Fan Bingbing shot Guanyin Mountain and Kissed awesome

group photo of the main creator

"Fan Ye" flaming red lips are still sexy

Lovely Chen Bolin

"Bullet Girl" Zhao Ming came to cheer

  Movie Network News(Photo/Yang Nan, Text/Yang Yaru) Fan Bingbing’s first international film after the film "Guanyin Mountain" held a press conference in Beijing on February 24. Director Li Yu and starring Fan Bingbing, Chen Bolin, and Feilong waited to help out, and Tong Dawei, Guan Yue and his wife, Xu Zheng, Xiao Tao Hong and his wife, "Bullet Girl" Zhao Ming, Gao Qunshu, Zhang Yibai, Shang Jing, Jia Zhangke, Zhang Jiarui, Yang Kun, Ma Tianyu, Qin Hao and many other guests came to cheer.

Fan Bingbing shows a naughty side and learns to look like the battery is dead

What are you whispering, everyone wants to hear it

The sometimes cheerful and sometimes quiet "Fan Ye"

Fan Bingbing plays Flame Red Lips to let the audience taste "Bullet Girl" and then show "Career Line"

  On that day, "V5" Fan Ye also took the pure manly route, wearing a gray suit, trousers, and leather gloves, and dressed up to be cooler than Chen Bolin. Fan Bingbing’s hairstyle is also quite special, with all his hair on one side and playing with flaming red lips. In this regard, Fan Ye smiled and said, "Guanyin Mountain is a very special play, so my dress is also very special. I usually don’t do this, let you taste it!"

  Compared with Fan Bingbing’s neutral dress, Zhao Ming, who became famous as a "bullet girl", was wide-ranging. She was wearing a blue dark V dress and showed a deep "career line", which caused a commotion at the scene for a while. Tong Dawei, who had starred in Li Yu’s films, did not play a role in "Guanyin Mountain" this time. Tong Dawei said that he was really envious and jealous.

Chen Bolin, Fan Bingbing

Director Li Yu

Fan Bingbing’s neutral look is fashionable

Chen Bolin joked that the passion drama was "awesome" and revealed that he and Fan Bingbing died on the set

  "Guanyin Mountain" has a scene where Fan Bingbing and Chen Bolin want to die for love. The two lie on the train track, followed by a roaring train. It is not until the second they are about to collide that Fan Bingbing and Chen Bolin get up and run away.

  Recalling the scene at that time, Fan Bingbing still has lingering fears, "For the sake of authenticity, I didn’t say hello to the railway department when filming, it was too dangerous. At that time, we were lying on the track, and I was still wearing boots, so it was very inconvenient to move. I had my back to the train, and I could only rely on Chen Bolin to give me the signal. If it was later, I would be finished, and Chen Bolin was my last straw." Fan Bingbing shook his head, "We were all crazy at that time, really!" Chen Bolin also felt very dangerous, "There were times when we got too deep into the play, and Bingbing and I didn’t even see the train, so we were so anxious that the director ran over directly!"

  This scene also highlights the deep feelings between the two characters. Referring to the passionate kissing scene in the film, Chen Bolin said with a smile, "Playing with Bingbing, it feels not cold, very hot, and awesome!"

Starring Fat Dragon

Guan Yue and Tong Dawei came to watch the movie

Xu Zheng and Tao Hong

Ma Tianyu

Fan Bingbing: Come on, you’re older than me

Fan Bingbing was unhappy and choked. He was older than Chen Bolin. "Guanyin Mountain" was cut for 5 minutes

  When the media asked Fan Bingbing how he fell in love with an actor so much younger than her, Fan Bingbing instantly collapsed, "Chen Bolin is not much younger than me, just 1 year old, usually called’similar age ‘." Fan Bingbing looked a little helpless, hurriedly ended the answer to this question, and turned to his evaluation of the movie, "As Chen Bolin said," Guanyin Mountain "is not an art film, but a work of art!"

  "We removed a nailihu scene," Mr. Li explained hastily. "There’s nothing wrong with it, mainly to make the story more compact and direct."

Next page More wonderful pictures

The man said that Brother Xiao Yang sold fake Moutai in the live stream, and 14 of the 24 bottles were identified as fake! Three Sheep responded: The third-party appraisal agency is not authoritative

  On June 21, the Three Sheep Network passed"Crazy Little Brother Yang – Three Sheep" posted a statement saying that some consumers bought Moutai liquor in the company’s live stream a year ago, went to Moutai’s official anti-counterfeiting office to identify it as true, and were identified as fake by the so-called third-party appraisal studio.

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  Three Sheep said that the company has always adhered to the guarantee of genuine products and promoted genuine Moutai wine to consumers in the live stream. So far, the products sold have never been officially identified as counterfeit wine.

  Three Sheep emphasizes that, as a high-value special category, the appraisal of Moutai liquor should be based on the official anti-counterfeiting rights protection phone number announced by Moutai to identify the authenticity of the official appraisal agency where it is located. The appraisal results of any third-party appraisal agency are not authoritative and legal.

  Three Sheep also said that if the Moutai wine purchased in the company’s live stream is officially identified as a counterfeit product, the company will compensate consumers in advance in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and strictly investigate the legal responsibility of the seller.

