The market share of domestic cherries is increasing with the improvement of planting techniques and excellent taste and price.

CCTV News:In May, with the temperature rising gradually, everyone’s "fruit basket" became more and more abundant, and the competition in the fruit market became more and more fierce. Next, pay attention to the series report "Consumer Market Survey and Fruit" War ".Colorful fruits, which is the delicious representative of early summer? Everyone has different answers.

However, when it comes to the fruit that was once known as "noble", you can’t help but mention cherry. Because of its high price, cherries once became the ceiling of "fruit freedom". Recently, cherries planted in various places have been listed one after another, so what is the current sales volume and price situation? Come and see our reporter’s investigation in Beijing.

At four o’clock in the morning, Beijing Xinfadi Farmers’ Market has been very busy. In the cherry sales area, buyers who come to purchase goods are in an endless stream, and cherry sellers are busy. A batch of cherries that Li Xiaojiao just entered at 10 o’clock the night before was about 3,000 kilograms, and it was almost sold out at dawn.

Zhang Lei is a buyer of a fruit supermarket in Fengtai District, Beijing. Recently, he entered the cherry peak season, and the sales volume of the supermarket gradually increased. Today, he plans to purchase more different varieties of cherries. However, because of the late arrival, there are fewer products to choose from.

A number of merchants told reporters that at present, the newly-developed market mainly sells cherries planted in the open air in Shandong and cherries planted in the cold shed in Dalian, and the sales situation has been very optimistic since listing.

       The reporter learned that compared with when it was first listed in March, the price of cherries at this time has dropped a lot. Take Meizao cherry, which is more popular in the market, as an example, the latest price per catty is about 30 yuan lower than that in March. In the following June and July, after a large number of cherries planted in the open air in Dalian and other places were listed, the sales price of cherries would drop.

Domestic cherries with delicious taste and excellent price "meet" imported cherries

In fact, a few years ago, domestic cherries were once neglected, and many consumers preferred imported cherries. In recent years, the market share of domestic cherries has been increasing. What makes domestic cherries catch up?

In this fruit store in Dalian, there are different kinds of domestic cherries on the shelves. The person in charge told the reporter that in the past few years, the sales situation of cherries was hot, which was more favored by consumers. This year, the sales of cherries in supermarkets increased significantly.

According to the reporter’s understanding, in recent years, the planting level of domestic cherries has been continuously improved, and the quality and flavor of fruits have been gradually improved. Moreover, the characteristics that the origin of domestic cherries is close to the consumer market also meet the requirements of consumers for freshness.

Liu Changhao, manager of a fruit dessert sales store in Dalian, Liaoning Province:Domestic cherries have the advantage of localization and are closer to consumers’ tables. It can be reached in a few hours at the earliest, and the farthest is like Guangdong in the south, which can be reached in two days by air transport. Cherries are mainly imported from abroad, so the transportation time will be longer.

In addition to the fresher taste, the transportation cost of domestic cherries is much lower than that of imported cherries, which also brings a certain price advantage to domestic cherries. Compared with the average selling price of cherries in winter this year, the average selling price of cherries in summer is basically about 20 yuan less than that of cherries in winter.

According to industry insiders, with the improvement of the quality and output of domestic cherries and the decline in prices, the market share of domestic cherries is constantly improving.

       Pan Fengrong, researcher of Dalian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Liaoning Province:Especially in Dalian and Yantai, which are key producing areas, local people can’t eat so much, so they have to be shipped to the whole country. Basically, we are consuming so many cherries.

Farmers who choose good trees and produce good fruits have planted "big cherry" by experimental grafting.

Better flavor, higher quality and more advantageous price make domestic cherries the "king" of the fruit market, and all these are inseparable from the improvement of cherry planting technology. Next, we will follow the reporter to Dalian, Liaoning Province to uncover the mystery behind the domestic "big cherry".

CCTV reporter Ding Dong:I am now in a cherry planting greenhouse. The cherries in the greenhouse are basically ripe. You can see that this fruit is very bright and full. Such a cherry tree can bear about 40 kilograms of cherry fruit. Now we come to the open-air plantation, and the cherries planted in the open air are not mature yet. The staff told me that it will be another month before these cherries can be harvested.

Cong Dayu, a cherry farmer in Qidingshan Village, Dalian, contracted two planting greenhouses and a part of open-air plantations, with a total planting area of about 50 mu. After 8 years in business, Cong Dayu has carried out grafting experiments on cherry fruit trees many times.

Cong Dayu, a cherry grower in Qidingshan Village, Dalian City, Liaoning Province:The largest single fruit produced at the earliest time should be about 15 grams, and now we have risen to a higher level, and the maximum weight of a single fruit may reach 20 grams. Now the income should increase by more than 20% than before.

The growth of cherry trees is greatly influenced by fertilizers. This enterprise in Dalian, Liaoning Province owns 70 mu of cherry plantation. Combining the dairy industry chain and fruit planting industry owned by their own enterprises, they developed bio-organic fertilizer using milk, pomace, cow dung and soybean meal to cultivate cherry trees.

Jiang Wei, chief agronomist of fruit brand under Xinle Group in Dalian, Liaoning Province:Its nutrition is very comprehensive, including protein, some amino acids, some trace elements, and even calcium growing in trees.

Under the ecological cycle, the use of biological fertilizer not only reduces environmental pollution, but also improves the flavor and taste of cherry.

Fighting for a good start, the Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology held the deployment meeting of the key work of the information software industry in 2024.

  In order to implement the spirit of the 2024 Capital Economic and Social High-quality Development Promotion Conference and the 2024 Beijing Economic and Information System Work Conference, implement the decision-making arrangements of the municipal party committee and municipal government on the "good start" work, and do a good job in the steady growth and development of the information software industry and the "good start" work in the first quarter, on the afternoon of February 23, the Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology organized the deployment meeting of the key work of the information software industry in 2024 and the "good start" dispatch meeting in the first quarter to strengthen Leaders and responsible comrades of the competent departments of information software industry in 16 districts and economic and technological development zones in the city, as well as industry associations and alliances in the field of information software industry in the city attended the meeting.

  At the meeting, the Information and Software Service Department of the Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology publicized the spirit of the 2024 Beijing Economic and Information System Work Conference, summarized the work situation of the information software industry in 2023, introduced the working ideas and key tasks in 2024, and re-emphasized the economic operation and fixed assets investment index tasks of the information software industry in the whole year and the first quarter of 2024.

  Haidian District, Chaoyang District and Economic and Technological Development Zone made key speeches on the economic operation and fixed assets investment scheduling in their respective regions; Dongcheng District, Xicheng District, Shijingshan District and other relevant districts introduced their respective work; The urban area has conducted in-depth discussions on how to carry out the "good start" work in the first quarter, and coordinated and solved the existing difficulties and problems.

