There is a kind of life called Yunnan, Luxi! The movie "Rooftop Football" is scheduled for April 20th.

December 6, 2019

The movie Rooftop Football started in Luxi.

After years of shooting and production

A film about the dream-chasing story of a football girl in a mountain village in Yunnan.

Rooftop Football was officially announced today.

Book April 20 th!

"Rooftop Football" finalized poster

Rooftop Football trailer

Rooftop Football is an inspirational film for rural girls to win dignity for their own destiny, which is the closing film of 7th Pingyao International Film Festival.

The film tells the story of a group of mountain girls in Yunnan who love football but have no chance. In order to realize their dreams, they form a non-professional team, finally overcome many difficulties, complete football training on the roof, and finally move towards a farther world. The film is set in the remote mountainous areas of Yunnan, with football as the carrier, showing the indomitable struggle spirit of mountain children to rewrite their destiny.

"Rooftop Football" finalized poster

Why is Luxi the location?

Luxi county, with excellent ecological environment and rich tourism resources, is a plateau garden city with four seasons of flowers, and was awarded the title of "Natural Oxygen Bar" in China. Relying on the unique geographical and cultural environment, luxi county has deeply tapped the potential of tourism development, vigorously promoted the innovative development, transformation and upgrading of tourism, improved quality and efficiency, promoted the construction of Luxi Kangyang tourism destination, and polished Luxi business cards from multiple channels, carriers and angles.

Luxi City Beauty Image Source: Honghe Zhourong Media Center Database

The main location of the film

chengzi ancient villege

Located in Yongning Township, luxi county.

it’s a

Simple and natural, beautiful and quiet, layered.

Ancient village

Chengzi Ancient Village Image Source: Colorful Yunnan

Chengzi Ancient Village was originally inhabited by Yi ancestors. After that, a large number of Han people moved in, and the residential buildings here formed an architectural style combining Yi and Han.

The houses in the ancient village follow the trend of the mountain and step up. The roofs of most houses are connected, forming a platform tens of meters or even hundreds of meters long. Many earth warehouses in the village are connected end to end and integrated with the hillside.

Road in the village Image Source: luxi county Rong Media Center

The ancient village is surrounded by mountains and waters, built on Feifeng Mountain. Surrounded by clear water in front of the mountain and paved with green fields, khaki buildings glow golden in the sun. Behind the Potou house, there are overlapping peaks and obstacles, lush grass, beautiful scenery and attractive scenery. Walking into Chengzi ancient village, a picture of harmony and coexistence between man and nature came into view, which was beautiful.

Chengzi Ancient Village Image Source: Colorful Yunnan

Chengzi Ancient Village is known as "Amber of Primitive Aestheticism Architecture", as well as "Hometown of Asian Folk Photography", "Yunnan Provincial Famous Historical and Cultural Village", "Yunnan Tourism Characteristic Village" and "Yunnan Fine Arts Photography Creation Base".

Original title: "There is a kind of life called Yunnan, Luxi! The movie "Rooftop Football" was finalized on April 20th.

Read the original text

New regulations in June: the high temperature allowance came to the network car and was included in the rental assessment system.

  Beijing, May 31st, the client of Zhongxin. com, starting from tomorrow, the time will enter June. At the same time as the hot summer, there are a number of favorable policies, such as high-temperature allowance and new rules for online car rental, which will bring real "coolness" to your summer in terms of income and travel.

Data map: An electric power operator in Fuzhou braved the high temperature to climb the pole to work. Photo by Wang Dongming

    Data map: An electric power operator in Fuzhou braved the high temperature to climb the pole to work. Photo by Wang Dongming

  High temperature allowance began to be distributed.

  Every summer, the distribution of high temperature allowance is concerned by the public. In most parts of China, with the arrival of June, the money will be credited to the workers’ accounts one after another.

  According to the Management Measures for Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling Measures revised in 2012, if the employer arranges the workers to engage in outdoor open-air operations in hot weather above 35℃ and cannot take effective measures to reduce the workplace temperature below 33℃, it shall pay the workers a high-temperature allowance.

  Judging from the distribution time of high temperature allowance, there are also differences in different places due to differences in climatic conditions. For example, the distribution period in Beijing, Shanxi and other regions is from June to August; Jiangsu, Shanghai, Gansu and other places are from June to September; Guangdong, Guangxi and other places are from June to October.

  In addition, Jiangsu, Tianjin and other provinces also raised the high temperature allowance this year.

Data Map: On May 16, 2018, law enforcement officers of the Guangzhou Municipal Commission of Communications inspected the qualifications related to online car rental in guangzhou east railway station. China News Service reporter Chen Yushe

    Data Map: On May 16, 2018, law enforcement officers of the Guangzhou Municipal Commission of Communications inspected the qualifications related to online car rental in guangzhou east railway station. China News Service reporter Chen Yushe

  The network car is included in the taxi service assessment system.

  The safety and convenience of taxi travel are also concerned by the public. The "Measures for the Assessment of Taxi Service Quality and Credit" will be implemented on June 1, and the online car will be included in the taxi service assessment system, but the assessment of the online car driver will only be "returned to the furnace".

  Specifically, the "Measures" will include the new format of the network car in the assessment, and clarify that both the network car and the cruise car need to carry out the service quality reputation assessment. In the indicator setting, the common requirements of the network car and the cruise car are considered, and according to the unique operating service characteristics of the network car, the indicators such as data access and operating service information disclosure are tailored.

  In addition, the "Measures" also adjusted the distribution setting of the assessment scores of taxi companies, increased the assessment scores of providing operational services for passengers and other matters, and guided drivers to actively improve service quality.

  It is worth mentioning that the "Measures" stipulate that drivers should be assessed for compliance with laws and regulations, safe production, business behavior and operational services. If taxi drivers score less than 3 points during the assessment period, they should receive training as required.

  English "national standard" will be implemented.

  How to evaluate the English level of China people? On June 1st, the first English proficiency assessment standard for English learners in China, China English Proficiency Rating Scale, will be launched.

  It is understood that the scale was released by the Ministry of Education and state language commission in April, which graded English learners and users in China in detail. Among them, the English language ability of English learners and users in China is divided into one to nine grades from low to high, which are classified into three stages: basic, improvement and proficiency.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education, the scale is like a competency scale, which will play an active role in improving the quality of examinations, promoting the docking of domestic and foreign examinations, promoting multi-evaluation and feedback teaching, and is conducive to achieving "quantity balance".

Data map: UAV China News Agency reporter Zhang Yushe

    Data map: UAV China News Agency reporter Zhang Yushe

  Drone access conditions are reduced.

  In recent years, the unmanned aerial vehicle market in China has grown rapidly, and its application in agriculture, electric power, surveying and mapping, security and other fields has become increasingly mature. However, the relevant regulations on unmanned aerial vehicles engaged in commercial flight activities have always been a blank.

  From June 1st, the Administrative Measures for Operational Flight Activities of Civil Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Provisional) issued by the Civil Aviation Administration will be implemented soon. The "Measures" standardize the access and supervision requirements for unmanned aerial vehicles to engage in operational general aviation flight activities, and enterprises engaged in operational flight activities will be legal and compliant from now on.

Data Map: Shareholders in the sales department of a securities company in Haikou pay attention to the stock market dynamics. Luo Yunfei

    Data Map: Shareholders in the sales department of a securities company in Haikou pay attention to the stock market dynamics. Luo Yunfei

  What impact will A-shares enter Morocco?

  In June, there is another financial event worthy of attention.

  On May 15th, MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International Company, also known as "morgan stanley capital international Company" in China) announced the adjustment results of semi-annual index constituent stocks, showing that 234 A-shares were confirmed to be included in the MSCI index system and officially implemented on June 1st.

  According to the data, MSCI index is compiled by Morgan Stanley International Capital Corporation (MSCI), which is often used by mainstream international funds as investment guidance or tracking index, and their own ETF funds (transactional open index funds) are allocated according to MSCI index. From next year, overseas funds can also purchase A shares directly through MSCI index.

  In the eyes of the industry, the participation rate of overseas institutional investors will continue to rise after A shares are included in the MSCI index. In the medium and long term, the A-share market will become more mature, the liquidity will increase, and the market trend will gradually be dominated by short-term market noise and driven by basic factors.

The four departments issued a new subsidy policy for new energy vehicles: 20% lower than the current standard.

  According to the website of the Ministry of Finance, with the approval of the State Council, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the Notice on Adjusting the Financial Subsidy Policy for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the Notice). According to the Notice, except for fuel cell vehicles, the central and local subsidy standards and ceilings for all types of vehicles in 2019-2020 will be reduced by 20% on the basis of the current standards. The policy will be implemented from January 1, 2017.

  The "Notice" pointed out that in terms of new energy buses, with the power battery as the core of subsidy and the production cost and technological progress level of the battery as the accounting basis, the entry threshold for subsidies such as energy consumption level, vehicle driving range, battery/vehicle weight ratio and battery performance level is set, and the vehicle subsidy standard is determined by comprehensively considering factors such as battery capacity, energy density level, charging rate and fuel saving rate. Further improve the subsidy standards for new energy trucks and special vehicles, and verify them according to the method of grading and regressing the battery power that provides driving power. At the same time, the upper limits of central and local subsidies are set respectively, in which the local financial subsidies (the sum of local financial subsidies at all levels) shall not exceed 50% of the central financial bicycle subsidies.

