-mdash; 3 meters. However, due to the excessive passenger flow in winter, people are often crowded on the conveyor belt, and there is no staff management control at the scene. The conveyor belt of individual ski resorts is seriously damaged, and there are big gaps on both sides of the conveyor belt. Once someone falls, the danger is easy to happen.

  Hebei: A 10-year-old boy fell off a cliff and died without a safety net in the snow field.

  There is also a boy Xiao Guan, 10 years old, who suffered tragedy in the ski resort. On January 18, Xiao Guan fell off a cliff while skiing on the intermediate track of a ski resort in Hebei, and died after being rescued. Mr. Guan, the father of the child, was not around when the accident happened.

  Mr. Guan wrote on the Internet that there was no safety net installed at the accident site of the child, and the protective fence was a steel frame and wooden board with no buffering capacity. In addition, the gap under the guardrail installed in this position is too large, so it is easy for skiers to slip out of the snowy road and fall off the cliff.

  According to "Management Standard of China Ski Resort", "The safety net should be 1.5m ~ 2m high, generally orange, and the column should be elastic". Obviously, the protective device of the ski resort is not up to standard.

  After the incident, the reporter came to the ski resort again. The guardrail of the snowy road in the accident was still not replaced, but a blue sponge isolation pad was installed, and there were gaps in the safety net of some snowy roads.

  Because there is no video surveillance installed in the snow field, it is still uncertain whether Xiaoguan fell off the cliff because he was too fast or because of the collision of others. Mr. Guan can only post on the internet to seek witnesses. The reporter visited a number of ski resorts, and most of them did not install monitoring equipment.

  Family members issued a document: the child’s head was suspected "Fatal impact"

  According to industry insiders, it is very necessary to assemble a certain number of cameras in ski resorts, but there is no clear regulation on this in China at present. In addition, Mr. Guan also mentioned in the article: "The helmet worn by the child is seriously broken and cracked, so it can be speculated that the child’s head must have been fatally hit." So, usually, how fast do you ski? How big is the impact? The ski instructor said that the speed of the primary track in the ski resort can reach 30 yards (speed), the speed of the intermediate track will reach 50-60 yards, and the speed of the advanced track will reach 70 yards or more, which is equivalent to driving at a high speed. In the event of a collision, the probability of injury is quite high.

  Some skiers lack safety awareness.

  Through the above two cases, it is not difficult to find that the imperfect hardware facilities and inadequate management personnel are the important reasons for the accident. In addition, the reporter found in the investigation that skiers lack sufficient safety awareness, which is also a major cause of accidents. According to the relevant national regulations, skiing is a high-risk sport. However, the reporter visited and found that many skiers regard it as an entertainment activity. There are even many people who experience skiing for the first time and go straight to the snowy road without wearing safety equipment. There are also some beginners who go to the ski resort for the first time and go to the intermediate ski resort with more difficulty.

Skiers are not wearing helmets.

Skiers are not wearing helmets.

  In addition, the reporter noticed that although every ski resort has posted a safety code for skiing behavior, it is often ineffective.

  Zhang Luwei, the teaching principal of a ski resort:As far as I know, only 20%-30% people will pay attention to this code and read carefully what kind of safety instructions there are.

  Skiing safely and having fun: tips from professionals

  According to industry insiders, there is no uniform grading standard for skiing level in China at present, but many places have begun to formulate and implement local standards, and national standards are also being formulated.

  Facing the skiing craze, as participants, we should be calm and rational. How can we correctly participate in it and enjoy the fun brought by ice and snow sports safely?

  Wu Bin, Vice Chairman of Beijing Ski Association:Before going to the ski resort, you should learn what skiing is all about and what you need to pay attention to from the internet or related books. If you haven’t gone skiing, then we suggest that it is best to find a coach. Generally, we suggest that children must ask a coach when they go skiing. In addition, children should never let them move on their own in the ski resort. Another one is about insurance. It is better to take the initiative to buy an insurance. This insurance is actually not expensive, some are 5 yuan, and some are 10 yuan.

  At present, China’s ice and snow sports industry is developing rapidly, and the frequent accidents sound an alarm for us: safety is the bottom line and red line of development. At present, the Management Standard of China Ski Resort, which is in the trial operation stage, clearly stipulates the operation and construction of ski resorts, the behavior requirements of skiers and the responsibilities of relevant managers. We expect such industry safety standards to be improved and implemented as soon as possible, so that people can skate safely and safely. (CCTV reporter Ye Wei)

When investigating the development of technology and finance, Wang Qingxian emphasized the creation of a development ecology in which financial and technological enterprises are integrated and symbiot

  Anhui Daily News (Reporter Wu Liangliang) leads the construction of modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation, and pushes the development of technology and finance to an important position. On the afternoon of January 9th, Wang Qingxian, Governor of Anhui Province, conducted a survey in Hefei to gain an in-depth understanding of the development of technology and finance, Anhui Province, and to study and promote the next work. He emphasized that the development of technology and finance is a powerful kinetic energy to promote the development of science and technology enterprises and a major task to optimize the financial supply structure. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of Anhui Science and Technology, take the implementation of the "common growth plan" for financial support for science and technology enterprises as the starting point, and build "science and technology — Industry — The first-class ecology of the virtuous circle of finance. Zhang Hongwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Vice Governor, participated in the survey.

  Wang Qingxian came to Huishang Bank, Hefei Xingtai Group, Provincial Credit Information Company and Anhui Branch of the People’s Bank of China successively to learn more about the development of technology and finance. Huishang Bank uses Antelope platform to promote the incremental expansion of science and technology credit, Hefei Kechuang Financial Reform Experimental Zone builds a product matrix covering the whole life cycle of science and technology enterprises, and the provincial comprehensive financial service platform drives technology and finance with digital finance. A series of innovative measures have promoted the vigorous development of technology and finance in our province. By the end of the third quarter of 2023, the balance of science and technology loans in the province reached 564.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 61.2%. Wang Qingxian stressed that it is necessary to conscientiously sum up the effective practices and successful experiences in the development of technology and finance in our province, and study new situations and solve new problems in time.

