Heavy rain, heavy rain! When the precipitation concentration period comes, it will thunder! When cold air arrives, it will snow in these places. ……

Under the constant force of warm and humid air, the recent rain and Zhejiang are particularly deeply fettered. From January 29th to February 2nd, it has rained for five days in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jinhua, Quzhou and Zhoushan, which is the fulfillment of the saying "sunny winter solstice, bad year". Yesterday, the rain didn’t slack off at all, including moderate to heavy rain in northwest Zhejiang. This morning, Zhejiang was covered with thick clouds. The lowest temperature was 3-5℃ in the north-central part of Zhejiang and 6-9℃ in the south of Zhejiang.

Rain is still active today and tomorrow, especially from tonight to tomorrow. On the 5th, the first rain intermission came, and it was cloudy to cloudy in the whole province. In particular, it should be reminded that it is warm and humid, unstable energy accumulates in the atmosphere, and it confronts the cold air that continues to go south, and lightning will appear again. There will be lightning in our province from tonight to tomorrow, so we need to be vigilant and take precautions!

On the 6th, with the strengthening of warm and humid air flow and the infiltration of cold air, a new round of precipitation will be started again, and the temperature will also experience a wave of first drop and then return to temperature. Among them, from the night of the 6th to the day of the 7th, there will be snow in the mountainous areas in central and northern Zhejiang, which is sleet or light snow.

On 7-8 days, there is a northerly wind of 8-9 in the coastal waters of Zhejiang, so pay attention! The rain is still interesting, and it will stop gradually. It will be fine weather from New Year’s Eve to the third day of the year, and the sun will appear.

The specific forecast is as follows:

From noon to evening today: there is light rain in northern Zhejiang and central and western Zhejiang, with moderate to heavy rain and local thunderstorms; It’s cloudy in other areas, and sometimes there is light rain in some areas.

From tonight to tomorrow: there is moderate to heavy rain in the whole province, including local heavy rain in central and southern Zhejiang, which may be accompanied by lightning.

The day after tomorrow: the whole province is cloudy to cloudy. Among them, there will be 6-8 northwest gusts in northern Zhejiang from tomorrow evening to the day after tomorrow.

The lowest temperature tomorrow morning: northern Zhejiang: 2-4 degrees; Southern Zhejiang: 7-9 degrees; Other areas: 5-7 degrees; The highest temperature in the daytime tomorrow: south Zhejiang and southeast coastal areas: 10-12 degrees; Other areas: 5-7 degrees

Editor: Zhejiang Weather Network

Please indicate "Source: Zhejiang Weather Network" for reprinting.

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Six exercises that are most suitable for winter can not only enhance resistance, but also lose weight healthily.

Cold winter, slow metabolism and blood circulation can easily lead to cardiovascular problems. Proper exercise in winter can not only prevent cardiovascular diseases, but also lose weight!

(vision china: VCG211269692566)

About why obesity is easy to cause in winter, it’s because it’s freezing and the human body’s temperature drops, so people want to eat hot pot, barbecue, sweets, etc. in winter, eat more and move less, and after 3 months, can they not get fat?

(vision china: VCG211265044671)

The cold winter is not suitable for outdoor sports, so the indoor sports design should be moderate to ensure that it can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase consumption and improve cardiopulmonary function, so Xiaobian recommends the following six kinds of sports for everyone to choose from.

(vision china: VCG41507706092)

1. Skipping rope

People like to sit and lie down in winter, so you need to jump for less than ten years. The benefits of jumping are as follows.

(1) Improve cardiopulmonary function

(2) burning fat

【 Action points 】

Relax your shoulders, keep your body upright, bend your arms and knees slightly, put your feet together, tighten your abdomen, and wave the skipping rope with your wrist.

Place your feet on the ground with the front soles of your feet, and jump gently, with a frequency of about 2-4 times per second.

Exercise plan: jump for 30 seconds /60, rest for 30 seconds, and jump for 6-8 groups.

2. Squat

The benefits of squat are as follows:

(1) Increase the mobility of lower limb joints.

(2) Increase muscle mass

(vision china: VCG41N1351868388)

【 Action points 】

Keep your back straight, heel and shoulder width, knees and toes in the same direction, don’t buckle inside, palms facing each other, and raise your arms horizontally in front.

The squat movement is natural and smooth, and the hips move backwards. When it reaches the lowest point, the thighs are approximately parallel to the ground, and then get up and restore, keeping the waist and back straight all the time.

Exercise program: Squat 12-20 times, rest for 30 seconds, 6-8 groups.

3. Flat plate support

This action of flat support can mobilize our core, burn the fat in our abdomen and mobilize the peristalsis of our stomach. Has the following advantages:

(1) burning fat and promoting blood circulation

【 Action points 】

Bend elbow, forearm and forefoot support the ground, and ears, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles are in a straight line.

The elbow is forced in the direction of the foot, and the toes are forcibly hooked forward to confront the ground friction, and the forearm is pressed against the ground.

Exercise plan: support for 30-60 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, 6-8 groups.

4. Lift your legs high

This movement is a one-legged movement, which can improve the stability of our trunk and better protect our joints. It also burns fat to lose weight.

【 Action points 】

Straighten your back, look ahead, and lift your legs alternately with your forefoot on the ground.

Keep your body stable and swing your arms vigorously with the rhythm of leg lifting.

Keep the fastest speed

Exercise program: jump for 30-60 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, 6-8 groups.

5. Push-ups

Push-ups are the best exercise to improve the muscle strength and endurance of our upper limbs, which can mobilize our upper limb muscles and consume the fat in our arms and back.

