Interview with Yang Zi: Through "Mai Chenghuan", I understand the identity of "daughter" better

The first time I met Yang Zi was in the family sitcom "Family with Children" that premiered in 2005. "Xiaoxue" with a high ponytail left a deep impression on the audience in front of the screen because of her clever and clever image. Recently, "Chenghuan" went LIVE on CCTV’s eight prime sets, and Yang Zi starred in the play as the daughter of the family in Shanghai. From "Xiaoxue" to "Mai Chenghuan", has Yang Zi changed?


"Xiaoxue and Mai Chenghuan are indeed different. The overall atmosphere of’Family with Children ‘is warm and happy, and Xiaoxue’s childhood is carefree, so she shows more of a lively and outgoing, innocent and quirky side." In an exclusive interview with Jiefang Daily Shangguan News, Yang Zi’s chatterbox was opened from the difference between the two "daughters".

"As I grew up, I found that many families were not like this. Many girls and mothers would quarrel about various things in life, including jobs, marriages, and how girls should survive in this society. The more noisy they were, the more they didn’t understand each other, and the less they knew what the problem was. And because of the constant blood relationship, they could only cold war, run away, and avoid going home during the holidays. Mai Chenghuan was one of them."

"The Story of Chenghuan" begins with the Mai family’s "family model" – a strong mother, a muddy father, and a obedient daughter and younger brother. He Saifei’s mother, Liu Wanyu, is used to controlling everything, including her daughter’s love and marital status. Mai Chenghuan, who has been working and has been an adult for a long time, even the details of his relationship have to be traced by his mother. Like many ordinary families in China, the Mai family has a warm and close parent-child relationship, but there are also difficult contradictions between the two generations due to differences in ideas.


"Chenghuan’s family is not particularly wealthy in Shanghai. The family of four is crowded in a small house in the alley, and the house leaks from time to time. The younger brother who goes to college doesn’t even have his own room, so he can only sleep on the camp bed on the balcony. Mom and Dad look to demolition to change their lives. Although the conditions are poor, they are better than warmth and intimacy." In such a family environment, Yang Zi said, Liu Wanyu is a typical "Chinese mother". In the early years, she married her father in the alley for staying in Shanghai, but she was actually dissatisfied with the stretched living conditions. "In the long family life, my father’s personality is relatively soft, which makes my mother develop a hard-spoken, soft-hearted, strong, and all-inclusive character. She hopes that her daughter will not be like herself, and can marry better and suffer less."

This is the third time Yang Zi has worked with He Saifei. "I was quite excited to learn that Teacher He Saifei plays the mother. She takes her work very seriously and has a lot of life experience. Many of her on-site treatments can make the mother-daughter relationship more delicate and real." In life, Yang Zi said, He Saifei is also an interesting person. "He will chat with us, tell some small jokes, and recommend some good things that she often uses and is very practical. In this way, we become like a real mother and daughter. This gives me more and more inspiration to create together."


On the one hand, Mak Chenghuan, who is about to turn 30, is still the pearl in the palm of his parents’ eyes that has not grown up. Even when she comes back from overtime, her father has to go to the alley to pick it up. On the other hand, she also faces the pressure of her parents to urge marriage, especially the disparity in economic conditions between her and her boyfriend Xin Jialiang, which buries the contradictions and conflicts between the two families. How Mak Chenghuan completes her self-growth in the play is the biggest test for Yang Zi, just like the fate of the characters implied by the name "Chenghuan". "She was named’Chenghuan ‘by her parents and hoped to be’under Chenghuan’s knees’, and the first 29 years of her life completely grew into what her parents expected. It was not until she was 30 years old that she began to understand the name again and learn how to’Chenghuan himself ‘and’please herself’." Yang Zi said that when she first got the script, M

In Yang Zi’s opinion, under the influence of her strong mother, Mai Chenghuan habitually compromised and dedicated to others in character. This is reflected not only in the family, but also in Mai Chenghuan’s attitude towards her boyfriend and colleagues. From helping her boyfriend with housework to bringing food to colleagues, she almost always chose to give. Compared with Xiaoxue’s carefree, Chenghuan has more helplessness of a real adult, and she lives without herself and is not so happy. "This story tells that Chenghuan does not know how to face this kind of discomfort and learns to be self-consistent." The Book of Chenghuan "made me have a deeper understanding and thinking about the identity of’daughter ‘."


In the latest plot, a monologue by Mai Chenghuan was scanned on the Internet. The Mai family discussed marriage with the Xin family, but the Xin family, who felt that they were well-off, did not give the Mai family’s parents the respect they deserved. In the face of the difficulties of the Xin family, Mai Chenghuan, played by Yang Zi, is generous, reasonable, and shows his attitude neither humble nor overbearing. In this scene, Mai Chenghuan is growing up, and the theme of growth also runs through "Chenghuan". Including the later period when Mai Chenghuan’s mother tricked her into attending the engagement party, she finally faced the conflict with her mother, which meant a change in role.

"Under the influence of the family, Cheng Huan became a obedient post-it note girl, doing everything according to her mother’s arrangement, trying to live the way her mother hoped, enduring everything, enduring it, enduring it, and enduring it again. When this strong love gradually turned into unbridled control and bondage, Cheng Huan finally longed to rebel once, to break out of the previous obedient mode, try to establish her own boundaries with her mother, and change and live her life according to her own wishes. The plot shows this process of desensitization." Yang Zi said.

For Ms. Yang, the most interesting aspect of the family portrait drama is its light-hearted and humorous approach to a realistic topic – how a mother who is used to self-sacrifice and a daughter who is good at guilt and compromise should get along. "I would be curious about how Chenghuan, in such a Chinese mother-daughter relationship, would choose to resist, to break through this strong love, and how to find a balance with her mother and achieve self-growth."


Most of the scenes in "Cheng Huan" are set in Shanghai. The Bund, Huangpu River, old bungalows, alleys, double-decker buses and other scenes are all familiar to Shanghai audiences. This shooting also made Beijing-born Yang Zi more familiar with the life in Shanghai’s alleys.

In order to get close to the character, she specially went to observe the neighborhood atmosphere and life atmosphere in Shanghai Lane, and also learned the Shanghai language from the seniors in Shanghai, imitating the tone and intonation of Shanghainese people. "Everyone will also teach me a lot of localized details, such as the way the play repeats words to call’Dad ‘and’Mom’, these experiences are very fresh."

For Yang Zi, the most memorable part of the whole filming process was not the heavy scenes, but a relatively flat family scene. "The plot is that Cheng Huan is listening to his parents, and the conversation between the family members is also very ordinary and happy. After listening to the plot, I can leave. But at that moment, I found that I couldn’t walk anymore, and I wanted to cry for no reason. It seems that I have a more complicated understanding of human nature. As people grow up, there will be more and more sour and helpless, but because the responsibility on my shoulders is getting heavier and heavier, I can’t easily vent my emotions."

