"Southern Station" box office super 150 million Hu Ge interpretation role shimmer

1905 movie network news Since its release, the film has won 136 million box office performance in the first weekend, refreshing the director Diao Yinan’s personal box office record. On December 9, the film once again won 14 million box office, and continued to gain good reputation. The film roadshow also ushered in the last stop, starring Hu Ge airborne in Zhengzhou and surprised the local audience.

14 million box office on working days, with a strong reputation and praise "Treasure Crew"

On December 9th, directed by Diao Yinan, starring Hu Ge and Gui Lunmei, Liao Fan and Wan Qian starred in the movie "The Wild Goose Lake" starring Qidao, the cumulative box office has exceeded 150 million, and the first weekend alone has refreshed the director Diao Yinan’s Berlin Golden Bear Award box office record, and also successfully created the mainland box office record of the Chinese film shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Cannes International Film Festival, becoming a domestic film with a double harvest of word-of-mouth in the same period.

It is reported that the movie "The Wild Goose Lake" took 155 days to shoot, with 82 locations in Wuhan. 370 staff and 3,200 actors contributed 1,307 shots. Behind each amazing number is the absolute implementation of strict standards by all the crew. It is even called "Virgo crew" by Wan Qian, one of the starring actors: Hu Ge exhausted his strength for a shot that repeatedly rolled into the quagmire. Gui Lun magnesium suffered deep second-degree burns and still insisted on shooting. The Wuxing actor was accidentally injured and did not want to affect the shooting effect. The workers carefully put away the equipment after each shooting. The netizens were deeply moved and said: "What a treasure is this crew! The actors are struggling in the weather with a body temperature of more than 50 degrees. All the staff are attentive. I am sorry for the crew’s intentions if they don’t brush it again!"

Hu Ge made an appearance at the roadshow terminal in Zhengzhou, breaking himself and presenting the role interpretation

A few days ago, the film came to Zhengzhou, which was warmly welcomed and loved by the local audience, and also drew a successful end to the film roadshow. Some audience members said excitedly: "I think this film is very good. I am very grateful to Hu Ge for breaking himself and presenting Zhou Zenong."

Hu Ge also responded sincerely: "There are definitely challenges and pressures, I rarely try the big screen, and then there are such excellent teams, producers and directors, and such excellent actors to work together. Whether it is from the performance or from the past experience, it is a new beginning for me. But I feel that I am almost 40 years old. We also talked about it a few days ago, called unbreakable. I think everyone still needs to have some challenges and breakthroughs in themselves, otherwise we will never know where our potential is."

Talking about the glimmer of light on the top of the mountain that Zhou Zenong and Liu Aiai saw in the film, Hu Ge also shared his understanding with the audience: "This light is two interpretations. One is that Zhou Zenong also has a human brilliance. Although he hides in the night most of the time, we can still see his warmth when his life is approaching the end. Another light is hope. It is the 300,000 bounty he exchanged for his life and the hope for his family’s future life. This is the light I hope you can see and feel in this movie, in addition to the neon lights that you see and the lights on the mountains in the distance."

As part of the film’s New Year’s ceremony, Hu Ge and the audience also followed the roadshow convention and tacitly taught the Henan version of the line "Big brother, borrow a fire". The "Borrowing Fire" tour is dotted, running through Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Zhengzhou and other cities, placing the good wishes of the creators and fans, and connecting a warm gathering at the end of the year that belongs to "The Wild Goose Lake".

How to protect the rights and interests of takeaway brothers and online drivers

  In recent years, with the continuous emergence of new business models and new occupations, new problems of labor disputes have also emerged… Recently, eight departments including the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security issued the "Opinions on Safeguarding the Labor Security Rights and Interests of Workers in New Employment Forms" and announced it to the public on December 18. The opinion focuses on the shortcomings of the problems faced by the protection of the rights and interests of workers in new employment forms, and protects the labor security rights and interests of workers in new employment forms such as online delivery staff, online car drivers, truck drivers, and Internet marketers through detailed measures.

  What are the highlights of the "Opinions" and what benefits will they bring to workers in new business models? The reporter of the Yangzi Evening News Ziniu interviewed labor law experts and asked them to interpret these issues.

  Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter, Wan Chengyuan

  Highlight 1: Clarifying the standards for incomplete labor relations

  Xu Xudong, a member of the Labor and Social Security Law Professional Committee of Nanjing Lawyers Association and a lawyer of Jiangsu Yicheng Law Firm, participated in the expert demonstration of the "Opinions" as an expert representative. Xu Xudong told reporters that the "Opinions" made it clear that there is strong autonomy in work arrangement among workers in new business formats. For such workers whose online work is subject to platform rules management or algorithm constraints and who obtain labor compensation, enterprises should negotiate with them to enter into a written employment agreement and reasonably determine the rights and obligations of both parties. Although the employment agreement is different from the employment contract that employers and workers need to enter into under the usual labor relationship, the purpose is the same.

