Interview with Yang Zi: Through "Mai Chenghuan", I understand the identity of "daughter" better

The first time I met Yang Zi was in the family sitcom "Family with Children" that premiered in 2005. "Xiaoxue" with a high ponytail left a deep impression on the audience in front of the screen because of her clever and clever image. Recently, "Chenghuan" went LIVE on CCTV’s eight prime sets, and Yang Zi starred in the play as the daughter of the family in Shanghai. From "Xiaoxue" to "Mai Chenghuan", has Yang Zi changed?


"Xiaoxue and Mai Chenghuan are indeed different. The overall atmosphere of’Family with Children ‘is warm and happy, and Xiaoxue’s childhood is carefree, so she shows more of a lively and outgoing, innocent and quirky side." In an exclusive interview with Jiefang Daily Shangguan News, Yang Zi’s chatterbox was opened from the difference between the two "daughters".

"As I grew up, I found that many families were not like this. Many girls and mothers would quarrel about various things in life, including jobs, marriages, and how girls should survive in this society. The more noisy they were, the more they didn’t understand each other, and the less they knew what the problem was. And because of the constant blood relationship, they could only cold war, run away, and avoid going home during the holidays. Mai Chenghuan was one of them."

"The Story of Chenghuan" begins with the Mai family’s "family model" – a strong mother, a muddy father, and a obedient daughter and younger brother. He Saifei’s mother, Liu Wanyu, is used to controlling everything, including her daughter’s love and marital status. Mai Chenghuan, who has been working and has been an adult for a long time, even the details of his relationship have to be traced by his mother. Like many ordinary families in China, the Mai family has a warm and close parent-child relationship, but there are also difficult contradictions between the two generations due to differences in ideas.


"Chenghuan’s family is not particularly wealthy in Shanghai. The family of four is crowded in a small house in the alley, and the house leaks from time to time. The younger brother who goes to college doesn’t even have his own room, so he can only sleep on the camp bed on the balcony. Mom and Dad look to demolition to change their lives. Although the conditions are poor, they are better than warmth and intimacy." In such a family environment, Yang Zi said, Liu Wanyu is a typical "Chinese mother". In the early years, she married her father in the alley for staying in Shanghai, but she was actually dissatisfied with the stretched living conditions. "In the long family life, my father’s personality is relatively soft, which makes my mother develop a hard-spoken, soft-hearted, strong, and all-inclusive character. She hopes that her daughter will not be like herself, and can marry better and suffer less."

This is the third time Yang Zi has worked with He Saifei. "I was quite excited to learn that Teacher He Saifei plays the mother. She takes her work very seriously and has a lot of life experience. Many of her on-site treatments can make the mother-daughter relationship more delicate and real." In life, Yang Zi said, He Saifei is also an interesting person. "He will chat with us, tell some small jokes, and recommend some good things that she often uses and is very practical. In this way, we become like a real mother and daughter. This gives me more and more inspiration to create together."


On the one hand, Mak Chenghuan, who is about to turn 30, is still the pearl in the palm of his parents’ eyes that has not grown up. Even when she comes back from overtime, her father has to go to the alley to pick it up. On the other hand, she also faces the pressure of her parents to urge marriage, especially the disparity in economic conditions between her and her boyfriend Xin Jialiang, which buries the contradictions and conflicts between the two families. How Mak Chenghuan completes her self-growth in the play is the biggest test for Yang Zi, just like the fate of the characters implied by the name "Chenghuan". "She was named’Chenghuan ‘by her parents and hoped to be’under Chenghuan’s knees’, and the first 29 years of her life completely grew into what her parents expected. It was not until she was 30 years old that she began to understand the name again and learn how to’Chenghuan himself ‘and’please herself’." Yang Zi said that when she first got the script, M

In Yang Zi’s opinion, under the influence of her strong mother, Mai Chenghuan habitually compromised and dedicated to others in character. This is reflected not only in the family, but also in Mai Chenghuan’s attitude towards her boyfriend and colleagues. From helping her boyfriend with housework to bringing food to colleagues, she almost always chose to give. Compared with Xiaoxue’s carefree, Chenghuan has more helplessness of a real adult, and she lives without herself and is not so happy. "This story tells that Chenghuan does not know how to face this kind of discomfort and learns to be self-consistent." The Book of Chenghuan "made me have a deeper understanding and thinking about the identity of’daughter ‘."


In the latest plot, a monologue by Mai Chenghuan was scanned on the Internet. The Mai family discussed marriage with the Xin family, but the Xin family, who felt that they were well-off, did not give the Mai family’s parents the respect they deserved. In the face of the difficulties of the Xin family, Mai Chenghuan, played by Yang Zi, is generous, reasonable, and shows his attitude neither humble nor overbearing. In this scene, Mai Chenghuan is growing up, and the theme of growth also runs through "Chenghuan". Including the later period when Mai Chenghuan’s mother tricked her into attending the engagement party, she finally faced the conflict with her mother, which meant a change in role.

"Under the influence of the family, Cheng Huan became a obedient post-it note girl, doing everything according to her mother’s arrangement, trying to live the way her mother hoped, enduring everything, enduring it, enduring it, and enduring it again. When this strong love gradually turned into unbridled control and bondage, Cheng Huan finally longed to rebel once, to break out of the previous obedient mode, try to establish her own boundaries with her mother, and change and live her life according to her own wishes. The plot shows this process of desensitization." Yang Zi said.

