In the first half of the year, the monthly living scale of CCTV integrated channel of the Central Radio and Television General Station was 740 million.

On July 18th, the iconic title of "News Network" made a new appearance and the full HD news production and broadcasting was upgraded, which attracted the attention of the industry and society. On the 19th, the 17.6-second video of the first broadcast of "The Challenge of Climbing to the Top is Impossible (Season 5)" also went viral online. Nowadays, the media competition is becoming increasingly fierce. The CCTV integrated channel of the Central Radio and Television General Station is transforming from a traditional TV channel into an all-media communication platform with strong influence.

The viewing data is "bright"

In the first half of this year, the average ratings of integrated channels increased by 8% compared with the same period last year.

The per capita viewing of news/current affairs programs increased by 59% compared with the same period of last year.

The average ratings of news columns such as News Network, Focus Interview, News 30, Evening News and Morning News all increased by more than 20%.

"legal report" and "Chinese Poetry Conference (the fifth season)" ranked first in the national legal programs and seasonal variety shows respectively.

Source: China Guangshi Sophomore National Network Measuring Instrument.

User scale "ranks first"

In the first half of this year, the daily live audience of the comprehensive channel was 160 million, and the monthly live audience was 740 million. The cumulative active audience in the late prime time (19:00-22:00) exceeded 1 billion, ranking first among the satellite channels.

Even if it is enlarged to the all-media structure, the monthly user scale of 740 million people is in the top three compared with the super-first-line commercial Internet platform.

Source: China Guangshi Sophomore National Network Measuring Instrument.

Source: Yiguan Qian Fan

Young audiences "get together"

Those who win users win the world and young people win the future.

In the first half of this year, the ratings of young viewers aged 15-24 on the integrated channel increased by 28% compared with the same period of last year, the audience composition increased by 16.8%, and the daily live audience reached 15.34 million, an increase of 14.4%, ranking first on the satellite channel.

In the first half of the year, there were 170 million young viewers aged 15-24, accounting for nearly 80% of the total audience aged 15-24 (219 million), ranking first on the satellite channel.

Source: China Guangshi Sophomore National Network Measuring Instrument.

During the epidemic period, news programs and TV dramas were the most popular among young viewers aged 15-24, and the total viewing time of the two programs accounted for about 60%, especially news programs, which accounted for an increase of 80% compared with the same period last year.

Source: China Guangshi Sophomore National Network Measuring Instrument.

Source: China Guangshi Sophomore National Network Measuring Instrument.

Innovation ability is "amazing"

Those who know what is often and change clearly win, and those who are upright and innovative advance.

The comprehensive channel has the courage to take responsibility and make bold innovations, and has successively launched a large number of innovative media programs such as The Reader, Chinese Poetry Conference, Classical Poems, China in the Story, The Host Contest of CCTV in 2019, The First Lesson of School Opening, and Starting from Dreams MV. These programs, which are full of the fragrance of poetry and books and full of spiritual strength, set the industry benchmark and won the audience’s love.

The Reader won the only award for the best quarterly broadcast TV program in the 23rd Shanghai Magnolia TV Festival, and Classic Chanting (Season 2) won the 2019 Asian Broadcasting Federation Award. China in the Story, Classic Chanting (Season 2) and Waiting for Me were selected into the list of innovative and excellent programs of the State Administration of Radio and Television in 2019.

See you every day in "Hot Search"

In the first half of this year, the program content of the integrated channel was repeatedly searched and praised on the third-party social media platform. Among them, it was listed on Sina Weibo Hot Search List for a total of 199 times, with a cumulative time of 61,532 minutes, and it was listed on Weibo Hot Search List for 1.09 times a day, with an average time of more than 5.5 hours a day, which is called "See you every day".

The related topic words of "2019 Host Contest of China Central Radio and Television General Station" have been listed on the hot search list of Weibo for 65 times, and have been rated as "Douban’s domestic variety show with the highest score in 2019". They have been ranked first in the "One-week domestic variety show word-of-mouth list" for many times, and the program ranks first in the overall list of Bili Bili (bilibili) broadcast charts.

Douban scored 8.7 points in Classic Chanting, and the total number of official short videos was 120 million, with 7.139 million likes. Among them, there are 3 videos that have been watched for millions of times and 12 videos that have been watched for millions of times on Tik Tok’s official website.

The official short video of "China in the Story" has been watched 100 million times, with 7.674 million likes. Among them, 3 videos on the official Tik Tok have been watched ten million times, and more than 10 videos have been watched one million times. China # Tik Tok’s topic words in the story have been read more than 170 million times.

The "double-screen resonance" and "overlapping the screen" of large and small screens triggered by high-quality content resources fully demonstrate the great brand value and social influence of integrated channels. (Dong Kun Zhu Chen)

In the first half of 2020, some program contents of CCTV comprehensive channel in the main station were searched on the list in Weibo.

