A summary of public opinion information in the food industry for a week (6.12)

  Food Partner Network News From June 12 to June 18, public opinion information in the food industry included:
  Jiangxi reported the investigation and handling results of the "rat head and duck neck incident"
  Recently, the "rat head duck neck" incident in Jiangxi universities continued to ferment. On June 10, Jiangxi Province established a joint investigation team composed of the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Public Security Department, the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau to investigate. On June 17, the investigation results of the "June 1" food safety incident in Jiangxi Vocational College "were announced.
  It is reported that the joint investigation team issued a report saying that after investigating the scene and retrieving surveillance video, it was found that on June 1, the students ate a foreign object suspected to be a "mouse head" in the cafeteria, which was discarded by the cafeteria staff involved on the day of the incident. By viewing the video of the cafeteria’s back kitchen, consulting the purchase list, asking the person in charge of the cafeteria involved, the relevant parties in the back kitchen, the students involved and the onlookers at the scene, etc., it was determined that the foreign object was not a duck neck. According to the professional identification of the photos and videos taken by the students involved in the extraction by domestic authoritative animal experts, it was determined that the foreign object was the head of a rat rodent. The Changdong Branch of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Nanchang High-tech Zone and the Jiangxi Industrial Vocational TechAcademy did not seriously investigate and collect evidence,
  It has been determined that Jiangxi Industrial Vocational TechAcademy is responsible for the incident, the enterprises involved are directly responsible, and the market supervision and management department is responsible for supervision.
  At present, according to the "Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China" and its implementation regulations, Nanchang Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has revoked the food business license of the canteen involved, and the maximum penalty for the enterprises involved and the legal representative. The next step will be to seriously deal with Jiangxi Industrial Vocational TechAcademy, Nanchang High-tech Zone Market Supervision and Administration Bureau Changdong Branch and other relevant responsible units, enterprises and responsible persons, and carry out food safety special projects in the province, do a good job of source governance, and effectively protect the people’s food safety.
  "Five female doctors" fined 400,000 company apologized overnight
  On the evening of June 14, the Beijing Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau announced an administrative penalty against Beijing Qingyan Boshi Health Management Co., Ltd. (the company owned by "Five Female Doctors").
  Illegal facts show that in order to promote their products, "Five Female Doctors" released the content of "Husband is angry with me, drink! Stay up late to catch dramas, drink! One year older, drink! Collagen loss is fast, and five female doctors replenish it faster. Drink five female doctors, it’s all forced by you!" advertisement.
  The above content violates the first paragraph (7) of Article 9 of the Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China (2018) (obstructing social public order or violating good social fashion), and the Chaoyang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Beijing ordered the parties to stop publishing relevant advertisements and imposed a fine of 400,000 yuan.
  In this regard, the official Weibo of "Five Female Doctors FiveDoctors" issued an apology statement overnight, saying that the company sincerely accepted the punishment decision, resolutely rectified it, and solemnly apologized to everyone for the adverse social impact caused by the advertising content. Previously, when receiving the criticism from users, the company conducted a deep reflection, completely removed the advertisement, and launched a 30-day strict investigation and rectification within the company. In the future, it will continue to optimize the company’s advertising workflow, continuously strengthen the compliance system, and prevent such incidents from happening again.
  Previously, an elevator video advertisement of "Five Female Doctors" was suspected of insulting women on hot searches. Some netizens said that it "promoted negative stereotypes of women" and "sold gender anxiety". It was accused of disrespecting women and was suspected of rubbing edges and playing word games. In this regard, on May 12, it was reported that the relevant staff of the Chaoyang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Beijing said that in response to the complaints and reports of Beijing Qingyan Boshi Health Management Co., Ltd. publishing vulgar advertisements and false propaganda, according to the relevant provisions of market supervision and management administrative penalties, after comprehensive research and judgment, it was decided to file an investigation. At present, evidence materials are being collected and the brand side is being interviewed. The case will be closed within 90 days.

  100,000 the old man was fined 14 yuan for selling pesticide residues exceeding the standard celery? The court ruled
  Profit 14 yuan, 2 fines combined 100,000 yuan! An old farmer in Fuzhou received a sky-high fine for unqualified celery sales, which attracted heated debate.
  Recently, the Minhou court heard a case. In September 2019, Uncle Chen, Minhou, Fujian, bought 35 kilograms of celery in a neighbor’s vegetable field for 122.5 yuan and sold it to a vegetable wholesaler, earning 14 yuan. The next day, the local market supervision department sampled and found that the batch of celery residues exceeded the standard and was an unqualified product. Uncle Chen was investigated according to law for allegedly selling unqualified celery. The municipal supervision department confiscated 14 yuan of illegal income and fined him 50,000 yuan. Because of his failure to pay the fine on his own initiative, the municipal supervision department imposed an additional fine of 50,000 yuan. After being urged, Uncle Chen was unable to perform, and in February 2023, the municipal supervision bureau applied to the court for enforcement.