For Ms. Yang, the most interesting aspect of the family portrait drama is its light-hearted and humorous approach to a realistic topic – how a mother who is used to self-sacrifice and a daughter who is good at guilt and compromise should get along. "I would be curious about how Chenghuan, in such a Chinese mother-daughter relationship, would choose to resist, to break through this strong love, and how to find a balance with her mother and achieve self-growth."


Most of the scenes in "Cheng Huan" are set in Shanghai. The Bund, Huangpu River, old bungalows, alleys, double-decker buses and other scenes are all familiar to Shanghai audiences. This shooting also made Beijing-born Yang Zi more familiar with the life in Shanghai’s alleys.

In order to get close to the character, she specially went to observe the neighborhood atmosphere and life atmosphere in Shanghai Lane, and also learned the Shanghai language from the seniors in Shanghai, imitating the tone and intonation of Shanghainese people. "Everyone will also teach me a lot of localized details, such as the way the play repeats words to call’Dad ‘and’Mom’, these experiences are very fresh."

For Yang Zi, the most memorable part of the whole filming process was not the heavy scenes, but a relatively flat family scene. "The plot is that Cheng Huan is listening to his parents, and the conversation between the family members is also very ordinary and happy. After listening to the plot, I can leave. But at that moment, I found that I couldn’t walk anymore, and I wanted to cry for no reason. It seems that I have a more complicated understanding of human nature. As people grow up, there will be more and more sour and helpless, but because the responsibility on my shoulders is getting heavier and heavier, I can’t easily vent my emotions."

The feeling is precious, she said, "and I remember it so well that I hope I can use it to further enrich the performance."

Guo Fucheng starred in "B + Detective" with mental disorder, causing laughter at the scene

Guo Fucheng plays a detective on the spot, breaking the murder case and making a laugh

  Guo Fucheng played a detective in "B + Detective," and he also moved the scene of the crime in the film to the scene. There is a sofa on the stage, sitting on a woman who has been preliminarily determined to have committed suicide, next to sleeping pills, mineral water bottles and other items. I saw Guo Fucheng walk up the stage with magnifying glass. He first put the magnifying glass in front of him and placed a few POSEs, then bent over to observe carefully.

  Although the "crime scene" was full of doubts, Guo Fucheng did not seem to have solved the case at all. He first "picked" on the actor who played the female corpse and did not wash her hair, and then "thought" that there was too little blood at the scene. The prop master was not fully prepared, and it was completely funny.

8 seasons and 96 issues, "Extreme Challenge" is also an "Extreme Challenge"

In the eighth season of "Extreme Challenge", Dragon TV is using its own "challenging spirit" to meet the challenges of program iteration.

Author: West Asia

An "infinite loop" sightseeing bus, carrying the members of "Extreme Challenge" to their destination.

The number 8 in the eighth season is similar to the infinite symbol "∞". The show not only cleverly uses the setting of the hit drama "Beginning" at the beginning of the year, but also symbolizes the beginning of the new season, which still hides infinite possibilities…

On June 26, the eighth season of "Extreme Challenge", an inspirational variety show on Oriental Satellite TV, was broadcast. The new season invited Wang Xun, Yue Yunpeng, Jia Nailiang, Guo Jingfei, Huang Minghao, Huang Jingyu, Yang Chaoyue, and Gong Jun to form a new extreme challenge group to jointly start a journey full of joy and challenge.

As a comprehensive N-generation, what kind of "extreme challenge" is behind the eight-season and 96-episode programs?

In the midst of challenges, see laughter and see life

"Pie in the sky", using durian as a bowling ball, throwing golden eggs to those who want to be punished…

The first episode of the program walked into Wuzhizhou Island in Hainan. On this small island full of tropical vacation style, through fun games and faction battles between members, the new and old members embarked on a happy "ice-breaking journey".

"Welcome to the eighth season of Extreme Challenge, you have been eliminated!"

Under the challenge, reversals happen from time to time. The seemingly comfortable safe house has become a reward for the "bad guys", and the members who enter it will be eliminated. In the game "Who is Undercover 008", some members turn against their teammates, and some members forget the mission. Under the rules, some guests give up voting from beginning to end, and use the anti-routine gameplay to lead their teammates to win the "Sharing Good Brothers Combination Award" and complete the challenge together.

Transmitting happiness in the challenge also prompts thinking. It is precisely because member Gong Jun resisted the temptation throughout the process and did not vote for others to be eliminated that the group members finally won together, which also conveys the theme of this season’s "Challenge Together, Toward the Future" – on the basis of passing happiness, we also call on everyone to create a better future, and make the right choice in the face of life choices or temptations.

In the seventh season of "Extreme Challenge", the program combines topics such as the Beijing Olympic Winter Games, poverty reduction, and fire protection that the public cares about to convey the happiness of ordinary people and reflect the social picture of prosperity and development.

In this season, "Extreme Challenge" still draws inspiration from the times and life, and integrates marine protection, rural revitalization, cultural tourism development, seed industry innovation and other topics into a joyous game, enriching the form and content of the program while expanding the expression space of social value.

For example, in the first issue, in addition to the game, the island’s intelligent vacation experience is also impressive, demonstrating the flourishing attitude of Hainan’s cultural tourism industry. At the end of the collective thanks section, the audience was also introduced to the importance of marine ranching.

The content extended by the theme of "the future" is also a major attraction. In the challenge, the show presents a new era by showing the emerging lifestyle, the new development brought by the new business model, etc., and leads the audience to peek into the future – both the future life and the future era.

