The 2023 Top Ten News Selection of Listed Companies was officially launched [Voting Courtesy]


News selection of top ten listed companies

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11 December-22 December

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The new year is approaching, and the annual "Top Ten Listed Company News" selection of Securities Times E Company comes as scheduled. Vote and you will have a chance to take home the New Year gift package!

In 2023, China’s economy rebounded. As a "barometer" of macro-economy, the group of listed companies tells the story of China’s economic development in twists and turns with concrete and vivid business performance. Securities Times E Company has always adhered to the main position of reporting by listed companies, and is committed to providing valuable information to investors and bringing vivid and detailed company news stories to readers.

Looking back at the end of the year, what news of listed companies happened in 2023 that impressed you the most? What major events will be the most striking milestone in 2023 when China’s economy turns to a new stage of development?

Here, Securities Times E Company selects 18 pieces of news of listed companies and invites you to review the important stories of listed companies in 2023 and vote for "Top Ten News of Listed Companies in 2023".

01, the main board registration system, the first batch of 10 enterprises listed.

On April 10th, the A-share market officially ushered in the listing of the first batch of 10 companies registered on the main board. So far, all major sectors of the capital market, including the main board, Growth Enterprise Market, science and technology innovation board and Beijing Stock Exchange, have basically achieved the registration system, and China’s capital market has stood at a new starting point for high-quality development.

02. Evergrande Xu Jiayin was taken compulsory measures.

On September 28th, Xu Jiayin, the actual controller of Evergrande Group, was taken compulsory measures according to law, leaving China Evergrande with debts as high as 2 trillion yuan. From "the richest man" to suspected criminals, a number of "real estate bosses" represented by Xu Jiayin gradually declined, which indicates that the real estate industry in China is entering a new stage of development.

03, the first batch of forced delisting enterprises in science and technology innovation board were released.

On July 7th, the delisting Amethyst and Delisted Zeda were delisted, becoming the first batch of compulsory delisting enterprises in science and technology innovation board. So far this year, 46 A-shares have been delisted, and the "face value retreat" generated by investors voting with their feet has gradually become the mainstream of delisting, and the delisting system is constantly playing the role of "purifier" in the market.

04. Huijin entered the market.

On October 11th, Huijin increased its holdings of ICBC, Agricultural Bank, Bank of China and China Construction Bank. The last time Huijin increased its holdings of the four major banks can be traced back to 2015, conveying a positive signal of stabilizing the capital market. Subsequently, Huijin announced the purchase of ETF to further directly support the market.

05. Zhang Jin, the actual controller of Cedar’s "non-smoking" case, was controlled.

On the afternoon of May 7, Huangpu District Branch of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau filed a case for investigation and punishment on the suspected illegal absorption of public deposits by subsidiaries of Cedar Holdings, and the actual controller Zhang Jin was under criminal control. Among the listed companies of Cedar, Qixiang Tengda has been decoupled in advance, and *ST Xuefa said that it remains independent in business. Cedar Holdings, with the aura of "Fortune 500" on its head, has repeatedly exploded events related to "self-integration", and several investigation reports of it by Securities Times have caused great repercussions.

06. A-share repurchase wave of 100 billion yuan

The wave of repurchase of A-share listed companies is constantly emerging, and all capitals work together to maintain market confidence. Since 2023, the number of companies that have issued repurchase plans (including multiple repurchases) has exceeded 1,600, a record high; The total amount of repurchase funds in progress throughout the year exceeded 100 billion yuan. At present, the "support" legion is still expanding.

07, Ant Group was fined 7.1 billion.

On July 7, the central bank announced that it would impose a fine of 7.123 billion yuan on Ant Group, requiring it to shut down its illegal "mutual treasure" business. Taking this as a node, most of the outstanding problems in the financial business of platform enterprises have been rectified, and the focus of financial management departments has shifted from promoting centralized rectification of financial business of platform enterprises to normal supervision.

08, BYD’s 5 millionth new energy vehicle rolled off the assembly line Wang Chuanfu shed tears.

On August 9, BYD’s 5 millionth new energy vehicle officially rolled off the assembly line, becoming the first car company in the world to reach this milestone. Wang Chuanfu shed tears at the scene. He predicted that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China market will exceed 60% in 2025, and a number of respectable world-class brands will be born in China automobile industry. The prospect predicted by Wang Chuanfu is accelerating. Three months after the end of this activity, BYD announced that the company’s 6 millionth new energy vehicle was off the assembly line.

09. The shareholders of my music home were severely hammered for illegally reducing their holdings.

The era of "illegal reduction and self-punishment of three cups" has passed. On September 27th, Yu Fanyi and others, shareholders of Le Jia’s over-reduced shareholding, were severely punished by "no penalty", with a total amount of nearly 50 million yuan. In the same period, Xu Xiong, chairman of Oriental Fashion, who was involved in illegal reduction, was arrested. The "new regulations on reducing holdings" issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on August 27th is reshaping the market ecology.

10. AVIC Electric Power Survey was reorganized into Chengfei Group.

The reform of state-owned enterprises continued to advance in 2023. On February 1st, AVIC announced that it planned to buy 100% equity of aviation industry Chengfei at a price of 17.442 billion yuan, which was the most eye-catching case this year. China’s most advanced fifth-generation fighter J -20 will land in A shares through this reorganization.

11. Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Ford cooperated to build a factory in the United States.

On February 14th, Ford and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited reached an agreement that Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited would provide technical and service support for the production of Ford’s new lithium iron phosphate battery factory in the United States. China’s high-end manufacturing is accelerating to seize the global market, and the "new three" consisting of electric manned vehicles, lithium batteries and solar cells leads foreign trade exports.

12. Dongfeng Motor cut prices on a large scale.

In March, Dongfeng Motor subsidized the price reduction on a large scale, and then this price reduction tide swept across the country, covering almost all mainstream brands, which effectively boosted the popularity of automobile consumption in a short period of time. The year 2023 is coming to an end, and it has become a mainstream consensus that the automobile industry will achieve the goal at the beginning of the year smoothly and even beyond expectations.

13. The "third arrow" of equity financing of housing enterprises will be launched again.

On June 16th, China Merchants Shekou announced that the reorganization of the company was approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and on October 17th, it completed the listing of additional shares, becoming the first A-share real estate enterprise to successfully test the "third arrow". The equity financing channel of A-share housing enterprises has been reopened after many years of suspension, and the policies that are not suitable for the current real estate supply and demand situation are being gradually optimized.

14. Yao Zhenhua defeated Zhongju Gaoxin.

On July 19th, Yao Zhenhua, the chairman of Baoneng Group, screened the Internet. On this day, he went to the actually controlled Zhongju High-tech Research Institute but was turned away by the security guard. A few days later, Yao Zhenhua lost control of Zhongju Hi-tech, and was exposed to the embarrassing video of being beaten by unpaid employees. It is Wang Shi, an old rival, who supports Yao Zhenhua. "The mentality of the society on this matter is to eat melons and watch the fun. I feel sad."

15. The first case of Jingwei Textile Machinery’s A-share delisting without loss.

On August 29th, Jingwei Textile Machinery announced its voluntary delisting and delisted on October 26th, becoming the first listed company in A-share market to withdraw from the market without loss. Jingwei Textile Machinery did not clearly explain the reasons for the voluntary delisting, but the overdue payment of many products of its subsidiary Zhongrong Trust was worrying.

16, ask the new M7 released.

On September 12th, the new M7 developed by Huawei was listed, which won over 60,000 awards a month later, driving a series of concept stocks such as Cyrus to strengthen collectively. Yu Chengdong, the managing director of Huawei, said that he was "far ahead", which was constantly updated this autumn.

17. Zhejiang Guoxiang suspended the issuance.

On October 7, the Shanghai Stock Exchange urgently stopped Zhejiang Guoxiang IPO and carried out special verification. The company’s second IPO had attracted continuous media attention. Since 2023, there have been 213 companies that have terminated IPO review. The reform of the registration system is not to "let it go", but to fully consider China’s national conditions, credit environment and the development stage of the capital market, and strictly control the quality of listed companies.

18. Aolian Electronics "Perovskite God" was counterfeited.

High-profile teamed up with the "Perovskite Great God", but the fake "Great God" has a false resume. The stock price soared by 200%, and the final increase was completely smoothed out. The A-share market is waiting for the results of the investigation of Aolian Electronics by the regulatory authorities. Under the main tone of strengthening supervision in an all-round way, nearly 100 listed companies have been investigated by the CSRC this year. It is not empty talk to strengthen supervision in an all-round way and effectively prevent and resolve risks.

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3. Activity time: December 11th-December 20th, 2023;

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Learn from Apple and Huawei: LI’s "Superclass"

"My Weibo is generated and published by Mind GPT. He is good at surfing the Internet and surfing online. I am responsible for being amiable offline. Weibo’s remarks cannot represent me personally. " Recently, Li Xiang, Chairman and CEO of LI, posted on social platforms.

