C919 completed the first commercial flight expert: China’s aviation-related supporting industries will usher in new opportunities.

  Beijing, May 29 (Reporter Jing Wong) At 12: 31 on May 28, after a flight of 1 hour and 59 minutes, the flight MU9191 of China Eastern Airlines, which was carried by C919 passenger plane, landed smoothly at Beijing Capital International Airport, passing through the "Watergate" symbolizing the highest etiquette of civil aviation, marking the successful completion of its first commercial flight, officially entering the civil aviation market and opening a new stage of market-oriented operation and industrialization development.

  This first commercial flight is a milestone from "product" to "commodity" for C919. Guo Qing, an associate professor at the Aviation College of Northwestern Polytechnical University, said in an interview with a reporter from Yangguang. com that the realization of the first commercial flight of C919 boosted the confidence in the development of China’s civil aviation industry, and China’s aviation-related supporting industries will usher in new opportunities.

C919 completed the first commercial flight expert: China's aviation-related supporting industries will usher in new opportunities.

  C919 large passenger plane ushered in its first commercial flight at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport (photo by reporter Han Xiaoyu from Yangguang. com)

  China has officially entered the market competition of world large aircraft production.

  Large aircraft is known as "the jewel in the industrial crown", which is a concentrated expression of a country’s scientific and technological ability, industrial level and comprehensive strength. "The operation of domestic large aircraft means that China has officially entered the market competition of world large aircraft production, which has made China’s aviation industry move to a higher level." Guo Qing’s analysis also means that in the high-end manufacturing products, China manufacturing can also compete with the world’s large enterprises and stand out from the crowd, which means that the influence of China manufacturing is increasing, which will help to enhance China’s international status.

  According to "2022 Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Report" issued by Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, by the end of 2022, C919 had accumulated 32 customers and 1035 orders. On April 27th, 2023, HNA Aviation Group and China Commercial Aircraft Corporation signed a purchase agreement for 100 aircraft, including 60 C919 aircraft. Qi Qi, an expert from China Civil Aviation High-quality Development Research Center, told the reporter of Yangguang. com that airlines and leasing companies are extremely optimistic and confident about the commercial market prospects of C919 aircraft, and they are scrambling to sign purchase agreements and strive to get the delivered aircraft and put it into commercial operation earlier.

  According to Commercial Aeroengine Market Forecast 2021-2040 released by Comac of China, from 2021 to 2040, it is estimated that 41,429 new aircraft will be delivered worldwide, with a value of about 6.1 trillion US dollars. Among them, China aviation market is expected to receive 9,084 passenger planes of 50-seat class or above, accounting for 21.92% of the world, with a value of about 1.4 trillion US dollars, accounting for 22.95% of the world.

  Qi Qi said that with the commercialization of C919, the trillion-dollar large aircraft industry chain is gaining momentum. "The continuous increase in C919 orders is actually a test of China Commercial Aircraft’s delivery ability, and more specifically, China Commercial Aircraft’s ability to integrate and coordinate the core elements of the C919 industry chain." According to Qi Qi’s analysis, the benefit degree of large aircraft industry chain will be ultimately determined by the annual production capacity and delivery schedule of Comac China. On the basis of ensuring the safe operation and high reliability of aviation, it will be the focus of the next stage to steadily promote and upgrade the localization rate of large aircraft parts, especially core systems and components.

  Qi Qi believes that the improvement of the localization degree of C919 will fundamentally improve the delivery capacity, stable delivery level and autonomous controllability of Comac China.

  Orders in related industries such as aircraft supporting manufacturing may surge.

  After the successful development of C919 large passenger aircraft, customers pay much attention to it. According to reports, according to the international practice of the aviation industry, a model is mature and commercialized on a large scale, and it needs to be continuously optimized and upgraded for many years after entering the commercial operation stage. The reporter learned that in the future, China Eastern Airlines will cooperate with many parties to operate the C919 with high quality and precision, and help make the C919 a successful model recognized by the global industry. "Starting from May 29th, the C919 model will be put into normal operation on the route from Shanghai Hongqiao to Chengdu Tianfu, and with the introduction of this model, the C919 will be put on more routes." Feng Dehua, member of the party group and deputy general manager of China Eastern Airlines, said.

  Great Wall Securities Research Report believes that, as a representative of high-end manufacturing industry, large aircraft projects have the characteristics of long industrial chain, high correlation and great radiation-driven effect. The development and research of large aircraft projects can effectively promote industrial technology upgrading, promote the process of China’s civil aviation industrialization, and comprehensively promote the development of China’s aviation industrialization.

  Next, Guo Qing believes that the orders of industries such as metalworking, composite materials, electronic components and chips manufactured by aircraft will surge with the increase of orders of large aircraft. In addition, the education industry will also usher in a "new direction". Aerospace innovation education for young people, aviation majors in colleges and universities, and majors related to industrial chain will all usher in the peak of application, and more young people will devote themselves to China’s large aircraft industrial chain.

The four departments issued a new subsidy policy for new energy vehicles: 20% lower than the current standard.

  According to the website of the Ministry of Finance, with the approval of the State Council, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the Notice on Adjusting the Financial Subsidy Policy for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the Notice). According to the Notice, except for fuel cell vehicles, the central and local subsidy standards and ceilings for all types of vehicles in 2019-2020 will be reduced by 20% on the basis of the current standards. The policy will be implemented from January 1, 2017.

  The "Notice" pointed out that in terms of new energy buses, with the power battery as the core of subsidy and the production cost and technological progress level of the battery as the accounting basis, the entry threshold for subsidies such as energy consumption level, vehicle driving range, battery/vehicle weight ratio and battery performance level is set, and the vehicle subsidy standard is determined by comprehensively considering factors such as battery capacity, energy density level, charging rate and fuel saving rate. Further improve the subsidy standards for new energy trucks and special vehicles, and verify them according to the method of grading and regressing the battery power that provides driving power. At the same time, the upper limits of central and local subsidies are set respectively, in which the local financial subsidies (the sum of local financial subsidies at all levels) shall not exceed 50% of the central financial bicycle subsidies.