Source: Sina Weibo

(Source: Original title of China Journalists Association Network: CCTV Integrated Channel of Central Radio and Television General Station: New Vitality Brought by Converged Communication)

(Editor: Li Jiajia HN153)

[China Science News] Top Ten Scientific and Technological Progress News in China in 2020

  Chang ‘e V completed China’s first sampling and returning trip of extraterrestrial objects.
  At 4: 30 on November 24th, China successfully launched the Lunar Exploration Project Chang ‘e-5, and landed in the pre-selected landing zone on December 1st. After the sampling of lunar soil was completed, the Chang ‘e-5 ascender took off from the lunar surface on December 3, and the Chang ‘e-5 returner successfully landed in the scheduled area of Siziwangqi, Inner Mongolia at 1: 59 on December 17, marking the successful completion of the first sampling and returning mission of extraterrestrial objects in China. Subsequently, the Chang ‘e-5 sample weighing 1,731 grams was handed over to China Academy of Sciences, where it will be stored, processed and analyzed in the "Lunar Sample Laboratory" located at the National Astronomical Observatory, officially opening the application and research of lunar samples and scientific data. As the aerospace system engineering with the highest complexity and the largest technical span in China, the Chang ‘e V mission is of milestone significance for China to improve the level of aerospace technology, improve the lunar exploration engineering system, carry out scientific research on the moon, and organize subsequent lunar and interstellar exploration missions.
  Panorama camera ring beat imaging after Chang ‘e V landing.
  The last global networking satellite of Beidou-3 was successfully launched.
  At 9: 43 on June 23rd, China successfully launched the 55th navigation satellite of Beidou system and the last global networking satellite of Beidou-3 in xichang satellite launch center by using the long march 3b. The Beidou navigation satellite and supporting launch vehicle launched this time were respectively developed by China Academy of Space Technology and China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology under China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, and many scientific research institutes such as Microsatellite Innovation Institute of China Academy of Sciences participated in the development and construction. This is the 336th flight of the Long March series of launch vehicles. With the strong support of measurement and control, ground transportation control, inter-satellite link transportation management, application verification and other systems, all the satellites in orbit launched before have been connected to the network. At this point, the deployment of Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system constellation was fully completed six months ahead of schedule.
  The last global networking satellite of Beidou-3 was launched.
  China’s unmanned submersible and manned submersible have made new breakthroughs.
  On June 8th, Haidou-1, an all-sea-deep autonomous remote-controlled submersible developed by Shenyang Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences, returned from the sea trial aboard Exploration-1. During this voyage, "Haidou No.1" realized autonomous navigation and bottom-sitting operation near the seabed in Mariana Trench, with a maximum dive depth of 10,907 meters, which filled the gap of China’s 10,000-meter-class unmanned submersible. On November 28th, the all-sea deep manned submersible Struggler, led by the 702nd Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd. and jointly developed by the Institute of Deep Sea Science and Engineering of China Academy of Sciences, returned with the scientific research ship Exploration 1. The "Struggler" successfully landed in the Mariana Trench, creating a new record of 10,909 meters of manned deep diving in China, marking that China has reached the world leading level in the field of deep manned deep diving.
  Haidou No.1 (I) and Struggler (II)
  China takes the lead in drilling and producing deep-sea combustible ice with horizontal wells.
  Natural gas hydrate is usually called combustible ice. On March 26th, the Ministry of Natural Resources held a video conference to reveal that the trial mining in the Shenhu sea area of the South China Sea with a water depth of 1,225m created two new world records of "total gas production of 861,400 cubic meters and average daily gas production of 28,700 cubic meters". During this trial mining, the researchers also independently developed a set of key technical equipment system to realize the industrialization of natural gas hydrate exploration and mining, created a unique environmental protection and monitoring system, and independently innovated to form an environmental risk prevention and control technical system. This trial production has overcome the core technology of drilling and producing horizontal wells in deep-sea shallow soft strata, achieved a major leap from exploratory trial production to experimental trial production, and achieved landmark results in the process of industrialization. China has also become the first country in the world to adopt horizontal well drilling and production technology to test and produce natural gas hydrate in the sea area.
  Trial mining torch
  Scientists find the bane of wheat "cancer"
  Wheat scab is a devastating and difficult fungal disease in the world, and it is called "cancer" of wheat. Kong Lingrang, a professor at the Agricultural College of Shandong Agricultural University and the chief expert of the wheat innovation team of the modern agricultural industrial technology system in Shandong Province, and his team cloned Fhb7, a major gene for scab resistance, from the wheat-related plant Elytrigia elongata for the first time, and successfully transferred it into wheat varieties. It was confirmed for the first time that it not only had stable scab resistance, but also had broad-spectrum detoxification function in wheat disease-resistant breeding. Related research results were published online in Science on April 10th. At present, more than 30 units have used scab-resistant germplasm materials for genetic improvement of wheat scab resistance, and extensive experiments have been carried out in Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu, Anhui and other places, with good results. The above results have found a "golden key" to unlock the worldwide problem of scab.
  Wheat infected by scab
  Scientists reach the milestone of "the superiority of quantum computing"
  Academician Pan Jianwei and Professor Lu Chaoyang of China University of Science and Technology cooperated with researchers from Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences and National Research Center for Parallel Computer Engineering Technology to build a 76-photon quantum computing prototype "Nine Chapters", which realized the rapid solution of the task of "Gaussian Bose Sampling" with practical prospects, making China successfully reach the first milestone of quantum computing research-the superiority of quantum computing, and laying a technical foundation for developing a large-scale quantum simulator that can solve problems with great practical value. Related results were published online in Science on December 4th.
  Optical quantum interference object diagram
  Scientists reproduce the history of biodiversity change on Earth for more than 300 million years.
  The origin and evolution of life is one of the top ten scientific mysteries in the world. More than 99% of the creatures that once lived on the earth have become extinct. It is an important way to understand the present situation and development trend of the earth’s biodiversity by reconstructing the changing history of the earth’s biodiversity through fossil records. Professor Fan Juanxuan and Academician Shen Shuzhong of Nanjing University built their own large databases, independently developed artificial intelligence algorithms, and made a breakthrough by using the "Tianhe II" supercomputer, and obtained the world’s first high-precision Paleozoic marine biodiversity change curve of more than 300 million years, with a resolution 400 times higher than that of similar international studies. The new curve accurately depicts many major biological extinction and radiation events in geological history and their relationship with environmental changes. The results were published in Science in the form of a long research article on January 17th.