  In terms of batteries, the Notice stated that the new national standard for power batteries was introduced to improve the safety, cycle life, charge and discharge performance and other indicators of power batteries, and set the energy density threshold of power batteries. Improve the technical requirements of fuel cell vehicles.

  The following is the full text of the Notice:

  All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, the finance department (bureau), the competent department of industry and information technology, the science and technology department (bureau, science and technology commission), and the development and Reform Commission:

  In order to further promote the healthy development of the new energy automobile industry, continuously improve the industrial technology level, enhance the core competitiveness, and promote the application of new energy vehicles, with the approval of the State Council, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

  I. Adjust and improve the subsidy policy for popularization and application.

  (1) Raise the threshold of the recommended vehicle catalogue and adjust it dynamically. The first is to increase the energy consumption requirements of the whole vehicle. According to the different kerb quality of pure electric passenger cars, the power consumption requirements of 100 kilometers under corresponding working conditions are increased; According to the vehicle type, the pure electric special vehicle increases the requirements of energy consumption per unit load (Ekg) and power consumption per ton and 100 kilometers; Further improve the energy consumption per unit load (Ekg) requirements of pure electric buses. The second is to improve the threshold requirements for the driving range of the whole vehicle. Improve the driving range requirements of pure electric buses and fuel cell vehicles, and timely adjust the driving range test method of new energy buses from 40km/h constant speed method to working condition method; Gradually increase the driving range threshold of pure electric passenger cars. The third is to introduce a new national standard for power batteries, improve the safety, cycle life, charge and discharge performance and other index requirements of power batteries, and set the energy density threshold of power batteries. Improve the technical requirements of fuel cell vehicles. The fourth is to improve safety requirements. For vehicles with safety accidents caused by product quality, depending on the nature and severity of the accident, the subsidy funds will be deducted and the vehicle or enterprise subsidy qualification will be suspended. The fifth is to establish a market sampling mechanism, strengthen the management of vehicle inspection links, and timely clean up the Catalogue of Recommended Vehicles for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the Catalogue) for enterprises and products that fail to pass the sampling inspection. The sixth is to establish a dynamic management system for the Catalogue. Sales promotion of new energy automobile products can only apply for subsidies after they are included in the Catalogue. If there are still no models actually sold within one year, the qualification of Catalogue will be cancelled. Seventh, supervise and promote the application of new energy vehicles.When applying for subsidies for new energy vehicles purchased by non-individual users, the cumulative mileage must reach 30,000 kilometers (except for special vehicles for operation), and the subsidy standards and technical requirements shall be implemented according to the year when the vehicle obtains the driving license.

  (2) Under the premise of maintaining the overall stability of the subsidy policy from 2016 to 2020, adjust the subsidy standards for new energy vehicles. For new energy buses, the power battery is the core of subsidy, and the production cost and technical progress level of the battery are taken as the accounting basis. The subsidy entry threshold such as energy consumption level, vehicle driving range, battery/vehicle weight ratio and battery performance level is set, and the vehicle subsidy standard is determined by comprehensively considering factors such as battery capacity, energy density level, charging rate and fuel saving rate. Further improve the subsidy standards for new energy trucks and special vehicles, and verify them according to the method of grading and regressing the battery power that provides driving power. At the same time, the upper limits of central and local subsidies are set respectively, in which the local financial subsidies (the sum of local financial subsidies at all levels) shall not exceed 50% of the central financial bicycle subsidies (the detailed plan is attached). In addition to fuel cell vehicles, the central and local subsidy standards and ceilings for all types of vehicles in 2019-2020 will be reduced by 20% on the basis of the current standards. At the same time, relevant ministries and commissions will constantly adjust and improve according to factors such as technological progress, industrial development, and scale of popularization and application of new energy vehicles.

  (3) Improve the allocation of subsidy funds. At the beginning of each year, the production enterprise submits the capital settlement report of the previous year and the sales and operation of products, including sales invoices, technical parameters of products and vehicle registration information, etc. The lead department of new energy vehicle promotion in the place where the enterprise is registered shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, review and verify the materials reported by the enterprise and report them to the lead department of provincial promotion work step by step after publicity. The provincial lead department for the promotion of new energy vehicles shall, jointly with relevant departments, review and focus on spot checks, report the application materials to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Finance, and send a copy to the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Development and Reform Commission. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shall, jointly with relevant departments, review the application reports of all localities, and issue verification reports to the Ministry of Finance in combination with daily verification and key spot checks. The Ministry of Finance shall allocate subsidy funds according to the verification report.

  Second, implement the main responsibility of popularization and application

  (A) production enterprises are responsible for ensuring the authenticity and accuracy of the promotion information of new energy vehicles. Production enterprises should strictly abide by the relevant laws, regulations, standards and institutional measures of the state and industry; We should strengthen the management and control of our own production and sales links, and be responsible for the authenticity and reliability of the promotion information of new energy vehicles reported together with the sales enterprises; We should formulate a feasible control scheme, use product information management system, etc., and strengthen the management of sales information of its distributors at all levels. Sales enterprises should strictly check every sales information to ensure that the product promotion information and consumer information reported step by step are true, accurate and searchable. Production enterprises should establish an enterprise monitoring platform to reflect the sales and operation of vehicles comprehensively, truly and in real time, and report relevant information in a timely and accurate manner in accordance with relevant national requirements, by unifying interfaces and data exchange protocols. New vehicles must be equipped with remote monitoring equipment such as vehicle-mounted terminals; Vehicles have been shipped or sold before 2016, providing users with free installation services; For vehicles sold to individual consumers, personal privacy should be strictly protected in information collection and management.

  (two) the local government is responsible for the implementation of supporting policies, organization and promotion. Local governments should conscientiously implement the requirements of relevant documents of the State Council, assume the main responsibility for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, clarify the local lead department for the promotion of new energy vehicles, and earnestly do a good job in organizing and implementing the promotion of new energy vehicles. First, adjust and improve local support policies. Local governments at all levels should, in light of local conditions, scientifically formulate promotion plans for new energy vehicles, increase support for the charging infrastructure of new energy vehicles, intensify the renewal and replacement of new energy vehicles in public services such as urban public transport, rental and sanitation, and strengthen supervision and inspection of enterprises. The second is to strengthen the management of fund use. The local lead department for the promotion of new energy vehicles shall, jointly with the relevant departments, earnestly undertake the supervision of the management of the declaration and use of financial funds, and strictly review and check the aspects of vehicle licensing, vehicle operation, subsidy declaration and data review according to their respective responsibilities; The management of vehicle inspection should be strengthened to ensure that the core components such as vehicle and battery are consistent with the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (hereinafter referred to as the Announcement) when the vehicle is delivered for use; A system of accountability should be established, and those responsible for lax control should be investigated according to law, and penalties for dishonest enterprises such as fraudulent compensation should be increased. Local financial departments should strengthen the management of financial funds and allocate subsidy funds according to the actual promotion of enterprises to ensure the safety and effectiveness of subsidy funds. The third is to establish and improve the local supervision platform. Relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) should establish a local supervision platform for new energy vehicles, timely summarize and sort out the data submitted by enterprises, dock with the national supervision platform, and strengthen the supervision and management of vehicles in the region.The fourth is to optimize the industrial development environment. It is not allowed to implement the restriction and purchase restriction policy for new energy vehicles. The national unified Catalogue shall be strictly implemented, and obstacles shall not be set up or disguised to restrict foreign brand vehicles and parts, foreign charging facilities construction and operating enterprises from entering the local market.

  (three) the relevant departments of the state will strengthen the supervision and inspection of popularization and application. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology takes the lead in establishing a national supervision platform for new energy vehicles, and through this platform, it conducts daily supervision on the promotion and application of new energy vehicles (private purchase of passenger cars may be relaxed as appropriate). In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will establish a verification system for the promotion of new energy vehicles with relevant departments, and regularly and irregularly organize third-party institutions or relevant provincial departments to carry out verification and spot checks on the promotion information of new energy vehicles.

  Third, establish a punishment mechanism

  (1) For enterprises that seek compensation in violation of regulations and cheat compensation by means of false report or impersonator, the relevant funds sought and defrauded in violation of regulations shall be recovered, the illegal income shall be confiscated, and the relevant enterprises and personnel shall be fined and punished according to the Regulations on Penalties and Punishment for Financial Violations, and those suspected of committing crimes shall be investigated and dealt with by judicial organs. At the same time, according to the seriousness of the circumstances, take punishment measures such as suspending or canceling the "Announcement" of vehicle production enterprises and products and canceling the eligibility for subsidy funds. For those who do not cooperate with the verification of promotion information, and the relevant departments verify and spot check that false sales, product configuration and technical status are inconsistent with the Announcement and Catalogue, uploaded data are inconsistent with the actual situation, and vehicles are idle after receiving subsidies, depending on the seriousness of the case, they will take punishment measures such as deducting subsidy funds, canceling the qualification for applying for subsidy funds, suspending or canceling the Announcement of vehicle manufacturers or products. For products with potential safety hazards and safety accidents in application, depending on the nature and severity of the accident, punishment measures such as stopping production, ordering immediate correction and suspending the eligibility for subsidy funds shall be taken.