【 Action points 】

Push-ups on the mat, straight back, body in a straight line from the side, hands on both sides of the chest, slightly wider than the shoulder.

Bend your arm over until the elbow joint is slightly higher than the trunk, then stretch your arm and get up and restore.

Exercise program: 12-20, rest for 30 seconds, 6-8 groups.

6. Crawl in place

Crawling in situ can improve the core control ability dynamically, and can also achieve the effect of reducing fat quickly.

【 Action points 】

The torso leans forward, the arms support the yoga mat, and the body is in an inverted V shape.

Climb your hands forward in turn until your hands are directly below your head and your torso is parallel to the ground. After a short pause, you can get up in the same way and keep your back straight as much as possible.

Exercise program: 12-20 round trip, rest for 30 seconds, 6-8 groups.

Of the above six kinds of sports, do you choose three kinds of exercises?

Or do you practice all of them?

Source: hi sports and fitness

The copyright belongs to the original author. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. Please indicate the source when reprinting on other platforms.

Sing the symphony silk road

Changyou Ruyi Gansu

Producer: Gao Kaili Audit: Zhao Liqing Editor: Cai Yinhua

Pay attention to me and make me your exclusive little sun.

Original title: "The six most suitable exercises in winter can not only enhance resistance, but also lose weight healthily"

The "new new human" is on! Squash and flag football were selected as new events in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games.

On October 16th, at the 141st plenary session of the International Olympic Committee held in Mumbai, India, the IOC plenary session decided to adopt five new sports for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games: baseball and softball, cricket, flag football, squash and tennis.
There are three out of five items.
Appeared in Hangzhou Asian Games.
Among the five newly added events, except stick tennis and flag football, the other three events are official events of the Hangzhou Asian Games, and the China team also won the silver medal in the women’s softball event of the Hangzhou Asian Games. At the peak of women’s softball strength, China was the second in the world, and was runner-up in the Olympic Games and World Championships.
Baseball and softball events of Hangzhou Asian Games on October 2nd.
Baseball and softball, cricket and stick tennis were once Olympic events. Among them, baseball and softball entered the Olympic Games from 1992 to 2008 and 2020, cricket appeared in the Olympic Games in 1900, and stick tennis was the event of the two Olympic Games in 1904 and 1908.
Cricket, stick and tennis have a long history.
Cricket is a collective event that consists of techniques such as pitching, hitting and catching, and the main form is pitching and hitting confrontation. Cricket is not only praised as a "game for gentlemen", but also recognized as a "game for wise men". It attaches great importance to the use of eye and hand skills, requiring players not only to be quick-sighted but also to pay attention to strategy and planning.
A beach cricket match was held in the southern port of England to show off people’s skills
At home, cricket is still a "minority sport" that many people feel a little strange. But this sport, which originated in medieval England, is not unpopular in the world, especially in Asia, where India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and other countries are world-class cricket powers. Cricket has more than 2 billion global fans, which is the second largest sport in the world after football. Cricket World Cup is one of the most watched sports in the world, and it is the fourth largest event in the world after the Olympic Games, Football World Cup and Rugby World Cup.
Xingyi, Guizhou Province: A young stick tennis player courageously swings the pitch.
In contrast, the popularity of stick tennis in China is not high. Stick tennis, also known as tennis baseball in China, is an ancient sport, which originated from North American Indian tribes. Stick tennis is a collective sport that uses the net pocket at the top of the bat to control the movement of the ball, and uses the lever principle to throw the ball in the net to catch the ball and score a goal, so as to determine the outcome of the game by the final score. Modern times originated in North America. Basketball, ice hockey and other sports all took tennis baseball as a reference during their invention and creation. In this sport, the strength of the United States and Canada is more prominent.
As early as 1904, stick tennis appeared as a gold medal in the Olympic Games, and then gradually faded out of the Olympic stage because of insufficient international participation. This movement was introduced to China as early as the end of 1990s, and gradually developed in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other cities.
Squash, flag football and other emerging sports.
Be favored by young people
Although squash and flag football have never entered the Olympic Games before. But in the past two years, with the popularity of outdoor sports and the help of new media, it has become a new sport popular among young people after Frisbee, with a huge mass base.
As a branch of American football, flag football has developed rapidly in recent years because it is not so dangerous. According to the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, there are more children playing flag football in the United States than traditional football, and at the competition level, there are about 20 million flag football players in more than 100 countries, and the players’ participation is balanced.
In 2022, the competition of the first City Waist Flag Rugby League (Beijing Station) was fierce.
Compared with the formal rugby, the waist flag rugby replaces the direct contact of the body by pulling the waist flag on the belt, which reduces the collision of the project itself, expands the audience of the sport, and makes teenagers and even girls happy.
Although squash is a minority sport, it has been deeply loved by young people in recent years. Since 1998, squash has been an official event of the Asian Games, but it has been rejected by the Olympic Games. In order to join the Olympic family, the World Squash Federation even moved its headquarters to Lausanne to strengthen its ties with the International Olympic Committee. The Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee said that the sport has achieved amazing growth in the past few years, especially among young Americans, and the participation of squash increased by 87% from 2015 to 2019.
These five events have officially become new events in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games. For baseball and cricket, they are an opportunity to return to the Olympic family. For stick tennis, flag football and squash, they have entered the public’s field of vision, attracting more people to be crazy, just like cricket in the Asian Games.
The ancient Olympic movement is opening its arms to the whole world with unprecedented tolerance. As IOC President Bach said, new events make the Olympic Games younger, closer to urban life and more gender-balanced. They have brought new audiences and new communities, and they have created the "new and new humanity" of the Olympics.
(Poster news editor Guo Kai Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, Tide News, Labor News, Sports Network, etc.)
Produced by New Wave Studio

On special New Year’s Eve, angels in white held his ground.

