(Sports International Football) Serie A Synthesis: Lazio beat Florence Atlanta and Empoli.

Xinhua News Agency, Rome, October 30 (Li Mengqing) The 10th round of Italian Football League ended on the 30th. Lazio beat Florence with a penalty in stoppage time, with a countdown of 1:0. Atalanta beat Empoli 3-0 away, and Scamacca contributed two goals and one assist for the team.

The "Blue Eagle" played against the "Viola". In the 13th minute, Florence striker beltran scored a goal, but it was ruled that the handball was first and the goal was invalid. In the 16th minute, his header hit the post again. Since then, both sides have tried to shoot one after another, but the score of 0-0 lasted until stoppage time. Lazio’s Vecino headed the goal, but I didn’t expect milenkovic to open his arm and stop the ball at the crucial moment. This was an obvious hand ball, and the referee decisively awarded a penalty. Inmobile hit a penalty, helping Lazio beat their opponents with a 1:0 countdown, and Serie A won three consecutive victories.

Atalanta dominated the game against Empoli, and Scamacca’s performance was very eye-catching from the beginning of the first half. In the 5th minute, he received lukman’s assist and hit the ball with his heel, winning the first prize. In the 29th minute, Scamacca sent a cross to teammate Cooper Menas, who pushed the goal in the restricted area to expand the visiting team’s lead.

Yi Bian fought again, and Scamacca received De Roon’s dexterous assist, and volleyed at the edge of the restricted area to break the goal, and finally Atalanta won 3-0. (End)

The State Air Traffic Control Administration stepped up the introduction of new management standards to ensure the safety and punctuality of flights in peak season.

  CCTV News:

  State air traffic control administration strengthens management standards to ensure safety

  Starting from yesterday (26th), the national civil aviation began to implement the flight plan for the summer and autumn seasons. Domestic and international airlines and airports have adjusted the flight route network. The State Air Traffic Control Administration under the Civil Aviation Administration of China is stepping up the introduction of stricter new safety management standards to ensure the safety and punctuality of air transportation during the peak season.

  This set of standards to be issued soon puts the four main businesses of air traffic control, communication, meteorology and intelligence on the same responsibility platform, and the responsibilities are interrelated. Once any industry has problems, relevant industries should also be held accountable.

  Jiang Yanjun, Minister of Safety Management Department of the State Air Traffic Control Administration:Like in the past, when you had a problem, these directly connected units did not pursue responsibility, so this management was not very strict.

  This set of standards has also made strict regulations on the management of flight-related equipment such as communication, navigation, radar and meteorology.

  Jiang Yanjun:This standard is very high. We used to have one master and two standby devices. It used to be said that our master stopped and I turned on the standby device. What should we do? Now we require that there should be no such time difference, that is, your equipment can be broken, but the person I command can’t stop.

  In the identification of accountability, this standard refers to the international unified safety management system, and divides violations into intentional and unintentional. If intentional, the punishment will be merciless. Instead of intentionally, it should also be divided into management factors and personal factors, and the punishment methods should be divided into four types. First of all, due to management factors, including inadequate interpretation and incomplete implementation of regulations, the management should be held accountable and punished; Secondly, individuals who repeatedly violate the rules in their own posts should be severely punished; Third, those who violate rigid rules and regulations, including regulations on security and safety, should be given heavier punishment.

  Jiang Yanjun:Another kind is violation without consequences. This kind of punishment aims at education, so that you will not violate the rules in the end.

  The "10.11 Incident" sounded the alarm of aviation safety.

  Last year, there were many safety incidents in domestic civil aviation, which sounded the alarm of safety in production one after another. Especially on October 11th last year, the runway incursion incident happened at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport, and the plane nearly collided because the tower controller of the air traffic control system violated the rules, which attracted people’s attention.

  On October 11th last year, an A320 aircraft of China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd. found another A330 aircraft preparing to cross the runway during the flight take-off at Hongqiao Airport, and the two aircraft almost collided.

  On October 21st, the Civil Aviation Administration severely dealt with the leaders and responsible persons of the responsible units related to the "10.11" incident at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport. After investigation, this is a serious accident symptom caused by human factors caused by the tower controller forgetting the aircraft dynamics and violating the working standards. 13 leading cadres of East China Air Traffic Control Bureau, East China Air Traffic Control Bureau Control Center and East China Air Traffic Control Bureau Safety Management Department were given warnings within the party, serious warnings, administrative demerits and dismissal; Revoke the licenses of controllers in the command seat and monitoring seat on duty, and the controllers in the command seat on duty shall not engage in control and command work for life.

  Overload operation is common.

  In fact, for air traffic control, safety should be an eternal theme. In the final analysis, it is the core task of air traffic control to ensure the safety of aircraft take-off and landing and flight and avoid collision. However, in the face of the rapid development of the domestic aviation market and the growing civil aviation fleet, the pressure on air traffic control itself is increasing day by day.

  Jiang Yanjun, director of the safety management department of the State Air Traffic Control Administration, told reporters that it is almost a common phenomenon that air traffic control is overloaded from a national perspective.

  Jiang Yanjun:All places have moments of overwork. For example, if we overshot in a certain period of time, it is not a long-term overshot, but the places with more time for this overshot should account for more than 30%. Like Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong and Xiamen, they are all super.

  Jiang Yanjun believes that the direct negative effect brought by overload operation is the increase of security risks. First of all, this shows that the novice error rate in the post will increase.

  Jiang Yanjun:Like us this time, one returned last year, and 11 of the 22 cases were made by new comrades.

  Management deviation and novice error rate are high.

  Statistics show that since 2013, the error rate of novice air traffic control system posts has reached 70% continuously, and the error rate reached 50% last year. Jiang Yanjun believes that at present, in addition to the three major air traffic control hazards of human error, military and civil aviation collision and runway diving, the operation of new controllers has almost become the fourth major hazard. At the same time, some skilled controllers will make mistakes due to heavy workload and fatigue. Jiang Yanjun analyzed that the reasons for the overload operation are: first, compared with the overall development speed of domestic civil aviation, the development of air traffic control lags behind and the security is relatively tight; The second is the deviation in its own management. Take team training as an example. In recent years, with the emphasis on safety, the air traffic control system has rushed to the front line to pay attention to safety, and front-line employees have basically been on duty all day, so job training has naturally been ignored. For air traffic control, improving the quality of talents is precisely the foundation to ensure safety.