At the same time, from the perspective of young people, the program not only shows the current young people’s favorite camping, role-playing tabletop games, racing and other topics, but also focuses on strugglers from all walks of life, tells how Chinese wisdom solves global challenges, and shows a vivid "future in progress" through the positive mental outlook of today’s young people.

"Extreme Challenge" of 96 episodes in 8 seasons

"Extreme Challenge has become a part of my life." "This time I’m going to fight back!" "Let go and play, do my best, and try to be the best!" "I’m also that thorny rose!"…

At the beginning of the eighth season, the speeches of several new and old guests made many audiences emotional. As a show that has accompanied the audience for 7 years, from "Extreme Challenge, This is Love", to "River Running, Walking on the Waves", "Together, We Will Sure Win", "Let’s See Happiness", and then to "Challenge Together, Towards the Future", the slogan and theme of "Extreme Challenge" have been changing.

What is constant?

"The spirit of challenge," said Shi Jianing, associate director of the Oriental Satellite TV Center and general director of "Extreme Challenge." "Although there are some small changes every year, we have been trying to keep pace with the times. By combining the current hot topics, the audience can see the beauty and changes of life through walking and challenges, and inspire everyone to have a spirit of extreme challenge."

Eight seasons and 96 episodes are also an "extreme challenge" for the main creative team. Shi Jianing introduced that during the special period, this team, which was nicknamed "Extreme Challenge" and "Drifting Team", did not return home for several months, overcame difficulties and traveled to various places to shoot, worked hard to record the beautiful moments of life, brought laughter and laughter to the audience, and also outlined a corner of the production of domestic variety shows under the epidemic, showing the tenacity and challenging spirit of radio and television people.

In addition to the external "challenges", as a comprehensive N-generation, "Extreme Challenge" also has internal "challenges" – how to maintain long-term vitality and continue to go both ways with the audience?

"None of the content is repeated, and in terms of production difficulty, this is the most difficult show I have ever done," Shi Jianing said. The changes in "Extreme Challenge" have created many problems such as building new members and balancing new and old audiences. As society develops, so does the audience. It is in this process that the show develops and iterates, which means that more current content needs to be injected.

"Every generation of viewers has a constant liking – from grand propositions to new things, what moves them is what resonates with life."

Constant multi-dimensional innovation, adhering to the "spirit of challenge", and continuous attention to society, striving to balance fun and meaningful, may be the source of the vitality of this show.

Shi Jianing said that the challenge at the next stop may be the future.

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Tony Leung, Andy Lau, Zhang Zhaohui, Guo Fucheng, take stock of the current situation of Hong Kong’s best actors

1905 movie network news Hong Kong film and television can be said to be a representative stage of Chinese film and television. From the 1940s and 1950s to the present, Hong Kong film and television can be said to have experienced ups and downs until returning to the ordinary. During this period, many Hong Kong actors such as Tony Leung, Andy Lau, Zhang Zhaohui, and Guo Fucheng not only became famous all over the country with many classic film and television works, but also won various awards. The name of Best Actor lives up to its name. However, with the influence of Hong Kong film and television not as great as before, they have been baptized over the years, but now they are more and more flavorful.


Tony Leung: An outstanding representative of Hong Kong’s powerful actors


Tony Leung has starred in many TV dramas. Over the years, the handsome students in the TV dramas have been transformed into the strength of the award-winning best actor, with representative works such as,,, etc.; the eyes are bottomless and profound, the breath is mature and deep, and the conversation is oozed with humor and melancholy. Whether it is serious art or comedy, art film or commercial martial arts film, Tony Leung is competent, and he is an outstanding representative of Hong Kong’s powerful actors. Now, a movie starring Tony Leung is about to be released on the first day of the new year. In the movie, Tony Leung will play the unreliable "temporary father" Tu Sigu.


Andy Lau: Known as a symbol of hard work in Hong Kong


For a long time, Andy Lau has been evaluated as a good actor, a good singer, and a better character. His diligence and dedication are also very prominent in the entertainment industry, and he is known as a symbol of diligence in Hong Kong. Representative works include,, etc.; Andy Lau has played many underworld roles with affection and righteousness, and his image deeply influenced the young people at that time. After that, he tried to transform into more in-depth role types, and his acting career also took it to the next level. Now that the movie starring him is officially launched on the whole network, Andy Lau will play Lei Luo again after 25 years, which is full of expectations.


Zhang Zhaohui: Combining the characteristics of the Hong Kong acting school

Zhang Zhaohui can be said to be a combination of all the characteristics of Hong Kong’s acting school, starring in the protagonist or supporting role can be grasped, also good and evil, acting like what, difficult to distinguish between loyal and traitors, he has had wonderful performances in many film and television dramas, representative works include "Golden Decade", "Big Guy", etc. Now, the urban emotional drama "Full Time Without Women" starring him, and other film and television dramas have hit the air one after another, whether it is "overbearing president" Zhuang Huo/Ruan Man Hung, or the "good and evil" Pope, Zhang Zhaohui has pinned it just right, and has nominated Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia for Best Actor by virtue of "Full Time Without Women". With the hit broadcast of the new drama "Sex is in Love", Zhang Zhaohui, the male god of the acting school, also joined the Chinese public security Hong Kong social workers perform perfectly.


Kwok Fu-cheng: A Condensed Hong Kong Pop Culture Symbol

Kwok Fu-cheng himself is a condensed symbol of Hong Kong pop culture. From him, you can see the ups and downs of the entire Hong Kong entertainment industry. He was a youth idol, his subsequent struggles, and his achievements until today. The never-say-die spirit is the projection of the tide change in Hong Kong’s entertainment industry for 20 years. Representative works include,,, etc.; now, the spy blockbuster starring him is online, and Kwok Fu-cheng has a variety of shapes in the film, such as underground intelligence officers, tailors, beggars, etc., which have always been a topic that audiences enjoy talking about. And the movie starring him will also be released on the first day of the new year, so stay tuned.