Li Xiang, Chairman and CEO of LI. Photo courtesy of enterprises

The spring breeze is full of horseshoe disease, and running all the way, LI, led by Li Xiang, has been "super-class" all the way. For a long time, LI has been learning from Apple’s products. Li Xiang said in the first quarter earnings conference call in LI in 2022: "I will look at my own ability after ten years, hoping to make it the same level as Apple."

However, under the pressure of M7, Li wants to lead the team to "learn Huawei in an all-round way" in the second half of 2022. LI, led by the "crazy" Li Xiang, is running wildly in sales, far exceeding Weilai Automobile and Xpeng Motors.

At the same time, LI’s pricing is also "beyond the standard", with the product price range from "150,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan" to "200,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan", and the pricing of pure electric vehicles will exceed 500,000 yuan by the end of the year.

LI’s strategy is also rushing, upgrading from a scale of 10 billion to a comprehensive matrix organization with a scale of 100 billion. Release the "dual energy strategy", build more than 300 high-speed charging stations by the end of 2023, and expand its charging station network to 3,000 by 2025. LI is marching towards 500 billion revenue.

Li Xiang, Chairman and CEO of LI. Photo courtesy of enterprises

Sales are running wild.

"LI has delivered more than 20,000 vehicles for three consecutive months. As of June 18, LI has sold 19,800 vehicles this month, and we will hit the higher monthly sales target of more than 30,000!" Before the Dragon Boat Festival, LI was full of confidence in June sales data.

LI relies on intensive product release. In June, 2022, LI released the Ideal L9, ending the history of living on one car for four years. On the eve of the National Day that year, LI released the ideal L8 of Li ONE replacement model.

At the same time, LI’s "three children" ideal L7 was "premature". At the conference of Ideal L8, LI released Ideal L7 "incidentally". Finally, the ideal L7 came out in February this year.

With the joint blessing of Ideal L7, Ideal L8 and Ideal L9, LI’s monthly sales increased. From January to May this year, the sales volume in LI was 15,100, 16,600, 20,800, 25,700 and 28,300 respectively.

At the same time, Weilai Automobile and Xpeng Motors in Weili met with growing pains. From January to May this year, the sales volume of Weilai Automobile was 8500, 12200, 10400, 6700 and 6200 respectively. In the same period, the sales in Xpeng Motors were 5200, 6000, 7000, 9000 and 7500 respectively.

"All the stocks in Li ONE have been sold out, and the limit of weekly production capacity in June is 7,500 vehicles. The core tasks in the third quarter are: L8 and L9 return to the monthly delivery of 10,000 vehicles, and L7 challenges the monthly delivery of 15,000 vehicles. Li ONE’s inventory sales of more than 600 vehicles per week, L8 Air will all be transformed, and it is not difficult to sell more than 10,000 vehicles per month. " LI Chairman and CEO Li Xiang said.

At the same time, in June, the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology showed that LI was officially granted the qualification of Beijing LI Co., Ltd. According to the current capacity planning, there are two production bases associated with this qualification, namely LI Green Smart Factory in Shunyi District of Beijing and Changzhou Intelligent Manufacturing Base in LI, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province.

At present, Li ONE, Ideal L9, L8 and L7 are all produced by Changzhou Intelligent Manufacturing Base in LI. Beijing Green Smart Factory in Shunyi officially started construction in October, 2021. The factory was transformed by the former Beijing Hyundai No.1 Factory. The whole project investment exceeded 7.5 billion yuan, and it is planned to be officially put into production this year. After commissioning, it will achieve an annual production capacity of 100,000 vehicles.

In pursuit of victory, LI announced in June that the first pure electric vehicle "Ideal MEGA" will be officially released at the end of this year. "I am confident that it will become the first sales volume of all passenger cars with a price of more than 500,000 yuan, regardless of energy form and body form, breaking the traditional cognition that high-end pure electric vehicles cannot become explosives."

The reason why LI can stand out among the new forces in car manufacturing is that Han Weidong, an analyst at Guosen Securities, believes that LI has adopted the dual-technology route of extended-range electric and high-voltage pure electric, which has well adapted to the needs of customers in the period of automobile electrification transformation. In the case that the problem of charging energy for pure electric vehicles still has shortcomings and cannot adapt to all travel scenarios, extended-range electric vehicles are an excellent transitional choice. It has better cost control ability and higher overall operating efficiency. Compared with the mainstream new force car companies, all business indicators and operating indicators in LI are at the best level.

Prices are running wild.

Under the rush of sales, LI’s pricing ceiling continued to break through. The pricing of the first pure electric vehicle "Ideal MEGA" will exceed 500,000 yuan.

As early as February 2021, the price range of products in LI was 150,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan. In August of that year, when it went public in Hong Kong, the LI prospectus adjusted the price range of smart electric vehicle products. The lower limit of the price range has been raised from 150,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan, that is, "strategically focus on new energy vehicles with prices ranging from 200,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan".

Shen Yanan, co-founder and president of LI at that time, told the Beijing News Shell Finance reporter that it is a fast-growing market to further define the product positioning as family-made cars. The market size of 200,000 to 500,000 yuan will exceed 5 million vehicles this year, and it is expected to exceed 8 million vehicles in 2025. We are more willing to focus on this price range. In addition, pricing is also related to the positioning of luxury smart electric vehicles.

In fact, the prices of ideal L7, ideal L8 and ideal L9 are all between 300,000 yuan and 500,000 yuan. Regarding the firm pricing, Li Xiang once said, "Many people say, why doesn’t the ideal reduce the price to less than 300,000? The same problem, consumers do not accept a good brand of medium and large SUVs sold for more than 200,000. "

However, Li thought it might be necessary to pay attention to a situation. In the first quarter of 2023, LI’s revenue was 18.79 billion yuan, and a total of 52,600 new cars were delivered, with an average price of 357,200 yuan. The average price is equivalent to the pricing of the ideal L7. At present, the sales of the ideal L7 also contribute the most.

The price of "Ideal MEGA" will exceed 500,000 yuan, or it is related to LI’s high investment. LI has previously issued a "dual-energy strategy" which includes two major directions: "intelligence" and "electricity". In June, Liu Qiang, the person in charge of power drive in LI, said, "In terms of power strategy, LI will build a 5C model with a charging time of 9 minutes and 30 seconds and a battery life of 400 kilometers, a 5C super charging network and an automatic charging robot to effectively solve the two major problems of slow charging speed and long-distance charging difficulty."

Zeng Duohong, an analyst in soochow securities, believes that the launch of new pure electric products will improve the layout of the company’s new energy vehicle product line. The L series extended range product line will match the pure electric product line launched in 2024-2025, and rely on core technologies such as 800V high voltage +5C battery +Mind GPT+ scenario NOA to help the overall sales/market share increase continuously.

Zhang Xiang, a visiting professor at Huanghe Institute of Science and Technology, believes that the competitiveness and attractiveness of the first pure electric vehicle in LI may not be as good as that of the extended-range vehicle, because the market development stage and situation are different. At first, there were few competing models of extended-range vehicles, and the market was a blue ocean; At present, there are many competitors in the pure electric vehicle market, such as Tesla and BYD.

"Now the market competition is very fierce, the growth rate of the new energy automobile industry is slowing down, and the growth of LI may also slow down. In order to maintain growth, LI should expand its product matrix, and its products should sink. It can’t just do more than 300,000 yuan, but also sink to 200,000 yuan, otherwise the growth momentum may be slowly lost." Zhang Xiang believes.

The strategy is running wild

Li Xiang has always been a fanatical fruit powder, and his products have always been in line with Apple: the doll strategy of "one configuration" is similar to that of the early iPhone with only one model; Drawing lessons from Apple’s product model, besides the Pro version and Max version, the Air version is launched.

Li Xiang was influenced by Huawei again. In June, Li Xiang wrote, "In the third quarter of 2022, the release and trading of M7 in the world directly crippled Li ONE. We have never met such a strong opponent, and for a long time we have no strength to fight back. HW’s super ability directly caused Li ONE’s sales to collapse and stop production in advance. It lost more than one billion in one quarter, and the team was disabled. I couldn’t sleep at all. Our ability was really poor, and it collapsed in the face of people’s very basic moves, which caused a large number of product experts who struggled in the front line to leave. "

In fact, at the end of June, 2022, LI’s "two children" ideal L9 was released, which was called "the best flagship SUV for home use within 5 million" by Li Xiang, and the delivery volume of LI in August of that year suffered a "waist-cutting" drop. In the third quarter of 2022, the delivery volume was 26,524 vehicles, with a year-on-year increase of only 5.6%; The company’s net loss expanded year-on-year.

