The movie marketing G point that live broadcast can be sultry: stars can’t reach TV.

(This article was first published in "Movie Rising Potential", welcome WeChat to search filmmore for attention)

  1905 movie network exclusive feature In the age of entertainment to death, serious and not serious can be changed to entertain the public. The birth of the live broadcast not only gave the folk people a broader entertainment platform, but also satisfied the netizens’ desire for privacy and expression with real-time pictures and fragmented barrage.

The anchors occupied the media seats.

  On the red carpet and at the press conference, you will find that in addition to the "long guns and short guns" of photographers, there are many beautiful women holding selfie sticks and talking to themselves with headphones. These are the most popular live broadcast anchors. Compared with them, online media is more like traditional media.

  Nowadays, these live broadcast platforms have also become an important part of the film announcement, and more and more anchors have become frequent visitors to major occasions.

 Fang Li’s greatest contribution to the tens of millions of box office for "A Hundred Birds at the Phoenix" is actually live broadcast.

For the promotion of the movie "The Magic Wheel", three female anchors were invited to go to the shooting site for live exploration on the cruise ship.

  Wang Baoqiang, who was the director for the first time, broke the popularity of 5 million in three minutes on the set of his first film "Make a scene in Tianzhu" (did you notice that rocket, which is worth 500 RMB).

The Jing Wong online movie "My Goddess of Need" conference directly contracted the focus maps of eight live broadcast platforms, with nearly 100,000 online users in real time, and the total coverage is expected to reach 10 million times.

It is already a routine to use star live broadcast for the new film. Charmaine Sheh and Nick Cheung are broadcasting the conference of The Apostles.

In addition, this year’s China Watch Award has a unique way, integrating the award release with the promotion unit of "New Force of Chinese Film" and adopting a brand-new mode of "M+N" for multi-channel communication.

  The live broadcast’s attack on 2016 is like a barrage.


  Trees attract the wind, and the corresponding regulatory system naturally follows. How will the positioning of "Live Wind" be impacted? How will the live broadcast platform respond? Are anchors really more useful than stars for film marketing?


  With these questions, Zi Shijun chatted with An Yugang, general manager of the well-known film marketing company, Daniel Wu, the anchor of the fighting fish industry who participated in the live broadcast of the China Watch Award, and the insiders of the fighting fish platform.

"It knows what netizens like" — — Marketing tycoon said

An Yugang

  An Yugang, an influential benchmark figure in film marketing and general manager of the film industry, has successfully helped many films become box office winners, and has been recorded in classic marketing cases.

  A few days ago, the announcement of "Amazing Thieves 2", which was marketed by the film industry, caused a sensation again. Twenty or thirty anchors sat in the golden position in the front row of the conference, attracting countless audiences and successfully creating momentum for the film:

Q: Can you describe what the scene was like that day? Did it meet your expectations?


A:I thought it was hot, but I didn’t expect it to be so good and very happy.

  On that day, the first row was occupied by the founder, and the second and third rows were given to online celebrity, the most golden position. At that time, the owner of the film, Qiu Jie (CEO of Lion Mouse Film), glanced at a live broadcast box of online celebrity, and casually looked at it. It was 40,000 yuan, so its publicity was on the top of a small media. And those who like the anchor are really the most consistent with my target audience, and the conversion rate is relatively high.


Q:Will the anchors be asked what to do, or will there be restrictions on their language and comments?


A:No, whatever. In fact, this thing is like some promotional videos that want us to film the artist’s makeup in the lounge. These are what the people are more concerned about. They don’t like to always see the flow you designed on the stage to go to 12345. He prefers to look at some edges and corners. The anchors can publicize things that are usually invisible.


  Tell a funny detail. At that time, we had a sponsor at that event, and one of their cars was on the right side of the podium. There’s an anchor who’s been shooting that car around. Advertisers are so happy. How can traditional media keep shooting that car for you?


  As for the anchors, we are all in a cooperative state at present, and the process of our own design is also very beautiful and interesting. I won’t leave her a chance to have negative comments.

On the same day, The Pirates 2 teamed up with 28 live broadcast platforms and contracted the focus map.

  In fact, the live broadcast circle is like the embryonic form of the entertainment circle. Although the star’s own fan base makes their original onlookers more. But these amateurs have their own way of living. Come to think of it, they are actually more suitable for eating live broadcasts than stars.

Q:How to treat the relationship between live broadcast and film marketing?


A:Quite simply, my concept of film marketing has always been content (film) and establishing contact with users. Live broadcast is just a certain model established. It used to be a radio and television website, but today it is an APP, a variety of network sizes, or something. Live broadcast is the latest form today. It’s just a channel for me to reach my target users from the perspective of movies, and there is an interactive connection.

Q:Compared with other mobile platforms, what are its advantages and values?


A:Lively. For example, if I go to find a large size, the best he can do is to help me with the graphics and text, and then add my trailer. But the live broadcast, as I mentioned, he will put all the details of my press conference — — And it’s the details he realizes, right? He knows what his netizens like.

Q:What’s the difference between a star doing live broadcast and online celebrity doing live broadcast?


A:Stars have a large base and many fans. Come up and duang, blow up. At the same time, the interaction with netizens is also an effect of expanding influence and flattening.


  But online celebrity is the other way around. His base may not be that big, but the advantage is that I think they may be more open and have a larger scale. I don’t mean taking off clothes, but their speech scale, or telling jokes and so on.


Q:New media is undoubtedly a new battlefield for film marketing. Will you consider other attempts later? For example, let the stars participate in the live broadcast, or more high-tech ARVR?