  Airport construction air traffic control lacks the right to speak


  Professionals pointed out that air traffic control is one of the three pillars supporting the development of civil aviation industry. However, from a practical point of view, in the current layout of the aviation industry in various places, air traffic control often becomes a neglected link because of its small proportion and low participation. In fact, ignoring air traffic control, in a sense, ignores aviation safety.

  Professionals believe that if civil aviation is compared to a human body, air traffic control is the nervous system of this body.

  Take Kunming as an example. In the past, there was only one airport in Wujiaba. In recent years, driven by the tourism industry, airports are being built around Kunming. At present, the total shipping volume in Yunnan is more than that in the whole Northeast. But in fact, in the case of limited airspace resources, the number of flights is constantly increasing, which is equivalent to forcing air traffic control to cook without rice.

  Jiang Yanjun:The amount in the air is too large, and it is too late for the controller to make any small negligence and issue a password to change it. It is a chance interval, which may cause a chance interval between planes, that is, the amount is up.

  Jiang Yanjun also believes that ignoring the participation of air traffic control is actually unfavorable to the scientific planning of the airport, shortening the interval and expanding the capacity. In the final analysis, it is still unfavorable to safety.

  Airport flow control to reduce risk factor

  In recent years, flight delay has attracted more and more social attention, and one of the reasons for flight delay is flow control. When encountering airport flow control, passengers often wait for hours on the plane. In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the National Air Traffic Control Administration explained that airport flow control is a measure that must be taken when the flight is saturated, because only in this way can safety be ensured.

  Jiang Yanjun:The most important thing of flow control is for safety. Flow control is not for your flight delay, but because I can’t hold it, so it’s not safe for you to come again. The plane is less than the interval, and the plane hits. What should I do?

  Jiang Yanjun said that air traffic control connects the take-off and landing of aircraft around the flight time. In the connection, the tower controller calculates the take-off and landing time of the aircraft and the interval between the aircraft in seconds. As soon as a plane takes off, a plane will land. The formation of such a smooth flight flow requires the cooperation of airports and airlines. Once this connection is interrupted for some reason, the direct result is that the flow control time is postponed, and consumers will increase the waiting time on the plane. In fact, controllers actually want flights to be normal more than anyone else, because their work is full every hour. Once the flight in the last hour is abnormal, they will move to the next hour. In this way, in the next hour, all aircraft take-off and landing, safety interval and other data will be recalculated, and the risk factor will increase when the load is exceeded.

  China’s civil aviation safety level ranks among the top in the world.

  Feng Zhenglin, vice minister of the Ministry of Transport and director of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, said recently that the civil aviation safety situation in China was generally stable last year, and there were no transport flight accidents and air defense safety accidents. China civil aviation has zero tolerance for safety accidents, and its safety level is in the forefront of the world.

  Feng Zhenglin said that up to now, China Civil Aviation has been flying safely for 76 months, with a total of 45.96 million hours of safe flight, which has ensured air defense safety for 14 consecutive years. In recent ten years, China civil aviation has transported one million flights, with a major accident rate of 0.036, which is only 1/12 of the world level in the same period. In management, China Civil Aviation adheres to four strictness, namely, the strictest responsibility, the strictest supervision, the severest punishment and the most serious accountability. At present, from the perspective of the world, the symptoms of civil aviation accidents in China are far lower than those in some developed countries. Last year, there were only 22 air traffic accidents in China, while in European countries, there were only 146 in Germany. 

Exercise is medicine, and running scientifically won’t hurt your knees.

     During the National Day, there was a news in the sports circle that attracted the attention of all parties, that is, Academician Li Jian ‘an, a well-known expert in rehabilitation medicine in China, an international academician of the National Medical College of the United States and director of the Rehabilitation Medicine Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, successfully completed seven challenges in seven days during the National Day.

  The 69-year-old academician proved people’s adaptability and endurance potential with practical actions. Netizens have also commented on this, praising Academician Li Jian ‘an’s amazing physical quality and extraordinary perseverance. At the same time, there are also some doubts: Is such a huge amount of exercise really harmless to the body?

  Recently, at the 6th China Changzhou International Sports Rehabilitation Conference, Academician Li Jian ‘an made a main report, in which he also mentioned his personal marathon experience and understanding of marathon.

  Behind the "7 days and 7 horses", you should also know these things.

  A pair of running shoes

  Let him experience the benefits of sports.

  The benefits of exercise to organs, bones, brain and other tissues and organs must be well known, and before 2015, Academician Li’s cognition of the benefits of exercise was mainly at the theoretical level.

  Academician Li’s running career began on January 6, 2016, because from 2013 to 2015, his physical condition went from bad to worse, he often caught a cold, and it was a serious viral infection, and his immunity decreased significantly. At this time, a friend who often runs gave him a pair of running shoes, so he naturally started running.

  On September 22, 2016, in the morning run, he accidentally fell and landed on the outside of his right foot. After examination, the fracture of the base of the fifth metatarsal was found.

  Fully aware of his physical condition and solid medical knowledge, Academician Li has a bold idea: promoting rehabilitation through exercise.

  So, he began the self-experiment of active rehabilitation:

  Twelve days after the fracture, he climbed the Purple Mountain.

  Eighteen days after his fracture, he limped for 10 kilometers in Xuzhou.

  On the 70th day after the fracture, he took part in the Nanjing Half Marathon.

  On December 11th, 2016, the 80th day after the fracture, he completed the first "all-horse race" in Guangzhou Marathon in 5 hours and 54 minutes. At this point, his right foot has basically recovered.

  Just after the horse race in 2016, Academician Li lost 14 kilograms, and also lost some health problems related to weight, such as hyperlipidemia, osteoporosis and fatty liver. His current bone density is equivalent to that in his 40 s. Especially since the day of running, I have never caught a cold and never got sick. Taking part in sports personally made him feel the benefits of sports.