  During the investigation, Wang Qingxian presided over a forum to listen to the work reports of Anhui Branch of the People’s Bank of China and Hefei City, as well as the opinions and suggestions of relevant financial institutions and technology enterprises, and put forward requirements for the next step. First, we should strengthen the systematic design of technology and finance’s development, better realize the synergy of financial policy, science and technology policy and industrial policy, and promote the effective docking of science and technology resources, industrial demand and financial factors. Second, we should optimize the supply of products in technology and finance, actively develop products such as start-up credit loans and growth relay loans, and provide diversified financial services for technology enterprises. Third, we should improve the intermediary service system in technology and finance, and vigorously introduce credit rating agencies, law firms, accounting firms, consulting services and other intermediary service institutions. Fourth, we should implement the "common growth plan" in depth, further open up channels for credit and equity cooperation, promote cooperation between banks, equity institutions and enterprises, and create new investment and financing scenarios. Fifth, we should give full play to the demonstration and leading role of Hefei Science and Technology Financial Reform Experimental Zone, and try first in product innovation, policy innovation and mechanism innovation to form more new models and experiences that can be popularized. Sixth, it is necessary to enhance the overall synergy of technology and finance’s development, deepen the cooperation mechanism between government and banks and enterprises, strengthen the coordinated linkage of finance, finance, science and technology, industry and other policies, and promote the continuous development of technology and finance in the province to achieve new results.

Department of Large Banks of the General Administration of Financial Supervision: Explore the establishment and improvement of the monitoring and evaluation system for large commercial banks serving t

Beijing business today News (Reporter Li Haiyan) On January 10th, according to the news of WeChat WeChat official account of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, in order to promote the high-quality development of large banks to a new level and improve the quality and efficiency of serving the real economy, the Department of Large Banks of the General Financial Supervision and Administration said that it would explore the establishment and improvement of a monitoring and evaluation system for large commercial banks serving the real economy. Urge large commercial banks to actively assume the responsibility of being a big state-owned bank, implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, strengthen financial support for national strategies and key areas, and promote the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of the economy. Give full play to the group’s diversified financial advantages and improve the timeliness and efficiency of financial supply. Better coordinate high-quality development and high-level safety, and focus on broadening the scope of sustainable commercial financial services through the use of financial technology and improving the level of risk control.

At the same time, guide large banks to do "five big articles". Guide the innovative credit mechanism, accurately connect with technology-based enterprises, and explore and solve the problem of due diligence exemption. Prospective study on carbon pricing mechanism, strengthen the supply of green finance, and help promote carbon neutrality in peak carbon dioxide emissions. Optimize the policy of supervision, assessment and evaluation, and cooperate to improve the statistical caliber of inclusive finance. Enrich the supply of the third pillar financial products for the aged, and further promote the pilot of specific pension savings and personal pension wealth management products. Accelerate the digital transformation and improve the agile response ability to the financial needs of the real economy.

In addition, improve people’s sense of financial acquisition and satisfaction. Supervise large commercial banks to adhere to the people-centered value orientation and strengthen financial products and services in the field of people’s livelihood. Support the cultivation and expansion of new consumption, and vigorously develop digital consumption, green consumption and healthy consumption. Strengthen the protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests and help improve the financial literacy of the whole people.


The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue warnings of cold wave, blizzard and gale.

Cctv newsThe Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue warnings of cold wave, blizzard and gale at 18: 00 on November 21.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a cold wave yellow warning at 18: 00 on November 21:

Affected by the cold wave, it is estimated that the temperature in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and its north will drop by 6 ~ 10℃ from November 21st to 24th, among which the temperature in Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, western and northern North China, central and eastern Huanghuai and other places will drop by 12 ~ 16℃, and the temperature drop in some areas such as central and eastern Inner Mongolia and eastern Northeast China will exceed 16℃, and the main period of gale cooling will be from 22nd to 24th. After the cold wave, the lowest temperature 0℃ line will be located in the middle of Jiangsu and Anhui, south-central Henan, southwestern Shaanxi, southeastern Gansu and other places, and the lowest temperature in eastern Inner Mongolia and most parts of Heilongjiang will drop below -20℃, and the local temperature can reach below -30℃. Most of the above areas are accompanied by northerly winds of 4 ~ 6 grades, gusts of 7 ~ 8 grades, and local grades of 9 grades. Some areas in western Inner Mongolia and Ningxia have dusty weather; From 23rd to 25th, there will be 6-8 gale in the eastern and southern seas of China, with gusts of 9-10.

From 20: 00 on the 21st to 20: 00 on the 23rd, the temperatures in northeastern Xinjiang, central and eastern northwest China, Inner Mongolia, northeastern China, most of North China, Huanghuai and other places will drop by 6 ~ 10℃ successively. Among them, the temperatures in most parts of Inner Mongolia, northwestern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, central Liaoning, northern Hebei, northwestern Shanxi and other places will drop by 12 ~ 16℃, and some parts of central and western Inner Mongolia will drop by 16 ~ 18℃.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of blizzard at 18: 00 on November 21:

It is estimated that from 20: 00 on November 21 to 20: 00 on November 23, there will be heavy snowstorms in parts of eastern Inner Mongolia, central and eastern Heilongjiang, northern Jilin and Changbai Mountain, and the accumulated snowfall will be 8-20 mm, the local area will reach 20-30 mm, and the newly added snow depth will be 6-15 cm, and the local area will reach about 20 cm. The main snowfall period is from the night of the 21st to the 22nd.