  According to the official news of Henan TV station "City Report" on June 20, Mr. Zhang (pseudonym) from Wuhan, Hubei said that in May last year, he bought 10 bottles of Moutai at the "Jiujia Liquor Store" Douyin store under the recommendation of Crazy Brother Yang’s live stream. After being identified as true by the Moutai Anti-Counterfeiting Office, he purchased another 14 bottles for collection. This year, Mr. Zhang saw Moutai’s counterfeiting methods on the short video platform, which made him suspicious of the Moutai wine he snapped up, so he found a third-party platform for identification. As a result, 14 of the 24 bottles of Moutai were fake, and the "Jiujia Liquor Store" Douyin store also showed that it was "returned from the store".

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  When the reporter came to Anhui Hefei Three Sheep Group to inquire, the staff said that when they cooperated with the "Jiujia Liquor franchise store" that sold the batch of Moutai, they conducted a specific review of the merchant’s qualifications and product procedures. But because the goods were not sent from their warehouse, there is no guarantee that the merchant will have "adulterated" behavior. Similarly, Mr. Zhang tore off the label and opened the wine box with the consent of the merchant for identification, so there is no way to prove whether the wine has been transferred. If the merchant sells fake wine, they will also hold the merchant accountable.

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  Daily Economic News Comprehensive Henan TV Station "City Report", public news

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  After two months, Shanghai’s local rules for online car-hailing have finally been unveiled.

  This afternoon, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen each issued relevant regulations, setting clear licensing conditions for online car-hailing platform companies, vehicles, and drivers, and making the next step of online car-hailing operations "legal."

  The management approach of online car-hailing has received a high degree of attention and involves many interests. It is necessary to take into account both the healthy development of the industry and the actual conditions of Shanghai, a megacity. It is not easy to issue policies.

  As the current "fashionable" way of travel, the "name correction" of online car-hailing has become the general trend. With the implementation of local policies, in the future, eligible online car-hailing cars can finally be justifiably driven to the streets, and many special car drivers will also bid farewell to the "underground" state. The development of the industry has taken a solid step.

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  But "justifying" the name of online car-hailing is by no means allowing its boundless free expansion, let alone making it a reckless "blind spot of the rule of law". While recognizing the rationality of the existence of online car-hailing itself, the introduction of relevant systems is to effectively solve the problems exposed in the current development of this industry.

  Over the past year, the massive expansion has resulted in uneven quality of vehicles and personnel, and the platform companies’ review of vehicles has become useless. These have become "stubborn diseases", resulting in frequent cases of infringement of consumer rights and interests.

  In April this year, a "female college student called a suspicious car" was forwarded and spread on major new media platforms. The special car called by the party through the taxi software did not match the car number displayed on the software at all; in March this year, the Municipal Traffic Law Enforcement Corps seized the owner of a special car using 3 sets of vehicle number plates at the same time during the law enforcement process… and the traffic accidents, public security incidents, and criminal cases caused by online car-hailing are also increasing, and all parties are calling for "the special car should be managed".

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  In the Shanghai plan, the guiding ideology of legal management, green environmental protection, safe operation, fair competition, and protection of consumer rights and interests is basically fully implemented, and "targeted" is reflected everywhere. For example, on the entry threshold, Shanghai stipulates that the vehicles and drivers of online car-hailing in Shanghai must be "Shanghai nationality", which is mainly because, first, the city’s policy is a requirement of the national policy. After all, the city is the main body of online car-hailing management; second, the double "Shanghai nationality" precisely follows the law of the sharing economy, which can be used to confirm personal idle assets from the information end for social sharing. For example, on the vehicle access threshold, the "National Five" emission standard is fully implemented. For example, in terms of company management, Shanghai clearly requires online ride-hailing companies to take measures such as suspending business and canceling platform registration for major traffic safety accidents caused by drivers, infringing on the interests of passengers, and disrupting operational order…

  The ride-hailing industry has gone through the brutal growth in the early stage and is bathed in the current burgeoning capital expansion. Facts have proved that platform companies and practitioners have fully enjoyed the high benefits brought by the new business model, but have not fully assumed the corresponding social responsibilities. An industry that grows under unfair competition and breeds security risks should never become a pride under the "Internet +" wave, let alone a standardized template for the "sharing economy".

  Regulating the operation of online car-hailing is to let companies and practitioners take up their due responsibilities. The new regulations firmly grasp the key point of "employment threshold", control the safety valve from the qualification of personnel and vehicles, and strictly require the possession of certificates. The original intention is to consider the safety of the general public’s travel. To make online car-hailing, like taxis, have no blind spots for access and no blind spots for service standards.

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  The government is duty-bound to the safety bottom line. Instead of covering the bottom line after the problem occurs, it is better to make effective regulation in the specification, use the invisible hand to create an orderly industry ecology, and use a certain degree of "income" to bring safer and more convenient "release". Only when all interests are checked and balanced and know how to self-restrain, will the industry usher in a broader space.

  The new rules are not short of strong restrictions, which is "income", but they are also humane in some details, such as requiring platform companies to sign employment contracts or agreements with drivers, and not refusing to allow a ride-hailing car to register multiple platforms at the same time to operate. These "liberalizing" measures are in the best interests of ride-hailing practitioners and strive to create more well-being for them.

  Many citizens are concerned about whether the strict management of online car-hailing will cause new "taxi-hailing difficulties"? Indeed, regulating online car-hailing will inevitably lead to a reduction in the supply side in a short period of time, but this is a "short-term pain". The disorderly development of the industry, the recurrence of safety accidents, and the ultimate destruction of credibility will be a "long pain".

  It is not realistic to blindly solve the problem of "travel difficulties" by a large number of social vehicles "entering the market". "Tightening" online car-hailing at the same time forces the taxi industry to self-subvert and completely transform, and encourages "ride-hailing" compliance to legally go on the road, providing more diverse choices for traveling citizens. This is the greater sense of "release".

