Exercise is medicine, and running scientifically won’t hurt your knees.

     During the National Day, there was a news in the sports circle that attracted the attention of all parties, that is, Academician Li Jian ‘an, a well-known expert in rehabilitation medicine in China, an international academician of the National Medical College of the United States and director of the Rehabilitation Medicine Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, successfully completed seven challenges in seven days during the National Day.

  The 69-year-old academician proved people’s adaptability and endurance potential with practical actions. Netizens have also commented on this, praising Academician Li Jian ‘an’s amazing physical quality and extraordinary perseverance. At the same time, there are also some doubts: Is such a huge amount of exercise really harmless to the body?

  Recently, at the 6th China Changzhou International Sports Rehabilitation Conference, Academician Li Jian ‘an made a main report, in which he also mentioned his personal marathon experience and understanding of marathon.

  Behind the "7 days and 7 horses", you should also know these things.

  A pair of running shoes

  Let him experience the benefits of sports.

  The benefits of exercise to organs, bones, brain and other tissues and organs must be well known, and before 2015, Academician Li’s cognition of the benefits of exercise was mainly at the theoretical level.

  Academician Li’s running career began on January 6, 2016, because from 2013 to 2015, his physical condition went from bad to worse, he often caught a cold, and it was a serious viral infection, and his immunity decreased significantly. At this time, a friend who often runs gave him a pair of running shoes, so he naturally started running.

  On September 22, 2016, in the morning run, he accidentally fell and landed on the outside of his right foot. After examination, the fracture of the base of the fifth metatarsal was found.

  Fully aware of his physical condition and solid medical knowledge, Academician Li has a bold idea: promoting rehabilitation through exercise.

  So, he began the self-experiment of active rehabilitation:

  Twelve days after the fracture, he climbed the Purple Mountain.

  Eighteen days after his fracture, he limped for 10 kilometers in Xuzhou.

  On the 70th day after the fracture, he took part in the Nanjing Half Marathon.

  On December 11th, 2016, the 80th day after the fracture, he completed the first "all-horse race" in Guangzhou Marathon in 5 hours and 54 minutes. At this point, his right foot has basically recovered.

  Just after the horse race in 2016, Academician Li lost 14 kilograms, and also lost some health problems related to weight, such as hyperlipidemia, osteoporosis and fatty liver. His current bone density is equivalent to that in his 40 s. Especially since the day of running, I have never caught a cold and never got sick. Taking part in sports personally made him feel the benefits of sports.

  "Exercise is medicine"

  There are many benefits to health.

  Because of the multiple benefits of exercise to health, we often say that "exercise is a good medicine". But at the meeting, Academician Li said that he called it "exercise is medicine" because all medicines have side effects, and exercise is no exception. If you don’t have a comprehensive understanding of your physical condition and lack a scientific and reasonable exercise program, you are likely to get hurt in sports.

  For example, sudden high-intensity exercise in a short period of time will reduce our own immunity, especially high-intensity exercise for more than 90 minutes, which is also known as the "window-opening theory" of decreased immunity after exercise.

  Generally, 2-3 hours after high-intensity and long-term exercise, the innate immune system of the body begins to enter a busy working state, which will lead to the decline of the immune system’s resistance to external antigens.

  Therefore, it is easier to be attacked by viruses, bacteria and fungi at this time, and this process may last until 24 hours after exercise. Therefore, we should pay attention to controlling the intensity of exercise, step by step, and pay attention to the recovery after exercise.

  Many people will say that running hurts their knees when they mention running.

  Academician Li said: You think too much! Reasonable exercise will not only wear joints, but also make joints stronger and more durable, and reduce the incidence of arthritis. Only 3.5% of fitness runners suffer from hip and knee arthritis, while those who are sedentary have an arthritis rate of 10.5%. It is not running that hurts the knee, but running incorrectly will hurt the knee.

  Academician Li has hardly caused any pain in the competition in recent years, and his physical function has not decreased due to excessive exercise, which shows that the amount of exercise is within the controllable range.

  Academician Li also hopes that more people can understand the mechanism of human movement, master scientific sports knowledge, find a suitable exercise program, truly turn "sports are medicine" into "sports are good doctors" and enjoy the health and fun that sports bring us.

  "7 days and 7 horses"

  Three key words for finishing the game

  Throughout Academician Li Jian ‘an’s experience in horse racing since 2016, he completed one full horse and two half horses in 2016, two full horses and eight half horses in 2017, 13 full horses and nine half horses in 2018, 14 full horses and four half horses in 2019, and 10 full horses and seven half horses in seven days in 2020.

  These horse racing experiences also reflect the key points mentioned by Academician Li at the meeting: individualization, step by step, perseverance, and upholding these three key words to create a personal health curve in a wise way.

  The first thing is to make a suitable exercise program, because everyone’s exercise ability and exercise experience are different. At the same time, pay attention to the recovery after exercise, such as stretching, massage, hydrotherapy and other ways to relax and recover after running, and cooperate with nutritional supplements. Carbohydrate, protein and branched-chain amino acids are all nutritional elements that need to be supplemented after long-distance running.

  Rome was not built in a day. From Academician Li’s horse racing experience, we can also see the gradual progress of his exercise and his perseverance in the past five years. Most runners are amateurs, without systematic training, and often the amount of training can’t keep up with the intensity of the competition.

  Although academician Li’s record of 7 days and 7 horses is really enviable, we can’t easily follow suit. In addition to comprehensive and systematic training, we need to have a precise grasp of our own recovery and pace design. I believe that Academician Li has also made a perfect plan for his pace during the seven-day challenge.

  Academician Li Jian ‘an hopes to share the knowledge of rehabilitation medicine and sports experience accumulated in the marathon with more people, so that more runners and ordinary people can run scientifically and enjoy the health and happiness brought by sports.