Seven medical staff on duty are eating "imprint" New Year’s Eve correspondent Yan Lingling for the picture.

Blessing cake sent by enthusiastic friends

  On New Year’s Eve, family reunion, having a reunion dinner, saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming the new year are the customs written into China people’s genes.

  However, on this special New Year’s Eve, about 80,000 medical staff in Wuhan are still sticking to their posts, leaving behind the figure of "the most beautiful retrograde". Encourage each other to welcome the new year with patients with new pneumonia, and send the fruit cake that was sent by enthusiastic friends to the family online for the New Year … … Give up reunion with relatives, only because of a common desire — —

  Stick to the battlefield and give more people the strength to overcome the epidemic.

  "I hope to win this war as soon as possible!"

  Medical staff of Jinyintan Hospital spend New Year’s Eve with patients.

  On New Year’s Eve, Changjiang Daily reporter made layers of protection and entered the isolation ward of Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan, and visited doctors, nurses and patients with new pneumonia on the spot for New Year’s Eve.

  At 11: 30, nurse Yang Anli came to the front door of the new pneumonia isolation ward with Spring Festival couplets and lanterns, put the couplets on the door and hung the red lanterns. Yang Anli is a provincial model worker. In 2003, she went to Beijing to fight SARS on behalf of Jinyintan Hospital.

  There are more than 30 patients with new pneumonia diagnosed in the South Third District, and the hospital has prepared an apple for each of them. After the protection, nurse Le Yanling made a victory gesture to the reporter, carried the apples into the ward, and distributed the apples to the patients one by one.

  At 1 o’clock in the afternoon, the reporter came to Nansi District. Four nurses put on protective clothing and sent the hot jiaozi to the ward, giving each patient a copy.

  The reporter learned that Jinyintan Hospital is the earliest "four centralized" hospital in our city to deal with the new pneumonia epidemic. The hospital went to work as usual during the Spring Festival. In the first line of the decisive battle against the epidemic, more than 460 medical staff were on duty every day.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Ke Aesthetics correspondent Li Jie Liu Lu)

  Dr. Han Yuan missed the group year video.

  Cake fruit sent from all over the country is "New Year’s Eve".

  "Professor Wang, come and have dinner!" At 5: 20 pm on January 24th, Professor Bing Wang, who rushed to Wuhan from Jingzhou Central Hospital, returned to the department. Cakes and fruits sent from all over the country became his "New Year’s Eve" this year.

  On the morning of 24th, Bing Wang got into intense work, and got off work at 12 noon. In the afternoon, he voluntarily gave up his rest for fear of the unstable condition of his seven patients, and missed the "video" of his family reunion in Jingzhou.

  "In the year of the 3 o’clock group at home, I didn’t receive a video call, and my family sent me a picture." Bing Wang said that his family’s annual meal was very rich, but his annual meal was not bad, which was very special.

  "How about cakes, fruits and dumplings? Not bad!" Bing Wang pointed to boxes of food on the table and said that these were sent by enthusiastic friends from all over the country. The first time I spent the New Year alone in a foreign country, I ate such an annual meal for the first time, but I was able to reunite with the medical staff who fought side by side. Bing Wang felt very warm. "I will finish my work later and video with my family."

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Yang Wei)

  The "video dinner" family of three told each other to be 9 years old and asked their parents to pay attention to safety.

  "Mom, I’m eating New Year’s Eve." "Eating New Year’s Eve, did you say a blessing to your grandparents?" … … At 6: 50 pm on January 24th, Yang Qian returned home after a day’s frontline battle against new pneumonia, and she and her husband Liu Xinghua got through a video call with her son who was in Huangzhou for the New Year.

  Liu Xinghua is a radiologist in Wuhan No.1 Hospital, who is responsible for taking CT images of patients. Yang Qian is a radiologist, who is responsible for registering patients at the window. He needs to contact a large number of patients with fever every day. Because my grandparents in Huangzhou always talk about their grandchildren on the phone, the couple sent their children to Huangzhou as soon as the winter vacation was over on January 6.

  "I didn’t expect that after returning to Han, the number of fever patients increased day by day. We were often busy late at night to go home, and sometimes it took several days to call our son." Liu Xinghua said that his son pays attention to the news of new pneumonia on TV every day and reminds them to pay attention to safety every time he calls.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Yu Wei)

  Take off the protective mask from the intensive care unit and eat the "imprint" reunion dinner.

  On January 24th, at 12: 20, the first wave of "reunion dinner" was served at a small table outside the intensive care unit (NCU) of the First Hospital of Wuhan. Seven medical staff on duty just took off their protective masks, leaving a deep impression on their faces. The annual dinner on the table is a box lunch provided by the hospital, with a banana and a box of yogurt for each person.

  At this time, 15 critically ill patients were admitted to NCU, including one suspected new pneumonia patient who received isolation treatment. On the same day, there were 15 medical staff, including Shan Ping, director of the ward, and Sun Chun, head nurse. In the afternoon, the medical staff transferred the suspected patients with new pneumonia to the designated hospital for treatment.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Yan Lingling)

  The nurse fought for more than 20 days and didn’t go home. The family had a new year’s meal across the screen.