The feeling is precious, she said, "and I remember it so well that I hope I can use it to further enrich the performance."

Di Lizheba’s new drama starts to take beautiful photos, pouting and acting cute as a girl, and then spreading scandals with Huang Jingyu

  On March 19, Di Lizheba also received good news again. The urban fantasy drama "Xiao Qi Qing Lan" starring him was officially launched, and the actor he co-starred with was Chen Xingxu. Although this was their first collaboration, it could also be seen from the photos of the opening scene that they were also handsome men and beautiful women, and they were particularly attractive, which made people look forward to it even more!

  Jiaxing Di Lizheba Studio also posted a set of beautiful photos for the first time. In the picture, Fat Di was also wearing a dark brown leather trench coat and stepping on black boots, and her style was still leading the fashion trend. Although her clothes were loose, her graceful figure also won everyone’s praise.

  Di Lizheba also had long black and soft hair, a shawl, and a very delicate makeup on her face. She still looked particularly sweet and pleasant, and her big eyes were also very agile.

  She also took the special red envelope of the crew and posed various shapes to the camera. Her frown and smile were particularly gentle and charming, and her wink expression made people fall into a trap in an instant. I believe she will be able to attract countless fans again in the new drama with her superb acting skills and super high appearance!

  Subsequently, Jiaxing Di Lizheba Studio also shared a set of behind- the-scene beautiful photos again, and she was wearing makeup, which made her look more natural, sometimes pouting at the camera to act cute, sometimes showing tilted head killing, and laughing when it was like first love.

  However, what was even more unexpected was that her affair with Huang Jingyu was once again rumored, because the producer of the drama she starred in was "Xian Gongfu Culture Media" and the director was "Tian Li". This was the same as the TV drama "Sea of Dreams" starred Huang Jingyu in last year, which once again triggered heated discussions among netizens.

  We all know that Di Lizheba and Huang Jingyu’s love affair has been circulating for a long time, but both parties have not expressed their singleness, and the coincidence of resources between the two is also quite high. At the opening banquet of Di Lizheba’s "Anle Biography" in 2021, the creators mentioned Huang Jingyu many times. In 2020, Huang Jingyu’s "Procuratorial Wind and Cloud" and 2022 Di Lizheba’s "Public Prosecution": the producers are all the highest inspection.

  Now, Di Lizheba is also wearing a ring on the middle finger at the boot site, I don’t know if it means something? But anyway, I’m still looking forward to Di Lizheba’s performance in the new drama, I believe it will also get a double harvest of audience ratings and word-of-mouth!

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The digital economy is becoming stronger, better and bigger, and the pace of digitalization is accelerating. "Ten major events affecting the development of China’s Internet industry in 2021" is releas

The state attaches great importance to the development of the digital economy and accelerates the pace of digital development

In March 2021, the "14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China and the Outline of Vision Goals for 2035" were released, which made an all-round layout for the development of the Internet in our country. After that, the "14th Five-Year Plan" special project plans in the field of informatization were introduced one after another, and important arrangements were made to promote digital development and build a digital China. In October 2021, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader further emphasized during the 34th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee that it is necessary to stand at the height of coordinating the overall situation of the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation and the world’s unparalleled changes in a century, coordinating the two major domestic and international situations, and the two major events of development and security, giving full play to the advantages of massive data and rich application scenarios, promoting the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy, empowering the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, giving birth to new industries and new business models, and constantly strengthening, improving and expanding our country’s digital economy.

Second, a number of laws have been issued to ensure cyberspace security in an all-round way

Since September 2021, the "Data Security Law of the People’s Republic of China", "Regulations on the Security Protection of Critical Information Infrastructure" and "Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China" have been implemented one after another, providing the industry with a more detailed and operable legal basis and behavioral rules, and further solidifying the institutional foundation of the Internet legal system, marking our country’s cyber security protection has entered a new stage.

Third, the introduction of anti-monopoly guidelines and other policies, Internet enterprises compliance development process accelerated

In February 2021, the Anti-Monopoly Guidelines of the Anti-Monopoly Commission of the State Council on the Platform Economy were officially issued, systematically responding to the challenge of Internet platform monopoly for the first time, releasing a clear signal that Internet platforms are not a place outside the law of anti-monopoly. In October, the Antimonopoly Act of the People’s Republic of China (Draft Amendment) was announced. This is the first amendment to our country’s Antimonopoly Act since its release, which has increased penalties for monopolistic behavior and effectively prevented disorderly capital expansion. At the same time, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology continued to promote the governance of APP infringement of user rights and interests in depth, and launched a special project rectification action in the Internet industry in July 2021. The implementation of the above series of regulations and special projects has played a significant role in compacting the main responsibility of enterprises and creating a fair competition, safe and orderly Internet market environment.

IV. The Central Office and the State Office issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Network Civilization" to create a clear cyberspace

At present, the state attaches great importance to the construction of network civilization. Since June 2021, the Central Cyberspace Administration of China has deployed a series of special projects such as "Qinglang’rice circle ‘chaos rectification". In September, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Network Civilization" to further promote the healthy development of network culture.

The overall scale of Internet users in our country exceeds 1 billion, opening a new chapter in the development of digital infrastructure

In 2021, the development environment of "5G + Industrial Internet" will continue to improve. First, the infrastructure support capacity will continue to upgrade. There are more than 32,000 5G base stations applied to the industrial Internet; there are 15 cross-industry and cross-field industrial Internet platforms, more than 100 platforms with certain regional and industry influence, and the total number of access equipment exceeds 76 million sets (sets). Second, the level of industry application continues to improve. "5G + Industrial Internet" has more than 1,800 projects under construction across the country, covering more than 20 key industries and fields of the national economy, and creating tens of thousands of 5G application innovation cases. Third, the technical standards have been accelerated. Industrial 5G modules are the core components of the industrial end point. The general 5G module standard has been initially formed. The types of modules continue to increase and the market price continues to decline, paving the way for large-scale applications. The integrated development of "5G + Industrial Internet" will further deepen and expand the application of industrial 5G, and empower the digital, networked and intelligent transformation and upgrading of the real economy.

"5G + Industrial Internet" enters the fast lane of development, deepening the vertical and horizontal exploration of integrated applications

The development environment of "5G + Industrial Internet" continues to improve. Infrastructure support capabilities continue to upgrade, with more than 32,000 5G base stations applied to the Industrial Internet; there are 15 cross-industry and cross-field industrial Internet platforms, more than 100 platforms with certain regional and industry influence, and the total number of access equipment exceeds 76 million (sets). The level of industry application continues to improve, and "5G + Industrial Internet" has more than 1,800 projects under construction across the country, covering more than 20 key industries and fields of the national economy. Technical standards are accelerating.