  His plan is: "When I first started running, I felt satisfied with running a marathon in my life. Now it seems that there is no pressure to run 100 marathons. My goal now is to run a hearty one when I am 100 years old!"

  Beginners of running had better start from walking.

  For beginners who have just started to participate in running, it is forbidden to run at high intensity at the beginning. The training plan is best to start from walking, gradually transition to the combination of walking and running, and finally transition to running. When a junior runner prepares for running training, he must first master the following skills:

  Step 1 walk briskly

  Walking briskly is an entry-level sport for running, which can also be understood as walking fast. When walking briskly, you should hold your head up, chest up and abdomen in, and speed up the pace, instead of increasing the stride. Your arms bend at 90 degrees and swing naturally with your body.

  Step 2: Timing

  When running, we should grasp each training time by ourselves. For example, a training plan is: ① walk for 5 minutes to warm up; ② run for 2 minutes+walk for 2 minutes; cycle for 25 minutes; ③ walk for the last 5 minutes to relax. If there is a timer with reminding function during training, set the time in advance, and we can be reminded to switch training modes when it is time.

  3. Heart rate monitoring

  Some runners may see the training effect by weighing themselves. In fact, the heart rate during running is an important indicator to measure the intensity of exercise. Therefore, we should pay attention to our own heart rate changes during running, and it is best to control the novice’s rate in the running center at 50%-80% of the reserve heart rate.

  4. Cross-training

  At the beginning of running, it is best to add some other exercise methods, such as cycling and swimming, so that on the one hand, it can alleviate the impact of simple running on the legs, on the other hand, it can also enhance the strength of the legs.

  Academician Li also gave four suggestions to the racers:

  Do what you can, don’t exceed your ability.

  2. Do a good job of warm-up, especially after the finish line, which is prone to problems. Walk for at least 5-10 minutes after the race, and don’t stop.

  3. Adhere to the principle of gradual progress and perseverance, strengthen daily exercise, and don’t rush to participate in the competition.

  4. Make sure you feel good about yourself. If you feel flustered, chest tightness, headache, shortness of breath and poor walking stability, you should slow down or even stop the game immediately.

  Comprehensive report by China News Service and CCTV in Yangzi Evening News

The song and dance film "Wings of Singing" shows the beautiful scenery in Xinjiang.

1905 movie network news As a rare commercial blockbuster of youth song and dance in recent years, the Xinjiang local film "Wings of Singing", which has aroused widespread concern in the film industry and market, has been officially shown nationwide since March 28, and has been strongly supported by the national audience.

The local films in Xinjiang are thick and thin, and let the world see the real great beauty of Xinjiang.

The whole film "Wings of Singing" adopts the form of singing and dancing, and through the light and shadow writing of the songs and dances of various ethnic groups, it shows the splendid cultural traditions of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang and the happy and beautiful lives of all ethnic groups. Compared with the musical films in India and Hollywood, the creative team strives for a "new" word in this film, so that the audience can enjoy a fresh audio-visual feast of "song and dance, music and content".

Gao Huang Gang, the producer and general director of the film, introduced that Wings of Singing collected the largest investment scale, the largest human resources and the most advanced shooting equipment of Tianshan Film Studio in recent years, and traveled to seven prefectures, covering tens of thousands of kilometers in the starry night, and made extensive use of aerial photography to bring the beautiful scenery of "the bright moon lifts from the Mountain of Heaven and in an infinite haze of cloud and sea" in Li Bai’s poems to the screen.

As a musical, "Wings of Singing" uses a lot of song and dance elements, including eight circus songs, four groups of big songs and dances, and two musicals, showing the folk customs of as many as eight ethnic groups through giant screen images. Director Abdul Karim Abu Rizi said, "There are tens of thousands of people participating in this film and 17 big scenes have been filmed. The beautiful scenery of Xinjiang such as snow-capped mountains and ice peaks, hilly grasslands, Gobi deserts and plateau lakes will all be presented in the film. "


Xinjiang Song and Dance Film attracts worldwide attention, and stars gather to create a new benchmark for China Song and Dance Film.

Wings of Singing has attracted wide attention in the international film industry. At present, the film has been shortlisted for the Music, Film and Drama Festival in Kanda, Morocco, and has been nominated for Best Supporting Actress (Guldiyar Anayti), Best Original Music and Jury Award in Madrid International Film Festival. Shortlisted for the feature film unit of Buenos Aires International Film Festival; Shortlisted in the main competition unit of the European Geneva Film Festival.

Wings of Singing is organized and planned by the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, with strong support from the Culture and Tourism Department of the autonomous region. Gao Huang Gang is the general director, Abdul Klimu Abulizi is the director, Gaoshan Yan is the friendship director, Li Mushi and Gao Qi are the screenwriters, Dong Yingda composes the music, and Xia Wang, Zhang Yingbing, Corn Ti, Jiang Yihao (Ayiken) are the leading actors, and Liu Zhibing, Luo Gang, Nigmat and Si Qi are the leading actors.

"Wings of Singing" is being shown in the national cinema. The audience can enjoy the beautiful scenery, colorful folk customs and songs and dances of many ethnic groups in Xinjiang through the big screen, and feel the times style of unity, forge ahead and self-improvement of people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

When investigating the development of technology and finance, Wang Qingxian emphasized the creation of a development ecology in which financial and technological enterprises are integrated and symbiot

  Anhui Daily News (Reporter Wu Liangliang) leads the construction of modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation, and pushes the development of technology and finance to an important position. On the afternoon of January 9th, Wang Qingxian, Governor of Anhui Province, conducted a survey in Hefei to gain an in-depth understanding of the development of technology and finance, Anhui Province, and to study and promote the next work. He emphasized that the development of technology and finance is a powerful kinetic energy to promote the development of science and technology enterprises and a major task to optimize the financial supply structure. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of Anhui Science and Technology, take the implementation of the "common growth plan" for financial support for science and technology enterprises as the starting point, and build "science and technology — Industry — The first-class ecology of the virtuous circle of finance. Zhang Hongwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Vice Governor, participated in the survey.