  For such workers who rely on the information and scenarios provided by platform enterprises to independently conduct business activities, obtain operating income, and be responsible for their own profits and losses, the rights and obligations of both parties shall be adjusted in accordance with civil law.

  He believes that this classification in the "Opinions" will have an important impact on the types of rights, rights protection, and rights protection paths of workers in new business models.

  ◆ Highlight 2

  Make it clear that the platform is responsible for the payment of wages

  In terms of wage quota standards, the "Opinions" require that the hourly labor quota of laborers be reasonably determined by the piece-rate wage system to ensure that 90% of the new business workers in the same position can complete it within the agreed time. In terms of wage payment cycle, it is stipulated that it can be determined by hour, day, week and month, but the longest shall not exceed one month. In terms of overtime compensation, the "Opinions" stipulate that those who work on statutory holidays shall be paid wages higher than normal working hours.

  Xu Xudong believes that this leaves room for enterprises to negotiate with workers on specific standards, which is different from the usual labor relationship where workers extend their working hours, work overtime on rest days, and work overtime on statutory holidays at least 150%, 200%, and 300% of their wages, respectively. The "Opinions" make it clear that platform enterprises should take overall responsibility for the payment of wages to workers in new formats and supervise the timely and full payment of wages and compensation by enterprises that adopt cooperative employment methods with them, which adds an insurance to the wage protection of workers with incomplete labor relations.

  ◆ Highlight 3

  Safeguarding worker health and public safety

  The "Opinions" stipulate that for online car-hailing drivers, online delivery personnel, takeaway food delivery personnel, and online transportation drivers in the same city, who work continuously for more than four hours, enterprises should establish mandatory rest rules and no more orders will be dispatched within 20 minutes.

  Enterprises should ensure that workers in new business models enjoy a reasonable amount of continuous rest every working day through technical means.

  Xu Xudong believes that this regulation responds to the strong social response, and by improving the platform order distribution mechanism and the new business model worker rest system, it will effectively protect the physical and mental health and public safety of such workers.

  ◆ Highlight 4

  Protection against occupational injuries

  According to the "Opinions", when enterprises recruit laborers with incomplete labor relations, they should guide and organize them to participate in the basic old-age pension for employees of local enterprises, basic medical insurance for employees, or participate in the basic old-age insurance for urban and rural residents and basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents as required.

  Xu Xudong said that in the absence of coverage by work-related injury insurance, the pilot provides a safeguard for occupational injuries that workers with incomplete labor relations may suffer.

  ◆ Highlight 5

  The content and means of rights relief are clarified

  The "Opinions" stipulate that the labor security supervision organs shall promptly accept and handle complaints and reports on wages and compensation between laborers in new forms of incomplete labor relations and enterprises. Courts and arbitration institutions shall accept and handle disputes between such laborers and enterprises regarding wages and compensation, and should participate in compensation for occupational injuries in accordance with this opinion and the employment agreement between the two parties. Xu Xudong said that according to the provisions, labor inspection, labor arbitration and people’s courts will handle corresponding labor violations or disputes in accordance with their respective powers.

  Xu Xudong said that at present, the "Opinions" have not yet dealt with the specific provisions of incomplete labor relations workers in terms of economic compensation or compensation for the termination of employment contracts, paid annual leave, etc., pending the introduction of subsequent legislation or policies.

Market analysis of children’s programming industry in China in 2020: the number of users is nearly 240 million, and the number of companies in Guangdong Province is far ahead.

China children’s programming market has huge room for growth in the future.

Children’s programming education is to cultivate students’ computational thinking and innovative problem-solving ability through programming game enlightenment, visual graphic programming and other courses. For example, in the process of making a small animation, students split tasks, drag modules and control the progress themselves, so as to understand the concepts of "parallelism", "event handling" and "goal realization". It is mainly aimed at teenagers aged 3-18.

In 2014-2019, there were frequent policies related to children’s programming education in China, and the policy support continued to increase. At present, the teaching scenes of children’s programming education in China are mainly divided into three categories. At present, children’s programming education enterprises take the B-end as the main style, supplemented by the C-end. By the end of February, 2020, there were 7,110 children’s programming companies in China, with Guangdong Children’s Programming Company leading the country, and the top 10 children’s programming education institutions were headquartered in Shenzhen, Beijing and Hangzhou. In 2018, the corresponding age population of children’s programming industry in China is about 236 million. In 2019, it was about 237 million people. China’s children’s programming market has huge room for growth in the future.

