Flag bearer of the closing ceremony of the Olympic delegation: China table tennis champion Ding Ning.

  Beijing, Rio de Janeiro, August 21 (Reporter Song Fangcan) The closing ceremony of the Rio Olympic Games was held here on the evening of the 21st. The delegations, led by the flag bearers, entered the closing ceremony and received heroic tribute. The flag bearer of the closing ceremony in China chose Ding Ning, who won two gold medals in women’s table tennis, while the United States chose byers, who won four gold medals in gymnastics.

  Athletes from 207 Olympic delegations will enter the Maracana Stadium in the "Games Heroes" session, which lasts for 47 minutes and 51 seconds. It is also a time to celebrate achievements, friendship and break down cultural barriers.

  On August 10th, the women’s table tennis singles final of Rio Olympic Games was launched. After seven fierce games, Ding Ning won the championship by beating Li Xiaoxia 4-3, thus fulfilling its Olympic champion dream. Zhongxin.com reporter Du Yangshe

  Greece will be the first to enter the stadium, and China will be ranked 45th. At this Olympic Games, for the first time, a team of refugee athletes appeared, and athletes from all delegations exchanged views harmoniously and shared their friendship. In this session, when Roberta Sa sang, the shadow of Carmen Miranda, the legendary singer of Brazil in the 1930s, appeared on the stage as the host to entertain friends from all over the world.

  The flag-bearer of the opening ceremony of the China team was the fencer Lei Sheng, and the flag-bearer of the closing ceremony chose Ding Ning. Ding Ning won two gold medals in women’s singles and women’s doubles table tennis at this Olympic Games. Earlier, Wu Minxia, the diving woman, Lang Ping, the coach of China Women’s Volleyball Team, and Zhu Ting, the main attack, were chosen as the flag bearers for the closing ceremony.


  The flag bearer of the opening ceremony in the United States was Phelps, and a female general, gymnast byers, was chosen for the closing ceremony. In this Olympic Games, byers performed well, winning four Olympic gymnastics gold medals and a bronze medal. South Africa’s flag bearer for the closing ceremony was Semenya, a "female" track and field athlete. The accused transsexual "she" won the women’s 800m gold medal.

  Li Zongwei, a famous badminton player, was elected as the flag bearer of the closing ceremony. He beat Lin Dan in the men’s singles semi-final of the Olympic Games, but lost to Chen Long in the final and won silver medals in three consecutive Olympic Games. In addition, the flag bearer of China Hongkong Team is cyclist Chen Zhenxing, and the flag bearer of Chinese Taipei Team is Xu Shujing, the gold medal winner of women’s 53kg weightlifting. She won the only gold medal for Chinese Taipei Team in this Olympic Games.

  The flag bearer of the refugee team is judo player Popole, who won the ninth place in the men’s judo 90kg class at this Olympic Games. A total of 10 players from the refugee team participated in this competition. Although they didn’t win medals, they have become big stars that everyone is chasing inside and outside the stadium. (End)

Tourism chaos, development can not take shortcuts!

Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a notice on further regulating the order of the tourism market, which will deal with phenomena that seriously interfere with the market order, such as "unreasonable low-cost tours", tour guides abusing tourists and forced shopping.

With the rapid recovery of domestic tourism, many tourist cities have ushered in the climax of passenger flow, but in many places, there has been chaos of unreasonable low-cost travel, and even a "zero-yuan tour". However, there are often traps behind seemingly cheap tourism products-not fulfilling promised services, changing scenic spots into shopping spots, etc. In order to standardize the order of the tourism market and promote the high-quality development of tourism, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a notice to further standardize the order of the tourism market, and enhance the tourism market by standardizing the behavior of travel agencies.

In fact, tourism chaos has always existed. If we want to eradicate this chronic disease for many years, we must make joint efforts from the regulatory authorities, employees and tourists.

Enhance supervision and standardize industry behavior. The regulatory authorities should not only "treat the headache", but also prescribe the right medicine to break the old and establish the new, unblock the combination, break the relevant gray interest chain, establish a long-term mechanism of "whole process" supervision, and build a reasonable industry order.

Strengthen industry responsibility and purify industry atmosphere. Tourism practitioners should enhance their sense of social responsibility, not hold the idea of "one pit counts as one", but have a long-term vision, actively make their own contributions to the development of local tourism and enhance the self-discipline development of the industry.

Improve tourists’ understanding and advocate rational consumption. As the saying goes, "what you buy is not what you sell", tourists should improve their vigilance, not only pay attention to the price, but also to the quality of service. If you ignore the related services, you will easily fall into the trap, and once you enter the market, you will often be involuntarily, and your travel experience will be gone.