A:I’m already trying, Love O2O. We also discussed this matter in the group this morning. We should use AR, and a virtual person may be established on the mobile phone. For example, if you are now, a Jing Bo Ran in ancient costume will suddenly be projected around you. You can communicate with him. In fact, if VR is used, there is also a project being done, but that will be more suitable for short videos, and the human body may not be able to stand long videos.

The opening of "online celebrity College" in a university in Chongqing has attracted 19 students.

  Live broadcast skills, how to record small videos are popular, and these entertainment projects in life have now entered a college classroom. Recently, the opening of "online celebrity College" in Chongqing Institute of Engineering has attracted attention. On September 20th, Chongqing Institute of Technology responded to the Beijing Youth Daily reporter that "online celebrity College" is neither an independent college nor a specific major, but a training project of "school-enterprise co-construction" between schools and enterprises. At present, 19 students have participated, and the enterprises provide training teachers and practical opportunities, while the schools provide venues and equipment. Students participate voluntarily to solve the employment problems of some students. The cooperative enterprise of "online celebrity College" said that it would train students in live broadcast skills such as "asking for gifts", and then sign a contract with them to become full-time anchors of the enterprise.

  In this regard, education experts believe that the establishment of "online celebrity College" in colleges and universities is not serious and rational enough. Experts pointed out that "online celebrity" can’t be called a profession at present. As a new phenomenon, it has no relevant subject connotation and can’t be the foundation of a college or major. He also reminded students that they should maintain the basic ability of value judgment in dealing with "online celebrity College" and not fall into the misunderstanding that "work is a simple matter".


  A university in Chongqing set up "online celebrity College" to select students.

  Recently, some netizens posted that "Xingyun online celebrity (Industry) College" (referred to as "online celebrity College") has been newly established in Chongqing Institute of Engineering, and the work of "selecting students" has been carried out. The reporter of Beiqing Daily noticed that there were a large number of people at the selection site, and the words "First online celebrity Student Selection Meeting of Xingyun online celebrity (Industry) College" were written on the display board. The posting netizen also said that "online celebrity College" has already held a "class opening symposium".

  According to public information, Chongqing Institute of Technology is a full-time undergraduate college with 30 undergraduate (junior) majors and more than 13,500 full-time students. According to the information of official website, on July 4th this year, the school and a local cultural communication company held a signing ceremony of "Building Xingyun online celebrity (Industry) College". The relevant person in charge of the school introduced at the scene that the opening of "online celebrity College" was "a beneficial attempt with pioneering strategic significance for the industry based on online celebrity’s economy", and expressed the hope that through cooperation, the problem of "a large number of high-quality and high-quality professionals are lacking at this stage" in online celebrity industry could be solved.

  After the incident was exposed, many netizens paid attention. Some netizens questioned whether "online celebrity College" is an independent college of the school or a major under it. Some netizens are curious: What courses are taught by online celebrity College and who will teach them? Some netizens are worried that the establishment of "online celebrity College" will bring excessive praise to the industries such as "online celebrity" and "anchor" among students.


  At present, it is an orientation class with 19 students.

  On September 20th, the reporter of Beiqing Daily called Chongqing Institute of Technology to inquire about this matter, and the school said that the management school of the school was responsible for the "online celebrity College". Subsequently, Mr. Zhang from the School of Management of the school told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that "online celebrity College" is neither an independent college nor a specific major of the school, but a cooperative project of "school-enterprise co-construction" between the school and the enterprise. "It should be regarded as a directional (training) class in the direction of online celebrity. The enterprise provides training teachers and practical opportunities, the school provides venues and equipment, and students participate voluntarily." He also introduced that "online celebrity College" started classes on September 19th and officially started classes on September 20th, with a training period of three months.

  Teacher Zhang told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that the selection of students is mainly aimed at undergraduate students in the graduating class of e-commerce and marketing in the School of Management. "Now the webcast is also quite popular. Participating in training will also help our students in the School of Management." Teacher Zhang said, "After students voluntarily sign up, the enterprise will also interview the students who have signed up, mainly considering the students’ body, language expression, face value and other characteristics. At present, there are already 19 students in this orientation class. "

  Teacher Zhang also said that "online celebrity College" is only an attempt at present. "If the operation effect is good, the school may declare such a major in the future, but it will not be called ‘ Online celebrity major ’ Because there is no such professional name in the professional catalogue of the education department, it may be called ‘ Network anchor ’ Or ‘ Webcast ’ Professional. " He added that at present, after the training of these 19 students, the school will not issue separate certificates, "which major was originally a student of the college, and which major was taken."

  Asked about the expected goal of the orientation training course, Teacher Zhang said that on the one hand, it is to solve the problem of job hunting for some students. "Considering their own interests, there are also related practicality. For example, the current e-commerce industry will also do live webcasting promotions, etc."; On the other hand, the school arranged for teachers to participate in lectures and study all the time, "to prepare for online celebrity’s economic research and possible application for related majors in the future".


  To learn "live skills", "psychology" and other courses.

  On the evening of September 20th, the reporter of Beiqing Daily contacted one of the first 19 students who participated in the training of online celebrity College — — Li Shan (a pseudonym). Li Shan told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that she was a graduating class student and signed up for the training under the recommendation of her teacher. "Most of the 19 students who participated in the training were girls.".

  Li Shan told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that at present, the "online celebrity College" training class of the school has set up related courses such as "Personality Shaping", "Live Broadcasting Skills", "Image Design", "Performance", "Psychology" and "Video Recording" this week, and these contents are all taught by personnel arranged by enterprises.