The takeaway rider received a strange order. It turned out that the girl who placed the order asked him to call the police.

  A takeaway rider in Meituan, Zhenjiang City, received an order from the system. After receiving the order, the takeaway rider went to the merchant to pick up the meal according to the process, but when he was about to deliver the meal, the buyer sent a message saying that he was trapped in a pyramid scheme organization! And asked the rider to call the police for her. On the 6th, the Zhenjiang Runzhou police told reporters that it was based on this important information of the Meituan takeaway rider that the police immediately followed the line and successfully destroyed a latent pyramid scheme den. At present, the police are declaring justice and courage for the Meituan rider. Correspondent, Zhang Hang, Zhang Dongni

  Yangzi Evening News/Eye Raising Reporter, Wan Lingyun

  Takeout deliveryman receives strange order

  It turned out that the orderer asked him to help call the police.

  The police told reporters that Mr. Yu, a 48-year-old Zhenjiang takeaway rider, had been working as a Meituan takeaway deliveryman for almost two years. At 2:48 p.m. on April 3, Mr. Yu received a "Juewei Meat Strips" takeaway from a pork rib shop ordered by Ms. Jiang, and the address column read "Random". Master Yu called to contact, but the other party did not answer. Could it be a prank?

  Unexpectedly, Ms. Jiang, who placed the order, suddenly added to Master Yu’s WeChat. In WeChat, Ms. Jiang said that she was controlled by the pyramid scheme gang and hoped that Mr. Yu would help the police. Mr. Yu quickly asked the customer to send the location address and go to the police station to call the police.

  After that, Mr. Yu kept in touch with Ms. Jiang, the person who asked for help, according to the requirements of the police at the Zhenjiang Heping Road Police Station who received the police. During this time, he obtained Ms. Jiang’s location through WeChat.

  According to the location, the police at the Heping Road Police Station of the Runzhou Branch of the Zhenjiang Public Security Bureau searched for several times and finally found a house that was consistent with the characteristics described by Ms. Jiang after more than half an hour.

  With the help of Mr. Yu’s knock on the door, the police broke down the door and controlled the eight people in the house on the spot.

  But strangely, no one admitted to calling the police for help on the spot. The police immediately took everyone back to the police station.

  It was not until the morning of the 4th that the identity of the rescuer was clear. She was Ms. Jiang from Fujian. Zhou Fei, a police officer handling the case, told reporters: "Because the police were worried about retaliation, after the police went to the scene of the pyramid scheme den, she did not dare to admit that she called the police. The police at the scene also contacted Ms. Jiang according to the mobile phone number provided by Mr. Yu, but she deliberately turned the mobile phone to silent, so the police at the scene could not find Ms. Jiang."

  The 21-year-old girl fell into a pyramid scheme trap and called the police on the "curve" in the rental house

  Ms. Jiang, a 21-year-old from Fuzhou, Fujian, was tricked in November by an online user who said she had a job in Zhenjiang. The user took her to visit Zhenjiang for a few days, and then told her to "do this business" – selling products in name, but not in fact, developing offline products.

  According to Ms. Jiang, she didn’t know what a pyramid scheme was at that time. It was not until her cousin contacted her before the Chinese New Year this year that she reminded her of "beware of pyramid schemes". After searching online, she realized that she may have fallen into a pyramid scheme trap.

  Although the people around her allowed Ms. Jiang to use her mobile phone, the sound insulation in the rental house was too poor, and she was afraid of being discovered by them if she called the police. At the same time, in the pyramid scheme den, although she was not abused, beaten or detained, she could not go out alone, so she could not escape the rental house.

  "I didn’t dare to call. My cousin said why don’t you order takeout and ask the delivery person to help you call the police." It was with the reminder of her family that Ms. Jiang took this measure on the 3rd and asked Meituan’s delivery brother "Curve" to call the police.

  At present, Ms. Jiang is waiting for her relatives in Fujian to come and take her home. The police said they would next dismiss the pyramid scheme workers and contact the owner of the rental house to terminate the contract between the two parties.

  Mr. Yu, the Meituan takeaway rider who actively provided Ms. Jiang with clues for help and assisted the police in finding Ms. Jiang’s whereabouts, will report the corresponding rewards to the department for bravery.

The 14th Buchuan Film Festival closed, Ren Xianqi was crowned emperor and Xu Yingji was crowned emperor

        On July 23, 2010 local time in South Korea, the closing ceremony of the 14th Bucheon International Fantasy Film Festival in South Korea was held at 7:00 pm in Bucheon, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. More than 1,000 filmmakers and fans attended the event.

  The main awards of the Bucheon International Film Festival were presented at the closing ceremony. Hsu Young-hee won the Best Actress Award for "The End of the Kim Funan Killing Incident", Ren Xianqi won the Best Actor Award for "Fire Dragon Versus Chance", and Director Zhang Zhexiu won the Best Work Award for "The End of the Kim Funan Killing Incident".

  "Fire Dragon" is the only Hong Kong-made film that can be shortlisted for the competition at this year’s Fuchuan International Film Festival. Last year, director Lin Chaoxian won the Best Director of the Fuchuan Film Festival. This year, his work also helped Xiao Qi win the Best Actor. Both are quite excited.