  In terms of batteries, the Notice stated that the new national standard for power batteries was introduced to improve the safety, cycle life, charge and discharge performance and other indicators of power batteries, and set the energy density threshold of power batteries. Improve the technical requirements of fuel cell vehicles.

  The following is the full text of the Notice:

  All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, the finance department (bureau), the competent department of industry and information technology, the science and technology department (bureau, science and technology commission), and the development and Reform Commission:

  In order to further promote the healthy development of the new energy automobile industry, continuously improve the industrial technology level, enhance the core competitiveness, and promote the application of new energy vehicles, with the approval of the State Council, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

  I. Adjust and improve the subsidy policy for popularization and application.

  (1) Raise the threshold of the recommended vehicle catalogue and adjust it dynamically. The first is to increase the energy consumption requirements of the whole vehicle. According to the different kerb quality of pure electric passenger cars, the power consumption requirements of 100 kilometers under corresponding working conditions are increased; According to the vehicle type, the pure electric special vehicle increases the requirements of energy consumption per unit load (Ekg) and power consumption per ton and 100 kilometers; Further improve the energy consumption per unit load (Ekg) requirements of pure electric buses. The second is to improve the threshold requirements for the driving range of the whole vehicle. Improve the driving range requirements of pure electric buses and fuel cell vehicles, and timely adjust the driving range test method of new energy buses from 40km/h constant speed method to working condition method; Gradually increase the driving range threshold of pure electric passenger cars. The third is to introduce a new national standard for power batteries, improve the safety, cycle life, charge and discharge performance and other index requirements of power batteries, and set the energy density threshold of power batteries. Improve the technical requirements of fuel cell vehicles. The fourth is to improve safety requirements. For vehicles with safety accidents caused by product quality, depending on the nature and severity of the accident, the subsidy funds will be deducted and the vehicle or enterprise subsidy qualification will be suspended. The fifth is to establish a market sampling mechanism, strengthen the management of vehicle inspection links, and timely clean up the Catalogue of Recommended Vehicles for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the Catalogue) for enterprises and products that fail to pass the sampling inspection. The sixth is to establish a dynamic management system for the Catalogue. Sales promotion of new energy automobile products can only apply for subsidies after they are included in the Catalogue. If there are still no models actually sold within one year, the qualification of Catalogue will be cancelled. Seventh, supervise and promote the application of new energy vehicles.When applying for subsidies for new energy vehicles purchased by non-individual users, the cumulative mileage must reach 30,000 kilometers (except for special vehicles for operation), and the subsidy standards and technical requirements shall be implemented according to the year when the vehicle obtains the driving license.

  (2) Under the premise of maintaining the overall stability of the subsidy policy from 2016 to 2020, adjust the subsidy standards for new energy vehicles. For new energy buses, the power battery is the core of subsidy, and the production cost and technical progress level of the battery are taken as the accounting basis. The subsidy entry threshold such as energy consumption level, vehicle driving range, battery/vehicle weight ratio and battery performance level is set, and the vehicle subsidy standard is determined by comprehensively considering factors such as battery capacity, energy density level, charging rate and fuel saving rate. Further improve the subsidy standards for new energy trucks and special vehicles, and verify them according to the method of grading and regressing the battery power that provides driving power. At the same time, the upper limits of central and local subsidies are set respectively, in which the local financial subsidies (the sum of local financial subsidies at all levels) shall not exceed 50% of the central financial bicycle subsidies (the detailed plan is attached). In addition to fuel cell vehicles, the central and local subsidy standards and ceilings for all types of vehicles in 2019-2020 will be reduced by 20% on the basis of the current standards. At the same time, relevant ministries and commissions will constantly adjust and improve according to factors such as technological progress, industrial development, and scale of popularization and application of new energy vehicles.

  (3) Improve the allocation of subsidy funds. At the beginning of each year, the production enterprise submits the capital settlement report of the previous year and the sales and operation of products, including sales invoices, technical parameters of products and vehicle registration information, etc. The lead department of new energy vehicle promotion in the place where the enterprise is registered shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, review and verify the materials reported by the enterprise and report them to the lead department of provincial promotion work step by step after publicity. The provincial lead department for the promotion of new energy vehicles shall, jointly with relevant departments, review and focus on spot checks, report the application materials to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Finance, and send a copy to the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Development and Reform Commission. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shall, jointly with relevant departments, review the application reports of all localities, and issue verification reports to the Ministry of Finance in combination with daily verification and key spot checks. The Ministry of Finance shall allocate subsidy funds according to the verification report.

  Second, implement the main responsibility of popularization and application

  (A) production enterprises are responsible for ensuring the authenticity and accuracy of the promotion information of new energy vehicles. Production enterprises should strictly abide by the relevant laws, regulations, standards and institutional measures of the state and industry; We should strengthen the management and control of our own production and sales links, and be responsible for the authenticity and reliability of the promotion information of new energy vehicles reported together with the sales enterprises; We should formulate a feasible control scheme, use product information management system, etc., and strengthen the management of sales information of its distributors at all levels. Sales enterprises should strictly check every sales information to ensure that the product promotion information and consumer information reported step by step are true, accurate and searchable. Production enterprises should establish an enterprise monitoring platform to reflect the sales and operation of vehicles comprehensively, truly and in real time, and report relevant information in a timely and accurate manner in accordance with relevant national requirements, by unifying interfaces and data exchange protocols. New vehicles must be equipped with remote monitoring equipment such as vehicle-mounted terminals; Vehicles have been shipped or sold before 2016, providing users with free installation services; For vehicles sold to individual consumers, personal privacy should be strictly protected in information collection and management.