  Shanghai’s local bylaws are not meant to stifle the vitality of an industry’s booming development, but to put the brakes on the disorder in the "leap forward". The city is willing to tolerate all innovation attempts, but more expect a fair market order. Comrade Wen Jiabao once said that social fairness and justice are more glorious than the sun. For the online car-hailing industry full of Internet genes, we also expect it to go further and better on the new track.

LI L7, L8 and L9 will be unveiled at the Shandong International Auto Show, and there will be "gifts" in addition to good cars!

Original title: LI L7, L8 and L9 will be unveiled at Shandong International Auto Show, and there will be "gifts" in addition to good cars!

Source: Popular Newspaper Peninsula News

Original title: LI L7, L8 and L9 will be unveiled at Shandong International Auto Show, and there will be "gifts" in addition to good cars!

Source: Popular Newspaper Peninsula News

LI is so hot now! Statistics show that in October this year, LI delivered a total of 40,422 vehicles, an increase of 12.10% from the previous month and a surge of 302.13% year-on-year, setting a new high in monthly delivery, which is the first time that it delivered more than 40,000 vehicles per month during the year. In the first ten months of this year, LI delivered a total of 284,647 vehicles, up by 193.51% year-on-year, which also means that LI will achieve the annual sales target of 300,000 vehicles ahead of schedule.

And such a "hot" LI will also appear at the 2023 Shandong International Auto Show, where the three brothers "L7, L8 and L9" will appear together, and the gold medal experts from manufacturers integrating Shandong region will gather in the ideal booth of Qingdao International Convention and Exhibition Center, bringing high-quality, professional and caring services to the consumers and fans watching the exhibition. The ideal model has a heavy upgrade of OTA5.0 to create a better trial and test drive experience. It is particularly worth mentioning that fans still have the opportunity to get the right to make an advance appointment for the ideal MEGA test drive at the auto show, which must not be missed.

▲ Fans can make an appointment to test drive the ideal MEGA at Shandong International Auto Show.

Relevant persons in LI told reporters that ordering L7, L8 and L9 at the site of Shandong International Auto Show, on the one hand, can enjoy the existing sales policy, and on the other hand, the car booking person can get extra ideal exclusive points, which is very useful. At present, the pick-up cycle of ideal models is also very short, and some colors and models are available. If you order, you only need to wait for about a week. This delivery speed is really "first-class" in the field of new energy vehicles, ensuring that our consumers can drive the car before the end of the year.

Ideal L9: Benchmark of Large New Energy SUVMarket guidance price: 429,800 yuan ~ 459,800 yuan

Since its listing in June last year, Ideal L9 has been very popular. The consumer’s response to the dispute about "color TV sofa refrigerator" is "really fragrant"!

From the appearance, L9 continues the overall design style of the ideal family, with simple and bright lines and a futuristic front face. The front of the car uses a closed grille and is equipped with penetrating LED daytime running lights, and the headlights are set in the front enclosure. The side of the car body adopts the standard SUV shape, which is very energetic as a whole. Thanks to the larger body size, the side of the ideal L9 is quite stretched. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the car are 5200 mm× 1998 mm× 1800 mm, and the wheelbase is 3100 mm. In a word, it is "big". Of course, correspondingly, its interior space will be very large.

In terms of technology configuration, the ideal L9 comes standard with HUD and safe driving interactive screen, which adopts Mini-LED and multi-touch technology. The car’s central control screen, co-pilot entertainment screen and rear cabin entertainment screen use three 15.7-inch OLED screens. Two Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chips are standard, and a computing platform consisting of 24GB memory and 256GB high-speed storage can realize five-screen interactive linkage. In addition, the ideal L9 car has 21 speakers, and the maximum power of the amplifier is even as high as 2160W. Among them, 7 groups of speakers make up the whole car surround, 3 bass units make up the bass matrix, and 4 top speakers make up the sky surround, forming a 7.3.4 panoramic sound response layout.

As for the seats, the ideal L9 six seats are wrapped in Nappa leather, and the headrest is as comfortable as ever. It is worth mentioning that all six seats are equipped with electric adjustment and seat heating, and the first two rows of seats also have seat ventilation and 10-point massage. In addition, the passengers in the second row will be taken care of extra. They not only have two rows of cup holders, but also enjoy the 8.8L dual-purpose refrigerator, which can work for 24 hours after the vehicle is powered off.

In terms of power, the ideal L9 is equipped with an extended-range power system consisting of a 1.5T four-cylinder engine and an electric motor, and is equipped with a 44.5kWh battery pack. The acceleration of the car from zero to 100km is 5.3s, and the total cruising range under CLTC conditions is 1,315km, of which the pure electric cruising range is 215km.

Comments: The ideal L9 is the "third space" for the owner. Besides the family and work unit, the car can also be a world of its own!

Ideal L8: A more cost-effective family carMarket guidance price: 359,800 yuan ~ 399,800 yuan

Ideal L8 adopts the latest family design style and has a strong sense of the future. Its body size is very large, with a length and width as high as 5080 mm /1995 mm /1800 mm and a wheelbase of 3005 mm. Obviously, this will bring more comfortable interior space and driving experience.

In terms of interior, the ideal L8 adopts a design very similar to that of L9, and the multi-function steering wheel is equipped with a safe driving interactive screen, while the center console area is composed of a central control screen and a co-pilot entertainment screen, creating a quite strong sense of science and technology.