Enterprises in our country actively build an open-source ecosystem of open innovation and promote the development of in-depth information technology innovation

In 2021, our country’s enterprises actively built open-source platforms, and Baidu’s comprehensive share in China’s deep learning platform market continued to grow, ranking first. Huawei officially released HarmonyOS 2 Hongmeng mobile operating system and Euler digital infrastructure operating system, realizing a unified operating system to support multiple devices, and one application development covers the whole scene.

VIII, our country formally applied to join the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, driving the rapid development of digital trade

At present, in the context of the rapid development of the digital economy, all countries generally recognize the huge potential and importance of digital trade, and our country actively participates in the formulation of global digital economic and trade rules with an open attitude. In October 2021, the Ministry of Commerce and other 24 departments issued the "14th Five-Year" Service Trade Development Plan, which included "digital trade" in the service trade development plan for the first time, clarified the focus of our country’s digital trade development in the future, and pointed out a clear path for the construction of the digital trade demonstration zone. In November, our country officially applied to join the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA), and is willing to work with all parties to promote international cooperation in the digital economy and jointly promote the innovation and healthy and orderly development of the digital economy.

Digital technology empowers the low-carbon transformation of the industry, helping to achieve peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality

In March 2021, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader presided over the ninth meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Committee and delivered an important speech, emphasizing the drive to grasp iron marks and achieve the goals of peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060 as scheduled. In September, MIIT, the People’s Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and the Securities Supervision Commission jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening Industrial and Financial Cooperation to Promote Industrial Green Development". In December, MIIT issued the "14th Five-Year Plan" for Industrial Green Development.


In January 2021, the Internet application senior-friendly and barrier-free transformation special project action was officially launched; in April, MIIT deployed to further grasp the implementation of the Internet application senior-friendly and barrier-free transformation special project action work, and released the "Internet website senior-friendly universal design specification" and "mobile Internet application (APP) senior-friendly universal design specification". The state continues to support the transformation of rural digital intelligence, and the "Digital Village Construction Guide 1.0" was officially released in September.

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  After two months, Shanghai’s local rules for online car-hailing have finally been unveiled.

  This afternoon, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen each issued relevant regulations, setting clear licensing conditions for online car-hailing platform companies, vehicles, and drivers, and making the next step of online car-hailing operations "legal."

  The management approach of online car-hailing has received a high degree of attention and involves many interests. It is necessary to take into account both the healthy development of the industry and the actual conditions of Shanghai, a megacity. It is not easy to issue policies.

  As the current "fashionable" way of travel, the "name correction" of online car-hailing has become the general trend. With the implementation of local policies, in the future, eligible online car-hailing cars can finally be justifiably driven to the streets, and many special car drivers will also bid farewell to the "underground" state. The development of the industry has taken a solid step.

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  But "justifying" the name of online car-hailing is by no means allowing its boundless free expansion, let alone making it a reckless "blind spot of the rule of law". While recognizing the rationality of the existence of online car-hailing itself, the introduction of relevant systems is to effectively solve the problems exposed in the current development of this industry.

  Over the past year, the massive expansion has resulted in uneven quality of vehicles and personnel, and the platform companies’ review of vehicles has become useless. These have become "stubborn diseases", resulting in frequent cases of infringement of consumer rights and interests.

  In April this year, a "female college student called a suspicious car" was forwarded and spread on major new media platforms. The special car called by the party through the taxi software did not match the car number displayed on the software at all; in March this year, the Municipal Traffic Law Enforcement Corps seized the owner of a special car using 3 sets of vehicle number plates at the same time during the law enforcement process… and the traffic accidents, public security incidents, and criminal cases caused by online car-hailing are also increasing, and all parties are calling for "the special car should be managed".

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  In the Shanghai plan, the guiding ideology of legal management, green environmental protection, safe operation, fair competition, and protection of consumer rights and interests is basically fully implemented, and "targeted" is reflected everywhere. For example, on the entry threshold, Shanghai stipulates that the vehicles and drivers of online car-hailing in Shanghai must be "Shanghai nationality", which is mainly because, first, the city’s policy is a requirement of the national policy. After all, the city is the main body of online car-hailing management; second, the double "Shanghai nationality" precisely follows the law of the sharing economy, which can be used to confirm personal idle assets from the information end for social sharing. For example, on the vehicle access threshold, the "National Five" emission standard is fully implemented. For example, in terms of company management, Shanghai clearly requires online ride-hailing companies to take measures such as suspending business and canceling platform registration for major traffic safety accidents caused by drivers, infringing on the interests of passengers, and disrupting operational order…

  The ride-hailing industry has gone through the brutal growth in the early stage and is bathed in the current burgeoning capital expansion. Facts have proved that platform companies and practitioners have fully enjoyed the high benefits brought by the new business model, but have not fully assumed the corresponding social responsibilities. An industry that grows under unfair competition and breeds security risks should never become a pride under the "Internet +" wave, let alone a standardized template for the "sharing economy".

  Regulating the operation of online car-hailing is to let companies and practitioners take up their due responsibilities. The new regulations firmly grasp the key point of "employment threshold", control the safety valve from the qualification of personnel and vehicles, and strictly require the possession of certificates. The original intention is to consider the safety of the general public’s travel. To make online car-hailing, like taxis, have no blind spots for access and no blind spots for service standards.

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  The government is duty-bound to the safety bottom line. Instead of covering the bottom line after the problem occurs, it is better to make effective regulation in the specification, use the invisible hand to create an orderly industry ecology, and use a certain degree of "income" to bring safer and more convenient "release". Only when all interests are checked and balanced and know how to self-restrain, will the industry usher in a broader space.

  The new rules are not short of strong restrictions, which is "income", but they are also humane in some details, such as requiring platform companies to sign employment contracts or agreements with drivers, and not refusing to allow a ride-hailing car to register multiple platforms at the same time to operate. These "liberalizing" measures are in the best interests of ride-hailing practitioners and strive to create more well-being for them.

  Many citizens are concerned about whether the strict management of online car-hailing will cause new "taxi-hailing difficulties"? Indeed, regulating online car-hailing will inevitably lead to a reduction in the supply side in a short period of time, but this is a "short-term pain". The disorderly development of the industry, the recurrence of safety accidents, and the ultimate destruction of credibility will be a "long pain".

  It is not realistic to blindly solve the problem of "travel difficulties" by a large number of social vehicles "entering the market". "Tightening" online car-hailing at the same time forces the taxi industry to self-subvert and completely transform, and encourages "ride-hailing" compliance to legally go on the road, providing more diverse choices for traveling citizens. This is the greater sense of "release".

  Shanghai’s local bylaws are not meant to stifle the vitality of an industry’s booming development, but to put the brakes on the disorder in the "leap forward". The city is willing to tolerate all innovation attempts, but more expect a fair market order. Comrade Wen Jiabao once said that social fairness and justice are more glorious than the sun. For the online car-hailing industry full of Internet genes, we also expect it to go further and better on the new track.