  (II) Government agencies and their staff who assist enterprises to defraud financial subsidy funds by means of false report or impersonator shall be investigated for corresponding responsibilities in accordance with the Civil Service Law, the Administrative Supervision Law and other laws and regulations; Those suspected of committing a crime shall be transferred to judicial organs for handling.

  (III) In areas where the management system is not perfect, the audit is not strict, the verification work is poorly organized, and there are fraudulent behaviors of enterprises, informed criticism will be given and infrastructure award funds will be deducted according to the seriousness of the situation.

  This notice will be implemented as of January 1, 2017, and other relevant regulations will continue to be implemented in accordance with the Notice on Financial Support Policies for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles in 2016-2020 (Cai Jian [2015] No.134).

The three ministries and commissions issued a series of policies to encourage consumption, and the automobile industry became the focus.


  Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and other three ministries and commissions issued a series of policies to encourage consumption to promote the upgrading of key consumer goods such as automobiles, household appliances and consumer electronics. Among them, the cost of new energy vehicles is greatly reduced, and it is strictly forbidden to introduce new car purchase restrictions in various places. All localities are not allowed to restrict or purchase new energy vehicles, and so on. What is the background of the "prohibition order"? How much automobile consumption potential is expected to be released? How should all localities do a good job in implementation? Our reporter interviewed relevant experts — —

  A few days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Ministry of Commerce issued the Implementation Plan for Promoting the Updating and Upgrading of Key Consumer Goods and Smooth Resource Recycling (2019— 2020) (hereinafter referred to as the "implementation plan"), put forward a series of measures to promote automobile consumption, which aroused social concern.

  Consumption potential needs to be released

  The "Implementation Plan" proposes that, on the one hand, all localities should not impose restrictions or purchase restrictions on new energy vehicles, and those that have been implemented should be cancelled. Encourage local governments to give support to car-free families to purchase the first home new energy vehicle. On the other hand, it is strictly forbidden to introduce new automobile purchase restriction regulations in various places. Local governments that have implemented automobile purchase restriction should speed up the shift from restricting purchase to guiding use according to the effect of urban traffic congestion, pollution control and traffic demand control.

  "This policy is highly targeted, which is not only a major positive for new energy automobile enterprises, but also means that there will be no new cities with restricted purchases in the future, which is conducive to breaking the barriers to passenger car consumption." Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, said.

  At present, how big is the automobile consumption potential of cities with restricted purchases? Li Xianjun, director of the Tsinghua University Automobile Development Research Center, said that as of the end of March 2019, the number of effective applications for waiting for lottery cars in Hangzhou had reached 819,000, including 802,000 individuals; As of April 26, 2019, the number of valid applications for waiting for lottery cars in Shenzhen has reached 1.227 million, including 1.209 million individuals, which is equivalent to the annual sales of passenger cars in Russia; As of April 8, 2019, there were 3.689 million car purchases in Beijing, including 3.209 million individuals, which is more than the demand of European countries in one year.

  "The above three cities have a total of 5.735 million lottery numbers. If this part of the car purchase potential can be released, it will account for 20.4% of domestic car sales last year and 24.8% of passenger cars." Li Xianjun said, "Even if an average family of three people participate in the lottery at the same time, the potential purchasing power will reach 1.91 million, which is expected to contribute 6.8% to the increase in automobile consumption."

  The "Implementation Plan" also emphasizes that localities should reasonably set up congestion areas in combination with road congestion and guide their use. "Intelligent management of vehicle traffic should be realized, and the number of times vehicles enter congested areas should be restricted to prevent excessive use of motor vehicles." Li Xianjun said.

  Aim at pain points and promote consumption

  "In addition to canceling the restrictions and purchases of new energy vehicles, the" Implementation Plan "also proposes to vigorously promote the electrification, intelligence and greening of the automobile industry, and strive to enhance the supply guarantee capability of new products." Wu Songquan, chief expert of China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd. and deputy chief engineer of Information Institute, believes that the Implementation Plan focuses on many bottlenecks and difficult problems in the consumption of new energy vehicles and clearly puts forward targeted measures.

  In view of the cost of new energy vehicles, the "Implementation Plan" proposes that the cost of new energy vehicles should be greatly reduced. Specific measures include accelerating the research and development and industrialization of a new generation of vehicle power batteries, improving the energy density and safety of batteries, gradually realizing battery platformization and standardization, and reducing battery costs. Guide enterprises to innovate business models, promote the separation of consumption modes of new energy vehicles, such as battery leasing, and reduce the cost of car purchase. Optimize product access management, avoid repeated certification, and reduce enterprise operating costs.

  "The key to reducing costs lies in batteries, which is also an important factor restricting the development of new energy vehicles at present." Cui Dongshu said that it was planned that the battery density of new energy vehicles would reach 260 WHr/kg in 2020, but it is still difficult now, so it is necessary to increase research and development.

  In view of the "anxiety" in the use of new energy vehicles, the "Implementation Plan" proposes to speed up the development of new energy vehicles with convenient use. Specific measures include focusing on pain points such as short driving range and long charging time, drawing lessons from the power exchange mode and application experience in the public service field, and encouraging enterprises to develop new energy vehicle products with the combination of charging and replacing, flexible battery configuration and long driving range. Promote the development and application of high-power fast charging, wireless charging, mobile charging and replacing electricity and other technical equipment, and improve the convenience of charging and replacing new energy vehicles.

  Cui Dongshu believes that the development of new energy vehicles is characterized by the rapid increase in driving range and the obvious large-scale vehicles. At present, the development of micro-electric vehicles is slow and there is a big demand gap. Therefore, the "Implementation Plan" emphasizes that the development of new energy vehicle products that take into account the length of driving range is not only in the right direction, but also forward-looking.

  The "Implementation Plan" also proposes to speed up the update of vehicles in urban public areas. Promote the upgrading of vehicles in urban public areas, accelerate the use of new energy or clean energy vehicles for new and updated buses, sanitation, postal services, taxis, commuting and light logistics distribution vehicles in urban built-up areas, and reach 80% in key areas for air pollution prevention and control by the end of 2020. Encourage local governments to increase support for the operation of new energy vehicles and reduce the use cost of new energy vehicles.

  "In key regional cities for air pollution prevention and control, new energy or clean energy vehicles will account for 80% of vehicles used in the public sector. This is a rigid indicator and will have a huge pulling effect on the new energy automobile industry." Cui Dongshu said.

  "The" Implementation Plan "puts forward a series of measures to promote the consumption of new energy vehicles, focusing on the bottlenecks and pain points of current automobile consumption, especially new energy vehicle consumption, which is of great significance for promoting the upgrading of key consumer goods such as automobiles." Wang Qing, deputy director and researcher of the Institute of Market Economy of the State Council Development Research Center, said that the introduction of the "prohibition order" meets the needs of consumers and the market, which is conducive to the overall consideration of the combination of long and short, and promotes the upgrading of consumption.

  Guangzhou and Shenzhen took the lead in responding.

  The "Implementation Plan" also proposes to innovate and develop smart cars; Accelerate the elimination of old cars and the renewal of vehicles in urban public areas, and actively promote the upgrading of rural vehicle consumption; Vigorously promote the circulation and consumption of used cars, actively guide the innovation of auto financial products, and gradually improve the infrastructure such as charging and replacing electricity and parking.

  Cui Dongshu said that this policy has a good guiding role in the development and market of new energy automobile industry, and it is good for local governments, enterprises and consumers. The key lies in how local governments introduce specific measures to further refine and implement them.

  In January this year, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transport and other ten ministries and commissions jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for Further Optimizing Supply, Promoting Steady Growth of Consumption and Promoting the Formation of a Strong Domestic Market (2019)", focusing on six measures to promote automobile consumption. Among them, the requirements for the gradual liberalization of the automobile purchase restriction policy are included.

  Up to now, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have taken action. On June 2, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Transportation and Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Transportation respectively issued the Notice on Increasing the Allocation Quota of Incremental Indicators for Small and Medium-sized Passenger Cars. Starting from June this year, Shenzhen will increase the allocation quota of incremental indicators for ordinary cars by 40,000 per year from 2019 to 2020 on the basis of the original regulation target of 80,000 per year. On the basis of the original quota, Guangzhou will increase the number of small and medium-sized passenger cars by 100,000 from June this year to December 2020.

  "The market is one of the core elements of industrial competition." Li Xianjun pointed out that automobile is one of the industries with the largest impact coefficient on the national economy, the strongest employment, the most remarkable development of related industries and the strongest ability to integrate new technologies. At present, the number of cars with 1,000 people in China is more than 170, which is not only far lower than that of developed countries, but also lower than the world average. This means that there is still much room for growth in China’s automobile consumption. Especially with the rapid development of new technologies and the emergence of new products, China’s automobile industry contains great innovation vitality and potential. Therefore, we should constantly optimize the consumption environment, smooth the recycling of resources, continuously release the potential of domestic demand, further promote the upgrading of automobile consumption and promote the formation of a strong domestic market.