  (two) the local government is responsible for the implementation of supporting policies, organization and promotion. Local governments should conscientiously implement the requirements of relevant documents of the State Council, assume the main responsibility for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, clarify the local lead department for the promotion of new energy vehicles, and earnestly do a good job in organizing and implementing the promotion of new energy vehicles. First, adjust and improve local support policies. Local governments at all levels should, in light of local conditions, scientifically formulate promotion plans for new energy vehicles, increase support for the charging infrastructure of new energy vehicles, intensify the renewal and replacement of new energy vehicles in public services such as urban public transport, rental and sanitation, and strengthen supervision and inspection of enterprises. The second is to strengthen the management of fund use. The local lead department for the promotion of new energy vehicles shall, jointly with the relevant departments, earnestly undertake the supervision of the management of the declaration and use of financial funds, and strictly review and check the aspects of vehicle licensing, vehicle operation, subsidy declaration and data review according to their respective responsibilities; The management of vehicle inspection should be strengthened to ensure that the core components such as vehicle and battery are consistent with the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (hereinafter referred to as the Announcement) when the vehicle is delivered for use; A system of accountability should be established, and those responsible for lax control should be investigated according to law, and penalties for dishonest enterprises such as fraudulent compensation should be increased. Local financial departments should strengthen the management of financial funds and allocate subsidy funds according to the actual promotion of enterprises to ensure the safety and effectiveness of subsidy funds. The third is to establish and improve the local supervision platform. Relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) should establish a local supervision platform for new energy vehicles, timely summarize and sort out the data submitted by enterprises, dock with the national supervision platform, and strengthen the supervision and management of vehicles in the region.The fourth is to optimize the industrial development environment. It is not allowed to implement the restriction and purchase restriction policy for new energy vehicles. The national unified Catalogue shall be strictly implemented, and obstacles shall not be set up or disguised to restrict foreign brand vehicles and parts, foreign charging facilities construction and operating enterprises from entering the local market.

  (three) the relevant departments of the state will strengthen the supervision and inspection of popularization and application. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology takes the lead in establishing a national supervision platform for new energy vehicles, and through this platform, it conducts daily supervision on the promotion and application of new energy vehicles (private purchase of passenger cars may be relaxed as appropriate). In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will establish a verification system for the promotion of new energy vehicles with relevant departments, and regularly and irregularly organize third-party institutions or relevant provincial departments to carry out verification and spot checks on the promotion information of new energy vehicles.

  Third, establish a punishment mechanism

  (1) For enterprises that seek compensation in violation of regulations and cheat compensation by means of false report or impersonator, the relevant funds sought and defrauded in violation of regulations shall be recovered, the illegal income shall be confiscated, and the relevant enterprises and personnel shall be fined and punished according to the Regulations on Penalties and Punishment for Financial Violations, and those suspected of committing crimes shall be investigated and dealt with by judicial organs. At the same time, according to the seriousness of the circumstances, take punishment measures such as suspending or canceling the "Announcement" of vehicle production enterprises and products and canceling the eligibility for subsidy funds. For those who do not cooperate with the verification of promotion information, and the relevant departments verify and spot check that false sales, product configuration and technical status are inconsistent with the Announcement and Catalogue, uploaded data are inconsistent with the actual situation, and vehicles are idle after receiving subsidies, depending on the seriousness of the case, they will take punishment measures such as deducting subsidy funds, canceling the qualification for applying for subsidy funds, suspending or canceling the Announcement of vehicle manufacturers or products. For products with potential safety hazards and safety accidents in application, depending on the nature and severity of the accident, punishment measures such as stopping production, ordering immediate correction and suspending the eligibility for subsidy funds shall be taken.

  (II) Government agencies and their staff who assist enterprises to defraud financial subsidy funds by means of false report or impersonator shall be investigated for corresponding responsibilities in accordance with the Civil Service Law, the Administrative Supervision Law and other laws and regulations; Those suspected of committing a crime shall be transferred to judicial organs for handling.

  (III) In areas where the management system is not perfect, the audit is not strict, the verification work is poorly organized, and there are fraudulent behaviors of enterprises, informed criticism will be given and infrastructure award funds will be deducted according to the seriousness of the situation.

  This notice will be implemented as of January 1, 2017, and other relevant regulations will continue to be implemented in accordance with the Notice on Financial Support Policies for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles in 2016-2020 (Cai Jian [2015] No.134).

Just after the auspicious day of Wenchang Yaojun, I have prepared some gift boxes to help me study with wisdom and intention, and recommend the Plus version.

Original title: Just after the auspicious day of Wen Chang Xi Jun, I have prepared some gift boxes to help me study smartly and attentively, and recommend the Plus version.

In southern Fujian and Taiwan Province, Wen Chang has always been highly regarded, and everyone knows that he is the master in charge of the examination and writing of subjects, and he is a scholar who pays special attention to the title of subjects. The above pictures were taken by me earlier when I visited Wen Kui and Wenchang in Longshan Temple, Taipei, and they were also for the guests who married Wenchang.

Every year, the third day of the second month of the lunar calendar is the spring festival in Wenchang’s ceremony, and it is also one of the particularly good days to read books twice a year.One is on the third day of February, and the other is on the first day of August, which are auspicious days for you in Wenchang.)。

As in previous years, after the Spring Festival in Wenchang, San, in early February of the lunar calendar, some [Wenchang Kui] were also prepared for limited release to fans or their families who need to study more/learn their luck well in the coming year to protect your efforts.

People often ask, who can ask for education?

All kinds of students, company employees, and corporate employees can choose, and try their best to improve their intelligence and study smoothly. In addition to general academic evaluation, industry professional evaluation and workplace rating evaluation can all help (including small university, foreign language, and industry employees’ evaluation)

In the past, old customers always urged me to try my luck. Since it was launched, I have received quite a lot of positive feedback from to be no.1. I will briefly talk about three cases that benefited from Wenchang Daiwei and Wenchang Luojun:

In case A, an old man came to my guest for his own feelings, and he was preoccupied with his nephew’s future. My nephew lingered in the last third of the class before his graduation. At that time, he chose an auspicious time after 1: 00 a.m. to arrange Wenchang for her, but she gritted her teeth and did it anyway. Later, my nephew successfully got a copy.

      Editor in charge:

      A "rock" is a warning-a promise from youth

        Xinhua News Agency, Harbin, May 2 (Reporter Wang Junbao) "Because my name is Ning Zhongyan" — — This is the name of Ning Zhongyan’s social media account. Who is Ning Zhongyan? Before 2019, this is a problem.

      On February 19th, China’s Ning Zhongyan (first from the front) competed in the men’s team start semifinal of speed skating in the Beijing Winter Olympics. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Jianwei photo

        Speed skating is an important competitive event in the Winter Olympics, but before the Beijing Winter Olympics, China athletes won only one gold medal in the speed skating event in the Winter Olympics. Ning Zhongyan, like this project, has not received much attention.

