Andy Lau lamented to Big S in public that the two met too late

Andy Lau "kissed" with Big S in public, claiming to yearn for "polygamy"

        Andy Lau was Big S’s idol for many years. When he learned that he was going to cooperate with Andy Lau, Big S was very nervous, and it happened that the first scene between the two was a kiss scene. Looking back on the scene at that time, Big S still remembered it vividly, "My sister and my mother knew that I was going to shoot a kiss scene with Andy Lau, and they all excitedly asked to watch it.

        In the interactive game at the scene, Andy Lau had to satisfy the fan’s request to "offer a kiss". When Xu Jiao and Shi Yunpeng, two young actors, kissed him instead of the fan, Andy Lau took the initiative to ask Big S to kiss him, "Don’t Big S come up? I want to kiss her." Facing the invitation of the idol, Big S was a little shy, but he didn’t expect Lau Dehua to "anxiously" go forward and kiss Big S, but, cunning, he used his hat to block both of their faces and offered a fake kiss by borrowing. In the film, Andy Lau from the future and Big S have only been in a relationship for 30 days, and he has never forgotten his dead "wife" Fan Bingbing. The affectionate Liu Tianwang wants to have two "lovers" at the same time, "I can’t choose between them. The future world I envision has resumed’polygamy ‘."

        On the same day, Andy Lau brought the ambiguous part of the film with Big S to the scene, not only acting very gentleman, but also often humorously showing "love" to Big S. When asked about the type of girl he likes the most, Andy Lau confessed that it is a girl with long hair, "Big S now has long hair, but it used to be short hair, like a boy. It’s just that we met too late. This is all fate." When Big S revealed his penchant for eating peanuts, Andy Lau said, "Because of my high cholesterol, I have quit for a year." Then he did not forget to add a sentence, "Alas, I quit after I separated from Big S. It’s pointless to do anything without her." A humorous "confession" amused the audience with laughter and screams.