In fact, the asking M7, regarded by Li Xiang as a super rival, sells for around 300,000 yuan. At that time, Huawei Yu Chengdong proposed that "the goal of M7 is still to surpass the comfortable and intelligent experience of millions of luxury large SUVs and MPVs."

In the face of pressure, Li Xiang introduced that at the end of September 2022, the company held a strategic meeting to reach a consensus to comprehensively study Huawei, upgrade the matrix organization as soon as possible, and be able to fight positional warfare and bid farewell to guerrilla warfare completely. "Our management team has bought no less than ten public books on HW. We were surprised to find that the painful problems we encountered in product research and development, sales and service, supply and manufacturing, and organization of finance and economics were solved more than ten years ago, even twenty years ago."

Determined to learn from Huawei, in December 2022, LI launched a comprehensive matrix organization upgrade with an annual income of 100 billion yuan. "In the development stage from 0-1, speed is efficiency, and the vertical organization model has helped us achieve a revenue scale of 10 billion, and we have done very well; From the development stage of 1-10, quality has become efficiency. We need to use organizational upgrading to achieve a breakthrough in the scale of billions of income and challenge the scale of trillions of income. " Li Xiang said.

At the Shanghai International Auto Show in April, 2023, LI released a "dual-energy strategy" with two directions: intelligence and electric energy. By 2025, LI will form a product layout of "one super flagship+five extended-range electric vehicles+five high-voltage pure electric vehicles", which will be oriented to a market of more than 200,000.

With the continuous high sales volume, when Li Xiang forwarded the news that "new energy vehicles are exempt from vehicle purchase tax" on June 21, he said, "Very good, and directly gave a four-year stability policy. There is no excuse for our team to achieve the strategic goal of the company in 2025. 1.6 million vehicles/year, 500 billion revenue, verified in early 2026! "

Li Xiang and LI running all the way, all the way "super class".

Han Weidong believes that it is predicted that the company’s total revenue in 2023 will continue its rapid growth in recent years, reaching a scale of about 90 billion yuan, mainly due to the rapid increase in automobile sales again. In terms of profitability, it is predicted that the company will turn losses into profits in 2023. Under the background of increasingly fierce competition in the industry, it is expected that marketing and management expenses and research and development expenses will continue to grow at a high rate, which will erode the total profit scale to some extent. At the same time, it is predicted that the company’s revenue level will continue to grow at a faster rate in 2024, reaching a scale of more than 130 billion yuan, and the profit level is expected to be significantly improved.

Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter Chen Weicheng

Editor Xu Chao

Proofread Liu Jun

Dong Mingzhu talks about Gree’s change of ownership: it is not full of dissatisfaction, and steady development does not depend on a certain shareholder.

On December 28th, the 4th "Make the World Love Made in China" Summit Forum was moved to the headquarters in Gree Electric, Zhuhai, which was the first large-scale event held at the headquarters after the transfer plan of Gree Electric (000651) was finalized.

When interviewed by reporters after the meeting, Dong Mingzhu, the chairman of Gree Electric, said that he was "not satisfied or dissatisfied with the scheme" when talking about the transfer of control rights. She said that the steady development of Gree Electric over the years is not due to a certain shareholder, but mainly depends on the management team. This time, Zhuhai SASAC withdrew from the position of major shareholder in the hope that Gree Electric would become a more market-oriented listed company.

Dong Mingzhu also stressed that after the transfer of Gree Electric’s controlling stake, there will be "three invariants": the integrity of society, the cultivation of employees and the protection of the legitimate interests of shareholders cannot be changed.

Dong Mingzhu, Chairman of Gree Electric 

Withdrawal of state-owned assets: in order to establish a more market-oriented system.

On December 15th, Zhuhai SASAC officially approved Gree Group’s plan to transfer 15% of Gree Electric shares to Zhuhai Mingjun. Gree Electric will become a public company without controlling shareholders and actual controllers.

Dong Mingzhu explained that Zhuhai SASAC sold its shares in the hope that Gree Electric would become a truly public company. Dong Mingzhu quoted Guo Yonghang, secretary of Zhuhai Municipal Party Committee, as saying that the government should "show up immediately when enterprises need it;" When enterprises don’t need it, you are far away and keep a clear political and business relationship. " Dong Mingzhu said that the focus of this transfer of Gree’s control right is not the withdrawal of state-owned assets, but the establishment of a market-oriented system for listed companies to operate and develop better.

In addition, the transfer of control rights in Gree Electric was also promoted under the background of the accelerated development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. "Zhuhai is located in the center of Greater Bay Area. We have more thoughts and positioning for the future construction of Greater Bay Area and the development of Zhuhai. I feel that through this equity transfer, more listed companies will be built for Zhuhai, and (Zhuhai) will become a more market-oriented place that is conducive to the faster development of enterprises. " Dong Mingzhu said that the equity transfer is of far-reaching significance.

According to the announcement on December 2nd, the price for Gree Group to transfer 15% equity of Gree Electric is 41.66 billion yuan. If the transaction is finally made at this price, the takeover party will have a floating profit of 16.6 billion yuan by taking this 15% equity based on the current share price of Gree Electric.

Dong Mingzhu revealed that Gree Electric will build Gree Tower in Hengqin, Zhuhai, to provide some support for the development of Macao. "Although there are more than 10 research institutes and nearly 100 research institutes in Gree Electric, with the diversified development, Gree will build more research institutions. Building Gree Building in Hengqin is a platform to boost Macao’s development and provide talents for the University of Macau and Macau University of Science and Technology. "

Gree Electric launches Gree three-generation mobile phones.  

Management is the biggest beneficiary? The team is pure.

Gree Electric’s 15% equity was taken over by Zhuhai Mingjun, and behind Zhuhai Mingjun, besides Gaoying Capital, Gree Electric management also participated in the shareholding. Some outsiders believe that the biggest beneficiary of the transfer of control rights in Gree Electric is the management of Gree Electric.

Dong Mingzhu responded that Gree Electric’s management is a pure team. In the past 20 years, it has never been more concerned about the company’s shares. It is bent on making Gree bigger and stronger, and there is no other idea. The development of an enterprise is not supported by capital, but by the innovative culture of the enterprise.

According to CICC’s report, Gree Group’s plan to transfer 15% of Gree Electric’s equity has properly arranged the interests of Gree Electric’s management. Among them, Gree Electric management entity will subscribe Zhuhai Mingjun 2.426 billion yuan, and get 11.10% of the capital contribution; In addition, the management entity obtains 41% of LP investment share (i.e. 20.3% of investment share) from Zhuhai Xianying (GP general partner of Zhuhai Mingjun), and can fully enjoy the management fee and GP income brought by Zhuhai Mingjun. The management entity will distribute 8% of the total GP income to the management and employees who have made important contributions to the listed company. The management entity obtained 41% controlling equity of Zhuhai Yuxiu (GP general partner of Zhuhai Xianying) for RMB 4.305 million, which can indirectly control Zhuhai Mingjun. After the equity transfer is completed, the company will promote the equity incentive plan, with the total amount not exceeding 4% of Gree Electric’s shares.

Are you satisfied with Gaoling Capital? Not satisfied or dissatisfied.

After Gree Electric threw out the intention of equity transfer, Hopu Investment was also very interested in this part of the equity besides Gaoyou Capital, but in the end Gaoyou Capital won.

When asked if he was satisfied with the equity transfer plan, Dong Mingzhu responded that this should be asked to Zhuhai SASAC.

There have been rumors before that the negotiations between Gaochun Capital and Gree management were not smooth. Dong Mingzhu responded: "Any negotiation is not smooth. If it is smooth, it will not be called negotiation." When asked if she was satisfied with the plan, Dong Mingzhu responded: "It is not satisfied or dissatisfied."

When asked how Gree Electric will cooperate or collaborate with its new shareholder, Gaoyan Capital, Dong Mingzhu replied that "at least I don’t see it now", and she further said, "If one capital can solve the problems of enterprises, how can we see that so many capitals are exploding today? Therefore, it is not a capital to support the development of enterprises, but the innovation of enterprises to support development. "

Gree Electric business segment readjusted.

Throw out the new strategy of "Internet of Everything" Gree mobile phone released for three generations.

On the same day, Gree Electric released the "Internet of Everything" strategy, and for the first time demonstrated a complete set of intelligent connected home appliances controlled by intelligent voice.

Gree staff demonstrated how to control refrigerators, washing machines, rice cookers, range hoods and other household appliances by voice with Gree IOT air conditioners and Gree IOT mobile phones as entrances.

Dong Mingzhu also personally released Gree Electric’s third-generation smart phone at the scene. On-site PPT shows that Gree’s third-generation mobile phone adopts a 5.99-inch full HD full screen, emphasizes the night shooting algorithm in taking photos, has intelligent IOT buttons, and controls household appliances by voice.

Dong Mingzhu said that every Gree third-generation mobile phone can directly open the "micro store in Dong Mingzhu". "With Gree’s mobile phone, you should buy Gree’s products, otherwise I will remember you."