  Xiao Qi said that he was winning a film award for the first time, and said excitedly: "It turns out that the award is so exciting! Thank you to the director and I for constantly researching the characters, and also to my opponent Liming for making me very involved in the role. Now I hold this award in my hand, and I am still excited. I didn’t expect that the first film award will be the male lead award, and it will be won in an overseas non-Chinese film festival. The impact is too great!"

  Director Lin Chaoxian specially went to Bucheon to attend the film festival this year to make up for the regret that he couldn’t attend last year because he was in a hurry to shoot "Fire Dragon". Although he didn’t win again this year, he thought it was very happy to see Xiao Qi win the award. Xiao Qi also said that on the night of the award, he would have a big meal with the director to celebrate. To thank the director for his credit, the two have decided to eat Korean barbecue and enjoy the richest cuisine in Korea.

  It is reported that PiFan, held in July every year in the middle of summer, can be regarded as a "summer film festival", and the participating works are also mainly horror, thriller, mystery and fantasy themes. This year’s festival will feature 193 works from 42 countries. The opening and closing films are "Death Trial" starring two Oscar winners, Adrian Brody and Forest Whitaker, and Korean horror films. It will also hold a variety of colorful side events such as "Filmmaker and Audience Dialogue", "Today I am also the protagonist of the film", PiFan congratulatory performances, and open-air free film screenings. 

Next page: Red carpet map of Bucheon Film Festival

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  After two months, Shanghai’s local rules for online car-hailing have finally been unveiled.

  This afternoon, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen each issued relevant regulations, setting clear licensing conditions for online car-hailing platform companies, vehicles, and drivers, and making the next step of online car-hailing operations "legal."

  The management approach of online car-hailing has received a high degree of attention and involves many interests. It is necessary to take into account both the healthy development of the industry and the actual conditions of Shanghai, a megacity. It is not easy to issue policies.

  As the current "fashionable" way of travel, the "name correction" of online car-hailing has become the general trend. With the implementation of local policies, in the future, eligible online car-hailing cars can finally be justifiably driven to the streets, and many special car drivers will also bid farewell to the "underground" state. The development of the industry has taken a solid step.

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  But "justifying" the name of online car-hailing is by no means allowing its boundless free expansion, let alone making it a reckless "blind spot of the rule of law". While recognizing the rationality of the existence of online car-hailing itself, the introduction of relevant systems is to effectively solve the problems exposed in the current development of this industry.

  Over the past year, the massive expansion has resulted in uneven quality of vehicles and personnel, and the platform companies’ review of vehicles has become useless. These have become "stubborn diseases", resulting in frequent cases of infringement of consumer rights and interests.

  In April this year, a "female college student called a suspicious car" was forwarded and spread on major new media platforms. The special car called by the party through the taxi software did not match the car number displayed on the software at all; in March this year, the Municipal Traffic Law Enforcement Corps seized the owner of a special car using 3 sets of vehicle number plates at the same time during the law enforcement process… and the traffic accidents, public security incidents, and criminal cases caused by online car-hailing are also increasing, and all parties are calling for "the special car should be managed".

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  In the Shanghai plan, the guiding ideology of legal management, green environmental protection, safe operation, fair competition, and protection of consumer rights and interests is basically fully implemented, and "targeted" is reflected everywhere. For example, on the entry threshold, Shanghai stipulates that the vehicles and drivers of online car-hailing in Shanghai must be "Shanghai nationality", which is mainly because, first, the city’s policy is a requirement of the national policy. After all, the city is the main body of online car-hailing management; second, the double "Shanghai nationality" precisely follows the law of the sharing economy, which can be used to confirm personal idle assets from the information end for social sharing. For example, on the vehicle access threshold, the "National Five" emission standard is fully implemented. For example, in terms of company management, Shanghai clearly requires online ride-hailing companies to take measures such as suspending business and canceling platform registration for major traffic safety accidents caused by drivers, infringing on the interests of passengers, and disrupting operational order…

  The ride-hailing industry has gone through the brutal growth in the early stage and is bathed in the current burgeoning capital expansion. Facts have proved that platform companies and practitioners have fully enjoyed the high benefits brought by the new business model, but have not fully assumed the corresponding social responsibilities. An industry that grows under unfair competition and breeds security risks should never become a pride under the "Internet +" wave, let alone a standardized template for the "sharing economy".

  Regulating the operation of online car-hailing is to let companies and practitioners take up their due responsibilities. The new regulations firmly grasp the key point of "employment threshold", control the safety valve from the qualification of personnel and vehicles, and strictly require the possession of certificates. The original intention is to consider the safety of the general public’s travel. To make online car-hailing, like taxis, have no blind spots for access and no blind spots for service standards.

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  The government is duty-bound to the safety bottom line. Instead of covering the bottom line after the problem occurs, it is better to make effective regulation in the specification, use the invisible hand to create an orderly industry ecology, and use a certain degree of "income" to bring safer and more convenient "release". Only when all interests are checked and balanced and know how to self-restrain, will the industry usher in a broader space.

  The new rules are not short of strong restrictions, which is "income", but they are also humane in some details, such as requiring platform companies to sign employment contracts or agreements with drivers, and not refusing to allow a ride-hailing car to register multiple platforms at the same time to operate. These "liberalizing" measures are in the best interests of ride-hailing practitioners and strive to create more well-being for them.

  Many citizens are concerned about whether the strict management of online car-hailing will cause new "taxi-hailing difficulties"? Indeed, regulating online car-hailing will inevitably lead to a reduction in the supply side in a short period of time, but this is a "short-term pain". The disorderly development of the industry, the recurrence of safety accidents, and the ultimate destruction of credibility will be a "long pain".