1. The development of children’s programming education in China has attracted much attention.

In 2014-2019, China’s children’s programming policies were released one after another. The country has realized the importance of education, and issued many related policies to encourage and support the continuous development of programming education and information education, and promote the popularization and deepening process of programming education at the national basic education level. The policy covers key provinces and cities such as Zhejiang, Shandong, Jiangsu, Tianjin and Chongqing.

Summary of Important Policies of Children's Programming Industry in China from 2014 to 2019

2. Distribution of teaching scenes of children’s programming education in China.

The teaching scenes of children’s programming course are divided into three categories: non-public educational institutions, public educational institutions and families. By investigating the enterprises in the industry and comparing the landing degree in three scenarios, it is concluded that the current children’s programming education enterprises mainly adopt B-end, supplemented by C-end.

Distribution of Teaching Scenes of Children Programming Education in China

3. The headquarters of the top 10 children’s programming education institutions in China are concentrated in Shenzhen, Beijing and Hangzhou.

The children’s programming education industry in China has risen rapidly in recent years. With the blessing of multiple factors such as policy support and market maturity, children’s programming institutions have ushered in their own enthusiasm in the cold winter of capital. According to the data of Internet Weekly, the top 10 children’s programming education institutions in China are ranked as follows:

TOP10 Statistics of Children's Programming Education Institutions in China

4. The number of children’s programming companies in Guangdong Province leads the whole country.

China’s children’s programming is still small in scale and relatively scattered in institutions, mainly distributed in first-tier cities such as Beishangguangshen and Shenzhen, and offline institutions are also mainly concentrated in first-and second-tier cities.

By the end of February, 2020, there were 438 children’s programming companies in China. In 2019, there were 7110 children’s programming companies in China. By the end of February 2020, domestic children’s programming companies were mainly located in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong and Zhejiang, with 11,770, 3,529, 2,265 and 2,044 children’s programming companies respectively.

Geographical distribution of the number of children's programming companies in China by the end of February 2020.Geographical distribution of the number of children's programming companies in China by the end of February 2020.

5. The overall corresponding age population of children’s programming industry in China is increasing year by year, and it is about 237 million in 2019.

The minimum age of children’s programming students in China is about 3 years old. At this stage, children’s cognitive and understanding abilities have reached a certain level and can begin to participate in such training. The oldest participants are 18-19 years old, that is, senior three students, and the population covered by the training generally coincides with the student group corresponding to K12 education. Therefore, Forward-looking Industry Research Institute adds up the number of students in kindergartens, primary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools in the national statistical bulletin on the development of education published by the Ministry of Education every year, and estimates the population aged 3-18 in China. From 2014 to 2018, the population aged 3-18 in China showed a slow growth trend. In 2018, the corresponding age population of children’s programming industry in China was about 236 million. In 2019, it was about 237 million people.

Statistics and forecast of population aged 3-18 in China from 2014 to 2019

For the above data and analysis, please refer to Forward-looking Industry Research Institute, which provides solutions for industry, industry planning, industry declaration, and industry.

Community group buying "renewed war": there are "heads" who earn nearly 10,000 yuan a month.

  Look at the goods in the WeChat group, place orders in small programs, and move your fingers, and all kinds of fresh, grain and oil products will be delivered to your home. In 2020, a sudden epidemic disrupted everyone’s life rhythm, the online retail format broke out, and the community group purchase accident became an important support for the residents’ lives, and giants such as Meituan, Ali, JD.COM and Pinduoduo entered the market one after another. Recently, a reporter from Qilu Evening News and Qilu Yi went into several communities in the provincial capital to understand the current situation of community group buying.

  Qilu Evening News Qilu Yidian reporter Yu Yuxing

  Daily sales of 70-80 orders

  The maximum turnover per day is more than 10,000 yuan.

  Near eleven o’clock in the evening, Ms. Zhou "poisoned late at night" in the WeChat group, and photos and videos of spicy crayfish teased everyone’s appetite. The "Ding Ding" mobile phone kept shaking, and Ms. Zhou harvested another wave of orders before going to bed.

  In the past four years, Ms. Zhou has been a well-known "group leader" of a residential district in tianqiao district, Jinan, with two WeChat group purchases of 500 people. "In 2017, we started to do community group buying, and the users are basically the owners of the community." Ms. Zhou’s community group purchase relies on her own express collection point, and it is convenient for owners to take home the fresh food they bought the day before when they take the express delivery. "The source of customers is relatively stable, and it is not so laborious to do it. It is like opening another online supermarket. Everyone orders online and picks up the goods the next day. I am a pick-up point here."