  Li Shan introduced that on the afternoon of 20th, "online celebrity College" officially started classes. The first class was "Personality Shaping", and everyone had 3-5 minutes to show on stage. Teachers would comment on students’ overall style and personal orientation according to their live shows. I was asked by my teacher to give an open performance. After the performance, two teachers commented on my performance one after another. She also told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that in addition to the "Personality Shaping" class, there were teachers at the scene to guide students how to shoot small videos. "The teacher will let us shoot ‘ Tik Tok ’ The video came to the top, I took it all afternoon, and now I am too tired to walk a step. "

  Li Shan said that the 19 students who participated in the training of "online celebrity College" are now paid by the school. "The teachers said that after graduation, the school would arrange for us to sign a contract with the company to do online celebrity, and I feel quite good. It will be very good for me and will be famous."


  Cultivate full-time anchor professors to "live broadcast gifts"

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily noticed that the enterprise that cooperated with Chongqing Institute of Technology to set up "online celebrity College" training was Chongqing Miyin Culture Communication Co., Ltd.. According to industrial and commercial information, the company was established in January this year, and its business scope is: organizing cultural and artistic exchange activities; Undertaking exhibition services; Cultural and artistic performance planning.

  On September 20th, the reporter of Beiqing Daily consulted the enterprise as a student about the establishment of "online celebrity College" in cooperation with the school. According to a person in charge, at present, the orientation classes offered in cooperation with the school mainly cultivate online celebrity in three directions: live broadcast, e-commerce and short video. "In addition to absorbing students from directional schools, social workers can also apply for training courses with the same teaching content, charging 3,980 yuan for three months".

  According to the person in charge, the current training for students is also three months. "The first month is mainly theoretical knowledge training, followed by ‘ Online celebrity ’ ‘ in related industries; Actual combat ’ Let the students learn to operate from the beginning. As far as students are concerned, they mainly cultivate talents and sell products eloquently. In addition to their own live broadcast profits, there are all-round types of anchors with extra business. "

  Subsequently, the person in charge sent a more detailed teaching schedule to the reporter of Beiqing Daily. Apart from the contents mentioned by Li Shan, there are also courses such as "appreciation of live broadcast" and "self-reflection after live broadcast". In this regard, the person in charge said that the designated assignment of "self-reflection after live broadcast" is to require students to show themselves by making personal short videos, so as to increase the spread and exposure of short videos. In addition to the training, we also set up an assessment link for students. "If students fail the assessment, it will affect our subsequent training of students."

  In addition, the person in charge stressed that during the training process, online celebrities will be invited to teach students some practical experience, "for example, they will teach students the skills of asking for gifts in live broadcast, and how to create live broadcast topics and master the psychology of fans". He also revealed that after the training, students can sign a contract with the company and become a full-time online celebrity anchor. "This training project can be said to be a online celebrity incubation base built by the company, and it has cooperated with several live broadcast platforms such as Betta, Zanthoxylum bungeanum, Dragon Ball and YY".


  "online celebrity" can’t form a discipline.

  Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at China Institute of Science Education, told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that it was not serious enough and rational enough for colleges and universities to offer the training course of "online celebrity College". "This is a manifestation of following the trend, its principle and creation ‘ Star major ’ Similarly, there is not much autonomy in essence, and it is a passive state. "

  Chu Zhaohui said, "The establishment of any college or major in colleges and universities needs to be based on the professional teaching content and standards, and the establishment of majors must follow the standardized procedures and evaluation process. But, at least for now, ‘ Online celebrity ’ It is just an emerging social popular phenomenon. It has no relevant subject connotation and has not been precipitated for a long time, so it cannot become the foundation of a college or major. "

  Chu Zhaohui pointed out that it will take time to test whether "online celebrity" can become a career, because a job that can be called "career" should meet the conditions of stable work content and scope. "It is recommended to first ‘ Online celebrity University ’ Observe for a period of time and then look at the development. " He also said that for "online celebrity College", most students should maintain basic value judgment ability. "Students should understand that even if they enter ‘ Online celebrity University ’ , it may not become ‘ Online celebrity ’ ; You can’t think that you have participated in ‘ Online celebrity University ’ As an anchor, I have a misunderstanding about employment and think that work is a simple and easy thing. "

  Text/Zhang Ya Zhang Xi Liu Sijia

These "rushing to hot search" emergency rescues make this holiday a little warm.

  This May Day holiday, a doctor "rushed to the hot search". He is Dr. Zhao Yipin from Zhoukou Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Henan Province.

  On May 3rd, in Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area, Luoyang, Henan Province, an old man suddenly fainted during the tour. Dr. Zhao not only stepped forward to rescue him, but also silently guarded him until he regained consciousness. Later, Dr. Zhao also received an unexpected "gift".

  Doctors save people during their tour and get free tickets for life in the scenic spot.

  At about 13: 30 on May 3, someone suddenly called for help in the crowd visiting Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area, saying that someone had fainted. Just as the crowd was a little flustered, a tourist quickly went forward to check on the old man.

  It turned out that the tourist’s name was Zhao Yipin and he was a doctor. After preliminarily judging the vital signs, he quickly cleaned up the food residue in the mouth for the elderly, kept the respiratory tract unobstructed and in a suitable position, and stayed with the elderly until she regained consciousness. At present, the elderly are in good health.

  After the incident, after learning of Dr. Zhao’s kindness, the scenic spot quickly found him, exempting him from all the expenses of sightseeing and accommodation in Baiyun Mountain, and enjoying free tickets for life.

  Emergency treatment of female sudden pulmonary embolism by doctors

  At 9 o’clock in the morning of April 30, at the physical examination center of Shangqiu Central Hospital, a woman suddenly felt unwell. Duan Jing, a doctor on the way to the consultation, was hurriedly called by the nurse.