As an intelligent electric vehicle, the performance of the ideal L8 in the intelligent driver assistance system is also remarkable. Among them, the high-equipped model is equipped with six 8-megapixel cameras, five 2-megapixel cameras, a 128-line laser radar, 12 ultrasonic radars and a millimeter-wave radar. As a foundation, the ideal L8 will be equipped with two NVIDIA Orin-X chips, which finally reaches 508TOPS, completely reaching the level of the ideal L9.

In addition, the ideal L8 is equipped with the functions of seat waist massage, one or two rows of seat ventilation, heating and the third row of seat heating, as well as three-zone automatic fresh air conditioning, four-seat nap mode and so on.

In terms of power, the L8 will be equipped with the same powertrain as the L9, using a 1.5T four-cylinder range extender. The maximum power of the system is 330 kW, the peak torque is 620 Nm, and the acceleration from zero to 100 kilometers is 5.5 seconds. In terms of battery, the ideal L8 is equipped with a 42.8 kWh battery pack, and CLTC has a pure battery life of 210 kilometers, and its comprehensive cruising range will reach 1,315 kilometers. The ideal L8 will also come standard with four-wheel drive and magic carpet air suspension.

Comments: The product strength of the ideal L8 is close to that of L9, but the price is lowered, and the cost performance is higher.

Ideal L7: The First Choice of Big Five-seater SUVMarket guidance price: 319,800 yuan ~ 379,800 yuan

The ideal L7 appearance height inherits the design of the ideal family. The size of L7 is smaller than that of L9, but the gas field on the side of the car body does not lose L9. It can be seen that the area of the rear side window of L7 is obviously smaller than that of L9, and the inclination angle of the D-pillar of the new car is larger than that of the ideal L8, so the visual effect is more fashionable.

In terms of vehicle size, the ideal L7 has a length, width and height of 5050 mm /1995 mm /1750 mm and a wheelbase of 3005 mm, which is a five-seat design. According to the standard of a five-seat SUV, this size is enough to create a spacious and comfortable interior space. At the rear of the vehicle, the L7 has a downward design from the roof to the rear of the vehicle, so the rear window also looks more refined, and the inclination angle of the rear window looks larger.

The interior is still a simple design style, mainly a suspended double screen design that runs through the co-driver, a 3K resolution LCD screen, the central control screen mainly focuses on driving information, the co-driver screen mainly focuses on entertainment information, and driving-related information is on the display screen above the steering wheel. The car is equipped with 21 speakers. With the blessing of Dolby Panoramic Sound 7.3.4, the audio-visual experience inside the new car will be further improved. In addition, the ideal L7′ s second row seats support electric adjustment, with a maximum inclination angle of 40 degrees and a cushion length of 520 mm, making the ride experience very comfortable. In addition, the right side of the second row is also equipped with electric leg rest, which provides users with a natural and comfortable ride experience.

In terms of power, the ideal L7 is equipped with a 1.5T four-cylinder engine as the extended range system, with front and rear dual motors as the main power source, equipped with a 42.8kWh ternary lithium battery pack, with a comprehensive cruising range of 1315km for CLTC and a pure electric cruising range of 210km for CLTC.

Comments: A 5-seat extended-range SUV with basic "full" configuration and performance is worth starting with.

Here comes the point!Three auto show tickets worth 90 yuan are free to grab.

First of all, you need to scan the QR code above, or search for "peninsula metropolis daily" on WeChat to enter the official WeChat homepage of peninsula metropolis daily, and then click "Auto Show Ticket Collection" at the bottom left of the page to enter the page of free ticket collection (as shown in the figure).

Then, after a simple operation, you can get three tickets for the 2023 Shandong International Auto Show for free, which is worth 90 yuan. Moreover, it should be pointed out that the number of ticket benefits for this auto show is limited, and it is first "swept" first!

The operating procedure is as follows:

Text/Lao Zheng

India is crazy about Xiaomi TV, and Chinese manufacturing should conquer the world like this

  [Global Network Technology Report, Reporter Chen Jian] In recent years, the development speed of China’s technology has changed with each passing day. China’s technology industry has also led the transformation from "Made in China" to "Created in China". Today, a group of Internet companies represented by Xiaomi have emerged in China. They focus on quality, so that "Made in China" gradually gets rid of the traditional impression of low price and low quality in the eyes of the world.

  In 2017, Xiaomi rose against the trend

  2017 was a year of fruitful results for China’s technology industry. A large number of representative major scientific and technological innovations such as Jiaolong, Tianyan, Wukong, Mozi, Huiyan, and large aircraft have emerged one after another, constantly refreshing the public’s scientific and technological perception. Quantum regulation, iron-based superconductivity, and synthetic biology have entered the world’s leading ranks, continuously enhancing people’s sense of scientific and technological pride. But after all, these cutting-edge things are still far from people’s lives, and people still feel the progress of science and technology from daily consumer electronics. The update and iteration of mobile phones, TVs, and other products have made people feel the strength and confidence of domestic brands. Even in many regions around the world, people are eager to enjoy the experience brought by Chinese electronic products.

  2017 was not an easy year for the mobile phone industry and the TV industry. In the field of home appliances, according to the total data of Aowei Cloud Network (AVC) omni-channel push, the retail sales volume of the color TV market in 2017 was 47.52 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 6.6%. The increase in panel prices from the end of 2016 to 2017 caused many color TV companies to increase costs, and their net profits fell one after another. Coupled with the decline in market capacity and sales, many companies experienced negative growth, which was miserable. Even the extremely hot Internet brands have lost their voice, and some Internet brands have even suffered "premature death".

