The "new new human" is on! Squash and flag football were selected as new events in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games.

On October 16th, at the 141st plenary session of the International Olympic Committee held in Mumbai, India, the IOC plenary session decided to adopt five new sports for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games: baseball and softball, cricket, flag football, squash and tennis.
There are three out of five items.
Appeared in Hangzhou Asian Games.
Among the five newly added events, except stick tennis and flag football, the other three events are official events of the Hangzhou Asian Games, and the China team also won the silver medal in the women’s softball event of the Hangzhou Asian Games. At the peak of women’s softball strength, China was the second in the world, and was runner-up in the Olympic Games and World Championships.
Baseball and softball events of Hangzhou Asian Games on October 2nd.
Baseball and softball, cricket and stick tennis were once Olympic events. Among them, baseball and softball entered the Olympic Games from 1992 to 2008 and 2020, cricket appeared in the Olympic Games in 1900, and stick tennis was the event of the two Olympic Games in 1904 and 1908.
Cricket, stick and tennis have a long history.
Cricket is a collective event that consists of techniques such as pitching, hitting and catching, and the main form is pitching and hitting confrontation. Cricket is not only praised as a "game for gentlemen", but also recognized as a "game for wise men". It attaches great importance to the use of eye and hand skills, requiring players not only to be quick-sighted but also to pay attention to strategy and planning.
A beach cricket match was held in the southern port of England to show off people’s skills
At home, cricket is still a "minority sport" that many people feel a little strange. But this sport, which originated in medieval England, is not unpopular in the world, especially in Asia, where India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and other countries are world-class cricket powers. Cricket has more than 2 billion global fans, which is the second largest sport in the world after football. Cricket World Cup is one of the most watched sports in the world, and it is the fourth largest event in the world after the Olympic Games, Football World Cup and Rugby World Cup.
Xingyi, Guizhou Province: A young stick tennis player courageously swings the pitch.
In contrast, the popularity of stick tennis in China is not high. Stick tennis, also known as tennis baseball in China, is an ancient sport, which originated from North American Indian tribes. Stick tennis is a collective sport that uses the net pocket at the top of the bat to control the movement of the ball, and uses the lever principle to throw the ball in the net to catch the ball and score a goal, so as to determine the outcome of the game by the final score. Modern times originated in North America. Basketball, ice hockey and other sports all took tennis baseball as a reference during their invention and creation. In this sport, the strength of the United States and Canada is more prominent.
As early as 1904, stick tennis appeared as a gold medal in the Olympic Games, and then gradually faded out of the Olympic stage because of insufficient international participation. This movement was introduced to China as early as the end of 1990s, and gradually developed in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other cities.
Squash, flag football and other emerging sports.
Be favored by young people
Although squash and flag football have never entered the Olympic Games before. But in the past two years, with the popularity of outdoor sports and the help of new media, it has become a new sport popular among young people after Frisbee, with a huge mass base.
As a branch of American football, flag football has developed rapidly in recent years because it is not so dangerous. According to the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, there are more children playing flag football in the United States than traditional football, and at the competition level, there are about 20 million flag football players in more than 100 countries, and the players’ participation is balanced.
In 2022, the competition of the first City Waist Flag Rugby League (Beijing Station) was fierce.
Compared with the formal rugby, the waist flag rugby replaces the direct contact of the body by pulling the waist flag on the belt, which reduces the collision of the project itself, expands the audience of the sport, and makes teenagers and even girls happy.
Although squash is a minority sport, it has been deeply loved by young people in recent years. Since 1998, squash has been an official event of the Asian Games, but it has been rejected by the Olympic Games. In order to join the Olympic family, the World Squash Federation even moved its headquarters to Lausanne to strengthen its ties with the International Olympic Committee. The Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee said that the sport has achieved amazing growth in the past few years, especially among young Americans, and the participation of squash increased by 87% from 2015 to 2019.
These five events have officially become new events in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games. For baseball and cricket, they are an opportunity to return to the Olympic family. For stick tennis, flag football and squash, they have entered the public’s field of vision, attracting more people to be crazy, just like cricket in the Asian Games.
The ancient Olympic movement is opening its arms to the whole world with unprecedented tolerance. As IOC President Bach said, new events make the Olympic Games younger, closer to urban life and more gender-balanced. They have brought new audiences and new communities, and they have created the "new and new humanity" of the Olympics.
(Poster news editor Guo Kai Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, Tide News, Labor News, Sports Network, etc.)
Produced by New Wave Studio

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue warnings of cold wave, blizzard and gale.