  "Exercise is medicine"

  There are many benefits to health.

  Because of the multiple benefits of exercise to health, we often say that "exercise is a good medicine". But at the meeting, Academician Li said that he called it "exercise is medicine" because all medicines have side effects, and exercise is no exception. If you don’t have a comprehensive understanding of your physical condition and lack a scientific and reasonable exercise program, you are likely to get hurt in sports.

  For example, sudden high-intensity exercise in a short period of time will reduce our own immunity, especially high-intensity exercise for more than 90 minutes, which is also known as the "window-opening theory" of decreased immunity after exercise.

  Generally, 2-3 hours after high-intensity and long-term exercise, the innate immune system of the body begins to enter a busy working state, which will lead to the decline of the immune system’s resistance to external antigens.

  Therefore, it is easier to be attacked by viruses, bacteria and fungi at this time, and this process may last until 24 hours after exercise. Therefore, we should pay attention to controlling the intensity of exercise, step by step, and pay attention to the recovery after exercise.

  Many people will say that running hurts their knees when they mention running.

  Academician Li said: You think too much! Reasonable exercise will not only wear joints, but also make joints stronger and more durable, and reduce the incidence of arthritis. Only 3.5% of fitness runners suffer from hip and knee arthritis, while those who are sedentary have an arthritis rate of 10.5%. It is not running that hurts the knee, but running incorrectly will hurt the knee.

  Academician Li has hardly caused any pain in the competition in recent years, and his physical function has not decreased due to excessive exercise, which shows that the amount of exercise is within the controllable range.

  Academician Li also hopes that more people can understand the mechanism of human movement, master scientific sports knowledge, find a suitable exercise program, truly turn "sports are medicine" into "sports are good doctors" and enjoy the health and fun that sports bring us.

  "7 days and 7 horses"

  Three key words for finishing the game

  Throughout Academician Li Jian ‘an’s experience in horse racing since 2016, he completed one full horse and two half horses in 2016, two full horses and eight half horses in 2017, 13 full horses and nine half horses in 2018, 14 full horses and four half horses in 2019, and 10 full horses and seven half horses in seven days in 2020.

  These horse racing experiences also reflect the key points mentioned by Academician Li at the meeting: individualization, step by step, perseverance, and upholding these three key words to create a personal health curve in a wise way.

  The first thing is to make a suitable exercise program, because everyone’s exercise ability and exercise experience are different. At the same time, pay attention to the recovery after exercise, such as stretching, massage, hydrotherapy and other ways to relax and recover after running, and cooperate with nutritional supplements. Carbohydrate, protein and branched-chain amino acids are all nutritional elements that need to be supplemented after long-distance running.

  Rome was not built in a day. From Academician Li’s horse racing experience, we can also see the gradual progress of his exercise and his perseverance in the past five years. Most runners are amateurs, without systematic training, and often the amount of training can’t keep up with the intensity of the competition.

  Although academician Li’s record of 7 days and 7 horses is really enviable, we can’t easily follow suit. In addition to comprehensive and systematic training, we need to have a precise grasp of our own recovery and pace design. I believe that Academician Li has also made a perfect plan for his pace during the seven-day challenge.

  Academician Li Jian ‘an hopes to share the knowledge of rehabilitation medicine and sports experience accumulated in the marathon with more people, so that more runners and ordinary people can run scientifically and enjoy the health and happiness brought by sports.

  His plan is: "When I first started running, I felt satisfied with running a marathon in my life. Now it seems that there is no pressure to run 100 marathons. My goal now is to run a hearty one when I am 100 years old!"

  Beginners of running had better start from walking.

  For beginners who have just started to participate in running, it is forbidden to run at high intensity at the beginning. The training plan is best to start from walking, gradually transition to the combination of walking and running, and finally transition to running. When a junior runner prepares for running training, he must first master the following skills:

  Step 1 walk briskly

  Walking briskly is an entry-level sport for running, which can also be understood as walking fast. When walking briskly, you should hold your head up, chest up and abdomen in, and speed up the pace, instead of increasing the stride. Your arms bend at 90 degrees and swing naturally with your body.

  Step 2: Timing

  When running, we should grasp each training time by ourselves. For example, a training plan is: ① walk for 5 minutes to warm up; ② run for 2 minutes+walk for 2 minutes; cycle for 25 minutes; ③ walk for the last 5 minutes to relax. If there is a timer with reminding function during training, set the time in advance, and we can be reminded to switch training modes when it is time.

  3. Heart rate monitoring

  Some runners may see the training effect by weighing themselves. In fact, the heart rate during running is an important indicator to measure the intensity of exercise. Therefore, we should pay attention to our own heart rate changes during running, and it is best to control the novice’s rate in the running center at 50%-80% of the reserve heart rate.

  4. Cross-training

  At the beginning of running, it is best to add some other exercise methods, such as cycling and swimming, so that on the one hand, it can alleviate the impact of simple running on the legs, on the other hand, it can also enhance the strength of the legs.

  Academician Li also gave four suggestions to the racers:

  Do what you can, don’t exceed your ability.

  2. Do a good job of warm-up, especially after the finish line, which is prone to problems. Walk for at least 5-10 minutes after the race, and don’t stop.

  3. Adhere to the principle of gradual progress and perseverance, strengthen daily exercise, and don’t rush to participate in the competition.

  4. Make sure you feel good about yourself. If you feel flustered, chest tightness, headache, shortness of breath and poor walking stability, you should slow down or even stop the game immediately.