  Conop, a supercomputing system developed by the team
  China’s highest parameter "artificial sun" was built.
  China’s new generation controlled nuclear fusion research facility "China Circulator No.2 M" (HL-2m) was completed and discharged on December 4th, marking China’s entry into the forefront of global controlled nuclear fusion research. The project was independently designed and built by Southwest Institute of Physics of Nuclear Industry of China National Nuclear Corporation. It is reported that this device is the largest advanced tokamak device with the highest parameters in China at present, and it is a new generation of advanced magnetic confinement nuclear fusion experimental research device in China. With more advanced structure and control mode, the plasma volume is more than twice that of the existing devices in China, the current capacity is increased to more than 2.5 MPa, and the ion temperature can reach 150 million degrees Celsius. It can realize high density, high specific pressure and high bootstrap current operation, which is an important support for realizing the leap-forward development of nuclear fusion energy development in China.
  "China Circulator No.2 M" Device
  Scientists have solved unsolved geometric problems for more than 20 years.
  China University of Science and Technology professors Chen Xiuxiong and Wang Bing published a paper on the convergence of high-dimensional Keller-Ritchie flow, which took the lead in overcoming Hamilton-Tian conjecture and partial zero-order estimation conjecture-these are the core conjectures that have been unresolved in the field of geometric analysis for more than 20 years. Related results were published in the Journal of Differential Geometry in early November. It is understood that the length of the paper exceeds 120 pages, and it takes six years from submission to official publication. This paper introduces many new ideas and methods, which have a far-reaching impact on geometric analysis, especially on the study of Ritchie flow. It is reported that this paper is a significant progress in the field of geometric analysis, or it will promote many related works.
  Comparison between geodesic and function level set
  The Chinese and American teams won the 2020 Gordon Bell Award.
  On November 19th, the application achievements completed by Jia Weile of Institute of Computing Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, E Weinan of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhang Linfeng of Beijing Big Data Research Institute and their collaborators won the Gordon Bell Award, the highest international award in the field of high-performance computing applications. In this work, the combination of intelligent supercomputing and physical model is adopted for the first time in the world, which leads the scientific computing to move forward from the traditional computing mode to intelligent supercomputing. Through high-performance calculation and machine learning, this achievement has raised the limit of molecular dynamics by several orders of magnitude, reached the system scale of hundreds of millions of atoms, and ensured the high accuracy of "ab initio calculation", and the simulation time scale is 1000 times higher than that of traditional methods, which is expected to play a greater role in solving practical problems in the fields of mechanics, chemistry, materials, biology and even engineering.
  Machine learning simulates 100 million atoms.
  Other news candidates (in chronological order)
  Scientists discover ferromagnetic quantum critical point evidence for the first time
  The team of Yuan Huiqiu, a professor at Zhejiang University, discovered the ferromagnetic quantum critical point in pure heavy fermion compounds for the first time, and observed the strange metal behavior. The related results were published online in Nature on March 5. This is the first time that scientists have found conclusive experimental evidence of the existence of quantum critical point in a pure ferromagnetic material system, and observed strange metal behavior similar to that of high-temperature superconductors: when the temperature approaches absolute zero, the low-temperature resistance changes linearly with temperature, and the specific heat coefficient diverges logarithmically with temperature. This discovery breaks the traditional idea that ferromagnetic quantum critical point does not exist, and extends the strange metal behavior to ferromagnetic quantum critical materials, which opens up a new direction for the study of quantum phase transition.
  Scientists discover accurate diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia for the first time
  Biological marker
  Jiang Tianzai and Liu Bing team of Brain Network Group Research Center of Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences, together with researchers from many teams at home and abroad, broke through the bottleneck that the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness only depends on the empirical judgment of symptoms, and successfully established an accurate diagnosis and treatment model of schizophrenia by using multi-group information and artificial intelligence methods. For the first time, the research team found that the abnormal function of the striatum circuit in the brain is a biological marker for the accurate diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia. Using this biological marker, not only can we quantitatively evaluate the pathological damage of striatum in individual patients, but also can accurately diagnose schizophrenia and predict the individualized curative effect. The imaging marker has been independently verified in patients with mental illness in multiple imaging centers and various populations. The research results were published in Nature-Medicine on March 23rd.
  Research reveals the precise mechanism of first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs
  Academician Rao Zihe from Institute of Immunochemistry, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and his collaborators successfully analyzed the three-dimensional structure of drug target-drug of key arabinosyltransferase complexes EmbA-EmbB and EmbC-EmbC of mycobacteria for the first time in the world, and revealed the precise molecular mechanism of the first-line anti-tuberculosis drug ethambutol acting on this target for the first time, which laid an important foundation for solving the drug resistance problem of tuberculosis and developing new anti-tuberculosis drugs. On April 24th, the research paper was published online in Science. At present, the research team is making every effort to promote the research and development of new anti-tuberculosis drugs and accelerate the transformation of basic research results.
  Scientists reveal the genetic relationship between prehistoric people in North and South China.
  On May 15th, Science published a research paper online led by Fu Qiaomei, a researcher at the Institute of vertebrate paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and participated by many units. The research team successfully captured and sequenced the genomes of several ancient human individuals. Relying on advanced ancient DNA technology, it revealed the genetic relationship between the southern mainland population and the northern mainland population, and confirmed the southern origin of austronesian family population in China, filling the important information gaps in the inheritance, evolution and adaptation of prehistoric humans in the East, especially in China. This achievement is of great scientific value and social significance for exploring the migration history, genetic pattern and internal integration process of prehistoric people in China, and for clarifying the ancestral origin of austronesian family people who mainly live in Taiwan Province, China and Pacific islands.