Cctv newsThe Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue warnings of cold wave, blizzard and gale at 18: 00 on November 21.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a cold wave yellow warning at 18: 00 on November 21:

Affected by the cold wave, it is estimated that the temperature in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and its north will drop by 6 ~ 10℃ from November 21st to 24th, among which the temperature in Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, western and northern North China, central and eastern Huanghuai and other places will drop by 12 ~ 16℃, and the temperature drop in some areas such as central and eastern Inner Mongolia and eastern Northeast China will exceed 16℃, and the main period of gale cooling will be from 22nd to 24th. After the cold wave, the lowest temperature 0℃ line will be located in the middle of Jiangsu and Anhui, south-central Henan, southwestern Shaanxi, southeastern Gansu and other places, and the lowest temperature in eastern Inner Mongolia and most parts of Heilongjiang will drop below -20℃, and the local temperature can reach below -30℃. Most of the above areas are accompanied by northerly winds of 4 ~ 6 grades, gusts of 7 ~ 8 grades, and local grades of 9 grades. Some areas in western Inner Mongolia and Ningxia have dusty weather; From 23rd to 25th, there will be 6-8 gale in the eastern and southern seas of China, with gusts of 9-10.

From 20: 00 on the 21st to 20: 00 on the 23rd, the temperatures in northeastern Xinjiang, central and eastern northwest China, Inner Mongolia, northeastern China, most of North China, Huanghuai and other places will drop by 6 ~ 10℃ successively. Among them, the temperatures in most parts of Inner Mongolia, northwestern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, central Liaoning, northern Hebei, northwestern Shanxi and other places will drop by 12 ~ 16℃, and some parts of central and western Inner Mongolia will drop by 16 ~ 18℃.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of blizzard at 18: 00 on November 21:

It is estimated that from 20: 00 on November 21 to 20: 00 on November 23, there will be heavy snowstorms in parts of eastern Inner Mongolia, central and eastern Heilongjiang, northern Jilin and Changbai Mountain, and the accumulated snowfall will be 8-20 mm, the local area will reach 20-30 mm, and the newly added snow depth will be 6-15 cm, and the local area will reach about 20 cm. The main snowfall period is from the night of the 21st to the 22nd.

From 20: 00 on November 21 to 20: 00 on the 22 nd, there were heavy snow in parts of eastern Inner Mongolia, central and eastern Heilongjiang and northern Jilin, among which there were heavy snow (10 ~ 18 mm) in eastern Inner Mongolia and central Heilongjiang. The depth of newly added snow in the above areas is 6 ~ 8 cm, and the local area can reach more than 12 cm.

From 20: 00 on November 22 to 20: 00 on November 23, there was heavy snow in parts of central and eastern Heilongjiang and Changbai Mountain in Jilin, and there was heavy snow (10-15 mm) in the northeast of Heilongjiang. The newly added snow depth in these areas was 5-8 cm, and the local area was about 10 cm.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a gale blue warning at 18: 00 on November 21:

It is estimated that from 20: 00 on November 21 to 20: 00 on the 22 nd, there will be strong winds with grades 5-6 and gusts 7-8 in northern Xinjiang, central and western Inner Mongolia, northeastern Qinghai, northern Ningxia, northwestern Shaanxi and northwestern Shanxi, and the local gusts can reach 9; The Bohai Sea, the Bohai Strait, bashi channel, the northeastern part of the South China Sea, the central, eastern and southwestern parts will have strong winds of 7-8 grades and gusts of 9 grades.