  Comprehensive report by China News Service and CCTV in Yangzi Evening News

Had to have an early reunion dinner: a warm dinner for the Hong Kong police

In a disciplined services dormitory in Kwai Chung, Hong Kong, Hong Kong police, family members and retired police officers celebrated the Lunar New Year together. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Gang)
Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, January 24th (Reporter Liu Mingyang) "Everyone has worked hard! The New Year is safe and smooth! " Near New Year’s Eve, in a disciplined services dormitory in Kwai Chung, Hong Kong, some Hong Kong police officers, their families and retired police officers gathered together to raise a glass to celebrate the Lunar New Year.
"A few days ago, my husband and I just moved into the dormitory where we queued up to apply, and we were very happy to decorate our new home." Officer Zhang, who is in her thirties and works in the criminal department of the Hong Kong Police Headquarters, told the reporter that she and her husband, Officer Ling, who are also policemen, have just moved into a new two-bedroom home of more than 40 square meters. "It’s just time to catch up with the Chinese New Year, and my old colleagues and senior officers specially came to celebrate the housewarming for us, because we have to be on duty on New Year’s Eve, and we also take this opportunity to have a happy reunion dinner together."
In order to make Hong Kong people live a stable year, many Hong Kong police officers still have to stick to their posts and go to work on New Year’s Eve. They had to invite relatives and friends in advance to have a rich and warm reunion dinner together.
Potted vegetables, eight-treasure duck, roasted goose, barbecued pork, and pig’s hands in sauce … On entering the room, the table was already full of delicious and Hong Kong-style reunion dinner.
"Pot dishes have the meaning of being full of pots, which can accommodate different kinds of food, such as chicken symbolizing’ good luck’, braised pork symbolizing’ being fat and moist at home’, prawns that are booming, mushrooms that are round and round, and so on." Police officer Zhang introduced the auspicious meaning of Hong Kong’s reunion dinner to reporters.
Does it take a long time to prepare such a big table of delicious food? Ms. Liang, the police sister-in-law who came to help prepare the reunion dinner early in the morning, told the reporter with a smile that it could be done in a few minutes with a finger. "Now Hong Kong, like the mainland, is more popular to order food online and deliver food to your door. All kinds of reunion dinners can be booked through smart phone software, which is convenient and fast. "
Police officer Zhang told reporters that due to the nature of work and recent social events, the work of the police force is very busy, overtime is normal, and rest time is precious. It takes a lot of time and energy to cook a large table of family reunion dinner by yourself. Online ordering is very suitable for the fast-paced life now.
Most of these police colleagues have known each other or worked together for many years. Everyone was beaming and in high spirits, sitting around the table. While tasting the traditional delicious food of the Youth League, they also talked about their work and life in the past year, looking forward to the new year and a new atmosphere, hoping that Hong Kong can get back on track and recover as soon as possible.
"As a frontline riot police, I have been dealing with riots at the front line for the past six months, working at least 12 hours a day and working six days a week." Officer Ling, who works in the Crime Department of the New Territories North Region of the Hong Kong Police Force, told the reporter that for the stable life of more than 7 million Hong Kong citizens, more than 30,000 Hong Kong police officers fought in the front line to stop violence and control chaos. After more than seven months of intensive work, there must be some pressure and fatigue, but he and his colleagues feel more of a responsibility and mission.
"Our husband and wife are both policemen. In the past six months, we really rarely met. It is often two or three weeks before we can have a meal together." Police officers Ling and Zhang, who have been in the police for more than 10 years, all said that Hong Kong is the place where they were born, grew up and lived. It is really painful to see Hong Kong being destroyed and constantly turbulent.
"I hope that this storm that seriously affects the daily life of countless families in Hong Kong can be calmed down as soon as possible. In the new year, I can spend more time with my family. " This is the New Year’s wish of the post-80s Hong Kong couple.
Sergeant Deng, who led the team to fight in the front line of riot prevention, told reporters that in his police district, quite a few police officers could not go home for a reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve and had to be on duty. "In the past year, in addition to some memories of sweating and bleeding, there were also many warm moments. For example, many citizens sent many gifts and cards to the police station to cheer us up. When enforcing the law at the front line, the passing citizens will say’ sir, come on’ to us regardless of the intimidation of the mob. "
Speaking of New Year’s wishes, Sheriff Deng said that in addition to dealing with riots, the police actually have many other duties to perform, and all aspects of public security in Hong Kong need us. "I really hope that the rain will clear up soon."
"In the past six months, in order to try our best to protect MTR facilities and passengers’ safety, we often worked overtime for several days in a row, and sometimes it was impossible to predict when we could finish work." Looking back on the past year, Sergeant Ye from the Railway Police District said that having been a policeman for more than 30 years, he had never seen Hong Kong as violent and chaotic as last year.
"Although mobs often insult, provoke, attack us, and even’ start’ our families, this has not made us retreat, but has enhanced our sense of mission as a policeman." Sheriff Ye said. On New Year’s Eve this year, Sergeant Ye stuck to his post as usual to ensure the safe and smooth operation of the railway.
"In fact, my daughter and I are used to it, and we are very supportive of his work. If he says that he will not be on duty this New Year, we will feel a bit strange." Sheriff Ye’s wife, Ms. Liang, who is engaged in beauty management, told reporters that the storm of amending the law not only worried her husband’s safety at work, but also worried her about the beauty business.
"The shops I manage are basically in places where demonstrations often occur, and many times they are forced to close." Ms. Liang told reporters that the number of guests has decreased by almost 40% and the income has been greatly reduced.
"We are still relatively good. Some friends in the same trade are even more bleak, and some even close the store directly." Ms. Liang hopes that Hong Kong’s economy will recover on the basis of social stability in the new year.
"In the past year, Hong Kong has undergone a severe test, and the brothers and sisters of the police have really worked hard! Without their dedication and tenacity, Hong Kong might have been rolling in the deep. " Wen Dacheng, the initiator of this reunion dinner and former Chief Superintendent of the Organized Crime and Triad Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Police Force, said that it was several generations who worked hard for this home in Hong Kong, which led to today’s dazzling "Pearl of the Orient". I hope all citizens will cherish Hong Kong, our common home.
A series of dishes, tasting one after another, sometimes whispering, and sometimes laughing. During the dinner, everyone raised their glasses several times: "Pay tribute to the colleagues who are on duty at the front line, bless Hong Kong and bless everyone!"

World Badminton Federation Finals: Shi Yuqi advanced to the final 2-0 Jonatan.