  It is not realistic to blindly solve the problem of "travel difficulties" by a large number of social vehicles "entering the market". "Tightening" online car-hailing at the same time forces the taxi industry to self-subvert and completely transform, and encourages "ride-hailing" compliance to legally go on the road, providing more diverse choices for traveling citizens. This is the greater sense of "release".

  Shanghai’s local bylaws are not meant to stifle the vitality of an industry’s booming development, but to put the brakes on the disorder in the "leap forward". The city is willing to tolerate all innovation attempts, but more expect a fair market order. Comrade Wen Jiabao once said that social fairness and justice are more glorious than the sun. For the online car-hailing industry full of Internet genes, we also expect it to go further and better on the new track.

Many proposals were rejected, and the share price of Zhongju High-tech rose slightly

  The dispute over the company’s shareholding has heated up.

  Reporters He Hongyuan and Chen Sha report

  Markets seem to welcome () "scramble".

  On September 14, the company released the resolution announcement of the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022. The meeting discussed five proposals on changing the use of the first share repurchase in 2021, the draft and summary of the 2022 employee stock ownership plan, and the management measures of Zhongju High-tech’s 2022 employee stock ownership plan.

  Among them, the opposition to the first four proposals exceeded 50%, but none of them were passed.

  According to the previous disclosure of the 2022 employee stock ownership plan (draft), the total number of employees participating in the employee stock ownership plan does not exceed 491 (excluding the reserved part), and the share source of the employee stock ownership plan is the company’s repurchase of the special securities account repurchased in the torch high-tech class A shares of common stock, the employee stock ownership plan transfer price is 18.14 yuan/share, the duration of 48 months.

  The draft proposed performance appraisal requirements are: 2022-2024, the corresponding revenue target value is 5.50 billion yuan, 6.30 billion yuan, 8 billion yuan, respectively, an increase of 7.51%, 14.55%, 26.98%, net asset return target value of 13%, 14%, 15%.

  On August 29, when Zhongju High-tech was reviewing the employee stock ownership plan, there was a big controversy. At that time, 9 directors passed the motion with 5 votes in favor, 3 votes against and 1 abstention.

  According to relevant announcements, the dissenters were director Yu Jianhua, director Wan Hequn, and independent director Gan Yaoren. The main reasons for the opposition were unreasonable unlocking conditions, the nature of benefits was greater than the incentive effect, and the controlling shareholders received 1.83% of the voting rights through the committee, which affected the interests of the majority of small and medium shareholders. Exclusive director Qin Zhihua abstained.

  It is worth noting that in the aforementioned plan, the revenue growth targets for 2023 and 2024 exceed the company’s performance expectations.

  Since Yu Jianhua and Wan Hequn both worked within the Torch Group system, it may mean that the opposition was mainly Torch Group at that time, and the agreeing party was mainly Zhongshan Runtian controlled by the major shareholder Baoneng. Behind Torch Group stands the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Torch District, which is also the former major shareholder of Zhongju High-tech.

  In fact, the company’s shareholding dispute has become intense. On September 14, the torch high-tech announcement showed that after the completion of the reduction plan, Zhongshan Runtian accounted for 17.72% of its total share capital, narrowing the shareholding gap with Torch Group to about 5%.

  In terms of performance, Zhongju High-tech is still in the growth range. In the first half of the year, its revenue was 2.652 billion yuan, an increase of 14.52% year-on-year; the net profit attributable to the parent was 313 million yuan, an increase of 11.91% year-on-year.

  On September 15, Zhongju High-tech received 33.07 yuan, an increase of 0.43%.

  On the same day, the Shanghai Composite Consumption 80 Index closed at 5861.52 points, down 0.49%. Agriculture

   ITS: Malaysia exported 659,997 tons of palm oil from September 1 to 15

  On September 15, according to the shipping survey agency ITS, Malaysia exported 659,997 tons of palm oil from September 1 to 15, an increase of 23.8% from the 53,050 tons exported in the same period in August.

  Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: The average price of pork in the national agricultural product wholesale market fell by 0.4% from the 14th.

  According to the monitoring of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the "wholesale price index of agricultural products 200" on September 15 was 129.48, down 0.51 points from the 14th, and the wholesale price index of "vegetable basket" products was 131.63, down 0.60 points from the 14th. As of 14:00 on the 15th, the average price of pork in the national agricultural wholesale market was 30.72 yuan/kg, down 0.4% from the 14th.

  Aonong Bio: The goal of fattening costs in 2022 is to drop to 17 yuan/kg

  On September 15, () said at the 2022 semi-annual results presentation that the company’s piglets weighed about 8 kilograms and the fat pigs weighed about 115 kilograms. The company’s weaned piglets in the second quarter cost about 420-430 yuan/head, and the fattening cost is about 19.5 yuan/kg. The piglet cost is targeted to be reduced to less than 400 yuan in 2022, and the fattening cost is targeted to be reduced to 17 yuan/kg in 2022. Food and Beverage

  Nongfu Spring established a supply chain technology company in Huzhou Anji

  Industrial and commercial data show that Nongfu Spring (Anji) Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd. was established, the legal representative is Rao Minghong, the registered capital is 30 million yuan, and the registered place is Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. The business scope includes supply chain management services; domestic cargo transportation agency; general cargo warehousing services; loading and unloading and handling, etc. The company is wholly-owned by Nongfu Spring joint stock company