From 20: 00 on November 22 to 20: 00 on November 23, there were strong winds with grades 5-6 and gusts 7-8 in central and eastern Inner Mongolia, southeastern Liaoning, eastern Tianjin, Shandong Peninsula and southern Xinjiang Basin, and northwestern and southern Tibet. The local gust can reach 9; There will be strong winds of 7-8 grades and gusts of 9 grades in the Bohai Sea, Bohai Strait, most of the Yellow Sea, bashi channel, the northeastern part of the South China Sea, the central and eastern parts and the southwestern part.

Strong chronological texture conveys life enlightenment (stand human language)

In recent years, a number of "time dramas" have been favored by the audience. How to tell a good life story unconventional has become a common topic for creators. The online drama "Like a Fire" has made a useful exploration with a clear and compact narrative, a personalized image and a positive energy story core. The work tells the story of five friends with different personalities, such as Xu Weibiao, Zhong Yunan and Zhang Peng, who followed the trend of the times, pursued their dreams and realized their self-worth in the 1980s. The work adopts a non-linear narrative structure, interweaves reality and memories, and enhances the sense of story age with lively hutongs, "28 big bars" bicycles and other elements. The audience seemed to walk into just visiting and empathize with the growing heroes. Chronicle drama should not only be nostalgic, but also pay attention to excavating the emotional strength and growth enlightenment of the past years. The story of "Time flies like a fire" conveys the feeling of life: youth never ends, keep a positive spirit of struggle, and stick to the good quality of courage and tenacity, and finally you can reap your own happy life.

National football 0

In the 52nd minute, the Syrian team seized Zhang Linpeng’s mistake and made a counter-attack. Soma made a cross in front of the goal, and Samia, who was outflanked, scored an empty goal, but the goal was invalid because he was offside.

In the 59th minute, Kruma made a world wave with a long-range shot, and the national football team fell behind 0-1.

After the last 1-1 draw by Malaysia, the national football team once again fell into the whirlpool of public opinion.

The boos of the fans after the game, the shouts of "money back" at the scene, and the pictures of Zheng Zhi glaring at the fans all spread on social networks …

However, the national football team still shows no signs of rebounding. In the warm-up match against Syria on the evening of 12th, the national football team lost 0-1 at home, and will usher in the preliminaries in November with a record of one draw and one loss, and welcome the South Korean team and Thailand team.

What is even more embarrassing is that only 12,367 fans came to the Phoenix Mountain Stadium in Chengdu this game, only half of the last game …

Li Lei made a cross from the left and passed it directly to the opponent’s head coach Cooper …

Confidence in jankovic and Lei Wu

The result of the national football team’s last match against Malaysia was not satisfactory. The 1-1 draw did not meet the expectations of the fans, which also attracted some criticism from the outside world. Did coach jankovic feel the pressure?

However, jankovic said that he is more concerned about the technical and tactical level. "There are two opportunities at the last moment. Even if we grasp the victory, we can’t avoid the problem. These things are what I should be busy with."

"For me, the pressure is that I haven’t played for three years. Now I enjoy it. There will be no pressure in the football industry." Jankovic said.

Li Shuai was seriously injured in the last game, and his teammates held his jersey and entered the stadium.

In the first match against Malaysia, three players, Lin Liangming, Li Shuai and Gao Zhunyi, were injured, so jankovic made some adjustments to the starting players, and the tactical system was 3-4-1-2 at the beginning of the second half of the last game.

The goalkeepers are Yan Junling, three central defenders Zhang Linpeng, Jiang Guangtai and Wang Shenchao, wingers Sun Guowen and Li Lei, double-waist Li Ke partners Xin Xu, Xie Pengfei plays the front waist, and double forwards are Lei Wu and Daniel F. Akerson.

Lei Wu is in the game.

Before the game, Lei Wu was also asked about his role as a veteran in the team.