CCTV News: On December 16th, Beijing time, the men’s singles semi-final of the 2023 BWF World Tour Finals was contested in Hangzhou. China’s Shi Yuqi played against Jonatan. In the first game, both sides played a small climax in the opening stage, and Shi Yuqi entered the game break with 10-11 behind. Shi Yuqi, who came back after a pause, quickened his pace and gradually opened the score, taking the next game 21-16 first. In the second game, Shi Yuqi continued to play at a high level in the first game and soon opened the score. Since then, Shi Yuqi has resisted Jonatan’s crazy counterattack and won the game with a total score of 2-0.

Six exercises that are most suitable for winter can not only enhance resistance, but also lose weight healthily.

Cold winter, slow metabolism and blood circulation can easily lead to cardiovascular problems. Proper exercise in winter can not only prevent cardiovascular diseases, but also lose weight!

(vision china: VCG211269692566)

About why obesity is easy to cause in winter, it’s because it’s freezing and the human body’s temperature drops, so people want to eat hot pot, barbecue, sweets, etc. in winter, eat more and move less, and after 3 months, can they not get fat?

(vision china: VCG211265044671)

The cold winter is not suitable for outdoor sports, so the indoor sports design should be moderate to ensure that it can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase consumption and improve cardiopulmonary function, so Xiaobian recommends the following six kinds of sports for everyone to choose from.

(vision china: VCG41507706092)

1. Skipping rope

People like to sit and lie down in winter, so you need to jump for less than ten years. The benefits of jumping are as follows.

(1) Improve cardiopulmonary function

(2) burning fat

【 Action points 】

Relax your shoulders, keep your body upright, bend your arms and knees slightly, put your feet together, tighten your abdomen, and wave the skipping rope with your wrist.

Place your feet on the ground with the front soles of your feet, and jump gently, with a frequency of about 2-4 times per second.

Exercise plan: jump for 30 seconds /60, rest for 30 seconds, and jump for 6-8 groups.

2. Squat

The benefits of squat are as follows:

(1) Increase the mobility of lower limb joints.

(2) Increase muscle mass

(vision china: VCG41N1351868388)

【 Action points 】

Keep your back straight, heel and shoulder width, knees and toes in the same direction, don’t buckle inside, palms facing each other, and raise your arms horizontally in front.

The squat movement is natural and smooth, and the hips move backwards. When it reaches the lowest point, the thighs are approximately parallel to the ground, and then get up and restore, keeping the waist and back straight all the time.

Exercise program: Squat 12-20 times, rest for 30 seconds, 6-8 groups.

3. Flat plate support

This action of flat support can mobilize our core, burn the fat in our abdomen and mobilize the peristalsis of our stomach. Has the following advantages:

(1) burning fat and promoting blood circulation

【 Action points 】

Bend elbow, forearm and forefoot support the ground, and ears, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles are in a straight line.

The elbow is forced in the direction of the foot, and the toes are forcibly hooked forward to confront the ground friction, and the forearm is pressed against the ground.

Exercise plan: support for 30-60 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, 6-8 groups.

4. Lift your legs high

This movement is a one-legged movement, which can improve the stability of our trunk and better protect our joints. It also burns fat to lose weight.

【 Action points 】

Straighten your back, look ahead, and lift your legs alternately with your forefoot on the ground.

Keep your body stable and swing your arms vigorously with the rhythm of leg lifting.

Keep the fastest speed

Exercise program: jump for 30-60 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, 6-8 groups.

5. Push-ups

Push-ups are the best exercise to improve the muscle strength and endurance of our upper limbs, which can mobilize our upper limb muscles and consume the fat in our arms and back.

【 Action points 】

Push-ups on the mat, straight back, body in a straight line from the side, hands on both sides of the chest, slightly wider than the shoulder.

Bend your arm over until the elbow joint is slightly higher than the trunk, then stretch your arm and get up and restore.

Exercise program: 12-20, rest for 30 seconds, 6-8 groups.

6. Crawl in place

Crawling in situ can improve the core control ability dynamically, and can also achieve the effect of reducing fat quickly.

【 Action points 】

The torso leans forward, the arms support the yoga mat, and the body is in an inverted V shape.

Climb your hands forward in turn until your hands are directly below your head and your torso is parallel to the ground. After a short pause, you can get up in the same way and keep your back straight as much as possible.

Exercise program: 12-20 round trip, rest for 30 seconds, 6-8 groups.

Of the above six kinds of sports, do you choose three kinds of exercises?

Or do you practice all of them?

Source: hi sports and fitness

The copyright belongs to the original author. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. Please indicate the source when reprinting on other platforms.

Sing the symphony silk road

Changyou Ruyi Gansu

Producer: Gao Kaili Audit: Zhao Liqing Editor: Cai Yinhua

Pay attention to me and make me your exclusive little sun.

Original title: "The six most suitable exercises in winter can not only enhance resistance, but also lose weight healthily"

Department of Large Banks of the General Administration of Financial Supervision: Explore the establishment and improvement of the monitoring and evaluation system for large commercial banks serving t

Beijing business today News (Reporter Li Haiyan) On January 10th, according to the news of WeChat WeChat official account of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, in order to promote the high-quality development of large banks to a new level and improve the quality and efficiency of serving the real economy, the Department of Large Banks of the General Financial Supervision and Administration said that it would explore the establishment and improvement of a monitoring and evaluation system for large commercial banks serving the real economy. Urge large commercial banks to actively assume the responsibility of being a big state-owned bank, implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, strengthen financial support for national strategies and key areas, and promote the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of the economy. Give full play to the group’s diversified financial advantages and improve the timeliness and efficiency of financial supply. Better coordinate high-quality development and high-level safety, and focus on broadening the scope of sustainable commercial financial services through the use of financial technology and improving the level of risk control.

At the same time, guide large banks to do "five big articles". Guide the innovative credit mechanism, accurately connect with technology-based enterprises, and explore and solve the problem of due diligence exemption. Prospective study on carbon pricing mechanism, strengthen the supply of green finance, and help promote carbon neutrality in peak carbon dioxide emissions. Optimize the policy of supervision, assessment and evaluation, and cooperate to improve the statistical caliber of inclusive finance. Enrich the supply of the third pillar financial products for the aged, and further promote the pilot of specific pension savings and personal pension wealth management products. Accelerate the digital transformation and improve the agile response ability to the financial needs of the real economy.