[China Science News] Top Ten Scientific and Technological Progress News in China in 2020

  Chang ‘e V completed China’s first sampling and returning trip of extraterrestrial objects.
  At 4: 30 on November 24th, China successfully launched the Lunar Exploration Project Chang ‘e-5, and landed in the pre-selected landing zone on December 1st. After the sampling of lunar soil was completed, the Chang ‘e-5 ascender took off from the lunar surface on December 3, and the Chang ‘e-5 returner successfully landed in the scheduled area of Siziwangqi, Inner Mongolia at 1: 59 on December 17, marking the successful completion of the first sampling and returning mission of extraterrestrial objects in China. Subsequently, the Chang ‘e-5 sample weighing 1,731 grams was handed over to China Academy of Sciences, where it will be stored, processed and analyzed in the "Lunar Sample Laboratory" located at the National Astronomical Observatory, officially opening the application and research of lunar samples and scientific data. As the aerospace system engineering with the highest complexity and the largest technical span in China, the Chang ‘e V mission is of milestone significance for China to improve the level of aerospace technology, improve the lunar exploration engineering system, carry out scientific research on the moon, and organize subsequent lunar and interstellar exploration missions.
  Panorama camera ring beat imaging after Chang ‘e V landing.
  The last global networking satellite of Beidou-3 was successfully launched.
  At 9: 43 on June 23rd, China successfully launched the 55th navigation satellite of Beidou system and the last global networking satellite of Beidou-3 in xichang satellite launch center by using the long march 3b. The Beidou navigation satellite and supporting launch vehicle launched this time were respectively developed by China Academy of Space Technology and China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology under China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, and many scientific research institutes such as Microsatellite Innovation Institute of China Academy of Sciences participated in the development and construction. This is the 336th flight of the Long March series of launch vehicles. With the strong support of measurement and control, ground transportation control, inter-satellite link transportation management, application verification and other systems, all the satellites in orbit launched before have been connected to the network. At this point, the deployment of Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system constellation was fully completed six months ahead of schedule.
  The last global networking satellite of Beidou-3 was launched.
  China’s unmanned submersible and manned submersible have made new breakthroughs.
  On June 8th, Haidou-1, an all-sea-deep autonomous remote-controlled submersible developed by Shenyang Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences, returned from the sea trial aboard Exploration-1. During this voyage, "Haidou No.1" realized autonomous navigation and bottom-sitting operation near the seabed in Mariana Trench, with a maximum dive depth of 10,907 meters, which filled the gap of China’s 10,000-meter-class unmanned submersible. On November 28th, the all-sea deep manned submersible Struggler, led by the 702nd Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd. and jointly developed by the Institute of Deep Sea Science and Engineering of China Academy of Sciences, returned with the scientific research ship Exploration 1. The "Struggler" successfully landed in the Mariana Trench, creating a new record of 10,909 meters of manned deep diving in China, marking that China has reached the world leading level in the field of deep manned deep diving.
  Haidou No.1 (I) and Struggler (II)
  China takes the lead in drilling and producing deep-sea combustible ice with horizontal wells.
  Natural gas hydrate is usually called combustible ice. On March 26th, the Ministry of Natural Resources held a video conference to reveal that the trial mining in the Shenhu sea area of the South China Sea with a water depth of 1,225m created two new world records of "total gas production of 861,400 cubic meters and average daily gas production of 28,700 cubic meters". During this trial mining, the researchers also independently developed a set of key technical equipment system to realize the industrialization of natural gas hydrate exploration and mining, created a unique environmental protection and monitoring system, and independently innovated to form an environmental risk prevention and control technical system. This trial production has overcome the core technology of drilling and producing horizontal wells in deep-sea shallow soft strata, achieved a major leap from exploratory trial production to experimental trial production, and achieved landmark results in the process of industrialization. China has also become the first country in the world to adopt horizontal well drilling and production technology to test and produce natural gas hydrate in the sea area.
  Trial mining torch
  Scientists find the bane of wheat "cancer"
  Wheat scab is a devastating and difficult fungal disease in the world, and it is called "cancer" of wheat. Kong Lingrang, a professor at the Agricultural College of Shandong Agricultural University and the chief expert of the wheat innovation team of the modern agricultural industrial technology system in Shandong Province, and his team cloned Fhb7, a major gene for scab resistance, from the wheat-related plant Elytrigia elongata for the first time, and successfully transferred it into wheat varieties. It was confirmed for the first time that it not only had stable scab resistance, but also had broad-spectrum detoxification function in wheat disease-resistant breeding. Related research results were published online in Science on April 10th. At present, more than 30 units have used scab-resistant germplasm materials for genetic improvement of wheat scab resistance, and extensive experiments have been carried out in Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu, Anhui and other places, with good results. The above results have found a "golden key" to unlock the worldwide problem of scab.
  Wheat infected by scab
  Scientists reach the milestone of "the superiority of quantum computing"
  Academician Pan Jianwei and Professor Lu Chaoyang of China University of Science and Technology cooperated with researchers from Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences and National Research Center for Parallel Computer Engineering Technology to build a 76-photon quantum computing prototype "Nine Chapters", which realized the rapid solution of the task of "Gaussian Bose Sampling" with practical prospects, making China successfully reach the first milestone of quantum computing research-the superiority of quantum computing, and laying a technical foundation for developing a large-scale quantum simulator that can solve problems with great practical value. Related results were published online in Science on December 4th.
  Optical quantum interference object diagram
  Scientists reproduce the history of biodiversity change on Earth for more than 300 million years.
  The origin and evolution of life is one of the top ten scientific mysteries in the world. More than 99% of the creatures that once lived on the earth have become extinct. It is an important way to understand the present situation and development trend of the earth’s biodiversity by reconstructing the changing history of the earth’s biodiversity through fossil records. Professor Fan Juanxuan and Academician Shen Shuzhong of Nanjing University built their own large databases, independently developed artificial intelligence algorithms, and made a breakthrough by using the "Tianhe II" supercomputer, and obtained the world’s first high-precision Paleozoic marine biodiversity change curve of more than 300 million years, with a resolution 400 times higher than that of similar international studies. The new curve accurately depicts many major biological extinction and radiation events in geological history and their relationship with environmental changes. The results were published in Science in the form of a long research article on January 17th.
  Conop, a supercomputing system developed by the team
  China’s highest parameter "artificial sun" was built.
  China’s new generation controlled nuclear fusion research facility "China Circulator No.2 M" (HL-2m) was completed and discharged on December 4th, marking China’s entry into the forefront of global controlled nuclear fusion research. The project was independently designed and built by Southwest Institute of Physics of Nuclear Industry of China National Nuclear Corporation. It is reported that this device is the largest advanced tokamak device with the highest parameters in China at present, and it is a new generation of advanced magnetic confinement nuclear fusion experimental research device in China. With more advanced structure and control mode, the plasma volume is more than twice that of the existing devices in China, the current capacity is increased to more than 2.5 MPa, and the ion temperature can reach 150 million degrees Celsius. It can realize high density, high specific pressure and high bootstrap current operation, which is an important support for realizing the leap-forward development of nuclear fusion energy development in China.
  "China Circulator No.2 M" Device
  Scientists have solved unsolved geometric problems for more than 20 years.
  China University of Science and Technology professors Chen Xiuxiong and Wang Bing published a paper on the convergence of high-dimensional Keller-Ritchie flow, which took the lead in overcoming Hamilton-Tian conjecture and partial zero-order estimation conjecture-these are the core conjectures that have been unresolved in the field of geometric analysis for more than 20 years. Related results were published in the Journal of Differential Geometry in early November. It is understood that the length of the paper exceeds 120 pages, and it takes six years from submission to official publication. This paper introduces many new ideas and methods, which have a far-reaching impact on geometric analysis, especially on the study of Ritchie flow. It is reported that this paper is a significant progress in the field of geometric analysis, or it will promote many related works.
  Comparison between geodesic and function level set
  The Chinese and American teams won the 2020 Gordon Bell Award.
  On November 19th, the application achievements completed by Jia Weile of Institute of Computing Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, E Weinan of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhang Linfeng of Beijing Big Data Research Institute and their collaborators won the Gordon Bell Award, the highest international award in the field of high-performance computing applications. In this work, the combination of intelligent supercomputing and physical model is adopted for the first time in the world, which leads the scientific computing to move forward from the traditional computing mode to intelligent supercomputing. Through high-performance calculation and machine learning, this achievement has raised the limit of molecular dynamics by several orders of magnitude, reached the system scale of hundreds of millions of atoms, and ensured the high accuracy of "ab initio calculation", and the simulation time scale is 1000 times higher than that of traditional methods, which is expected to play a greater role in solving practical problems in the fields of mechanics, chemistry, materials, biology and even engineering.
  Machine learning simulates 100 million atoms.
  Other news candidates (in chronological order)
  Scientists discover ferromagnetic quantum critical point evidence for the first time