  The meeting called for continuing to consolidate and improve the communication and coordination mechanism at the two levels in urban areas, and doing a good job in operation monitoring, project scheduling, enterprise services, policy promulgation and publicity, so as to jointly promote the high-quality development of the information software industry in the capital.

  All districts should further strengthen the organization and leadership, do a solid job of "getting off to a good start" in the first quarter of the information software industry, ensure a good start, and lay a solid foundation for achieving the annual goals and tasks.

Glutinous rice dumplings (tasty restaurant)

Huang Kailin
Recently, my wife and I received a gift-a friend drove a box of big dumplings, saying that it was wrapped by my father-in-law’s family. Let us feel the taste of the year in the suburbs of Shanghai.
Catch the box with both hands. It’s heavy and weighty. When I lifted the lid of the box, I saw the big dumplings lying there like snowballs, which attracted people’s attention. This is the biggest dumpling I have ever seen. Let’s boil water quickly. Boiled in the pot, the dumplings floated one after another, and cold water was ordered three times. The dumplings floated and swayed, and the pagoda tip slowly collapsed, shrunk and disappeared, and finally returned to a big round ball.
The big dumplings are out of the pot. We clamped it around the waist with chopsticks and bit open the dumplings, and a fragrance spread. At the moment, the glutinous rice balls are open and the corners of the mouth are still a little upturned. Seeing it trying to slip away from chopsticks, we quickly caught it with a bowl. At this time, the big dumplings are like a snowman melting, and the body can’t stand.
Oil flowers are overflowing, green is about to drip, and a thick fragrance comes to my face. The taste is very layered; Look at its color, green and white mixed. I can’t bear to eat, but I can’t help it. When I eat it, my mouth is full of saliva, and my breath echoes with all loves.
The shepherd’s purse stuffing mixed with oil is oily and green, risking fog, which is particularly attractive. I know, this is a shepherd’s purse that has just been pulled from the vegetable garden, and the original taste of the plant has not been lost at all. Then, hand-package it out an hour ago. It is a special presentation of the taste of the year, which is original and has a sense of ceremony when eaten.
Delicious, soft and glutinous, and thick and tender, this is the fattest, biggest and softest dumpling I have ever eaten. I rolled on my tongue one by one, tapped my teeth and cheeks, and slipped down my throat when I couldn’t wait to chew. Unconsciously, six glutinous rice balls fell into the belly and asked if there was any in the pot. My wife brought half a bowl of soup and drank it all at once. This combination is a perfect match.
In the past, all the rice wine dumplings I ate in my hometown were sweet. I remember that when my mother was alive, she wrapped dumplings, mashed walnuts, peanuts and sesame seeds, and added some dried tangerine peel and sugar to make stuffing. The skin was thin and the stuffing was full, all full and the size of table tennis. It tastes fluffy like a cake, smooth and elastic, giving people a feeling of rustling. But if you eat too much, you will get tired of people. You have to drink soup while eating, so that you won’t feel hungry for a long time. The dumplings made by my family are big enough in the local area, but they are still not as big as the ones we eat now.
This glutinous rice dumpling is a traditional food in Shanghai. Not only is it lovely in appearance, soft and smooth in taste, salty but not greasy, but it is rare and refreshing between the lips and teeth, and it means beauty, which means fullness, good weather and full of blessings for the New Year. In the past, glutinous rice balls were mostly made by traditional stone grinding technology, and the soaked glutinous rice was "fed" into the grinding hole with an iron ladle, because it was afraid of choking, and some water was "fed" from time to time. The stone mill needs two people to work together to promote it, and there is a great noise. Snow-white rice slurry flows out from the grinding seam, piece by piece, and a lock. Although it is shapeless, it is endless.
After eating big dumplings, I went downstairs and met a neighbor in the community. My neighbor is from Ningbo, and Ningbo Tangyuan is famous, so I asked him about the practice of glutinous rice dumplings. He said that when he was a child, he made it with his mother. He thought it was very simple, but he couldn’t wrap it well. The dumplings he made were either crooked or crooked. You have to be skillful in everything, and so does making dumplings. For example, how to grasp the degree of dryness and wetness of water mill powder, how to make "Helong" fit perfectly, how to wrap it round and smooth, and how to naturally pinch out that "pigtail" are all skills.
When wrapping glutinous rice balls, the wet glutinous rice flour is first made into pills, then kneaded into small pockets, filled with stuffing, and then a "pigtail" is pulled out and tied with a knot. The top can not only be pointed, but also make a lovely "pigtail", which makes people full of eyes. This kind of big glutinous rice balls can’t be wrapped by anyone. It needs to be handed down and skilled. If it’s not good, it will fall apart and stagger.
While chatting, a local nearby heard it and leaned in to catch the conversation. In the past, glutinous rice was scarce, and only when it was a major happy event or Chinese New Year did it become a big glutinous rice ball. If it was made at ordinary times, it must be a distinguished guest at home. The stuffing depends on the season, including meat stuffing, bean paste stuffing, shepherd’s purse stuffing, shredded radish stuffing and so on. There are many practices and many names. Steamed on a steamer, it is dumplings; Boiled in boiling water, it is dumplings; Put it in a pot and fry it in oil, which is an oil chopping block; Crushing the dumplings and frying them next to the pot is a cake collapse.
The same ingredients, different taste, is really magical and changeable.
Big glutinous rice balls are not something to be taken for granted. In Shanghai, they are very special foods around the Spring Festival. Holding a bowl of steaming glutinous rice balls, suddenly there was a festive atmosphere. The bowl is warm and the heart is warm. Eat a big glutinous rice ball, savor the longing and yearning for a happy reunion and a beautiful life in a piece of color and fragrance.
People’s Daily (February 16, 2024, 08 edition)

The children’s version of "The Legend of the White Snake" is a powerful screen user: the restoration of the classic god

Little white snake


  "lady white snake at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, the body was cultivated in the cave for thousands of years … …” Recently, a video of "The Legend of the White Snake" performed by a child has been wildly screened in a circle of friends. While evoking memories, netizens also praised the magical acting skills of this group of eight or nine-year-old children. The Chengdu Business Daily reporter learned that this video is from the children’s reality show "Little Play Bone" of Hunan TV channel, and the actors of the program are all a group of seven or eight-year-old children. Before that, this column remakes Jiao Yulu, Sanjie Liu, Pot Mending, Honghu Red Guard, etc., but they are not as good as the screen response of Legend of the White Snake.

  Yesterday, a reporter from Chengdu Business Daily interviewed Lu Jianmei, the director of The Legend of the White Snake, and Li Ping Pan, the producer, to explain this 80-minute children’s version of The Legend of the White Snake in detail.

  I’ll take the white lady played by Meng Wa!

  "Wait once in a thousand years, wait once … …” Twenty-four years ago, The Legend of the New White Snake, which was "born" in Qingcheng Mountain, Chengdu, started broadcasting and became a classic. Since its broadcast, it has always been a key play of David and terrestrial channels on holidays, and it has a long history.