In addition, improve people’s sense of financial acquisition and satisfaction. Supervise large commercial banks to adhere to the people-centered value orientation and strengthen financial products and services in the field of people’s livelihood. Support the cultivation and expansion of new consumption, and vigorously develop digital consumption, green consumption and healthy consumption. Strengthen the protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests and help improve the financial literacy of the whole people.


In 2023, the box office of New Year’s Day broke through 100 million, and Avatar 2 and Want to See You led the way.

1905 movie network news According to the data of Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 12: 25 on December 31, New Year’s Day in 2023(31 December-2 January)The total box office (including pre-sales) exceeded 100 million yuan. With a box office score of 46.684 million (including pre-sales), it is temporarily ranked first in the list, ranking second to fifth.

For 13 years, with a movie."Avatar: The Way of Water" is "making a comeback", which is highly anticipated by fans all over the world. The film is inOn December 16th, the painting was opened in China Mainland, and the cumulative box office has reached 889 million. The arrival of the New Year’s Day holiday will also help the film box office to rise again.

Seeing You, which ranked second on the list with a box office of 31.47 million yuan, is also a movie that netizens have been looking forward to for many years. The filmAdapted from the drama series of the same name, it was created by the original crew of TV series such as directing,,, and so on. The "Fengnan Team" returned again, and how the love of Huang Yuxuan, Li Ziwei, Chen Yunru, Wang Quansheng and Mo Junjie finally went, made the audience again."Above", this is full of staminaAt present, the total box office of movies has reached 171 million.

Fearless of fate, not afraid of loss, not afraid of meeting, bold to love!This New Year holiday, let’s go back to the cinema and feel the magic of this love through time and space.

Directed by, Li Jiaqi, Guo Xiangpeng, etc.The comedy film Desperate Husband, starring, temporarily ranked third in the box office list on New Year’s Day in 2023 with a box office score of 17.72 million yuan.The film tells the story of Hu Tienan (Chang Yuan) becoming a "full-time stay-at-home husband" due to an elevator accident. After experiencing a series of ridiculous "dislocation" experiences, he finally understands his wife’s silent dedication and the true meaning of "love".

New Year’s Day in 2023, comedy, science fiction, love, animation … … Various types of films gather to meet the different needs of the audience, and the China film market alsoIt ushered in a gratifying climax of watching movies.

Zhang Ziyi: The happy life in my mind is my present state.

  Zhang Ziyi came to the press conference hotel with her 10-month-old daughter "Wake up", and it seemed that they could not be separated for a moment.

  She said: "The limit time to leave my daughter is three days, and I can’t stand it any longer."

  Zhang Ziyi, who has won numerous "Best Actress", will say that today is the first day of her daughter’s birth, she will travel around the world with her daughter, and she can’t help but video with her daughter. Like all "new mothers", she also failed to become a "sunbathing party".

  On the 18th, the 16th Chinese Film Media Festival hosted by Southern Metropolis Daily was awarded in Beijing, and Zhang Ziyi was the promotion ambassador for this award for the fifth time.

  When giving a speech at the scene, she couldn’t help talking about children and movies: "The Chinese film media festival is 16 years old, and I sometimes wonder what it will be like to wake up at 16 years old? What will happen to Chinese movies at that time? "

  She also compared movies to life, gestating every role like a daughter.

  Zhang Ziyi: I have the ability to be responsible for myself, whether it is the movie I choose or the life I choose.

  The 16-year-old Chinese film media festival is in its prime.

  I have gained a very important little life in my life this year. My little daughter wakes up. She is now 10 months and 2 0 days old. She can gently call her father and mother, stand up and move a few steps horizontally, and point to the bottle and say "grandma" while nursing.

  I am thinking: What will my daughter and my little princess look like when she is sixteen, what she will love and what career she will aspire to. At that time, what were our Chinese movies like? I have been looking forward to that day.

  The Chinese film media award will be passed down because of its persistence. The process of the ceremony is open and transparent, embracing love, keeping the bottom line of the film and embracing the future.

  I am proud to volunteer for Chinese movies, I am willing!

  PART1 movie

  ▲ The Romance of Death, co-starring Zhang Ziyi and Ge You, was released on December 16th. Every film, Zhang Ziyi is regarded as "creating a life".

  "I feel sad when the role presented is different from what I expected."

  "Successful people don’t talk about hard work", "I grew up under pressure and always felt that I was not good enough" and "I have been cruel all my life ‘ Mr Gong Er ’ " … … If you collect and sort it out a little, you will find that in the eyes of outsiders, Zhang Ziyi has always played a "malicious" role.

  At the age of 18, she was selected for My Father and Mother, and the director Zhang Yimou found that she couldn’t even cook, so she was sent to the countryside for exercise. Zhang Ziyi said that this experience made her develop a good habit of experiencing life before entering the role. "Every frame of the movie is given to it by everyone with their lives. As an actor, I try to put a lot of feelings, energy and love into every role."

  Eighteen years later, now Zhang Ziyi is mature, wise and successful, but in the face of every role, she still feels like she has been skinned. "If I didn’t feel this way, I wouldn’t have taken the play." When the presentation of the work is not proportional to the input, she will also feel sad and a little uneasy.

  Southern Metropolis Daily: The Chinese film market has also undergone great changes in the past two years. Do you have any special feelings about being the image ambassador of the Chinese film media festival again today?

  Zhang Ziyi: This year, the film industry as a whole has experienced a downward trend, and filmmakers will feel uneasy, which comes from all sides. While catering to the market demand, we need to examine the essence of movies, whether it is box office, public opinion or complicated environment, which are all sideline, and the real backbone is the movie itself. Today was supposed to be a grand gathering of filmmakers, but the smog was terrible and the weather was terrible, and then suddenly there was a dispute between the two major film companies. This makes people feel unspeakable!

  Nandu: Do you feel uneasy too?

  Zhang Ziyi: Sometimes, if my film is made and cut out, it is different from what I imagined when I saw the script, I will be particularly sad. I have experienced such sadness, such as Taiping Wheel, and the final result is not so satisfactory.

  I have devoted myself to every role in every play, from the first movie to the latest work "The Romance of the Dead".