  On New Year’s Eve, Feng Qiong, the head nurse of the first ward of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of Wuhan Sixth Hospital, who has been stationed in the hospital for more than 20 days and has not returned home, still sticks to the front line. "Don’t worry about family matters, it’s all up to me!" At 7 o’clock in the evening, Feng Qiong, who had just finished her work, ate the New Year’s Eve dinner sent by her husband, while taking advantage of this rare gap, she connected with her relatives at home by video phone, and a family of four had a different kind of annual meal through their mobile phones. Feng Qiong, who has been engaged in nursing for 25 years, has successfully completed the medical treatment of flood fighting in 1998, SARS in 2003 and Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. This time, in the fight against the new type of pneumonia, she is still in the forefront, leading a group of "white warriors" in the department to the front line.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Luo Yao)

Yibin, Sichuan, exported the first single tea to Central Asia this year.

In the early morning of January 5th, in Gaoxian County, Yibin City, Sichuan Zaobaijian Tea Co., Ltd. was full of fragrant tea, and the workers were busy loading bags of exported tea into containers-this 46 tons of tea was the first single export of Yibin this year, and it will be sent to Uzbekistan through the Central Asian train.

Sichuan Zaobaijian Tea Industry Co., Ltd. is a national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization. It has three tea bases, covering nearly 100,000 mu of tea gardens around it. Through the industrialization mode of "company+base+farmers", it connects more than 23,000 farmers and produces more than 3,500 tons of dry tea annually. At the end of last year, Yibin Customs organized business backbones to go to Gaoxian County to carry out publicity on policies such as optimizing the port business environment, which effectively boosted Gaoxian Tea’s "going out". "This export to Central Asia, the next step, we have to plan for the Middle East, Africa, Europe and other markets, and really let Gaoxian good tea go abroad and the fragrance floats overseas." Zhang Dexun, the chairman of the company, is full of confidence in the future tea export trade.

Gaoxian County is one of the "Top 100 Tea Counties in China", with a tea planting area of 330,000 mu and 255 related business entities. In recent years, Gaoxian county has focused on improving the quality and efficiency of tea industry, and made continuous efforts from five aspects: planting, management, production, processing and marketing to further improve the output and quality of tea and enhance the competitiveness of tea export. At the same time, the "Fifteen Policies for Gaoxian County to Support the High-quality Development of Tea Industry" was issued, actively supporting and cultivating the development of tea enterprises, constantly enhancing the popularity and brand influence of tea in Gaoxian County, and realizing "one leaf is rich". In 2023, the county produced a total of 31,000 tons of dry tea, achieving a comprehensive output value of 7.5 billion yuan. (Luo Jingping, Hou Xiaomei, Wang Peizhe)

The latest nightlife map of Shanghai at night (figure)

  Shanghai’s nightlife is colorful and as charming as the scenery on the Bund. The leisure hall has the latest and most exciting nightlife experience in Shanghai, such as electronic music such as Maxmo, rock and roll such as Mao Livehouse Shanghai, and trend gathering place such as Not Me. Wonderful night life in Shanghai.

  Tour guide

  Not Me

  Chaoren gathering place

  Where did this strange bar name come from? Actually, don’t be too curious. Because people who are busy during the day come to this place, they naturally turn into party animals who don’t know themselves, so they can say It’s not me "without shame". Pushing open the door of the bar, the first thing you see is Lounge Room. Curved bar, comfortable sofa, elegant music and simple post-modern decoration all exude a fashionable atmosphere.

  In addition to the sleek and simple Lounge Room, Not Me has painstakingly built a Party Room. The music of the Party Room is dominated by Chill out and House. Entering the Party Room from Lounge Room is like a lifetime ago. Ball Room is dominated by fresh white, and the fashionable and dynamic fiber-optic lights shine like stars, making you walk like a star. All kinds of fresh and interesting parties have already started there, so don’t fall behind and go crazy together. Not Me has cheap drinks and trendy independent electronic music. If you don’t want to fall in love with it, there’s nothing you can do.

  Address: No.21 Dongping Road, Shanghai (near Urumqi Road)

  Per capita consumption: 50 yuan

  steamed rice made from glutinous and round rice

  Enjoy a pleasant life

  The "four donkey kong" breakfasts in Shanghai-big cakes, fried dough sticks, rice and soybean milk-are well known. One bar actually chose "Nifan" as its name. As for why, even the proprietress didn’t give an explanation, maybe it’s just because such a name is fun and has a local flavor. However, this bar is different from the public’s impression. There is no dance floor here. People come here just for tasting wine, chatting and looking for extraordinary comfort.

  Comfortable, because there are many beds besides the bar and sofa seat. Of course, these beds are not for you to sleep, but for you to lie comfortably and chat with your friends, taste the fine wine and beautiful champagne or cocktails in the store, or smoke two Turkish hookahs from time to time. There will be a DJ cooking electronic music for you all night. The rhythm is neither urgent nor slow, and it is subtle and just right. The lights in the store are dark and full of emotional appeal, and candles are used to illuminate every position. There is no extra light that will not be dazzling. When you come here, the whole person’s body and mind can relax and make you feel lazy and comfortable.

  Address: No.888 Changping Road, Shanghai (near Jiaozhou Road)

  Per capita consumption: 60 yuan

  Mao Livehouse Shanghai

  Party in the name of rock and roll

  When Mao Livehouse proudly rose from the ground in Shanghai Red Square, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that the live music was finally accepted by young people in Shanghai who followed the trend. You don’t have to be jealous of Livehouse in Beijing, Mao in Shanghai is more atmospheric and professional. Once upon a time, there were many venues with rock performances in Shanghai, but only one dared to call itself Livehouse. You know, a real Livehouse requires not only standard sound field space, but also expensive audio equipment and stage lighting. When artists perform on stage, an experienced live Andhadhun and lighting engineer are even more soul. Mao has all this in Shanghai.