  Wang Qingxian came to Huishang Bank, Hefei Xingtai Group, Provincial Credit Information Company and Anhui Branch of the People’s Bank of China successively to learn more about the development of technology and finance. Huishang Bank uses Antelope platform to promote the incremental expansion of science and technology credit, Hefei Kechuang Financial Reform Experimental Zone builds a product matrix covering the whole life cycle of science and technology enterprises, and the provincial comprehensive financial service platform drives technology and finance with digital finance. A series of innovative measures have promoted the vigorous development of technology and finance in our province. By the end of the third quarter of 2023, the balance of science and technology loans in the province reached 564.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 61.2%. Wang Qingxian stressed that it is necessary to conscientiously sum up the effective practices and successful experiences in the development of technology and finance in our province, and study new situations and solve new problems in time.

  During the investigation, Wang Qingxian presided over a forum to listen to the work reports of Anhui Branch of the People’s Bank of China and Hefei City, as well as the opinions and suggestions of relevant financial institutions and technology enterprises, and put forward requirements for the next step. First, we should strengthen the systematic design of technology and finance’s development, better realize the synergy of financial policy, science and technology policy and industrial policy, and promote the effective docking of science and technology resources, industrial demand and financial factors. Second, we should optimize the supply of products in technology and finance, actively develop products such as start-up credit loans and growth relay loans, and provide diversified financial services for technology enterprises. Third, we should improve the intermediary service system in technology and finance, and vigorously introduce credit rating agencies, law firms, accounting firms, consulting services and other intermediary service institutions. Fourth, we should implement the "common growth plan" in depth, further open up channels for credit and equity cooperation, promote cooperation between banks, equity institutions and enterprises, and create new investment and financing scenarios. Fifth, we should give full play to the demonstration and leading role of Hefei Science and Technology Financial Reform Experimental Zone, and try first in product innovation, policy innovation and mechanism innovation to form more new models and experiences that can be popularized. Sixth, it is necessary to enhance the overall synergy of technology and finance’s development, deepen the cooperation mechanism between government and banks and enterprises, strengthen the coordinated linkage of finance, finance, science and technology, industry and other policies, and promote the continuous development of technology and finance in the province to achieve new results.

Yibin, Sichuan, exported the first single tea to Central Asia this year.

In the early morning of January 5th, in Gaoxian County, Yibin City, Sichuan Zaobaijian Tea Co., Ltd. was full of fragrant tea, and the workers were busy loading bags of exported tea into containers-this 46 tons of tea was the first single export of Yibin this year, and it will be sent to Uzbekistan through the Central Asian train.

Sichuan Zaobaijian Tea Industry Co., Ltd. is a national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization. It has three tea bases, covering nearly 100,000 mu of tea gardens around it. Through the industrialization mode of "company+base+farmers", it connects more than 23,000 farmers and produces more than 3,500 tons of dry tea annually. At the end of last year, Yibin Customs organized business backbones to go to Gaoxian County to carry out publicity on policies such as optimizing the port business environment, which effectively boosted Gaoxian Tea’s "going out". "This export to Central Asia, the next step, we have to plan for the Middle East, Africa, Europe and other markets, and really let Gaoxian good tea go abroad and the fragrance floats overseas." Zhang Dexun, the chairman of the company, is full of confidence in the future tea export trade.

Gaoxian County is one of the "Top 100 Tea Counties in China", with a tea planting area of 330,000 mu and 255 related business entities. In recent years, Gaoxian county has focused on improving the quality and efficiency of tea industry, and made continuous efforts from five aspects: planting, management, production, processing and marketing to further improve the output and quality of tea and enhance the competitiveness of tea export. At the same time, the "Fifteen Policies for Gaoxian County to Support the High-quality Development of Tea Industry" was issued, actively supporting and cultivating the development of tea enterprises, constantly enhancing the popularity and brand influence of tea in Gaoxian County, and realizing "one leaf is rich". In 2023, the county produced a total of 31,000 tons of dry tea, achieving a comprehensive output value of 7.5 billion yuan. (Luo Jingping, Hou Xiaomei, Wang Peizhe)

New Year’s Words Customs Talk about the traditional culture on New Year’s Day.


  Lead:New Year’s Day refers to the first day of the year (that is, January 1st). Since the western calendar was introduced into China, the word New Year’s Day has been dedicated to the New Year, and the traditional old calendar year is called the Spring Festival. Before that, New Year’s Day always refers to the first day of the lunar new year. Yuan means "early" and "beginning", but refers to "day". New Year’s Day is collectively called "initial day", which is the first day of the year.

New year’s day food articles! Traditional snacks in old Beijing

  The year of yearning has entered the countdown. There are many nationalities in our country, and customs vary from place to place. According to local customs, people’s eating customs are also very different. What are the characteristics of traditional snacks in old Beijing? Come and have a look!

Doo sauce


  Doo sauce is a traditional dish in old Beijing. In fact, it is an upgraded version of jelly. In the past, it was a must-have authentic dessert for every household. After having a refrigerator, you can also eat colorful little jelly with wine and beauty to cool off the heat in hot summer.

deep-fried meatballs

deep-fried meatballs

  Maruko symbolizes family reunion. In the past, during the holidays, families always visited or received guests, and the meal time was not fixed, and there was not much time for cooking. Prepare meatballs in advance and serve them.

melon-shaped maltose

melon-shaped maltose

  It is made of colloidal maltose, which is slightly sour in sweetness. It is an excellent food in an era when life is not very rich. Put it outside the house in winter, because the weather is cold, the candied melon solidifies firmly and there are some tiny bubbles inside, which tastes crisp, sweet and crisp and has a special flavor.

