In the first three quarters of this year, domestic tourism reached 3.67 billion person-times, and tourism revenue reached 3.7 trillion yuan.

China Youth Daily, Beijing, December 14th (reporter Xia Jin from Zhongqing Daily, "This year’s tourism market can be described as’ hot’. According to statistics, in the first three quarters of this year, domestic tourism reached 3.67 billion person-times, and tourism revenue reached 3.7 trillion yuan, up 75% and 114% respectively. Residents’ tourism demand has been released in a centralized way, and residents’ travel has increased substantially. While driving the expansion of related consumption, it also promoted economic recovery. "

Du Jiang, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism, said at the press conference held by the State Council Press Office today on "Accelerating the construction of a strong cultural country and promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism".

At the press conference. Zhongqing Daily Zhongqing Net reporter Xia Wei/photo

Du Jiang said that in order to optimize the policy environment and solve the difficulties of blocking points, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will make efforts from both ends of supply and demand to boost tourism investment confidence and consumer confidence; Promote the implementation of the three-year "domestic tourism promotion plan"; Enrich the supply of high-quality tourism products, improve tourism services, standardize the order of the tourism market, strengthen tourism security, and create a tourist destination with quality and temperature. Du Jiang revealed that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism is actively launching a three-year "Inbound Tourism Promotion Plan", which will provide more high-quality tourism products and more convenient services for inbound tourists.

Du Jiang said that in order to promote industrial integration and innovate product supply, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will further promote the deep integration of cultural tourism, enhance cultural taste, enrich spiritual connotation, cultivate new consumption formats and new models, promote the construction of "small and beautiful" performing arts new space, and innovate and upgrade music festivals, concerts and other products; Promote the healthy development of new formats such as script entertainment and tourism performing arts; Promote the integration and development of food, performances, sports, health care, Chinese medicine and other fields with tourism, so that people can feel culture, cultivate sentiment, experience life and enjoy health during their travels.

In addition, in order to build a good platform carrier and increase the intensity of benefiting the people, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will promote a series of brand building such as a new batch of national cultural and tourism consumption demonstration cities, national tourist resorts, 5A-level scenic spots, and national night culture and tourism consumption gathering areas; Guide local innovative consumption scenarios, cultivate new formats and consumption patterns, enrich measures to benefit the people, and implement the "100 cities and 100 districts" financial support culture and tourism consumption action plan; We will continue to run national cultural and tourism consumption promotion activities, strengthen publicity and marketing, stimulate residents’ cultural and tourism consumption will, and help market players to resume development.

Source: China Youth Daily client

Zhihu 34,000 likes: How terrible can it be to have culture?

Today is the first day for intensive reading to accompany you to grow up for life.2947sky


There is a topic of concern to more than 2.6 million people in Zhihu:How terrible can literacy be?

Answer @artemis ma told a story, which won 34,000 praises:

After retirement, an old professor and his wife signed up for a sunset tour group to travel, but they were dragged into a shopping store dedicated to the elderly by the tour guide, and there was a tendency not to buy or give it out.

The old professor had to wander around until he came to a camera counter.

At first glance, the little sister at the counter was another gullible old man, so she was ready to start fooling.

That would be around 2000, before the popularity of digital cameras, and it was still fresh for many young people, let alone for the elderly.

Little sister at the counter: "You haven’t seen a digital camera, have you?"

Professor: "Yes."

Little sister at the counter: "My photos are clearer than those you have seen ~"

Professor: "Is this cmos or ccd?"

Little sister said with a puzzled expression, "I don’t understand what C is. It’s right to shoot it more clearly than those. Don’t compare it blindly if you don’t buy it."

The old professor laughed and left.

In fact, the old professor didn’t mean to make things difficult. He just heard that the photo effect was very clear and wanted to know the details. I didn’t expect the unprofessional counter girl to ask questions.

For this little sister at the counter, a literate person is terrible.

However, a truly literate person is more than just knowing more knowledge.