There are also many controversies about Gree making mobile phones, but from Gree Electric, mobile phones are just an entrance to Gree’s smart home strategy.

Gree Electric has also publicly released four international leading technologies that have been identified-key technologies and applications of rare earth-free reluctance main drive motor system for new energy buses, high-efficiency reluctance variable frequency scroll compressor technology, high-performance linear servo motor and driver, and high-efficiency pneumatic suspension centrifugal compressor.

The latest information displayed in Gree Electric Exhibition Hall shows that Gree Electric’s business has been re-divided into two parts, one is consumption and the other is industry. Previously, Gree Electric’s four business segments included air conditioning, household appliances, communications and intelligent equipment. This also means that the first three sectors are now merged into the consumer sector, highlighting the overall smart home; Intelligent equipment has expanded into the industrial field.

Dong Mingzhu also confirmed the adjustment of the company’s business sector in the interview. She said that the consumer sector is the business that Gree started, and the industrial sector is the heavy weapon of the country. There is no conflict between the two. "Without high-end equipment, you can’t make perfect consumer products, and you won’t be biased."

Xiaomi Leijun: The core problem of the long delivery time of Xiaomi SU7 is that the sales volume is 3-5 times higher than expected.

Lei Jun, chairman of Xiaomi Automobile, responded to "the delivery time of Xiaomi SU7 is too long" during the live broadcast today. "The core problem is that the sales volume is 3-5 times higher than we expected, and an emergency supplier meeting was held a week ago. The original planned standard version and PRO version were delivered at the end of April. In fact, delivery has started today, 12 days ahead of schedule. "

Zhiji’s goal: let everyone have a dedicated driver.

"It’s so obedient that it will automatically open the door as soon as it hears me coming to it. When I wash the car, I have to put my mobile phone far away." On April 18th, at the Shanghai Auto Show, Tang Wei, the owner of Zhiji, shared that the car is smart, but I hope it won’t automatically open the door when washing the car. Tamia Liu, co-CEO of Zhiji Automobile, responded at the scene and iterated at the fastest speed.

Intelligentization brings a lot of convenience to the car. Taking the mobile phone as an example, it can replace the function of the car key, start the air conditioner remotely, unlock it, authorize friends to drive the car, etc. When the owner approaches the car with his mobile phone, there are interactions such as flashing lights, honking horns and opening the car door.

However, just like what happened in Tang Wei, while intelligence brings convenience, it will bring some new troubles due to thoughtlessness. The interaction between Tang Wei as the owner of Zhiji and the brand has also become a vivid scene of automobile intelligence ecology. Automobile intelligent manufacturers have designed many scenes to meet the wishes that can only be imagined but cannot be realized in the traditional automobile era. In the process of using, the owner found unreasonable points, and the comprehensive data was continuously fed and learned. After investigation, design, feedback and promotion, the upgrade iteration was quickly completed.

The intelligent problem raised by Tang Wei is the focus of the release of Zhiji at the Shanghai Auto Show. The AI4M intelligent strategy announced by Zhiji takes "AI" artificial intelligence as the core, so that cars can observe, think and act like "people", and the goal is to let everyone have a dedicated driver.

In order to achieve this goal, Zhiji said that it will rely on the scientific and technological accumulation of SAIC for many years and the core self-research of Zhiji Automobile since its establishment three years ago, and at the same time deepen the strategic cooperation with Alibaba Cloud, Zebra Zhixing, Momenta and other leading forces in the field of intelligent technology in China, actively lay out the whole chain closed-loop innovation of the brand-new intelligent electrical architecture, and launch the "China Intelligent Scheme".

Zhiji believes that the AI era has accelerated the landing speed of artificial intelligence in the real world. In the field of autonomous driving, perceptual intelligence and cognitive intelligence are two key issues that need to be solved urgently. In the past few years, perceptual intelligence has received full attention from the whole industry. While improving perceptual intelligence, Zhiji cooperated with Momenta, a global head intelligent driving algorithm player, to launch the industry’s first D.L.P artificial intelligence decision planning model.

Zhiji took the lead in using deep learning to plan, greatly improving the takeover rate and realizing the driving ability like an old human driver. According to the on-site introduction of Tamia Liu, the current takeover rate is about once per 100 kilometers, and it will increase tenfold every two years. In the future, the takeover mileage will increase to once per 1000 kilometers or even once per 10,000 kilometers.

Based on this strategy, the high-speed elevated NOA (Automatic Aided Navigation System) will be launched on Zhiji L7 at the end of April. The first batch of open cities will be "Shanghai, Jiangsu, Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Lake", and LS7 will be upgraded and promoted to the whole country within this year.

By then, NOA of Zhiji can carry out dynamic path planning for closed high-speed elevated roads, and complete lane keeping, automatic speed adjustment, active lane change overtaking, automatic up-and-down ramp and other behaviors within the design area.

Tamia Liu emphasized that after completing the game calculation of active lane change and gap insertion, the driving quality is actually a highlight of Zhiji. Zhiji NOA’s driving behavior deeply learns from professional drivers, not frequently accelerating and decelerating, but making reasonable and comfortable actions to complete the instructions.

Zhiji said that the intelligent strategy with AI as the core is not just a written plan. In the second half of 2023, an intelligent medium-sized city cross-border SUV will be launched to solve the pain points of users in urban travel with intelligent solutions. An intelligent sports coupe, which is expected to be launched in 2024, is equipped with the latest Qualcomm 8295 high computing power chip, takes the lead in adopting solid-state batteries and adopts a brand-new three-electric system including carbon fiber rotor technology. The car will enter the "2-second acceleration club" and fully reproduce the F1 driving experience. The two models launched in 2025 are based on a new vector magic architecture and a modular magnetic open platform, which reconstructs the vehicle space and allows users to enjoy a subversive intelligent experience.

Upstream journalist sang Jian

Editor: Kevin·Z

Editor: Wu Jian

Audit: Mao Dan

Fenghuang net automobile

[car home Industry] This week, many new cars have reported the latest news, which makes people feel that even buying a car in the latest year should be prevented from "chopping hands".

Xu Jiayin, whom I haven’t seen for a long time, suddenly appeared for platform 5 of Hengchi. It seems that Boss Xu really loves Hengchi. A whole new generation appeared, and if you can’t afford it, you can only have an eye addiction, but then again, this car really has a little taste. The Q1 financial report was released, and I have to say that it was really profitable. The stock price immediately reached an all-time high. Did you get on the bus?

More exciting, look down.

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Hot news this week

■ The Q1 financial report for 2022 was released, and the gross profit margin of automobiles reached a new high of 32.9%.

■ In cooperation with Horizon official announcement, some models will be equipped with Journey 5 in 2023.

■ World premiere

■ Anson China Global Distribution Center was closed due to the epidemic.

■ Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited EVOGO power exchange service started in Xiamen.

■ M7 exposure

■ The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has set up a "white list" of 666 enterprises operating in Shanghai.

■ Zhiji L7 Dynamic Edition is on the market, with a price of 368,800 yuan.

■ Xu Jiayin Experience Hengchi 5

■ Faurecia and Hella merged to publish the Chinese name "Freia"

New car release

■ M7 exposure

A few days ago, AITO brand officially released the official appearance map of its model M7. The new car as a whole looks atmospheric and is expected to be released within the year.

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Judging from the previous declaration, the length, width and height of the new car are 5020/1945/1775mm and the wheelbase is 2820mm respectively. At the same time, the car will adopt a six-seat layout.

In the power part, the new car will also be equipped with an extended-range power system consisting of a 1.5T four-cylinder turbocharged range extender and a motor provided by Huawei. Among them, the maximum power of engine is 92kW, and the rated power/peak power of motor is 72kW/200kW.

■ World premiere

On April 20th, the brand-new 7 Series and pure electric car i7 were launched simultaneously in China, Germany and the United States.

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Inspired by China, the i7 is made by German technology, which is the fifth pure electric vehicle released in China. The other four models are iX3, i3, i4 and iX. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the i7 are 5391*1950*1548mm and the wheelbase is 3200mm. It is the largest 7-series sedan ever.

In the interior, the design of the front row of the new car is exactly the same as that of iX, but Qualcomm’s 8155 chip is adopted for the first time, and a 31-inch movable screen is added in the back row to meet the entertainment needs of the passengers in the back row, and the screen meets the playback effect of 8K video. Iqiyi and Huawei Mall have entered the entertainment system.

■ The listing price of Zhiji L7 Dynamic Edition is 368,800 yuan.

On April 17th, Zhiji Automobile announced that L7 was officially listed. After the price of L7 Pro version was 408,800 yuan on March 29th, this time, Zhiji Automobile announced that the price of L7 Dynamic was 368,800 yuan.