  The court held that Chen Bo was not a professional vegetable vendor and had violated the law for the first time. The value of the unqualified celery involved in the case was 136.5 yuan, and the profit was only 14 yuan. The amount was obviously small. He did not know that the sale of celery was unqualified, and after the case, Chen Yibo was able to cooperate with the investigation, truthfully explain the source of the unqualified celery, and actively report that others were operating without a license. They had meritorious deeds and should be mitigated or not punished according to law. The Market Supervision Bureau made an administrative penalty decision of "imposing a fine of 50,000 yuan", which was extremely severe. Moreover, the "Punishment Letter" had exceeded the legal time limit for handling the case, and the procedure was also illegal, so it was ruled that it was not allowed to be enforced. Subsequently, the Municipal Supervision Bureau filed an application for reconsideration, and the 2nd-round
  Consumers buy 1 piece of beef jerky and are secretly stuffed with 5 pieces to weigh? official notice
  On the morning of June 17, it was rumored on the Internet that a consumer bought 1 piece of beef jerky at the "Nushi Peanut Store" in Wanda Plaza, Kecheng District, Quzhou City, but was secretly stuffed with 5 pieces by the clerk, reflecting the fraudulent operation of the merchant.
  In this regard, Kecheng issued an official Weibo release notice saying that after investigation, the consumer’s report was basically true. The merchant bagged and weighed the pre-cut part of the beef jerky together with the beef jerky selected by the consumer, resulting in the actual purchase of the consumer exceeding the purchase amount. After mediation, the merchant has apologized to the consumer and reached an agreement on compensation matters. The Kecheng District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau will deal with the merchant according to law and regulations based on the results of the investigation and evidence collection.
  Official notice "specialty store pork jerky posing as beef jerky": ten times the fine
  Recently, some netizens reported that "two specialty shops in Hohhot used pork jerky as beef jerky", which attracted attention.
  In this regard, on June 18, the Yuquan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau issued a notice saying that after verification, Mengyuhong Specialty Store and Golden Grassland Specialty Store had misleading consumers and violated the Administrative Punishment Measures for Infringement of Consumer Rights and Interests. According to the relevant provisions of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests, Mengyuhong Specialty Store and Golden Grassland Specialty Store were confiscated of illegal income and fined 10 times the illegal income. At the same time, after research, it was decided to suspend the staff in charge of food circulation in the Dazhao Temple Market Supervision and Management Institute.
  The official response was that students vomited 7 times after eating rice noodles in the cafeteria
  On June 14, a college student complained of vomiting 7 times a day after eating in the cafeteria. The party said that on the 14th, she vomited 7 times after eating rice noodles in the school cafeteria, suspected of food poisoning, and other students also experienced the above symptoms.
  On June 15, the school’s staff said that some students had vomiting symptoms, and food samples had been submitted to the CDC, awaiting test results.
  The staff of the Jurong Market Supervision Administration said that the food samples have been submitted for inspection and the window involved has been ordered to be closed for rectification. The matter is being investigated and dealt with.
  Well-known hot pot brands respond to 8 yuan lettuce with only 2 leaves
  On June 15, "Haidilao responded to 8 yuan lettuce only 2 pieces" was a hot search.
  It is reported that on June 14, some netizens posted a video saying that they went to Haidilao for dinner and ordered half of the lettuce for 8 yuan and found that there were only two vegetable leaves, which felt a bit outrageous.
  On June 15, the staff of the hot pot restaurant responded that the dishes are calculated according to the gram weight, and the dishes have a fixed amount. Half of the dishes are 120 grams, so the weight of this lettuce is up to standard. This time, the vegetables may not be torn, so there are only two pieces. We will report this problem to the company later.
  "Woman takes high-speed rail and spends 15 yuan to buy’water age 16,500 ‘mineral water"
  Recently, Ms. Zhang (a pseudonym) from Shanghai bought a bottle of mineral water for 15 yuan on the high-speed rail. When she saw the packaging, it said "water age 16,500 years". She posted the text and pictures online, which caused a heated discussion among netizens.
  On June 12, the customer service of the Everest Glacier Water Resources Co., Ltd. responded: "Our water has a long mineralization cycle, and every drop of water you drink now is 16,500 years ago."
  In response, Mr. Guo of the Water Ring Institute of the China Geological Survey of the Ministry of Natural Resources said: "Personally, I think this is unscientific. [16,500 years] This is the apparent age of water, not the absolute age."