From 20: 00 on November 21 to 20: 00 on the 22 nd, there were heavy snow in parts of eastern Inner Mongolia, central and eastern Heilongjiang and northern Jilin, among which there were heavy snow (10 ~ 18 mm) in eastern Inner Mongolia and central Heilongjiang. The depth of newly added snow in the above areas is 6 ~ 8 cm, and the local area can reach more than 12 cm.

From 20: 00 on November 22 to 20: 00 on November 23, there was heavy snow in parts of central and eastern Heilongjiang and Changbai Mountain in Jilin, and there was heavy snow (10-15 mm) in the northeast of Heilongjiang. The newly added snow depth in these areas was 5-8 cm, and the local area was about 10 cm.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a gale blue warning at 18: 00 on November 21:

It is estimated that from 20: 00 on November 21 to 20: 00 on the 22 nd, there will be strong winds with grades 5-6 and gusts 7-8 in northern Xinjiang, central and western Inner Mongolia, northeastern Qinghai, northern Ningxia, northwestern Shaanxi and northwestern Shanxi, and the local gusts can reach 9; The Bohai Sea, the Bohai Strait, bashi channel, the northeastern part of the South China Sea, the central, eastern and southwestern parts will have strong winds of 7-8 grades and gusts of 9 grades.

From 20: 00 on November 22 to 20: 00 on November 23, there were strong winds with grades 5-6 and gusts 7-8 in central and eastern Inner Mongolia, southeastern Liaoning, eastern Tianjin, Shandong Peninsula and southern Xinjiang Basin, and northwestern and southern Tibet. The local gust can reach 9; There will be strong winds of 7-8 grades and gusts of 9 grades in the Bohai Sea, Bohai Strait, most of the Yellow Sea, bashi channel, the northeastern part of the South China Sea, the central and eastern parts and the southwestern part.

Yibin, Sichuan, exported the first single tea to Central Asia this year.

In the early morning of January 5th, in Gaoxian County, Yibin City, Sichuan Zaobaijian Tea Co., Ltd. was full of fragrant tea, and the workers were busy loading bags of exported tea into containers-this 46 tons of tea was the first single export of Yibin this year, and it will be sent to Uzbekistan through the Central Asian train.

Sichuan Zaobaijian Tea Industry Co., Ltd. is a national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization. It has three tea bases, covering nearly 100,000 mu of tea gardens around it. Through the industrialization mode of "company+base+farmers", it connects more than 23,000 farmers and produces more than 3,500 tons of dry tea annually. At the end of last year, Yibin Customs organized business backbones to go to Gaoxian County to carry out publicity on policies such as optimizing the port business environment, which effectively boosted Gaoxian Tea’s "going out". "This export to Central Asia, the next step, we have to plan for the Middle East, Africa, Europe and other markets, and really let Gaoxian good tea go abroad and the fragrance floats overseas." Zhang Dexun, the chairman of the company, is full of confidence in the future tea export trade.

Gaoxian County is one of the "Top 100 Tea Counties in China", with a tea planting area of 330,000 mu and 255 related business entities. In recent years, Gaoxian county has focused on improving the quality and efficiency of tea industry, and made continuous efforts from five aspects: planting, management, production, processing and marketing to further improve the output and quality of tea and enhance the competitiveness of tea export. At the same time, the "Fifteen Policies for Gaoxian County to Support the High-quality Development of Tea Industry" was issued, actively supporting and cultivating the development of tea enterprises, constantly enhancing the popularity and brand influence of tea in Gaoxian County, and realizing "one leaf is rich". In 2023, the county produced a total of 31,000 tons of dry tea, achieving a comprehensive output value of 7.5 billion yuan. (Luo Jingping, Hou Xiaomei, Wang Peizhe)

The latest nightlife map of Shanghai at night (figure)

  Shanghai’s nightlife is colorful and as charming as the scenery on the Bund. The leisure hall has the latest and most exciting nightlife experience in Shanghai, such as electronic music such as Maxmo, rock and roll such as Mao Livehouse Shanghai, and trend gathering place such as Not Me. Wonderful night life in Shanghai.

  Tour guide

  Not Me

  Chaoren gathering place

  Where did this strange bar name come from? Actually, don’t be too curious. Because people who are busy during the day come to this place, they naturally turn into party animals who don’t know themselves, so they can say It’s not me "without shame". Pushing open the door of the bar, the first thing you see is Lounge Room. Curved bar, comfortable sofa, elegant music and simple post-modern decoration all exude a fashionable atmosphere.

  In addition to the sleek and simple Lounge Room, Not Me has painstakingly built a Party Room. The music of the Party Room is dominated by Chill out and House. Entering the Party Room from Lounge Room is like a lifetime ago. Ball Room is dominated by fresh white, and the fashionable and dynamic fiber-optic lights shine like stars, making you walk like a star. All kinds of fresh and interesting parties have already started there, so don’t fall behind and go crazy together. Not Me has cheap drinks and trendy independent electronic music. If you don’t want to fall in love with it, there’s nothing you can do.

  Address: No.21 Dongping Road, Shanghai (near Urumqi Road)

  Per capita consumption: 50 yuan

  steamed rice made from glutinous and round rice

  Enjoy a pleasant life

  The "four donkey kong" breakfasts in Shanghai-big cakes, fried dough sticks, rice and soybean milk-are well known. One bar actually chose "Nifan" as its name. As for why, even the proprietress didn’t give an explanation, maybe it’s just because such a name is fun and has a local flavor. However, this bar is different from the public’s impression. There is no dance floor here. People come here just for tasting wine, chatting and looking for extraordinary comfort.