  China’s first independent intellectual property rights heavy ion therapy system was officially put into clinical treatment.
  On June 6th, "China’s first heavy ion therapy system with independent intellectual property rights was officially put into clinical treatment technology press conference in Wuwei" was held in Xi ‘an. Wuwei Heavy Ion Center assembled the first heavy ion therapy system with independent intellectual property rights in China. After years of construction, it was officially opened on April 1, 2020. Heavy ion therapy has the characteristics of small side effects, short course of treatment and good curative effect, and has a good curative effect on most solid tumors. It is an accurate, efficient and safe advanced radiotherapy method. According to reports, the successful construction of the project has realized the localization of the world’s largest medical equipment, making China the fourth country in the world to realize heavy ion therapy for tumors after Japan, Germany and the United States, breaking the monopoly of foreign heavy ion technology for many years and realizing a historic breakthrough in the clinical application of the largest medical equipment in China.
  The high-speed maglev test prototype with a speed of 600 kilometers per hour was successfully tested.
  The 600 km/h high-speed maglev test prototype developed by CRRC Qingdao Sifang Locomotive & Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. successfully ran on the maglev test line on June 21, marking an important breakthrough in the research and development of high-speed maglev transportation system in China. On the maglev test line, the test sample vehicle was jointly debugged for the first time, and the dynamic operation test under various working conditions was carried out. The running state was good, and all key technical indexes met the design requirements and reached the design expectation. The successful trial run of the test prototype has achieved a breakthrough from static to dynamic operation, and obtained a large number of key data. The key performance of the high-speed maglev system and core components has been preliminarily verified, which provides important technical support for the subsequent development of the high-speed maglev project prototype. According to the plan, the prototype of the high-speed maglev project with a speed of 600 kilometers per hour will be off the assembly line by the end of 2020, forming a complete set of high-speed maglev technology and engineering capabilities.
  Scientists reveal molecular panorama of lung adenocarcinoma
  On July 9th, Cell published a sketch of protein group of large-scale clinical lung adenocarcinoma drawn by Tan Minjia, a researcher from Shanghai Institute of Pharmacology, China Academy of Sciences, and seven research teams, including Academy of Military Medicine of Academy of Military Sciences and Academician He Fuchu of National protein Science Center (Beijing). This is the first large-scale, systematic construction of protein panorama of lung adenocarcinoma, and found molecular features closely related to the prognosis of patients, especially the protein molecular features of two major gene mutations in lung adenocarcinoma in China population. After 6 years’ research, the cancer and adjacent tissues of 103 patients with clinical lung adenocarcinoma were deeply analyzed by protein Group by using the cross-fusion research of protein omics, bioinformatics, tumor biology, pathology and clinical medicine. This work has scientific research significance for deeply understanding the pathological mechanism of lung adenocarcinoma, finding drug treatment targets and formulating more accurate treatment plans for lung adenocarcinoma.
  Eight "magnifying glasses" relay to simulate the full-scale dark halo clear image of the universe.
  An international research team led by the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences adopted a brand-new multiple amplification simulation technology, and obtained a clear image of the internal structure of the full-scale dark halo in the universe for the first time under the current standard cosmological model. The research results were published online in Nature on September 2nd. Dark halo is dark matter halo. It took the researchers five years, with the help of supercomputers, to obtain clear images of dark halos from earth-like mass to giant galaxy clusters, spanning 20 orders of magnitude. It is reported that in a typical area of the universe, this super-magnification simulation needs to be magnified by eight "magnifying glasses", and its magnification is equivalent to finding a flea on a picture of the surface of the moon. The super magnifying glass of computer simulation allows researchers to study the formation, evolution and internal structure of dark halos at different scales in detail. It is found that dark halos with different masses have very similar internal structures, that is, the center is dense and gradually sparse outward. These new findings will help scientists verify the hypothesis about the nature of dark matter-dark matter may not be "completely dark".
  China’s first superconducting cyclotron was successfully developed.
  On September 21st, the proton beam energy of superconducting cyclotron independently developed by China Institute of Atomic Energy reached 231MeV for the first time. This is the second time in the world to independently develop a compact superconducting cyclotron after the joint project of the United States and Germany. Researchers have successfully accelerated the continuous proton beam to this energy region, which indicates that China has fully mastered the core technology of miniaturization and high dose rate superconducting cyclotron and entered the international parallel ranks. The accelerator is small in size, low in power consumption and high in beam intensity, and can continuously accelerate 72 million proton beams per second. It is more suitable for fast intensity-modulated scanning therapy, breaking the monopoly of Europe and America in the field of miniaturized precision radiotherapy equipment, realizing the localization of superconducting cyclotron equipment in China, and is expected to greatly reduce the high treatment cost. The accelerator can also be directly used in the research and development of aerospace devices, core chips and integrated circuits, and promote the development of lightweight accelerators for aerospace particle beam applications, further opening up new fields of proton science research and application in China.
  The third generation methanol to olefins technology passed the appraisal.
  On November 9th, the third generation methanol to olefins (DMTO-III) technology passed the scientific and technological achievements appraisal organized by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation. This technology is developed by Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and has completely independent intellectual property rights. Compared with the current industrialized technology, the economy of DMTO-III technology has been significantly improved. Under the condition that the reactor size is basically unchanged, the olefin output has increased from 600,000 tons to 1.15 million tons per year. DMTO series technology has opened up a new route to produce low-carbon olefins from non-petroleum resources, initiated and led a strategic emerging industry of coal-to-olefin production, which is of great significance for realizing clean and efficient utilization of coal resources, alleviating the tight supply of petroleum resources, promoting the coordinated development of coal chemical industry and petrochemical industry, and ensuring China’s energy security.
  (Originally published in the second edition of China Science Journal, 2021-01-21)