        At the PyeongChang Winter Olympics four years ago, almost no one knew Ning Zhongyan’s name. The turning point took place in 2019.

        In December 2019, the International Skating Federation Speed Skating World Cup was held in Nursultan, Kazakhstan, and Ning Zhongyan competed with a number of world experts. In the men’s 1500m race, he broke through the encirclement of the Dutch and won the gold medal.

        The last time China won the gold medal in this event in the world competition was in 1963. 2: 09.2, Luo Zhihuan still remembers this achievement. On February 24th, 1963, in Nagano, Japan, he set a world record of 1500m at the 57th World Men’s Speed Skating Championships, and became the first China player to win the world championship in winter events.

        Luo Zhihuan and Zhang Hong, the champion of the Winter Olympics, praised Ning Zhongyan’s achievements. "But when I came down from the podium, it was actually all zero." As a professional athlete, Ning Zhongyan knows the importance of continuous efforts.

      On February 18th, China’s Ning Zhongyan finished the men’s 1000m speed skating final in Beijing Winter Olympics. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Jianwei photo

        In 1999, Ning Zhongyan was born in Heping Village, Shiyan Town, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, and studied at Heping Primary School in the village. Geng Yuhua, a school teacher, poured an ice rink in the school to enrich the children’s extracurricular life. Ning Zhongyan, 10, learned to fly on the ice for the first time.

        He soon fell in love with the sport. "I remember that he would skate on ice, because he liked roller skates before he was six or seven years old, so I bought him a pair, and then he would skate." Ning Zhongyan’s mother Zhao Shuyan recalled.

        "Later, Ning Zhongyan achieved good results in the skating competition in Ning ‘an City, and was introduced to Mudanjiang City by Ning ‘an Sports School." Zhao Shuyan still remembers the specific date of her son’s departure. "He was picked up by Mudanjiang Sports School on the eighth day of the first month. At first, he was led by coach Zhu Yuliang, and later he studied under coach Chen Peijun."

        Chen Peijun, the speed skating coach of Mudanjiang Winter Sports Training Center, still remembers the first time he saw Ning Zhongyan. "At that time, it was 2012. He was short, but he had a good sense of ice." Chen Peijun said that Ning Zhongyan was not only savvy, but also trained very hard. "Don’t be lazy and obedient, don’t worry." Chen Peijun said.

        Not only hard work, Ning Zhongyan understands that only by constantly overcoming difficulties can we reach the end. "At that time, I just participated in the World Cup, and my skates cut my legs. I got stitches at night, and I didn’t delay the game the next day." Zhao Shuyan said, "The child later said that it was very painful during the game, but he just gritted his teeth."

      On February 19th, China’s Ning Zhongyan started the men’s speed skating team final at the Beijing Winter Olympics. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ang Lee photo

        For many years as an athlete, Ning Zhongyan has been training hard and has hardly spent the New Year at home, but his achievements in the Beijing Winter Olympics are not satisfactory. "I was so nervous at the time, just like dreaming, my legs were out of control like wood, and I thought a lot in my head." Taking part in the Winter Olympics for the first time, Ning Zhongyan finally ranked seventh in the men’s 1500m speed skating competition in Beijing Winter Olympics.

        "The Winter Olympics is like this. Some people are happy and some people are worried. Competitive sports are so cruel." Ning Zhongyan said that he has never given up, and will train hard, learn lessons and make up for his regrets at the next Winter Olympics.

        "Give good luck some time, it won’t be too far away from me." Ning Zhongyan said.

      Hyun Chul Park, a "big country man", is very popular in Japan and plays a false mother to complain.

      (From left) Directors Fukuyama Sakura, Hyun Chul Park, Ito Ohno, TAKUYA(CROSS GENE) and AKIRA.

      Master Chuang Qi took the stage.

      Hyun Chul Park, a member of the Korean orchestra "Big Country Boys"

          Movie network news(Compile/Ji Zhongpeng) The live-action movie (aka: Ai An) based on Mayu Shinjo’s super-popular cartoon premiered in Tokyo on August 25th. Hyun Chul Park, a member of the leading actor "Big Country Man", Ito Ohno, co-actors TAKUYA(CROSS GENE), AKIRA and director Fukuyama Sakura joined hands on the stage. Hyun Chul Park, who plays the role of "pseudo-mother" in the film, has been hailed by many female fans. Hyun Chul Park admits that the biggest pain in playing this role is to stay at home and study Japanese … …

          This film is the first Japanese film starring Hyun Chul Park, a member of the Korean band "Big Country Boys" which is very popular in Japan. Nearly 90% of the people attending the premiere were female fans. Female fans in the audience hold "I love you!" written in Korean. , "Karam" (Hyun Chul Park’s name) and other eye-catching cards, when Hyun Chul Park took the stage at that moment, the audience instantly boiled.

          Faced with the enthusiasm of Japanese fans, Hyun Chul Park smiled happily and said, "Thank you!" He also revealed that in order to play a good role, he practiced Japanese hard in front of the mirror at home every day, and was once witnessed by Li Renjun, a member of the "Big Country Man". "Although he saw it, he pretended not to see it. I think I should thank him here." Hyun Chul Park’s comely smile on her face caused the girls to scream.

          In addition, Ono, who plays the role of "the prince of a girls’ school", was asked, "What do you want to do most if you become a boy?" Ono immediately replied, "I’m going to work in the cowherd shop!" " Ono also revealed that in order to play this girl with some boy characters, she deliberately imitated the boy’s behavior, expression, tone and other characteristics when she appeared. "I hope to get everyone’s support!" Ono suddenly burst into a girl’s lovely nature, which led to encouraging applause from the audience.

          The story tells the story of Akira Shiraishi, a boy who looks like a weak girl and is called "Princess" in boys’ schools. Sakurasaka Shuishu, a girl who looks like a handsome boy, is called "Prince" in girls’ schools. One day, a "princess-like boy" and a "prince-like girl" met by chance, and a campus love comedy of "reversal of men and women" began immediately … …

          The film "Addicted to Aika" is being shown all over Japan.