  It is reported that there are thousands of households in Ms. Zhou’s community, and there are several community group purchases like her. "Basically, some treasure moms and mom-and-pop shops are doing it, and the user cross is very large." Ms. Zhou said that the platforms of the heads of delegations also cover each other, including Prosperity Optimization, Ten Clubs, You, Me and You. "I will send products from all platforms to the group and let users choose. Recently, a beautiful group was selected, and the activity was relatively strong, which was very popular with everyone. " 

  There are also differences in the opening of the group on each platform. Some groups are held every day, while others are held every other day. "Every time you open a group, you can trade dozens of orders and hundreds of orders. Each platform adds one, and the average is seventy or eighty orders a day." Ms. Zhou said that because most of them are fresh, grain and oil products, the single-day trading volume fluctuates greatly. "As little as two or three thousand yuan, more than ten thousand yuan. Especially on holidays, the volume of fruit gift boxes is very large, and the single-day turnover can reach about 13 thousand yuan. "

  10%-15% commission

  The "head" has a considerable monthly income.

  The second day after the rally, Ms. Zhou was the busiest time, basically from morning till night. "Especially after work, users go home and take the food back. There are often long pick-up queues at the door of the store. "

  Ms. Zhang, a working mother, is a member of the daily queue to pick up the goods. "If there is no food at home, just visit the group buying group in the community to see what to buy, and send it to the community the next day. It is simply too convenient to visit the vegetable market and supermarket." In Ms. Zhang’s view, convenience is the main reason for choosing community group buying.

  In addition to convenience, good quality and low price are also a major reason why community group buying can be a big fire. Ms. Zhou takes mangosteen, kiwi fruit, pitaya and other fruits on her platform as examples. Mangosteen, which costs more than ten yuan a catty in the supermarket, only needs 8.9 yuan to buy in the platform. 9.8 yuan in Xuxiang Kiwifruit Platform weighs three kilos, and the cheapest Kiwifruit in the supermarket also costs five or six yuan a kilo.

  "The quality of fruits and vegetables is comparable to that of supermarkets or even fresher, and the price is still cheap. Users who have bought them will place orders again and again." Ms. Zhou said that word-of-mouth communication among community users is more reliable than any advertisement. After being recognized by users, everyone will pull acquaintances in to buy together.

  It has been less than half a year since Ms. Feng, the "post-90 s" Bao Ma, became the "head" of community group buying. "My girlfriend recommended me to join, just to earn pocket money while taking care of my children." Ms. Feng said that there are more than 200 people in her group, and the daily sales are around 1,000 yuan. The platform gives 10% commission, and it can also have two or three thousand yuan a month.

  Ms. Zhou, who has two 500 people in her hand, has to double her monthly income. "There are many platforms, and the commission is basically between 10% and 15%." Ms. Zhou said that the monthly income is basically stable at around seven or eight thousand yuan. "On holidays, with the gift box, the monthly income is around 10,000 yuan."

  After seizing the market

  Doing a good job in product service is the key.

  Ms. Li, who has been the head of the Tenth Club in Dianliu Community of Jinan for more than two years, was recently invited by the US delegation and became the preferred head of the US delegation.

  "For the head of the team, multiple platform products can be sent to the same group, so that users can make their own judgments and place orders." Mr. Yuan, the preferred promoter of Meituan, said that Meituan had developed more than 3,700 WeChat groups with more than 100 people in Jinan in one and a half months.

  Different from the "seed player" such as the Tenth Club, which developed from the grassroots level of the industry, Meituan is a key project of large enterprises with a level of 100 billion. With strong financial support, it can be quickly opened nationwide at the beginning of the opening. "In the next step, relying on Meituan APP, Meituan Optimization will be made into a new industrial line alongside Meituan Takeaway."

  In Mr. Yuan’s view, there is an essential difference between the optimization of the US Mission and the Tenth Mission. The two modes are different. The Tenth Mission has small profits but quick turnover, focusing on profit and demanding sales; Meituan pays more attention to the number of orders when buying food, and wants to make data.

  However, Mr. Yuan admits that, as far as Jinan is concerned, the order quantity of the Tenth Club is currently unmatched by the US Mission.

  However, the US Mission also has an advantage that the Tenth Mission does not have, that is, the US Mission APP. "At present, Meituan has been connected with Meituan APP, and everyone can place an order through Meituan APP, which means that all people who have Meituan APP may become the preferred users of Meituan."

  "Community group buying starts from the head of the team, but it will eventually end in the supply chain". In fact, how to do a good job in product service after seizing the market is the most critical part for community group buying platforms such as Meituan Optimization, Ten-Club Group, and City Life.

  Hot money poured in, and giants followed suit.