  In fact, I am not a person who cares about roles and movies. When I was 19 years old and didn’t know anything, I worked with serious directors Zhang Yimou and Ang Lee, and I developed good habits — — — Every time you enter a role, you have to make a lot of preparations for her. I was thrown into the country for several months, and I studied with the martial arts teacher. The process was long and arduous. All these study habits were developed from childhood, and the serious attitude towards shaping the role was also cultivated at that time.

  The same is true of "A Generation of Masters" and "The History of Romantic Disappearance", which put a lot of emotion, energy and love into each character. So, when she presents it, if it’s not what I thought, I’ll feel very disappointed. Oh, my God, where’s the scene? I gave her so much emotion, where did she go? At this time, it will be very sad and there will be a feeling of being cheated.

  If you love movies, you are willing to give them everything you have. In practice, from a bystander’s point of view, you shot several scenes a day and finished those shots. You spent hundreds of days to experience and feel for these shots. If the role finally comes out full and is in direct proportion to your efforts, you will say hello to yourself, and even you are willing to pay more next time … … But if we go in the opposite direction, it goes against the script … … You will think, what is the meaning of creation?

  Now, I have a daughter, and I especially cherish the time with her. I am watching her grow up every minute. The same is true of movies, in which we are also creating one life after another.

  Nandu: You said before that every time you choose a character, you feel like you’ve been skinned?

  Zhang Ziyi: Yes, if I didn’t feel this way, I wouldn’t take the play.

  Nandu: Are there any specially recommended Chinese movies recently?

  Zhang Ziyi: I especially like July and An Sheng. It shows me the power of new filmmakers. The director is so good that I want to be "directed" by him. Two actresses, Zhou Dongyu and Sandra, also surprised me. I don’t know them, but I will look at them more objectively.

  PART2 children

  On the day of attending the Chinese film media festival, Zhang Ziyi came to the hotel with her daughter.

  She loves children too much. "Before getting married, she loved her friends’ children and her brother’s children very much and always looked forward to having her own children." After giving birth to her daughter, she wakes up every day, so there is a famous joke in Weibo: Zhang Ziyi put her daughter to sleep: "Wake up, go to sleep".

  Nandu: What’s your biggest change in the past two years?

  Zhang Ziyi: Well, marriage and family. Because you’re not alone.

  Nandu: Will you be particularly inseparable from your baby?

  Zhang Ziyi: Yes, my husband and I will do the same. As soon as we leave, we will constantly video with her. Now, as long as she hears the call of WeChat video, she will babble and know it’s her father or mother.

  Nandu: Some female stars will collapse and cry when they don’t see their daughters after becoming mothers. Will you do this?

  Zhang Ziyi: I won’t let that happen.

  Nandu: How many days is the limit of leaving your daughter? Three days?

  Zhang Ziyi: Yes, because she is still a little baby. If she is older, it will be fine. There will be many uncontrollable factors in the little baby.

  Nandu: What’s it like to be a "sunbathing party" after being a mother?

  Zhang Ziyi: I can’t help it. I’m restrained now. This is a record of her growth, and it is also a record for me personally. I will calculate what day and the hundredth day she was born today.

  Nandu: Before starting a family, you said that if you have a family and children in the future, you can give up everything you have for her. Now it seems that you really attach great importance to your family and children. Have you always known what you want?

  Zhang Ziyi: I like children so much, not only my own, but also my friend’s children, and my brother’s children are very painful. I know that one day I will have children of my own.

  When I had this little life, I really felt that it was true that I said "I can give up everything for her" before. Any mother can give up as long as she loves this family and this child. However, in reality, we don’t need to give up. As a professional woman and a mother, the two are compatible, and they will encourage each other and make you do better. There are a lot of such women, which is particularly remarkable.

  Taking care of children is also a process of enriching my own experience. Before I filmed a play in the United States, I always took my children to the crew. She accompanied me more than I accompanied her. Children bring me more happiness than anything else.

  Nandu: For the baby now, you are all to her.

  Zhang Ziyi: The happiness she brought me is all I have, which is incomparable to any happiness.

  Nandu: There is a joke that when you coax your daughter to sleep, it is "wake up and go to sleep". Is this really the case in life?

  Zhang Ziyi: Yes, "wake up and go to sleep" and "wake up and lie down". When children grow up, they will definitely laugh when they know the meaning of "wake up". Mom, you let me sleep and let me wake up. Are you kidding me?

  Nandu: You mentioned that Little Apple loves her sister very much. How did Little Apple get along with Wake Up? How will you communicate with them as a mother?

  Zhang Ziyi: My eldest daughter is basically in charge of her studying more. She will play with her sister, but because her sister is too young, they can’t communicate yet.

  My eldest daughter plays the piano very well and is learning the guitar. What is particularly interesting is that I found an English nursery rhyme to teach children how to brush their teeth, so I told my sister that we would make it into a nursery rhyme and sing it to my sister. In this way, my sister can also practice English, practice her ability to arrange music, and interact with her sister. Finding children’s fun and resonance, I think this is also one of my parenting methods.

  PART3 family

  ▲ Zhang Ziyi addressed Wang Feng as "husband", "brother Feng" or "Lao Wang". Double 11 that day, she basked in the picture of two people walking hand in hand in Weibo, full of love.

  "A happy family is the present state."

  Regarding the love between Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng, the outside world has never stopped questioning.

  However, from labor to comeback, Wang Feng has been with her all the time. Zhang Ziyi said: "There is no need for anyone’s life to show to a third person. The life we choose, the way we get along with each other, we know best, and we are happy."

  When talking about her husband in the interview, Zhang Ziyi’s address is constantly changing, from "husband" to "Lao Wang" and "Feng Ge", but there is a sense of intimacy.

  She said, "I am a person who dares to do whatever I want." "I enjoy my present life and have the ability to be responsible for myself, whether it is the movie I choose or the life I choose."

  Nandu: The outside world thought that Zhang Ziyi should be an unstoppable person who will come back soon after getting married and having children, but in fact, you can slow yourself down and enjoy life. How do you do it without anxiety?