  The team of Yuan Huiqiu, a professor at Zhejiang University, discovered the ferromagnetic quantum critical point in pure heavy fermion compounds for the first time, and observed the strange metal behavior. The related results were published online in Nature on March 5. This is the first time that scientists have found conclusive experimental evidence of the existence of quantum critical point in a pure ferromagnetic material system, and observed strange metal behavior similar to that of high-temperature superconductors: when the temperature approaches absolute zero, the low-temperature resistance changes linearly with temperature, and the specific heat coefficient diverges logarithmically with temperature. This discovery breaks the traditional idea that ferromagnetic quantum critical point does not exist, and extends the strange metal behavior to ferromagnetic quantum critical materials, which opens up a new direction for the study of quantum phase transition.
  Scientists discover accurate diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia for the first time
  Biological marker
  Jiang Tianzai and Liu Bing team of Brain Network Group Research Center of Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences, together with researchers from many teams at home and abroad, broke through the bottleneck that the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness only depends on the empirical judgment of symptoms, and successfully established an accurate diagnosis and treatment model of schizophrenia by using multi-group information and artificial intelligence methods. For the first time, the research team found that the abnormal function of the striatum circuit in the brain is a biological marker for the accurate diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia. Using this biological marker, not only can we quantitatively evaluate the pathological damage of striatum in individual patients, but also can accurately diagnose schizophrenia and predict the individualized curative effect. The imaging marker has been independently verified in patients with mental illness in multiple imaging centers and various populations. The research results were published in Nature-Medicine on March 23rd.
  Research reveals the precise mechanism of first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs
  Academician Rao Zihe from Institute of Immunochemistry, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and his collaborators successfully analyzed the three-dimensional structure of drug target-drug of key arabinosyltransferase complexes EmbA-EmbB and EmbC-EmbC of mycobacteria for the first time in the world, and revealed the precise molecular mechanism of the first-line anti-tuberculosis drug ethambutol acting on this target for the first time, which laid an important foundation for solving the drug resistance problem of tuberculosis and developing new anti-tuberculosis drugs. On April 24th, the research paper was published online in Science. At present, the research team is making every effort to promote the research and development of new anti-tuberculosis drugs and accelerate the transformation of basic research results.
  Scientists reveal the genetic relationship between prehistoric people in North and South China.
  On May 15th, Science published a research paper online led by Fu Qiaomei, a researcher at the Institute of vertebrate paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and participated by many units. The research team successfully captured and sequenced the genomes of several ancient human individuals. Relying on advanced ancient DNA technology, it revealed the genetic relationship between the southern mainland population and the northern mainland population, and confirmed the southern origin of austronesian family population in China, filling the important information gaps in the inheritance, evolution and adaptation of prehistoric humans in the East, especially in China. This achievement is of great scientific value and social significance for exploring the migration history, genetic pattern and internal integration process of prehistoric people in China, and for clarifying the ancestral origin of austronesian family people who mainly live in Taiwan Province, China and Pacific islands.
  China’s first independent intellectual property rights heavy ion therapy system was officially put into clinical treatment.
  On June 6th, "China’s first heavy ion therapy system with independent intellectual property rights was officially put into clinical treatment technology press conference in Wuwei" was held in Xi ‘an. Wuwei Heavy Ion Center assembled the first heavy ion therapy system with independent intellectual property rights in China. After years of construction, it was officially opened on April 1, 2020. Heavy ion therapy has the characteristics of small side effects, short course of treatment and good curative effect, and has a good curative effect on most solid tumors. It is an accurate, efficient and safe advanced radiotherapy method. According to reports, the successful construction of the project has realized the localization of the world’s largest medical equipment, making China the fourth country in the world to realize heavy ion therapy for tumors after Japan, Germany and the United States, breaking the monopoly of foreign heavy ion technology for many years and realizing a historic breakthrough in the clinical application of the largest medical equipment in China.
  The high-speed maglev test prototype with a speed of 600 kilometers per hour was successfully tested.
  The 600 km/h high-speed maglev test prototype developed by CRRC Qingdao Sifang Locomotive & Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. successfully ran on the maglev test line on June 21, marking an important breakthrough in the research and development of high-speed maglev transportation system in China. On the maglev test line, the test sample vehicle was jointly debugged for the first time, and the dynamic operation test under various working conditions was carried out. The running state was good, and all key technical indexes met the design requirements and reached the design expectation. The successful trial run of the test prototype has achieved a breakthrough from static to dynamic operation, and obtained a large number of key data. The key performance of the high-speed maglev system and core components has been preliminarily verified, which provides important technical support for the subsequent development of the high-speed maglev project prototype. According to the plan, the prototype of the high-speed maglev project with a speed of 600 kilometers per hour will be off the assembly line by the end of 2020, forming a complete set of high-speed maglev technology and engineering capabilities.
  Scientists reveal molecular panorama of lung adenocarcinoma
  On July 9th, Cell published a sketch of protein group of large-scale clinical lung adenocarcinoma drawn by Tan Minjia, a researcher from Shanghai Institute of Pharmacology, China Academy of Sciences, and seven research teams, including Academy of Military Medicine of Academy of Military Sciences and Academician He Fuchu of National protein Science Center (Beijing). This is the first large-scale, systematic construction of protein panorama of lung adenocarcinoma, and found molecular features closely related to the prognosis of patients, especially the protein molecular features of two major gene mutations in lung adenocarcinoma in China population. After 6 years’ research, the cancer and adjacent tissues of 103 patients with clinical lung adenocarcinoma were deeply analyzed by protein Group by using the cross-fusion research of protein omics, bioinformatics, tumor biology, pathology and clinical medicine. This work has scientific research significance for deeply understanding the pathological mechanism of lung adenocarcinoma, finding drug treatment targets and formulating more accurate treatment plans for lung adenocarcinoma.
  Eight "magnifying glasses" relay to simulate the full-scale dark halo clear image of the universe.
  An international research team led by the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences adopted a brand-new multiple amplification simulation technology, and obtained a clear image of the internal structure of the full-scale dark halo in the universe for the first time under the current standard cosmological model. The research results were published online in Nature on September 2nd. Dark halo is dark matter halo. It took the researchers five years, with the help of supercomputers, to obtain clear images of dark halos from earth-like mass to giant galaxy clusters, spanning 20 orders of magnitude. It is reported that in a typical area of the universe, this super-magnification simulation needs to be magnified by eight "magnifying glasses", and its magnification is equivalent to finding a flea on a picture of the surface of the moon. The super magnifying glass of computer simulation allows researchers to study the formation, evolution and internal structure of dark halos at different scales in detail. It is found that dark halos with different masses have very similar internal structures, that is, the center is dense and gradually sparse outward. These new findings will help scientists verify the hypothesis about the nature of dark matter-dark matter may not be "completely dark".
  China’s first superconducting cyclotron was successfully developed.
  On September 21st, the proton beam energy of superconducting cyclotron independently developed by China Institute of Atomic Energy reached 231MeV for the first time. This is the second time in the world to independently develop a compact superconducting cyclotron after the joint project of the United States and Germany. Researchers have successfully accelerated the continuous proton beam to this energy region, which indicates that China has fully mastered the core technology of miniaturization and high dose rate superconducting cyclotron and entered the international parallel ranks. The accelerator is small in size, low in power consumption and high in beam intensity, and can continuously accelerate 72 million proton beams per second. It is more suitable for fast intensity-modulated scanning therapy, breaking the monopoly of Europe and America in the field of miniaturized precision radiotherapy equipment, realizing the localization of superconducting cyclotron equipment in China, and is expected to greatly reduce the high treatment cost. The accelerator can also be directly used in the research and development of aerospace devices, core chips and integrated circuits, and promote the development of lightweight accelerators for aerospace particle beam applications, further opening up new fields of proton science research and application in China.
  The third generation methanol to olefins technology passed the appraisal.
  On November 9th, the third generation methanol to olefins (DMTO-III) technology passed the scientific and technological achievements appraisal organized by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation. This technology is developed by Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and has completely independent intellectual property rights. Compared with the current industrialized technology, the economy of DMTO-III technology has been significantly improved. Under the condition that the reactor size is basically unchanged, the olefin output has increased from 600,000 tons to 1.15 million tons per year. DMTO series technology has opened up a new route to produce low-carbon olefins from non-petroleum resources, initiated and led a strategic emerging industry of coal-to-olefin production, which is of great significance for realizing clean and efficient utilization of coal resources, alleviating the tight supply of petroleum resources, promoting the coordinated development of coal chemical industry and petrochemical industry, and ensuring China’s energy security.
  (Originally published in the second edition of China Science Journal, 2021-01-21)