  Comfortable, because there are many beds besides the bar and sofa seat. Of course, these beds are not for you to sleep, but for you to lie comfortably and chat with your friends, taste the fine wine and beautiful champagne or cocktails in the store, or smoke two Turkish hookahs from time to time. There will be a DJ cooking electronic music for you all night. The rhythm is neither urgent nor slow, and it is subtle and just right. The lights in the store are dark and full of emotional appeal, and candles are used to illuminate every position. There is no extra light that will not be dazzling. When you come here, the whole person’s body and mind can relax and make you feel lazy and comfortable.

  Address: No.888 Changping Road, Shanghai (near Jiaozhou Road)

  Per capita consumption: 60 yuan

  Mao Livehouse Shanghai

  Party in the name of rock and roll

  When Mao Livehouse proudly rose from the ground in Shanghai Red Square, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that the live music was finally accepted by young people in Shanghai who followed the trend. You don’t have to be jealous of Livehouse in Beijing, Mao in Shanghai is more atmospheric and professional. Once upon a time, there were many venues with rock performances in Shanghai, but only one dared to call itself Livehouse. You know, a real Livehouse requires not only standard sound field space, but also expensive audio equipment and stage lighting. When artists perform on stage, an experienced live Andhadhun and lighting engineer are even more soul. Mao has all this in Shanghai.

  Friends who are familiar with Shanghai’s "nightclub history" know that Mao used to be a famous nightclub O2, Livehouse replaced Dance Club, and rock replaced electronic music. Does this indicate a subtle change in a certain trend? Continuing the rock style of Mao in Beijing, most of the performances here are artists who have high requirements for live effects. Rock and roll is always associated with alcohol. Mao’s wine and drink prices are quite affordable. One bottle of beer in 20 yuan, Tsingtao beer and even three bottles in 50 yuan have promotional prices. Cocktails are also made in 20 yuan, and the highest will not exceed 35 yuan. The whole bottle of vodka or tequila is made in 380 yuan and whisky in 580 yuan.

  Address: Building 32, No.570 Huaihai West Road, Shanghai (near Hongfang)

  Per capita consumption: 40 yuan

  official residence

  Ten years of nightclub reloading

  If you want to find a nightclub that can "commemorate" Shanghai’s ten-year nightlife, it is naturally the official residence. Some time ago, the official residence was renovated and presented to many party animals in a more enchanting manner. This transformation of the official residence marks that the old club finally overthrew all the glories of the past and re-stretched out new charming branches.

  Returning to the luxurious residence, a crystal horse composed of Swarovski balls is suspended at the entrance, a provocative hydrotherapy jacuzzi is installed at the side of the stage, and there are many booth areas and VIP areas connected in steps in the hall. In the middle of the night, you can also see the sensational scene of flaming flames on the bar and the dance performance in Lady Gaga style. Specially designed folding doors can split the hall in two, and the back area will be used for after-hour parties. Over the years, the music style of the official residence has been changing all the way, from Lounge Music to Vocal House to Hip-Hop and then to the current VDJ Mash-up. It must be said that the official residence is undoubtedly always at the forefront of the trend.

  Address: the lakeside of Fuxing Park Center, No.2 Gaolan Road, Shanghai.

  Per capita consumption: 120 yuan

  Game Bling

  A new paradise for fashionable white-collar workers

  Breaking the so-called "foreigner bar" occupying the pattern along the Bund, Game Bling, a playful paradise belonging to fashionable white-collar workers in Shanghai, opened not long ago. She has a magnificent 360-degree night view of Shanghai, from which she can have a panoramic view of the landmark buildings on both sides of the Huangpu River. The music is presided over by French senior DJ Damien Kay himself, and he and DJ M.O Together, we have created a brand-new genre Groovy Music for Game Bling. This music style covers hip-hop, R&B, Funk, electronic music and other rhythmic elements, sexy and passionate. Subverting the old habit of playing dice when drinking in a bar, Game Bling made a variety of wine table games for party animals.

  Address: Floor 20-21, Shen Building, No.266, hankou road (near Henan South Road).

  Per capita consumption: 150 yuan


  Electronic sound Little Paradise

  Almost all the big clubs in Shanghai are dominated by Hip-Hop, which is not to say that Hip-Hop is not good, but that it is too rampant and makes people feel tasteless. The newly opened Maxmo has been targeted by party animals early. Maxmo’s predecessor was the former MING, and this time it changed its face and fought the Shanghai night show, but it was a surprise that the DJ and audio equipment had a big change. The re-purchased sound effect is outstanding. The well-known local DJ Afro J, Philippe and Guest DJ bombed here in turn. The local DJ Afro J and his team, who have been insisting on the independent electronic music style, provided the Shanghai nightlife animals with a pure land of music. They presented us with music in the styles of House and Techno, and all kinds of fashionable theme parties in Maxmo.

  Address: No.333 Tongren Road, Shanghai (near Beijing West Road)

  Per capita consumption: 70 yuan


  Great changes have taken place in the bar area of Shanghai in the last three years, and the glory of Maoming Road once no longer exists. Nowadays, small pubs are mostly distributed in hengshan road, Tongren Road, Taikang Road and Xintiandi. Large clubs in Shanghai are located along Huaihai Road, the Bund, Tonglefang and Fuxing Park.

  Taikang road

  The 288 Bar on Taikang Road is very distinctive, because PG One, a Shanghai musician, sits in the town. If you want to feel the taste of authentic Shanghai bars, you must choose there.

  Hengshan road, Tongren Road

  The small bars in hengshan road and Tongren Road are very suitable for listening to music and chatting, and drinkers who don’t like to make too much noise often gather there.

  new field

  The price of bars in Xintiandi is relatively high. Besides the well-paid white-collar workers, there are more tourists from all over the world.

  Fuxing Park

  Fuxing Park, as a landmark area of Shanghai’s nightlife, has Richy and official residences that are overcrowded every night.


  Muse, Sky and J’s in Tongle Square are also very popular, and it is almost difficult to book seats on weekend nights.