The rapid and healthy development of tourism depends on improving the quality of tourism services, instead of taking shortcuts and engaging in "crooked ways", it is necessary to create healthy competition based on the quality of products and services, and to establish the idea of "people-oriented" and really improve the tourist experience from the perspective of tourists, so as to make the tourism industry develop with high quality.

China defines the green and low-carbon development route of automobile industry.

Xinhua News Agency, Haikou, December 9th Title: China defines the green and low-carbon development route of automobile industry.

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Cunfu, Xia Tian

In the first three quarters of 2023, the global sales of new energy vehicles reached 9.746 million, of which the sales in China reached 6.278 million, accounting for 29.8% of the sales of new cars in China; By the end of the third quarter of 2023, the global cumulative sales volume of new energy vehicles was about 37.7 million, with China accounting for about 60%. This information was released at the 2023 World New Energy Vehicle Congress held in Haikou, Hainan from 7 to 9.

"In 2023, the production and sales volume was close to 10 million, which fostered the formation of the world’s largest new energy vehicle consumption market and built an efficient and coordinated industrial system." Xin Guobin, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that new energy vehicles integrate artificial intelligence, the Internet, big data and other revolutionary technologies, and the industrial chain and value chain continue to expand into the fields of transportation, energy, information and communication, and the industrial ecology is being completely reshaped.

On December 7, in the exhibition area of the 2023 World New Energy Automobile Conference, the MG Cyberster model of the MG convertible electric sports car under SAIC was displayed. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xia Tianzhe

Regarding the future development potential of China’s automobile industry, Li Jun, honorary chairman of China Automotive Engineering Society and academician of China Academy of Engineering, believes that there is still room for growth of about 200 million cars in China, and it is estimated that the number of cars will reach saturation around 2055, with a total of more than 500 million cars.

Participants believed that with the continuous improvement and iteration of key core technologies such as power batteries, fuel cells and electric drive systems, the pace of electrification transformation of automobile products continued to accelerate, and new energy vehicles were increasingly able to meet the needs of consumers.

In his keynote speech, Wan Gang, Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology and Chairman of the World New Energy Vehicle Congress, said that the global new energy vehicle market is growing rapidly under the trend of electrification, intelligence and low carbon. It is necessary to promote the development of pure electric vehicles, plug-in/extended-range hybrid vehicles and fuel cell vehicles as a whole, continuously strengthen the coordinated breakthrough of key technologies, and accelerate the application of typical scenarios and the construction of new infrastructure for the integrated development of vehicles, energy and Lu Yun.

Chen Jiachang, Vice Minister of Science and Technology, said that China automobile industry adheres to the overall R&D layout of "three verticals and three horizontals" and has embarked on a successful road of leading the development of new energy vehicles with scientific and technological innovation. The next step will be to comprehensively strengthen the frontier basic research and common key technology research of new energy vehicles, continue to deepen international scientific and technological cooperation, and constantly consolidate the future-oriented development foundation of the new energy vehicle industry.

Among them, green and low carbon is an important direction for the transformation and upgrading of the global automobile industry, and it is also an important connotation for China automobile industry to implement the goal of "double carbon" and achieve high-quality development.

In order to accelerate the green and low-carbon development of automobile industry in China, Roadmap 1.0 for Green and Low-carbon Development of Automobile Industry, which was jointly compiled by various departments, defined the accounting boundary of carbon emission of automobile industry in China for the first time at the industry level, and put forward the vision, goal, realization path and safeguard measures for green and low-carbon development of automobile industry.

According to the road map, the vision goal of green and low-carbon development of the automobile industry is becoming more and more clear: the automobile industry strives to reach the peak of carbon emissions by 2030, and then through continuous efforts, it will support the national carbon neutrality goal to be achieved as scheduled.

In order to achieve the above goals, the roadmap puts forward the realization path: focusing on reducing carbon emissions from automobile operation, and helping low-carbon transportation and energy system construction with low-carbon products; At the same time, promote the industrial competitiveness with the green coordinated development of the whole industrial chain, and promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development with new ecological construction.

In order to support the green and low-carbon development of the automobile industry, the roadmap also puts forward 15 safeguard measures and suggestions in five aspects: promoting the transformation of green and low-carbon management, supporting green and low-carbon technological innovation, promoting the development of green and low-carbon vehicles, building a green and low-carbon manufacturing system, and co-ordinating and building a green and low-carbon collaborative system.