  Friends who are familiar with Shanghai’s "nightclub history" know that Mao used to be a famous nightclub O2, Livehouse replaced Dance Club, and rock replaced electronic music. Does this indicate a subtle change in a certain trend? Continuing the rock style of Mao in Beijing, most of the performances here are artists who have high requirements for live effects. Rock and roll is always associated with alcohol. Mao’s wine and drink prices are quite affordable. One bottle of beer in 20 yuan, Tsingtao beer and even three bottles in 50 yuan have promotional prices. Cocktails are also made in 20 yuan, and the highest will not exceed 35 yuan. The whole bottle of vodka or tequila is made in 380 yuan and whisky in 580 yuan.

  Address: Building 32, No.570 Huaihai West Road, Shanghai (near Hongfang)

  Per capita consumption: 40 yuan

  official residence

  Ten years of nightclub reloading

  If you want to find a nightclub that can "commemorate" Shanghai’s ten-year nightlife, it is naturally the official residence. Some time ago, the official residence was renovated and presented to many party animals in a more enchanting manner. This transformation of the official residence marks that the old club finally overthrew all the glories of the past and re-stretched out new charming branches.

  Returning to the luxurious residence, a crystal horse composed of Swarovski balls is suspended at the entrance, a provocative hydrotherapy jacuzzi is installed at the side of the stage, and there are many booth areas and VIP areas connected in steps in the hall. In the middle of the night, you can also see the sensational scene of flaming flames on the bar and the dance performance in Lady Gaga style. Specially designed folding doors can split the hall in two, and the back area will be used for after-hour parties. Over the years, the music style of the official residence has been changing all the way, from Lounge Music to Vocal House to Hip-Hop and then to the current VDJ Mash-up. It must be said that the official residence is undoubtedly always at the forefront of the trend.

  Address: the lakeside of Fuxing Park Center, No.2 Gaolan Road, Shanghai.

  Per capita consumption: 120 yuan

  Game Bling

  A new paradise for fashionable white-collar workers

  Breaking the so-called "foreigner bar" occupying the pattern along the Bund, Game Bling, a playful paradise belonging to fashionable white-collar workers in Shanghai, opened not long ago. She has a magnificent 360-degree night view of Shanghai, from which she can have a panoramic view of the landmark buildings on both sides of the Huangpu River. The music is presided over by French senior DJ Damien Kay himself, and he and DJ M.O Together, we have created a brand-new genre Groovy Music for Game Bling. This music style covers hip-hop, R&B, Funk, electronic music and other rhythmic elements, sexy and passionate. Subverting the old habit of playing dice when drinking in a bar, Game Bling made a variety of wine table games for party animals.

  Address: Floor 20-21, Shen Building, No.266, hankou road (near Henan South Road).

  Per capita consumption: 150 yuan


  Electronic sound Little Paradise

  Almost all the big clubs in Shanghai are dominated by Hip-Hop, which is not to say that Hip-Hop is not good, but that it is too rampant and makes people feel tasteless. The newly opened Maxmo has been targeted by party animals early. Maxmo’s predecessor was the former MING, and this time it changed its face and fought the Shanghai night show, but it was a surprise that the DJ and audio equipment had a big change. The re-purchased sound effect is outstanding. The well-known local DJ Afro J, Philippe and Guest DJ bombed here in turn. The local DJ Afro J and his team, who have been insisting on the independent electronic music style, provided the Shanghai nightlife animals with a pure land of music. They presented us with music in the styles of House and Techno, and all kinds of fashionable theme parties in Maxmo.

  Address: No.333 Tongren Road, Shanghai (near Beijing West Road)

  Per capita consumption: 70 yuan


  Great changes have taken place in the bar area of Shanghai in the last three years, and the glory of Maoming Road once no longer exists. Nowadays, small pubs are mostly distributed in hengshan road, Tongren Road, Taikang Road and Xintiandi. Large clubs in Shanghai are located along Huaihai Road, the Bund, Tonglefang and Fuxing Park.

  Taikang road

  The 288 Bar on Taikang Road is very distinctive, because PG One, a Shanghai musician, sits in the town. If you want to feel the taste of authentic Shanghai bars, you must choose there.

  Hengshan road, Tongren Road

  The small bars in hengshan road and Tongren Road are very suitable for listening to music and chatting, and drinkers who don’t like to make too much noise often gather there.

  new field

  The price of bars in Xintiandi is relatively high. Besides the well-paid white-collar workers, there are more tourists from all over the world.

  Fuxing Park

  Fuxing Park, as a landmark area of Shanghai’s nightlife, has Richy and official residences that are overcrowded every night.


  Muse, Sky and J’s in Tongle Square are also very popular, and it is almost difficult to book seats on weekend nights.

  Along the bund

  The Bar Rouge along the Bund has recently been renovated and reopened, and foreign friends love to gather there for drinking and reveling.

  Along Huaihai Road

  Huaihai Road has recently opened a large number of luxury shops, and several large clubs have been opened around it, such as Angelina and M2, which moved to Hong Kong Square.

The film "Angry Tide" was released: the most ruthless film was made with the gentlest emotion.

