The 42-year-old Cai Yilin finally paid the price for her "silence"!

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Text | Xiaojiu views the world

Editor | Xiaojiu View of the World


If you want to know who the famous singers of the 1990s were, then Jolin Tsai must be one of them.

She was once regarded as a youth idol by many netizens, and even attached the title of "Asian Diva" to her.

And she has such a glorious life, everyone thinks she will still have a smooth sailing in the future.

But such a "popular" artist has now been banned by CCTV, and even her fans who love her deeply have lost their fans one after another.

But in fact, if you look closely at what she has done, you will find that there are traces of it all.

The embryonic form appears, stunned to avoid

Some time ago, the variety show "Endless Life" was deeply loved by the audience as soon as it was broadcast.

In order to evoke the audience’s "memory killing", the program also arranged a session to review the history of music development in Taiwan, China.

This memory session includes many famous singers in the Taiwanese music scene.

However, what was puzzling was that the entire session was over, but "Queen of Heaven" Jolin Tsai did not appear.

You know, Jolin Tsai was a big hit back then.

Even the top singer Jay Chou is on the same level.

After the program was broadcast, the program team’s behavior also directly "angered" Cai Jolin’s fans.

At that time, many fans stood up and berated the program team for their idol.

But the program team did not broadcast Jolin Tsai for no reason.

If you look closely at her deeds, you will find that there are traces of it all.

Jolin Tsai was born in Taiwan, but every time she leaves Taiwan, she calls it "going abroad."

When she first made her debut, netizens pointed out her mistakes.

And she also knows that in order to develop in the mainland, she needs the support of these netizens.

She came out and explained that she was just careless and made a slip of the tongue.

The netizens saw that she was sincere in admitting her mistake and forgave her "ignorance".

But later, she never had a long memory.

In many of her interviews, she referred to returning to Taiwan as "returning to China" and coming to the mainland as "going abroad."

After coming down many times, her behavior directly aroused the condemnation of netizens.

However, in the face of all kinds of doubts, Jolin Tsai neither corrected nor admitted his attitude.

She still goes her own way, but sober netizens are not used to him, and Jolin Tsai’s reputation has gradually declined.

Even in 2020, she did something that disappointed netizens.

At that time, the matter of "Xinjiang cotton" caused a heated debate on the Internet.

Some countries deliberately smear Xinjiang cotton, they thought that doing so would cause economic turmoil in our country.

But I didn’t expect the Chinese people to unite and not believe their nonsense at all.

Their "self-directed and self-acted" play ended in failure.

But the success of this war without the smoke of gunpowder did not require the help of many stars.

At that time, many celebrities endorsed foreign brands, but they did not expect this to happen.

These artists decisively terminated the contract with the brand that wantonly smeared Xinjiang Cotton, and bore the cost of the breach alone.

One of the most prominent is Adidas spokesperson Eason Chan.

At that time, he was willing to pay tens of millions of default fees to break the contract with Adidas.

However, just as the whole country was united, the "Asian diva" ignored the whole matter.

Many fans went to Jolin Tsai’s comment area to question her again.

And at this time, as long as Jolin Tsai makes a sound, maybe she will win back some audience friends.

But in the face of many doubts, Jolin Tsai was still "being himself", and there was no movement throughout the process.

However, there are many celebrities who share her behavior.

The same artist, but completely different

As a Taiwanese entertainer, Lin Xinru wanted to show "unity" by her actions during the Wenchuan earthquake.

At that time, the Wenchuan earthquake directly cost her hundreds of thousands.

Many netizens have come out to praise her behavior, but carefully considering the facts, it is not the case.

Lin Xinru divided the donation eight times, and she also received eight love ambassadors as a result.

Many netizens speculated that she was just trying to gain a good reputation for herself.

After all, with this good reputation, she can earn more money.

And these hundreds of thousands may be a lot of money for ordinary people.

But to Lin Xinru, it is simply "as light as a feather".

During a certain event, netizens discovered that the jewelry worn by Lin Xinru was expensive.

Not only that, she also said that she would save jewelry for her daughter and create a pure golden bowl for her daughter.

From this, it could be seen that Lin Xinru was extremely extravagant towards herself and her daughter.

For donations, it is "spend small money, do big things".

But netizens are very sober and will not be fooled by her "little tricks".

It is estimated that even she herself did not expect it to be "self-defeating".

Including Zhang Nala, who starred in "Unruly Princess", once "fell to the altar" for "saying the wrong thing".

Although there are a few artists in the entertainment industry who lack artistic ethics, there are also many artists with excellent artistic ethics.