  Zhang Ziyi: Over the years, judging from the rhythm of film selection, there can be some clues. I’m not too anxious about how many movies I have to make, how many pages I have to take up, and how many covers I have to cover. When I don’t have such a heavy workload, I enjoy my life. Once I decide to do something, I am a person who dares to do whatever I want. I have the ability to be responsible for myself, whether it is the movie I choose or the life I choose.

  Nandu: Your husband has been with you from the labor to the comeback. You have shown in your own way what is suitable for your life. What is the mode of getting along at home? Like who coaxed the baby?

  Zhang Ziyi: There is no need for anyone’s life to be shown to a third person, even parents. This is the life we choose. We know best how to get along with each other, so we are happy.

  Coax the baby at home, I’ll do more. Brother Feng coaxes the baby, and the baby probably can’t sleep. His voice is too infectious.

  Nandu: Did he ever say that he came to earn money to support his family, and you were only responsible for love stories like beautiful flowers?

  Zhang Ziyi: No, it doesn’t matter who is in charge of anything, as long as our hearts are the same.

  Nandu: I was very lively when I just saw you taking pictures. You also made faces and made funny faces. Although you are a mother now, you still have a girl’s heart?

  Zhang Ziyi: Especially. Lao Wang will say that if there are a group of children in our family, then I am the oldest child. It is really important to have a childlike heart. I love children. I have two dreams since I was a child. One is to be a kindergarten teacher, and the other is to be a flight attendant. At that time, the imaginary flight attendant, who was beautiful, knew English and was good at everything, was a particularly good career.

  Nandu: What does a happy family look like in your mind?

  Zhang Ziyi: That’s where I am now.

  Nandu: In the past two years, I feel that you are closer to everyone and more grounded. Do you feel that you have changed? Or is everyone’s perception changing?

  Zhang Ziyi: Without high heels, it’s very grounded. Just step on high heels and you’ll be far away from the ground (laughs). I think my mentality must have changed, and many things are not so important in my eyes.

  This article was originally published in Southern Metropolis Daily.

"The Truth of the Country in the World": Creating the Right Way in the World with the Right Time, Location and Harmony.

Beijing Daily | Author Lin Shangli
In today’s world, the Communist Party of China (CPC) and his great practice of Socialism with Chinese characteristics are undoubtedly the most successful and promising achievements in the history of human civilization.With the Chinese nation marching from prosperity to strength and China approaching the center of the world stage, people all over the world are paying more and more attention to the development miracle of China, and they want to know more about the Communist Party of China (CPC), who led the people of China to create the development miracle.Without communist party, there would be no new China, and there would be no new China’s prosperity. This is the iron law of China’s development and progress, and the truth and truth contained in it are of great significance to China, the world and mankind. Because of this, the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s success has attracted worldwide attention.
A just cause should be pursued for the common good.Insisting on building the party for the public and governing for the people is the root of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s success. One is that the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a political party without its own special interests, and the interests of the people are the interests of the party. Apart from the interests of the people, the party has no special interests of its own; Second, the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a political party committed to the great achievements of the Chinese nation and the lofty cause of human development and progress. It has always taken the happiness of the people of China, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the progress of mankind and the great harmony of the world as its initial mission.
The right path in the world is the rule of the world.It is the key to the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s success to follow the principles of all countries in the world, strive for the happiness of the people, and run for the safety of the country and the people. First, the Communist Party of China (CPC) insisted on combining the basic principles of Marxism with the concrete reality of China and the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and constantly promoted the modernization of Marxism in China, thus giving the party’s leadership a scientific theory, giving the country a correct direction, giving the people a firm belief in their struggle, and always grasping the historical initiative of the development of the party and the country; Second, the Communist Party of China (CPC) insists on starting from China’s national conditions, exploring and forming a correct path that conforms to China’s reality, unswervingly taking the road of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, and always ensuring the country’s development is stable and far-reaching; Third, the Communist Party of China (CPC) insists on putting the development of the country and the nation on the basis of its own strength, being independent, self-reliant and self-reliant, and always firmly holding the destiny of China’s development and progress in its own hands.
Upholding the principle that the world is public is the value premise of grasping the truth of the world; Being based on the world is the realistic basis for practicing the principle of serving the public. Between heaven and earth, between man and heaven, between man and heaven, and between people, the world is the world. In Chinese culture, the world is man’s world, man’s world and public world, with man as its subject, people as its foundation, family as its unit and country as its structure. As Mencius said, "Everyone has a constant saying,’ the country under the world’. The foundation of the world is in the country, the foundation of the country is at home, and the foundation of the family is in the body. " ("Mencius Li Lou Zhang Sentence").The so-called principle of "country under heaven" is the right way to create a symbiotic and coexisting community with favorable weather, favorable geographical conditions and harmonious people, and it is also the world avenue to create a unity of good health, good family, good governance and peace in the world for the people under heaven.
The Communist Party of China (CPC), who upholds the world outlook and methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, always grasps and follows the law of historical development, responds to and solves all kinds of risk challenges on the road ahead based on the principles of the world and countries, and ensures that the cause of the party and the people keeps moving from victory to victory. At the end of 1935, as soon as Mao Zedong led the Party and the Central Red Army to complete the 25,000-mile Long March, he clearly put forward the political proposition of establishing an anti-Japanese national united front, stressing that the new strategy of the Party to lead and organize the whole nation to carry out the anti-Japanese struggle cannot be closed-doorism, but a broad united front must be established. The truth followed in this is the truth of the world. Four years later, Mao Zedong pointed out in the article "Introduction to communist party People" published in October 1939: "Eighteen years’ experience has taught us that the United front, armed struggle and party building are the three magic weapons for the Communist Party of China (CPC) to defeat the enemy in the China Revolution. This is the great achievement of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the great achievement of the China Revolution. " These three magic weapons were explored and formed by the Communist Party of China (CPC) by combining the basic principles of Marxism with the revolutionary practice in China, which conformed to the development law of China revolution and played a decisive role in the final victory of China revolution. These three magic weapons are the successful way for the Communist Party of China (CPC) to lead the China revolution, and what he followed was what Mao Zedong said was the principle of "the country under heaven".