"Understanding what the fans expect of me, my position as a striker may be to score goals. In fact, the head coach stressed to us from the first day that defense is not the responsibility of the defensive players, and everyone needs to work hard. This is also the overall idea brought to us by the head coach. "

Lei Wu admits that all players in the national team now cherish the opportunity to play. "I hope I can lead young players, set a better example and play my role on the road to the World Cup. Not only on the court, but also in life, so that everyone can unite. "

National football coach jankovic (second from left).

The victim of the national football team

There is no shortage of stories in the last five confrontations between the national football team and Syria.

In the top 12 of the 2018 preliminaries, Gao Hongbo’s team lost to South Korea 2-3 away and drew Iran 0-0 at home. At this time, the outside world had great expectations for the national football team to beat Syria. As a result, it lost to the opponent 0-1 in Xi’ an. This game directly led to Gao Hongbo’s subsequent class …

The second leg of the match between the two sides was held in Malacca, Malaysia, and the national football team had to win in order to take the initiative in qualifying-Wu Xi’s post-insertion and Gao Lin’s penalty once helped the national football team to overtake the score 2-1, but in the last minute of injury time, Syrian central defender Saleh used a free kick to tie, and finally the national football team was 2 points away from the third place in the group.

Zhang Linpeng fought with his opponent.

Then in October, 2018, in Nanjing, the national football team played a warm-up match with Syria. Four days ago, the national football team held a 0-0 draw in Suzhou and India. As a result, the Syrian team was very embarrassed. Gao Lin’s long-range shot had no angle and strength, but the Syrian goalkeeper let the ball roll into the goal from his own hand, and finally the national football team won 2-0.

Coincidentally, in the 2022 preliminaries, the two sides met again in the top 40 stage.

The national football fans at the scene.

The first leg of the match was held in Dubai, and in the second half, Zhang Linpeng knocked Herribin’s cross into his own goal, and the national football team lost 1-2. Lippi angrily chose to resign after the game, and this press conference became one of the "black shots" in the history of China football.

In the second round match in Sharjah, the national football team won 3-1 and successfully qualified for the top 12.

Xin Xu tackles in the game.

How to play the preliminaries in this state?

In the World Cup Final 36, Syria is in a group with Japan and North Korea, so the Syrian team Cooper attaches great importance to the warm-up match against China-including goalkeeper Alama, attacking midfielder Mavas, high center Omar and other players who have played against the national football team many times in the past years.

Cooper said, "For me, the previous game experience with China is very valuable, and we also need to prepare for the preliminaries. What needs to be noted now is that the head coach and players in China have changed, which is very important information."

After the Syrian player scored, he made a celebration of Cristiano Ronaldo.

Judging from the content of this game, the Syrian team is actually not at its best, and the threat to the national football team is not as good as that of Malaysia in the last game.

However, they still controlled the game in the second half. A world wave broke the goal of the national football team and a goal was cancelled because of offside.

The attack of the national football team is still not improving, accompanied by many mistakes in the backcourt and Li Lei’s cross from the left, which was directly passed to the opponent’s head coach Cooper …

In this state, how should the national football team face the preliminaries in November? How to face South Korea and Thailand? All that remains is the unknown …

Hangzhou Asian Games table tennis tournament closed! Deng Yaping: China table tennis has never lacked opponents.