How to connect the Xiaomi drying rack to the Xiaoai speaker?

With the popularity of smart homes, more and more families are using smart devices to improve their quality of life. As two products in Xiaomi’s smart home ecosystem, Xiaomi drying racks and Xiaoai speakers can be connected to bring users a more convenient and intelligent drying experience. So, how can Xiaomi drying racks be connected to Xiaoai speakers? Next, we will describe in detail.

** 1. Preparations **

Before connecting, please make sure that your Xiaomi drying rack and Xiaoai speaker are properly installed and powered on, and that both support Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connection. In addition, you also need to make sure that your phone or tablet has installed the Xiaomi Smart Home APP and logged in to the corresponding Xiaomi account.

** Second, Bluetooth connection **

1. ** Turn on Bluetooth **: First, make sure that the Bluetooth function of your phone or tablet is turned on and searchable.

2. ** Enter pairing mode **: Follow the instructions on the drying rack manual to set the drying rack to Bluetooth pairing mode. Usually, this can be achieved by long pressing a button on the drying rack.

3. ** Search for devices **: Turn on the Bluetooth function of the Xiaoai speaker and search for nearby Bluetooth devices in its settings menu.

4. ** Connect the device **: Find your Xiaomi drying rack in the list of searched devices and click to connect. After the connection is successful, you should be able to see the device information of the drying rack in the voice assistant of the Xiaoai speaker.

** 3. Wi-Fi connection **

If your drying rack supports Wi-Fi connectivity, you can also choose to connect via Wi-Fi.

1. Connect to Wi-Fi: First, make sure that both the drying rack and the Xiaoai speaker are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

2. ** Add Device **: Open the Xiaomi Smart Home APP, select "Add Device" in the device list, and follow the prompts of the APP to add the drying rack to your smart home system.

3. ** Voice control **: After the connection is successful, you can control the drying rack through the voice assistant of the Xiao Ai speaker. For example, you can say "Xiao Ai, open the drying rack" or "Xiao Ai, let the drying rack go up" and other commands to control the lifting and lowering of the drying rack.

Through the above steps, you can easily connect the Xiaomi drying rack to the Xiaoai speaker. After the connection is successful, you will be able to enjoy a smarter and more convenient drying experience.

Hengda Automobile Announcement: The divestiture of real estate business has suspended production due to lack of funds.

Fast technology on May 13 news, this morning Hengchi official account announced that Hengda Automobile has announced that the shareholders meeting agreed to sell 47 real estate projects to China Hengda and its subsidiaries.

This means that Evergrande has completed the divestiture of its real estate business and become a pure new energy vehicle company.

Hengda Automobile Announcement: The divestiture of real estate business has suspended production due to lack of funds.

According to the official, Hengda Automobile divested its real estate business, concentrated resources to ensure Hengchi’s research and development and production, and focused on the new energy vehicle track, which will help to improve market valuation and win the favor of capital, which is conducive to the development of Hengchi Automobile.

It is reported that China Evergrande announced on April 24 that the buyer (Anxin Holdings Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company) and the company entered into a sale and purchase agreement with Hengda Automobile, under which the buyer conditionally agreed to purchase and Hengda Automobile conditionally agreed to sell the target shares as beneficial owners, including 21 Hengda Health Valley projects, 5 Hengda Health City projects and 21 property development projects. The initial consideration of Hengda Automobile’s target shares is RMB 2.

Hengda Automobile Announcement: The divestiture of real estate business has suspended production due to lack of funds.

Hengda Automobile Announcement: The divestiture of real estate business has suspended production due to lack of funds.

At the same time, Hengda Motor mentioned in the announcement that due to lack of funds, its Tianjin factory has suspended production of Hengchi 5 and plans to resume production in May, but has not yet resumed production.

It is reported that Hengda Automobile released six models of Hengchi at the same time during the 2020 Shanghai Auto Show, including Hengchi 1, Hengchi 2, Hengchi 3, Hengchi 4, Hengchi 5, and Hengchi 6, covering passenger car models such as sedans, coupes, SUVs, MPVs, and crossovers.

This is also a highlight moment for Hengda Automobile, but shortly thereafter, Hengda Automobile has turned from prosperity to decline. As the market value of Hengda Automobile plummeted at a high level in early 2021, the share price has plummeted from a peak of 72 Hong Kong dollars to 3.2 Hong Kong dollars today.

Hengda Automobile Announcement: The divestiture of real estate business has suspended production due to lack of funds.

Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry

The General Office of the State Council on deepening reform

Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry

Guoban Fa [2016] No. 58

The people’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and all ministries, commissions, and agencies directly under the State Council:

  In order to implement the central government’s decision-making and deployment on comprehensively deepening reform, actively and steadily promote the reform of the taxi industry, encourage innovation, promote transformation, and better meet the travel needs of the people, with the approval of the State Council, the following opinions are hereby proposed.

  I. Guiding ideology and basic principles

  (1) Guiding ideology. Deeply implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the series of important speeches by the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader, implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, in accordance with the overall layout of the "Five in One" and the "Four Comprehensive" strategic layout, firmly establish and implement the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, give full play to the role of the market mechanism and the guiding role of the government, adhere to the basic idea of giving priority to the development of public transportation and moderately developing taxis, promote the structural reform of the taxi industry, effectively improve the service level and regulatory capacity, and strive to build a diversified and differentiated travel service system, promote the sustainable and healthy development of the taxi

  (2) Basic principles.

  Adhere to the passenger-oriented. Take ensuring the safe travel of passengers and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the people as the starting point and end point of reform, and provide the public with safe, convenient, comfortable and economical personalized travel services.

  Adhere to reform and innovation.Seize the favorable opportunity to implement the "Internet +" action, adhere to the problem orientation, promote the transformation and upgrading of cruise taxis, standardize the operation of online rental cars, and promote the integrated development of the two business models.

  Adhere to overall consideration. Coordinate public transportation and taxis, coordinate innovation and development with safety and stability, coordinate the development of new and old business models, coordinate the interests of passengers, drivers and enterprises, and promote reform step by step, actively and carefully.

  Adhere to legal norms. Correctly handle the relationship between the government and the market, strengthen the rule of law thinking, improve the legal system of the taxi industry, promote industry reform in accordance with the law, maintain a fair competition market order, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties.

  Adhere to territorial management. The urban people’s government is the main body responsible for taxi management. It should give full play to autonomy and creativity, and explore a management model that is in line with the actual development of the local taxi industry.