  Along the bund

  The Bar Rouge along the Bund has recently been renovated and reopened, and foreign friends love to gather there for drinking and reveling.

  Along Huaihai Road

  Huaihai Road has recently opened a large number of luxury shops, and several large clubs have been opened around it, such as Angelina and M2, which moved to Hong Kong Square.

New Year’s Words Customs Talk about the traditional culture on New Year’s Day.


  Lead:New Year’s Day refers to the first day of the year (that is, January 1st). Since the western calendar was introduced into China, the word New Year’s Day has been dedicated to the New Year, and the traditional old calendar year is called the Spring Festival. Before that, New Year’s Day always refers to the first day of the lunar new year. Yuan means "early" and "beginning", but refers to "day". New Year’s Day is collectively called "initial day", which is the first day of the year.

New year’s day food articles! Traditional snacks in old Beijing

  The year of yearning has entered the countdown. There are many nationalities in our country, and customs vary from place to place. According to local customs, people’s eating customs are also very different. What are the characteristics of traditional snacks in old Beijing? Come and have a look!

Doo sauce


  Doo sauce is a traditional dish in old Beijing. In fact, it is an upgraded version of jelly. In the past, it was a must-have authentic dessert for every household. After having a refrigerator, you can also eat colorful little jelly with wine and beauty to cool off the heat in hot summer.

deep-fried meatballs

deep-fried meatballs

  Maruko symbolizes family reunion. In the past, during the holidays, families always visited or received guests, and the meal time was not fixed, and there was not much time for cooking. Prepare meatballs in advance and serve them.

melon-shaped maltose

melon-shaped maltose

  It is made of colloidal maltose, which is slightly sour in sweetness. It is an excellent food in an era when life is not very rich. Put it outside the house in winter, because the weather is cold, the candied melon solidifies firmly and there are some tiny bubbles inside, which tastes crisp, sweet and crisp and has a special flavor.

Braised tofu

Braised tofu

  Braised tofu is a famous halal snack in old Beijing. Tofu is tender and smooth, and the soup is delicious and deeply loved by the people. Since the spread of "tofu" to Beijing, there have been more and more ways to eat it, and the taste of the combination of North and South has been improved. After hundreds of years of evolution, Beijing has formed its own characteristics. Especially in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, after the opening of "Liubiju" in Beijing, condiments were more abundant, and the snack "Fried Tofu with Bitter" appeared again, which has been passed down to this day through continuous improvement.



  Saqima is a traditional cake in old Beijing, and its predecessor is a traditional cake of Manchu-Cuobao cake. Later, the cooked bean flour was replaced by white sugar, which became "sugar wrapped" and changed its name to Saqima.

Carp eating

Carp eating

  There is a custom of eating fish in old Beijing. Fish must be carp, originally in the name of offering sacrifices to gods, and later associated with the auspicious words of "auspicious celebration is more than enough". Fish is both a delicacy and a sacrifice.

Chinese dumpling

Chinese dumpling

  Manchu and Mongolian flag people in old Beijing called jiaozi "Cooking Beans". No matter whether it is a rich family or a poor family, jiaozi must eat.

pagoda-shaped cake

pagoda-shaped cake

  Honey offering, also known as "honey offering tip", is a kind of noodle food in a Buddhist temple dedicated to the Buddha, which looks like a small tower and is dedicated to the sacrifice of the tip below. It varies in size and height, regardless of the weight. The top of this honey supply tip looks like a small gold pyramid, and the top of the pyramid is inserted with a sign of blessing, longevity, happiness and wealth with flowers.

Mustard mound

Mustard mound

  Mustard mound is a traditional dish of Han nationality in old Beijing. There are many snacks and dishes lost in old Beijing, but the mustard mound is still preserved. First, this dish is so distinctive, and second, it is universal to use Chinese cabbage as raw material. Mustard pier is an authentic dish for ordinary people. When Chinese cabbage comes into the market in winter, many exquisite families in old Beijing have to make mustard pier.

New Year cake; rice cake

New Year cake; rice cake

  Eating rice cakes, "just take the year to win the year, so as to pray for the year." It means that everything goes well every year. In the book Dialect written by Yang Xiong in Han Dynasty, the title of "Gao" was already popular in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. Jia Sixie’s Qi Min Yao Shu recorded the production method. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, rice cakes have developed into a perennial snack on the market, and there are differences between the north and the south. The rice cakes in old Beijing are supplied in large quantities by Muslim Hui snack bars during festivals. They are sacrifices used by Manchu people to worship God. The Manchu name is Feishi Heiafeng.

New Year’s Day holiday articles! What are the ways to celebrate New Year’s Day?

  Since New Year’s Day was born in the Republic of China and evolved from the Spring Festival, when China just started to celebrate New Year’s Day, its customs and habits were of course mostly similar to the Spring Festival, or a scaled-down version of the Spring Festival.

The first way to celebrate New Year’s Day

  China and even the whole world know that many countries regard New Year’s Day as a legal holiday and have a holiday on New Year’s Day. After the founding of New China, it was also stipulated that New Year’s Day would be a legal holiday.

The second way to celebrate New Year’s Day

  At present, activities organized by groups are more common, such as watching New Year’s Day parties, having a reunion dinner with family and friends, or going on a trip to see the scenery outside. Anyway, there are not many traditions on New Year’s Day, so anyone can play it on this holiday.

Three ways to celebrate New Year’s Day

  If China’s traditional way of celebrating is still preserved, it is among the people, especially in rural areas. Every new year’s day, every household will set off firecrackers, kill chickens and geese, and after worshipping the gods of all parties, it will be a family reunion meal.

New year’s day poems! Lyric words, new year’s day poems, new year’s ideas

Jiawu New Year’s Day (Qing) Kong Shangren

Xiao Shu’s white hair is not full of ups and downs, and the old-age stove actually sleeps.