  Is community group buying "really fragrant"

  If you win fresh food, you win the world. In recent years, various sales models of fresh food industry have been favored by capital giants frequently. In 2020, as a "pre-sale+self-promotion" sales model in the fresh food industry, community group buying became popular overnight and was selected by the capital again under the influence of the epidemic.

  According to the data of Tianyancha, according to incomplete statistics, there have been more than ten times of financing in the field of community group buying and fresh e-commerce in China this year, amounting to 10 billion yuan. Among them, the 10th Club was voted for three times this year, with a total financing of US$ 249.7 million; Tongcheng Life received 200 million dollars and tens of millions of dollars in financing in June and July. According to LatePost, the latest round of financing of $495 million per day is the largest financing of fresh food industry to date.

  With the influx of hot money and the follow-up of giants, what is the future of community group buying?

  "Community group buying adopts ‘ Pre-sale+self-withdrawal ’ The model is based on sales, there is no turnover, there is no need for offline stores, and there is no high distribution cost for centralized self-lifting. " Ms. Zhou, who has worked hard in community group buying for three or four years, is very optimistic about "community group buying". She said that the pre-sale method of community group buying can effectively reduce the inventory, and the goods have been booked and sold before they arrive in the warehouse, which improves the turnover efficiency and reduces the product loss rate and distribution cost.

  However, Mr. Zhao, a veteran in the industry, pointed out that the so-called fixed production by sales and fixed production by demand is actually difficult to achieve. Moreover, domestic agricultural products are generally lack of standardization, and direct mining in the place of origin and taking goods at the base are mostly gimmicks. "Community group buying also requires multiple categories, which is difficult for most enterprises, and many still rely on the local first-class wholesale market."

  In addition, Mr. Zhao believes that how to keep the head of the platform and keep the tourists is also a problem worth exploring.

  It is foreseeable that the competition for community group buying resources is bound to intensify. With the entry of Internet giants, there are more possibilities for this track.

Lei Jun: The ordinary version of Xiaomi SU7 has been officially delivered.

  [car home Information] On April 18th, Lei Jun revealed in the live broadcast room that after the founding version, the standard version and Max version of Xiaomi SU7 (Lei Jun called the official version) have been delivered in Beijing and Shenzhen today. According to the previous information of Xiaomi SU7 listing conference, the standard version and Max version will be delivered first at the end of April, which has been delivered 12 days in advance, while the Pro version will be delivered at the end of May. Lei Jun said that the order of Xiaomi SU7 is 3-5 times higher than previously expected, and it is already in full production to meet the delivery. Lei Jun also said that by the end of this year, 40 cities are expected to have Xiaomi car stores.

Home of the car

  Previously, on April 3, the first batch of Xiaomi SU7 founding edition was officially delivered at Xiaomi Automobile Factory in Yizhuang, Beijing. Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun personally opened the door for the first batch of car owners and delivered it.

Home of the car

  When the user locks the configuration, the factory starts to schedule production according to the set configuration. Consumers can see the approximate progress and estimated delivery time from Xiaomi Auto App. At the same time, before locking the configuration, you can also view the estimated delivery cycle of each configuration combination through the page. After the configuration is locked, the page can also view the delivery time.

  At present, the first batch of Xiaomi automobile stores covers 29 cities across the country, with a total of 59 stores, which is also the first batch of cities to be opened for delivery, as follows:

Home of the car

  At the same time, according to the needs of users, Xiaomi selected the following 10 cities to supplement the construction of sales and service stores, including Jinan in Shandong, Changzhou in Jiangsu, Nantong in Jiangsu, Jinhua in Zhejiang, Nanning in Guangxi, Changchun in Jilin, Guiyang in Guizhou, Zhuhai in Guangdong, Quanzhou in Fujian and Xiantao in Hubei. The above 10 cities will open one after another this year. Subsequent Xiaomi Auto will continue to add stores in other cities in time.

Xiaomi Auto Xiaomi SU7 2024 800km four-wheel drive with long battery life and high-order intelligent driving Max version.

Xiaomi Auto Xiaomi SU7 2024 800km four-wheel drive with long battery life and high-order intelligent driving Max version.

Xiaomi Auto Xiaomi SU7 2024 800km four-wheel drive with long battery life and high-order intelligent driving Max version.

  Xiaomi SU7 is aimed at medium and large cars, with a price of 21.59-29.99 million yuan. The new car is equipped with 8295 chips, which realizes five-screen interconnection including HUD and rear screen, and is equipped with 澎湃 OS system, and can be ecologically interconnected with Xiaomi. The new car is built on the basis of 800V architecture, which can recharge 510km in 15 minutes, with an acceleration time of 2.78 seconds from 0 to 100 km/h, a top speed of 210km/h and a cruising range of 810km for CLTC. Equipped with a laser radar, two NVIDIA DRIVE Orin chips, with a computing power of 508TOPS, the whole system supports high-speed NOA, and the city NOA was subsequently opened. (Text/car home Qin Chao)

How about Mercedes E300?