Their vision, pattern and way of thinking all determine that they are destined to live a different life from others.

Some time ago, I saw a news that a small county in Hefei had cracked a health care product fraud case, and more than 10 thousand elderly people were deceived.

None of the more than 10,000 elderly people reported the case. Even when the police come to collect evidence, the old man is unwilling to admit that he has been cheated …

Why are some old people cheated without knowing it? In fact, it is a question of thinking mode.

They always feel that their children are busy with work, even people are not at home, and they are neglected to take care of themselves. It is not as good as these sales representatives who sell health care products, not only eager to chat, but also can be on call.

In their view, these kind sales representatives are the people who really care about themselves. They sell things to themselves and really want to be healthy.

But in fact, people with a little cost thinking can see through the scam at a glance.


How do educated people see through fraud through cost thinking?

First of all, they know that those sales representatives have to support their families themselves, and it is costly to spend so much time chatting with, helping and even taking care of the elderly every month.

Just look at how much it costs to find a nanny, and you will know how much money each of them must earn from the elderly every month.

Secondly, sales representatives can’t sell a copy by knocking on a door, so the cost of those failed sales promotion should be counted on these old people. They are kind to the elderly, in fact, they are staring at the little money in the old man’s pocket.

Finally, talk about the difference between taking medicine and taking health care products.

If you see a doctor in a hospital, not to mention that doctors are somewhat bound by medical ethics, they should seriously treat patients and save lives for their own promotion. Even the current medical troubles make them very careful when they see a doctor.

Because of the high cost of their mistakes, they are more trustworthy.

What’s wrong with eating health care products? Those sales representatives have no place to find them when they run away. In other words, the cost of their mistakes is very low.

With such a thought, we can know why many seemingly unreasonable things have happened.

I once saw someone ask on the Zhihu:At what moment did you suddenly find reading really useful?

The pigeon who asked for food said that once he went to eat, because it was early and he was the only customer, the boss casually asked, "Is Qin Shihuang the worst emperor?"

The answer to the Lord said very seriously: "Qin Shihuang has made outstanding achievements, implementing three public offices and nine ministries and managing state affairs." The enfeoffment system was abolished locally and replaced by the county system. At the same time, the books were written in the same language, and the cars were on the same track. unified measurement. Attacking Xiongnu in the north, conquering Baiyue in the south, building the Great Wall of Wan Li, building Lingqu, and communicating the water system.

It also pushed China into the era of great unification and created a new situation for the establishment of authoritarian centralization of authority. It has a far-reaching impact on China and the history of the world, laying the basic pattern of China’s political system for more than 2,000 years. He was praised by Li Zhi, a thinker of the Ming Dynasty as’ an emperor through the ages’ … "

The boss said "Oh".

After dinner, the boss resolutely refused to accept money and gave away half a catty of beef.

I think this must be only a small part of the benefits that the Lord has gained from reading. The real use of reading is obviously more than this little kindness.

In September this year, Hubei Daily official micro-announced that Jiang Kui, a 2019 doctor majoring in computer science and technology from the School of Computer Science of Wuhan University, was selected into Huawei’s "Genius Teenager" program with an annual salary of 2.01 million.

Jiang Kui, born in 1994, is still a teenager under 27 years old.

At the same time, he not only received an invitation from Huawei, but also the competition between Ali and Tencent.

In the end, he chose Huawei because he preferred Huawei’s corporate culture.

People who are capable get high returns from society and the market.


In recent years, many celebrity training courses have been opened in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, including gender relations, tea tasting, flower arrangement, etiquette, equestrian, wine tasting and so on.

These training courses are under the names of "First Lady" and "Queen of Gas Field", and they enroll students for the society.

Enrollment targets are mainly entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs’ wives.

Most of these wives have no worries about food and clothing and live a leisurely life. In order to look more elegant, they are willing to spend a lot of money. ?

The same training classes, and for children.

The training class abruptly created a "Celebrity Life Guide", claiming that it can make children "from women to goddesses, from ordinary to extraordinary."