  Second, clarify the positioning of the taxi industry

  (3) Scientifically positioning taxi services. Taxi is an integral part of the urban comprehensive transportation system, a supplement to urban public transportation, and provides personalized transportation services for the public.Taxi services mainly include cruises, online reservations, and other means.The urban people’s government should give priority to the development of public transportation, develop taxis moderately, and optimize the urban transportation structure.It is necessary to coordinate the development of cruise taxis (hereinafter referred to as cruise cars) and online rental cars (hereinafter referred to as online taxi-hailing), implement dislocation development and differentiated management, and provide quality and diverse transportation services for the public.It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of large, medium and small cities, the diverse travel needs of the public and the development orientation of taxis, comprehensively consider factors such as population size, economic development level, urban traffic congestion, and taxi mileage utilization rate, and rationally grasp the scale of taxi transportation capacity and the share ratio in the urban comprehensive transportation system. Establish a dynamic monitoring and adjustment mechanism to gradually realize market regulation. New and updated taxis, priority is given to the use of new energy vehicles.

  III. Deepening the reform of cruise vehicles

  (4) Reform the management system of the right to operate. All new rental car operating rights shall be subject to term restrictions, and no further indefinite restrictions shall be imposed. The specific period shall be determined by the city people’s government according to the actual local situation. All new rental car operating rights shall be used free of charge, and the operating entity shall not be changed. If the existing rental car operating rights need to be changed within the term, the modification procedures shall be handled in accordance with the conditions and procedures stipulated by laws and regulations, and no speculation or unauthorized transfer shall be allowed. For existing rental car operating rights that do not specify the specific operating period or have been used for compensation, the city people’s government shall comprehensively consider all factors, scientifically formulate a transition plan, reasonably determine the operating period, and gradually cancel the paid use fee. Establish and improve the operation rights allocation and management system guided by service quality and reputation, and withdraw the operation rights in accordance with relevant regulations if the period of operation rights expires or there are major service quality problems, major safety production liability accidents, serious illegal business activities, and unqualified service quality and reputation assessments during the operation process.

  (5) Completing the benefit distribution system. Taxi operators shall sign employment contracts or business contracts with drivers in accordance with the law. Contractors who adopt the contracting mode of operation and self-employed individuals who have obtained the right to operate shall obtain the qualification of taxi drivers, register for employment according to regulations and directly engage in operational activities. It is necessary to use Internet technology to better build a business model in which enterprises and drivers share operational risks and reasonably distribute benefits. Encourage, support and guide taxi enterprises, industry associations to negotiate on an equal footing with taxi drivers and trade unions, and reasonably determine and dynamically adjust the taxi contract fee standard or quota task according to factors such as operating costs and changes in freight rates. If the existing contract fee standard or quota task is too high, it should be reduced. It is necessary to protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers and build a harmonious labor relationship. It is strictly forbidden for taxi companies to charge high collateral from drivers, and the existing collateral should be reduced if it is too high.

  (6) Straighten out the price formation mechanism. All localities can implement government pricing or government-guided pricing for cruise car freight rates according to the actual situation in the region, and incorporate them into the government pricing catalogue according to law. Taking into account the operating costs of taxis, the income levels of residents and drivers, traffic conditions, service quality and other factors, scientifically formulate and timely adjust the level and structure of taxi freight rates. Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for taxi freight rates, improve pricing rules, improve the linkage method between freight rates and fuel prices, and give full play to the leverage role of freight rates in adjusting the supply and demand relationship in the taxi transportation market.

  (7) Promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry.Encourage cruise car operators and online taxi booking operators (hereinafter referred to as ride-hailing platform companies) to implement corporatized management in accordance with modern enterprise systems through mergers, restructurings, and absorption of shares, so as to achieve the integrated development of new and old business models. Encourage cruise car enterprises to transform and provide online ride-hailing services. Encourage cruise cars to provide operation services through telecommunications, Internet and other e-hailing service methods, promote the use of non-cash payment methods that meet financial standards, expand service functions, and facilitate public ride-hailing.Encourage self-employed people to form a company with a certain scale, implement organizational management, improve service quality, reduce management costs, and enhance anti-risk ability. Encourage business operators to strengthen branding, take the initiative to disclose service standards and quality commitments, carry out safety, integrity, and high-quality service creation activities, strengthen service quality management, and provide high-quality services.

  IV. Standardize the development of online car-hailing and private passenger car sharing

  (Eight) standardize the development of online car-hailing.Online car-hailing platform companies are providers of transportation services, and should have online and offline service capabilities, assume carrier responsibility and corresponding social responsibility. Drivers and their vehicles providing online car-hailing services should meet the basic conditions for providing passenger transportation services. Market-adjusted prices are implemented for online car-hailing, and government-guided prices may be implemented if the city people’s government deems it necessary.

  (9) Regulate the business behavior of online car-hailing. Online car-hailing platform companies shall make full use of Internet information technology, strengthen the production, operation and management of service vehicles and drivers, and continuously improve the ride experience and service level. Provide operation services in accordance with relevant state regulations and standards, reasonably determine the metering method, ensure the safety of operation and the legitimate rights and interests of passengers, and shall not engage in improper price behavior. Strengthen network and information security protection, establish and improve data security management systems, collect, use and protect personal information in compliance with the law, and shall not disclose sensitive information involving national security. The personal information collected and the business data generated shall be stored and used in the Chinese mainland. Online car-hailing platform companies shall safeguard and protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers.

  (10) Regulate private passenger car sharing. Private passenger car sharing, also known as carpooling and ride-sharing, is a shared mode of travel where the ride-sharing service provider publishes travel information in advance, and people with the same travel route choose to take the ride-sharing service provider’s passenger car, share part of the travel cost or help each other for free. Private passenger car sharing is conducive to alleviating traffic congestion and reducing air pollution. City people’s governments should encourage and regulate its development, formulate corresponding regulations, and clarify the rights and obligations of the three parties, including the ride-sharing service provider, the ride-sharing person, and the ride-sharing information service platform.

  Create a good market environment

  (11) Improve service facilities. The urban people’s government shall incorporate comprehensive taxi service areas, stopping points, waiting berths and other service facilities into the urban infrastructure building plan, make overall and reasonable arrangements, conscientiously organize and implement them, and properly solve the actual difficulties of taxi drivers in parking, dining, toileting, etc. In airports, stations, docks, shopping malls, hospitals and other large public places and residential areas, cruise bus waiting areas shall be demarcated to facilitate taxi operations and better provide services for passengers to travel.

  (12) Strengthen the construction of the credit system. It is necessary to implement the service quality credit assessment system and the driver qualification management system, formulate taxi service standards, credit management systems for operators and employees, and clarify the basic requirements for operating in accordance with the law and providing honest services.Actively use the Internet, big data, cloud computing and other technologies to establish an evaluation system for taxi operators and drivers, strengthen the recording of information such as violations of laws and regulations, dishonesty, complaints and reports, and passenger service evaluations, as an important basis for taxi operators and employees to enter and exit, and incorporate it into the national credit information sharing platform and the national enterprise credit information publicity system.