Mercedes-Benz E300 is a hybrid vehicle, which is excellent in energy saving and equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged engine, making it easy to drive. The driving experience of this car has always been the characteristic of Mercedes-Benz, which can bring excellent comfort experience whether driving or riding.

Mercedes-Benz E300L is a car specially built for China market, and its extended wheelbase fully meets the needs of domestic users. The domestic version of this car will provide a more competitive price, which is more advantageous than the imported version.

The wheelbase of the new generation Mercedes-Benz E-Class will be lengthened by 14cm, from 2874mm to 3014 mm.. In terms of power, although it has not yet been determined whether the E300 CGI engine will be installed, it is likely to be a 1.8L CGI turbocharged engine, and low-displacement vehicles such as E200 and E260 will be introduced in the future.

The configuration of Mercedes-Benz E300 is also very luxurious, including the interior atmosphere lights on Mercedes-Benz S-Class, which can provide better lighting effect. In addition, the headlights will automatically adjust the brightness according to the external environment, which is better than the lighting effect of Audi A6.

In terms of appearance, Mercedes-Benz E300L has a length of 5065mm and a mass of 1.8 tons. The LED headlights on the front of the car are particularly obvious. The chrome-plated decorative strip on the front fence is one of the signs to distinguish the models. The rear fender has an aluminum alloy decorative strip extending backwards, which represents the extended design of this car.

The latest news of the new BYD Tang will be released in August.

A few days ago, we learned from relevant channels that the new modelTang is expected to be officially unveiled in August this year, and the new car will be adjusted in appearance and interior. It is understood that,Tang introduced three power forms: fuel version, plug-in hybrid version and pure electric version for consumers to choose from.

The picture is as follows:Automobile 2019 Tang DM

In terms of appearance, cashTang adopted the family-style "Dragon Face" design language in appearance, and there are design differences between the fuel version and the new energy version. ready moneyTang Fuel Edition is equipped with a 2.0T engine and matched with a 6-speed automatic manual transmission.Tang DM version is equipped with a powertrain with a 2.0T turbocharged engine and a rear motor. In terms of transmission, it is matched with a 6-speed dual-clutch gearbox and provides intelligent electric four-wheel drive;There are two cruising versions of the Tang Chun electric version, and the cruising range of NEDC is 500km and 520km respectively.

Peace of mind diet conveys the concept of health, and Spring Broadcasting won the "Golden Bridge Award, the most valuable consumer company of the year"

On November 19th, the 2020 Thinking Finance Investor Annual Meeting and the 12th Golden Bridge Award Ceremony hosted by Thinking Finance and Investor Network were successfully held in Shanghai Pudong Star River Hotel. The theme of this annual meeting is "Change and Opportunity", aiming at finding the backbone of the double-cycle era and finding new investment opportunities in the face of global economic changes. In this "Golden Bridge Award" ceremony, Chunbo, a new retail platform that advocates providing consumers with peace of mind and healthy food, won the honor of "the most valuable consumer company of the year".

Photo: Chunbo won the honor of "Golden Bridge Award, Consumer Company with the Most Investment Value of the Year"

The "Golden Bridge Award" is jointly selected by experts in the industry, such as Thinking Finance and Investor Network. It examines enterprises from four dimensions: achievements, investment value, innovation ability and social responsibility in the past year, aiming at providing a good evaluation and reference system for China’s capital market. Since its inception in 2008, the annual investor conference has been recognized by many investors as the most valuable enterprise selection ceremony, and has now become an annual gathering closely watched by many well-known domestic financiers, investors and industry experts.

Since the beginning of this year, the epidemic has changed people’s inherent concept of life and lifestyle, and it has also given fresh food home delivery a new opportunity from "survival consumption" to "daily consumption". As a new retail platform for supplying high-quality safe and healthy food, spring sowing has also pressed the "fast forward button" of development in 2020.

With the explosive growth of online fresh consumption demand and the capital attention of many players in the fresh e-commerce track, why can spring sowing stand out from many competitors and be selected as the most investment-worthy consumer company of the year by Thinking Finance and Investor Online?

Safety advantage: the first new food retail platform with CMA certified quality control laboratory in China.