  Recently, the clip of "Legend of the White Snake" filmed by a group of "kids" has exploded in the circle of friends. On the douban, which has always been harsh, netizens also gave a high score of 9.2 points, even exceeding the score of 9.0 points in the old version of "New White". Many netizens spontaneously Amway, praised this group of children with high face value and good acting skills, and sang Huangmei Opera, and netizens did not hesitate to praise them, saying that "the screen is full of ‘ Small fresh meat ’ In the acting skills of the zombie face and the dead fish eye, I suddenly found a naive but mature clean stream flowing, as if it suddenly flowed into my heart. " "To restore the classic gods, the beautiful lady white snake sees the shadow of Angie Chiu, which is very in place … …” .

  High temperature shooting children are not afraid.

  In fact, this widely acclaimed Legend of the White Snake is not a real TV series. Chengdu Business Daily reporter learned that this is a work produced by the TV drama channel column "Little Play Bone" of Hunan TV Station, which premiered in December 2015, adopting the program mode of "acting classics and learning classics" by children, and all actors are 6-mdash; Twelve-year-old children have already broadcast works such as Third Sister Liu, White-haired Girl and Pot Mending. The whole film "Legend of the White Snake" is only over 80 minutes. It was broadcast on October 2 this year, capturing the essence of the original drama "New White" in 50 episodes, such as the past kindness of White Snake and Xu Xian, and the duet in the same boat.

  The filming of "The Legend of the White Snake" was in the hottest August this year. Director Lu Jianmei recalled that the film crew was filming in Ningbo. "At that time, I was worried that I was a stranger here, but after we sent out the news of actor selection, at least more than 1,000 parents took their children to sign up."

  Children play themselves and spread traditional culture.

  In The Legend of the White Snake, lady white snake was played by 10-year-old Tao Yixi, who was praised by netizens for her acting skills and image not losing to Angie Chiu. Interestingly, Lucy, starring Xu Xian, was a girl, who was the same as Cecilia Yip in the old version of New White.

  Director Lu Jianmei recalled that although Tao Yixi was only 10 years old, he had a lot of acting experience and studied dance for five years. Lu Jianmei revealed that it took a lot of trouble to choose the actor of Xu Xian. At that time, Lucy and another child were finalized, and the director group also had a struggle. Lucy’s appearance and voice were good, but a girl, but Lucy, was very smart. She asked the director group, isn’t Cecilia Yip in the old version of "New White" a cross-dressing, and this finally won the role of Xu Xian.

  What makes Lu Jianmei proudest is that there are many operas in The Legend of the White Snake, all of which are done by children independently, and they learn to sing by themselves with the teacher in an orderly manner. Several leading actors are also responsible for their own lines, and they have not found a voice actor to complete them.

  Li Ping Pan, the producer of Little Play Bone, was the first director of Hunan Satellite TV’s program center, and the godfather of "Where’s Dad?" was called "geek" in Hunan Radio and Television. He told Chengdu Business Daily that the form of this program is a remake to pay tribute to classic film and television works, hoping to let children accept the baptism of traditional culture, influence children with children, and let young people like excellent traditional culture from an early age.

  In fact, the cost of a "Legend of the White Snake" is only a few million. "We are also trying to get the best results with the least money." Li Ping Pan said.

Will the latest Mao prize novel become a popular serious literature in film and television and become an IP "toon"

  Xu Zechen’s "Going North"

  Chen Yan’s protagonist

  Liang Xiaosheng’s In the World

  Since the 10th Mao Dun Prize for Literature was announced, the discussion around the five winning works has never stopped. People are more concerned about whether these works can be put on the screen and let a wider audience read the stories. In recent years, with the upsurge of big IP and traffic drama fading away, the market of realistic film and television dramas is picking up. Will serious literature represented by Mao Prize works become the new IP "toon" in the film and television industry?

  Mao Dun’s literature prize-winning works were once rich mines of film and television dramas. The winning works of the 3rd Mao Dun Literature Prize and Ling Li’s Young Emperor were adapted into TV series by Liu Heng, and the 3rd and 4th Mao Awards, Ordinary World and White Deer Plain, were adapted into TV series for broadcast, all of which gained both ratings and word of mouth. Mai Jia’s "plot against" was made into a TV series even before he won the Mao Award. The reporter learned through interviews that at least three of the five novels that won the Mao Dun Literature Award have signed out the film and television copyright and entered the process of film and television adaptation.

  Yao Xiaofeng and Xu Zechen have the same view on adaptation.

  The novel "Going North" published by Beijing October Literature and Art Publishing House and written by Xu Zechen, a powerful post-1970s writer, has won the Mao Dun Literature Award and the "Five One Projects" Award in succession. "Going North" tells a century-old story between several families on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal with two clues of history and present. It is not only a big book about "a river", but also a spiritual history about "a nation". As early as 2018, shortly after the publication of "Going North", this book was taken by the Enlightenment Film Industry and the copyright was successfully signed. Zhang Shuwei, the producer of the drama "Going North", told reporters, "This is not a particularly commercial act, but because the director and the original author are highly unified in spirit, which is the biggest feature of this project."

  The director of the drama "Going North" is Yao Xiaofeng, who has directed plays such as Little Husband, Tiger Mom and Cat Dad, and Taking Dad to Study Abroad. Zhang Shuwei said that after reading the original novel, Yao Dao liked it very much, and because he and Xu Zechen were both from Jiangsu, they felt very sympathetic, so they made an appointment with Xu Zechen soon. "The director’s vision of this play coincides with xu teacher’s. The director thinks that what attracts him most is the temperament and grand framework of the novel. They have many consistent ideas on the film adaptation of the novel." Zhang Shuwei said, therefore, the whole process of copyright granting is very smooth.

  At present, the drama version of "Going North" is in the process of creating the first draft of the script outline. Zhang Shuwei admits that the original novel has a large framework and a long time span, and it is no small challenge to adapt the TV series. In October, she plans to work with the director and screenwriter, and try to invite Xu Zechen to go all the way north along the Grand Canal to visit the places mentioned in the book and sort out her creative ideas. The film version of "Going North" is also in the early stage of preparation.

  Chen Yan’s two novels become sought-after IP

  Just like Going North, the film and television licenses for The Leading Role by Chen Yan and The World by Liang Xiaosheng were completed a year ago. At present, Chen Yan, who is the party secretary and vice chairman of the Chinese Dramatists Association, is a playwright himself. The TV series of the same name adapted from his modern Shaanxi opera Xijing Story was broadcast at the end of last year, and the response was good. Nowadays, Chen Yan’s two novels, Putting on a Stage and The Leading Role, which are based on the Shaanxi Opera Troupe, have entered the film and television process. The TV series "Dressing Taiwan" is directed by Li Shaofei, written by Ma Xiaoyong and starring Zhang Jiayi and NiNi. It is a TV series with a strong brand of "Shaanxi School". In an interview with reporters, Chen Yan said that "Loading Taiwan" has been finished and entered the post-production. The copyright of the film and TV series of "The protagonist" was signed a year ago and is currently in the stage of script creation. "Novel conversion film and television, is the film and television artists. I certainly hope that the adaptation can respect the original work. " Chen Yan said.