  In the field of mobile phones, according to the data, the domestic market shipments 491 million in 2017, down 12.3% year-on-year. Especially in the fourth quarter of 2017, the decline in shipments exceeded 20%, and the market reshuffle was further intensified. Due to the acceleration of the industry reshuffle in 2017, the concentration of mobile phone brands was further enhanced; China, O, V, and Mi grew rapidly, ranking three to six in the global TOP10 brand shipment rankings in 2017, followed by Samsung, iPhone.

  In the context of the global downturn, Xiaomi, which was sung bad in 2016, suddenly made a comeback and hit a lot of people in the face. According to data from, Xiaomi TV 4A 32 inches was officially mass-produced from July 10, 2017, and 1 million units were officially offline on March 9, 2018. Xiaomi TV 4A 32 inches reached the sales volume of 1 million units in only 8 months. This data is of great significance in the TV field, because at present, in the domestic TV sales, only another Internet TV 40-inch and 50-inch TVs have reached a single product sales of over one million, but it took 13 months and 24 months respectively. And Xiaomi mobile phones have re-entered the top five in China.

  Xiaomi TV is applauded at home, and Indian rice noodles are even more crazy for it

  The reporter looked at the evaluation of major e-commerce platforms, and the Xiaomi TV 4A 32-inch has a high praise rate of 99% on, and even 100% in And according to the reporter’s survey, the repair rate of Xiaomi TV has been controlled to 0.43%, far below the industry average of 2.5%, and the good quality has led the industry by a large margin. The quality control of any product is also the key to the success of this product.

  In overseas markets, taking India as an example, Xiaomi’s TV has also achieved impressive results. On the day of Xiaomi TV’s first sale in India on February 22, Xiaomi TV 4 55-inch 10-second lightning sold out. After the release of Xiaomi TV 4 A series 32-inch and 43-inch new products, it was snapped up by Indian fans, even to the extent of exaggeration than in China.

  India’s TV market is also in a period of transition. Many ordinary users can only choose expensive international brands or relatively low-priced but outdated models. After the thousand-yuan Xiaomi TV products enter India, they can fill the gap in the market. As an Internet company, Xiaomi also makes localized customizations for local users in India.

  While Xiaomi TV is recognized by Chinese consumers, it will once again go out to the world as a representative of new domestic products. Not long ago, the news of the Sri Lankan brother grabbing Xiaomi TV and flying home was still vivid in my mind. On social platforms, Indian netizens also expressed a kind of love for Xiaomi. Some Indian netizens even said that "when they see Xiaomi TV, their eyes can’t move".

  Xiaomi wants to enhance the global influence of the "Made in China" brand

  It is precisely because of the emergence of companies like Xiaomi that the "foreign brand" life of the mobile phone and TV market is miserable. As a global hegemon, Samsung once occupied the first position in the Chinese market in the mobile phone field. In just a few years, due to the rise of domestic manufacturers, Samsung’s current market share in China has been less than 1%. In the field of home appliances, Samsung, LG, Sony and other TV manufacturers are currently unable to compete with Xiaomi and Hisense in small-size TVs, so they have to focus on the high-end market above 55 inches.

  Wang Chuan has said many times: "Adhering to high cost performance and saving every penny for users is the core value of Xiaomi." In an interview with reporters, Wang Chuan of Xiaomi TV said that Xiaomi has a saying that always believe that good things are about to happen. Wang Chuan believes that as long as everyone does their best to make the product really good, and then is willing to be kind, willing to learn from Lei Feng to do good things, and provide it to customers, they will definitely win the love of users. Although I did not expect to achieve 1 million in such a short time, it is actually a natural thing. As Bezos said, there is a company that reduces costs by forcing itself to continuously improve efficiency, and then provides users with better and cheaper products. This is the case with Xiaomi.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, Xiaomi TV will also explore more markets this year, bringing the excellent experience of Xiaomi TV to the world. The only major difficulty currently plaguing Xiaomi TV is the issue of production capacity.

  Lei Jun recently proposed at the two sessions to enhance the global influence of the "Made in China" brand and comprehensively improve the level of Chinese design. In recent years, the MIX series designed by Xiaomi has been collected by three major museums around the world, and Xiaomi TV and its ecological chain products have repeatedly won international design awards. On the road of practicing innovation, Xiaomi has been at the forefront and has been recognized by the global market.

Geely Xingyue L won the best Zhilian car in 2021 China Automobile Fengyun Festival.

  International Online auto channel News: On April 26th, at the awarding ceremony of 2021 China Automobile Fengyun Festival held by CCTV, "Geely Xingyue L" won the best Zhilian car in China Automobile Fengyun Festival.

Geely xingyue l won the best zhilian car in 2021 China automobile Fengyun festival _fororder_image001.

  Xingyue L is a highly intelligent SUV with all the best technologies of Geely. The whole vehicle is equipped with Geely Galaxy OS Vehicle Intelligent Control Center and Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, which supports the online upgrade of FOTA, providing users with an intelligent and humanized interactive experience. Since its listing for more than 9 months, Xingyue L has won nearly 40 awards, including 2022 China SUV of the year and 2022 Ninth Xuanyuan Award-Top Ten Cars of the Year.

  Beyond the intelligence of time, Xingyue L has become the leader of intelligent SUV.