      More wonderful pictures on the next page

      The State Air Traffic Control Administration stepped up the introduction of new management standards to ensure the safety and punctuality of flights in peak season.

        CCTV News:

        State air traffic control administration strengthens management standards to ensure safety

        Starting from yesterday (26th), the national civil aviation began to implement the flight plan for the summer and autumn seasons. Domestic and international airlines and airports have adjusted the flight route network. The State Air Traffic Control Administration under the Civil Aviation Administration of China is stepping up the introduction of stricter new safety management standards to ensure the safety and punctuality of air transportation during the peak season.

        This set of standards to be issued soon puts the four main businesses of air traffic control, communication, meteorology and intelligence on the same responsibility platform, and the responsibilities are interrelated. Once any industry has problems, relevant industries should also be held accountable.

        Jiang Yanjun, Minister of Safety Management Department of the State Air Traffic Control Administration:Like in the past, when you had a problem, these directly connected units did not pursue responsibility, so this management was not very strict.

        This set of standards has also made strict regulations on the management of flight-related equipment such as communication, navigation, radar and meteorology.

        Jiang Yanjun:This standard is very high. We used to have one master and two standby devices. It used to be said that our master stopped and I turned on the standby device. What should we do? Now we require that there should be no such time difference, that is, your equipment can be broken, but the person I command can’t stop.

        In the identification of accountability, this standard refers to the international unified safety management system, and divides violations into intentional and unintentional. If intentional, the punishment will be merciless. Instead of intentionally, it should also be divided into management factors and personal factors, and the punishment methods should be divided into four types. First of all, due to management factors, including inadequate interpretation and incomplete implementation of regulations, the management should be held accountable and punished; Secondly, individuals who repeatedly violate the rules in their own posts should be severely punished; Third, those who violate rigid rules and regulations, including regulations on security and safety, should be given heavier punishment.

        Jiang Yanjun:Another kind is violation without consequences. This kind of punishment aims at education, so that you will not violate the rules in the end.

        The "10.11 Incident" sounded the alarm of aviation safety.

        Last year, there were many safety incidents in domestic civil aviation, which sounded the alarm of safety in production one after another. Especially on October 11th last year, the runway incursion incident happened at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport, and the plane nearly collided because the tower controller of the air traffic control system violated the rules, which attracted people’s attention.

        On October 11th last year, an A320 aircraft of China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd. found another A330 aircraft preparing to cross the runway during the flight take-off at Hongqiao Airport, and the two aircraft almost collided.

        On October 21st, the Civil Aviation Administration severely dealt with the leaders and responsible persons of the responsible units related to the "10.11" incident at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport. After investigation, this is a serious accident symptom caused by human factors caused by the tower controller forgetting the aircraft dynamics and violating the working standards. 13 leading cadres of East China Air Traffic Control Bureau, East China Air Traffic Control Bureau Control Center and East China Air Traffic Control Bureau Safety Management Department were given warnings within the party, serious warnings, administrative demerits and dismissal; Revoke the licenses of controllers in the command seat and monitoring seat on duty, and the controllers in the command seat on duty shall not engage in control and command work for life.

        Overload operation is common.

        In fact, for air traffic control, safety should be an eternal theme. In the final analysis, it is the core task of air traffic control to ensure the safety of aircraft take-off and landing and flight and avoid collision. However, in the face of the rapid development of the domestic aviation market and the growing civil aviation fleet, the pressure on air traffic control itself is increasing day by day.

        Jiang Yanjun, director of the safety management department of the State Air Traffic Control Administration, told reporters that it is almost a common phenomenon that air traffic control is overloaded from a national perspective.

        Jiang Yanjun:All places have moments of overwork. For example, if we overshot in a certain period of time, it is not a long-term overshot, but the places with more time for this overshot should account for more than 30%. Like Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong and Xiamen, they are all super.

        Jiang Yanjun believes that the direct negative effect brought by overload operation is the increase of security risks. First of all, this shows that the novice error rate in the post will increase.

        Jiang Yanjun:Like us this time, one returned last year, and 11 of the 22 cases were made by new comrades.

        Management deviation and novice error rate are high.

        Statistics show that since 2013, the error rate of novice air traffic control system posts has reached 70% continuously, and the error rate reached 50% last year. Jiang Yanjun believes that at present, in addition to the three major air traffic control hazards of human error, military and civil aviation collision and runway diving, the operation of new controllers has almost become the fourth major hazard. At the same time, some skilled controllers will make mistakes due to heavy workload and fatigue. Jiang Yanjun analyzed that the reasons for the overload operation are: first, compared with the overall development speed of domestic civil aviation, the development of air traffic control lags behind and the security is relatively tight; The second is the deviation in its own management. Take team training as an example. In recent years, with the emphasis on safety, the air traffic control system has rushed to the front line to pay attention to safety, and front-line employees have basically been on duty all day, so job training has naturally been ignored. For air traffic control, improving the quality of talents is precisely the foundation to ensure safety.

        Airport construction air traffic control lacks the right to speak


        Professionals pointed out that air traffic control is one of the three pillars supporting the development of civil aviation industry. However, from a practical point of view, in the current layout of the aviation industry in various places, air traffic control often becomes a neglected link because of its small proportion and low participation. In fact, ignoring air traffic control, in a sense, ignores aviation safety.

        Professionals believe that if civil aviation is compared to a human body, air traffic control is the nervous system of this body.

        Take Kunming as an example. In the past, there was only one airport in Wujiaba. In recent years, driven by the tourism industry, airports are being built around Kunming. At present, the total shipping volume in Yunnan is more than that in the whole Northeast. But in fact, in the case of limited airspace resources, the number of flights is constantly increasing, which is equivalent to forcing air traffic control to cook without rice.

        Jiang Yanjun:The amount in the air is too large, and it is too late for the controller to make any small negligence and issue a password to change it. It is a chance interval, which may cause a chance interval between planes, that is, the amount is up.

        Jiang Yanjun also believes that ignoring the participation of air traffic control is actually unfavorable to the scientific planning of the airport, shortening the interval and expanding the capacity. In the final analysis, it is still unfavorable to safety.