  (13) Strengthen market supervision.It is necessary to innovate supervision methods, simplify licensing procedures, and implement online processing.It is necessary to disclose information such as the main body, quantity, mode of acquisition and change of operating rights of taxi operators, conduct regular taxi service quality assessments and release them to the public, and further improve the transparency of industry supervision. It is necessary to establish a joint supervision and law enforcement mechanism led by the government, with the participation of departments and the linkage of blocks, and a joint punishment and exit mechanism. It is necessary to establish and improve the supervision platform, strengthen the supervision of the whole process, investigate and punish the behavior of taxis that hinder fair competition in the market and price violations in accordance with the law, and severely crack down on illegal operations, gathering crowds to disrupt social order, or inciting organizations to disrupt the operation order and damage the public

  (14) Strengthen the construction of the legal system. It is necessary to accelerate the improvement of laws, regulations and standards for the management and operation of taxis, clarify management responsibilities and legal responsibilities, standardize qualification conditions and business licenses, and form a relatively complete system of laws and regulations for the management of taxis, business services and market supervision.

  (15) Implement the main responsibility of the local people’s government. All localities should establish a reform leadership mechanism to strengthen the organization and leadership of deepening the reform of the taxi industry. It is necessary to formulate specific implementation plans, clarify work objectives, refine and decompose tasks, establish relevant departments, trade unions, industry associations and other multi-party joint working mechanisms, and steadily advance various reform tasks. It is necessary to strengthen social communication, smooth the channels for interest appeals, take the initiative to release information, respond to social concerns, build consensus on reform, and create a good public opinion environment. For major decisions in reform, it is necessary to carry out social stability threat and risk assessments, improve emergency plans, prevent and resolve various contradictions, and maintain social stability.

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ???   General Office of the State Council

 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? July 26, 2016

  (This article is published publicly.)

After riding 500 kilometers, 173 orders were sent, and the reporter sent takeaway to experience the five flavors of the long holiday

  In the past Mid-Autumn Festival National Day holiday, the reporter of the Yangzi Evening News Ziniu news cycled more than 500 kilometers and delivered 173 orders of takeaway, realizing the hardships of the takeaway brother. The reporter braved the rain to deliver milk tea to the construction engineering company next to Niushou Mountain, and also went to Sanqiao Wetland Park to deliver camping ingredients for foreign tourists on the full moon night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and crossed the Jiajiang River many times to deliver supper to the citizens. The reporter observed that the number of orders sent to construction sites, parks, and subway stations has increased significantly. These orders are far away, off-road, and difficult to deliver. When the reporter finished work late at night, he was also cared for by restaurant owners and roadside stall owners many times, which made the reporter feel warm and warm.

  Ziniu News reporter, Yan Chunxu

  1. More than 10 takeaways were sent to the construction site, and the truck driver ate in the car

  At 6:21 p.m. on September 29, the reporter received an order from the platform to pick up the food from the braised chicken and rice (Gemdale Central Store) and deliver it to a tram limited company near Exit 8 of Yuzui Subway Station, about 4.2 kilometers apart. When the reporter finished picking up the food and prepared for delivery, he saw an order for Exit 8 of Yuzui Subway Station, but he grabbed the order directly by the way. At this time, the platform sent another order to a construction site at the intersection of Baoshuang Road and Tianbao West Road in Yuhuatai District.

  At 7 pm, the reporter finished delivering the second order from Exit 8 of Yuzui Subway Station and was ready to rush to the construction site where the customer was located. The reporter immediately panicked after seeing that the two places were about 4.1 kilometers apart from the navigation. There were still 3 minutes to time out, so he had to bite the bullet and follow the navigation. When he got closer, he found that there was a cement road under the bridge. The reporter walked about 100 meters in the dark, and he could vaguely see something in the shape of a ladder. When he got closer, he found that it was a step. The reporter pushed the electric car along the narrow slope next to the steps and slowly walked forward. When he saw the bright light, he turned to the Tin Hau Bridge. The reporter turned two or three corners on the bridge before pushing the electric car down the steps at the other end of the bridge. When he went down the steps, he also turned several corners. As soon as the reporter got off the bridge, it was pitch black in front of him again, and he could only identify the concrete road by the dim light of the electric car. After getting off the bridge, the reporter walked all the way along the potholed path next to the Qinhuai New River, and the road ahead became narrower and narrower, and some places were still dirt roads. The reporter drove forward for five or six minutes and turned more than 10 turns before seeing the construction sites on both sides.

  When the reporter delivered the takeaway to the customer, the platform showed that it had been 18 minutes overtime. The reporter felt guilty and kept apologizing to the other party. The other party also comforted: "It doesn’t matter, the place is difficult to find, and it is at night. Everyone understands, it would be nice if you could deliver it."

  During the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday, the reporter sent more than 10 takeout orders to the construction site or the company. Every time they arrived at the construction site, the workers were already waiting at the door. One worker told the reporter: "In order to send the children to school, they usually eat at the construction site canteen. It happened to be the Mid-Autumn Festival, and they ordered more than 20 yuan of Malatang."

  On the evening of the 5th, the reporter received an order to be sent to the entrance of Yangzijiang Avenue. Since this place is close to the construction site, the reporter thought that the worker had written the wrong location. When calling to confirm, he learned that the other party was a large truck driver who temporarily stopped in Nanjing to rest. The truck driver said on the phone: "This is ordered by my daughter. It doesn’t matter if it is earlier or later. Don’t worry on the road and pay attention to safety."

  2. Camping and barbecuing have become a trend, and they rush to the riverside to deliver ingredients to tourists on rainy nights

  At 7:02 p.m. on September 30, the reporter received an order from a hot pot barbecue food supermarket on Wuhou Street, Jianye District. The delivery fee was 8.5 yuan, and it was delivered to the Finless Dolphin Plaza in Sanqiao Wetland Park, 5.2 kilometers away. The reporter specially checked the map before departure, and thought that the destination must cross the Qinhuai New River, pass through Baoshuang Bridge, and get off the stairs. During the actual delivery process, the reporter found that the resistance was even greater, and there were many construction sites. There were many construction vehicles parked on the road next to the construction site.

  At 7:31 p.m., the reporter finally arrived at the finless porpoise square in Sanqiao Wetland Park, shared the location with WeChat by phone, and found the customer. When the customer received the barbecue ingredients and grill from the reporter, they kept thanking: "Please, please send it all the way!" The customer who originally ordered came to Nanjing from Yiwu, Zhejiang to visit, camped at the finless porpoise square in Sanqiao Wetland Park in the evening, tasted the duck blood fans in Nanjing that day, and liked Nanjing’s food very much.