On December 15th, the film Angry Tide opened the first stop of the national roadshow simultaneously on the first day of its release. Director Ma Yuke and starring Nick Cheung, Ehan Juan, Darren Wang, Chen Guokun and Chen Xiaoyi interacted with the audience in Shanghai Studios.
Roadshow of the film "Angry Tide" in Shanghai Station
The film "Rage" tells the story that the triad, the mysterious killer and the police are fighting each other and full of reversals. Hongtai Group, which straddles the black and white roads in absolute monarch, is in the midst of the election change, when the mysterious killer Chen An (Nick Cheung) suddenly breaks into the whirlpool of right and wrong alone, stirring up the chaos of Hongtai Group. Mai Langwen (Ehan Juan), who is in the police camp, and Ma Wenkang (Darren Wang), who is in the gang camp, are also eyeing him … All forces are waiting for an opportunity to move, and in the fierce melee, they blend the deep feelings of the characters.
Poster of the movie "Rage"
Ma Yuke, the director, was born as an actor. In his early years, he entered the audience’s field of vision by virtue of his carefree attitude in "Eight Dragons". He once played Duan Kun in "Anti-drug" with Nick Cheung. As a new director, he admitted that his film was "very, very nervous" at last. Ma Yuke had the idea of being a director ten years ago. However, there were many obstacles and restrictions in the domestic film about this crime, and it was really an epidemic and typhoon during the filming. The whole process was very tortuous.
The film "Angry Tide" is the main creation.
In the film, many brutal crimes, such as kidnapping, human trafficking, organ trading, drug business, violent law enforcement and so on, are exposed one by one, and the crimes are rampant and lawless. The victims of looting were clearly marked as commodities until they were exploited to be worthless, then they were sealed with cement, poured into pieces of cement boards and cruelly discarded. The aesthetic value of violence in genre films is full. Ma Yuke, the director who has appeared in many action movies, also has his own ideas about action movies. As a dark crime action movie, Ma Yuke pursues the "aesthetics of fighting violence", changing the bullets familiar to the audience in the atmosphere of Hong Kong movies, showing a real fight from boxing to meat, and a lot of close combat against cold weapons, which is full of realism.
The film was praised by many directors including Huang Jianxin, Frant Gwo and Lu Yang at the Beijing premiere, and Hong Kong director Jing Wong even said that it was the kind of "cool film" that he was willing to pay for a ticket to watch after "Serious Anger". Yu-sheng Tian, director of "Former" series, said after watching the film that it was "a film that all boys especially wanted to shoot, and all the things I wanted to shoot were finished". He said that in addition to seeing the familiar gangster elements in Hong Kong films, there are also many emotions in the film, "the emotions destroyed by money and power." In this regard, Ma Yuke responded that he just wanted to shoot a criminal action type film. It is very important that "villains are not pure bad guys".
Nick Cheung
In the film, Nick Cheung, the protagonist, is brave enough to avenge his family with the deep tenderness of an iron man. He has become an "action film signboard", and he is confident in controlling this kind of film, and even ridicules the director. "If he shoots a genre film and doesn’t look for me, he will die." At the same time, he also said that he has played many "gangster undercover killers", and the same type of characters are inevitably a little tired, and "this film is just to my taste" and "reluctant to be afraid." Nick Cheung revealed that he had originally thought about changing his career path after filming Angry Tide, "I don’t want to shoot Jianghu or miserable movies", but I would still like to continue if there is a sequel to Angry Tide.
Ehan Juan
Ehan Juan, who plays the policeman in the film, thinks that this film is "the most ruthless play with the gentlest emotion". When talking about his role, Ehan Juan shared that Sirwen, the black policeman he plays, is a person who suffers great pain. "I can’t show my feelings, and I am the worst policeman for the next good game. It is a very depressed person." Ehan Juan said that as an actor, it is very happy to be able to show all kinds of small things observed in daily life in movies. At the same time, he said that although it is a crime film, the audience can still get inspiration from it. "Although the film is very refreshing, if you have a good time, you can let the society care more through the film, whether on the Internet or in life, and you can care more about people around you, which may avoid many tragedies."
(This article is from The Paper, please download the "The Paper" APP for more original information)

National football 0

In the 52nd minute, the Syrian team seized Zhang Linpeng’s mistake and made a counter-attack. Soma made a cross in front of the goal, and Samia, who was outflanked, scored an empty goal, but the goal was invalid because he was offside.

In the 59th minute, Kruma made a world wave with a long-range shot, and the national football team fell behind 0-1.

After the last 1-1 draw by Malaysia, the national football team once again fell into the whirlpool of public opinion.

The boos of the fans after the game, the shouts of "money back" at the scene, and the pictures of Zheng Zhi glaring at the fans all spread on social networks …

However, the national football team still shows no signs of rebounding. In the warm-up match against Syria on the evening of 12th, the national football team lost 0-1 at home, and will usher in the preliminaries in November with a record of one draw and one loss, and welcome the South Korean team and Thailand team.

What is even more embarrassing is that only 12,367 fans came to the Phoenix Mountain Stadium in Chengdu this game, only half of the last game …

Li Lei made a cross from the left and passed it directly to the opponent’s head coach Cooper …

Confidence in jankovic and Lei Wu

The result of the national football team’s last match against Malaysia was not satisfactory. The 1-1 draw did not meet the expectations of the fans, which also attracted some criticism from the outside world. Did coach jankovic feel the pressure?

However, jankovic said that he is more concerned about the technical and tactical level. "There are two opportunities at the last moment. Even if we grasp the victory, we can’t avoid the problem. These things are what I should be busy with."

"For me, the pressure is that I haven’t played for three years. Now I enjoy it. There will be no pressure in the football industry." Jankovic said.

Li Shuai was seriously injured in the last game, and his teammates held his jersey and entered the stadium.