        Airport flow control to reduce risk factor

        In recent years, flight delay has attracted more and more social attention, and one of the reasons for flight delay is flow control. When encountering airport flow control, passengers often wait for hours on the plane. In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the National Air Traffic Control Administration explained that airport flow control is a measure that must be taken when the flight is saturated, because only in this way can safety be ensured.

        Jiang Yanjun:The most important thing of flow control is for safety. Flow control is not for your flight delay, but because I can’t hold it, so it’s not safe for you to come again. The plane is less than the interval, and the plane hits. What should I do?

        Jiang Yanjun said that air traffic control connects the take-off and landing of aircraft around the flight time. In the connection, the tower controller calculates the take-off and landing time of the aircraft and the interval between the aircraft in seconds. As soon as a plane takes off, a plane will land. The formation of such a smooth flight flow requires the cooperation of airports and airlines. Once this connection is interrupted for some reason, the direct result is that the flow control time is postponed, and consumers will increase the waiting time on the plane. In fact, controllers actually want flights to be normal more than anyone else, because their work is full every hour. Once the flight in the last hour is abnormal, they will move to the next hour. In this way, in the next hour, all aircraft take-off and landing, safety interval and other data will be recalculated, and the risk factor will increase when the load is exceeded.

        China’s civil aviation safety level ranks among the top in the world.

        Feng Zhenglin, vice minister of the Ministry of Transport and director of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, said recently that the civil aviation safety situation in China was generally stable last year, and there were no transport flight accidents and air defense safety accidents. China civil aviation has zero tolerance for safety accidents, and its safety level is in the forefront of the world.

        Feng Zhenglin said that up to now, China Civil Aviation has been flying safely for 76 months, with a total of 45.96 million hours of safe flight, which has ensured air defense safety for 14 consecutive years. In recent ten years, China civil aviation has transported one million flights, with a major accident rate of 0.036, which is only 1/12 of the world level in the same period. In management, China Civil Aviation adheres to four strictness, namely, the strictest responsibility, the strictest supervision, the severest punishment and the most serious accountability. At present, from the perspective of the world, the symptoms of civil aviation accidents in China are far lower than those in some developed countries. Last year, there were only 22 air traffic accidents in China, while in European countries, there were only 146 in Germany. 

      Glutinous rice dumplings (tasty restaurant)

      Huang Kailin
      Recently, my wife and I received a gift-a friend drove a box of big dumplings, saying that it was wrapped by my father-in-law’s family. Let us feel the taste of the year in the suburbs of Shanghai.
      Catch the box with both hands. It’s heavy and weighty. When I lifted the lid of the box, I saw the big dumplings lying there like snowballs, which attracted people’s attention. This is the biggest dumpling I have ever seen. Let’s boil water quickly. Boiled in the pot, the dumplings floated one after another, and cold water was ordered three times. The dumplings floated and swayed, and the pagoda tip slowly collapsed, shrunk and disappeared, and finally returned to a big round ball.
      The big dumplings are out of the pot. We clamped it around the waist with chopsticks and bit open the dumplings, and a fragrance spread. At the moment, the glutinous rice balls are open and the corners of the mouth are still a little upturned. Seeing it trying to slip away from chopsticks, we quickly caught it with a bowl. At this time, the big dumplings are like a snowman melting, and the body can’t stand.
      Oil flowers are overflowing, green is about to drip, and a thick fragrance comes to my face. The taste is very layered; Look at its color, green and white mixed. I can’t bear to eat, but I can’t help it. When I eat it, my mouth is full of saliva, and my breath echoes with all loves.
      The shepherd’s purse stuffing mixed with oil is oily and green, risking fog, which is particularly attractive. I know, this is a shepherd’s purse that has just been pulled from the vegetable garden, and the original taste of the plant has not been lost at all. Then, hand-package it out an hour ago. It is a special presentation of the taste of the year, which is original and has a sense of ceremony when eaten.
      Delicious, soft and glutinous, and thick and tender, this is the fattest, biggest and softest dumpling I have ever eaten. I rolled on my tongue one by one, tapped my teeth and cheeks, and slipped down my throat when I couldn’t wait to chew. Unconsciously, six glutinous rice balls fell into the belly and asked if there was any in the pot. My wife brought half a bowl of soup and drank it all at once. This combination is a perfect match.
      In the past, all the rice wine dumplings I ate in my hometown were sweet. I remember that when my mother was alive, she wrapped dumplings, mashed walnuts, peanuts and sesame seeds, and added some dried tangerine peel and sugar to make stuffing. The skin was thin and the stuffing was full, all full and the size of table tennis. It tastes fluffy like a cake, smooth and elastic, giving people a feeling of rustling. But if you eat too much, you will get tired of people. You have to drink soup while eating, so that you won’t feel hungry for a long time. The dumplings made by my family are big enough in the local area, but they are still not as big as the ones we eat now.
      This glutinous rice dumpling is a traditional food in Shanghai. Not only is it lovely in appearance, soft and smooth in taste, salty but not greasy, but it is rare and refreshing between the lips and teeth, and it means beauty, which means fullness, good weather and full of blessings for the New Year. In the past, glutinous rice balls were mostly made by traditional stone grinding technology, and the soaked glutinous rice was "fed" into the grinding hole with an iron ladle, because it was afraid of choking, and some water was "fed" from time to time. The stone mill needs two people to work together to promote it, and there is a great noise. Snow-white rice slurry flows out from the grinding seam, piece by piece, and a lock. Although it is shapeless, it is endless.
      After eating big dumplings, I went downstairs and met a neighbor in the community. My neighbor is from Ningbo, and Ningbo Tangyuan is famous, so I asked him about the practice of glutinous rice dumplings. He said that when he was a child, he made it with his mother. He thought it was very simple, but he couldn’t wrap it well. The dumplings he made were either crooked or crooked. You have to be skillful in everything, and so does making dumplings. For example, how to grasp the degree of dryness and wetness of water mill powder, how to make "Helong" fit perfectly, how to wrap it round and smooth, and how to naturally pinch out that "pigtail" are all skills.
      When wrapping glutinous rice balls, the wet glutinous rice flour is first made into pills, then kneaded into small pockets, filled with stuffing, and then a "pigtail" is pulled out and tied with a knot. The top can not only be pointed, but also make a lovely "pigtail", which makes people full of eyes. This kind of big glutinous rice balls can’t be wrapped by anyone. It needs to be handed down and skilled. If it’s not good, it will fall apart and stagger.
      While chatting, a local nearby heard it and leaned in to catch the conversation. In the past, glutinous rice was scarce, and only when it was a major happy event or Chinese New Year did it become a big glutinous rice ball. If it was made at ordinary times, it must be a distinguished guest at home. The stuffing depends on the season, including meat stuffing, bean paste stuffing, shepherd’s purse stuffing, shredded radish stuffing and so on. There are many practices and many names. Steamed on a steamer, it is dumplings; Boiled in boiling water, it is dumplings; Put it in a pot and fry it in oil, which is an oil chopping block; Crushing the dumplings and frying them next to the pot is a cake collapse.
      The same ingredients, different taste, is really magical and changeable.
      Big glutinous rice balls are not something to be taken for granted. In Shanghai, they are very special foods around the Spring Festival. Holding a bowl of steaming glutinous rice balls, suddenly there was a festive atmosphere. The bowl is warm and the heart is warm. Eat a big glutinous rice ball, savor the longing and yearning for a happy reunion and a beautiful life in a piece of color and fragrance.
      People’s Daily (February 16, 2024, 08 edition)