Cut the candle and dry night snack wine, and spend all your money to buy spring money.

Listen to the childlike innocence of burning firecrackers, and watch the change of peach characters.

Tian Jia New Year’s Day (Tang) Meng Haoran

Fighting back to the north last night, starting from the east today;

I am forty years old, and I am worried about farming, though I have no official position.

Mulberry field cultivates the father, and the lotus hoe follows the shepherd boy;

The farmers predicted this year’s harvest, saying that this year was a good year.

Ding Mao Yuan Ri (Qing Qian Qianyi)

A bottle of wine at the age of one worships the court, and a young child leads the clothes to comfort the screen.

I like eating meat when I serve my mother, and I like dreaming about fish more when I am in the year.

Hook curtain wants to connect the new nest swallow, polyester inkstone also sparse old books.

I went to the neighboring chicken and millet bureau, and I didn’t have anything to do with it.

My wife sat at night to watch the old age (Xu Junqian in the Southern and Northern Dynasties)

If you are not passionate enough, don’t stop drinking

Peach in wine, bayberry in brown.

The curtain opens and the wind enters the account, and the candle is burnt to ashes.

Don’t doubt that the sideburns are heavy, for Guang Xiao will destroy them.

New Year’s Work (Don Liu Changqing)

New year’s arrival homesick more, the independent horizon can not help tears flow.

To the old age is exiled to the people, the spring is hurried on ahead of me.

The apes and me in the mountains fainted, and the willows and willows in the river were divided into sorrow.

I have suffered like the imperial guardian, so when will the day be taken?

New year’s day blessing! Send you a greeting on New Year’s Day!

  The past is used for nostalgia, the years are used for nostalgia, the future is used for imagination, the present is grasped with heart, happiness is created with sweat, and New Year’s Day is used for celebration. May you open your heart and embrace happiness in the new year!

  Golden strings, with that distant and unchanging memory; The seeds of friendship are sown in the land of mutual understanding. With the coming of the Spring Festival, I send my sincere wishes, wishing you happiness and a happy New Year.

  What comes as scheduled is not only the end of winter, but also blessings and happiness; It is not only the annual rings that are increasing day by day, but also friendship and feelings; As always, I deeply wish you: Happy New Year’s Day!

  New year’s day blessing: pain is best for others, and happiness is your own; Trouble will be temporary, but friends are always eternal; Love is managed by heart, and there is no big deal in the world. Happy new year!

  Every flower blooms and every firework ignites; Every second flows, and every miss is transmitted. Every instant gaze represents every blessing I want to send you: Happy New Year’s Day!

  Christmas year after year, New Year’s Day round after round, smiling face after smile, sincere heart after heart with you year after year. All your friends bless you.

  The wind is pleasant, the clouds are brilliant, and the sun is full of spots; The road is open-minded, the road is flat, and the footprints are deep and shallow. Snowflakes are rustling, happiness is shallow and life is simple. I wish you a happy New Year!

  New Year’s Day is a new year, the journey of national rejuvenation is far away, the road of national rejuvenation is wide, the scenery of China is beautiful, and the Chinese children are laughing.

  Missing is an indelible wisp of smoke, fluttering and misty, covering you and me, while blessing is sweet and slightly drunk, permeating the heart and boundless. May the joy of the festival accompany you all your life.

  New Year’s Day blessing: The sparrow outside the window is talkative on the telephone pole. When you say this, it feels like summer. The pencil in my hand is going back and forth on the paper, just to write something for you. Unconsciously, my heart disappeared, but my heart appeared on the paper.

In 2023, the box office of New Year’s Day broke through 100 million, and Avatar 2 and Want to See You led the way.

1905 movie network news According to the data of Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 12: 25 on December 31, New Year’s Day in 2023(31 December-2 January)The total box office (including pre-sales) exceeded 100 million yuan. With a box office score of 46.684 million (including pre-sales), it is temporarily ranked first in the list, ranking second to fifth.

For 13 years, with a movie."Avatar: The Way of Water" is "making a comeback", which is highly anticipated by fans all over the world. The film is inOn December 16th, the painting was opened in China Mainland, and the cumulative box office has reached 889 million. The arrival of the New Year’s Day holiday will also help the film box office to rise again.

Seeing You, which ranked second on the list with a box office of 31.47 million yuan, is also a movie that netizens have been looking forward to for many years. The filmAdapted from the drama series of the same name, it was created by the original crew of TV series such as directing,,, and so on. The "Fengnan Team" returned again, and how the love of Huang Yuxuan, Li Ziwei, Chen Yunru, Wang Quansheng and Mo Junjie finally went, made the audience again."Above", this is full of staminaAt present, the total box office of movies has reached 171 million.

Fearless of fate, not afraid of loss, not afraid of meeting, bold to love!This New Year holiday, let’s go back to the cinema and feel the magic of this love through time and space.

Directed by, Li Jiaqi, Guo Xiangpeng, etc.The comedy film Desperate Husband, starring, temporarily ranked third in the box office list on New Year’s Day in 2023 with a box office score of 17.72 million yuan.The film tells the story of Hu Tienan (Chang Yuan) becoming a "full-time stay-at-home husband" due to an elevator accident. After experiencing a series of ridiculous "dislocation" experiences, he finally understands his wife’s silent dedication and the true meaning of "love".

New Year’s Day in 2023, comedy, science fiction, love, animation … … Various types of films gather to meet the different needs of the audience, and the China film market alsoIt ushered in a gratifying climax of watching movies.

Zhang Ziyi: The happy life in my mind is my present state.

  Zhang Ziyi came to the press conference hotel with her 10-month-old daughter "Wake up", and it seemed that they could not be separated for a moment.

  She said: "The limit time to leave my daughter is three days, and I can’t stand it any longer."