China News Network | Author Tian Boqun Qian Chenfei
On October 1st, the table tennis men’s doubles final of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou was held in Gongshu Canal Sports Park Gymnasium. China team Fan Zhendong/Wang Chuqin defeated Korean team Zhang Yuzhen/Lin Zhongxun 4-0 and won the gold medal in this event. China News Service reporter Tian Bochuan photo
On the evening of the 2nd, the table tennis event at the Hangzhou Asian Games ended, and the China table tennis team won six gold medals except women’s doubles. For this competition, Deng Yaping, a former China women’s table tennis team player, a Grand Slam table tennis winner and an ITTF Hall of Fame candidate, said in an exclusive interview with that table tennis has shown strong strength and confidence in its overall performance, but it should also be noted that China table tennis has never lacked opponents.
From the Beijing Asian Games in 1990 to the Hangzhou Asian Games today, Deng Yaping witnessed the development of table tennis in China.
"In 33 years, I can still remember the Beijing Asian Games vividly. At that time, I was still a small player. Although I had won the women’s doubles championship at the 1989 World Table Tennis Championships and became the youngest world champion in the history of table tennis, the media was not as developed as it is now, and the broadcast was limited. The Chinese really knew that I was the Beijing Asian Games, which was the first time that China held an international comprehensive event." Deng Yaping said.
She recalled, "At that time, the enthusiasm and expectation of the people were unprecedented. I very much hoped that we would achieve good results in the Asian Games at our doorstep and win seven gold medals, but soon the men’s team lost and the women’s team was under great pressure. In the women’s team final, we had a fierce competition with the Korean team, and one of the games reached 28: 28, and finally we won. When I returned to the Asian Games Village after the game, the dormitory door was covered with celebration notes written by other teams, and the feeling of that big family was very warm. "
It was that competition that Deng Yaping became famous, and the legend of the little table tennis world appeared. In Deng Yaping’s view, his career coincides with the development track of sports in China.
"China table tennis has many excellent reserve forces. From a traditional perspective, I am not a good prospect because I am small. It is precisely because of all kinds of doubts that I constantly examine myself and forge my’ tough, fast and strange’ style of play and strong willpower that I can succeed. " Deng Yaping said.
From Beijing to Hangzhou, Deng Yaping sat on the table of table tennis at the Hangzhou Asian Games. "For more than 30 years, China’s social development has undergone tremendous changes, and China’s sports industry has also developed rapidly. However, the spirit of China athletes who never give up has never changed. Whether it is the Beijing Asian Games, the Guangzhou Asian Games, or the Hangzhou Asian Games, China has displayed a good spiritual outlook to let more foreigners know China better. "
Talking about the Asian Games, Deng Yaping said that she appreciated the personality of young athletes in China, which also reflected the confidence of the Chinese nation. "Young people should be like this. Athletes should be sharp-edged, dare to win and dare to show themselves. Winning means winning completely."
For China, there are always outstanding table tennis players. Deng Yaping thinks that this benefits from paying attention to the individualized training of athletes. "We will elaborate the style and style of every member of the national team, and emphasize personalized cultivation and excavation while passing on from generation to generation. For example, Malone and Fan Zhendong play very differently. Malone has a good pace and forehand, while Fan Zhendong is good at backhand. Not only is it a’ veteran’ who has fought many battles, but China table tennis players are like clouds. If the national team members are not sure, they will lose to a little-known teenager, and the strength of the teenager should not be underestimated. "
Frequent masters are also inseparable from the popular base. Deng Yaping said that the popularity of table tennis in China is very good, basically every province has a professional team, and the public base is very good. It can be said that China people’s understanding of table tennis is very profound. Table tennis can’t simply explain why China is strong. The key lies in why China people will continue to inherit and innovate from generation to generation, and carry it forward while precipitating.
Wang Chuqin of China defeated Huang Zhen Ting of Hongkong, China 4-2 in the men’s singles semifinal of table tennis in Hangzhou Asian Games. Photo by Tian Bochuan
Based on the performance of players from various countries and regions in this Asian Games, Deng Yaping bluntly said that the main rivals of China table tennis team are concentrated in Asia, and their overall strength is very strong, so the medal competition of table tennis in the Asian Games is not less difficult than that of the Olympic Games. Looking around the world, China table tennis is never short of opponents.
As it said, China table tennis team has been facing challenges from Waldner earlier, to Ito Meicheng in Tokyo Olympic Games, and then to the women’s doubles event in Hangzhou Asian Games.
"Athletes have a strong heart. We can win and lose at the same time. If we lose, we will try to get it back tomorrow. If we win, it doesn’t mean that we can continue to win tomorrow. It is very important for us to maintain a very stable mentality, sum up the relationship between losing and winning seriously, and better grasp ourselves and face the relationship between losing and winning. As athletes, we have to accept our own shortcomings and know how strong we are. " Deng Yaping said.
At the same time, in her view, table tennis is not only a competitive event, but also a bridge for cultural integration. "It is very important for China to continue to inherit and carry forward table tennis, and we have the responsibility and obligation in this respect. I believe that from the perspective of the future, table tennis will always be one of the cultural symbols that communicate with China and foreign countries and play a greater role. " Deng Yaping said.