Braised tofu

Braised tofu

  Braised tofu is a famous halal snack in old Beijing. Tofu is tender and smooth, and the soup is delicious and deeply loved by the people. Since the spread of "tofu" to Beijing, there have been more and more ways to eat it, and the taste of the combination of North and South has been improved. After hundreds of years of evolution, Beijing has formed its own characteristics. Especially in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, after the opening of "Liubiju" in Beijing, condiments were more abundant, and the snack "Fried Tofu with Bitter" appeared again, which has been passed down to this day through continuous improvement.



  Saqima is a traditional cake in old Beijing, and its predecessor is a traditional cake of Manchu-Cuobao cake. Later, the cooked bean flour was replaced by white sugar, which became "sugar wrapped" and changed its name to Saqima.

Carp eating

Carp eating

  There is a custom of eating fish in old Beijing. Fish must be carp, originally in the name of offering sacrifices to gods, and later associated with the auspicious words of "auspicious celebration is more than enough". Fish is both a delicacy and a sacrifice.

Chinese dumpling

Chinese dumpling

  Manchu and Mongolian flag people in old Beijing called jiaozi "Cooking Beans". No matter whether it is a rich family or a poor family, jiaozi must eat.

pagoda-shaped cake

pagoda-shaped cake

  Honey offering, also known as "honey offering tip", is a kind of noodle food in a Buddhist temple dedicated to the Buddha, which looks like a small tower and is dedicated to the sacrifice of the tip below. It varies in size and height, regardless of the weight. The top of this honey supply tip looks like a small gold pyramid, and the top of the pyramid is inserted with a sign of blessing, longevity, happiness and wealth with flowers.

Mustard mound

Mustard mound

  Mustard mound is a traditional dish of Han nationality in old Beijing. There are many snacks and dishes lost in old Beijing, but the mustard mound is still preserved. First, this dish is so distinctive, and second, it is universal to use Chinese cabbage as raw material. Mustard pier is an authentic dish for ordinary people. When Chinese cabbage comes into the market in winter, many exquisite families in old Beijing have to make mustard pier.

New Year cake; rice cake

New Year cake; rice cake

  Eating rice cakes, "just take the year to win the year, so as to pray for the year." It means that everything goes well every year. In the book Dialect written by Yang Xiong in Han Dynasty, the title of "Gao" was already popular in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. Jia Sixie’s Qi Min Yao Shu recorded the production method. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, rice cakes have developed into a perennial snack on the market, and there are differences between the north and the south. The rice cakes in old Beijing are supplied in large quantities by Muslim Hui snack bars during festivals. They are sacrifices used by Manchu people to worship God. The Manchu name is Feishi Heiafeng.

New Year’s Day holiday articles! What are the ways to celebrate New Year’s Day?

  Since New Year’s Day was born in the Republic of China and evolved from the Spring Festival, when China just started to celebrate New Year’s Day, its customs and habits were of course mostly similar to the Spring Festival, or a scaled-down version of the Spring Festival.

The first way to celebrate New Year’s Day

  China and even the whole world know that many countries regard New Year’s Day as a legal holiday and have a holiday on New Year’s Day. After the founding of New China, it was also stipulated that New Year’s Day would be a legal holiday.

The second way to celebrate New Year’s Day

  At present, activities organized by groups are more common, such as watching New Year’s Day parties, having a reunion dinner with family and friends, or going on a trip to see the scenery outside. Anyway, there are not many traditions on New Year’s Day, so anyone can play it on this holiday.

Three ways to celebrate New Year’s Day

  If China’s traditional way of celebrating is still preserved, it is among the people, especially in rural areas. Every new year’s day, every household will set off firecrackers, kill chickens and geese, and after worshipping the gods of all parties, it will be a family reunion meal.

New year’s day poems! Lyric words, new year’s day poems, new year’s ideas

Jiawu New Year’s Day (Qing) Kong Shangren

Xiao Shu’s white hair is not full of ups and downs, and the old-age stove actually sleeps.

Cut the candle and dry night snack wine, and spend all your money to buy spring money.

Listen to the childlike innocence of burning firecrackers, and watch the change of peach characters.

Tian Jia New Year’s Day (Tang) Meng Haoran

Fighting back to the north last night, starting from the east today;

I am forty years old, and I am worried about farming, though I have no official position.

Mulberry field cultivates the father, and the lotus hoe follows the shepherd boy;

The farmers predicted this year’s harvest, saying that this year was a good year.

Ding Mao Yuan Ri (Qing Qian Qianyi)

A bottle of wine at the age of one worships the court, and a young child leads the clothes to comfort the screen.

I like eating meat when I serve my mother, and I like dreaming about fish more when I am in the year.

Hook curtain wants to connect the new nest swallow, polyester inkstone also sparse old books.

I went to the neighboring chicken and millet bureau, and I didn’t have anything to do with it.

My wife sat at night to watch the old age (Xu Junqian in the Southern and Northern Dynasties)

If you are not passionate enough, don’t stop drinking

Peach in wine, bayberry in brown.

The curtain opens and the wind enters the account, and the candle is burnt to ashes.

Don’t doubt that the sideburns are heavy, for Guang Xiao will destroy them.

New Year’s Work (Don Liu Changqing)

New year’s arrival homesick more, the independent horizon can not help tears flow.

To the old age is exiled to the people, the spring is hurried on ahead of me.

The apes and me in the mountains fainted, and the willows and willows in the river were divided into sorrow.

I have suffered like the imperial guardian, so when will the day be taken?

New year’s day blessing! Send you a greeting on New Year’s Day!