  The reporter noticed that during the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day holiday, Riverside Park has become a good choice for tourists from other places and Nanjing citizens to clock in. The reporter went to Yuzui Wetland Park, Sanqiao Wetland Park Finless Dolphin Square and Hexi City Ecological Park to deliver more than 10 orders of takeaway, and only on October 4 at noon, it was sent to Yuzui Wetland Park three times. In Yuzui Wetland Park, a variety of snack cars have attracted tourists from all over the world. Many families ride bicycles in the park to enjoy the scenery everywhere. There are 20 or 30 tents on the grass alone.

  I ran more than 500 kilometers in 3 or 8 days, and I was often moved during the delivery process

  On the early morning of October 5, after the reporter finished work, he met a boss selling fried skewers near Hexi Gemdale Plaza, as well as a security guard from a nearby community. The reporter handed the selected skewers to the boss and said, "Roll me two cakes, one is not enough to eat!" After hearing that there were cakes, the security guard next to him also said to the boss, "I will also add two more cakes, how much is it?" The owner of the fried skewers stall said, "No need, I will give it to you." When the reporter said that he wanted to pay, the boss also said, "I don’t want the money, and I will give it to you. It is not easy for everyone to work outside, they are all brothers." Hearing the boss’s words, the reporter and the security guard quickly thanked the owner of the fried skewers stall.

  In the past 8 days, the reporter cycled more than 500 kilometers and delivered 173 takeaways, generating 1165.3 yuan in delivery income and 55 yuan in activity income. Three orders were deducted 9.74 yuan by the platform for overtime, and one customer was dissatisfied by the platform. 3 yuan was deducted, and 8-day insurance premiums were deducted 20 yuan. A total of 1187.56 yuan was earned.

  The reporter started to deliver food on the evening of September 28, and the working hours are from 10 am to 2 pm and 5 pm to 1 am the next day. Although the reporter may feel frustrated when the order is overdue or receiving bad reviews from customers, it is with the help of these strangers around him that people no longer feel cold in the early morning rain. Every corner of society is full of care, so that everyone who works hard for their dreams will not feel lonely.

Dongfeng fengshen Haohan real car, Mach electric hybrid DH-i won the "China Heart" 2023 Top Ten Engine and Hybrid System Award.

  On November 6th, 2023, the selection of "China Heart" 2023 Top Ten Engines and Hybrid Systems officially came to an end. Dongfeng Motor’s Mach-electric hybrid DH-i hybrid technology successfully won the "China Heart" 2023 Top Ten Engines and Hybrid Systems Award for its "super fuel-saving, super power, super quiet and super smoothness" in full speed range and all scenes. As the world’s first hybrid system integrating "power shunt+multi-gear series-parallel connection", Mach-electric hybrid DH-i technology integrates the characteristics of multi-gear series-parallel connection with good power economy and smooth power shunt, achieving a double breakthrough in performance and energy saving.

  The "China Heart" Top Ten Engines of the Year, sponsored by Automobile and Sports magazine, ranks with "Ward Top Ten Engines" and "International Engine of the Year" as the top three engines in the world, and its authority and gold content in the industry are obvious to all. As a representative work of self-owned brand hybrid technology, Mach electric hybrid DH-i hybrid system technology won the "China Heart" Top Ten Engine and Hybrid System Award, which proved that China’s own brand has been ahead of the joint venture brand in the field of hybrid technology.

  The strength is superior and the glory is added. The debut of Mach Power is the peak.

  Mach-electric hybrid DH-i technology was born in Mach Power, an independent passenger car power brand owned by Dongfeng Motor, including Mach G, Mach MHD and Mach E, covering four major fields: oil power, hybrid power, electric power and hydrogen power. Since the official debut of the "Dongfeng Motor Brand Spring Festival" conference in 2021, Mach Power has successively won three top ten engines and hybrid systems of "China Heart", two special awards from the jury of CCTV Automobile Fengyun Festival, People’s Network "People’s Ingenuity" award and many other industry awards. The dazzling honor comes from extraordinary strength. Mach Power has been recognized by the industry for many years, and it is inseparable from strong technical reserves and profound research and development skills. This award-winning Mach-electric hybrid DH-i hybrid system is the third generation Mach-MHD hybrid system, and its performance parameters are ahead of the industry.

  Mach-electric hybrid DH-i is the world’s first hybrid system integrating "power split+multi-gear series-parallel connection", which integrates the characteristics of multi-gear series-parallel connection, good power economy and good power split smoothness, and can achieve super fuel-saving, super power, super quiet and super smoothness in the full-speed scene of the whole vehicle. The hybrid system consists of a new Mach 1.5T hybrid special engine and Mach 4HD series hybrid electric drive. The thermal efficiency of the Mach 1.5T hybrid special engine is as high as 45.18%. It was certified by China Automotive Research Institute in early 2023, and the record has not been broken so far. The maximum power of the engine reaches 118kW and the maximum torque is 240Nm. Mach 4HD series hybrid electric drive has the most gears in the industry, 7 energy management modes and 26 working modes. Based on the self-developed intelligent control system, through continuous optimization and calibration practice on the whole vehicle, taking the optimal comprehensive efficiency as the core and combining with other performance requirements, the optimal mode and operating point suitable for each scene are intelligently selected. Under comprehensive working conditions, more than 95% working points of the engine are running in the high-efficiency range of the engine with thermal efficiency greater than 40%, thus improving the efficiency of the whole hybrid system and making the whole vehicle fuel-efficient, safe, smooth and powerful in the full-speed scene.

  Hard core strength does not believe in the limit, and dongfeng fengshen Haohan PHEV is amazing.

  There are two versions of Mach-electric hybrid DH-i, HEV and PHEV, among which the PHEV version, which participated in the "China Heart" Top Ten Engine Selection, has a maximum power of 265kW and a comprehensive maximum torque of 615 N m. Based on the 4-speed parallel connection/dual-mode power split, the PHEV version significantly improves the output torque of the wheel end from 0 to 90 km/h, with the peak torque reaching 5200Nm, and the hybrid mode accelerates to 6s level, and the climbing and overtaking abilities are significantly improved.

  Thanks to the strength of Mach electric hybrid DH-i hybrid system, dongfeng fengshen Haohan PHEV has achieved the ultimate experience of power loss and fuel consumption as low as 3.8L/100km, comprehensive cruising range of 1,350 km, 0-100km acceleration in 6s and zero frustration in gear shifting, which fully embodies the brand connotation of Mach Power "extremely fast, extremely economical, extremely quiet and extremely demanding".

  Driven by the strategy of "peak carbon dioxide emissions, Carbon Neutralization", the penetration rate of new energy in China automobile market continues to rise, and hybrid technology, as a new energy technology route that can not only give consideration to cruising range, but also improve energy efficiency, is increasingly welcomed by consumers in the market. Dongfeng Mach hybrid DH-i, with its strong strength and excellent technical indicators, has set a new benchmark for China’s own brand hybrid technology. With the blessing of industry-leading technology, Dongfeng will also bring more powerful, energy-saving, safer and more comfortable new energy products to consumers, and walk out of the road of new energy belonging to China’s own brand.