  Duan Jing, Doctor of Physical Examination Center of Shangqiu Central Hospital:She said she wasn’t feeling well and wanted to go to the bathroom. I said, let’s go together with you. When she walked to the glass door, she suddenly fainted. I didn’t feel the pulse at that time, so I thought I had to have CPR for the first time.

  Duan Jing helped the woman do an emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but the woman’s teeth were clenched and she didn’t feel anything.

  At this time, the emergency doctor on duty also came to the rescue. A few minutes later, with the help of many medical staff and enthusiastic citizens, the woman was pushed into the emergency room. After examination, it was learned that the woman was suffering from severe acute pulmonary embolism.

  Wei Bing, Emergency Doctor of Shangqiu Central Hospital:The mortality rate of pulmonary embolism is 45%. She (patient) is now suffering from acute myocardial infarction, and the mortality rate is more than ten times. Especially her massive pulmonary embolism, if not treated in time, there will be no life in ten to twenty minutes.

  Emergency doctor of Shangqiu Central Hospital Shi ZhenkaiThe chest compressions (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) done at the first time won valuable time for the patients.

  At present, the woman’s vital signs have returned to normal and she is receiving further observation and treatment in the hospital.

  The elderly station suddenly became ill, and the police drove to the hospital urgently.

  At about 2 pm on May 3, the police station in Beidaihe Station, Hebei Province received a passenger’s request for help. A 70-year-old man suffered a heart attack and collapsed in the waiting room seat, hoping that the police would help him.

  Police:Did you take your medicine? Do you have any medicine? Pills or something.

  Family members of the elderly:I ate it.

  Police:Just a moment, we are contacting (the hospital).

  Old man:Thank you.

  Police:Don’t worry, our car will pick you up and take you to the hospital.

  Old man:Oh, thank you so much.

  Police:Now you just talk less, don’t talk, don’t worry.

  In order to gain medical treatment time, after obtaining the consent of the elderly and their families, the police used police cars to send the elderly to the hospital for treatment. Due to timely treatment, the elderly are now in good health.

  Peng Zhiqiang, a policeman from Beidaihe Station Police Station:Passengers who have a special medical history or are physically unfit for long-distance travel are advised to travel with their relatives and friends when taking the train, and at the same time, take the commonly used essential medicines with them. In case of emergency, please contact the railway staff and the police for help in time.

Shantou police smashed a large telecom fraud gang and seized 93 mobile phones involved.

Guangdong Shantou police smashed the mega-fraud gang, and all the suspects cheated with 9 mobile phones.

  Recently, Shantou police successfully smashed a telecommunication network fraud gang, arrested 10 suspects, and seized 93 mobile phones and 83 bank cards involved. Chen Qiren photo

Guangdong Shantou police smashed the mega-fraud gang, and all the suspects cheated with 9 mobile phones.

  Recently, Shantou police successfully smashed a telecommunication network fraud gang, arrested 10 suspects, and seized 93 mobile phones and 83 bank cards involved. Chen Qiren photo

  Shantou, China, April 15 (Chen Qiren, Yao Xiaoli) Guangdong Shantou police reported on the 15th that Shantou police recently successfully smashed a telecommunication network fraud gang that frequently committed crimes, arrested 10 suspects, seized 93 mobile phones and 83 bank cards involved, involving 11 provinces and cities such as Guangdong, Fujian and Shandong, and initially identified 133 cases involved.

  According to Shantou police, in recent years, with the rapid development of mobile Internet, criminals have used communication tools to commit online fraud from time to time, which has made many people deceived and lost their money.

  Shantou police investigation found that a telecommunication network fraud gang hidden in Shantou surfaced. The gang bought a large number of bank cards, mobile phone cards, "Lacarra" credit card machines and other crime tools from the Internet, rented a number of houses in Shantou city as dens, published false information about "online car purchase" through public network platforms, and made false web links. The cases involved 11 provinces and cities such as Zhejiang, Henan and Hebei, and the amount involved was huge.

  After careful investigation, the police grasped seven criminal dens of the gang in Shantou. On April 8, Shantou police concentrated more than 140 elite police officers to form seven arrest teams, and arrested seven dens of the fraud gang at the same time, successfully arresting 10 members of the criminal gang, including Wang Moufu, and smashed this mega-telecommunication network fraud criminal gang in one fell swoop.

  Zhan Yihua, deputy director of Shantou Public Security Bureau, said that telecommunication network fraud is concealed, and many online fraud platforms set their backstage outside the country, which makes it difficult to handle cases and investigations. At the same time, criminal gangs transfer funds through third-party payment, which also brings troubles to police investigation and evidence collection.

  "Telecommunication network fraud is often aimed at ordinary people. When a phone call comes, the citizens will be cheated of a lot of savings." Zhan Yuhua said.

  The police reminded the public not to trust the commodity information on the Internet that is obviously lower than the market price; Online shopping should be carried out on a qualified and guaranteed online shopping platform; Don’t pay in advance without knowing the real situation of online shopping sales; If you find a crime of fraud, you should report it in time. (End)

Free car delivery? Beware of new pyramid schemes, using "sharing economy" as a cover

       CCTV News:Sharing economy is a hot word at the moment. If someone introduces you to join the sharing economy investment, and you have to pull people’s heads, build a platform and give things away for free, then you should be careful, and you may fall into a new type of scam carefully woven by scammers.

       Not long ago, Jiangsu Taizhou police found a suspicious clue during a routine inspection within their jurisdiction. The police found that a new car sales company was registered in a factory in the jurisdiction. This sales company is rather strange. Every day, there are an endless stream of people coming to consult, with an average of nearly 100 people every day.