On December 7, 2023, in the exhibition area of the World New Energy Automobile Conference, Weilai es6, et5 and other models were unveiled. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xia Tianzhe

On the 8th, the "Consensus of the 2023 World New Energy Vehicle Conference" was released at the main forum of "Accelerating the Reconstruction of the New Ecology of the Automobile Industry", which further clarified the direction for accelerating the all-round market-oriented development of new energy vehicles, promoting the new ecological reconstruction of the automobile industry and deepening the open cooperation of the global automobile industry. All parties are confident that the global market share of new energy vehicles will reach more than 50% in 2035, and will continue to promote multi-energy power technologies such as high-efficiency and high-safety power batteries, high-efficiency internal combustion engines and carbon-neutral fuels, and wide-temperature fuel cells.

In the first three quarters of this year, domestic tourism reached 3.67 billion person-times, and tourism revenue reached 3.7 trillion yuan.

China Youth Daily, Beijing, December 14th (reporter Xia Jin from Zhongqing Daily, Zhongqing.com) "This year’s tourism market can be described as’ hot’. According to statistics, in the first three quarters of this year, domestic tourism reached 3.67 billion person-times, and tourism revenue reached 3.7 trillion yuan, up 75% and 114% respectively. Residents’ tourism demand has been released in a centralized way, and residents’ travel has increased substantially. While driving the expansion of related consumption, it also promoted economic recovery. "

Du Jiang, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism, said at the press conference held by the State Council Press Office today on "Accelerating the construction of a strong cultural country and promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism".

At the press conference. Zhongqing Daily Zhongqing Net reporter Xia Wei/photo

Du Jiang said that in order to optimize the policy environment and solve the difficulties of blocking points, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will make efforts from both ends of supply and demand to boost tourism investment confidence and consumer confidence; Promote the implementation of the three-year "domestic tourism promotion plan"; Enrich the supply of high-quality tourism products, improve tourism services, standardize the order of the tourism market, strengthen tourism security, and create a tourist destination with quality and temperature. Du Jiang revealed that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism is actively launching a three-year "Inbound Tourism Promotion Plan", which will provide more high-quality tourism products and more convenient services for inbound tourists.

Du Jiang said that in order to promote industrial integration and innovate product supply, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will further promote the deep integration of cultural tourism, enhance cultural taste, enrich spiritual connotation, cultivate new consumption formats and new models, promote the construction of "small and beautiful" performing arts new space, and innovate and upgrade music festivals, concerts and other products; Promote the healthy development of new formats such as script entertainment and tourism performing arts; Promote the integration and development of food, performances, sports, health care, Chinese medicine and other fields with tourism, so that people can feel culture, cultivate sentiment, experience life and enjoy health during their travels.

In addition, in order to build a good platform carrier and increase the intensity of benefiting the people, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will promote a series of brand building such as a new batch of national cultural and tourism consumption demonstration cities, national tourist resorts, 5A-level scenic spots, and national night culture and tourism consumption gathering areas; Guide local innovative consumption scenarios, cultivate new formats and consumption patterns, enrich measures to benefit the people, and implement the "100 cities and 100 districts" financial support culture and tourism consumption action plan; We will continue to run national cultural and tourism consumption promotion activities, strengthen publicity and marketing, stimulate residents’ cultural and tourism consumption will, and help market players to resume development.

Source: China Youth Daily client

Review the most significant fashion trends in 2023.

Looking back on the fashion trend in 2023, winter has not been considered as the most fashionable season. In addition to the new year and holiday styles, we often fall into a fixed pattern of wearing the same clothes every day. However, some new trends appeared last winter, and they are still very popular today. For example, loose jeans (in fact, any loose clothes) have become very popular. They bring a new and tattered silhouette, which is different from the traditional straight tube or mom jeans. In addition, low-waisted jeans have become popular again, becoming the y2k fashion trend in 2023.

Mini UGG boots were a big trend last winter. Almost everyone is obsessed with mini UGG. Although they are warm and comfortable, they are not suitable for walking through snow and mud in Boston’s cold winter.

Finally, let’s talk about coats. In winter, many different styles of jackets become fashionable, and some jackets are back in fashion. For example, long dresses have always been popular. This year, we have seen a large number of long dresses, from wool to leather. A long dress can enhance the taste of any clothing, keep warm and win-win. On the other hand, we have seen the rise of short cotton-padded jackets. Although these are not the most practical purchases for the weather, they can give people a good outline and are very suitable for warmer winter days.

When winter is over and warm spring is coming, we hastily change our heavy winter clothes into light and breathable ones. Like other seasons, the wardrobe in spring has its signature items-long skirts, flowing shirts and light-colored jeans. But what is exciting is that we have seen the rise of grunge, Ballet Style and y2k Fashion, which have persisted throughout the year.