  Liang Xiaosheng’s million-word masterpiece "In the World" is known as "fifty years’ life history of China people". As early as the end of last year, Liang Xiaosheng signed the full copyright contract of In the World to a company named Uncultured. According to the company’s official website, the TV series "In the World" will join hands with Tencent Pictures and be directed by in the name of people director Li Lu. Liang Xiaosheng had previously worked as a TV adaptation of his own works "Annual Rings" and "Educated Youth", but he also said in a public lecture that he no longer intervened in the film and television adaptation of "The World", but only participated in the adaptation seminar.

  Among the five works that won the Mao Dun Literature Prize this year, the film adaptation of Li Er’s Ying Wu Xiong and Xu Huaizhong’s Leading the Wind is still unclear. The reporter asked Song Qiang, director of the planning department of People’s Literature Publishing House, the publisher of the two books. He said that after winning the prize, someone had come to negotiate the film and television copyright, but it was not clear whether to sell the copyright. As for "Brother Ying Wu", he thinks that this work is relatively large and may not be suitable for adaptation into a TV series.

  The adaptation of serious literature to film and television should not be high and low.

  Professor Li Shengli, director of the Department of Radio, Television and Literature of China Communication University, believes that taking the adaptation of works such as Massage, White Deer Plain and Ordinary World as an example, we can find that the overall acceptance effect of these Mao Prize works after IP adaptation is both well-received and applauded, but on the whole, Mao Prize works and TV dramas are art categories with similarities and differences, and their main acceptance groups have similarities and differences. "For a long time, there will be a huge gap between the main recipients of TV dramas and the recipients of serious literature. Of course, having excellent serious literary works as the foundation will make a good start for the vigorous development of realistic TV series in China in the future. Without this foundation, it is only possible to create truly excellent TV dramas by an excellent adaptation and creation team. "

  Li Shengli said that there is no clear boundary between serious literature and non-serious literature. From the specific works, some serious literary works also have the potential of popular culture, and these works are the easiest to be adapted into excellent TV dramas; Other serious literary works can be adapted by borrowing some points that are suitable for market acceptance, so that it is possible to make a film and television drama that is both good and popular, otherwise, it may become a spring snow with high and low music.

  Our reporter grew up.

Tourists in Dongjiang Bay Beach Scenic Area surged during the Spring Festival holiday.

During the Spring Festival this year, Dongjiang received more than 300,000 tourists, focusing on "leisure tour", "cruise tour" and "holiday tour" to provide tourists with a joyful and full-fledged feast of marine cultural tourism.

Cross the sea, approach the seaside, collect the sea and seagulls with the lens, and enjoy a moment’s rest. During the Spring Festival, the cultural tourism activities with the theme of "Dragon Ball Presents Ruins, Gulls Meet in Dongjiang" are in full swing, and a series of Spring Festival activities such as Tik Tok VLGO Competition, offline photography exhibition, popular science exhibition, printmaking research, and dragon ball punching are simultaneously launched with the theme of "Gull Season in Dongjiang", and tourism in Dongjiang continues to be hot.

Cruise is a redefined way to see the sea and a new tourism model. During the Spring Festival, the "Mediterranean" cruise ship with two voyages left the country, starting a six-day, five-night Spring Festival holiday trip. Tourists from all over the world gathered on the Mediterranean to celebrate the Spring Festival in year of the loong. The word "Fu", lanterns, Chinese knots … The elaborate decoration on the cruise ship creates a full flavor of the year.

Living in Dongjiang and feeling the slow time of being close to the sea. During the Spring Festival, Hyatt Regency Dongjiang, Guanhai Hot Spring Private Soup Courtyard in Dongjiang Bay, Erhai B&B, Tianjin Dongjiang International Hot Spring Apartment and other places have become popular choices for holiday travel, and various accommodation methods such as parent-child travel, couples travel and hot spring travel are favored by tourists.

During the festival, Dongjiang comprehensively improved the tourism service guarantee, timely improved the problems such as toilet, transportation and catering that tourists reflected more, strengthened the propaganda and guidance of civilized play, further optimized the experience of tourists during the Spring Festival, continuously improved the service quality, and made the trip more comfortable.



Exercise is medicine, and running scientifically won’t hurt your knees.

     During the National Day, there was a news in the sports circle that attracted the attention of all parties, that is, Academician Li Jian ‘an, a well-known expert in rehabilitation medicine in China, an international academician of the National Medical College of the United States and director of the Rehabilitation Medicine Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, successfully completed seven challenges in seven days during the National Day.

  The 69-year-old academician proved people’s adaptability and endurance potential with practical actions. Netizens have also commented on this, praising Academician Li Jian ‘an’s amazing physical quality and extraordinary perseverance. At the same time, there are also some doubts: Is such a huge amount of exercise really harmless to the body?

  Recently, at the 6th China Changzhou International Sports Rehabilitation Conference, Academician Li Jian ‘an made a main report, in which he also mentioned his personal marathon experience and understanding of marathon.

  Behind the "7 days and 7 horses", you should also know these things.

  A pair of running shoes

  Let him experience the benefits of sports.

  The benefits of exercise to organs, bones, brain and other tissues and organs must be well known, and before 2015, Academician Li’s cognition of the benefits of exercise was mainly at the theoretical level.

  Academician Li’s running career began on January 6, 2016, because from 2013 to 2015, his physical condition went from bad to worse, he often caught a cold, and it was a serious viral infection, and his immunity decreased significantly. At this time, a friend who often runs gave him a pair of running shoes, so he naturally started running.

  On September 22, 2016, in the morning run, he accidentally fell and landed on the outside of his right foot. After examination, the fracture of the base of the fifth metatarsal was found.

  Fully aware of his physical condition and solid medical knowledge, Academician Li has a bold idea: promoting rehabilitation through exercise.

  So, he began the self-experiment of active rehabilitation:

  Twelve days after the fracture, he climbed the Purple Mountain.

  Eighteen days after his fracture, he limped for 10 kilometers in Xuzhou.

  On the 70th day after the fracture, he took part in the Nanjing Half Marathon.

  On December 11th, 2016, the 80th day after the fracture, he completed the first "all-horse race" in Guangzhou Marathon in 5 hours and 54 minutes. At this point, his right foot has basically recovered.

  Just after the horse race in 2016, Academician Li lost 14 kilograms, and also lost some health problems related to weight, such as hyperlipidemia, osteoporosis and fatty liver. His current bone density is equivalent to that in his 40 s. Especially since the day of running, I have never caught a cold and never got sick. Taking part in sports personally made him feel the benefits of sports.