       This newly established car sales company looks ugly and sells not popular cars. Why do so many people come to visit it every day?

       According to the police, the main reasons that arouse their suspicion are as follows: firstly, it delivers cars for free, and the value of a car is around 130,000 yuan. This car sales company can deliver cars to its members for free, so this is suspicious; The second person who enters the company and becomes a member must introduce two more people. It builds a model of one plus two plus four. Are you selling cars, or are you pulling people’s heads and collecting people’s fees?


       Pulling people’s heads, taking a platform and delivering cars for free are the first time that the police have heard of this abnormal car sales model. The survey also found that the business carried out here seems to have little to do with car sales.

       Zhu Shiqi, instructor of Economic Investigation Brigade of Hailing Branch of Taizhou Public Security Bureau, Jiangsu Province: "In the name of selling cars abroad, it is called sharing economy in the fashionable language on the Internet at present, so that more people can participate and sell cars to the company, and the company will (at the same time) send cars to you for free. We also organize several groups of people to give publicity lectures every day, so we feel very strange. "


       After a secret investigation, the police soon found the clue. The method of this company is a little similar to pyramid scheme, so through in-depth investigation in the early stage, it is found that it is indeed a pyramid scheme company. After more than a month’s investigation and evidence collection of this company, Taizhou police organized police forces to collect the nets of this criminal gang suspected of pyramid schemes. In and around the car sales company, the police controlled a number of suspects suspected of organizing and participating in pyramid schemes on the spot.

       Pull people to share rewards and lure people into the game.

       The police investigation found that this is a new form of pyramid selling crime, which not only added new concept hype, but also adopted a new model to lure investors into being cheated. According to police investigation, Wu Mou, the suspect suspected of organizing and leading pyramid schemes, registered Taizhou Cidezai Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. in September last year. Since the Spring Festival this year, under the guise of developing sharing economy, Wu Mou has successively developed more than 200 offline members, involving a total of tens of millions of yuan.


       In April this year, Ms. Zhang just listened to a friend and participated in the experience. Zhang said that friends posted in the group, saying how much money people took, cars and bonuses, and there were many people. Three or four classes were held in the morning, all of them came from all corners of the country, all by train, and some by car. After only one live experience, Ms. Zhang moved her heart on the spot and borrowed 50,000 yuan to come to the company the next day. The staff also said that this was reasonable, reasonable and legal. At that time, there were licenses, industrial and commercial licenses, business licenses and one-stop services.

       The staff of the MLM organization told Ms. Zhang that to participate in the sharing economy, you only need to pay a deposit of 50,000 yuan, which will be returned in installments within 12 months. If paid in full at one time, Ms. Zhang can get an interest refund of 2000 yuan on the spot. Share two people at the same time, and get another 9000 yuan. Once the sharing mode of one plus two plus four is completed, Ms. Zhang can get back the deposit and reward in advance. As long as you get one plus two plus four, that is, after one person develops six people, then the person at the top can get a car for free. 


Ms. Zhang

       Avoid hitting the miniaturization of organizational structure

       Most people are familiar with the crime of pyramid selling, knowing that it is an economic crime severely cracked down by the state. However, when the police arrested the members of this pyramid selling organization, many participants were still in the dark. Then by what means did the pyramid selling organization let so many people be deceived?

       Fan Jiping, captain of the Economic Investigation Brigade of Hailing Branch of Taizhou Public Security Bureau, Jiangsu Province: "After taking part in it for a long time, some people will understand that this is a pyramid scheme, but it is already very difficult for him to get out at this time. Because this part of his relatives and friends has been pulled into this MLM organization by him, if he does not continue to pull down, then when this capital chain is broken, other people will ask him for money. "


Fan Jiping, Captain of Economic Investigation Brigade of Hailing Branch of Taizhou Public Security Bureau, Jiangsu Province

       The bigger the net is woven, the greater the risk of the whole capital chain. Once no one continues to join, the online membership fee of 50,000 yuan cannot be returned on a monthly basis. In order to attract more people to join in, keep this bubble from bursting early. Wu Mou, the leader of MLM organization, has used his killer weapon — — Send a car for free, and you can get a car for free if you pull a certain number of people. At the same time, in order to escape the attack of the police, Wu Mou has adopted a different method from the previous large-scale pyramid schemes in the operation of recruiting people, that is, the miniaturization of personnel structure.


       Wu Mou, the criminal suspect: "I just visited various places outside, and saw that there were more than three levels of distribution outside. Later, this three-level distribution was cancelled and became a secondary distribution." The layout and structure of seven people are simple, and the top is automatically eliminated. In this short and quick marketing organization mode, Wu Mou has quickly developed more than 200 members.


The suspect Wu Mou.

       According to Wu Mou, the leader of the MLM organization, in order to lure more people to join, the MLM organization has given away seven cars for free. This conduction effect makes many people lose their minds and rush in crazily, completely ignoring the huge risks behind the scam.

       The police reminded investors that no matter how pyramid schemes evolve and what hype concepts are added, they are inseparable from deception and temptation. For those so-called investments that obviously go against the common sense of life, we should keep our eyes open and be vigilant.

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  Karry Zhang Yi’s "The Gate of Rebirth" scored 6.6, and there will be a sequel "The Road to Rebirth" in this drama. Do you think this score is high or low?

  A nucleic acid detection site in Beijing uses expired sample preservation solution.