Under the influence of y2k fashion, overalls are back in fashion. Originally designed for military use, overalls are easy to identify because of their multiple pockets and loose tailoring. Work pants can be worn in a variety of ways, and can be matched with baby T-shirts, corsets, etc. It is an important item that is more substitutable than jeans or trousers in our wardrobe.

In another alternative aesthetic trend, doll style has become very popular. Doll style refers to anything feminine, pink and feminine. In the spring of 2023, we saw many trends, such as ruffles, light pink, lace tops, bows in hair and so on. Although this trend started in spring, it remained strong all year round.

Completely changing the direction, the denim trend on denim became popular in the spring of 2023. Mixing denim with different colors and patterns has become a high fashion. With the development of denim trend, there are new trends, such as denim long skirts, which bring a more exquisite appearance to our usual denim mini skirts.

Warm weather makes dressing easier. No longer obsessed with jackets and heavy clothes, the perfect summer dress usually consists of shorts, T-shirts or light summer dresses. However, if the goal is to improve the rotation this year, there are many different fashion trends that can add some new ideas to our daily wear.

In the summer of 2023, y2k fashion was in full swing. Baby T-shirts, lace vests and miniskirts in the early 2000s dominated the fashion style. With the rise of fashion in the 2000s, second-hand shopping and consignment shopping became popular-not only did the early 2000s clothes return, but also sustainable shopping became popular. In summer, we saw a lot of baby T-shirts, trimmed vests, low-waisted denim skirts/shorts, etc.

Crocheting is a big trend in summer, from crocheted vests to bikinis and even skirts, crocheting is popular in fashion. Once the temperature rises, crocheted items will always return. But don’t get me wrong, this is not another short-lived trend. Crocheted items are becoming a model of summer style, surpassing the status of "fashion" and becoming a must-have item in summer.

Female contraceptive methods and its harm

There are many contraceptive methods for women, and there are many choices, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some for reference.

Among the birth control measures, intrauterine device (IUD) has the characteristics of reversibility, safety, small adverse reactions and simple operation, and is widely used in women of childbearing age.

For women with IUD, the side effects and complications are bleeding, pain, infection, IUD falling off and incarceration. Because the occurrence of these complications can cause great trauma to women’s physical and mental health, it is necessary to strengthen the comprehensive analysis of these complications in clinic and formulate corresponding solutions according to the analysis results. (1) Pain and bleeding. After placing the IUD, due to the action of prostaglandin, the uterine muscles contract strongly, which leads to endometrial damage, bleeding and pain. Usually, within 10 days after placing the IUD, most women will have bleeding and pain, but the degree is mild and tolerable, and with the increase of placing time, this discomfort will gradually reduce and disappear. But if the pain is severe or lasts for a long time, it indicates that there is a problem. If the pain lasts for a long time, it is usually caused by the improper size or downward movement of the IUD. It is necessary to take out the IUD and give symptomatic treatment to the patient. After the condition improves, choose a suitable IUD. The late pain mostly occurs one month after operation, and the main causes are deformation and infection of IUD, so it is advisable to resist infection and replace appropriate IUD according to the actual situation of patients. In order to effectively prevent the occurrence of pain, clinicians need to improve their operation level of placing intrauterine devices, and choose the most suitable IUD for women and children according to their physical conditions, especially paying attention to gentle movements. Bleeding occurs in three forms: irregular vaginal bleeding, intraoperative bleeding and postoperative bleeding. If it is irregular vaginal bleeding, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze the actual situation of the patient before operation. Moreover, the operator should also master the methods and skills of placing intrauterine devices, and reasonably choose anti-fibrinolytic drugs and prostaglandins according to the actual situation of the patient. If necessary, the intrauterine device can be taken out. For patients with a small amount of bleeding, it is necessary to stop bleeding, but if the amount of bleeding is large, the operation should be stopped and symptomatic treatment should be given according to the specific situation of the patient.

(2) Uterine perforation, ectopic and incarcerated IUD. The occurrence of uterine perforation during surgery is generally due to excessive flexion or retroflexion of the uterus; The lactation uterus is smaller and softer; Cesarean scar uterus, etc. If it is a probe perforation, if the condition permits, uterine contractions can be used to promote the contraction of the patient’s uterus and give anti-infection treatment to promote the healing of the perforation, and closely observe the basic vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse and respiration of the patient; If the IUD is perforated, it needs to be taken out by laparoscopy and repaired. Incarceration is mostly caused by choosing a large IUD or damaging the uterine wall when it is placed, or not taking it out in time after menopause. The IUD is placed outside the uterus, or the IUD presses the uterine wall, which causes local tissues to sink, thus causing the IUD to be embedded in the muscle wall or moved out of the uterus. If the IUD is incarcerated, the IUD should be taken out immediately. If the symptoms of incarceration appear under the endometrium, it is necessary to scrape the endometrium first, and then take out the IUD in a standardized way. If incarceration occurs at the myometrium, the IUD should be removed by laparoscopy.