In the first match against Malaysia, three players, Lin Liangming, Li Shuai and Gao Zhunyi, were injured, so jankovic made some adjustments to the starting players, and the tactical system was 3-4-1-2 at the beginning of the second half of the last game.

The goalkeepers are Yan Junling, three central defenders Zhang Linpeng, Jiang Guangtai and Wang Shenchao, wingers Sun Guowen and Li Lei, double-waist Li Ke partners Xin Xu, Xie Pengfei plays the front waist, and double forwards are Lei Wu and Daniel F. Akerson.

Lei Wu is in the game.

Before the game, Lei Wu was also asked about his role as a veteran in the team.

"Understanding what the fans expect of me, my position as a striker may be to score goals. In fact, the head coach stressed to us from the first day that defense is not the responsibility of the defensive players, and everyone needs to work hard. This is also the overall idea brought to us by the head coach. "

Lei Wu admits that all players in the national team now cherish the opportunity to play. "I hope I can lead young players, set a better example and play my role on the road to the World Cup. Not only on the court, but also in life, so that everyone can unite. "

National football coach jankovic (second from left).

The victim of the national football team

There is no shortage of stories in the last five confrontations between the national football team and Syria.

In the top 12 of the 2018 preliminaries, Gao Hongbo’s team lost to South Korea 2-3 away and drew Iran 0-0 at home. At this time, the outside world had great expectations for the national football team to beat Syria. As a result, it lost to the opponent 0-1 in Xi’ an. This game directly led to Gao Hongbo’s subsequent class …

The second leg of the match between the two sides was held in Malacca, Malaysia, and the national football team had to win in order to take the initiative in qualifying-Wu Xi’s post-insertion and Gao Lin’s penalty once helped the national football team to overtake the score 2-1, but in the last minute of injury time, Syrian central defender Saleh used a free kick to tie, and finally the national football team was 2 points away from the third place in the group.

Zhang Linpeng fought with his opponent.

Then in October, 2018, in Nanjing, the national football team played a warm-up match with Syria. Four days ago, the national football team held a 0-0 draw in Suzhou and India. As a result, the Syrian team was very embarrassed. Gao Lin’s long-range shot had no angle and strength, but the Syrian goalkeeper let the ball roll into the goal from his own hand, and finally the national football team won 2-0.

Coincidentally, in the 2022 preliminaries, the two sides met again in the top 40 stage.

The national football fans at the scene.

The first leg of the match was held in Dubai, and in the second half, Zhang Linpeng knocked Herribin’s cross into his own goal, and the national football team lost 1-2. Lippi angrily chose to resign after the game, and this press conference became one of the "black shots" in the history of China football.

In the second round match in Sharjah, the national football team won 3-1 and successfully qualified for the top 12.

Xin Xu tackles in the game.

How to play the preliminaries in this state?

In the World Cup Final 36, Syria is in a group with Japan and North Korea, so the Syrian team Cooper attaches great importance to the warm-up match against China-including goalkeeper Alama, attacking midfielder Mavas, high center Omar and other players who have played against the national football team many times in the past years.

Cooper said, "For me, the previous game experience with China is very valuable, and we also need to prepare for the preliminaries. What needs to be noted now is that the head coach and players in China have changed, which is very important information."

After the Syrian player scored, he made a celebration of Cristiano Ronaldo.

Judging from the content of this game, the Syrian team is actually not at its best, and the threat to the national football team is not as good as that of Malaysia in the last game.

However, they still controlled the game in the second half. A world wave broke the goal of the national football team and a goal was cancelled because of offside.

The attack of the national football team is still not improving, accompanied by many mistakes in the backcourt and Li Lei’s cross from the left, which was directly passed to the opponent’s head coach Cooper …

In this state, how should the national football team face the preliminaries in November? How to face South Korea and Thailand? All that remains is the unknown …

Hangzhou Asian Games table tennis tournament closed! Deng Yaping: China table tennis has never lacked opponents.