Therefore, they teach their children how to dress, how to drink afternoon tea, how to socialize at dances, how to eat western food, etc., just to make these children behave like noble ladies as much as possible.

And the real noble lady, where is such a superficial packaging?

Their own elegance and connotation come from years of accumulation.

For example, Zhang Yuanhe, Zhang Yunhe, Zhang Zhaohe and Zhang Chonghe, the four sisters of the Zhang family in Hefei, studied China’s traditional poems and essays since childhood, and their father invited famous Kunqu teachers to teach them Kunqu opera.

Sometimes when the four sisters are happy, they will have a competition on the same stage. ?

It is said that there was always a euphemistic and beautiful Kunqu opera from the Zhang family at that time, with a lingering sound that was extremely beautiful.

A real celebrity is not amazing in appearance or noble in birth, but elegant and generous in both internal and external cultivation.

Only those with cultural background can be called celebrities, and those with empty skins can only be social flowers.

A literate person, even if he is ugly and humble, naturally exudes unique charm.

The culture I understand is not only a vast amount of knowledge, but a spiritual temperament composed of experience, vision, common sense and way of thinking.

Of course, in this process, the amount of knowledge is the foundation. At least you have to read some books and try to understand the knowledge in several fields.

As the saying goes:

When we were children, we ate a lot of food, but now we can’t remember what we ate.

But what is certain is that some of them have grown into our bones and flesh.

By the same token, a book that a person has read carefully has already melted into his soul and precipitated into wisdom and emotion. As long as it is touched, it will burst out.


2 pieces of advice to make you a literate person:

① Read more classics..

Classics are books that are still worth reading at present and in the future after being screened and eliminated by time.

Classic works generally have two characteristics:

First, it can stand the test of the strictest filter of time, which is the essence and core index..

A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn. Anything that has been experienced for a long time and its value has not been consumed has the conditions to become a classic.

Second, it has high originality, uniqueness, foundation and cognitive depth..

Therefore, even if the time and space change dramatically, we can revisit it again and again anyway, and each reading can inspire us. The text itself, explaining the point of view, the two interact endlessly, just like life is endless.

People have limited time in their lives and can’t read many books. The average person’s reading volume is in the order of thousands.

We can read for leisure, but we have to arrange enough time to read for improving our cognitive ability.

The reason is that with high-quality input, it is possible to have high-quality output and accelerate growth.

Therefore, classics must be included in your reading list.

② Be a lifelong learner..

I don’t know if you have this feeling. After a long period of training in society, you gradually realize the truth: the more you read when you are young, the more people you have experienced, and the wider your horizons and the bigger your pattern when you grow up.

He can think deeper about the same topic than you, and he can quickly find the key to the same problem. Wang Guowei called this realm of wisdom the third realm of university questioners.

To achieve such a state, we must devote ourselves to becoming a lifelong learner.

Learn a little every day and make a little progress every day. With the accumulation of time, you can gradually see your own changes and open the gap with others.

Review the most significant fashion trends in 2023.

Looking back on the fashion trend in 2023, winter has not been considered as the most fashionable season. In addition to the new year and holiday styles, we often fall into a fixed pattern of wearing the same clothes every day. However, some new trends appeared last winter, and they are still very popular today. For example, loose jeans (in fact, any loose clothes) have become very popular. They bring a new and tattered silhouette, which is different from the traditional straight tube or mom jeans. In addition, low-waisted jeans have become popular again, becoming the y2k fashion trend in 2023.

Mini UGG boots were a big trend last winter. Almost everyone is obsessed with mini UGG. Although they are warm and comfortable, they are not suitable for walking through snow and mud in Boston’s cold winter.

Finally, let’s talk about coats. In winter, many different styles of jackets become fashionable, and some jackets are back in fashion. For example, long dresses have always been popular. This year, we have seen a large number of long dresses, from wool to leather. A long dress can enhance the taste of any clothing, keep warm and win-win. On the other hand, we have seen the rise of short cotton-padded jackets. Although these are not the most practical purchases for the weather, they can give people a good outline and are very suitable for warmer winter days.