  The past is used for nostalgia, the years are used for nostalgia, the future is used for imagination, the present is grasped with heart, happiness is created with sweat, and New Year’s Day is used for celebration. May you open your heart and embrace happiness in the new year!

  Golden strings, with that distant and unchanging memory; The seeds of friendship are sown in the land of mutual understanding. With the coming of the Spring Festival, I send my sincere wishes, wishing you happiness and a happy New Year.

  What comes as scheduled is not only the end of winter, but also blessings and happiness; It is not only the annual rings that are increasing day by day, but also friendship and feelings; As always, I deeply wish you: Happy New Year’s Day!

  New year’s day blessing: pain is best for others, and happiness is your own; Trouble will be temporary, but friends are always eternal; Love is managed by heart, and there is no big deal in the world. Happy new year!

  Every flower blooms and every firework ignites; Every second flows, and every miss is transmitted. Every instant gaze represents every blessing I want to send you: Happy New Year’s Day!

  Christmas year after year, New Year’s Day round after round, smiling face after smile, sincere heart after heart with you year after year. All your friends bless you.

  The wind is pleasant, the clouds are brilliant, and the sun is full of spots; The road is open-minded, the road is flat, and the footprints are deep and shallow. Snowflakes are rustling, happiness is shallow and life is simple. I wish you a happy New Year!

  New Year’s Day is a new year, the journey of national rejuvenation is far away, the road of national rejuvenation is wide, the scenery of China is beautiful, and the Chinese children are laughing.

  Missing is an indelible wisp of smoke, fluttering and misty, covering you and me, while blessing is sweet and slightly drunk, permeating the heart and boundless. May the joy of the festival accompany you all your life.

  New Year’s Day blessing: The sparrow outside the window is talkative on the telephone pole. When you say this, it feels like summer. The pencil in my hand is going back and forth on the paper, just to write something for you. Unconsciously, my heart disappeared, but my heart appeared on the paper.

Strong chronological texture conveys life enlightenment (stand human language)

In recent years, a number of "time dramas" have been favored by the audience. How to tell a good life story unconventional has become a common topic for creators. The online drama "Like a Fire" has made a useful exploration with a clear and compact narrative, a personalized image and a positive energy story core. The work tells the story of five friends with different personalities, such as Xu Weibiao, Zhong Yunan and Zhang Peng, who followed the trend of the times, pursued their dreams and realized their self-worth in the 1980s. The work adopts a non-linear narrative structure, interweaves reality and memories, and enhances the sense of story age with lively hutongs, "28 big bars" bicycles and other elements. The audience seemed to walk into just visiting and empathize with the growing heroes. Chronicle drama should not only be nostalgic, but also pay attention to excavating the emotional strength and growth enlightenment of the past years. The story of "Time flies like a fire" conveys the feeling of life: youth never ends, keep a positive spirit of struggle, and stick to the good quality of courage and tenacity, and finally you can reap your own happy life.

Shao Shiyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, was elected as the best player in the FISU Football World Cup.

Shao Shiyu sent a message to celebrate Beijing Normal University’s championship. Shao Shiyu Weibo screenshot

The Beijing News On October 31, 2023, the women’s football team of Beijing Normal University scored 7-6 (penalty shootout 5-4) to win the FIFA World Cup.

Shao Shiyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, was elected as the best player in the competition. On November 1st, Shao Shiyu posted a message on social media to celebrate, "The champion belongs to us and may be late, but he will never be absent. I want both the champion and the MVP. " Shao Shiyu, born in 2000, is a midfielder and now plays for the women’s football team of Hangzhou Bank, a newly promoted female super player.

At the end of July this year, Shao Shiyu won the third place in the Women’s Football Association Cup with Zhejiang Women’s Football Team. Figure/Shao Shiyu Weibo

Editor Wang Chunqiu

The tenant was rejected in the hotel table tennis room. Employee: The boss prepared it for his son.

  The picture shows the table tennis room of the hotel.

  When I checked in at the hotel, the table tennis room in the hotel was told that it was forbidden to use. The reason was that "this is specially prepared by the boss for my son". This "wonderful" hotel experience was met by Mr. Liu, a citizen of Chengdu.

  Does the hotel have the right to prohibit customers from using public facilities? How reasonable is it to charge guests for using hotel activity facilities? The reporter recently conducted an investigation and visit.

  1 encounter

  Because "the boss prepared it for his son"

  Guests are denied the use of the table tennis room.

  More than a month ago, Mr. Liu, a citizen of Chengdu, and his son stayed at Meishan Renshou Jasman Jinjiang International Hotel. Mr. Liu told reporters that they had booked a big bed room and stayed in 500 yuan for one night. Mr. Liu’s son likes playing table tennis and takes a racket when he goes out.

  At about two o’clock in the afternoon, Mr. Liu first called the front desk to ask if there was a table tennis room. After getting a positive answer, he went to play ball with his son. "Transparent sliding glass door, one side of which reads ‘ Activity room ’ There are no other signs. " Mr. Liu said that the table tennis room is facing the hotel swimming pool, and there is a table and two chairs inside.

  "We went in for a few minutes, and a waiter came to ask where we were." After Mr. Liu took out his room card, the waiter told him that he could not play table tennis there. What Mr. Liu can’t accept is that the reason given by the waiter is: "This is specially prepared by the boss for his son."

  Mr. Liu, puzzled, offered to see the hotel manager. About 5 minutes later, a female staff member came to the ball room and still said that she could not play here. At the insistence of Mr. Liu, the staff member also proposed to pay. "The price is about 20 yuan per hour." Mr. Liu recalled that at that time, he proposed to pay the bill to the room. The staff member said that he would "ask the leader" and then left. Later, he did not mention the matter of collecting money.