  According to the website of Beijing Municipal Market Supervision Administration, the sample preservation solution being used in a nucleic acid testing site in Beijing exceeded its shelf life, and the Fengtai District Market Supervision Administration of Beijing punished it according to law, ordered the parties concerned to correct the illegal behavior, fined 50,000 yuan and confiscated illegal property.

  That’s all about Weibo’s hot search ranking of 5.23 today. I hope I can help you.

Editor in charge: Zeng Shaolin

"Village Super" has a new way of playing! Guizhou Rongjiang Food Football Friendly Tournament Begins.

  Xinhua News Agency, Guiyang, August 13th (Reporter Jiang Cheng) On the 13th, as a continuation of the "Village Super" football match, Guizhou Rongjiang Food Football Friendly Tournament (the first season) started in Rongjiang County, Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou Province. On the same day, eight teams from all over the world competed fiercely and presented four wonderful games for the audience.

  On August 13th, the actors performed during the break of the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xushe

  Guangdong and Guizhou cooperated to forge a new road, and Rongjiang merged into Greater Bay Area. At 2: 35pm, accompanied by the cries of tens of thousands of spectators, Rongjiang Villagers Team and Hong Kong Stars Team jointly staged the first football match and kicked out the first kick. This is a friendly and harmonious match between Rongjiang County to build Guizhou into the main position of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area’s "bridgehead" and integrate with Greater Bay Area.

  According to the arrangement of the event, the second game was played by Guizhou University Ecological Tea Team against Guangxi University Sugarcane Juice Team. It is understood that Guizhou University has helped Rongjiang County for more than ten years, helping Rongjiang win the battle against poverty, and now it is an important helping force for rural revitalization in Rongjiang County. Historically, due to the spread of war, Guangxi University moved to Rongjiang in 1944 and brought football to Rongjiang, which is the root of Rongjiang football development. This game is a friendship game between Guizhou and Guangxi universities.

  On August 13th, players of Guangxi University sugarcane juice team showed local delicacies when they entered the stadium. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xushe

  The third game is the match between Qiandongnan Soup Team and Guicheng Bamboo Shoot Team in Foshan City. Foshan City helps Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guangdong and Guizhou are concentric, and mountains and seas are connected. This competition is a dream-building competition for cooperation between the east and the west. At about 8: 30 p.m., Rongjiang Fenfen Team and Nanchang Fenfen Team, both old revolutionary base areas and food capitals, made their debut, contributing to the fourth game of the day, which was not only the inheritance of red blood, but also the collision of food culture.

  It is understood that the competition time of Guizhou Rongjiang Food Football Friendly Tournament (the first season) is from August 13 to October 28, 2023, with a total of 19 games. Considering the influence of the game, the history of Rongjiang football, the cooperation between the east and the west, the theme of the game and other factors, the organizers invited four games in the first week, aiming at producing a wonderful opening game and proofing the subsequent friendly matches.

  On August 13th, spectators dressed in national costumes were watching the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xushe

  The full name of Guizhou "Village Super" is Guizhou Rongjiang (Sanbao Dong Village) and American Country Football Super League, which is a village-level football competition mainly organized and hosted by Rongjiang villagers. Since the opening match started on May 13th, the related content has been viewed more than 30 billion times on the whole platform, making it a "phenomenal" sports event. Before the food football friendly match, Rongjiang received a total of 798 teams, and 297 teams were confirmed to be able to participate, including 83 teams in Guizhou Province and 214 teams outside the province.

  Xu Bo, the county magistrate of Rongjiang County, said in an interview earlier that the purpose of holding the friendly match of gourmet football is to make the brand of "Village Super" bigger and stronger, and gather wisdom to make "Village Super" a sustainable event, so that the bonus of "Village Super" can be shared in many places.

There is a kind of life called Yunnan, Luxi! The movie "Rooftop Football" is scheduled for April 20th.

December 6, 2019

The movie Rooftop Football started in Luxi.

After years of shooting and production

A film about the dream-chasing story of a football girl in a mountain village in Yunnan.

Rooftop Football was officially announced today.

Book April 20 th!

"Rooftop Football" finalized poster

Rooftop Football trailer

Rooftop Football is an inspirational film for rural girls to win dignity for their own destiny, which is the closing film of 7th Pingyao International Film Festival.

The film tells the story of a group of mountain girls in Yunnan who love football but have no chance. In order to realize their dreams, they form a non-professional team, finally overcome many difficulties, complete football training on the roof, and finally move towards a farther world. The film is set in the remote mountainous areas of Yunnan, with football as the carrier, showing the indomitable struggle spirit of mountain children to rewrite their destiny.

"Rooftop Football" finalized poster

Why is Luxi the location?

Luxi county, with excellent ecological environment and rich tourism resources, is a plateau garden city with four seasons of flowers, and was awarded the title of "Natural Oxygen Bar" in China. Relying on the unique geographical and cultural environment, luxi county has deeply tapped the potential of tourism development, vigorously promoted the innovative development, transformation and upgrading of tourism, improved quality and efficiency, promoted the construction of Luxi Kangyang tourism destination, and polished Luxi business cards from multiple channels, carriers and angles.

Luxi City Beauty Image Source: Honghe Zhourong Media Center Database

The main location of the film

chengzi ancient villege

Located in Yongning Township, luxi county.

it’s a

Simple and natural, beautiful and quiet, layered.

Ancient village

Chengzi Ancient Village Image Source: Colorful Yunnan

Chengzi Ancient Village was originally inhabited by Yi ancestors. After that, a large number of Han people moved in, and the residential buildings here formed an architectural style combining Yi and Han.

The houses in the ancient village follow the trend of the mountain and step up. The roofs of most houses are connected, forming a platform tens of meters or even hundreds of meters long. Many earth warehouses in the village are connected end to end and integrated with the hillside.