When winter is over and warm spring is coming, we hastily change our heavy winter clothes into light and breathable ones. Like other seasons, the wardrobe in spring has its signature items-long skirts, flowing shirts and light-colored jeans. But what is exciting is that we have seen the rise of grunge, Ballet Style and y2k Fashion, which have persisted throughout the year.

Under the influence of y2k fashion, overalls are back in fashion. Originally designed for military use, overalls are easy to identify because of their multiple pockets and loose tailoring. Work pants can be worn in a variety of ways, and can be matched with baby T-shirts, corsets, etc. It is an important item that is more substitutable than jeans or trousers in our wardrobe.

In another alternative aesthetic trend, doll style has become very popular. Doll style refers to anything feminine, pink and feminine. In the spring of 2023, we saw many trends, such as ruffles, light pink, lace tops, bows in hair and so on. Although this trend started in spring, it remained strong all year round.

Completely changing the direction, the denim trend on denim became popular in the spring of 2023. Mixing denim with different colors and patterns has become a high fashion. With the development of denim trend, there are new trends, such as denim long skirts, which bring a more exquisite appearance to our usual denim mini skirts.

Warm weather makes dressing easier. No longer obsessed with jackets and heavy clothes, the perfect summer dress usually consists of shorts, T-shirts or light summer dresses. However, if the goal is to improve the rotation this year, there are many different fashion trends that can add some new ideas to our daily wear.

In the summer of 2023, y2k fashion was in full swing. Baby T-shirts, lace vests and miniskirts in the early 2000s dominated the fashion style. With the rise of fashion in the 2000s, second-hand shopping and consignment shopping became popular-not only did the early 2000s clothes return, but also sustainable shopping became popular. In summer, we saw a lot of baby T-shirts, trimmed vests, low-waisted denim skirts/shorts, etc.

Crocheting is a big trend in summer, from crocheted vests to bikinis and even skirts, crocheting is popular in fashion. Once the temperature rises, crocheted items will always return. But don’t get me wrong, this is not another short-lived trend. Crocheted items are becoming a model of summer style, surpassing the status of "fashion" and becoming a must-have item in summer.

Sports and Health | Science Movement, Have you done it right?

Physical activity preparation questionnaire

Before you plan to exercise, please read carefully and answer the following six questions according to your actual situation for your safety.

whether or not

□□ Did the doctor tell you that you have a heart disease or can only participate in physical activities recommended by the doctor?

□□□ Have you ever felt chest pain or severe breathlessness when you are engaged in physical activities or sports?

□□ Since last month, have you ever felt chest pain or severe breathlessness when you have not participated in physical activity or exercise?

□□ In the past 6 months, have you ever fallen down or lost consciousness because of dizziness when you were engaged in physical activities or sports?

□□□ Do you have any bone or joint pain or dysfunction aggravated by physical activity or exercise?

□□ Did the doctor tell you that your blood pressure is over 180/110mmHg?

If you answer "Yes" to any of the above questions, please stop taking part in this fitness exercise and pay attention to: (1) consult a doctor before taking part in the fitness program and explain which question in the questionnaire is answered "Yes"; (2) Take part in fitness activities step by step, gradually adapt, the intensity of exercise should not be too large, and the time should not be too long; (3) You can restart the fitness mode that has been proved to be safe; (4) You can also participate in activities recommended by doctors or activities allowed by doctors; (5) timely use of necessary medication.

If you answer "No" to all the above questions, you can continue to exercise, but please pay attention to the following: (1) Take part in a large amount of exercise or exercise intensity gradually to avoid excessive fatigue; (2) Take part in further health evaluation, and work out the best fitness program accordingly.

Note:This questionnaire was established by the research group of Professor Wang Zhengzhen of Beijing Sport University with reference to relevant materials. It is suitable for people aged 15-69, and people over 69 should consult their doctors before doing fitness activities.