  "Exercise is medicine"

  There are many benefits to health.

  Because of the multiple benefits of exercise to health, we often say that "exercise is a good medicine". But at the meeting, Academician Li said that he called it "exercise is medicine" because all medicines have side effects, and exercise is no exception. If you don’t have a comprehensive understanding of your physical condition and lack a scientific and reasonable exercise program, you are likely to get hurt in sports.

  For example, sudden high-intensity exercise in a short period of time will reduce our own immunity, especially high-intensity exercise for more than 90 minutes, which is also known as the "window-opening theory" of decreased immunity after exercise.

  Generally, 2-3 hours after high-intensity and long-term exercise, the innate immune system of the body begins to enter a busy working state, which will lead to the decline of the immune system’s resistance to external antigens.

  Therefore, it is easier to be attacked by viruses, bacteria and fungi at this time, and this process may last until 24 hours after exercise. Therefore, we should pay attention to controlling the intensity of exercise, step by step, and pay attention to the recovery after exercise.

  Many people will say that running hurts their knees when they mention running.

  Academician Li said: You think too much! Reasonable exercise will not only wear joints, but also make joints stronger and more durable, and reduce the incidence of arthritis. Only 3.5% of fitness runners suffer from hip and knee arthritis, while those who are sedentary have an arthritis rate of 10.5%. It is not running that hurts the knee, but running incorrectly will hurt the knee.

  Academician Li has hardly caused any pain in the competition in recent years, and his physical function has not decreased due to excessive exercise, which shows that the amount of exercise is within the controllable range.

  Academician Li also hopes that more people can understand the mechanism of human movement, master scientific sports knowledge, find a suitable exercise program, truly turn "sports are medicine" into "sports are good doctors" and enjoy the health and fun that sports bring us.

  "7 days and 7 horses"

  Three key words for finishing the game

  Throughout Academician Li Jian ‘an’s experience in horse racing since 2016, he completed one full horse and two half horses in 2016, two full horses and eight half horses in 2017, 13 full horses and nine half horses in 2018, 14 full horses and four half horses in 2019, and 10 full horses and seven half horses in seven days in 2020.

  These horse racing experiences also reflect the key points mentioned by Academician Li at the meeting: individualization, step by step, perseverance, and upholding these three key words to create a personal health curve in a wise way.

  The first thing is to make a suitable exercise program, because everyone’s exercise ability and exercise experience are different. At the same time, pay attention to the recovery after exercise, such as stretching, massage, hydrotherapy and other ways to relax and recover after running, and cooperate with nutritional supplements. Carbohydrate, protein and branched-chain amino acids are all nutritional elements that need to be supplemented after long-distance running.

  Rome was not built in a day. From Academician Li’s horse racing experience, we can also see the gradual progress of his exercise and his perseverance in the past five years. Most runners are amateurs, without systematic training, and often the amount of training can’t keep up with the intensity of the competition.

  Although academician Li’s record of 7 days and 7 horses is really enviable, we can’t easily follow suit. In addition to comprehensive and systematic training, we need to have a precise grasp of our own recovery and pace design. I believe that Academician Li has also made a perfect plan for his pace during the seven-day challenge.

  Academician Li Jian ‘an hopes to share the knowledge of rehabilitation medicine and sports experience accumulated in the marathon with more people, so that more runners and ordinary people can run scientifically and enjoy the health and happiness brought by sports.

  His plan is: "When I first started running, I felt satisfied with running a marathon in my life. Now it seems that there is no pressure to run 100 marathons. My goal now is to run a hearty one when I am 100 years old!"

  Beginners of running had better start from walking.

  For beginners who have just started to participate in running, it is forbidden to run at high intensity at the beginning. The training plan is best to start from walking, gradually transition to the combination of walking and running, and finally transition to running. When a junior runner prepares for running training, he must first master the following skills:

  Step 1 walk briskly

  Walking briskly is an entry-level sport for running, which can also be understood as walking fast. When walking briskly, you should hold your head up, chest up and abdomen in, and speed up the pace, instead of increasing the stride. Your arms bend at 90 degrees and swing naturally with your body.

  Step 2: Timing

  When running, we should grasp each training time by ourselves. For example, a training plan is: ① walk for 5 minutes to warm up; ② run for 2 minutes+walk for 2 minutes; cycle for 25 minutes; ③ walk for the last 5 minutes to relax. If there is a timer with reminding function during training, set the time in advance, and we can be reminded to switch training modes when it is time.

  3. Heart rate monitoring

  Some runners may see the training effect by weighing themselves. In fact, the heart rate during running is an important indicator to measure the intensity of exercise. Therefore, we should pay attention to our own heart rate changes during running, and it is best to control the novice’s rate in the running center at 50%-80% of the reserve heart rate.

  4. Cross-training

  At the beginning of running, it is best to add some other exercise methods, such as cycling and swimming, so that on the one hand, it can alleviate the impact of simple running on the legs, on the other hand, it can also enhance the strength of the legs.

  Academician Li also gave four suggestions to the racers:

  Do what you can, don’t exceed your ability.

  2. Do a good job of warm-up, especially after the finish line, which is prone to problems. Walk for at least 5-10 minutes after the race, and don’t stop.

  3. Adhere to the principle of gradual progress and perseverance, strengthen daily exercise, and don’t rush to participate in the competition.

  4. Make sure you feel good about yourself. If you feel flustered, chest tightness, headache, shortness of breath and poor walking stability, you should slow down or even stop the game immediately.

  Comprehensive report by China News Service and CCTV in Yangzi Evening News

"Running" is 70 cents a kilometer? Practice fake running, and the end point is socialization.

  Autumn is a good time for running and fitness, but many platforms have appeared sellers who claim to be able to "run" and "P sports data map". You can even ask someone to do your exercise? It is amazing that the "lazy economy" is frequent.

  Fake run

  It’s better to move your fingers than to be exhausted.

  "Friday, step 5411; Saturday, step 6001; On Sunday, step 8923 … …” On Xiaoyu’s computer desktop, there are a row of screenshots of "Alipay Movement", and each file is marked with different numbers.

  In Xiao Yu’s eyes, this is not a few screenshots, but his amount of exercise — — Although he didn’t really exercise, through the retouching software, he "P" a week’s exercise record in one breath. Every night, he will choose a screenshot and send it to the company’s WeChat group to show off his "achievements".

  "P is equal to running", which is somewhat helpless. Last spring, as an activity of enterprise team building, Xiao Yu’s colleagues in the department were divided into several exercise groups. Every day, the team members had to show their sports achievements, and all the achievements were evaluated by adding them together. At first, Xiaoyu also uploaded real exercise records. Because of his busy work, he exercised intermittently. After two months, he found himself a drag on the team. Others have to take eight or nine thousand steps every day, while his number stays at two or three thousand.

  "The work volume, even the exercise is rolled up." Seeing that some colleagues submit tens of thousands of exercise records every day, he can only "take a step" in order not to drag the team back. To take care of the children at night, he used his lunch break to circle the unit building and brush the steps.