Road in the village Image Source: luxi county Rong Media Center

The ancient village is surrounded by mountains and waters, built on Feifeng Mountain. Surrounded by clear water in front of the mountain and paved with green fields, khaki buildings glow golden in the sun. Behind the Potou house, there are overlapping peaks and obstacles, lush grass, beautiful scenery and attractive scenery. Walking into Chengzi ancient village, a picture of harmony and coexistence between man and nature came into view, which was beautiful.

Chengzi Ancient Village Image Source: Colorful Yunnan

Chengzi Ancient Village is known as "Amber of Primitive Aestheticism Architecture", as well as "Hometown of Asian Folk Photography", "Yunnan Provincial Famous Historical and Cultural Village", "Yunnan Tourism Characteristic Village" and "Yunnan Fine Arts Photography Creation Base".

Original title: "There is a kind of life called Yunnan, Luxi! The movie "Rooftop Football" was finalized on April 20th.

Read the original text

C919 completed the first commercial flight expert: China’s aviation-related supporting industries will usher in new opportunities.

  Beijing, May 29 (Reporter Jing Wong) At 12: 31 on May 28, after a flight of 1 hour and 59 minutes, the flight MU9191 of China Eastern Airlines, which was carried by C919 passenger plane, landed smoothly at Beijing Capital International Airport, passing through the "Watergate" symbolizing the highest etiquette of civil aviation, marking the successful completion of its first commercial flight, officially entering the civil aviation market and opening a new stage of market-oriented operation and industrialization development.

  This first commercial flight is a milestone from "product" to "commodity" for C919. Guo Qing, an associate professor at the Aviation College of Northwestern Polytechnical University, said in an interview with a reporter from Yangguang. com that the realization of the first commercial flight of C919 boosted the confidence in the development of China’s civil aviation industry, and China’s aviation-related supporting industries will usher in new opportunities.

C919 completed the first commercial flight expert: China's aviation-related supporting industries will usher in new opportunities.

  C919 large passenger plane ushered in its first commercial flight at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport (photo by reporter Han Xiaoyu from Yangguang. com)

  China has officially entered the market competition of world large aircraft production.

  Large aircraft is known as "the jewel in the industrial crown", which is a concentrated expression of a country’s scientific and technological ability, industrial level and comprehensive strength. "The operation of domestic large aircraft means that China has officially entered the market competition of world large aircraft production, which has made China’s aviation industry move to a higher level." Guo Qing’s analysis also means that in the high-end manufacturing products, China manufacturing can also compete with the world’s large enterprises and stand out from the crowd, which means that the influence of China manufacturing is increasing, which will help to enhance China’s international status.

  According to "2022 Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Report" issued by Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, by the end of 2022, C919 had accumulated 32 customers and 1035 orders. On April 27th, 2023, HNA Aviation Group and China Commercial Aircraft Corporation signed a purchase agreement for 100 aircraft, including 60 C919 aircraft. Qi Qi, an expert from China Civil Aviation High-quality Development Research Center, told the reporter of Yangguang. com that airlines and leasing companies are extremely optimistic and confident about the commercial market prospects of C919 aircraft, and they are scrambling to sign purchase agreements and strive to get the delivered aircraft and put it into commercial operation earlier.

  According to Commercial Aeroengine Market Forecast 2021-2040 released by Comac of China, from 2021 to 2040, it is estimated that 41,429 new aircraft will be delivered worldwide, with a value of about 6.1 trillion US dollars. Among them, China aviation market is expected to receive 9,084 passenger planes of 50-seat class or above, accounting for 21.92% of the world, with a value of about 1.4 trillion US dollars, accounting for 22.95% of the world.

  Qi Qi said that with the commercialization of C919, the trillion-dollar large aircraft industry chain is gaining momentum. "The continuous increase in C919 orders is actually a test of China Commercial Aircraft’s delivery ability, and more specifically, China Commercial Aircraft’s ability to integrate and coordinate the core elements of the C919 industry chain." According to Qi Qi’s analysis, the benefit degree of large aircraft industry chain will be ultimately determined by the annual production capacity and delivery schedule of Comac China. On the basis of ensuring the safe operation and high reliability of aviation, it will be the focus of the next stage to steadily promote and upgrade the localization rate of large aircraft parts, especially core systems and components.

  Qi Qi believes that the improvement of the localization degree of C919 will fundamentally improve the delivery capacity, stable delivery level and autonomous controllability of Comac China.

  Orders in related industries such as aircraft supporting manufacturing may surge.

  After the successful development of C919 large passenger aircraft, customers pay much attention to it. According to reports, according to the international practice of the aviation industry, a model is mature and commercialized on a large scale, and it needs to be continuously optimized and upgraded for many years after entering the commercial operation stage. The reporter learned that in the future, China Eastern Airlines will cooperate with many parties to operate the C919 with high quality and precision, and help make the C919 a successful model recognized by the global industry. "Starting from May 29th, the C919 model will be put into normal operation on the route from Shanghai Hongqiao to Chengdu Tianfu, and with the introduction of this model, the C919 will be put on more routes." Feng Dehua, member of the party group and deputy general manager of China Eastern Airlines, said.

  Great Wall Securities Research Report believes that, as a representative of high-end manufacturing industry, large aircraft projects have the characteristics of long industrial chain, high correlation and great radiation-driven effect. The development and research of large aircraft projects can effectively promote industrial technology upgrading, promote the process of China’s civil aviation industrialization, and comprehensively promote the development of China’s aviation industrialization.