In recent years, with the in-depth implementation of national fitness, people’s participation has been continuously improved, and "more exercise and less illness" has increasingly become a social consensus.

What are the benefits of regular exercise to human health? What are the important principles of the scientific movement? How can we avoid sports risks? Our reporter interviewed Zhang Yimin, a professor at Beijing Sport University and director of the Key Laboratory of Sports and Physical Health, and asked him to answer questions.

Late-night exercise is extreme

Scientific movement is a good doctor. "Scientific exercise can not only effectively improve heart and lung function, promote human metabolism, strengthen muscle and ligament strength, but also make people happy physically and mentally, enhance their ability to resist stress and promote their physical and mental health." Zhang Yimin said that "integration of physical education and medicine" is an important way to implement the Healthy China Action, which plays a positive role in improving and promoting people’s health.

Is there a best time to exercise in a day? "In fact, when exercise has little effect on the fitness effect. From the factors that affect the fitness effect, the key is that the exercise load should match the individual’s physical health." Zhang Yimin introduced that the time period of people’s exercise is mainly influenced by the schedule. "Take me as an example, I am busy with teaching and preparing lessons during the day and have no time to exercise, so 18: 00-20: 00 after work will be the best time for me to exercise."

In recent years, some gyms in first-tier cities have launched 24-hour gyms to cater to the "special work and rest time" of office workers. According to the fitness statistics released by Leke in July last year, in Beijing, the proportion of fitness people from 22: 00 pm to 8: 00 am the next day is 12.8%. In the whole country, the proportion of members who exercise during this period is close to 10%.

Do sweaty exercise in the middle of the night when you should be sleeping. Is this exercise a plus or a minus for your health? "I think it is to reduce points. Late-night exercise is a bit extreme, which may disrupt the biological rhythm." Zhang Yimin reminded that it is more appropriate for office workers to squeeze out 30 minutes to 1 hour for exercise before dinner after work. If you occasionally work late in special circumstances, such as getting off work at 10 o’clock in the evening, and you really want to exercise, it is recommended to take a light activity for 30 minutes and sweat. "You know, rest is also an important way to eliminate fatigue, and exercise is systematic and long-term. If you don’t exercise one day, you can continue to exercise later. It is unnecessary and discouraged to exercise late at night."

Now it is the spring season, and many people who have been "cats" for a winter have begun to go outdoors and exercise their muscles. "In fact, any season is suitable for exercise, but beware of extreme weather." Zhang Yimin stressed that don’t exercise in cold, hot, high humidity, strong wind, pollution and radiation environment; The temperature difference between spring and autumn is large, and the temperature is low in the morning and evening. Pay attention to the influence of temperature and wind when exercising; Exercise in summer should guard against heatstroke; If there are special circumstances such as smog and sudden drop in temperature in winter, it is not recommended to do outdoor sports.

Don’t forget to stretch after exercise.

"Generally speaking, moving is definitely better than not moving." In Zhang Yimin’s view, scientific movement needs to follow the basic principles of safety, overall accuracy, step by step, perseverance and so on, and in terms of exercise mode, exercise intensity, exercise frequency, exercise duration and so on, it should be adapted to local conditions according to people and time.

Security principle. "It is very important to do warm-up activities before exercise and stretching exercises after exercise, but the latter is often ignored by many people." Zhang Yimin pointed out that during exercise, human muscles constantly contract and exert their strength, and their elasticity decreases. If they don’t stretch for a long time after exercise, these problems may be brought about: local inflammatory factors and metabolic wastes can’t be discharged, which leads to increased fatigue and slower recovery; The next training with fatigue will increase the risk of injury and induce sports injuries such as "running knee".

"If the muscles in the hind leg feel hard, and the knee joint is already tired or faintly uncomfortable, it may be caused by strain caused by not stretching after exercise." Zhang Yimin introduced that studies have confirmed that stretching after exercise helps to relax muscles and improve muscle elasticity, which is one of the "magic weapons" to reduce sports injuries. Stretching practice time should be at least 10 minutes, or about 1/3 of the duration of exercise.