  In winter, Xiao Yu couldn’t hold on a bit, and his friend reminded him that instead of being exhausted, he might as well move his fingers — — After changing the screenshot, my friend also took the initiative to help Xiaoyu, who can’t use retouching software, "1,000 steps to 5,000 steps". After several retouching, he tasted the sweetness, and as long as the number of steps is not up to standard, he will be P. "I can’t exaggerate, just write more than 5,000, change more points on weekends, and seven or eight thousand will be the best."

  Last month, Xiao Yu’s group won the second place, and everyone won the 200 yuan shopping card award. As for the moisture in it, it has become an unspeakable secret. Xiaoyu admits that not only is he critical of the daily exercise record, but it is also difficult to talk about science by comparing the exercise time. However, being in the workplace is related to the honor of the team, and the leaders are pointing fingers in the exercise group. Everyone can only insist, "It was exercise, and eventually it became a world of people."

  If you don’t want to exercise, you can deal with things with P pictures. Judging from many sellers who provide various exercise software retouching services on the online shopping platform, there are still many people who think of it with Xiaoyu. The reporter found that college students accounted for a considerable number.

  In order to enhance students’ physical fitness, colleges and universities generally require students to clock in on campus running, and students need to use designated software to complete running tasks. For example, Changshu Institute of Technology stipulates that the number of sunshine runs should be no less than 20 times per semester, and the distance of each run should be no less than 2 kilometers for boys and 1.5 kilometers for girls. Otherwise, the highest score of sports performance should not exceed 59 points. According to the regulations of Guangzhou Institute of Technology and Business, 68km for boys and 51km for girls should be completed every semester, and the mileage of each run should be no less than 1.2km for girls and 1.6km for boys … …

  On the online shopping platform, a store sells the P-picture service of a certain platform at the price of 2 yuan/piece, and can modify the details such as movement time, trajectory, distance and pace on the picture according to the customer’s demand, with a monthly sales of more than 400 pieces. There are many comments below, such as "college students must have it", "saved my final term" and "bought it many times, the retouching is very reliable, and it is no problem to pay a sports punch card".


  Speed route data can be customized.

  If the falsification on the data map is still virtual, the whole process only involves the "movement" of the keyboard and mouse. There is also a kind of operation that is more "bizarre". When you open the software, the line data is not fake. Running is really running, but it’s not me, but a runner specially invited to exercise in his own name.

  With "running on behalf of" as the key word, the business is booming, and all mainstream sports platforms can find corresponding runners. "You can run at the location you specify, one kilometer from 0.7 yuan. If you want to run a specially designed road map and add extra money, you can run it within 48 hours of placing an order." According to a seller, the operation mode is very simple. The buyer only needs to tell the account number and password of his sports platform, and he will log in the software on his mobile phone. After running, he will quit and the corresponding records will be kept in the buyer’s account.

  "I am transferring meat, and my pace is not fast, so I should exercise." A seller in Guangzhou said that running on behalf of others can motivate him to run as much as possible every day. "If you take the order, you must finish it within the agreed time." Due to the limited "running power", she can’t take a more difficult order. "Some people ask for a faster speed ratio. I can’t reach it after running for 1 km and 4 minutes. I can’t run for more than ten kilometers at a time." When running, she often takes pictures of the beautiful sunset glow and clouds she meets, which is very leisurely.

  The reporter saw that the order price of "Daipao" is not high, generally between 0.5 yuan and 1 yuan per kilometer. Sellers mostly aim at losing weight and fitness, or they are runners themselves, earning some pocket money by the way, and even a few claim that they can run for free. In contrast, there is no pressure to punch in, and what are the users who take the initiative to ask people to run for themselves?

  "I just want a medal. When I was in junior high school, the class teacher organized the whole class to run and took dozens of pieces. Everyone wanted it when they graduated." "Sanrio’s medals are really beautiful, and many girls like them" … … In many discussions around running on behalf of others, words such as medals, medals and activities are frequently mentioned.

  "It’s directed at the circle of friends to take pictures and run around." Qian Yi, a runner, explained that in order to encourage users to participate, sports platforms often launch running activities with various themes, with "limited money" physical medals. For example, on Valentine’s Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Qixi Festival and other festivals, you can get medals by signing up for activities and completing the required running distances of 5.2 kilometers and 13.14 kilometers. "It doesn’t matter how fast you run. You can take a break in the middle, but as long as you start running, you must stick to it. For people who don’t usually exercise, it is still difficult. If you want, find someone to run or spend money on it. "

  Take a well-known sports App as an example. In 2021, nearly 50 large and small running events were launched, and nearly 2.5 million people signed up to participate. In the photos on social platforms, some users collect medals and other running surroundings like collecting blind boxes and dolls, which attracts people to flock and comment, and it has become a traffic password.


  There is a dummy behind the fake movement.

  The end of the live broadcast is to bring goods, and the end of the movement is to socialize.

  In Qian Yi’s view, running, like paddle board, frisbee, fitness and yoga pants, helps to create the most popular sports-loving people among young people today. Love sports, which means "having money and leisure", is actually the recognition and yearning for the healthy and exquisite lifestyle of the middle class.

  If you exercise, you will naturally get some sun. If you can’t reach the amazing pace of running "Great God", you can only make some names and add some fun to your creative ideas. Everyone’s praise is also a kind of motivation.

  "Otherwise, there won’t be so many strategies on the Internet to teach you to run out of diamond-shaped and heart-shaped … …” Qian Yi said with a smile that he ran through the route of "Elephant" pattern in Tiantan Park according to the raiders, and after the trajectory was exposed to the circle of friends, the number of praises really increased significantly, which made him very useful. "To put it bluntly, vanity is at work, but it’s not a bad thing. Who doesn’t have vanity?"

  Beauty-treated photos before releasing them, pretending to be on vacation when you’re not out, and basking in other people’s road maps and medals instead of running … … In the eyes of Liu Xingliang, a well-known Internet scholar, these behaviors all show people’s humanity of "sharing" and "showing off", which is also the user psychology that Internet products attach the most importance to in-depth research.

  "The earliest BBS, how many posts have what kind of level, hot the glory of the king, bronze and silver level play up … … Many Internet products will introduce a user rating system. The accumulation of medals and badges represents the experience of the owner in this field, allowing users to go to the top and keep getting it. "

  In addition, in order to promote and create a strong word-of-mouth fission, products will spare no effort to encourage users to send social media, and we must continue to find discussion points and "out of the circle" angles for products.

  All kinds of medals and activities launched on festivals clearly know this. What’s more special and more ceremonial than giving each other a custom-made holiday medal? That’s what I got by running (or asking for it) specially for you! Some people even started a discussion on the Q&A website. "The boy I secretly love, 520 is willing to run 13.14km for me, but I paid 39 yuan for the registration activity. Will he like me too?"