      Changhong Meiling obtained the patent of beauty display screen, which realized the beauty function of the display screen and improved the user experience.

      Patent abstract shows that the invention discloses a beauty display screen installed on a refrigerator panel through a fixed structure. And relate to that technical field of mirror beauty mirrors of refrigerator. The invention comprises a display screen body; The surface of the display screen body is plated with a nano-scale film layer; The fixing structure comprises a circular outer box cover, an embedded box and a refrigerator door body; The display screen body is arrange on one side of that outer box cov; The embedded box is clamped and fixed on the inner side of the refrigerator door body through a buckle and a T-shaped hook; The outer box cover is clamped and installed on the embedded box through L-shaped claws and L-shaped buckles. Accord to that invention, the nano-scale film layer is arrange on the glass plate with the semi-transparent and semi-reflective optical film, so that the beauty function of the display screen body is realized, and the user experience is improved; When installing and disassembling, it is only necessary to control the elongation and contraction of the miniature electric telescopic rod; Realize the quick loading and unloading of beauty display screen; It avoids the complicated steps of dismounting the embedded box when dismounting, which is convenient and quick.

      Natural beauty has not yet learned to "run", and sustainable beauty has begun to "roll"

      Text |C2CC New Media

      A few days ago, Chanel led the establishment of Traceability Alliance for Sustainable Cosmetics (TRASCE). According to the official introduction, TRASCE Alliance was established to deal with destructive events in the cosmetics supply chain, including health crisis, climate crisis-related events and geopolitical challenges.

      The alliance consists of 15 beauty companies including Chanel, Clarins, Dior, Estee Lauder, L ‘Oreal, Shiseido, L ‘Occitane and Sisley, and international raw material packaging suppliers.

      In recent years, international beauty giants have continuously increased the number of sustainable beauty cosmetics and formed industry alliances with the goal of environmental protection and sustainability. In February 2022, 36 international beauty care groups, including L ‘Oreal, Henkel, Unilever, LVMH and Natura &Co, announced the establishment of the Eco-Beauty Score Consortium, aiming at establishing a brand-independent and transparent cosmetic environmental impact assessment and scoring system for the whole industry.

      On the road of promoting the sustainable development of beauty, international brands are indeed at the forefront, and may be more than one position ahead of domestic brands. For example, L ‘Oré al promises that by 2030, 95% of the ingredients in the brand formula will be bio-based and 100% of the plastic packaging will be recyclable; Unilever’s goal is to achieve zero emissions of all products from production to sales by 2039; By 2030, P&G will achieve 100% FSC certification and so on.

      International brands have the first-Mover advantage in the field of sustainable beauty, and occupy the right to speak in the international market. However, the formation of the alliance, to a certain extent, is also shaping the brand authority. It is not excluded that they hope to re-divide the global market position and create barriers to industrial competitiveness through the form of alliance, which may increase the difficulty of domestic products going to sea and further raise the threshold for China brands to enter the European and American markets.

      01 "abandoned" natural organic

      Ten years ago, "organic", "natural" or "plant" skin care products were all the rage in China market. With the popularization of basic knowledge of ingredients, formulas and efficacy of skin care products in the industry, consumers found that "natural and organic" did not mean safer and more effective, and skin care products with scientific basis and clinical efficacy were more popular with consumers.

      Therefore, many imported brands focusing on the concept of "natural and organic" have lost their reputation in the China market. Only last year, British organic skin care brand Aurelia, Japanese natural organic make-up brand Naturaglace, New Zealand natural skin care brand Snowberry and other natural organic brands closed Tmall flagship stores in China.

      The concept of "natural and organic" is no longer the golden key for foreign minority brands to open the door to China market. More importantly, from the perspective of national policy supervision, China has never really opened the door for "natural and organic" beauty cosmetics.

      On July 1, 2012, China cancelled the organic certification of cosmetics, and in 2015, the words "organic", "pure natural" and "0-added" were included in the prohibition language of cosmetics labeling in the Measures for the Administration of Cosmetics Labeling. As soon as the policy comes out, it basically means locking up the growth space of natural and organic concepts in the beauty market in China.

      Not only that, international beauty giants seem to be deliberately giving up the concept of natural organic. In November 2023, L ‘Oré al sold Sanoflore, a natural skin care product, to private equity firm Ekkio Capital in a low-key way. Earlier, L ‘Oré al Group sold The Body Shop to Nature&Co Group.

      It can be said that natural organic beauty cosmetics died early before they rose in the global market, but it did not affect the concept of planting grass in consumers’ minds. More importantly, green, healthy and sustainable development is the development trend that all major industries in the world are following.

      According to the data of White Paper on Pure Beauty Industry, from 2020 to 2027, the global pure beauty market is expected to grow from 5.4 billion US dollars to 11.6 billion US dollars, with a compound annual growth rate of 12.07%. In China, 86% of China users said they would consider using Clean Beauty products, and the number of pure beauty users in Amoy increased by more than 31% year-on-year.