Principle of comprehensiveness. Different types of exercise will bring different fitness effects, and the exercise methods are better, preferably including aerobic exercise, strength training and flexibility training. Aerobic exercise can make people’s heart and lung function better, and it also directly affects the activity ability of the whole body organs; Strength training helps to improve muscle strength and avoid problems in daily activities such as walking, running and jumping caused by insufficient strength; Flexibility training is stretching exercise, which can improve the stretching ability of muscles and effectively prevent sports injuries.

Principle of accuracy. As long as the fitness action standard and exercise load are reasonable, sports injuries can basically be avoided. The "fake" action of posing, not exerting force and nonstandard "wrong" action are the main causes of sports injury accidents. For example, "sit-ups with your head in your arms" is a typical non-standard movement, which may lead to sports injuries. If your hands are lightly placed behind your head or on your ears or chest, you should mainly use your abdomen to pull your trunk, instead of using your hands and head, which is not harmful, but also can exercise your core muscles well.

The principle of gradual progress. The frequency of exercise varies from person to person. Generally speaking, you should exercise at least three times a week, and it is best to gradually increase it to five times a week to ensure the fitness effect. No matter what your physical fitness level is, you should do what you can when exercising, and you can’t ignore the signals sent by your body. If you have dizziness, dizziness, chest pain, nausea, shortness of breath, palpitation, vomiting and other symptoms during exercise, you should stop exercising immediately and seek medical advice in time. If you have persistent and obvious fatigue after exercise, you should appropriately reduce the exercise time or times. When you feel in good physical condition, you can also exercise for a while.

The principle of perseverance. To achieve good fitness results, it is essential to participate in sports persistently. It is suggested that according to one’s physical health and sports ability, an achievable exercise goal should be established and a feasible exercise plan should be made. Work and rest should be combined in life to avoid giving up the exercise plan because of being too busy or too tired; We should understand sports from the height of "exercise is a part of life" and stick to it for a long time.

Avoiding sports risks in advance

Zhang Yimin pointed out that for most people, physical exercise is safe. However, special groups such as the elderly, children, pregnant women, menstruating women, those with heavy weight, and those who have been under exercise for a long time need to pay special attention to avoid risks before exercise.

People who don’t usually exercise regularly, especially the elderly, must start with low intensity (about 50% or slightly less of the maximum heart rate), short time (about 10 minutes) and long interval (exercise for 2-3 days a week), and then gradually improve the intensity after 3-6 months of adaptation; Children are highly excited during exercise, but they are easy to get tired. It is best not to let children do a single exercise for too long. For pregnant women and menstrual women, high-intensity exercise is not recommended, but moderate exercise within the body’s tolerance, such as walking; Heavy people are not suitable for running, in case they hurt their knees.

"Inappropriate physical exercise, such as exercise in bad environment, untimely exercise, exercise beyond physical endurance, exercise of people with congenital or acquired cardiovascular diseases, etc., may cause and aggravate pathological changes in the cardiovascular system, and cardiovascular accidents may occur. In severe cases, sudden death may occur." Zhang Yimin introduced that the main symptoms of cardiovascular accidents include chest tightness, chest pain, heartburn discomfort, syncope, abnormal dyspnea, etc. Common diseases include coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, myocarditis, congenital cardiovascular abnormalities, etc.

"Generally speaking, if there is no problem with cardiovascular health, the risk of cardiac arrest or myocardial infarction caused by moderate-intensity physical activity is low. Most of those who died suddenly during exercise have been diagnosed or have hidden cardiovascular diseases. " Zhang Yimin pointed out that although the incidence of vascular accidents in sports centers is not high, it is harmful. In order to avoid the occurrence of vascular accidents in sports centers, we should properly understand the relevant health knowledge, consciously make full preparations and pay attention to self-protection in cold or hot and humid environments before doing fitness exercises. Follow the basic principles of different people and step by step, adjust mental state and control exercise intensity, so as to achieve the best fitness effect.