Do you know all the cold knowledge about World Football Day?


World Football Day

These world cup cold knowledge

Do you know all about it?

Although the cold winter is coming, the football enthusiasm has not diminished. Tonight we will have a wonderful match between Croatia and Brazil, and today is the World Football Day recognized by the United Nations. Come and learn about the cold knowledge about the World Cup with Xiaobian and feel the charm of football!

Why is this year’s World Cup in winter?

In the past memory, the World Cup is always associated with summer, full of sweat, passion, beer and cheers. This time, however, FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 was held in winter, which was mainly due to the Qatari climate.

Qatar is located in the desert area of the Middle East, with a tropical desert climate. In summer, the temperature is generally 25-46 degrees Celsius, and the highest temperature can soar above 50 degrees Celsius. This is really too hot for a player who wants to run for 90 minutes, and there is even the danger of heatstroke.

Of course, even in winter, the highest temperature in Qatar at the end of November can exceed 30℃, but the stadiums in Qatar are basically equipped with cooling systems to ensure that football players can play at a suitable temperature.

Why do players spit water?

This scene often occurs in football matches. Players take a sip of water and then spit it out immediately like gargling. Many friends will misunderstand when watching the ball. "Why do they spit everywhere?"

In fact, this is a way for players to drink water. The professional name is "carbohydrate gargle", which can effectively improve sports performance and relieve sports fatigue. It is a "scientific plug-in" for athletes on the field. They need to cheat their brains in this way without affecting their state, in order to quickly restore their physical functions and continue to play.

Why is there no British team in the World Cup?

There is no British team in the World Cup because there is no only football association in Britain.

In 1863, Britain, as the birthplace of modern football, established the world’s first football association: the English Football Association. In 1886, the football associations of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland jointly established the World Football Council and made unified rules. Later, FIFA generally joined football associations everywhere, so four football teams in Britain were invited to participate in the World Cup, namely, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

What is offside?

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is in full swing, attracting countless fans to watch. In the first half of Argentina’s game against Saudi Arabia, it was blown offside six times, which made people confused. Many new fans will ask a question, what is offside?

Offside refers to the moment when the attacker passes the ball, the receiver stands closer to the goal than the penultimate defender, and at the same time closer to the opponent’s goal than the ball, and tries to prepare for the attack from this position. In other words, offside is an act that has a clear purpose, produces intentions quickly and puts them into practice. On the court, it is often seen that players are sentenced to offside because they start too fast and fall into the offside trap of their opponents.

The offside rule was formulated by the British Football Association in 1870. In the football match at that time, the audience often saw such a scene: when one side launched an attack, most of the attacking players had gathered in front of the other side, ready to start shooting when they received the ball, so the game between the two teams was mainly concentrated in front of the goal, and there was little wonderful cooperation. The offside rule is precisely to adjust this excessively unbalanced offensive and defensive relationship and make the game more exciting.

Source: Yellow River News Network

"Running" is 70 cents a kilometer? Practice fake running, and the end point is socialization.

  Autumn is a good time for running and fitness, but many platforms have appeared sellers who claim to be able to "run" and "P sports data map". You can even ask someone to do your exercise? It is amazing that the "lazy economy" is frequent.

  Fake run

  It’s better to move your fingers than to be exhausted.

  "Friday, step 5411; Saturday, step 6001; On Sunday, step 8923 … …” On Xiaoyu’s computer desktop, there are a row of screenshots of "Alipay Movement", and each file is marked with different numbers.

  In Xiao Yu’s eyes, this is not a few screenshots, but his amount of exercise — — Although he didn’t really exercise, through the retouching software, he "P" a week’s exercise record in one breath. Every night, he will choose a screenshot and send it to the company’s WeChat group to show off his "achievements".

  "P is equal to running", which is somewhat helpless. Last spring, as an activity of enterprise team building, Xiao Yu’s colleagues in the department were divided into several exercise groups. Every day, the team members had to show their sports achievements, and all the achievements were evaluated by adding them together. At first, Xiaoyu also uploaded real exercise records. Because of his busy work, he exercised intermittently. After two months, he found himself a drag on the team. Others have to take eight or nine thousand steps every day, while his number stays at two or three thousand.

  "The work volume, even the exercise is rolled up." Seeing that some colleagues submit tens of thousands of exercise records every day, he can only "take a step" in order not to drag the team back. To take care of the children at night, he used his lunch break to circle the unit building and brush the steps.

  In winter, Xiao Yu couldn’t hold on a bit, and his friend reminded him that instead of being exhausted, he might as well move his fingers — — After changing the screenshot, my friend also took the initiative to help Xiaoyu, who can’t use retouching software, "1,000 steps to 5,000 steps". After several retouching, he tasted the sweetness, and as long as the number of steps is not up to standard, he will be P. "I can’t exaggerate, just write more than 5,000, change more points on weekends, and seven or eight thousand will be the best."

  Last month, Xiao Yu’s group won the second place, and everyone won the 200 yuan shopping card award. As for the moisture in it, it has become an unspeakable secret. Xiaoyu admits that not only is he critical of the daily exercise record, but it is also difficult to talk about science by comparing the exercise time. However, being in the workplace is related to the honor of the team, and the leaders are pointing fingers in the exercise group. Everyone can only insist, "It was exercise, and eventually it became a world of people."

  If you don’t want to exercise, you can deal with things with P pictures. Judging from many sellers who provide various exercise software retouching services on the online shopping platform, there are still many people who think of it with Xiaoyu. The reporter found that college students accounted for a considerable number.

  In order to enhance students’ physical fitness, colleges and universities generally require students to clock in on campus running, and students need to use designated software to complete running tasks. For example, Changshu Institute of Technology stipulates that the number of sunshine runs should be no less than 20 times per semester, and the distance of each run should be no less than 2 kilometers for boys and 1.5 kilometers for girls. Otherwise, the highest score of sports performance should not exceed 59 points. According to the regulations of Guangzhou Institute of Technology and Business, 68km for boys and 51km for girls should be completed every semester, and the mileage of each run should be no less than 1.2km for girls and 1.6km for boys … …

  On the online shopping platform, a store sells the P-picture service of a certain platform at the price of 2 yuan/piece, and can modify the details such as movement time, trajectory, distance and pace on the picture according to the customer’s demand, with a monthly sales of more than 400 pieces. There are many comments below, such as "college students must have it", "saved my final term" and "bought it many times, the retouching is very reliable, and it is no problem to pay a sports punch card".


  Speed route data can be customized.

  If the falsification on the data map is still virtual, the whole process only involves the "movement" of the keyboard and mouse. There is also a kind of operation that is more "bizarre". When you open the software, the line data is not fake. Running is really running, but it’s not me, but a runner specially invited to exercise in his own name.

  With "running on behalf of" as the key word, the business is booming, and all mainstream sports platforms can find corresponding runners. "You can run at the location you specify, one kilometer from 0.7 yuan. If you want to run a specially designed road map and add extra money, you can run it within 48 hours of placing an order." According to a seller, the operation mode is very simple. The buyer only needs to tell the account number and password of his sports platform, and he will log in the software on his mobile phone. After running, he will quit and the corresponding records will be kept in the buyer’s account.

  "I am transferring meat, and my pace is not fast, so I should exercise." A seller in Guangzhou said that running on behalf of others can motivate him to run as much as possible every day. "If you take the order, you must finish it within the agreed time." Due to the limited "running power", she can’t take a more difficult order. "Some people ask for a faster speed ratio. I can’t reach it after running for 1 km and 4 minutes. I can’t run for more than ten kilometers at a time." When running, she often takes pictures of the beautiful sunset glow and clouds she meets, which is very leisurely.

  The reporter saw that the order price of "Daipao" is not high, generally between 0.5 yuan and 1 yuan per kilometer. Sellers mostly aim at losing weight and fitness, or they are runners themselves, earning some pocket money by the way, and even a few claim that they can run for free. In contrast, there is no pressure to punch in, and what are the users who take the initiative to ask people to run for themselves?

  "I just want a medal. When I was in junior high school, the class teacher organized the whole class to run and took dozens of pieces. Everyone wanted it when they graduated." "Sanrio’s medals are really beautiful, and many girls like them" … … In many discussions around running on behalf of others, words such as medals, medals and activities are frequently mentioned.

  "It’s directed at the circle of friends to take pictures and run around." Qian Yi, a runner, explained that in order to encourage users to participate, sports platforms often launch running activities with various themes, with "limited money" physical medals. For example, on Valentine’s Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Qixi Festival and other festivals, you can get medals by signing up for activities and completing the required running distances of 5.2 kilometers and 13.14 kilometers. "It doesn’t matter how fast you run. You can take a break in the middle, but as long as you start running, you must stick to it. For people who don’t usually exercise, it is still difficult. If you want, find someone to run or spend money on it. "

  Take a well-known sports App as an example. In 2021, nearly 50 large and small running events were launched, and nearly 2.5 million people signed up to participate. In the photos on social platforms, some users collect medals and other running surroundings like collecting blind boxes and dolls, which attracts people to flock and comment, and it has become a traffic password.


  There is a dummy behind the fake movement.

  The end of the live broadcast is to bring goods, and the end of the movement is to socialize.

  In Qian Yi’s view, running, like paddle board, frisbee, fitness and yoga pants, helps to create the most popular sports-loving people among young people today. Love sports, which means "having money and leisure", is actually the recognition and yearning for the healthy and exquisite lifestyle of the middle class.