As a top-notch singer, Jay Chou has always deserved praise for his approach from his debut to fame.

Recently, there is a popular saying: "Don’t let the Korean wave become more and more arrogant, the Chinese wave is the best".

Little do they know that this sentence is from Jay Chou, and he once said it to a foreign reporter.

On the road of Jay Chou’s creation, he has always adhered to the "Chinese style".

His masterpiece "Huo Yuanjia" is to condemn the crime of Japan’s invasion of China.

"I still remember you said that home is the only castle." This song "Incense of Rice" was written by Jay Chou during the Wenchuan earthquake.

In order to encourage everyone not to lose heart and to regain the hope of life, he composed this song.

And he also donated 30 million yuan to Wenchuan in his own name.

This is also the reason why Jay Chou has been deeply loved by fans since his debut.

It is not only because of his solid singing skills, but also because of his patriotic spirit.

In sharp contrast, we can also find that all patriotic celebrities are getting better and better.

On the other hand, those celebrities who are not firm in their stance will also embark on a "downhill" career.

Even Jolin Tsai has gone to the point of being "banned" by the Chinese mainland.

However, she was resisted, and she finally reached the "ban" step.

The end result of repeated unchanged

At that time, Pelosi’s private visit to Taiwan directly caused an uproar.

Many netizens have expressed their patriotic stance online.

And CCTV also took the lead in publishing the topic of "only one China".

Many Taiwanese celebrities also followed suit, expressing their firm position.

Among them, Taiwanese artist Wang Xinling was the first to set an example.

Last year, with the broadcast of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", Wang Xinling also gained a large number of fans again.

When confronted with the topic of "only one China", she made her position clear directly on Weibo, with patriotic pictures.

Then there is Liu Juhong, who recently danced aerobics on Douyin.

As soon as this topic came up, he immediately posted Weibo to promote patriotism.

Including many Taiwanese artists, Ouyang Nana, Rainie Yang, Chen Yanxi, Wang Dongcheng, Wu Qilong have forwarded.

However, in contrast to Taiwan’s "famous artist" Jolin Tsai, she remained "silent" as usual.

Some netizens rushed to her comment section to remind her, but she still did not express any attitude.

But this is not surprising, her next behavior shocked netizens even more.

In the face of overwhelming inquiries from netizens, Jolin Tsai chose the most extreme one, "out of sight and out of mind".

She gave up many ways to win back the audience, and actually closed the comment area directly.

This behavior also completely strengthened the resolve of netizens to boycott her.

You must know that Jolin Tsai has come to the mainland to hold concerts many times over the years.

She also earned a lot of money with the support of her mainland fans, and won many awards, both large and small.

Now her move has also completely angered netizens, who directly said that Jolin Tsai is a "two-faced person".

And CCTV is not used to her either.

When Jolin Tsai did not happen, CCTV literature and art had commented on Jolin Tsai on Weibo.

But as soon as the "patriotic incident" happened, the Internet was filled with all kinds of remarks about Jolin Tsai’s "two-faced person".

You must know that the issue of patriotism cannot be tolerated.

Therefore, CCTV directly deleted all the news about Jolin Tsai.

And CCTV’s exciting operation also made netizens "applaud" again and again.

After that, Jolin Tsai was never reported by any official media.

And there are rumors that Jolin Tsai was taken away by the police when she first arrived at the airport in the mainland this year.

And what’s going on here?

With the complete release of the epidemic, major singers have turned into "migrant workers" to hold concerts.

Some time ago, a concert license was circulated on the Internet.

The netizens were all interested, wanting to see which "great god" this was.

And don’t look at it, don’t know, look startled.

When netizens checked it with interest, they found that it was "two-faced man" Jolin Tsai.

This also directly caused an uproar, and many netizens also boycotted her arrival.

And her behavior is undoubtedly to test the attitude of mainland fans.

If fans still accept her, she will still "make money" in the mainland.

But she didn’t expect to be expelled by the police as soon as she arrived at the airport.

But if she hadn’t violated the bottom line again and again, how could she have received such strong resistance?

And her idea of going back to the mainland again to continue "collecting gold" is simply nonsense.


Jolin Tsai, who was once known as the "Asian diva", her singing strength should not be underestimated.

But in the face of patriotic issues, she has always remained silent and turned a deaf ear.

As a public figure, even small mistakes are magnified, let alone matters of principle.

And now she has finally been strongly boycotted by netizens because of her "silence".

Her actions also served as a wake-up call for other artists.

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