  However, about 40 minutes later, another waiter came again and still said that he could not play here. Mr. Liu offered to leave after playing the last 21 balls. "That waiter has been watching at the door." This made Mr. Liu feel very unhappy. He said that the hotel did not come up with evidence from beginning to end to prove that it could not play ball. Besides, as a guest, isn’t it a normal right to use the sports facilities of the hotel?

  2 experience

  There is an extra charge for using the table tennis room.

  The specific price should be "asked by the leader"

  The reporter saw on Ctrip. com and other tourism platforms that Meishan Renshou Jasman Jinjiang International Hotel clearly marked "Table Tennis Room, Swimming Pool" in the "Leisure and Entertainment" column of facilities introduction.

  On the 11th, the reporter checked into the hotel as an ordinary citizen and asked the front desk whether the fitness center, table tennis room and indoor swimming pool could be used. The front desk staff said that "only the indoor swimming pool can be used free of charge and will be open to the public from 1 pm".

  In the afternoon, the reporter went to the table tennis activity room on the third floor of the hotel. A few minutes later, a waiter came over and told me that it was necessary to pay for playing there, but "the specific price needs to be asked by the leader". Ten minutes later, he replied that the price was 28 yuan per hour. When the reporter asked if there was a relevant price list, the waiter said "not for the time being", but he would provide a payment voucher. Half an hour later, the reporter paid 14 yuan to the staff member, and the consumption name on the payment voucher was: table tennis tickets.

  3 response

  Hotel general manager: The waiter was an intern that day.

  "The boss prepared it for his son" is a slip of the tongue.

  The reporter then interviewed Song Gang, the general manager of the hotel, about Mr. Liu’s experience. Song Gang said, "Our activity facilities and projects are all open to the outside world, except that they are temporarily closed due to security risks".

  After verifying the situation on that day, Song Gang replied to the reporter that the waiter Mr. Liu met that day was an "intern" who worked in a hotel during the summer vacation, and had left his job and returned to school. At present, he could not be contacted, so it was impossible to confirm whether this happened. He said that the statement that "the boss specially prepared it for his son" should be a slip of the tongue. The hotel has never had similar regulations, and it has never mentioned similar things when training interns.

  "If that’s the case, I’d like to apologize to consumers on behalf of the waiter that day." Song Gang said that all the projects in the hotel are open to the public, but some need to be paid and some are included in the room rate. For example, hotel guests can use the hotel’s indoor swimming pool for free, while if they want to use the gym and table tennis room, they need to pay extra. At the same time, these projects are also open to the public, and other people can also pay for them.

  At 5: 30 in the afternoon, when the reporter was ready to check out and leave, the waiter who charged the reporter for using the table tennis room found the reporter and said that he had received the wrong money today, and the hotel guests did not have to pay for using the table tennis room.

  4 statement

  Industry and commerce department: the hotel charges a reasonable fee, but it should fulfill its obligation to inform.

  Can "the boss specially prepares it for his son" be used as a reason to refuse guests? Is it reasonable for the hotel to charge the guests for using the hotel’s activity facilities? Should the hotel include the corresponding cost description when introducing leisure and entertainment projects on the Internet?

  The reporter can see that the hotel’s leisure and entertainment projects include chess room, massage health care, fitness center, table tennis room, indoor swimming pool and so on. But no matter online or in the hotel, the reporter didn’t see the information about whether to charge.

  "It is reasonable for the hotel to charge a certain fee, but it is necessary to clearly inform the guests." Ceng Yong, head of the Consumer Protection Unit of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce Quality Supervision of Renshou County, Meishan City, said that the hotel should clearly inform consumers in written or oral form whether the services provided are free and the cost. "This is to prevent consumers from using the items that the hotel needs to pay for without knowing it."

  Ceng Yong told reporters that if the guests were not explicitly told that a certain place could not be used, they should all be open to consumers, and they must not refuse the guests with the statement that "the boss specially prepared it for his son".


  No matter what the reason, it is dereliction of management not to inform the guests before they enter.

  Professor Yuan Lee from the School of Tourism, Sichuan University said that there are several basic concepts that need to be understood clearly: First, the hotel building space is not all open to guests, and there is a difference between the guest service functional area and the non-guest service area, which allows the hotel to refuse guests to use. Obviously, the table tennis room in this case does not belong to the non-guest service area. Secondly, the hotel can refuse to use the guest service area for some reasons, such as it has been booked and needs maintenance. The boss’s son can also book a table tennis room, but he needs to inform the guests in advance or close the table tennis room. In this case, the hotel didn’t lock the door and didn’t inform it in advance, which was a dereliction of management. It was very inappropriate to refuse the guests with various excuses afterwards. He believes that there should be a significant price list in the hotel charging area, not a verbal explanation. And in this case, the hotel staff are not clear about the charging standard and need to ask the leader temporarily, which shows that there are problems in the hotel’s rules and regulations and staff training.

  Chengdu Business Daily reporter Lin Cong’s photo report

The recovery has arrived, how will fashion reshape the art of travel?

The recovery of travel has brought new opportunities to many industries. From travel bags, outdoor clothing, to restaurants and hotels, holiday season can expand customer contact points and establish a broader brand communication channel. For fashion brands, it is important to connect users through travel again and seize this new growth point.

This was the case in the early holiday series-the designer launched capsule products and released them between major series to cater to specific users. With the increase of overall consumption power and the expansion of travel groups, these once relatively small product lines are not only more and more popular among consumers, but also bring huge commercial benefits to fashion brands.

Louis Vuitton launched a new travel advertising special "Endless mood"

In Louis Vuitton’s new travel advertising special "Endless Mood", the famous player Lionel Messi took Horizon luggage case as his only travel companion and presented the Horizon luggage case series designed by Marc Newson.