  Zhang Ziyi, who has won numerous "Best Actress", will say that today is the first day of her daughter’s birth, she will travel around the world with her daughter, and she can’t help but video with her daughter. Like all "new mothers", she also failed to become a "sunbathing party".

  On the 18th, the 16th Chinese Film Media Festival hosted by Southern Metropolis Daily was awarded in Beijing, and Zhang Ziyi was the promotion ambassador for this award for the fifth time.

  When giving a speech at the scene, she couldn’t help talking about children and movies: "The Chinese film media festival is 16 years old, and I sometimes wonder what it will be like to wake up at 16 years old? What will happen to Chinese movies at that time? "

  She also compared movies to life, gestating every role like a daughter.

  Zhang Ziyi: I have the ability to be responsible for myself, whether it is the movie I choose or the life I choose.

  The 16-year-old Chinese film media festival is in its prime.

  I have gained a very important little life in my life this year. My little daughter wakes up. She is now 10 months and 2 0 days old. She can gently call her father and mother, stand up and move a few steps horizontally, and point to the bottle and say "grandma" while nursing.

  I am thinking: What will my daughter and my little princess look like when she is sixteen, what she will love and what career she will aspire to. At that time, what were our Chinese movies like? I have been looking forward to that day.

  The Chinese film media award will be passed down because of its persistence. The process of the ceremony is open and transparent, embracing love, keeping the bottom line of the film and embracing the future.

  I am proud to volunteer for Chinese movies, I am willing!

  PART1 movie

  ▲ The Romance of Death, co-starring Zhang Ziyi and Ge You, was released on December 16th. Every film, Zhang Ziyi is regarded as "creating a life".

  "I feel sad when the role presented is different from what I expected."

  "Successful people don’t talk about hard work", "I grew up under pressure and always felt that I was not good enough" and "I have been cruel all my life ‘ Mr Gong Er ’ " … … If you collect and sort it out a little, you will find that in the eyes of outsiders, Zhang Ziyi has always played a "malicious" role.

  At the age of 18, she was selected for My Father and Mother, and the director Zhang Yimou found that she couldn’t even cook, so she was sent to the countryside for exercise. Zhang Ziyi said that this experience made her develop a good habit of experiencing life before entering the role. "Every frame of the movie is given to it by everyone with their lives. As an actor, I try to put a lot of feelings, energy and love into every role."

  Eighteen years later, now Zhang Ziyi is mature, wise and successful, but in the face of every role, she still feels like she has been skinned. "If I didn’t feel this way, I wouldn’t have taken the play." When the presentation of the work is not proportional to the input, she will also feel sad and a little uneasy.

  Southern Metropolis Daily: The Chinese film market has also undergone great changes in the past two years. Do you have any special feelings about being the image ambassador of the Chinese film media festival again today?

  Zhang Ziyi: This year, the film industry as a whole has experienced a downward trend, and filmmakers will feel uneasy, which comes from all sides. While catering to the market demand, we need to examine the essence of movies, whether it is box office, public opinion or complicated environment, which are all sideline, and the real backbone is the movie itself. Today was supposed to be a grand gathering of filmmakers, but the smog was terrible and the weather was terrible, and then suddenly there was a dispute between the two major film companies. This makes people feel unspeakable!

  Nandu: Do you feel uneasy too?

  Zhang Ziyi: Sometimes, if my film is made and cut out, it is different from what I imagined when I saw the script, I will be particularly sad. I have experienced such sadness, such as Taiping Wheel, and the final result is not so satisfactory.

  I have devoted myself to every role in every play, from the first movie to the latest work "The Romance of the Dead".

  In fact, I am not a person who cares about roles and movies. When I was 19 years old and didn’t know anything, I worked with serious directors Zhang Yimou and Ang Lee, and I developed good habits — — — Every time you enter a role, you have to make a lot of preparations for her. I was thrown into the country for several months, and I studied with the martial arts teacher. The process was long and arduous. All these study habits were developed from childhood, and the serious attitude towards shaping the role was also cultivated at that time.

  The same is true of "A Generation of Masters" and "The History of Romantic Disappearance", which put a lot of emotion, energy and love into each character. So, when she presents it, if it’s not what I thought, I’ll feel very disappointed. Oh, my God, where’s the scene? I gave her so much emotion, where did she go? At this time, it will be very sad and there will be a feeling of being cheated.

  If you love movies, you are willing to give them everything you have. In practice, from a bystander’s point of view, you shot several scenes a day and finished those shots. You spent hundreds of days to experience and feel for these shots. If the role finally comes out full and is in direct proportion to your efforts, you will say hello to yourself, and even you are willing to pay more next time … … But if we go in the opposite direction, it goes against the script … … You will think, what is the meaning of creation?

  Now, I have a daughter, and I especially cherish the time with her. I am watching her grow up every minute. The same is true of movies, in which we are also creating one life after another.

  Nandu: You said before that every time you choose a character, you feel like you’ve been skinned?

  Zhang Ziyi: Yes, if I didn’t feel this way, I wouldn’t take the play.

  Nandu: Are there any specially recommended Chinese movies recently?

  Zhang Ziyi: I especially like July and An Sheng. It shows me the power of new filmmakers. The director is so good that I want to be "directed" by him. Two actresses, Zhou Dongyu and Sandra, also surprised me. I don’t know them, but I will look at them more objectively.

  PART2 children

  On the day of attending the Chinese film media festival, Zhang Ziyi came to the hotel with her daughter.

  She loves children too much. "Before getting married, she loved her friends’ children and her brother’s children very much and always looked forward to having her own children." After giving birth to her daughter, she wakes up every day, so there is a famous joke in Weibo: Zhang Ziyi put her daughter to sleep: "Wake up, go to sleep".

  Nandu: What’s your biggest change in the past two years?

  Zhang Ziyi: Well, marriage and family. Because you’re not alone.