  Yonghui Supermarket: Bonneng and other shareholders’ shareholding changes

  On September 14, () announced that on September 13, shareholders Jiangsu Bangneng Investment Management Co., Ltd. and Beijing Jingdong Century Trading Co. Ltd. signed the "Jiangsu Bangneng Investment Management Co., Ltd. and Beijing Jingdong Century Trading Co. Ltd. Share Transfer Agreement". Bangneng transferred 736,437,197 RMB ordinary shares of Yonghui Supermarket to Beijing Jingdong Century Trading Co. Ltd through the transfer of the agreement, accounting for 8.11% of the total share capital of Yonghui Supermarket. On the same day, Jiangsu Circle E-Commerce Co., Ltd. and Suqian Hanbang Investment Management Co., Ltd. signed the "Share Transfer Agreement between Jiangsu Circle E-Commerce Co., Ltd. and Suqian Hanbang Investment Management Co., Ltd.". Jiangsu Circle transferred 478,523,104 RMB ordinary shares of Yonghui Supermarket to Suqian Hanbang Investment Management Co., Ltd. through the agreement transfer, accounting for 5.27% of the total share capital of Yonghui Supermarket. The above changes in equity will not lead to changes in the company’s controlling shareholders and actual controllers. Entertainment Games

  Tencent Music will be listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange by introduction

  On September 15, Tencent Music announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that it will be listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited by introduction, and Class A ordinary shares are expected to start trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on September 21 (Wednesday).

  Kuaishou international business organization adjustment

  On September 14, according to Caijing, Ma Hongbin, senior vice president of Kuaishou, made a round of adjustments to the organizational structure of the department after leading the internationalization business for more than a month. In addition to maintaining its existing uses overseas, Kuaishou will only maintain small-scale growth investment for the time being, such as in the South East Asia market dominated by Indonesia and the Middle East market dominated by Turkey.

  Netflix says ad-supported viewers could reach 40 million by the third quarter of 2023

  Netflix expects its upcoming low-cost subscription plan with ads to gain about 40 million users worldwide by the third quarter of 2023, the company said on Sept. 14, citing a document Netflix shared with ad buyers. In its initial forecast, Netflix said it expects 4.40 million "unique viewers" worldwide to sign up by the end of the year, 1.10 million from the United States.

  Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard is facing an in-depth investigation

  On September 15, according to media reports, Microsoft’s $75 billion acquisition of video game maker Activision Blizzard is facing an in-depth investigation by the European Union and the United Kingdom. Concerns are growing that the deal is anti-competitive and will deny competitors access to the best-selling game Call of Duty. According to two people familiar with the matter, the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is expected to launch an in-depth investigation this week after Microsoft decided not to offer any improvements at this stage.

  The new Nintendo Legend of Zelda will be released in May 2023

  On September 13, Nintendo announced that the latest installment of the popular game "The Legend of Zelda" will be released on May 12, 2023. The title of the work is "Tears of the Kingdom". The work is the sequel to the 2017 Breath of the Wild, which has sold more than 27 million sets since its release. Analysts at UBS Securities predict that the annual sales of the Breath of the Wild sequel are expected to reach 20 million sets.

   Jim Yang, the former head of Supercell’s global studio, has joined miHoYo.

  On September 14, according to the LinkedIn profile of Jim Yang, the former head of the global studio of Finnish game developer Supercell, he has joined mobile game developer miHoYo in September 2022 as the president of its international division HoYoverse. Textile Apparel

   Inditex may continue its price increase strategy

  According to media reports, Inditex, the parent company of Zara, said at the first half of 2022 financial report that the company will continue to raise prices in the autumn of 2022 to cope with the risk of rising raw material costs. In the six months ended July 31, 2022, Inditex sales climbed to 14.85 billion euros from 11.94 billion euros in the same period last year, and earnings before interest and tax rose to 2.43 billion euros from 1.69 billion euros in the same period last year. Luxury goods

  Rolex second-hand transaction prices have rebounded

  On September 14, according to the interface fashion news, the watch market monitoring platform WatchCharts monitored the performance of Rolex’s most popular 30 watches in the second-hand market for a period of time and found that one-third of the second-hand transaction prices of Rolex watches have not fallen but rose in the past month. The average second-hand price has only slightly declined by 1%, indicating that Rolex watches are close to bottoming out in the second-hand market. Second-hand prices of Swiss brand watches such as Patek Philippe and Audemars Piguet have also shown a trend of falling. Cultural Tourism

  Shanghai Disneyland will resume operations at 10:00 on the 15th

  On September 15, the official Weibo of Shanghai Disney Resort announced that as the intensity of Typhoon "Plum Blossom" weakened in Shanghai and according to the current weather forecast, Shanghai Disney Resort will resume operations on September 15 (Thursday). Shanghai Disneyland will operate from 10:00-20:30 on the 15th, Disney Town will operate from 10:00-21:30, and Star Wish Park will operate from 10:00-18:00.

India is crazy about Xiaomi TV, and Chinese manufacturing should conquer the world like this

  [Global Network Technology Report, Reporter Chen Jian] In recent years, the development speed of China’s technology has changed with each passing day. China’s technology industry has also led the transformation from "Made in China" to "Created in China". Today, a group of Internet companies represented by Xiaomi have emerged in China. They focus on quality, so that "Made in China" gradually gets rid of the traditional impression of low price and low quality in the eyes of the world.