The recovery has arrived, how will fashion reshape the art of travel?

The recovery of travel has brought new opportunities to many industries. From travel bags, outdoor clothing, to restaurants and hotels, holiday season can expand customer contact points and establish a broader brand communication channel. For fashion brands, it is important to connect users through travel again and seize this new growth point.

This was the case in the early holiday series-the designer launched capsule products and released them between major series to cater to specific users. With the increase of overall consumption power and the expansion of travel groups, these once relatively small product lines are not only more and more popular among consumers, but also bring huge commercial benefits to fashion brands.

Louis Vuitton launched a new travel advertising special "Endless mood"

In Louis Vuitton’s new travel advertising special "Endless Mood", the famous player Lionel Messi took Horizon luggage case as his only travel companion and presented the Horizon luggage case series designed by Marc Newson.

Since 2014, internationally renowned Australian designer Marc Newson has reshaped the art of travel for Louis Vuitton. Horizon luggage case series designed by Marc Newson was born in 2016, and now it has become a brand classic. The lightweight shell is made of molded mesh composite material, and the veneer is specially developed Monogram or Damier checkerboard canvas with cowhide trim, which pays tribute to the brand box-making tradition.

Cabinet of Curiosities

During Milan Design Week in 2023, Louis Vuitton will also launch the Cabinet of Museums created by Marc Newson, reinterpreting the classic Louis Vuitton hard box in an elegant style. Cabinet of Curiositie transforms Louis Vuitton travel hard cases into elegant display cases. As the first Louis Vuitton hard box that can be unfolded 180, when the Cabinet of Curiositie is opened, the compartments in the box can provide exhibition space for books, artworks and travel souvenirs. There are 3 sizes and 3 colors in the storage compartment, which can be randomly configured in the box, showing a high degree of personalization, showing the designer’s own love for exquisite style and functionality.

Lululemon’s Wunderlust backpack

The holiday is coming again. Set out and go to the long-awaited distance. The bag should not only hold your travel plan, whether it is in the suburbs or far away; It is best to accommodate various styles, such as Cotton Canvas handbags and Wunderlust backpacks from lululemon; KOLON SPORT’s various accessories backpacks are mostly designed with lightweight materials and tailoring, hoping to meet the needs of various scenes such as sports, outdoor, leisure or commuting.

KOLON SPORT kelong NOACH environmental protection series

Recently, KOLON SPORT Kelon released the NOACH environmental protection series. It is reported that the design of this series of patterns is inspired by the unique patterns of many animal and plant species, which permeates the value orientation of being close to nature in the design and echoes the overall natural environment. The charm of travel is not only to feel the pleasure of rivers and mountains, but also to arouse people’s cherish and protection of the beauty of nature.

BLUE SKY LAB’s "Retro-Futurism Retro Future" Concept Series

BLUE SKY LAB, a sustainable fashion brand of NIO Life, cooperated with Rolf Ekroth, a cutting-edge Finnish designer, and recently launched the concept series of "Retro-Futurism Retro Future". At the same time, BLUE SKY LAB cooperated with Intertek, an international authoritative testing organization, to measure and disclose the carbon footprint data of three star items. In this series, Airbag backpack focuses on lightness and tolerance. At the same time, official data show that compared with the production of traditional native nylon, it is reduced by 26.1%, and compared with the production of cowhide, it is reduced by 54.39%.