Since 2014, internationally renowned Australian designer Marc Newson has reshaped the art of travel for Louis Vuitton. Horizon luggage case series designed by Marc Newson was born in 2016, and now it has become a brand classic. The lightweight shell is made of molded mesh composite material, and the veneer is specially developed Monogram or Damier checkerboard canvas with cowhide trim, which pays tribute to the brand box-making tradition.

Cabinet of Curiosities

During Milan Design Week in 2023, Louis Vuitton will also launch the Cabinet of Museums created by Marc Newson, reinterpreting the classic Louis Vuitton hard box in an elegant style. Cabinet of Curiositie transforms Louis Vuitton travel hard cases into elegant display cases. As the first Louis Vuitton hard box that can be unfolded 180, when the Cabinet of Curiositie is opened, the compartments in the box can provide exhibition space for books, artworks and travel souvenirs. There are 3 sizes and 3 colors in the storage compartment, which can be randomly configured in the box, showing a high degree of personalization, showing the designer’s own love for exquisite style and functionality.

Lululemon’s Wunderlust backpack

The holiday is coming again. Set out and go to the long-awaited distance. The bag should not only hold your travel plan, whether it is in the suburbs or far away; It is best to accommodate various styles, such as Cotton Canvas handbags and Wunderlust backpacks from lululemon; KOLON SPORT’s various accessories backpacks are mostly designed with lightweight materials and tailoring, hoping to meet the needs of various scenes such as sports, outdoor, leisure or commuting.

KOLON SPORT kelong NOACH environmental protection series

Recently, KOLON SPORT Kelon released the NOACH environmental protection series. It is reported that the design of this series of patterns is inspired by the unique patterns of many animal and plant species, which permeates the value orientation of being close to nature in the design and echoes the overall natural environment. The charm of travel is not only to feel the pleasure of rivers and mountains, but also to arouse people’s cherish and protection of the beauty of nature.

BLUE SKY LAB’s "Retro-Futurism Retro Future" Concept Series

BLUE SKY LAB, a sustainable fashion brand of NIO Life, cooperated with Rolf Ekroth, a cutting-edge Finnish designer, and recently launched the concept series of "Retro-Futurism Retro Future". At the same time, BLUE SKY LAB cooperated with Intertek, an international authoritative testing organization, to measure and disclose the carbon footprint data of three star items. In this series, Airbag backpack focuses on lightness and tolerance. At the same time, official data show that compared with the production of traditional native nylon, it is reduced by 26.1%, and compared with the production of cowhide, it is reduced by 54.39%.

Hunter travel series

With innovative design, professional fabrics and technology, people can experience a lifestyle that is integrated with nature through clothing. Hunter launched a new travel series this season, featuring portability, lightness and low saturation. At the same time, the brand said that 86% of the products of the brand will use environmentally friendly materials with low impact on the environment, including FSC?-certified natural rubber, BLOOM algae foam and recyclable fabrics. In addition, the introduction of environmentally-friendly recyclable material uppers, linings and insoles also reduces the brand’s dependence on original materials.

The tourism industry is welcoming an unprecedented recovery. Many consumers will enhance their travel experience through clothing. Travel is related to seasons, fashion and mentality.

SW2023 Spring/Summer Series

SW kicked off spring and summer with colorful kink elements. This season, we will create a new PLAYA series to balance the sense of holiday laziness and urban modernity. Mr. Edmundo Castillo, global design director of SW, said: "I hope to arouse people’s yearning for European coastal travel through the Spring/Summer 2023 series-freedom, comfort and uniqueness. The brand-new elements create a modern and beautiful environment, which makes people become the focus of the protagonist and freely travel through the bustling days and nights of the city. "

Returning to tourism itself, with the domestic tourism market’s "steady development and continuous recovery", the demand for business travel has been released, and reducing costs and increasing efficiency, green and low carbon have become hot topics in the business travel market. Recently, InterContinental Hotels Group launched the 2023 Greater China Hotel Tour Exhibition and Owner Tasting Meeting, which was held successively in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing. Mr. Sun Jian politician, Chief Development Officer of IHG Greater China, said: "The upgrading of consumption, the evolution of hotel chain trend and many other industry trends have created a new ecology of hotel investment and brand development." In the future, InterContinental Hotels Group will build more personalized service experience for business travelers, such as updating the conference room information of Holiday Inn Express on the domestic head conference management platform to provide more flexible conference services for the business travel market.

Eleven new cars that can be bought in December

December has come, which means that the year is approaching, and the auto market will also usher in a wave of car buying climax. So let’s see, what new cars are worth buying in December?

Xingrui L (13.17 ~ 152.7 thousand)

Xingrui is more familiar than everyone else, and the performance of the whole product is still remarkable. It’s not that its brother Xingrui L is about to appear in front of everyone as a new energy source.

On the basis of car design, this car combines modern design and is more avant-garde. The hybrid energy type of oil and electricity can be oil and electricity, which not only saves fuel but also is quite full of power. The performance of power is not bad, the three-speed dual-motor drive, with an acceleration of about 7 seconds, is still quite powerful.

And the price is 131,700, which is good for daily use.

Song l (220000 ~ 280000)

BYD has made great achievements in the field of new energy, and the newly launched Song L attracts the attention of consumers with its excellent appearance and excellent product coefficient.

Compared with other models of BYD, this car has a stronger sense of high-class, a good sense of lines, and a good sense of low-lying, which leads to a sense of movement. This car has a maximum of 517 horsepower and 380Kw power, and the fastest acceleration is 4.3 seconds.

Of course, it has a good sportiness, and its household attributes have not fallen at the same time. The wheelbase of 2930mm makes the space more than enough for home use, and with a large area of soft packages, it is warm and comfortable, and the ride is quite good.

Chery icar03 (14.00 ~ 190,000 yuan)

From its appearance, this car knows that it focuses on a differentiated, square appearance, a horizontal and vertical shape with a good light off-road style, and a sharp cutting light group is like the finishing touch, and the sense of advanced is self-evident.