  If you exercise, you will naturally get some sun. If you can’t reach the amazing pace of running "Great God", you can only make some names and add some fun to your creative ideas. Everyone’s praise is also a kind of motivation.

  "Otherwise, there won’t be so many strategies on the Internet to teach you to run out of diamond-shaped and heart-shaped … …” Qian Yi said with a smile that he ran through the route of "Elephant" pattern in Tiantan Park according to the raiders, and after the trajectory was exposed to the circle of friends, the number of praises really increased significantly, which made him very useful. "To put it bluntly, vanity is at work, but it’s not a bad thing. Who doesn’t have vanity?"

  Beauty-treated photos before releasing them, pretending to be on vacation when you’re not out, and basking in other people’s road maps and medals instead of running … … In the eyes of Liu Xingliang, a well-known Internet scholar, these behaviors all show people’s humanity of "sharing" and "showing off", which is also the user psychology that Internet products attach the most importance to in-depth research.

  "The earliest BBS, how many posts have what kind of level, hot the glory of the king, bronze and silver level play up … … Many Internet products will introduce a user rating system. The accumulation of medals and badges represents the experience of the owner in this field, allowing users to go to the top and keep getting it. "

  In addition, in order to promote and create a strong word-of-mouth fission, products will spare no effort to encourage users to send social media, and we must continue to find discussion points and "out of the circle" angles for products.

  All kinds of medals and activities launched on festivals clearly know this. What’s more special and more ceremonial than giving each other a custom-made holiday medal? That’s what I got by running (or asking for it) specially for you! Some people even started a discussion on the Q&A website. "The boy I secretly love, 520 is willing to run 13.14km for me, but I paid 39 yuan for the registration activity. Will he like me too?"

  By the end of the year, many products will be scrambling to launch all kinds of inventory, showing how much money we spent, how many roads we walked, how many cars we took and what songs we listened to … … Liu Xingliang believes that all kinds of names are also designed to help users create personal settings, thus promoting sharing and communication. "The essence is the same."

Had to have an early reunion dinner: a warm dinner for the Hong Kong police

In a disciplined services dormitory in Kwai Chung, Hong Kong, Hong Kong police, family members and retired police officers celebrated the Lunar New Year together. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Gang)
Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, January 24th (Reporter Liu Mingyang) "Everyone has worked hard! The New Year is safe and smooth! " Near New Year’s Eve, in a disciplined services dormitory in Kwai Chung, Hong Kong, some Hong Kong police officers, their families and retired police officers gathered together to raise a glass to celebrate the Lunar New Year.
"A few days ago, my husband and I just moved into the dormitory where we queued up to apply, and we were very happy to decorate our new home." Officer Zhang, who is in her thirties and works in the criminal department of the Hong Kong Police Headquarters, told the reporter that she and her husband, Officer Ling, who are also policemen, have just moved into a new two-bedroom home of more than 40 square meters. "It’s just time to catch up with the Chinese New Year, and my old colleagues and senior officers specially came to celebrate the housewarming for us, because we have to be on duty on New Year’s Eve, and we also take this opportunity to have a happy reunion dinner together."
In order to make Hong Kong people live a stable year, many Hong Kong police officers still have to stick to their posts and go to work on New Year’s Eve. They had to invite relatives and friends in advance to have a rich and warm reunion dinner together.
Potted vegetables, eight-treasure duck, roasted goose, barbecued pork, and pig’s hands in sauce … On entering the room, the table was already full of delicious and Hong Kong-style reunion dinner.
"Pot dishes have the meaning of being full of pots, which can accommodate different kinds of food, such as chicken symbolizing’ good luck’, braised pork symbolizing’ being fat and moist at home’, prawns that are booming, mushrooms that are round and round, and so on." Police officer Zhang introduced the auspicious meaning of Hong Kong’s reunion dinner to reporters.
Does it take a long time to prepare such a big table of delicious food? Ms. Liang, the police sister-in-law who came to help prepare the reunion dinner early in the morning, told the reporter with a smile that it could be done in a few minutes with a finger. "Now Hong Kong, like the mainland, is more popular to order food online and deliver food to your door. All kinds of reunion dinners can be booked through smart phone software, which is convenient and fast. "
Police officer Zhang told reporters that due to the nature of work and recent social events, the work of the police force is very busy, overtime is normal, and rest time is precious. It takes a lot of time and energy to cook a large table of family reunion dinner by yourself. Online ordering is very suitable for the fast-paced life now.
Most of these police colleagues have known each other or worked together for many years. Everyone was beaming and in high spirits, sitting around the table. While tasting the traditional delicious food of the Youth League, they also talked about their work and life in the past year, looking forward to the new year and a new atmosphere, hoping that Hong Kong can get back on track and recover as soon as possible.
"As a frontline riot police, I have been dealing with riots at the front line for the past six months, working at least 12 hours a day and working six days a week." Officer Ling, who works in the Crime Department of the New Territories North Region of the Hong Kong Police Force, told the reporter that for the stable life of more than 7 million Hong Kong citizens, more than 30,000 Hong Kong police officers fought in the front line to stop violence and control chaos. After more than seven months of intensive work, there must be some pressure and fatigue, but he and his colleagues feel more of a responsibility and mission.
"Our husband and wife are both policemen. In the past six months, we really rarely met. It is often two or three weeks before we can have a meal together." Police officers Ling and Zhang, who have been in the police for more than 10 years, all said that Hong Kong is the place where they were born, grew up and lived. It is really painful to see Hong Kong being destroyed and constantly turbulent.
"I hope that this storm that seriously affects the daily life of countless families in Hong Kong can be calmed down as soon as possible. In the new year, I can spend more time with my family. " This is the New Year’s wish of the post-80s Hong Kong couple.
Sergeant Deng, who led the team to fight in the front line of riot prevention, told reporters that in his police district, quite a few police officers could not go home for a reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve and had to be on duty. "In the past year, in addition to some memories of sweating and bleeding, there were also many warm moments. For example, many citizens sent many gifts and cards to the police station to cheer us up. When enforcing the law at the front line, the passing citizens will say’ sir, come on’ to us regardless of the intimidation of the mob. "
Speaking of New Year’s wishes, Sheriff Deng said that in addition to dealing with riots, the police actually have many other duties to perform, and all aspects of public security in Hong Kong need us. "I really hope that the rain will clear up soon."
"In the past six months, in order to try our best to protect MTR facilities and passengers’ safety, we often worked overtime for several days in a row, and sometimes it was impossible to predict when we could finish work." Looking back on the past year, Sergeant Ye from the Railway Police District said that having been a policeman for more than 30 years, he had never seen Hong Kong as violent and chaotic as last year.
"Although mobs often insult, provoke, attack us, and even’ start’ our families, this has not made us retreat, but has enhanced our sense of mission as a policeman." Sheriff Ye said. On New Year’s Eve this year, Sergeant Ye stuck to his post as usual to ensure the safe and smooth operation of the railway.
"In fact, my daughter and I are used to it, and we are very supportive of his work. If he says that he will not be on duty this New Year, we will feel a bit strange." Sheriff Ye’s wife, Ms. Liang, who is engaged in beauty management, told reporters that the storm of amending the law not only worried her husband’s safety at work, but also worried her about the beauty business.
"The shops I manage are basically in places where demonstrations often occur, and many times they are forced to close." Ms. Liang told reporters that the number of guests has decreased by almost 40% and the income has been greatly reduced.
"We are still relatively good. Some friends in the same trade are even more bleak, and some even close the store directly." Ms. Liang hopes that Hong Kong’s economy will recover on the basis of social stability in the new year.
"In the past year, Hong Kong has undergone a severe test, and the brothers and sisters of the police have really worked hard! Without their dedication and tenacity, Hong Kong might have been rolling in the deep. " Wen Dacheng, the initiator of this reunion dinner and former Chief Superintendent of the Organized Crime and Triad Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Police Force, said that it was several generations who worked hard for this home in Hong Kong, which led to today’s dazzling "Pearl of the Orient". I hope all citizens will cherish Hong Kong, our common home.
A series of dishes, tasting one after another, sometimes whispering, and sometimes laughing. During the dinner, everyone raised their glasses several times: "Pay tribute to the colleagues who are on duty at the front line, bless Hong Kong and bless everyone!"

Natural beauty has not yet learned to "run", and sustainable beauty has begun to "roll"

Text |C2CC New Media

A few days ago, Chanel led the establishment of Traceability Alliance for Sustainable Cosmetics (TRASCE). According to the official introduction, TRASCE Alliance was established to deal with destructive events in the cosmetics supply chain, including health crisis, climate crisis-related events and geopolitical challenges.

The alliance consists of 15 beauty companies including Chanel, Clarins, Dior, Estee Lauder, L ‘Oreal, Shiseido, L ‘Occitane and Sisley, and international raw material packaging suppliers.

In recent years, international beauty giants have continuously increased the number of sustainable beauty cosmetics and formed industry alliances with the goal of environmental protection and sustainability. In February 2022, 36 international beauty care groups, including L ‘Oreal, Henkel, Unilever, LVMH and Natura &Co, announced the establishment of the Eco-Beauty Score Consortium, aiming at establishing a brand-independent and transparent cosmetic environmental impact assessment and scoring system for the whole industry.