(3) The IUD falls off and moves down. Generally, it is due to the operator’s lack of skill, not putting it into the uterine bottom, or the improper size of the selected IUD, or the relaxation of the internal cervix, as well as the patient’s individual factors, which requires that attention should be paid not only to the depth of the uterine cavity, but also to the width. If the uterine cavity is wide, consider choosing a larger size, and if the uterine cavity is narrow, choose a smaller size.

(4) infection. Infection is generally caused by inflammation of reproductive organs or lax aseptic operation, or disrespect for doctor’s advice after operation. For those infected after operation, anti-infection treatment should be given immediately. If the infection symptoms are serious, it is necessary to take anti-infection and take out the intrauterine device. In order to effectively reduce the incidence of infection, it is necessary to fully understand the basic situation of patients before operation, eliminate the inflammatory reaction of reproductive organs, and treat women with inflammation symptomatically, and only after the inflammation is effectively controlled can they be treated with intrauterine devices. Strictly follow the principle of aseptic operation, do not let the contraceptive device touch the vaginal wall and voyeurism during the operation, and fully disinfect the operating room and instruments. Tell the patient the relevant precautions after operation and return to the clinic on time.

(5) IUD pregnancy. If there is an error in judging the size of a woman’s uterus before operation, it will affect the choice of IUD model, and then increase the risk of female pregnancy with IUD. In addition, ectopic and falling-off IUD can also cause IUD pregnancy. Because pregnancy with IUD is prone to abortion, bleeding, injury, etc., patients need to receive termination treatment immediately after diagnosis, and the IUD should be taken out as required. In order to reduce the incidence of pregnancy with IUD, clinicians need to choose the most suitable IUD according to the size of women’s uterus, and it is forbidden to choose an IUD that is too small. At the same time, women should return to the clinic on time after placing the IUD to find out whether the IUD is ectopic, deformed or falls off. For patients with any of the above conditions, effective measures should be taken to intervene in time to avoid unintended pregnancy.

In a word, after placing intrauterine devices, women can be affected by many factors and have side effects and complications, which has caused great trauma to their physical and mental health. Therefore, through continuous study and practice, the operator needs to improve his professional ethics and operational ability, master the skills of placing IUD skillfully, comprehensively check the physical condition of the patient before operation, strictly grasp the indications and contraindications, strictly follow the principle of aseptic operation, find out the position of the uterus, and choose the appropriate type and model of IUD, so as to reduce the risk of side effects and complications of women after placing IUD.

Female birth control, that is, complications of tubal ligation, intestinal injury and bladder injury during operation, is that the patient is nervous and poorly coordinated during operation, and the bladder is not emptied according to the regulations before operation, resulting in bladder filling and moving up, leading to injury during operation, or the incision during operation is too low, and the vascular clamp is biased towards the pelvic cavity, resulting in bladder injury. Postoperative complications, such as incision bleeding and hematoma, may appear and be found within a few hours after operation. The reasons may be that the blood points were not ligated during operation, or the vasoconstrictor used in anesthesia subsided after operation, which made the blood vessels open and bleed. Analysis of infection in pelvic cavity and suppuration of incision infection may be due to the lack of strict aseptic operation during the operation, the failure to deal with the congestion in time when sewing the incision, and the possibility that the patient does not pay attention to rest and personal hygiene after the operation, which may lead to incision infection. Postoperative menstrual disorder and lumbago and abdominal pain may have a great relationship with the psychology of the patient. Temporary menstrual disorder or lumbago and abdominal pain after operation can gradually recover naturally and can be treated if necessary.

Contraceptive pills taken by women are all toxic, and their mechanism and side effects will be discussed next time.

The use of condoms, in addition to a very small number of women allergic to it can not be used, the experience is almost poor, in fact, is a healthier choice.

[1] Jiang Xiukui. On female ligation and prevention of complications [J]. Chinese and Foreign Health Abstracts, 2014,(22):261-261.

[2] Sun Xuyan. Analysis of common complications and prevention of placing intrauterine devices [J]. Psychologist, 2018,24(11):35-36.

[3] Liu Wei. On the types and side effects of female contraceptives [J]. China Modern Drug Application, 2015,(7):246-247.