  Next, Guo Qing believes that the orders of industries such as metalworking, composite materials, electronic components and chips manufactured by aircraft will surge with the increase of orders of large aircraft. In addition, the education industry will also usher in a "new direction". Aerospace innovation education for young people, aviation majors in colleges and universities, and majors related to industrial chain will all usher in the peak of application, and more young people will devote themselves to China’s large aircraft industrial chain.

New regulations in June: the high temperature allowance came to the network car and was included in the rental assessment system.

  Beijing, May 31st, the client of Zhongxin. com, starting from tomorrow, the time will enter June. At the same time as the hot summer, there are a number of favorable policies, such as high-temperature allowance and new rules for online car rental, which will bring real "coolness" to your summer in terms of income and travel.

Data map: An electric power operator in Fuzhou braved the high temperature to climb the pole to work. Photo by Wang Dongming

    Data map: An electric power operator in Fuzhou braved the high temperature to climb the pole to work. Photo by Wang Dongming

  High temperature allowance began to be distributed.

  Every summer, the distribution of high temperature allowance is concerned by the public. In most parts of China, with the arrival of June, the money will be credited to the workers’ accounts one after another.

  According to the Management Measures for Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling Measures revised in 2012, if the employer arranges the workers to engage in outdoor open-air operations in hot weather above 35℃ and cannot take effective measures to reduce the workplace temperature below 33℃, it shall pay the workers a high-temperature allowance.

  Judging from the distribution time of high temperature allowance, there are also differences in different places due to differences in climatic conditions. For example, the distribution period in Beijing, Shanxi and other regions is from June to August; Jiangsu, Shanghai, Gansu and other places are from June to September; Guangdong, Guangxi and other places are from June to October.

  In addition, Jiangsu, Tianjin and other provinces also raised the high temperature allowance this year.

Data Map: On May 16, 2018, law enforcement officers of the Guangzhou Municipal Commission of Communications inspected the qualifications related to online car rental in guangzhou east railway station. China News Service reporter Chen Yushe

    Data Map: On May 16, 2018, law enforcement officers of the Guangzhou Municipal Commission of Communications inspected the qualifications related to online car rental in guangzhou east railway station. China News Service reporter Chen Yushe

  The network car is included in the taxi service assessment system.

  The safety and convenience of taxi travel are also concerned by the public. The "Measures for the Assessment of Taxi Service Quality and Credit" will be implemented on June 1, and the online car will be included in the taxi service assessment system, but the assessment of the online car driver will only be "returned to the furnace".

  Specifically, the "Measures" will include the new format of the network car in the assessment, and clarify that both the network car and the cruise car need to carry out the service quality reputation assessment. In the indicator setting, the common requirements of the network car and the cruise car are considered, and according to the unique operating service characteristics of the network car, the indicators such as data access and operating service information disclosure are tailored.

  In addition, the "Measures" also adjusted the distribution setting of the assessment scores of taxi companies, increased the assessment scores of providing operational services for passengers and other matters, and guided drivers to actively improve service quality.

  It is worth mentioning that the "Measures" stipulate that drivers should be assessed for compliance with laws and regulations, safe production, business behavior and operational services. If taxi drivers score less than 3 points during the assessment period, they should receive training as required.

  English "national standard" will be implemented.

  How to evaluate the English level of China people? On June 1st, the first English proficiency assessment standard for English learners in China, China English Proficiency Rating Scale, will be launched.

  It is understood that the scale was released by the Ministry of Education and state language commission in April, which graded English learners and users in China in detail. Among them, the English language ability of English learners and users in China is divided into one to nine grades from low to high, which are classified into three stages: basic, improvement and proficiency.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education, the scale is like a competency scale, which will play an active role in improving the quality of examinations, promoting the docking of domestic and foreign examinations, promoting multi-evaluation and feedback teaching, and is conducive to achieving "quantity balance".

Data map: UAV China News Agency reporter Zhang Yushe

    Data map: UAV China News Agency reporter Zhang Yushe

  Drone access conditions are reduced.

  In recent years, the unmanned aerial vehicle market in China has grown rapidly, and its application in agriculture, electric power, surveying and mapping, security and other fields has become increasingly mature. However, the relevant regulations on unmanned aerial vehicles engaged in commercial flight activities have always been a blank.

  From June 1st, the Administrative Measures for Operational Flight Activities of Civil Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Provisional) issued by the Civil Aviation Administration will be implemented soon. The "Measures" standardize the access and supervision requirements for unmanned aerial vehicles to engage in operational general aviation flight activities, and enterprises engaged in operational flight activities will be legal and compliant from now on.

Data Map: Shareholders in the sales department of a securities company in Haikou pay attention to the stock market dynamics. Luo Yunfei

    Data Map: Shareholders in the sales department of a securities company in Haikou pay attention to the stock market dynamics. Luo Yunfei

  What impact will A-shares enter Morocco?

  In June, there is another financial event worthy of attention.

  On May 15th, MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International Company, also known as "morgan stanley capital international Company" in China) announced the adjustment results of semi-annual index constituent stocks, showing that 234 A-shares were confirmed to be included in the MSCI index system and officially implemented on June 1st.

  According to the data, MSCI index is compiled by Morgan Stanley International Capital Corporation (MSCI), which is often used by mainstream international funds as investment guidance or tracking index, and their own ETF funds (transactional open index funds) are allocated according to MSCI index. From next year, overseas funds can also purchase A shares directly through MSCI index.

  In the eyes of the industry, the participation rate of overseas institutional investors will continue to rise after A shares are included in the MSCI index. In the medium and long term, the A-share market will become more mature, the liquidity will increase, and the market trend will gradually be dominated by short-term market noise and driven by basic factors.