Fujian Provincial Consumer Committee builds a channel to solve the problem of consumer rights protection on e-commerce platforms

China Consumer News Fuzhou News(ReporterZhang articleIn order to deeply understand the relevant situation of e-commerce enterprises, grasp the real situation of the quality of goods and services they provide, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and enhance the sense of service and social responsibility of the e-commerce industry. The Fujian Provincial Consumer Committee actively builds a "zero-distance" communication bridge between enterprises and consumers, carries out "safeguard safe and unimpeded consumption" fresh food e-commerce, large-scale supermarket consumption observation activities, and strengthens social supervision.

On March 9, the Fujian Provincial Consumer Committee, together with the Fuzhou Municipal Consumer Committee, the Gulou District Consumer Committee, and the Cangshan District Consumer Committee, organized consumer rights protection volunteers, consumer representatives, and news media to enter the Yonghui Supermarket Binjiang Jinrong Store, Yonghui Life APP Binjiang Jinrong Warehouse, Walmart Sam’s Club Store, and Sam’s Club APP online delivery and picking warehouses to carry out "zero-distance" consumption observation activities around fresh food e-commerce and large-scale supermarket food safety, personal information security, convenient consumption, care for elderly consumers, and consumption upgrades.

On March 12, the Fujian Provincial Consumer Committee and the Putian Municipal Consumer Committee organized a group of more than 30 consumer representatives, consumer rights protection volunteer representatives, media representatives, and government department staff to walk into the Xingsheng Preferred fresh food e-commerce Fujian Station. Consumers were concerned about "how to deliver fresh dishes quickly" and "how to ensure the quality of goods and food safety". Representatives of the observation team communicated with enterprises one by one on issues such as logistics distribution, quality control, fruit and vegetable pesticide residues, and handling of returned goods that consumers are concerned about. Combined with the experience, they put forward opinions and suggestions for enterprises.

Community fresh food e-commerce, as an emerging sales model, has been accepted by more and more consumers, but consumers are still relatively unfamiliar with how enterprises operate, whether the quality of goods is controlled, whether logistics distribution is timely, and whether after-sales services can be guaranteed. Through the fresh food e-commerce and large-scale supermarket series of consumer observation activities, the Fujian Provincial Consumer Committee has opened the door for consumers to observe and supervise, and consumers have directly communicated their problems and needs to enterprises, which has enhanced the mutual trust between consumers and enterprises. Consumers have exercised their right to know and supervise through "zero-distance" observation and supervision, not only understanding the relevant knowledge of fresh food e-commerce, but also boosting their confidence in consumption with confidence. At the same time, it also further urges operating enterprises to build a solid safety bottom line, abide by the law and operate with integrity, promote the formation of a consumer safety consensus in the whole society, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the consumer market.

In order to further supervise e-commerce enterprises to operate in accordance with the law, strengthen the sense of corporate responsibility, and improve the effectiveness of early warning and resolution of consumer contradictions. On March 14, the Fujian Provincial Consumer Committee and Meituan Company signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The two sides reached a cooperation consensus on jointly carrying out anti-food waste publicity and advocacy work, building and maintaining a green channel for the handling of consumer disputes, conducting research and early warning on hot issues of online consumption, conducting research on consumption big data in the field of life services, and enhancing the influence of consumer rights protection work in Fujian. Meituan (including Meituan takeaway, Meituan Preferred, Meituan Wine Brigade, Meituan to the store catering) made a solemn commitment to the majority of consumers on the same day: to further enhance the merchant’s food safety awareness, optimize distribution safety, and promote high-tech contactless distribution methods such as smart dining cabinets; to formulate the "Meituan Preferred Platform User Service Agreement", "Return and Exchange Policy", "Meituan Preferred Genuine Guarantee Specification" and other systems, promising to provide consumers with platform services such as "bad fruit return" and "lightning refund", establish a professional customer service team, and timely intervene to deal with various complaints between consumers and merchants; jointly guide platform merchants to enhance consumer rights protection awareness, and improve the quality of Meituan platform enterprise after-sales services Efficiently handle issues reported by consumers.