China News Network | Author Tian Boqun Qian Chenfei
On October 1st, the table tennis men’s doubles final of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou was held in Gongshu Canal Sports Park Gymnasium. China team Fan Zhendong/Wang Chuqin defeated Korean team Zhang Yuzhen/Lin Zhongxun 4-0 and won the gold medal in this event. China News Service reporter Tian Bochuan photo
On the evening of the 2nd, the table tennis event at the Hangzhou Asian Games ended, and the China table tennis team won six gold medals except women’s doubles. For this competition, Deng Yaping, a former China women’s table tennis team player, a Grand Slam table tennis winner and an ITTF Hall of Fame candidate, said in an exclusive interview with Zhongxin.com that table tennis has shown strong strength and confidence in its overall performance, but it should also be noted that China table tennis has never lacked opponents.
From the Beijing Asian Games in 1990 to the Hangzhou Asian Games today, Deng Yaping witnessed the development of table tennis in China.
"In 33 years, I can still remember the Beijing Asian Games vividly. At that time, I was still a small player. Although I had won the women’s doubles championship at the 1989 World Table Tennis Championships and became the youngest world champion in the history of table tennis, the media was not as developed as it is now, and the broadcast was limited. The Chinese really knew that I was the Beijing Asian Games, which was the first time that China held an international comprehensive event." Deng Yaping said.
She recalled, "At that time, the enthusiasm and expectation of the people were unprecedented. I very much hoped that we would achieve good results in the Asian Games at our doorstep and win seven gold medals, but soon the men’s team lost and the women’s team was under great pressure. In the women’s team final, we had a fierce competition with the Korean team, and one of the games reached 28: 28, and finally we won. When I returned to the Asian Games Village after the game, the dormitory door was covered with celebration notes written by other teams, and the feeling of that big family was very warm. "
It was that competition that Deng Yaping became famous, and the legend of the little table tennis world appeared. In Deng Yaping’s view, his career coincides with the development track of sports in China.
"China table tennis has many excellent reserve forces. From a traditional perspective, I am not a good prospect because I am small. It is precisely because of all kinds of doubts that I constantly examine myself and forge my’ tough, fast and strange’ style of play and strong willpower that I can succeed. " Deng Yaping said.
From Beijing to Hangzhou, Deng Yaping sat on the table of table tennis at the Hangzhou Asian Games. "For more than 30 years, China’s social development has undergone tremendous changes, and China’s sports industry has also developed rapidly. However, the spirit of China athletes who never give up has never changed. Whether it is the Beijing Asian Games, the Guangzhou Asian Games, or the Hangzhou Asian Games, China has displayed a good spiritual outlook to let more foreigners know China better. "
Talking about the Asian Games, Deng Yaping said that she appreciated the personality of young athletes in China, which also reflected the confidence of the Chinese nation. "Young people should be like this. Athletes should be sharp-edged, dare to win and dare to show themselves. Winning means winning completely."
For China, there are always outstanding table tennis players. Deng Yaping thinks that this benefits from paying attention to the individualized training of athletes. "We will elaborate the style and style of every member of the national team, and emphasize personalized cultivation and excavation while passing on from generation to generation. For example, Malone and Fan Zhendong play very differently. Malone has a good pace and forehand, while Fan Zhendong is good at backhand. Not only is it a’ veteran’ who has fought many battles, but China table tennis players are like clouds. If the national team members are not sure, they will lose to a little-known teenager, and the strength of the teenager should not be underestimated. "
Frequent masters are also inseparable from the popular base. Deng Yaping said that the popularity of table tennis in China is very good, basically every province has a professional team, and the public base is very good. It can be said that China people’s understanding of table tennis is very profound. Table tennis can’t simply explain why China is strong. The key lies in why China people will continue to inherit and innovate from generation to generation, and carry it forward while precipitating.
Wang Chuqin of China defeated Huang Zhen Ting of Hongkong, China 4-2 in the men’s singles semifinal of table tennis in Hangzhou Asian Games. Photo by Tian Bochuan
Based on the performance of players from various countries and regions in this Asian Games, Deng Yaping bluntly said that the main rivals of China table tennis team are concentrated in Asia, and their overall strength is very strong, so the medal competition of table tennis in the Asian Games is not less difficult than that of the Olympic Games. Looking around the world, China table tennis is never short of opponents.
As it said, China table tennis team has been facing challenges from Waldner earlier, to Ito Meicheng in Tokyo Olympic Games, and then to the women’s doubles event in Hangzhou Asian Games.
"Athletes have a strong heart. We can win and lose at the same time. If we lose, we will try to get it back tomorrow. If we win, it doesn’t mean that we can continue to win tomorrow. It is very important for us to maintain a very stable mentality, sum up the relationship between losing and winning seriously, and better grasp ourselves and face the relationship between losing and winning. As athletes, we have to accept our own shortcomings and know how strong we are. " Deng Yaping said.
At the same time, in her view, table tennis is not only a competitive event, but also a bridge for cultural integration. "It is very important for China to continue to inherit and carry forward table tennis, and we have the responsibility and obligation in this respect. I believe that from the perspective of the future, table tennis will always be one of the cultural symbols that communicate with China and foreign countries and play a greater role. " Deng Yaping said.

Tourism chaos, development can not take shortcuts!

Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a notice on further regulating the order of the tourism market, which will deal with phenomena that seriously interfere with the market order, such as "unreasonable low-cost tours", tour guides abusing tourists and forced shopping.

With the rapid recovery of domestic tourism, many tourist cities have ushered in the climax of passenger flow, but in many places, there has been chaos of unreasonable low-cost travel, and even a "zero-yuan tour". However, there are often traps behind seemingly cheap tourism products-not fulfilling promised services, changing scenic spots into shopping spots, etc. In order to standardize the order of the tourism market and promote the high-quality development of tourism, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a notice to further standardize the order of the tourism market, and enhance the tourism market by standardizing the behavior of travel agencies.

In fact, tourism chaos has always existed. If we want to eradicate this chronic disease for many years, we must make joint efforts from the regulatory authorities, employees and tourists.

Enhance supervision and standardize industry behavior. The regulatory authorities should not only "treat the headache", but also prescribe the right medicine to break the old and establish the new, unblock the combination, break the relevant gray interest chain, establish a long-term mechanism of "whole process" supervision, and build a reasonable industry order.

Strengthen industry responsibility and purify industry atmosphere. Tourism practitioners should enhance their sense of social responsibility, not hold the idea of "one pit counts as one", but have a long-term vision, actively make their own contributions to the development of local tourism and enhance the self-discipline development of the industry.

Improve tourists’ understanding and advocate rational consumption. As the saying goes, "what you buy is not what you sell", tourists should improve their vigilance, not only pay attention to the price, but also to the quality of service. If you ignore the related services, you will easily fall into the trap, and once you enter the market, you will often be involuntarily, and your travel experience will be gone.

The rapid and healthy development of tourism depends on improving the quality of tourism services, instead of taking shortcuts and engaging in "crooked ways", it is necessary to create healthy competition based on the quality of products and services, and to establish the idea of "people-oriented" and really improve the tourist experience from the perspective of tourists, so as to make the tourism industry develop with high quality.