Just after the auspicious day of Wenchang Yaojun, I have prepared some gift boxes to help me study with wisdom and intention, and recommend the Plus version.

Original title: Just after the auspicious day of Wen Chang Xi Jun, I have prepared some gift boxes to help me study smartly and attentively, and recommend the Plus version.

In southern Fujian and Taiwan Province, Wen Chang has always been highly regarded, and everyone knows that he is the master in charge of the examination and writing of subjects, and he is a scholar who pays special attention to the title of subjects. The above pictures were taken by me earlier when I visited Wen Kui and Wenchang in Longshan Temple, Taipei, and they were also for the guests who married Wenchang.

Every year, the third day of the second month of the lunar calendar is the spring festival in Wenchang’s ceremony, and it is also one of the particularly good days to read books twice a year.One is on the third day of February, and the other is on the first day of August, which are auspicious days for you in Wenchang.)。

As in previous years, after the Spring Festival in Wenchang, San, in early February of the lunar calendar, some [Wenchang Kui] were also prepared for limited release to fans or their families who need to study more/learn their luck well in the coming year to protect your efforts.

People often ask, who can ask for education?

All kinds of students, company employees, and corporate employees can choose, and try their best to improve their intelligence and study smoothly. In addition to general academic evaluation, industry professional evaluation and workplace rating evaluation can all help (including small university, foreign language, and industry employees’ evaluation)

In the past, old customers always urged me to try my luck. Since it was launched, I have received quite a lot of positive feedback from to be no.1. I will briefly talk about three cases that benefited from Wenchang Daiwei and Wenchang Luojun:

In case A, an old man came to my guest for his own feelings, and he was preoccupied with his nephew’s future. My nephew lingered in the last third of the class before his graduation. At that time, he chose an auspicious time after 1: 00 a.m. to arrange Wenchang for her, but she gritted her teeth and did it anyway. Later, my nephew successfully got a copy.

      Editor in charge:

      Do you know all the cold knowledge about World Football Day?


      World Football Day

      These world cup cold knowledge

      Do you know all about it?

      Although the cold winter is coming, the football enthusiasm has not diminished. Tonight we will have a wonderful match between Croatia and Brazil, and today is the World Football Day recognized by the United Nations. Come and learn about the cold knowledge about the World Cup with Xiaobian and feel the charm of football!

      Why is this year’s World Cup in winter?

      In the past memory, the World Cup is always associated with summer, full of sweat, passion, beer and cheers. This time, however, FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 was held in winter, which was mainly due to the Qatari climate.

      Qatar is located in the desert area of the Middle East, with a tropical desert climate. In summer, the temperature is generally 25-46 degrees Celsius, and the highest temperature can soar above 50 degrees Celsius. This is really too hot for a player who wants to run for 90 minutes, and there is even the danger of heatstroke.

      Of course, even in winter, the highest temperature in Qatar at the end of November can exceed 30℃, but the stadiums in Qatar are basically equipped with cooling systems to ensure that football players can play at a suitable temperature.

      Why do players spit water?

      This scene often occurs in football matches. Players take a sip of water and then spit it out immediately like gargling. Many friends will misunderstand when watching the ball. "Why do they spit everywhere?"

      In fact, this is a way for players to drink water. The professional name is "carbohydrate gargle", which can effectively improve sports performance and relieve sports fatigue. It is a "scientific plug-in" for athletes on the field. They need to cheat their brains in this way without affecting their state, in order to quickly restore their physical functions and continue to play.

      Why is there no British team in the World Cup?

      There is no British team in the World Cup because there is no only football association in Britain.

      In 1863, Britain, as the birthplace of modern football, established the world’s first football association: the English Football Association. In 1886, the football associations of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland jointly established the World Football Council and made unified rules. Later, FIFA generally joined football associations everywhere, so four football teams in Britain were invited to participate in the World Cup, namely, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

      What is offside?

      FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is in full swing, attracting countless fans to watch. In the first half of Argentina’s game against Saudi Arabia, it was blown offside six times, which made people confused. Many new fans will ask a question, what is offside?

      Offside refers to the moment when the attacker passes the ball, the receiver stands closer to the goal than the penultimate defender, and at the same time closer to the opponent’s goal than the ball, and tries to prepare for the attack from this position. In other words, offside is an act that has a clear purpose, produces intentions quickly and puts them into practice. On the court, it is often seen that players are sentenced to offside because they start too fast and fall into the offside trap of their opponents.

      The offside rule was formulated by the British Football Association in 1870. In the football match at that time, the audience often saw such a scene: when one side launched an attack, most of the attacking players had gathered in front of the other side, ready to start shooting when they received the ball, so the game between the two teams was mainly concentrated in front of the goal, and there was little wonderful cooperation. The offside rule is precisely to adjust this excessively unbalanced offensive and defensive relationship and make the game more exciting.