  Geely Xingyue L can realize three screens of IMAX and four screens of 25.6-inch AR-HUD — An intelligent cockpit with the largest "screen ratio" has been built. With the assistance of HWA Expressway, it can actively monitor the surrounding environment, automatically control horizontally and vertically, and stay away from large vehicles. When the lane change conditions are met, the driver can pull the steering lever to complete the lane change. Inheriting CMA’s new intelligent and evolvable electronic and electrical architecture, cross-domain integration and high-speed transmission capabilities make it possible to drive at a higher level, and at the same time, it has the ability to integrate the latest and strongest technologies in the world, so that Xingyue L has the potential for intelligent expansion in the next 5 to 10 years.

Geely xingyue l won the best zhilian car in 2021 China automobile Fengyun festival _fororder_image003.

Xingyue l

  Beyond the safety of imagination, Xingyue L is born and powerful, inheriting the world’s top safety genes of CMA supermatrix.

  Thanks to the 24 sensing components with the largest number of mass-produced fuel vehicles, Xingyue L has nine large-area safety, meeting the global five-star safety in China, Europe and America. The EMA emergency steering assistance system carried by Xingyue L can help the driver to make emergency avoidance when danger comes and minimize the possibility of injury; Elk passed the test with a score of 79km/h, and its body posture is close to perfection, giving users the strongest protection with extreme safety.

Geely xingyue l won the best zhilian car in 2021 China automobile Fengyun festival _fororder_image004.

Xingyue l

  Beyond the expected luxury, Xingyue L is in line with the value of 300,000-level products.

  Cuiyu Blue, which draws on oriental classical elegance, perfectly blends with Xingyue L, and has a long wheelbase of 2845mm; The fineness of pearl stitching and the delicacy of suede complement each other. In order to let users enjoy the quiet experience of "baby-level sleep", Xingyue L has made great efforts in the aspects of acoustic materials, sound insulation materials, sealing strips and double-layer laminated sound insulation glass, and applied ANC active noise reduction technology of high-end headphones to the extreme, with excellent mute effect in all working conditions.

  Xingyue L comes standard with the Drive-E series 2.0TD engine. The high-power version has a maximum power of 175kW and a maximum torque of 350N·m, which matches Aisin 8AT gearbox and the sixth generation electro-hydraulic four-wheel drive system launched in China, with an acceleration of 7.7 seconds per 100 kilometers and a braking of 37.37 meters per 100 kilometers. The comprehensive mechanical quality far exceeds the same level.

Geely xingyue l won the best zhilian car in 2021 China automobile Fengyun festival _fororder_image005.

Xingyue l

  As a heavy product of Geely Automobile, China Star, the high-end series of Geely brand CMA represented by Xingyue L, insists on the popularization of high-end products and the creation of quality cars in the eyes of users. At present, the cumulative sales volume has exceeded 340,000, and the average price has reached 150,000, which has opened up a brand-new track for Geely brand and has become a banner of Geely’s high-quality development. (Photo courtesy of Geely Automobile)

Confusion: Is concert audio recording okay?

  Recently, a celebrity posted a series of Weibo, expressing his views on whether audio recording, video recording and photography should be banned at concerts, which has aroused widespread discussion. The opinions of netizens vary. Some think that since they have paid for the concert, they should be in charge of themselves, and that taking photos and recording videos is only for sending Moments and should not be restricted. Some think that since they come to listen to live performances, they should respect the requirements of the performers, fully commit themselves, and should not use mobile phones. Some netizens think that audio recording and video recording infringe the copyright of the organizers, but photography is not used for profit, does not violate portrait rights, and prohibiting photography is a bit overkill. Can you record, video or take pictures when watching live performances? How is it defined in law?

  "Note to the audience" is a contract

  On the back of the performance tickets purchased by the audience, most of them are printed with "Audience Instructions", the most common clause of which is "Without permission, audio, video and photography are prohibited on the spot." This type of audience information is actually a format contract between the ticket seller, the ticket buyer and the user. The so-called format contract refers to a contract that is pre-drawn up by one party for repeated use and cannot be negotiated by the other party at the time of signing. Like the tickets we often come into contact with, the "Audience Instructions", "Visiting Instructions", "Park Instructions" and "Passenger Instructions" in the ticket are all format contracts. Because of its wide use, it is generally tacit that after appropriate prompts, the ticket buyer has been informed and approved of this type of contract requirements at the time of ticket purchase.

  Maybe everyone is a bit "talking about the tiger changing color" when it comes to the format contract, but if the party providing the format clause exempts its liability, increases the liability of the other party, and excludes the main rights of the other party, the format clause should be invalid. If the format clause is valid, then when the ticket holder accepts the contract, it should abide by the requirements of the corresponding clause; if it is invalid, the ticket holder is not bound by the invalidation clause. So, in the "Audience Notice", the "No audio, video and photography on the spot without permission" clause is invalid?

  Unauthorized audio and video recordings infringe copyright

  Copyright includes the right of publication, the right of authorship, the right of modification, the right to protect the integrity of the work, the right of reproduction, the right of performance, the right of information network dissemination, the right of filming, the right of compilation and other rights. Article 38 of the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China stipulates that performers have the right to license others to broadcast live and publicly transmit their live performances and receive remuneration for their performances; the right to license others to record and receive remuneration for their performances; the right to license others to copy and distribute the audio and video products of their performances and receive remuneration; and the right to license others to disseminate their performances to the public through information networks and receive remuneration. At the same time, Article 47 stipulates that without the permission of the performer, live broadcast or public transmission of his live performance, or recording his performance, is an infringement, and shall, according to the circumstances, bear civil liabilities such as stopping the infringement, eliminating the impact, apologizing, and compensating for losses.