  Frequent incidents of eating foreign bodies in food
  In the past week, there have been frequent incidents of foreign bodies being eaten in food.
  Case 1: The manufacturer responded that there are flocs in the flavored salt soda water
  On June 10, it was revealed that there were flocs in the Shanghai-flavored salt soda water of the Power Moment brand, which attracted the attention of netizens. It is understood that the product is produced by an enterprise in Yancheng, Jiangsu. On June 11, the manufacturer responded that this is a normal phenomenon. Sometimes the food additives are not stirred, and occasionally there are such situations, which is not a quality problem.
  Case 2: The merchant responded to the woman eating maggots in the takeaway
  On June 8, the woman claimed to have eaten maggots in the takeaway of Qiaotou Ribs (Xuhui Riyueguang Store). In response, the staff of the store involved responded: The food is all fried and ready-made, and the matter is currently under investigation. It is impossible to fry such fresh things at an oil temperature of 200 ° C. There is also monitoring in the store. At present, 12315 has been intervened and is waiting for relevant staff to come to collect evidence.
  Case 3: The Municipal Supervision Bureau responded to the food and found that the beef had maggots
  On June 11, Ms. Han (a pseudonym), a resident of Qingdao, said that she had invited customers and a group of eight people to eat at a buffet restaurant. During the process, she found that there were many maggots in the beef. After calling the store, the store admitted to the problem in the beef and was willing to pay consumers six meal coupons for free orders. Ms. Han refused. On June 12, the Laoshan District Market Supervision Bureau replied to the matter, saying that it was investigating and would report the results later.
  Case 4: The manufacturer responded that the man ate gloves in the sweet and sour fish skin
  On June 12, in Linfen, Shanxi, a man ate gloves in a brand of sweet and sour fish skin packaging. The manager of the manufacturer involved responded that the gloves were eaten or the workers did not pick them clean during the drying process, but they were all fried at high temperature. It should not be a big problem. You can apply for a return, and the management of problems reported by consumers will also be strengthened.
  Case 5: Supermarkets respond to air-leaking bags of duck wings with live maggots squirming
  On June 12, in Foshan, Guangdong, netizens posted a video saying that when buying snacks in the Lotus Supermarket, they found live maggots in bagged duck wings. During the period, they reminded a staff member pushing a truck to take a look, but the other party ignored it. Remind everyone to look at some dates when buying snacks, bread, spicy strips, etc., and pay attention to whether there is air leakage or mildew. On the 13th, the supermarket involved said that because the staff did not check in place, the packaging leaked air before maggots would grow. Only one pack of this has been disposed of that day and will be checked frequently in the future.
  Case 6: The man claims to have found floating flies in his drink
  Recently, in Jinan, Shandong, a man posted a video saying that he found flies floating in Mixue Bingcheng lemonade. On June 14, the staff of the store involved responded that they were too busy at that time, and the flies flew in when they were sealed and could not be found in time. The matter has been dealt with and some money has been paid to the customer.
  Case 7: The store responds to customers eating Band-Aids
  On June 11, in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, customers reported eating Band-Aids in Fuqian Crispy Meat, saying that the merchant’s hygiene was worrying. In response, the person in charge of the store said that the price of a crispy meat is 20 to 30 yuan, and he is willing to pay ten to twenty times the compensation, but the other party is not willing. After the staff of the Food and Drug Administration intervened, they suggested negotiation, but the price issue has not been negotiated. The customer asked for 3,000 yuan, and he felt that the other party did not sincerely solve the problem.
  Case 8: Customers scoop out maggots in Shaxian snack soup
  On June 14, in Chongqing, customers reported eating maggots in a Shaxian snack in the town of Wangu, Dazu District. In the casserole, the customer scooped it with a spoon and found many white rice-like foreign objects. On the 15th, the government staff of Wangu Town said that the market supervision department had gone to deal with it in the morning, and the administrative penalty result has not yet come out. The specific treatment situation will eventually be made public online.
  Case 9: Restaurant owner claims that more than a dozen bottles of soda have foreign objects
  On June 15, in Shuozhou, Shanxi Province, the restaurant reported that there was a foreign object in the big kiln soda, which caused customers to be unwilling to check out after eating, and the store lost more than 500 yuan. Store manager Zhang said that this happened in more than a dozen bottles of the three boxes of big kiln soda. Some customers refused to check out after drinking it, and they lost 500 yuan. But when they contacted the salesperson, the salesperson said that they could only exchange one bottle for another. In this regard, the customer service of the big kiln soda said that the "foreign object" may be sediment and will contact the local person in charge to check the store.

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