As a platform of "new retail of safe and healthy food", Spring Broadcasting always puts food safety in the first place. Wang Xin, the founder and CEO of Spring Broadcasting, once mentioned in the early stage of his business that Spring Broadcasting should build trust consumption between producers and consumers. To this end, Chunbo took the lead in the industry and became the first new food retail platform with CMA certified quality control laboratory in China. The quality control laboratory of spring sowing tests all the goods on the shelves, including pesticide residues, heavy metal residues, hormones, veterinary drug residues, preservatives, artificial colors and other items. A professional quality inspection team composed of dozens of masters and bachelors is responsible for routine "full inspection of each batch" and "timed inspection in warehouse" of fresh ingredients, and issues inspection reports in real time. Each product has an independent ID, and the test results can be traced back to the whole process. Only products whose test results have passed the standards of "spring sowing BEST" or "spring sowing quality control" based on national organic and national food safety standards respectively can be sold on the spring sowing platform, thus establishing the food safety advantage of the new retail platform of spring sowing healthy food in the industry.

Channel advantage: Close cooperation with embassies of many countries will bring peace of mind and delicious food from every corner of the world to China.

Spring sowing takes "20 articles of peace of mind" as the principle of product selection, and brings safe food to consumers in China through global preferred suppliers, spring sowing own planting bases and producers’ alliance to protect the earth. Since its establishment, Chunbo has established long-term trust and cooperation with embassies and food industry associations in nearly 30 countries around the world. Regardless of any country or region, buyers of spring sowing will go to the place of origin through the recommendation of the embassy or suppliers, and conduct an all-round inspection of the products from the dimensions of geographical environment, raw material cultivation, processing methods, product packaging and product flavor, so as to ensure the source control of food and ensure that the food introduced by the platform meets the standards of spring sowing selection. At the same time, combined with offline experience and online promotion activities such as exotic food week held from time to time, consumers can always taste the original and pure delicacies of various countries through the spring broadcast platform.

Commodity advantage: gathering excellent sources of origin and direct extraction resources of organic ingredients.

The spring sowing planting base was built in strict accordance with the national organic product standards, and obtained organic certification in 2015. The base produces more than 60 kinds of organic vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbages. The establishment of Conscience Guarding the Earth Producers Alliance is also an important starting point for spring sowing to advocate and promote organic crops. Based on the concept of "defending human health and protecting the earth’s environment", the alliance directly supplies and sells organic vegetables to spring sowing. In addition, the technical team of Spring Sowing Farm has accumulated a set of mature management systems for the Alliance, such as organic cultivation technology management system, variety system, farm worker management system and KPI incentive measures, which not only enhances the growth and income of new farmers in organic agriculture, but also guarantees the supply of high-quality organic agricultural products in spring sowing.

It is reported that the spring broadcast platform defends consumers’ three meals a day around the main scenes of family cooking. Up to now, there are 14 categories and more than 4,000 commodities on the platform, covering ingredients, food and utensils needed by families. Consumers only need to use WeChat applet and APP to enjoy peace of mind and delicious food without leaving home. If consumers are in Wuxi, they can also go to Chunbo Anxin Health Supermarket to select and feel the high quality of Chunbo Anxin food at close range.

Recently, Spring Broadcasting is accelerating the layout of regional pre-warehouses, and now it has opened the express service in Dongzhimen, Beijing. In the future, more China families will enjoy peace of mind food at any time with the strong aging service.

Disclaimer: This article is reprinted by our website, aiming to provide readers with more news information. The contents involved do not constitute investment and consumption suggestions, and are for readers’ reference only.

[Editor: Zhong Jingwen]

When will the controversy over cultural elegance and vulgarity stop when Yang li Ping Dance Company dances "Subject III"?

3.jpg, the star of criticism.

□ Xu Jinglan (Chongqing University)

Recently, the Yang li Ping Dance Company and the Russian Royal Dance Company danced "Subject III", which once again pushed this dance to the forefront, and triggered a heated discussion among the public about the boundaries between dance art and culture. Many netizens have previously said that "Yang li Ping’s jumping subject three is my biggest bottom line". However, Yang li Ping’s team really jumped up "Subject 3" at the curtain call recently.

With its unique repetitive movements and magical music, the dance of "Kemusan" quickly became popular in the Haidilao incident, and its easy-to-understand characteristics undoubtedly attracted a large number of audiences. However, the popularity of this "vulgar" culture has also triggered in-depth discussions on artistic value and connotation. Many people question whether a professional art team like Yang li Ping should take part in such a "popular" performance, which is considered to be detrimental to the elegance and depth of art.

The debate between refined culture and popular culture is not a new topic, it reflects the society’s pluralistic cognition of art and culture. On the one hand, we can’t ignore the powerful influence and attraction of "vulgar" culture in mass communication. Popular cultural phenomena such as Phoenix Legend’s Divine Comedy in Square Dance, with its grounded language, cheerful melody and easy-to-imitate movements, have successfully crossed the boundaries of age, region and social class and won the love and pursuit of the general public. This feature of being close to the people and entertaining makes the "vulgar" culture spread and popularize rapidly and become an indispensable part of people’s daily life.