  By the end of the year, many products will be scrambling to launch all kinds of inventory, showing how much money we spent, how many roads we walked, how many cars we took and what songs we listened to … … Liu Xingliang believes that all kinds of names are also designed to help users create personal settings, thus promoting sharing and communication. "The essence is the same."

Had to have an early reunion dinner: a warm dinner for the Hong Kong police

In a disciplined services dormitory in Kwai Chung, Hong Kong, Hong Kong police, family members and retired police officers celebrated the Lunar New Year together. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Gang)
Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, January 24th (Reporter Liu Mingyang) "Everyone has worked hard! The New Year is safe and smooth! " Near New Year’s Eve, in a disciplined services dormitory in Kwai Chung, Hong Kong, some Hong Kong police officers, their families and retired police officers gathered together to raise a glass to celebrate the Lunar New Year.
"A few days ago, my husband and I just moved into the dormitory where we queued up to apply, and we were very happy to decorate our new home." Officer Zhang, who is in her thirties and works in the criminal department of the Hong Kong Police Headquarters, told the reporter that she and her husband, Officer Ling, who are also policemen, have just moved into a new two-bedroom home of more than 40 square meters. "It’s just time to catch up with the Chinese New Year, and my old colleagues and senior officers specially came to celebrate the housewarming for us, because we have to be on duty on New Year’s Eve, and we also take this opportunity to have a happy reunion dinner together."
In order to make Hong Kong people live a stable year, many Hong Kong police officers still have to stick to their posts and go to work on New Year’s Eve. They had to invite relatives and friends in advance to have a rich and warm reunion dinner together.
Potted vegetables, eight-treasure duck, roasted goose, barbecued pork, and pig’s hands in sauce … On entering the room, the table was already full of delicious and Hong Kong-style reunion dinner.
"Pot dishes have the meaning of being full of pots, which can accommodate different kinds of food, such as chicken symbolizing’ good luck’, braised pork symbolizing’ being fat and moist at home’, prawns that are booming, mushrooms that are round and round, and so on." Police officer Zhang introduced the auspicious meaning of Hong Kong’s reunion dinner to reporters.
Does it take a long time to prepare such a big table of delicious food? Ms. Liang, the police sister-in-law who came to help prepare the reunion dinner early in the morning, told the reporter with a smile that it could be done in a few minutes with a finger. "Now Hong Kong, like the mainland, is more popular to order food online and deliver food to your door. All kinds of reunion dinners can be booked through smart phone software, which is convenient and fast. "
Police officer Zhang told reporters that due to the nature of work and recent social events, the work of the police force is very busy, overtime is normal, and rest time is precious. It takes a lot of time and energy to cook a large table of family reunion dinner by yourself. Online ordering is very suitable for the fast-paced life now.
Most of these police colleagues have known each other or worked together for many years. Everyone was beaming and in high spirits, sitting around the table. While tasting the traditional delicious food of the Youth League, they also talked about their work and life in the past year, looking forward to the new year and a new atmosphere, hoping that Hong Kong can get back on track and recover as soon as possible.
"As a frontline riot police, I have been dealing with riots at the front line for the past six months, working at least 12 hours a day and working six days a week." Officer Ling, who works in the Crime Department of the New Territories North Region of the Hong Kong Police Force, told the reporter that for the stable life of more than 7 million Hong Kong citizens, more than 30,000 Hong Kong police officers fought in the front line to stop violence and control chaos. After more than seven months of intensive work, there must be some pressure and fatigue, but he and his colleagues feel more of a responsibility and mission.
"Our husband and wife are both policemen. In the past six months, we really rarely met. It is often two or three weeks before we can have a meal together." Police officers Ling and Zhang, who have been in the police for more than 10 years, all said that Hong Kong is the place where they were born, grew up and lived. It is really painful to see Hong Kong being destroyed and constantly turbulent.
"I hope that this storm that seriously affects the daily life of countless families in Hong Kong can be calmed down as soon as possible. In the new year, I can spend more time with my family. " This is the New Year’s wish of the post-80s Hong Kong couple.
Sergeant Deng, who led the team to fight in the front line of riot prevention, told reporters that in his police district, quite a few police officers could not go home for a reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve and had to be on duty. "In the past year, in addition to some memories of sweating and bleeding, there were also many warm moments. For example, many citizens sent many gifts and cards to the police station to cheer us up. When enforcing the law at the front line, the passing citizens will say’ sir, come on’ to us regardless of the intimidation of the mob. "
Speaking of New Year’s wishes, Sheriff Deng said that in addition to dealing with riots, the police actually have many other duties to perform, and all aspects of public security in Hong Kong need us. "I really hope that the rain will clear up soon."
"In the past six months, in order to try our best to protect MTR facilities and passengers’ safety, we often worked overtime for several days in a row, and sometimes it was impossible to predict when we could finish work." Looking back on the past year, Sergeant Ye from the Railway Police District said that having been a policeman for more than 30 years, he had never seen Hong Kong as violent and chaotic as last year.
"Although mobs often insult, provoke, attack us, and even’ start’ our families, this has not made us retreat, but has enhanced our sense of mission as a policeman." Sheriff Ye said. On New Year’s Eve this year, Sergeant Ye stuck to his post as usual to ensure the safe and smooth operation of the railway.
"In fact, my daughter and I are used to it, and we are very supportive of his work. If he says that he will not be on duty this New Year, we will feel a bit strange." Sheriff Ye’s wife, Ms. Liang, who is engaged in beauty management, told reporters that the storm of amending the law not only worried her husband’s safety at work, but also worried her about the beauty business.
"The shops I manage are basically in places where demonstrations often occur, and many times they are forced to close." Ms. Liang told reporters that the number of guests has decreased by almost 40% and the income has been greatly reduced.
"We are still relatively good. Some friends in the same trade are even more bleak, and some even close the store directly." Ms. Liang hopes that Hong Kong’s economy will recover on the basis of social stability in the new year.
"In the past year, Hong Kong has undergone a severe test, and the brothers and sisters of the police have really worked hard! Without their dedication and tenacity, Hong Kong might have been rolling in the deep. " Wen Dacheng, the initiator of this reunion dinner and former Chief Superintendent of the Organized Crime and Triad Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Police Force, said that it was several generations who worked hard for this home in Hong Kong, which led to today’s dazzling "Pearl of the Orient". I hope all citizens will cherish Hong Kong, our common home.
A series of dishes, tasting one after another, sometimes whispering, and sometimes laughing. During the dinner, everyone raised their glasses several times: "Pay tribute to the colleagues who are on duty at the front line, bless Hong Kong and bless everyone!"

China volleyball goes all out.