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Users who have not locked the order can freely change the purchased model, and users who have locked the order can also contact the user to change the model as needed. The deadline for angel wheel users to lock the order is May 29, the deadline for A wheel users to close the order is April 29, and the deadline for locking the order is June 17.

In appearance, the length, width and height of Zhiji L7 are 5098*1960*1485mm, the wheelbase is 3100mm, and the drag coefficient is 0.21Cd. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the DLP light projection headlights equipped with Zhiji L7 pro version have a projection resolution of 2.6 million pixels and an AI vision chip with 3 TOPS computing power. At the same time, the ISC front and rear interactive lights can realize 255 levels of brightness independent adjustment, two-color control and 30000nits ultra-high brightness. It can realize the interaction between lights and words in navigation, distance reminder, electricity reminder, pedestrian comity and other scenes.

Attack the main engine factory.

■ In cooperation with Horizon official announcement, some models will be equipped with Journey 5 in 2023.

On April 21st, it announced that it has reached a fixed-point cooperation with Horizon, and will carry the Horizon autopilot chip Journey 5 on some of its models, so as to create an integrated parking and navigation scheme and realize high-level autopilot function.

According to the plan, the model equipped with Horizon Journey 5 will be listed as early as mid-2023. It also became the first car company to officially launch Horizon Journey 5.

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By the end of 2021, more than 1 million AI chips had been pre-installed and shipped. Journey 5 is its third-generation car-level chip, with a single AI computing power of up to 128TOPS, supporting 16-channel camera sensing calculation, and supporting multi-sensor fusion, prediction and planning control required by autonomous driving.

On April 20th, Horizon unveiled its high-speed NOA pilot-assisted driving scheme. The system is called Pilot 3, and it is equipped with three Journey 3 chips, and finally the power is 15TOPS. The sensor is equipped with 6 cameras, including 1 front view, 1 rear view and 4 side views, and is used in conjunction with the high-precision map from Gaode.

■ The Q1 financial report for 2022 was released, and the gross profit margin of automobiles reached a new high of 32.9%.

On the 20th local time, the financial report for the first quarter of 2022 released by the United States showed that the company’s revenue in this quarter was US$ 18.756 billion, up 81% year-on-year. The gross profit margin of the automobile business was 32.9%, a record high.

The financial report shows that the company’s revenue in the first quarter was 18.756 billion US dollars, up 81% year-on-year, exceeding the market expectation of 17.8 billion US dollars. The net profit in the first quarter was 3.318 billion US dollars, far exceeding the 438 million US dollars in the same period last year. In the first quarter, the revenue of automobile business was 16.861 billion US dollars, an increase of 87% compared with the revenue of 9.002 billion US dollars in the same period last year. The gross profit margin of the automobile business reached a record 32.9%.

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It is said that the increase in the company’s revenue is partly due to the increase in the number of cars delivered and the increase in the average selling price.

CBS reported that in 2021, a record 936,000 vehicles were delivered, an increase of 87% over 2020. Earlier this month, it was reported that the company delivered a record 310,000 vehicles in the first quarter of 2022, a year-on-year increase of 68%. In the earnings conference call, CEO Elon Musk and CFO Zachary Kirkhorn said that they are still confident that the delivery volume will increase by at least 50% on the basis of 2021 this year.

■ Xu Jiayin Experience Hengchi 5

According to the official news of Hengchi Automobile, on April 21st, three Hengchi 5s appeared in Guangzhou Evergrande Center, and Xu Jiayin, Chairman of Evergrande Board of Directors, and the management team experienced Hengchi 5s in all directions.

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According to Liu Yongzhuo, President of Hengchi Automobile, all the work of Hengchi 5 is progressing smoothly, and the pre-sale is about to be fully launched. The first batch of exhibition experience centers and sales centers of Hengchi will be opened in 15 key cities such as Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangzhou in the near future.

Prior to this, Evergrande Group held a high-profile global creditors’ conference call, and before this important meeting, Xu Jiayin specially presided over the mobilization meeting of Evergrande Automobile to "achieve Hengchi 5 mass production in three months". Xu Jiayin once asked the Evergrande team to work hard for three months and mass-produce Hengchi 5 on June 22nd, laying a solid foundation for the healthy and sustainable development of Evergrande.

Supplier dynamics

■ Anson China Global Distribution Center was closed due to the epidemic.

Anson issued a circular letter on April 18th, stating that with the government’s tightening of closure measures, especially in Shanghai, our global distribution center in China was forced to close, which affected our business.

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Previously, Shanghai distribution center was responsible for the distribution of goods in Shenzhen, Suzhou and Leshan. According to the data of Anson official website, Anson Shanghai Solution Engineering Center (SEC) was established in 2010, focusing on the development of power management solutions, focusing on automotive applications and providing a development platform.

It is reported that Ansenmei has three factories in China, which are located in Leshan, Suzhou and Shenzhen. In addition to the closure of these places affecting local business, smaller cities have also begun to strengthen their closure. The company is also closely responding to the interruption of suppliers of materials, equipment and services.

■ Faurecia and Hella merged to publish the Chinese name "Freia"

On April 22nd, FORVIA, the seventh largest automotive technology supplier in the world, announced that the Chinese name of the group was Freia.

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On January 31 this year, Faurecia completed the acquisition of the controlling equity of Haila. On February 7th, Faurecia and Hella announced that the merged new group was named FORVIA. FORVIA stands for action and required agility, as well as the commitment, confidence and measures of the new group to promote the transformation of road travel mode.

The Chinese name of the new group, Freya, combines the Chinese transliteration of its English name FORVIA. At the same time, it is also the inheritance and continuation of Faurecia brand and culture, which indicates that the new group will continue to highlight the core elements of Faurecia and Haila brands. In addition, the word "Rui" in the Chinese name is originally meant to be a token made of jade, and at the same time represents auspicious signs.

According to Freya officials, under the names of FORVIA and Freya, the new group will integrate the complementary technological and industrial advantages of Faurecia and Hella and become a reformer who foresees and realizes the transformation of travel.

■ Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited EVOGO power exchange service started in Xiamen.

On April 18th, the EVOGO power exchange service was officially launched in Xiamen. The first four quick-change stations that started the service were located in Siming District, Huli District and Haicang District of Xiamen. It is estimated that by the end of this year, 30 quick-change stations will be completed in Xiamen. By then, there will be a quick change station within every 3 km service radius on Xiamen Island.

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It is reported that at present, the lowest monthly rental price of chocolate battery replacement blocks is 399 yuan/block, and the rental price will be dynamically adjusted according to the different usage conditions of users. The service price of the quick change station is equivalent to that of the quick charge station, and will be dynamically adjusted according to the site and time of the station.

In January of this year, Times Electric Service, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, released the power exchange service brand EVOGO and the overall solution of combined power exchange. The overall solution of combined power exchange consists of three products: "power exchange block, quick exchange station and APP". Chen Weifeng, general manager of Times Electric Service, said that the first batch of EVOGO power exchange services will be launched in 10 cities.

■ The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has set up a "white list" of 666 enterprises operating in Shanghai.

On April 16th, the Shanghai Economic and Information Committee issued the "Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Epidemic Situation of Industrial Enterprises in Shanghai (First Edition)", which promoted enterprises to resume work and production in an orderly and effective manner, and required all district governments, towns and parks to actively support the resumption of work and production.

Previously, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has sent a working group in front of Shanghai to promote the stable production and resumption of production of key industrial enterprises and ensure the smooth operation of the supply chain of the industrial chain.

Home of the car

On April 5, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology set up a "white list" of key enterprises in the field of industry and information technology, and concentrated resources to give priority to ensuring that 666 key enterprises in key industries such as integrated circuits, automobile manufacturing, equipment manufacturing and biomedicine resumed production.

In the "white list of the first batch of key enterprises in Shanghai" circulated on the Internet, there are 250 automobile-related enterprises, such as GM and others, among which Lingang is listed as "discontinued enterprises that need to resume work". (Text/car home Cheng Gong)

These problems are the key to the centralized collection of Chinese patent medicines.

Source | Cyberblue

Contributed by | Fu Qingzhu

How to break the industry difficulties when the signal of centralized collection of Chinese patent medicines comes out?

On August 9, 2021, the National Medical Insurance Bureau issued the Reply of the National Medical Insurance Bureau to Recommendation No.4126 of the Fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress, stating that "on the basis of improving the quality evaluation standards of Chinese patent medicines and formula granules, we will adhere to quality priority, take clinical demand as the guide, and start with high-priced and large-quantity varieties to scientifically and steadily promote the centralized procurement reform of Chinese patent medicines and formula granules".

The introduction of this reply means that the procurement of Chinese patent medicines and even granules has been put on the agenda. However, as the first batch of people in China who participated in centralized drug bidding and purchasing and engaged in big data research of traditional Chinese medicine for a long time, the author is not optimistic about the procurement of traditional Chinese medicine in the short term.