  According to the above legal provisions, in a narrow sense, unauthorized audio and video recording during live performances is an infringement; and in a broad sense, the author believes that static designs such as stage arrangement, performance costume design, and performer modeling during performances also condense the creative work of the organizers, making public the results of a large number of intellectual activities of the organizers of the performance department, and restricting photography are also acts of performers and organizers to protect their own copyrights.

  When the audience purchases tickets to watch the performance, they actually enjoy only the right to watch the artistic performance provided by the performer and the organizer, and do not obtain the authorization to copy, record and disseminate the performance. The above format clause does not exclude the main rights of the audience, just as when visiting a museum, there are some exhibits that can only be appreciated and not allowed to be photographed due to the fact that the copyright has not expired.

  Therefore, whether from the perspective of copyright protection, or from the perspective of the legality and rationality of format contracts, audiences should abide by the regulations prohibiting audio recording, video recording, and photography. Especially now that live broadcast software is very popular, many live audiences broadcast live performances through software platforms without permission, which directly infringes the copyright of performers.

  Due to the above reasons, it is recommended that the general audience carefully read the "Audience Instructions" when watching live performances such as concerts, concerts, and dramas, abide by relevant regulations, do not use cameras, mobile phones, and other electronic devices to record, respect the intellectual achievements and legitimate rights and interests of others, and at the same time bring themselves a better viewing experience.

  Unauthorized photography or infringement of portrait rights

  Does taking photos at concerts infringe upon the image rights of celebrities? When it comes to portrait rights, everyone is not unfamiliar with it. Article 100 of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China stipulates: "Citizens enjoy portrait rights, and without their consent, they shall not use their portraits for profit."

  But it does not mean that other people’s portraits can be used at will without the purpose of profit. Article 120 of the General Principles of the Civil Law also stipulates: "If a citizen’s right to name, portrait, reputation, and honor has been infringed, he has the right to demand that the infringement be stopped, his reputation be restored, the impact be eliminated, and an apology be made, and he may demand compensation for the loss." In fact, the right to portrait, like the right to name, is an exclusive right. Without his permission, others cannot use it at will. That is to say, in the absence of illegal obstacles (such as retention of evidence, coverage, and the issuance of a "wanted notice" by the public security organ, etc.), the production, reproduction, dissemination, and exhibition of other people’s portraits shall be subject to his permission. Otherwise, the right to portrait of others shall be infringed.

  Malicious processing and defacement of other people’s portraits not only infringes the right of portrait, but also constitutes damage to the right of reputation. For example, the unauthorized use of celebrity photos to make peripheral products for sale, advertising, etc., are all acts of infringement of portrait rights. In addition, most of the popular emojis are made without their consent, which is also an act of infringement of portrait rights. If they are used for commercial purposes, they also need to bear corresponding compensation liabilities.

  It should be noted that in order to protect the public’s right to know, artists, well-known public officials, etc., as public figures, have the obligation to tolerate a certain degree of photojournalism in public. And for shooting that is not for the purpose of photojournalism, under the current laws of our country, there is still some controversy as to whether it should be regarded as an infringement of portrait rights. However, without permission, shooting in the private life of public figures, whether for news purposes or simply shooting without dissemination, is a candid shooting and may be investigated for civil liability. In daily life, everyone should know how to protect their privacy rights, portrait rights, and reputation rights, and at the same time respect the legitimate rights and interests of public figures.

  (Author unit: Beijing Shijingshan District Court)

Andy Lau lamented to Big S in public that the two met too late

Andy Lau "kissed" with Big S in public, claiming to yearn for "polygamy"

        Andy Lau was Big S’s idol for many years. When he learned that he was going to cooperate with Andy Lau, Big S was very nervous, and it happened that the first scene between the two was a kiss scene. Looking back on the scene at that time, Big S still remembered it vividly, "My sister and my mother knew that I was going to shoot a kiss scene with Andy Lau, and they all excitedly asked to watch it.

        In the interactive game at the scene, Andy Lau had to satisfy the fan’s request to "offer a kiss". When Xu Jiao and Shi Yunpeng, two young actors, kissed him instead of the fan, Andy Lau took the initiative to ask Big S to kiss him, "Don’t Big S come up? I want to kiss her." Facing the invitation of the idol, Big S was a little shy, but he didn’t expect Lau Dehua to "anxiously" go forward and kiss Big S, but, cunning, he used his hat to block both of their faces and offered a fake kiss by borrowing. In the film, Andy Lau from the future and Big S have only been in a relationship for 30 days, and he has never forgotten his dead "wife" Fan Bingbing. The affectionate Liu Tianwang wants to have two "lovers" at the same time, "I can’t choose between them. The future world I envision has resumed’polygamy ‘."

        On the same day, Andy Lau brought the ambiguous part of the film with Big S to the scene, not only acting very gentleman, but also often humorously showing "love" to Big S. When asked about the type of girl he likes the most, Andy Lau confessed that it is a girl with long hair, "Big S now has long hair, but it used to be short hair, like a boy. It’s just that we met too late. This is all fate." When Big S revealed his penchant for eating peanuts, Andy Lau said, "Because of my high cholesterol, I have quit for a year." Then he did not forget to add a sentence, "Alas, I quit after I separated from Big S. It’s pointless to do anything without her." A humorous "confession" amused the audience with laughter and screams.

Zhejiang Satellite TV "China Star Jump" first phase of star diving wonderful group pictures

"@China Star Jump" star coach Tian Liang appeared on the 10-meter platform

  In 2013, Zhejiang Satellite TV China Blue made every effort to create the third and final work of the variety show "China Trilogy" – the large-scale star diving reality show "China Star Jump – Celebrity Splash" premiered tonight! Diving Prince Tian Liang will serve as the star leader and join hands with Cai Zhuoyan, Cai Yan, Gao Hu, A Bao, and the cattle to meet you!