      Source: Yellow River News Network

      Hyun Chul Park, a "big country man", is very popular in Japan and plays a false mother to complain.

      (From left) Directors Fukuyama Sakura, Hyun Chul Park, Ito Ohno, TAKUYA(CROSS GENE) and AKIRA.

      Master Chuang Qi took the stage.

      Hyun Chul Park, a member of the Korean orchestra "Big Country Boys"

          Movie network news(Compile/Ji Zhongpeng) The live-action movie (aka: Ai An) based on Mayu Shinjo’s super-popular cartoon premiered in Tokyo on August 25th. Hyun Chul Park, a member of the leading actor "Big Country Man", Ito Ohno, co-actors TAKUYA(CROSS GENE), AKIRA and director Fukuyama Sakura joined hands on the stage. Hyun Chul Park, who plays the role of "pseudo-mother" in the film, has been hailed by many female fans. Hyun Chul Park admits that the biggest pain in playing this role is to stay at home and study Japanese … …

          This film is the first Japanese film starring Hyun Chul Park, a member of the Korean band "Big Country Boys" which is very popular in Japan. Nearly 90% of the people attending the premiere were female fans. Female fans in the audience hold "I love you!" written in Korean. , "Karam" (Hyun Chul Park’s name) and other eye-catching cards, when Hyun Chul Park took the stage at that moment, the audience instantly boiled.

          Faced with the enthusiasm of Japanese fans, Hyun Chul Park smiled happily and said, "Thank you!" He also revealed that in order to play a good role, he practiced Japanese hard in front of the mirror at home every day, and was once witnessed by Li Renjun, a member of the "Big Country Man". "Although he saw it, he pretended not to see it. I think I should thank him here." Hyun Chul Park’s comely smile on her face caused the girls to scream.

          In addition, Ono, who plays the role of "the prince of a girls’ school", was asked, "What do you want to do most if you become a boy?" Ono immediately replied, "I’m going to work in the cowherd shop!" " Ono also revealed that in order to play this girl with some boy characters, she deliberately imitated the boy’s behavior, expression, tone and other characteristics when she appeared. "I hope to get everyone’s support!" Ono suddenly burst into a girl’s lovely nature, which led to encouraging applause from the audience.

          The story tells the story of Akira Shiraishi, a boy who looks like a weak girl and is called "Princess" in boys’ schools. Sakurasaka Shuishu, a girl who looks like a handsome boy, is called "Prince" in girls’ schools. One day, a "princess-like boy" and a "prince-like girl" met by chance, and a campus love comedy of "reversal of men and women" began immediately … …

          The film "Addicted to Aika" is being shown all over Japan.

      More wonderful pictures on the next page

      Glutinous rice dumplings (tasty restaurant)

      Huang Kailin
      Recently, my wife and I received a gift-a friend drove a box of big dumplings, saying that it was wrapped by my father-in-law’s family. Let us feel the taste of the year in the suburbs of Shanghai.
      Catch the box with both hands. It’s heavy and weighty. When I lifted the lid of the box, I saw the big dumplings lying there like snowballs, which attracted people’s attention. This is the biggest dumpling I have ever seen. Let’s boil water quickly. Boiled in the pot, the dumplings floated one after another, and cold water was ordered three times. The dumplings floated and swayed, and the pagoda tip slowly collapsed, shrunk and disappeared, and finally returned to a big round ball.
      The big dumplings are out of the pot. We clamped it around the waist with chopsticks and bit open the dumplings, and a fragrance spread. At the moment, the glutinous rice balls are open and the corners of the mouth are still a little upturned. Seeing it trying to slip away from chopsticks, we quickly caught it with a bowl. At this time, the big dumplings are like a snowman melting, and the body can’t stand.
      Oil flowers are overflowing, green is about to drip, and a thick fragrance comes to my face. The taste is very layered; Look at its color, green and white mixed. I can’t bear to eat, but I can’t help it. When I eat it, my mouth is full of saliva, and my breath echoes with all loves.
      The shepherd’s purse stuffing mixed with oil is oily and green, risking fog, which is particularly attractive. I know, this is a shepherd’s purse that has just been pulled from the vegetable garden, and the original taste of the plant has not been lost at all. Then, hand-package it out an hour ago. It is a special presentation of the taste of the year, which is original and has a sense of ceremony when eaten.
      Delicious, soft and glutinous, and thick and tender, this is the fattest, biggest and softest dumpling I have ever eaten. I rolled on my tongue one by one, tapped my teeth and cheeks, and slipped down my throat when I couldn’t wait to chew. Unconsciously, six glutinous rice balls fell into the belly and asked if there was any in the pot. My wife brought half a bowl of soup and drank it all at once. This combination is a perfect match.
      In the past, all the rice wine dumplings I ate in my hometown were sweet. I remember that when my mother was alive, she wrapped dumplings, mashed walnuts, peanuts and sesame seeds, and added some dried tangerine peel and sugar to make stuffing. The skin was thin and the stuffing was full, all full and the size of table tennis. It tastes fluffy like a cake, smooth and elastic, giving people a feeling of rustling. But if you eat too much, you will get tired of people. You have to drink soup while eating, so that you won’t feel hungry for a long time. The dumplings made by my family are big enough in the local area, but they are still not as big as the ones we eat now.
      This glutinous rice dumpling is a traditional food in Shanghai. Not only is it lovely in appearance, soft and smooth in taste, salty but not greasy, but it is rare and refreshing between the lips and teeth, and it means beauty, which means fullness, good weather and full of blessings for the New Year. In the past, glutinous rice balls were mostly made by traditional stone grinding technology, and the soaked glutinous rice was "fed" into the grinding hole with an iron ladle, because it was afraid of choking, and some water was "fed" from time to time. The stone mill needs two people to work together to promote it, and there is a great noise. Snow-white rice slurry flows out from the grinding seam, piece by piece, and a lock. Although it is shapeless, it is endless.
      After eating big dumplings, I went downstairs and met a neighbor in the community. My neighbor is from Ningbo, and Ningbo Tangyuan is famous, so I asked him about the practice of glutinous rice dumplings. He said that when he was a child, he made it with his mother. He thought it was very simple, but he couldn’t wrap it well. The dumplings he made were either crooked or crooked. You have to be skillful in everything, and so does making dumplings. For example, how to grasp the degree of dryness and wetness of water mill powder, how to make "Helong" fit perfectly, how to wrap it round and smooth, and how to naturally pinch out that "pigtail" are all skills.
      When wrapping glutinous rice balls, the wet glutinous rice flour is first made into pills, then kneaded into small pockets, filled with stuffing, and then a "pigtail" is pulled out and tied with a knot. The top can not only be pointed, but also make a lovely "pigtail", which makes people full of eyes. This kind of big glutinous rice balls can’t be wrapped by anyone. It needs to be handed down and skilled. If it’s not good, it will fall apart and stagger.
      While chatting, a local nearby heard it and leaned in to catch the conversation. In the past, glutinous rice was scarce, and only when it was a major happy event or Chinese New Year did it become a big glutinous rice ball. If it was made at ordinary times, it must be a distinguished guest at home. The stuffing depends on the season, including meat stuffing, bean paste stuffing, shepherd’s purse stuffing, shredded radish stuffing and so on. There are many practices and many names. Steamed on a steamer, it is dumplings; Boiled in boiling water, it is dumplings; Put it in a pot and fry it in oil, which is an oil chopping block; Crushing the dumplings and frying them next to the pot is a cake collapse.
      The same ingredients, different taste, is really magical and changeable.
      Big glutinous rice balls are not something to be taken for granted. In Shanghai, they are very special foods around the Spring Festival. Holding a bowl of steaming glutinous rice balls, suddenly there was a festive atmosphere. The bowl is warm and the heart is warm. Eat a big glutinous rice ball, savor the longing and yearning for a happy reunion and a beautiful life in a piece of color and fragrance.
      People’s Daily (February 16, 2024, 08 edition)