  In 2017, Xiaomi rose against the trend

  2017 was a year of fruitful results for China’s technology industry. A large number of representative major scientific and technological innovations such as Jiaolong, Tianyan, Wukong, Mozi, Huiyan, and large aircraft have emerged one after another, constantly refreshing the public’s scientific and technological perception. Quantum regulation, iron-based superconductivity, and synthetic biology have entered the world’s leading ranks, continuously enhancing people’s sense of scientific and technological pride. But after all, these cutting-edge things are still far from people’s lives, and people still feel the progress of science and technology from daily consumer electronics. The update and iteration of mobile phones, TVs, and other products have made people feel the strength and confidence of domestic brands. Even in many regions around the world, people are eager to enjoy the experience brought by Chinese electronic products.

  2017 was not an easy year for the mobile phone industry and the TV industry. In the field of home appliances, according to the total data of Aowei Cloud Network (AVC) omni-channel push, the retail sales volume of the color TV market in 2017 was 47.52 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 6.6%. The increase in panel prices from the end of 2016 to 2017 caused many color TV companies to increase costs, and their net profits fell one after another. Coupled with the decline in market capacity and sales, many companies experienced negative growth, which was miserable. Even the extremely hot Internet brands have lost their voice, and some Internet brands have even suffered "premature death".

  In the field of mobile phones, according to the data, the domestic market shipments 491 million in 2017, down 12.3% year-on-year. Especially in the fourth quarter of 2017, the decline in shipments exceeded 20%, and the market reshuffle was further intensified. Due to the acceleration of the industry reshuffle in 2017, the concentration of mobile phone brands was further enhanced; China, O, V, and Mi grew rapidly, ranking three to six in the global TOP10 brand shipment rankings in 2017, followed by Samsung, iPhone.

  In the context of the global downturn, Xiaomi, which was sung bad in 2016, suddenly made a comeback and hit a lot of people in the face. According to data from, Xiaomi TV 4A 32 inches was officially mass-produced from July 10, 2017, and 1 million units were officially offline on March 9, 2018. Xiaomi TV 4A 32 inches reached the sales volume of 1 million units in only 8 months. This data is of great significance in the TV field, because at present, in the domestic TV sales, only another Internet TV 40-inch and 50-inch TVs have reached a single product sales of over one million, but it took 13 months and 24 months respectively. And Xiaomi mobile phones have re-entered the top five in China.

  Xiaomi TV is applauded at home, and Indian rice noodles are even more crazy for it

  The reporter looked at the evaluation of major e-commerce platforms, and the Xiaomi TV 4A 32-inch has a high praise rate of 99% on, and even 100% in And according to the reporter’s survey, the repair rate of Xiaomi TV has been controlled to 0.43%, far below the industry average of 2.5%, and the good quality has led the industry by a large margin. The quality control of any product is also the key to the success of this product.

  In overseas markets, taking India as an example, Xiaomi’s TV has also achieved impressive results. On the day of Xiaomi TV’s first sale in India on February 22, Xiaomi TV 4 55-inch 10-second lightning sold out. After the release of Xiaomi TV 4 A series 32-inch and 43-inch new products, it was snapped up by Indian fans, even to the extent of exaggeration than in China.

  India’s TV market is also in a period of transition. Many ordinary users can only choose expensive international brands or relatively low-priced but outdated models. After the thousand-yuan Xiaomi TV products enter India, they can fill the gap in the market. As an Internet company, Xiaomi also makes localized customizations for local users in India.

  While Xiaomi TV is recognized by Chinese consumers, it will once again go out to the world as a representative of new domestic products. Not long ago, the news of the Sri Lankan brother grabbing Xiaomi TV and flying home was still vivid in my mind. On social platforms, Indian netizens also expressed a kind of love for Xiaomi. Some Indian netizens even said that "when they see Xiaomi TV, their eyes can’t move".

  Xiaomi wants to enhance the global influence of the "Made in China" brand

  It is precisely because of the emergence of companies like Xiaomi that the "foreign brand" life of the mobile phone and TV market is miserable. As a global hegemon, Samsung once occupied the first position in the Chinese market in the mobile phone field. In just a few years, due to the rise of domestic manufacturers, Samsung’s current market share in China has been less than 1%. In the field of home appliances, Samsung, LG, Sony and other TV manufacturers are currently unable to compete with Xiaomi and Hisense in small-size TVs, so they have to focus on the high-end market above 55 inches.

  Wang Chuan has said many times: "Adhering to high cost performance and saving every penny for users is the core value of Xiaomi." In an interview with reporters, Wang Chuan of Xiaomi TV said that Xiaomi has a saying that always believe that good things are about to happen. Wang Chuan believes that as long as everyone does their best to make the product really good, and then is willing to be kind, willing to learn from Lei Feng to do good things, and provide it to customers, they will definitely win the love of users. Although I did not expect to achieve 1 million in such a short time, it is actually a natural thing. As Bezos said, there is a company that reduces costs by forcing itself to continuously improve efficiency, and then provides users with better and cheaper products. This is the case with Xiaomi.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, Xiaomi TV will also explore more markets this year, bringing the excellent experience of Xiaomi TV to the world. The only major difficulty currently plaguing Xiaomi TV is the issue of production capacity.

  Lei Jun recently proposed at the two sessions to enhance the global influence of the "Made in China" brand and comprehensively improve the level of Chinese design. In recent years, the MIX series designed by Xiaomi has been collected by three major museums around the world, and Xiaomi TV and its ecological chain products have repeatedly won international design awards. On the road of practicing innovation, Xiaomi has been at the forefront and has been recognized by the global market.

Huawei mobile phone brand store sales are hot, P7 has become the biggest hit