Say so, we might as well stroke the train of thought:


What is the quantity purchase of traditional Chinese medicine?

"Drug procurement with quantity" refers to defining the procurement quantity when bidding or negotiation is carried out in the process of centralized drug procurement, so that enterprises can quote according to the specific quantity. This procurement method is also the goal that China has been striving to achieve for many years. In fact, this method is also an upgraded version of the centralized bidding and purchasing of drugs in medical institutions nationwide since 2000, which is no stranger to the vast number of pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers at home and abroad. However, it is really a new thing for domestic Chinese medicine production enterprises, especially Chinese medicine decoction pieces enterprises.

Let’s start with the following basic definitions of popular science:

First, which Chinese medicines can be included in the quantity procurement? The "traditional Chinese medicine" that can be included in the quantity procurement mainly includes Chinese patent medicines and Chinese herbal pieces (including new-type pieces and formula granules) used in clinical practice in medical institutions.

Second, what is quantity procurement? Procurement with quantity is relative to centralized procurement, which can be understood as large-scale "group purchase" or "group purchase", that is, many hospitals form a "procurement consortium" to conduct similar "group purchase". At present, in areas where quantity procurement is implemented, the purchased products need to account for 60%-70% of the total usage, which is equivalent to a big "group purchase". Purchase with quantity, specify the purchase quantity, and the manufacturer will quote and negotiate, and the lowest price will win the bid. Enterprises can reduce the price of purchased drugs and increase the market share of products through market-oriented bidding with quantity, which is beneficial to both supply and demand sides and drug users.

Third, which institutions can carry out centralized procurement and quantity procurement? At present, it is mainly enforced in non-profit medical institutions under the supervision of medical insurance and medical and health authorities (note that it is not non-profit or non-profit). Social organizations such as retail pharmacies can also spontaneously organize "purchasing consortia" to carry out "group buying", which is referred to as "GPO purchasing" for short, but it is often not mandatory by policy.

Fourth, what does "4+7" procurement with quantity mean? It refers to the first batch of 11 pilot cities promoted by the state, including 4 municipalities directly under the central government and 7 provincial capital cities: Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Shenyang, Dalian, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu and Xi ‘an, which basically covers half of the domestic clinical drug circulation. These cities will take out more than 50% of the purchasing share every year, which has a great relationship with the market share of production enterprises and is a matter of life and death.

Therefore, once the country promotes the "4+7" or even nationwide procurement of traditional Chinese medicine, it will surely become a key event for Chinese medicine enterprises, which is expected to cause a major reshuffle of the Chinese medicine industry, and the industry must pay attention to it.


Why is it difficult to implement the procurement of traditional Chinese medicine for a long time?

Before answering this question, we must clarify two points:First, the centralized bidding and purchasing of proprietary Chinese medicines has been carried out around 2001, and the effect of reducing fees is very obvious, but it has not yet been included in the "4+7" procurement; Second, the centralized bidding and purchasing of Chinese herbal pieces. As early as 2001, the documents No.308 and No.309 jointly issued by five ministries and commissions in the State Council all proposed to "actively explore the centralized bidding and purchasing of Chinese herbal pieces".

However, it was not until 2018 that attempts were made in Shanghai, Gansu and other places, and the effect was not obvious; In July 2020, 12 provinces, including Shandong and Inner Mongolia, directly established a platform for the joint collection and purchase of Chinese herbal medicines, and prepared to carry out large-scale procurement activities of Chinese herbal medicines. However, the thunder and the rain are too small, and there is no more.

Why can’t centralized bidding or quantity procurement of traditional Chinese medicine products be promoted?

The apparent reason is that the overall purchase volume of Chinese medicine products without proprietary Chinese medicines is small, and the overall purchase volume of pieces of Chinese medicine in medical institutions nationwide is less than 56 billion yuan, which is only a fraction of the total purchase volume of chemicals and medical devices, and it lacks attention. But the deep-seated reason is that there are two bottlenecks, and there is no breakthrough for a long time:

The first is the standard issue.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a practical weapon of TCM, and its personalized demand is very obvious. A large number of raw medicinal materials and even decoction pieces are agricultural and sideline products, which are non-standard products. You may say that the Pharmacopoeia has the standard of decoction pieces, but that is only the minimum quality threshold, and it can’t cover the complicated and changeable commodity circulation specifications of Chinese herbal medicines at all.

For example, 280 and 380 pieces of Lycium barbarum, Ningxia goods and Qinghai goods, new goods and old goods, although they all meet the pharmacopoeia standards, can they be regarded as the same commodity? Without a unified standard, how to divide the quality levels? If we simply use the Pharmacopoeia standard to evaluate products, it will undoubtedly lower the quality level of Chinese patent medicines and granules as a whole and destroy a large number of well-known brands of Chinese medicine.

Shanghai, Zhejiang and other places are going to separate the products using raw materials from GAP base or traceability base, but everyone in the industry knows that the construction of GAP base in China is difficult to land, and the construction of traceability base is just in its infancy. The concept is bigger than the essence. Can it be used as a criterion at this stage?

At the same time, even if you establish a commodity circulation standard, will this standard be recognized by both the supply and demand sides? How to run through the whole process of Chinese herbal medicine raw materials, Chinese herbal pieces, granules, production enterprises, products and demand side is a very difficult and grand project, which can not be straightened out by a single link.

The second is the price issue. 

The price problem is divided into three levels:

The first is how to define the cost of different quality Chinese herbal medicines. Origin, growth cycle, harvest time, content, appearance and processing technology will all affect its pricing. This problem is actually closely linked to the circulation standard and is an extension of the standard problem.

Secondly, the price fluctuation during the period of centralized mining. The nature of agricultural and sideline products of most Chinese herbal medicines leads to the reality that they still have to "eat by the sky". In the past five years, the price amplitude of Chinese herbal medicines in China has reached more than 18.5%. In August 2020, the same kind of forsythia was 55 yuan (kg price, the same below), and it will rise to 115 yuan in 2021; The raw land has skyrocketed from 11 yuan to 35 yuan. How do you let the successful bidder complete the distribution at the original price?

Allowing the price increase violates the rules of the game of winning the bid at a low price under the same quality, and how to accept the price increase basis? If the price increase is not allowed, the winning bidder will be miserable and it is very likely to lose money to perform the contract; If the roasted seeds and nuts add fuel to the fire and monopolize the raw materials of the winning products to raise the price, the enterprise will even lose the pants, and finally the severe consequences of "winning the bid is death" will not be ruled out.

More crucially, the higher the bid, the higher the price. At present, the principle of "bidding and bidding, the lowest price for supply" is generally adopted in raw material procurement of production enterprises, and all kinds of arrears and deduction of suppliers’ payment for goods have also existed for a long time, so as to minimize the cost of raw materials. If we really realize the so-called "genuine quality and conscientious processing" through centralized purchasing activities, and make the raw material sources and costs of those brand enterprises known to the world, we will inevitably face the embarrassing situation of "more recruitment and higher fees" due to the improvement of quality. Originally, centralized purchasing wanted to reduce prices and control fees, but as a result, the price of centralized purchasing rose sharply. Can the medical insurance department accept it? This is really a paradox.

To sum up, when designing the centralized collection activities of traditional Chinese medicine, the operators often fail to consider the complexity of traditional Chinese medicine products, especially in terms of standards and prices, and lack of fundamental countermeasures and convincing evaluation system, so there are many obstacles in the actual promotion, and most attempts eventually end in vain.


How to break the traditional Chinese medicine collection?

It is precisely because of the complexity of the centralized collection of traditional Chinese medicine that the procurement of traditional Chinese medicine in medical institutions has been in a blind spot or even a "gray zone" for a long time.

The so-called "high-end decoction pieces" and "selling granules with gold" such as Niuhuang, Cordyceps sinensis, Saussurea involucrata, etc. have long been an open secret in the industry, seriously damaging the principle of "openness, fairness and transparency" in drug circulation. Therefore, the centralized collection of traditional Chinese medicine must be implemented as soon as possible. But in the face of many practical difficulties, how to break the game?

The author believes that the key to the breakthrough of centralized collection of traditional Chinese medicine lies in rationalizing the industrial chain by using the big data platform of traditional Chinese medicine industry, and realizing the bottom logic of traditional Chinese medicine products from raw material production, processing, circulation to sales, thus achieving a closed loop.

In this closed-loop front-end, it is an order agriculture based on the concept of blockchain, which is directly linked to the annual orders of demanding enterprises. When the commodity codes are sold out, external capital cannot intervene at all to ensure the stability of supply prices; In the circulation link, it is the two-dimensional code traceability of the whole process; In the sales link, we encourage order agriculture and full traceability with high quality and good price, so that the traceability input of enterprises is worth the money; Finally, basic functions such as standardized warehousing and logistics and third-party testing should be completed.