On the road of promoting the sustainable development of beauty, international brands are indeed at the forefront, and may be more than one position ahead of domestic brands. For example, L ‘Oré al promises that by 2030, 95% of the ingredients in the brand formula will be bio-based and 100% of the plastic packaging will be recyclable; Unilever’s goal is to achieve zero emissions of all products from production to sales by 2039; By 2030, P&G will achieve 100% FSC certification and so on.

International brands have the first-Mover advantage in the field of sustainable beauty, and occupy the right to speak in the international market. However, the formation of the alliance, to a certain extent, is also shaping the brand authority. It is not excluded that they hope to re-divide the global market position and create barriers to industrial competitiveness through the form of alliance, which may increase the difficulty of domestic products going to sea and further raise the threshold for China brands to enter the European and American markets.

01 "abandoned" natural organic

Ten years ago, "organic", "natural" or "plant" skin care products were all the rage in China market. With the popularization of basic knowledge of ingredients, formulas and efficacy of skin care products in the industry, consumers found that "natural and organic" did not mean safer and more effective, and skin care products with scientific basis and clinical efficacy were more popular with consumers.

Therefore, many imported brands focusing on the concept of "natural and organic" have lost their reputation in the China market. Only last year, British organic skin care brand Aurelia, Japanese natural organic make-up brand Naturaglace, New Zealand natural skin care brand Snowberry and other natural organic brands closed Tmall flagship stores in China.

The concept of "natural and organic" is no longer the golden key for foreign minority brands to open the door to China market. More importantly, from the perspective of national policy supervision, China has never really opened the door for "natural and organic" beauty cosmetics.

On July 1, 2012, China cancelled the organic certification of cosmetics, and in 2015, the words "organic", "pure natural" and "0-added" were included in the prohibition language of cosmetics labeling in the Measures for the Administration of Cosmetics Labeling. As soon as the policy comes out, it basically means locking up the growth space of natural and organic concepts in the beauty market in China.

Not only that, international beauty giants seem to be deliberately giving up the concept of natural organic. In November 2023, L ‘Oré al sold Sanoflore, a natural skin care product, to private equity firm Ekkio Capital in a low-key way. Earlier, L ‘Oré al Group sold The Body Shop to Nature&Co Group.

It can be said that natural organic beauty cosmetics died early before they rose in the global market, but it did not affect the concept of planting grass in consumers’ minds. More importantly, green, healthy and sustainable development is the development trend that all major industries in the world are following.

According to the data of White Paper on Pure Beauty Industry, from 2020 to 2027, the global pure beauty market is expected to grow from 5.4 billion US dollars to 11.6 billion US dollars, with a compound annual growth rate of 12.07%. In China, 86% of China users said they would consider using Clean Beauty products, and the number of pure beauty users in Amoy increased by more than 31% year-on-year.

According to Bain’s Insight into Sustainable Consumption Trends in the Asia-Pacific Region, 90% of the respondents are willing to pay a premium for the sustainability of products, and as many as 51% of the respondents regard environmental protection as one of the three most important shopping standards.

Compared with natural organic and pure beauty, sustainable beauty can be regarded as a higher-level version. At present, domestic and foreign brands are constantly "washing green", and the mass society will also pay attention to how brands practice the principles of "openness, transparency" and "traceability", such as sustainability in raw materials and research and development; Environmental protection in production, terminal, packaging, logistics and so on. "Natural and organic" is being reborn with the concept of "sustainable beauty".

02 domestic beauty cosmetics catch up with the sustainable wind

At present, there is no clear definition of sustainable beauty at home and abroad, but it is generally believed that sustainable beauty includes two dimensions: content sustainability and packaging sustainability.

In terms of contents, sustainable beauty cosmetics pursue minimalist ingredients, safety, transparency, naturalness, organic, traceability and environmental friendliness. In the outer packaging, sustainable beauty should adopt recyclable materials, recycled raw materials and reusable packaging design. In addition, in the production, research and development, circulation and other links, brands should also implement more energy-saving and emission-reduction measures as much as possible.

For international beauty brands, sustainable beauty has become a must for brand development.

In the second half of last year, sustainable beauty became the darling of the international capital market. Yepoda, a natural skin care brand with sustainable concept in Korea, completed the A round of financing; Líha Beauty, a British aromatherapy natural and sustainable skin care brand, received an investment of 1 million pounds; Iris&Romeo, a "pure" beauty brand, has been invested by True Beauty Ventures and so on.

Back in the domestic market, compared with the prohibition of natural and organic concepts in the field of beauty, the state is encouraging the development of sustainable beauty.

Previously, the "Implementation Plan for Promoting Green Consumption" jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and other seven departments clearly stated that by 2025, the concept of green consumption in China will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the green transformation of consumption in key areas will achieve remarkable results, and the green consumption mode will be widely implemented, and the consumption system of green and low-carbon circular development will take shape; By 2030, green consumption mode will become the conscious choice of the public, green low-carbon products will become the mainstream of the market, and the green low-carbon development model of consumption in key areas will basically take shape.

Under the guidance of sustainable development and green consumption, many domestic head beauty enterprises are vigorously promoting ESG construction.

Bettini, Nature Hall, shanghai jahwa, Polaiya and other brands are already releasing ESG reports, planning outlines and proposals. In the report, Polaiya Group disclosed that in 2022, the per capita office power consumption will be reduced by 4.36% year-on-year, and the per capita office water consumption will be reduced by 13.27%. Carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced in raw material procurement, product production, product packaging and logistics transportation, and the accumulated carbon emissions will be reduced by 2,261.23 tons. Betani guides the development of packaging through three major directions: new structure and new material, plastic reduction and non-plastic, and introduces the concept of green packaging from the design end.

Alexandra Palt, Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer and CEO of L ‘Oré al, once said that through the topic of environmental protection, brand value can be better enhanced, thus guiding consumers’ consumption choices. The brand’s sustainable development and sense of social responsibility can affect the purchase behavior of individual consumers, and consumers’ recognition of sustainable beauty can also promote the brand’s development in this field.

Sustainable beauty should not only be a marketing concept, but more brands need to practice sustainable development with practical actions. China’s beauty industry needs to participate more in the international sustainable beauty alliance, and establish its own alliance system and standard system, so that sustainable beauty will become the outlet to promote the development of the industry in the "post-ingredient era".

The origin of New Year’s Eve The origin of New Year’s Eve is short, 20 words, 30 words, 50 words and 150 words or so.

  New Year’s Eve is coming soon. As the last day of the year, people will have many traditional customs to do on this day. Everyone knows that New Year’s Eve is an important festival, but why is there such a festival? What is the origin of New Year’s Eve? Xiaobian has compiled a brief introduction to the origin of New Year’s Eve for you.

Spring Festival is approaching.

The origin of new year’s eve

The origin of New Year’s Eve

  New Year’s Eve, also known as New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Eve, etc. It is the last night of the twelfth lunar month (December) every year. In addition, that is, the meaning of removal; Evening means night. New Year’s Eve is also a festival to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, to start all over again and to renew everything.

  According to "Lu’s Spring and Autumn Ji Dong Ji", the ancients used drums to drive out the "ghost of plague" on the day before the New Year, which is the origin of the "New Year’s Eve" festival. It is said that the earliest mention of the name "New Year’s Eve" is the historical records such as "Local Customs" written by Zhou Chu in the Western Jin Dynasty.

Good luck in the year of the rat

The source of new year’s eve

The origin of New Year’s Eve is short, about 20 words and 30 words.

  According to "Lu’s Spring and Autumn Ji Dong Ji", the ancients used drums to drive out the "ghost of plague" on the day before the New Year, which is the origin of the "New Year’s Eve" festival. It is said that the earliest mention of the name "New Year’s Eve" is the historical records such as "Local Customs" written by Zhou Chu in the Western Jin Dynasty.

The origin of New Year’s Eve is about 50 words short.

  New Year’s Eve is the eve of the Spring Festival, also known as New Year’s Eve. There is a legend that there was a ferocious monster named Xi in ancient times, and it came out to harm people at the end of the year. Later, people knew that Xi was most afraid of red and sound, so on New Year’s Eve, every household posted red couplets and set off firecrackers to drive away the New Year’s Eve beast, in order to make the new year peaceful. This custom has been passed down since then, and it was called New Year’s Eve.

Annual flavor is heavy.

The origin of new year’s eve

The origin of New Year’s Eve is about 150 words short.

  According to legend, in ancient times, there was a ferocious animal, which was very fierce. People called it Nian.

  Nian appears every 365 days. As soon as this thing "Nian" comes out, it will endanger mankind and cause great disaster to people. “

  Nian came out for activities at night, so people put out the lights and stayed up all night to avoid disasters. Later, it was found that wearing red clothes and burning firecrackers could drive Nian away.

  Therefore, at the end of each year, when people feel that "Year of the Year" is about to appear, they set off firecrackers to ward off evil spirits and pray for good luck in the coming year. Therefore, the custom of setting off firecrackers in the New Year has spread to this day.

Editor in charge: Ke Jinding