      According to Bain’s Insight into Sustainable Consumption Trends in the Asia-Pacific Region, 90% of the respondents are willing to pay a premium for the sustainability of products, and as many as 51% of the respondents regard environmental protection as one of the three most important shopping standards.

      Compared with natural organic and pure beauty, sustainable beauty can be regarded as a higher-level version. At present, domestic and foreign brands are constantly "washing green", and the mass society will also pay attention to how brands practice the principles of "openness, transparency" and "traceability", such as sustainability in raw materials and research and development; Environmental protection in production, terminal, packaging, logistics and so on. "Natural and organic" is being reborn with the concept of "sustainable beauty".

      02 domestic beauty cosmetics catch up with the sustainable wind

      At present, there is no clear definition of sustainable beauty at home and abroad, but it is generally believed that sustainable beauty includes two dimensions: content sustainability and packaging sustainability.

      In terms of contents, sustainable beauty cosmetics pursue minimalist ingredients, safety, transparency, naturalness, organic, traceability and environmental friendliness. In the outer packaging, sustainable beauty should adopt recyclable materials, recycled raw materials and reusable packaging design. In addition, in the production, research and development, circulation and other links, brands should also implement more energy-saving and emission-reduction measures as much as possible.

      For international beauty brands, sustainable beauty has become a must for brand development.

      In the second half of last year, sustainable beauty became the darling of the international capital market. Yepoda, a natural skin care brand with sustainable concept in Korea, completed the A round of financing; Líha Beauty, a British aromatherapy natural and sustainable skin care brand, received an investment of 1 million pounds; Iris&Romeo, a "pure" beauty brand, has been invested by True Beauty Ventures and so on.

      Back in the domestic market, compared with the prohibition of natural and organic concepts in the field of beauty, the state is encouraging the development of sustainable beauty.

      Previously, the "Implementation Plan for Promoting Green Consumption" jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and other seven departments clearly stated that by 2025, the concept of green consumption in China will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the green transformation of consumption in key areas will achieve remarkable results, and the green consumption mode will be widely implemented, and the consumption system of green and low-carbon circular development will take shape; By 2030, green consumption mode will become the conscious choice of the public, green low-carbon products will become the mainstream of the market, and the green low-carbon development model of consumption in key areas will basically take shape.

      Under the guidance of sustainable development and green consumption, many domestic head beauty enterprises are vigorously promoting ESG construction.

      Bettini, Nature Hall, shanghai jahwa, Polaiya and other brands are already releasing ESG reports, planning outlines and proposals. In the report, Polaiya Group disclosed that in 2022, the per capita office power consumption will be reduced by 4.36% year-on-year, and the per capita office water consumption will be reduced by 13.27%. Carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced in raw material procurement, product production, product packaging and logistics transportation, and the accumulated carbon emissions will be reduced by 2,261.23 tons. Betani guides the development of packaging through three major directions: new structure and new material, plastic reduction and non-plastic, and introduces the concept of green packaging from the design end.

      Alexandra Palt, Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer and CEO of L ‘Oré al, once said that through the topic of environmental protection, brand value can be better enhanced, thus guiding consumers’ consumption choices. The brand’s sustainable development and sense of social responsibility can affect the purchase behavior of individual consumers, and consumers’ recognition of sustainable beauty can also promote the brand’s development in this field.

      Sustainable beauty should not only be a marketing concept, but more brands need to practice sustainable development with practical actions. China’s beauty industry needs to participate more in the international sustainable beauty alliance, and establish its own alliance system and standard system, so that sustainable beauty will become the outlet to promote the development of the industry in the "post-ingredient era".

      Heavy rain, heavy rain! When the precipitation concentration period comes, it will thunder! When cold air arrives, it will snow in these places. ……

      Under the constant force of warm and humid air, the recent rain and Zhejiang are particularly deeply fettered. From January 29th to February 2nd, it has rained for five days in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jinhua, Quzhou and Zhoushan, which is the fulfillment of the saying "sunny winter solstice, bad year". Yesterday, the rain didn’t slack off at all, including moderate to heavy rain in northwest Zhejiang. This morning, Zhejiang was covered with thick clouds. The lowest temperature was 3-5℃ in the north-central part of Zhejiang and 6-9℃ in the south of Zhejiang.

      Rain is still active today and tomorrow, especially from tonight to tomorrow. On the 5th, the first rain intermission came, and it was cloudy to cloudy in the whole province. In particular, it should be reminded that it is warm and humid, unstable energy accumulates in the atmosphere, and it confronts the cold air that continues to go south, and lightning will appear again. There will be lightning in our province from tonight to tomorrow, so we need to be vigilant and take precautions!

      On the 6th, with the strengthening of warm and humid air flow and the infiltration of cold air, a new round of precipitation will be started again, and the temperature will also experience a wave of first drop and then return to temperature. Among them, from the night of the 6th to the day of the 7th, there will be snow in the mountainous areas in central and northern Zhejiang, which is sleet or light snow.

      On 7-8 days, there is a northerly wind of 8-9 in the coastal waters of Zhejiang, so pay attention! The rain is still interesting, and it will stop gradually. It will be fine weather from New Year’s Eve to the third day of the year, and the sun will appear.

      The specific forecast is as follows:

      From noon to evening today: there is light rain in northern Zhejiang and central and western Zhejiang, with moderate to heavy rain and local thunderstorms; It’s cloudy in other areas, and sometimes there is light rain in some areas.

      From tonight to tomorrow: there is moderate to heavy rain in the whole province, including local heavy rain in central and southern Zhejiang, which may be accompanied by lightning.

      The day after tomorrow: the whole province is cloudy to cloudy. Among them, there will be 6-8 northwest gusts in northern Zhejiang from tomorrow evening to the day after tomorrow.

      The lowest temperature tomorrow morning: northern Zhejiang: 2-4 degrees; Southern Zhejiang: 7-9 degrees; Other areas: 5-7 degrees; The highest temperature in the daytime tomorrow: south Zhejiang and southeast coastal areas: 10-12 degrees; Other areas: 5-7 degrees

      Editor: Zhejiang Weather Network

      Please indicate "Source: Zhejiang Weather Network" for reprinting.

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