Guangzhou Daily All-Media Reporter Min Yang
The volleyball qualifying tournament for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games will be held between September and October this year. Women’s Volleyball Olympic Qualifiers will be held in China, Japan and Poland from September 16th to 24th. Men’s Volleyball Olympic Qualifying Tournaments will be held in China, Japan and Brazil from September 30th to October 8th, with the specific host cities to be determined. This means that China Men’s Volleyball Team and China Women’s Volleyball Team will attack the Olympic tickets at home. At the same time, China Volleyball Association took the initiative to successfully operate Zhang Jingyin, the attacking core of China Men’s Volleyball Team, to the Polish Super League, one of the three top leagues in the world. China women’s volleyball team is also stepping up its preparations, and Zhu Ting, the main attacker who has not yet decided when to return to the team, has won the seventh MVP title since joining the Italian women’s volleyball team.
China women’s volleyball team or the same group as Brazil and the United States.
The FIVB has reformed the method of producing Olympic qualification, instead of deciding the seats except the host through the world group qualification and intercontinental qualification, it has adopted the way of combining the world group qualification with the world ranking. Take the women’s volleyball team as an example. A total of 12 teams will participate in the women’s volleyball event of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. Except for the French women’s volleyball team, 11 qualifications will be divided into two stages. The first stage is the Olympic qualifier in September, and six tickets will be decided; The remaining five seats will be allocated according to the world ranking after the 2024 World Women’s Volleyball League.
A total of 24 teams competed for 6 tickets for the Paris Olympic Games in the women’s volleyball Olympic qualifying tournament in September. Except for China, Japanese and Polish women’s volleyball teams, the other 21 teams will draw lots according to the world ranking and snake arrangement principle. Together with the host, there will be a total of 8 teams in each group to compete in a single round robin, and the top two teams in each group will go straight to Paris for the first time.
Although the draw ceremony of the FIVB Olympic Qualifying Tournament will be held on the 17th of this month, the grouping situation has basically surfaced. China women’s volleyball team is classified into Group A, and the opponents in the same group are likely to be Brazilian women’s volleyball team, American women’s volleyball team, German women’s volleyball team, Canadian women’s volleyball team, Colombian women’s volleyball team, Mexican women’s volleyball team and Peruvian women’s volleyball team. Group B includes Japanese, Italian, Turkish, Dutch, Thai, Czech, Argentine and Slovenian women’s volleyball teams. Group C includes: Poland, Serbia, Dominica, Belgium, Bulgaria, Puerto Rico, Korea and Ukraine.
Despite having the advantage of playing at home in the Olympic qualifiers in September, according to the above grouping situation, China women’s volleyball team must go all out to have a chance to go straight to Paris in the first time, because Brazil women’s volleyball team and American women’s volleyball team are two close competitors. Last year, the new China Women’s Volleyball Team did not have the upper hand in the international arena. In the World Women’s Volleyball League held from May to July this year, China Women’s Volleyball Team will also have the opportunity to play against these two teams in the sub-matches, which is also the best opportunity for the teams to find out their opponents before the Olympic qualifiers.
In terms of men’s volleyball in China, according to the world ranking and snake arrangement principle, the opponents in the same group are basically determined, including Polish men’s volleyball, Iranian men’s volleyball, Serbian men’s volleyball, Ukrainian men’s volleyball, German men’s volleyball, Czech men’s volleyball and Bulgarian men’s volleyball. In terms of comprehensive strength, China men’s volleyball team is not at the top of the group.
Olympic Qualifiers and Hangzhou Asian Games "Back to Back"
During the Tokyo Olympic cycle, China women’s volleyball team was qualified for the World Group Olympic Qualifying Tournament held in Beilun, Ningbo. China men’s volleyball team came second in the Asian Olympic qualifying tournament held in Jiangmen, and missed the Olympic Games. This year, although they are also sitting at home, it is more difficult for both men’s volleyball team and women’s volleyball team to get tickets for the Olympic Games than in the previous cycle. First of all, in terms of the number and strength of opponents, four years ago, a group of four teams competed for the first place in the Olympic Games. Now, eight teams have played the top two in seven single-cycle competitions, which puts higher demands on the physical fitness and energy of the participating teams.
Secondly, the Olympic qualifiers of men’s and women’s volleyball teams overlap with the Asian Games held from September 23rd to October 8th, which means that China men’s volleyball team and China women’s volleyball team will participate in the qualifiers and the Asian Games "back to back". In the second half of China women’s volleyball qualifying tournament, the Asian Games in Hangzhou has already started. Regardless of whether it can successfully compete for the Olympic Games, the whole team must rush to Hangzhou to fight for the gold medal in the Asian Games. Cai Bin, head coach of China women’s volleyball team, talked about this year’s goal before the closed training in February, that is, to qualify for the Paris Olympic Games in the first time and to win the gold medal in the Hangzhou Asian Games. It is a big test for the young China women’s volleyball team to complete the two competition tasks seamlessly. China men’s volleyball team also needs continuous rotation, but the order of the two competition tasks is just the opposite to that of China women’s volleyball team. The men’s volleyball team rushed to the Olympic qualifiers after attending the Hangzhou Asian Games.
China men and women volleyball main attack
"Shine" in Europe
At present, China Men’s Volleyball Team and China Women’s Volleyball Team have closed training in Zhangzhou, Fujian and Beilun, Ningbo, Zhejiang respectively. It is worth mentioning that Guangdong athletes are selected in the training lists of the two national brands, and the men’s volleyball teams include Wang Hebin and Chen Jiajie; The women’s volleyball team has Wang Yifan.
Several leading men’s volleyball players were temporarily absent from training because of playing abroad, including 23-year-old attacking core Zhang Jingyin. Under the operation of China Volleyball Association, Zhang Jingyin successfully went abroad and joined the Polish Super League, one of the three top leagues in the world. In February of this year, Zhang Jingyin wore the No.22 jersey to play for the Gdansk Club, which is in the middle of the league. On March 3rd, the Gdansk men’s volleyball team won 3-1 in the 26th round of the league, and Zhang Jingyin scored 24 points as a substitute, winning the MVP for the first time. In yesterday’s game, he played five innings as a substitute and contributed 18 points. Zhang Jingyin said that she gained a lot after joining the Gdansk Men’s Volleyball Club, especially improving her passing ability. Zhang Jingyin plans to return to China in May, when he will return to China Men’s Volleyball Team to prepare for the World Men’s Volleyball League.
In the 22nd round of Serie A competition held yesterday, the former China Women’s Volleyball Club, which focused on Zhu Ting, won ten consecutive victories, and Zhu Ting, who contributed 15 points, was elected as the MVP in a single game. Before joining Serie A, Zhu Ting was a world-famous MVP "harvester". Last October, Zhu Ting joined Scandi Qi Women’s Volleyball Club, and the cooperation period between the two sides was one season. After the start of the season, Zhu Ting won the league single MVP; three times; While representing the club in the Europa League, she won two MVP titles. Zhu Ting was also selected as the MVP of Serie A in December last year. Therefore, the single MVP she won yesterday is the seventh MVP title since she joined Serie A.
Source: Guangzhou Daily