In this closed-loop system, the construction of big data platform for Chinese medicine industry is very important and is the core grasper. All information such as origin information, product information, price fluctuation, employee data, supply and demand data, quality standards, etc. will be included in this big data platform, and the bottom layer will realize the whole process with unified coding.

Only after the above preparations are completed, can the centralized collection of traditional Chinese medicine have the basis for implementation, and can the original intention of the medical insurance department to raise quality control fees be realized.

I believe that the centralized collection of traditional Chinese medicine will surely make a breakthrough on this basis.

Expert: The viewpoint of "highly toxic, short-lived and easy to explode" of network-transmitted lithium battery is too one-sided.

  The widely circulated online articles also questioned lithium batteries, including: lithium batteries are highly toxic, short-lived, explosive and harsh in use conditions; Unable to recycle, resulting in great environmental pressure … … Is this really the case? The "Verification" column of People’s Daily continued to interview many industry experts to explore the truth.

  Lithium batteries are highly toxic and dangerous goods?

  Response: Lithium batteries do not contain toxic substances, and the impact is far less than that of lead-acid batteries.

  "Strictly speaking, lithium-ion batteries and lithium batteries are still conceptually different." Wang Fang, chief expert in the field of power batteries in China Automotive Technology Research Center, secretary-general and senior engineer of battery testing and application technology alliance, said that lithium batteries usually refer to batteries with lithium metal or lithium alloy as the negative electrode and non-aqueous electrolyte. Lithium-ion battery refers to rechargeable secondary battery, the negative electrode does not use metal lithium, and it works by lithium ion moving between the positive and negative electrodes. However, in daily life, people are used to calling lithium-ion batteries lithium batteries or lithium batteries for short.

  It is understood that most of the new energy vehicles promoted in China (including pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles) use lithium-ion batteries, of which Ferrous lithium phosphate accounts for 80%— 90%, ternary lithium batteries have also been widely used in passenger cars.

  In response to the statement that lithium batteries are "highly toxic dangerous goods" pointed out in the online article, Wang Fang refuted that lithium batteries do not produce any toxic and harmful heavy metal elements and substances such as lead acid, nickel chromium and nickel hydrogen, and are relatively less polluted. And its electrolyte is organic solvent and lithium salt, mostly non-toxic or low-toxic; However, the decomposition or hydrolysis products of lithium batteries are hydrofluoric acid and other fluorine-containing compounds, which are corrosive and toxic.

  Liu Haojie, a researcher-level senior engineer at the 18th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group, said that the lithium-ion battery itself does not contain toxic substances, and the carbon in the negative electrode and the metal oxide in the positive electrode are basically non-toxic. Because lithium-ion batteries belong to a sealed system, they will not be exposed to these substances in normal use. "In any case, its impact is far less than that of the most widely used lead-acid battery at present."

  Lithium batteries have short life and harsh conditions?

  Response: The life of power lithium-ion battery can reach 2000 cycles, and the battery management system can limit "overcharge and overdischarge".

  How long is the current lithium battery life? Will shallow charging and discharging and overcharge and overdischarge affect the safety and life of the battery?

  "There are many factors that determine the service life of power lithium-ion batteries, including the characteristics of the system itself, as well as the manufacturing process and working conditions. A high-quality battery system and scientific system management can achieve a long service life. " Wang Fang said that according to the cut-off condition that the capacity decays to 80% and the discharge depth test of 100%, the life of power batteries can basically reach 2000 cycles.

  "Overcharging and overdischarge means that the voltage of the battery exceeds or falls below the specified cut-off voltage during charging and discharging, which will bring harm to the performance and life of the battery." Wang Fang said, but the BMS battery management system in the battery will limit and protect it. It will limit the charging of the battery at low temperature and recharge it when it is heated to a suitable temperature. Wang Fang said that in order to ensure the safety of lithium-ion batteries, there are a series of safety protection designs from battery cells, modules to battery systems to prevent the batteries from being overcharged and over-cooled, and alarm and protect them in time in case of abnormality.

  It is mentioned in the net that there have been media reports that "Tianjin No.18 Institute has proved that lithium batteries burn and explode in almost all projects such as high temperature and high pressure, puncture and impact, and overcharge and overdischarge".

  In this regard, Liu Yanlong, secretary general of China Chemical and Physical Power Industry Association, said that at the end of May 2014, the 18th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group was interviewed by the media, but the phenomenon of battery burning and explosion in the program was caused by dismantling the protection circuit according to the requirements of program recording, and then conducting abuse experiments. The main purpose of this experiment is to let users know about the possible dangerous situation of ternary lithium battery without protective measures under abuse conditions.

  "The safety of lithium-ion batteries is theoretically controllable, and most of the safety problems are caused by product defects and abuse." Liu Yanlong said. "But the safety of battery cells, modules and systems alone is not enough to ensure the absolute safety of electric vehicles equipped with lithium batteries." Li Ping, Chairman of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (CATL), introduced the current top Model— S used 7104 Panasonic ternary lithium batteries, and made great efforts in battery safety protection, including setting sensors, being controlled by battery control system, and using a large number of high-strength aluminum alloys and other materials for collision protection. With these safety designs, the probability of safety accidents still reaches one in ten thousand.

  Wang Qinghua, a researcher-level senior engineer at the 18th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group, also pointed out that the products in the electric vehicle battery market are mixed, and the batteries produced by some manufacturers have poor consistency, and the effectiveness of the management system is not very effective. The problem of a single battery will have a certain impact on the overall life of the battery pack. In this regard, Wang Qinghua suggested that the government should improve the corresponding test and verification standards and strengthen the management, supervision and testing of the electric vehicle market.

  Is the pollution of waste lithium batteries uncontrollable?

  Response: Due to relatively small environmental risks, lithium batteries have not been included in hazardous waste management, but the recycling system should be laid out as soon as possible.

  Is there a compulsory recycling policy for lithium batteries at present? Is it true that waste lithium batteries will cause great environmental pressure, as stated in the online article? Wang Fang said that at this stage, waste batteries that are included in hazardous waste management by environmental protection departments include waste cadmium-nickel batteries and waste lead-acid batteries. Disposable batteries, lithium-ion batteries, nickel-hydrogen batteries, etc. are not included in hazardous waste management because of their relatively small environmental risks.

  However, when waste lithium-ion batteries enter the environment, the electrode materials and electrolyte react with other substances in the environment, such as hydrolysis and oxidation, which may cause heavy metal ion pollution such as nickel, cobalt and manganese, fluorine pollution and some organic pollution. So, can these pollutions be controlled?

  Wang Fang said that for the treatment of lithium-ion batteries, the "Recycling Policy for Power Batteries of Electric Vehicles (2015 Edition)" drafted by the Environmental Protection Department of the National Development and Reform Commission stipulates that wet smelting technology is encouraged to treat waste lithium-ion batteries, and the comprehensive recovery rate of nickel, cobalt and manganese should be no less than 98%. "For the processing technology of lithium-ion batteries, China has always had research teams from universities and conducted cooperation and exchanges with the United States." Wang Fang said.

  On January 8th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Interim Measures for the Administration of Industry Standard Announcement on the Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Power Batteries of New Energy Vehicles (Draft for Comment), which intends to implement dynamic management of enterprises for the comprehensive utilization of waste power batteries of new energy vehicles, and entrust relevant professional organizations to assist in the relevant work of announcement management.

  Hu Shuqing, chief expert and researcher-level senior engineer of China Electronics Science and Technology Corporation, said that for lithium-ion batteries with Ferrous lithium phosphate, lithium manganate and ternary materials with low cobalt content as positive active materials, due to the low commercial value of recycling, enterprises are not interested. The recycling of these used batteries must be issued by the state policy, in order to successfully realize the closed loop of the industry. At present, China has issued some policies and standards, such as the classification of used batteries, storage and transportation norms, and technical policies for pollution prevention and control of solid waste and hazardous waste, but they are not sufficient.

  "The work of recycling lithium-ion batteries should be laid out as soon as possible." Wang Binggang, head of the National 863 Energy-saving and New Energy Vehicle Project Supervision and Consulting Expert Group, said that to establish a power battery recycling system, it is necessary to improve battery standardization, establish a code traceability system, implement strict reward and punishment measures, and conduct qualification management for recycling enterprises.

  (Reporter Wang Zheng Zhu Hong)

The opening of "online celebrity College" in a university in Chongqing has attracted 19 students.

  Live broadcast skills, how to record small videos are popular, and these entertainment projects in life have now entered a college classroom. Recently, the opening of "online celebrity College" in Chongqing Institute of Engineering has attracted attention. On September 20th, Chongqing Institute of Technology responded to the Beijing Youth Daily reporter that "online celebrity College" is neither an independent college nor a specific major, but a training project of "school-enterprise co-construction" between schools and enterprises. At present, 19 students have participated, and the enterprises provide training teachers and practical opportunities, while the schools provide venues and equipment. Students participate voluntarily to solve the employment problems of some students. The cooperative enterprise of "online celebrity College" said that it would train students in live broadcast skills such as "asking for gifts", and then sign a contract with them to become full-time anchors of the enterprise.