      Changhong Meiling obtained the patent of beauty display screen, which realized the beauty function of the display screen and improved the user experience.

      Patent abstract shows that the invention discloses a beauty display screen installed on a refrigerator panel through a fixed structure. And relate to that technical field of mirror beauty mirrors of refrigerator. The invention comprises a display screen body; The surface of the display screen body is plated with a nano-scale film layer; The fixing structure comprises a circular outer box cover, an embedded box and a refrigerator door body; The display screen body is arrange on one side of that outer box cov; The embedded box is clamped and fixed on the inner side of the refrigerator door body through a buckle and a T-shaped hook; The outer box cover is clamped and installed on the embedded box through L-shaped claws and L-shaped buckles. Accord to that invention, the nano-scale film layer is arrange on the glass plate with the semi-transparent and semi-reflective optical film, so that the beauty function of the display screen body is realized, and the user experience is improved; When installing and disassembling, it is only necessary to control the elongation and contraction of the miniature electric telescopic rod; Realize the quick loading and unloading of beauty display screen; It avoids the complicated steps of dismounting the embedded box when dismounting, which is convenient and quick.

      Heavy rain, heavy rain! When the precipitation concentration period comes, it will thunder! When cold air arrives, it will snow in these places. ……

      Under the constant force of warm and humid air, the recent rain and Zhejiang are particularly deeply fettered. From January 29th to February 2nd, it has rained for five days in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jinhua, Quzhou and Zhoushan, which is the fulfillment of the saying "sunny winter solstice, bad year". Yesterday, the rain didn’t slack off at all, including moderate to heavy rain in northwest Zhejiang. This morning, Zhejiang was covered with thick clouds. The lowest temperature was 3-5℃ in the north-central part of Zhejiang and 6-9℃ in the south of Zhejiang.

      Rain is still active today and tomorrow, especially from tonight to tomorrow. On the 5th, the first rain intermission came, and it was cloudy to cloudy in the whole province. In particular, it should be reminded that it is warm and humid, unstable energy accumulates in the atmosphere, and it confronts the cold air that continues to go south, and lightning will appear again. There will be lightning in our province from tonight to tomorrow, so we need to be vigilant and take precautions!

      On the 6th, with the strengthening of warm and humid air flow and the infiltration of cold air, a new round of precipitation will be started again, and the temperature will also experience a wave of first drop and then return to temperature. Among them, from the night of the 6th to the day of the 7th, there will be snow in the mountainous areas in central and northern Zhejiang, which is sleet or light snow.

      On 7-8 days, there is a northerly wind of 8-9 in the coastal waters of Zhejiang, so pay attention! The rain is still interesting, and it will stop gradually. It will be fine weather from New Year’s Eve to the third day of the year, and the sun will appear.

      The specific forecast is as follows:

      From noon to evening today: there is light rain in northern Zhejiang and central and western Zhejiang, with moderate to heavy rain and local thunderstorms; It’s cloudy in other areas, and sometimes there is light rain in some areas.