Moments are outdated! New black technology is popular among Beidou satellites

  On March 30, 2015, the first new-generation Beidou navigation satellite (the 17th satellite of Beidou Navigation) was successfully launched at the Xichang Satellite Launch Base. Starting from this satellite, Beidou satellites will haveintersatellite linkIt allows various satellites to achieve barrier-free real-time communication in space, allowing for "space conversations" at any time.

  Beidou No. 2: "Ten years ago, I didn’t know you, you don’t belong to me.

  What is an inter-satellite link?Inter-satellite link refers to the communication link established between satellites, which can connect multiple satellites together to form a satellite network. Information sharing between satellites is achieved by means of electromagnetic waves, and wireless links with data transmission and ranging functions.The inter-satellite link of Beidou satellites is mainly used to realize information transmission and two-way measurement between Beidou satellites.

  At present, other navigation systems in the world are studying "inter-satellite link" technology, and each has its own characteristics, such as the UHF band low-speed wide-beam inter-satellite link of GPS in the United States, the S-band low-speed wide-beam inter-satellite link of the Russian GLONASS navigation system, and the Ka-band phased array medium-speed inter-satellite link in our country.

  Can’t live without you

  Through the inter-satellite link, the independent operation of the Beidou satellite global system will be realized, the accuracy of orbit determination and timing will be improved, the injection frequency will be improved, and the dependence on ground stations will be reduced, effectively reducing the operation and management costs of the system.The management and maintenance of navigation satellites requires the support and cooperation of the ground station, and the user’s positioning accuracy depends on the accurate determination of the satellite position and satellite time by the ground station, and is injected into the satellite to broadcast to the user.

  For example, the United States has military bases all over the world, and GPS ground stations can choose the best location around the world to achieve all-weather seamless coverage, high orbit determination accuracy, and high injection frequency. The main control station is located in Colorado, the mainland of the United States, with three injection stations: Ascension Island, Diego Garcia Island, Kwajalein Island, and five monitoring stations (Colorado, Ascension Island, Diego Garcia Island, Kwajalein Island, Hawaii Island).

  Compared with GPS and Galileo, China’s Beidou relies more on inter-satellite links.

  For security and other factors, our country has only carried out ground station construction in China, so when the satellite runs to the place where the ground station cannot observe, how does the Beidou navigation satellite work? The answer is that we have inter-satellite links. Each satellite can act as a "router", and it can manage overseas stars through domestic stars without building websites around the world.

  What if a war breaks out and the ground station is damaged or disturbed? It doesn’t matter, with the interstellar link, our Beidou satellites can be self-reliant and self-sufficient, enter the autonomous operation mode without ground support, and continue to provide high-precision navigation, positioning, and timing services.

  peacetimeThe high-precision inter-satellite/satellite-earth observation provided by the inter-satellite link can make up for the regional layout defects of the Beidou satellite navigation system monitoring station in our country, manage overseas satellites, improve the injection frequency, and improve the comprehensive service performance of the system.

  The results show that the orbit determination accuracy of one ground station anchoring satellite-ground link and inter-satellite link data is similar to that of six L-band monitoring stations on the ground except that the orbital plane along the track direction accuracy is slightly worse. Combined orbit determination of inter-satellite link data and L-band data can improve the L-band orbit determination accuracy.

  Special periodIn extreme cases such as ground station destruction or interference, the Beidou satellite system can operate autonomously with the help of inter-satellite links, providing high-precision navigation, positioning, and timing services within 60 days without ground support.

  The inter-satellite link provides services for the Beidou system while also providing part-time services: providing communication and measurement and control support for spacecraft, missiles and other aircraft.

  China’s intersatellite link system has entered the era of "smart phones", representing the technology trend of next-generation satellite navigation systems.

  The most outstanding features include:

  1, China’s inter-satellite link system, 70,000 km ranging accuracy to centimeter level, equivalent to seeing a hair strand dozens of kilometers away, the measurement accuracy is higher than GPS.

  2. China’s inter-satellite link system is like a "mobile phone call", which is used by several people in a house and does not interfere with each other, while the GPS inter-satellite link is a "mass broadcast", which interferes with each other. One line works, and the other lines must be silent.

  According to the Doppler effect, the electromagnetic wave frequency radiated by an object varies due to the relative motion of the wave source and the observer. The faster the object, the greater the error in the received frequency, and the Doppler shift will affect the communication performance.

  Therefore, eliminating or reducing the influence of Doppler frequency shift on wireless communication is a problem that must be solved for wireless communication in high-speed motion, and the inter-satellite link needs to complete the fast acquisition and tracking of high-dynamic signals in a very short time.

  The maximum speed of high-speed rail is 350KM/h, which is about 100m/s, while the relative speed of satellites can reach 5000m/s. The Beidou inter-satellite link can complete a series of complex signal processing such as capture and tracking at extremely high speed in 100ms, and complete the high-speed establishment and handover of the inter-satellite link.

  Take China as an example.The country farthest from China geographically is Argentina, the distance between Beijing, China and Buenos Aires, Argentina is about 22,000 kilometers, and the farthest distance between the two satellites in space is 70,000 kilometers.

  This 70,000 kilometers is the furthest distance in the world, but it is also the closest distance. Two satellites are 70,000 kilometers apart, but they always know where each other is, and the accuracy of satellite position prediction can reach the meter level. This accuracy is equivalent to accurately hitting a human-sized target in Argentina in China. This is not a hundred steps through the yang, it is a hundred steps through the needle.

  The energy of the satellite is provided by two small solar panels. As an energy-limited system, the lower the power of the transmission is required, and the distance between the two satellites is so far. After a long space walk, the electromagnetic wave signal has long been submerged in the vast noise.

  How low is the signal power that our interstellar link needs to receive? Simply put, it is equivalent to 1/1 billion of the signal power received by our mobile phones. Cunning enemies are everywhere, always playing tricks in the dark, and the interstellar link has its own countermeasures. It can still work freely when the strength of the jamming signal is 100,000 times that of the useful signal.

  The intersatellite link independently developed by our country can quickly capture satellite signals flashing 70,000 kilometers away from such a low signal power. Through the intersatellite link, China’s Beidou satellite can quickly complete a handshake when flying at high speed in the vast space. After the handshake, the information exchange between the two satellites is completed, and the distance between the satellites is accurately determined. The distance measurement accuracy of 70,000 kilometers can reach 1 cm.

  In addition to the Ka intersatellite link that has been successfully verified, we also have a laser intersatellite link, which will be an intersatellite highway. Please wait and see.

  At 7:18 on January 12, 2018, the 26th and 27th Beidou Navigation Satellites developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Microsatellite Innovation Research Institute were successfully launched at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. With the "assistance" of the inter-satellite link, the Beidou-3 project’s global networking and system services are one step closer!

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