  In this regard, education experts believe that the establishment of "online celebrity College" in colleges and universities is not serious and rational enough. Experts pointed out that "online celebrity" can’t be called a profession at present. As a new phenomenon, it has no relevant subject connotation and can’t be the foundation of a college or major. He also reminded students that they should maintain the basic ability of value judgment in dealing with "online celebrity College" and not fall into the misunderstanding that "work is a simple matter".


  A university in Chongqing set up "online celebrity College" to select students.

  Recently, some netizens posted that "Xingyun online celebrity (Industry) College" (referred to as "online celebrity College") has been newly established in Chongqing Institute of Engineering, and the work of "selecting students" has been carried out. The reporter of Beiqing Daily noticed that there were a large number of people at the selection site, and the words "First online celebrity Student Selection Meeting of Xingyun online celebrity (Industry) College" were written on the display board. The posting netizen also said that "online celebrity College" has already held a "class opening symposium".

  According to public information, Chongqing Institute of Technology is a full-time undergraduate college with 30 undergraduate (junior) majors and more than 13,500 full-time students. According to the information of official website, on July 4th this year, the school and a local cultural communication company held a signing ceremony of "Building Xingyun online celebrity (Industry) College". The relevant person in charge of the school introduced at the scene that the opening of "online celebrity College" was "a beneficial attempt with pioneering strategic significance for the industry based on online celebrity’s economy", and expressed the hope that through cooperation, the problem of "a large number of high-quality and high-quality professionals are lacking at this stage" in online celebrity industry could be solved.

  After the incident was exposed, many netizens paid attention. Some netizens questioned whether "online celebrity College" is an independent college of the school or a major under it. Some netizens are curious: What courses are taught by online celebrity College and who will teach them? Some netizens are worried that the establishment of "online celebrity College" will bring excessive praise to the industries such as "online celebrity" and "anchor" among students.


  At present, it is an orientation class with 19 students.

  On September 20th, the reporter of Beiqing Daily called Chongqing Institute of Technology to inquire about this matter, and the school said that the management school of the school was responsible for the "online celebrity College". Subsequently, Mr. Zhang from the School of Management of the school told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that "online celebrity College" is neither an independent college nor a specific major of the school, but a cooperative project of "school-enterprise co-construction" between the school and the enterprise. "It should be regarded as a directional (training) class in the direction of online celebrity. The enterprise provides training teachers and practical opportunities, the school provides venues and equipment, and students participate voluntarily." He also introduced that "online celebrity College" started classes on September 19th and officially started classes on September 20th, with a training period of three months.

  Teacher Zhang told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that the selection of students is mainly aimed at undergraduate students in the graduating class of e-commerce and marketing in the School of Management. "Now the webcast is also quite popular. Participating in training will also help our students in the School of Management." Teacher Zhang said, "After students voluntarily sign up, the enterprise will also interview the students who have signed up, mainly considering the students’ body, language expression, face value and other characteristics. At present, there are already 19 students in this orientation class. "

  Teacher Zhang also said that "online celebrity College" is only an attempt at present. "If the operation effect is good, the school may declare such a major in the future, but it will not be called ‘ Online celebrity major ’ Because there is no such professional name in the professional catalogue of the education department, it may be called ‘ Network anchor ’ Or ‘ Webcast ’ Professional. " He added that at present, after the training of these 19 students, the school will not issue separate certificates, "which major was originally a student of the college, and which major was taken."

  Asked about the expected goal of the orientation training course, Teacher Zhang said that on the one hand, it is to solve the problem of job hunting for some students. "Considering their own interests, there are also related practicality. For example, the current e-commerce industry will also do live webcasting promotions, etc."; On the other hand, the school arranged for teachers to participate in lectures and study all the time, "to prepare for online celebrity’s economic research and possible application for related majors in the future".


  To learn "live skills", "psychology" and other courses.

  On the evening of September 20th, the reporter of Beiqing Daily contacted one of the first 19 students who participated in the training of online celebrity College — — Li Shan (a pseudonym). Li Shan told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that she was a graduating class student and signed up for the training under the recommendation of her teacher. "Most of the 19 students who participated in the training were girls.".

  Li Shan told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that at present, the "online celebrity College" training class of the school has set up related courses such as "Personality Shaping", "Live Broadcasting Skills", "Image Design", "Performance", "Psychology" and "Video Recording" this week, and these contents are all taught by personnel arranged by enterprises.

  Li Shan introduced that on the afternoon of 20th, "online celebrity College" officially started classes. The first class was "Personality Shaping", and everyone had 3-5 minutes to show on stage. Teachers would comment on students’ overall style and personal orientation according to their live shows. I was asked by my teacher to give an open performance. After the performance, two teachers commented on my performance one after another. She also told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that in addition to the "Personality Shaping" class, there were teachers at the scene to guide students how to shoot small videos. "The teacher will let us shoot ‘ Tik Tok ’ The video came to the top, I took it all afternoon, and now I am too tired to walk a step. "

  Li Shan said that the 19 students who participated in the training of "online celebrity College" are now paid by the school. "The teachers said that after graduation, the school would arrange for us to sign a contract with the company to do online celebrity, and I feel quite good. It will be very good for me and will be famous."


  Cultivate full-time anchor professors to "live broadcast gifts"

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily noticed that the enterprise that cooperated with Chongqing Institute of Technology to set up "online celebrity College" training was Chongqing Miyin Culture Communication Co., Ltd.. According to industrial and commercial information, the company was established in January this year, and its business scope is: organizing cultural and artistic exchange activities; Undertaking exhibition services; Cultural and artistic performance planning.

  On September 20th, the reporter of Beiqing Daily consulted the enterprise as a student about the establishment of "online celebrity College" in cooperation with the school. According to a person in charge, at present, the orientation classes offered in cooperation with the school mainly cultivate online celebrity in three directions: live broadcast, e-commerce and short video. "In addition to absorbing students from directional schools, social workers can also apply for training courses with the same teaching content, charging 3,980 yuan for three months".

  According to the person in charge, the current training for students is also three months. "The first month is mainly theoretical knowledge training, followed by ‘ Online celebrity ’ ‘ in related industries; Actual combat ’ Let the students learn to operate from the beginning. As far as students are concerned, they mainly cultivate talents and sell products eloquently. In addition to their own live broadcast profits, there are all-round types of anchors with extra business. "

  Subsequently, the person in charge sent a more detailed teaching schedule to the reporter of Beiqing Daily. Apart from the contents mentioned by Li Shan, there are also courses such as "appreciation of live broadcast" and "self-reflection after live broadcast". In this regard, the person in charge said that the designated assignment of "self-reflection after live broadcast" is to require students to show themselves by making personal short videos, so as to increase the spread and exposure of short videos. In addition to the training, we also set up an assessment link for students. "If students fail the assessment, it will affect our subsequent training of students."

  In addition, the person in charge stressed that during the training process, online celebrities will be invited to teach students some practical experience, "for example, they will teach students the skills of asking for gifts in live broadcast, and how to create live broadcast topics and master the psychology of fans". He also revealed that after the training, students can sign a contract with the company and become a full-time online celebrity anchor. "This training project can be said to be a online celebrity incubation base built by the company, and it has cooperated with several live broadcast platforms such as Betta, Zanthoxylum bungeanum, Dragon Ball and YY".


  "online celebrity" can’t form a discipline.

  Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at China Institute of Science Education, told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that it was not serious enough and rational enough for colleges and universities to offer the training course of "online celebrity College". "This is a manifestation of following the trend, its principle and creation ‘ Star major ’ Similarly, there is not much autonomy in essence, and it is a passive state. "

  Chu Zhaohui said, "The establishment of any college or major in colleges and universities needs to be based on the professional teaching content and standards, and the establishment of majors must follow the standardized procedures and evaluation process. But, at least for now, ‘ Online celebrity ’ It is just an emerging social popular phenomenon. It has no relevant subject connotation and has not been precipitated for a long time, so it cannot become the foundation of a college or major. "

  Chu Zhaohui pointed out that it will take time to test whether "online celebrity" can become a career, because a job that can be called "career" should meet the conditions of stable work content and scope. "It is recommended to first ‘ Online celebrity University ’ Observe for a period of time and then look at the development. " He also said that for "online celebrity College", most students should maintain basic value judgment ability. "Students should understand that even if they enter ‘ Online celebrity University ’ , it may not become ‘ Online celebrity ’ ; You can’t think that you have participated in ‘ Online celebrity University ’ As an anchor, I have a misunderstanding about employment and think that work is a simple and easy thing. "

  Text/Zhang Ya Zhang Xi Liu Sijia