      From tonight to tomorrow: there is moderate to heavy rain in the whole province, including local heavy rain in central and southern Zhejiang, which may be accompanied by lightning.

      The day after tomorrow: the whole province is cloudy to cloudy. Among them, there will be 6-8 northwest gusts in northern Zhejiang from tomorrow evening to the day after tomorrow.

      The lowest temperature tomorrow morning: northern Zhejiang: 2-4 degrees; Southern Zhejiang: 7-9 degrees; Other areas: 5-7 degrees; The highest temperature in the daytime tomorrow: south Zhejiang and southeast coastal areas: 10-12 degrees; Other areas: 5-7 degrees

      Editor: Zhejiang Weather Network

      Please indicate "Source: Zhejiang Weather Network" for reprinting.

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      You don’t know so many benefits of swimming?

      Swimming is a sport suitable for all ages. Proper swimming can not only make people happy physically and mentally, shape their bodies, but also enhance the function of cardiovascular system, physical fitness and human coordination. Next, let’s learn more about the benefits of swimming.

      Athletes who leap into the swimming pool (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

      1. Plastic body and beauty.Swimming is the best way to lose weight. When swimming in water, the body suffers great resistance. When swimming for more than a certain time, the fat in the body begins to burn. Even if you soak in the swimming pool, because the water temperature in the swimming pool is generally lower than the human body temperature, in order to maintain the body temperature, the human body will automatically consume heat. Therefore, exercising in water is more effective than exercising in the air, with twice the result with half the effort, and can also exercise the muscles around the internal organs.

      2. Enhance cardiopulmonary function.This is because the blood return speed of the heart will be greatly improved by the friction of the water flow on the human body. This kind of systemic exercise increases the blood transfusion of the heart and brain, which is also beneficial to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

      3. Enhance cold resistance.Human capillaries will contract when they meet cold water, and will expand due to lack of oxygen during exercise, which will enhance the ability of the nervous system to control the contraction and expansion of capillaries and enhance the cold resistance of the human body to some extent.

      In addition, the World Wide Web pointed out that swimming can also improve people’s coordination, because swimming is a synchronized movement of limbs, and long-term swimming will make limbs more flexible. Swimming also has a certain skin care effect. In the process of swimming, water washes the skin, which can promote blood circulation and make the skin more moist.

      Although swimming has many benefits, there are also precautions!

      1. Avoid swimming on an empty stomach.In the process of swimming on an empty stomach, accidents may be caused by lack of physical strength, while over-satiated swimming will affect digestion and may cause stomach cramps and even vomiting.

      2. Avoid swimming after strenuous exercise.Qilu Evening News pointed out that swimming directly after strenuous exercise will increase the burden on the heart, and rushing directly into the water after strenuous exercise will cause a sudden drop in body temperature. At this time, the human body’s resistance is weak and it is easy to cause a cold. So don’t jump into the water immediately after strenuous exercise.

      3. Avoid swimming alone.It is best to choose a place with more people when swimming, so that you can get rescue in case of accidents. Beginners had better have people who can swim with them.

      Have a good swim in the water (Source: Xinhuanet)

      In addition, there are swimming places specially provided for babies in the market now, and swimming has become a sport for babies. What are the benefits of baby swimming?

      The first is to promote physical development. People’s Daily pointed out that regular swimming can promote the development of the baby’s limbs, because the baby’s limbs are completely free to move during swimming and can complete coordinated and exquisite movements early. Swimming can also expand the baby’s vision, improve the reception of signals such as sound and color, and promote the development of the baby’s nervous system.

      In addition, Life Times pointed out that infant swimming also helps to enhance metabolism and make the myocardium developed. It is helpful to the development of the baby’s brain and promotes the development of intelligence; Help to improve the function of respiratory system and increase vital capacity; It also helps to improve the baby’s ability to resist germs.

      Before the baby swims, parents should make adequate preparations. First, try the water temperature. When the baby adapts to the water temperature, put it into the water completely and take it with the swimming ring. Immediately after landing, wrap the baby’s body with a bath towel to prevent catching a cold. (Cao Xu)

      This article is scientifically checked by Kong Junhui, director of Chinese medicine, professor and doctoral supervisor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.

      Fireworks and firecrackers

      Emergency Management Department:
      Actively guide local governments to avoid
      A "one size fits all" comprehensive ban on fireworks and firecrackers
      According to the website of the Emergency Management Department on January 30th, the Emergency Management Department replied to the proposal made by Pang Guoming, a representative of the 14th National People’s Congress, on revising and improving the regulations on the safety management of fireworks and firecrackers, saying that over the years, the Emergency Management Department and relevant departments have actively guided local governments to formulate local policies on the prohibition and restriction of fireworks and firecrackers according to local conditions and laws, so as to avoid a "one-size-fits-all" comprehensive (all-region, all-time) ban on fireworks and firecrackers and meet people’s needs for folk culture and their yearning for a better life.
      In view of the new situation and new problems such as the adjustment of the policy of banning and restricting the release of fireworks and firecrackers in various places during the Spring Festival of 2023, the Emergency Management Department, together with the Ministry of Public Security and the General Administration of Market Supervision, formed a supervision team to go to Tianjin, Hebei, the main producing area, Hunan and other three provinces (cities) to carry out unannounced visits to the safety production of fireworks and firecrackers to ensure a stable safety situation of fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival.
      Source: The Paper.
      Comic: Yang Shicheng