However, on the other hand, we should also be soberly aware that those enduring cultural treasures often contain profound connotations and far-reaching significance. These cultural forms may be classical literature, traditional art, philosophical thoughts or historical heritage. They have undergone the baptism of time and the precipitation of history, bearing the crystallization of human wisdom and the richness and diversity of the spiritual world. These cultural treasures are not only our cultural heritage, but also important resources for us to understand ourselves, explore the world, improve our literacy and enlighten our thinking.

The evaluation of art and culture should not only stay on the superficial distinction between elegance and vulgarity. Every cultural form has its own value and significance. Whether it is elegant art or popular entertainment, it may touch people’s emotions at some level, lead to thinking or bring fun. In recent years, with the rise of "fast-paced culture", people’s stay for works of art is shorter, and magical works of art occupy our eyes. However, this does not mean that the value of depth and connotation in art and culture has been weakened. On the contrary, the existence of fast-paced culture highlights people’s desire for instant satisfaction and relaxed entertainment, which is an important embodiment of the diversity of art and culture.

We need a more open and inclusive attitude in the face of the controversy over cultural elegance and vulgarity. The development of art and culture should be a process of multiple coexistence and mutual influence. Professional art teams try different performance forms, including the so-called "vulgar" culture, which may provide new inspiration and perspective for artistic innovation, and at the same time attract public attention to artistic works. At the same time, we should also encourage and support those cultural creations with profound meaning and connotation, so as to enrich our spiritual life and social and cultural landscape.

The phenomenon that "the world is a huge subject three" reminds us that no matter who jumps into "subject three", in this era of information explosion, we encourage artists and creators to explore and try different art forms and expressions bravely, and at the same time, we should create more and better works that people like. We should also face and evaluate art and culture with an open and inclusive attitude, so as to jointly promote the progress and development of human spiritual civilization.

Affordable Volvo XC90 is listed! Full-time four-wheel drive, 2.0T hybrid +8AT, tall and mighty only 220,000.

Recently, a medium-sized and large SUV was officially launched at the Beijing Auto Show. This new car is also a large SUV that I particularly liked in the past. It has excellent mechanical literacy and the price is really cheap now. This model is the Lectra 09. The global version of the four-wheel drive is listed this time.

The guide price of this Lexus 09 is 265,800 yuan, and the manufacturer directly gives the price of 235,800 yuan, and there is still a subsidy of about 10,000 yuan at the terminal. The price of bare cars that can basically be sold is 225,800 yuan.

The advantages of the new car are actually very many. The first is the power system, which is equipped with a 2.0T+48V light mixing system and matches the eight-speed automatic manual transmission. More importantly, this Lectra 09 matches the central differential, full-time four-wheel drive, and adopts the front double wishbone independent suspension and the rear multi-link independent suspension system like BMW. The handling properties and mechanical literacy are in place, which is also the main reason why I liked this new car at first. In addition, the new car also has six driving modes, such as off-road, snow, strong dynamic performance, plus hard-core four-wheel drive, which can be very anti-skid

Although the appearance design is tall and powerful, it also has some shortcomings, which is also the main reason why I gave up this new car. As far as the appearance is concerned, the domineering shape is full of masculinity, the all-black appearance shows domineering, the hidden electric door handle, the 19-inch petal-shaped wheel hub and the four exhaust pipes, so the face value can definitely be beaten. In the body data section, the length, width and height of this Lectra 09 are 5042/1977/1780mm and the wheelbase is 2984mm, which is a seven-seat SUV.

The internal design has also been greatly upgraded. In addition to the two screens we saw, the new car has actually upgraded the chip of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 on the new model, and compared with the previous model, it has more Lectra OS N design. The 5G network signal adopted by the new car has active noise reduction function and remote control of the mobile phone, and it is also equipped with L2-level intelligent assisted driving system as standard in the whole system. There are only two kinds of maps: Gaode and Baidu. Automatic parking in place, automatic lane change assistance is readily available. Bluetooth key, card key and panoramic sunroof can be opened, which are also standard in the whole system. In addition, even the seats are equipped with heating, ventilation, massage, memory and boss buttons, and the global version of our four-wheel drive is also available.

So what’s wrong with this Lexus 09? From all aspects, it is actually perfect, with good price, domineering appearance and high intelligence. Why don’t many consumers buy it? The main reason is that it is very similar to the shortcomings of Volvo’s SUV, for example, the space inside the car is very small, and the mute effect inside the car is also very general. In fact, it is understandable, because this Lectra 09 and Volvo XC90 are the same chassis, and their advantages and disadvantages are basically the same.