The large-screen crystal-cut knob suspended on the interior shifts gears, giving the interior a good luxury style. I believe this car will be well received in the young people’s market.

This car is equipped with a solar charging system in addition to the lithium iron phosphate battery in Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, and its endurance will be more eye-catching.

Red flag hs3 (1458 ~ 195800)

The success of Hongqi HS5 is obvious to all, and its brother, Hongqi HS3, a compact SUV, has also been listed soon this year.

Although the size of the car body is smaller than that of HS5, its wheelbase of 2770mm can still ensure that the interior space will have a good performance. At the same time, the design of interior contrast color is still slightly advanced.

The appearance also continues the domineering spirit of the Red Flag HS5. The atmospheric net, fancy wheels and penetrating taillights complement each other.

Recently, there are more than 10 thousand discounts on the terminal, and the price/performance ratio is good.

Elantra n (249.8 ~ 263.8 thousand)

If you want a car with strong sports attributes, then this car can be worth seeing.

The flat and low-lying body is full of impact. Many details of the blackening treatment make the fighting sense of the whole vehicle full. The interior is decorated with a large area of suede, and the red button of NGS can increase the horsepower by 10 horses. The classic racing-like handbrake mode makes the racing style come out when you get into the car.

2.0T engine, 276 horsepower, 392N.m peak torque, zero hundred acceleration for more than 5 seconds, it is somewhat reluctant to describe it with a small steel gun.

Mg Cyberster (319,800 ~ 359,800)

If there has always been a dream of super-running in my dream, then this sports car released by MG in November can be regarded as a sports car worth starting in the price range of 300,000.

The design of the whole car is still avant-garde and even has some bold, downward-pressed front, a strong sense of design hood rib line, a sense of strength and sportiness.

The interior is also very popular with young people. The three embracing screens have a sense of science and technology that is not outdated at all. The use of a large number of suede and the advanced interior color matching make the luxury wind drift freely. Of course, the most popular thing is his liftable roof, and the tonality is not lost to any other big name.

Of course, strong power is an essential part of this car. The maximum motor horsepower is 544, the power is 400Kw, and the acceleration is 3.2 seconds.

Era ES (24.80 ~ 358,000)

As Chery’s brand focusing on the mid-to-high-end market, Xingtu brand has been placed high hopes, which has not only made achievements in the domestic market, but also flourished abroad.

This car is expected to be launched in December. Although it is a medium-sized and large car, its overall line structure is quite good. The whole big slip back is even worse than A7. The lighting group that runs through the front and back creates a sense of high-level overall light language.

Of course, its endurance is its absolute advantage as a medium and large pure tram, with a maximum endurance of 905Km, and many extended-range models are equivalent to it. And it also supports high-voltage fast charging, which is quite convenient to use.

Tesla Model 3 (26.14 ~ 297,400)

Yet we called and urged a thousand times before she started toward us, the new Tesla Model 3 was officially launched in September this year.

Compared with the old model, there have been subtle changes in many places, but it is the accumulation of these subtle changes that make the whole new model different.

The sharpness of the flat front of the car has increased a lot, and it is a vigorous momentum. The drag coefficient is 0.22CD, which has a good improvement effect on its acceleration and endurance.

Especially the battery life, the rear drive version has been upgraded to 606km, and the four-wheel drive version has been upgraded to 713km. This data is still worthy of recognition.

In addition, in terms of interior decoration, the surrounding ambience lights, independent screens in the back row, and fur-turned material decoration have improved the overall ambience.

Feifan F7 (189,900 ~ 309,900)

The performance of Feifan F7 since its listing is still relatively ideal at least for the moment. As a new car just launched in March this year, it is still good to keep its monthly sales at around 2,000.

However, it is not difficult to find that in the field of medium and large cars, the price of Feifan is still very competitive, the entry price is around 190,000 yuan, but it brings you a wheelbase of 3000mm, a five-year warranty of 120,000 kilometers, 6.7 seconds of zero acceleration, 11 radars, intelligent assisted driving of RISING PILOT, 8155 Qualcomm Snapdragon chip, OTA upgrade and other advanced configurations, and the price-performance ratio is still very good.

It is worth mentioning that this car owner is still playing a comfort. The main and co-pilots can support multiple electric adjustments, and the second row can also support angle adjustment, which is very friendly to the passengers. The experience of 16 speakers and headrest audio is still difficult to see in other models.

Gaohe hiphi y (33.90 ~ 459,000)

I think everyone knows the style of Gaohe. The design is bold, avant-garde, and the mecha style is rich. The key point is that the price is not cheap.

HiPHi Y is a new product of Gaohe, and it is also the cheapest one among all its models, but it feels that its design can fit the aesthetics of the public. This car is relatively dignified, but the digital light group in front still shows its good sense of technology and advanced sense. That pair of small flying wings also shows the essence of high cooperation, and the sense of advanced must be grasped in place. The interior is still relatively young. The three big screens are the main characters of the whole, and they are equipped with NVIDIA Orion-X chips. The overall exquisiteness is also reflected in the subtle design, such as the multi-function steering wheel designed by game buttons, metal chrome-plated exquisite decoration and so on.

Hechuang V 09 (318,800 ~ 438,800)

Now the market of MPV is extremely hot, which I believe is obvious to all, and various car companies have invested in this field.

The MPV of Hechuang V09 is still worth seeing. It has a visual sense of Erffa in appearance, but it has many trendy elements and looks younger. The unique front face is unconventional, and the recognition is still outstanding in MPV.

The center console is surrounded in the interior, and three large screens are also the mainstream design now. Fortunately, the decoration of the wooden plaque gives the whole a good and elegant feeling. The wheelbase of 3170mm and the design of 7 seats are also the utilization rate of golden space.