  Nandu: Will you be particularly inseparable from your baby?

  Zhang Ziyi: Yes, my husband and I will do the same. As soon as we leave, we will constantly video with her. Now, as long as she hears the call of WeChat video, she will babble and know it’s her father or mother.

  Nandu: Some female stars will collapse and cry when they don’t see their daughters after becoming mothers. Will you do this?

  Zhang Ziyi: I won’t let that happen.

  Nandu: How many days is the limit of leaving your daughter? Three days?

  Zhang Ziyi: Yes, because she is still a little baby. If she is older, it will be fine. There will be many uncontrollable factors in the little baby.

  Nandu: What’s it like to be a "sunbathing party" after being a mother?

  Zhang Ziyi: I can’t help it. I’m restrained now. This is a record of her growth, and it is also a record for me personally. I will calculate what day and the hundredth day she was born today.

  Nandu: Before starting a family, you said that if you have a family and children in the future, you can give up everything you have for her. Now it seems that you really attach great importance to your family and children. Have you always known what you want?

  Zhang Ziyi: I like children so much, not only my own, but also my friend’s children, and my brother’s children are very painful. I know that one day I will have children of my own.

  When I had this little life, I really felt that it was true that I said "I can give up everything for her" before. Any mother can give up as long as she loves this family and this child. However, in reality, we don’t need to give up. As a professional woman and a mother, the two are compatible, and they will encourage each other and make you do better. There are a lot of such women, which is particularly remarkable.

  Taking care of children is also a process of enriching my own experience. Before I filmed a play in the United States, I always took my children to the crew. She accompanied me more than I accompanied her. Children bring me more happiness than anything else.

  Nandu: For the baby now, you are all to her.

  Zhang Ziyi: The happiness she brought me is all I have, which is incomparable to any happiness.

  Nandu: There is a joke that when you coax your daughter to sleep, it is "wake up and go to sleep". Is this really the case in life?

  Zhang Ziyi: Yes, "wake up and go to sleep" and "wake up and lie down". When children grow up, they will definitely laugh when they know the meaning of "wake up". Mom, you let me sleep and let me wake up. Are you kidding me?

  Nandu: You mentioned that Little Apple loves her sister very much. How did Little Apple get along with Wake Up? How will you communicate with them as a mother?

  Zhang Ziyi: My eldest daughter is basically in charge of her studying more. She will play with her sister, but because her sister is too young, they can’t communicate yet.

  My eldest daughter plays the piano very well and is learning the guitar. What is particularly interesting is that I found an English nursery rhyme to teach children how to brush their teeth, so I told my sister that we would make it into a nursery rhyme and sing it to my sister. In this way, my sister can also practice English, practice her ability to arrange music, and interact with her sister. Finding children’s fun and resonance, I think this is also one of my parenting methods.

  PART3 family

  ▲ Zhang Ziyi addressed Wang Feng as "husband", "brother Feng" or "Lao Wang". Double 11 that day, she basked in the picture of two people walking hand in hand in Weibo, full of love.

  "A happy family is the present state."

  Regarding the love between Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng, the outside world has never stopped questioning.

  However, from labor to comeback, Wang Feng has been with her all the time. Zhang Ziyi said: "There is no need for anyone’s life to show to a third person. The life we choose, the way we get along with each other, we know best, and we are happy."

  When talking about her husband in the interview, Zhang Ziyi’s address is constantly changing, from "husband" to "Lao Wang" and "Feng Ge", but there is a sense of intimacy.

  She said, "I am a person who dares to do whatever I want." "I enjoy my present life and have the ability to be responsible for myself, whether it is the movie I choose or the life I choose."

  Nandu: The outside world thought that Zhang Ziyi should be an unstoppable person who will come back soon after getting married and having children, but in fact, you can slow yourself down and enjoy life. How do you do it without anxiety?

  Zhang Ziyi: Over the years, judging from the rhythm of film selection, there can be some clues. I’m not too anxious about how many movies I have to make, how many pages I have to take up, and how many covers I have to cover. When I don’t have such a heavy workload, I enjoy my life. Once I decide to do something, I am a person who dares to do whatever I want. I have the ability to be responsible for myself, whether it is the movie I choose or the life I choose.

  Nandu: Your husband has been with you from the labor to the comeback. You have shown in your own way what is suitable for your life. What is the mode of getting along at home? Like who coaxed the baby?

  Zhang Ziyi: There is no need for anyone’s life to be shown to a third person, even parents. This is the life we choose. We know best how to get along with each other, so we are happy.

  Coax the baby at home, I’ll do more. Brother Feng coaxes the baby, and the baby probably can’t sleep. His voice is too infectious.

  Nandu: Did he ever say that he came to earn money to support his family, and you were only responsible for love stories like beautiful flowers?

  Zhang Ziyi: No, it doesn’t matter who is in charge of anything, as long as our hearts are the same.

  Nandu: I was very lively when I just saw you taking pictures. You also made faces and made funny faces. Although you are a mother now, you still have a girl’s heart?

  Zhang Ziyi: Especially. Lao Wang will say that if there are a group of children in our family, then I am the oldest child. It is really important to have a childlike heart. I love children. I have two dreams since I was a child. One is to be a kindergarten teacher, and the other is to be a flight attendant. At that time, the imaginary flight attendant, who was beautiful, knew English and was good at everything, was a particularly good career.

  Nandu: What does a happy family look like in your mind?

  Zhang Ziyi: That’s where I am now.

  Nandu: In the past two years, I feel that you are closer to everyone and more grounded. Do you feel that you have changed? Or is everyone’s perception changing?

  Zhang Ziyi: Without high heels, it’s very grounded. Just step on high heels and you’ll be far away from the ground (laughs). I think my mentality must have changed, and many things are not so important in my eyes.

  This article was originally published in Southern Metropolis Daily.