Behind Wang Jianlin’s "100 million small goal": the Chinese class is increasingly solidified

  "First set a small goal that can be achieved, for example, I will earn 100 million yuan first." Recently, Wang Jianlin’s public remarks have been widely circulated among the general public, and many people have made fun of themselves.

  Although Wang Jianlin’s remarks have their context, which can make the sentence seem less abrupt. But the "Matthew Effect" behind this sentence reflects the "Matthew Effect" of China’s class solidification and the rich getting richer will continue to play out in the future.

  First of all, from the perspective of Wang Jianlin, as the richest man in China in 2015, he will earn 100 million as a "small goal", which is confident: Statistics show that Wanda Group’s income in the first half of 2016 was 119.93 billion yuan (Wanda general merchandise is Wang Jianlin’s personal company, and the income is not included in Wanda Group), which means that Wanda Group’s daily operating income is about 6 billion yuan. The class A share listed company Wanda Cinema had an operating income of 5.722 billion yuan and a net profit of 805 million yuan in the first half.

  As one of the largest real estate-oriented integrated enterprises in China, Wanda Group’s profit-making effect is highlighted under the advantages of industry and scale. However, for most small and medium-sized enterprises, and even many class A share listed companies, under the trend of China’s economy gradually entering low growth, life is not so good.

  Taking the 2015 annual report of listed companies as an example, there are more than 300 15 million profits within one year, more than 10% of the total number of listed companies. What is the concept of 15 million? You can only buy a real estate in the main urban area of Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. If you look at non-listed small and medium-sized enterprises, the situation may not be so good. In the past few years, foreign trade enterprises in coastal areas have closed down one after another due to the slowdown in exports. Since last year, due to the skyrocketing housing prices in hot cities, many manufacturing enterprises have been squeezed out. It can be said that with the increasing downward pressure on China’s economy in recent years, the days of Chinese enterprises, especially the manufacturing industry, have not been easy. Recently, there have even been many owners of manufacturing enterprises in Shenzhen and Dongguan. When the enterprises encountered difficulties, they lamented that they should have bought

  Correspondingly, the new loans of enterprises shrank sharply in July this year. Among the 463.60 billion yuan of new RMB loans in the Financial Institution Group in July, corporate loans did not increase, but decreased by 2.60 billion yuan, a sharp decrease of 611.40 billion yuan month-on-month. This is only the second time in history that new loans of enterprises are negative. The last time was in July 2005 ten years ago.

  Without a doubt, this shows that the real economy is withering, enterprises are reluctant to lend, and profitability and solvency are quite difficult. The marketization of the financial system determines their inevitable choice. Either the enterprise dies or they voluntarily close the enterprise, and the demand for funds falls off a cliff. Once confidence collapses, even if the banks are willing to lend, the enterprises are not willing to take it.

  At the same time, companies with deep pockets such as Baoneng and Hengda are snapping up equity and capital operations everywhere, and every carnival of financial assets has benefited them a lot.

  The strong and the weak are the epitome of the current Chinese economy. At the same time, the widening wealth and resource differentiation between the rich and the general class reflects the increasing solidification of the Chinese class.

  Wanda’s huge annual income has inflated the wealth of Wang Jianlin and his son, and a similar situation is also reflected in other wealthy people. According to statistics, the number of billionaires in China is as high as 67,000, surpassing the United States in the global rich list and making it the country with the most billionaires in the world.

  At this time, in 2015, the per capita disposable income of Chinese residents was only 21,966 yuan, and the per capita GDP was only 50,000 yuan. In addition, according to the National Bureau of Statistics, China’s social Gini coefficient was 0.462 in 2015, while the internationally recognized gap between the rich and the poor was 0.4 (the Gini coefficient is an important indicator used internationally to measure the difference in income distribution between residents. Only about 10% of countries in the world exceed 0.5, and the Gini coefficient in developed countries is generally between 0.24 and 0.36).

  In addition, in recent years, with the increasing downward pressure on the Chinese economy and the continuous release of liquidity by the central bank, the RMB has been weakening, and the depreciation pressure is not small. At this time, the rich class of high net worth can protect themselves from the impact of exchange rate and other risk factors through overseas asset allocation; but the low net worth people, that is, the "poor", seem to have little protection against risk factors such as currency devaluation.

  In terms of domestic investment channels, the public can only choose stocks, bank wealth management and other channels, so the valuation of class A shares has been high, while bank deposits and wealth management products are completely "wedding clothes" for the wealth appreciation of the rich, because a large number of bank wealth management funds flow to financial marekt structured products.

  Yan Hao, the son of Yan Jiehe, an entrepreneur who was once China’s richest man, said recently that China has now bid farewell to the era of "sudden wealth". Indeed, as economic growth gradually stabilizes and all industries and fields are touched, "sudden wealth" situations are difficult to occur as frequently as in the decades before the reform and opening up, which is also a characteristic of the country entering a mature stage.

  However, there is something else to be said about Yan Hao’s words: the current poor are less likely to become rich in the future. It is difficult to predict to what extent, but if a person can no longer live a relatively satisfactory life by virtue of knowledge and hard work, and the theory that school is useless, struggle is useless, and "fighting father" is king are frequently verified, then the negative effects of class solidification will appear, and the consequences will be unimaginable, and they may even fall into the Latin American-style middle-income trap.

  Class solidification, followed by a lack of vitality in China, which should be the vast majority of people do not want to see.