Hunter travel series

With innovative design, professional fabrics and technology, people can experience a lifestyle that is integrated with nature through clothing. Hunter launched a new travel series this season, featuring portability, lightness and low saturation. At the same time, the brand said that 86% of the products of the brand will use environmentally friendly materials with low impact on the environment, including FSC?-certified natural rubber, BLOOM algae foam and recyclable fabrics. In addition, the introduction of environmentally-friendly recyclable material uppers, linings and insoles also reduces the brand’s dependence on original materials.

The tourism industry is welcoming an unprecedented recovery. Many consumers will enhance their travel experience through clothing. Travel is related to seasons, fashion and mentality.

SW2023 Spring/Summer Series

SW kicked off spring and summer with colorful kink elements. This season, we will create a new PLAYA series to balance the sense of holiday laziness and urban modernity. Mr. Edmundo Castillo, global design director of SW, said: "I hope to arouse people’s yearning for European coastal travel through the Spring/Summer 2023 series-freedom, comfort and uniqueness. The brand-new elements create a modern and beautiful environment, which makes people become the focus of the protagonist and freely travel through the bustling days and nights of the city. "

Returning to tourism itself, with the domestic tourism market’s "steady development and continuous recovery", the demand for business travel has been released, and reducing costs and increasing efficiency, green and low carbon have become hot topics in the business travel market. Recently, InterContinental Hotels Group launched the 2023 Greater China Hotel Tour Exhibition and Owner Tasting Meeting, which was held successively in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing. Mr. Sun Jian politician, Chief Development Officer of IHG Greater China, said: "The upgrading of consumption, the evolution of hotel chain trend and many other industry trends have created a new ecology of hotel investment and brand development." In the future, InterContinental Hotels Group will build more personalized service experience for business travelers, such as updating the conference room information of Holiday Inn Express on the domestic head conference management platform to provide more flexible conference services for the business travel market.

China defines the green and low-carbon development route of automobile industry.

Xinhua News Agency, Haikou, December 9th Title: China defines the green and low-carbon development route of automobile industry.

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Cunfu, Xia Tian

In the first three quarters of 2023, the global sales of new energy vehicles reached 9.746 million, of which the sales in China reached 6.278 million, accounting for 29.8% of the sales of new cars in China; By the end of the third quarter of 2023, the global cumulative sales volume of new energy vehicles was about 37.7 million, with China accounting for about 60%. This information was released at the 2023 World New Energy Vehicle Congress held in Haikou, Hainan from 7 to 9.

"In 2023, the production and sales volume was close to 10 million, which fostered the formation of the world’s largest new energy vehicle consumption market and built an efficient and coordinated industrial system." Xin Guobin, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that new energy vehicles integrate artificial intelligence, the Internet, big data and other revolutionary technologies, and the industrial chain and value chain continue to expand into the fields of transportation, energy, information and communication, and the industrial ecology is being completely reshaped.

On December 7, in the exhibition area of the 2023 World New Energy Automobile Conference, the MG Cyberster model of the MG convertible electric sports car under SAIC was displayed. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xia Tianzhe

Regarding the future development potential of China’s automobile industry, Li Jun, honorary chairman of China Automotive Engineering Society and academician of China Academy of Engineering, believes that there is still room for growth of about 200 million cars in China, and it is estimated that the number of cars will reach saturation around 2055, with a total of more than 500 million cars.

Participants believed that with the continuous improvement and iteration of key core technologies such as power batteries, fuel cells and electric drive systems, the pace of electrification transformation of automobile products continued to accelerate, and new energy vehicles were increasingly able to meet the needs of consumers.

In his keynote speech, Wan Gang, Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology and Chairman of the World New Energy Vehicle Congress, said that the global new energy vehicle market is growing rapidly under the trend of electrification, intelligence and low carbon. It is necessary to promote the development of pure electric vehicles, plug-in/extended-range hybrid vehicles and fuel cell vehicles as a whole, continuously strengthen the coordinated breakthrough of key technologies, and accelerate the application of typical scenarios and the construction of new infrastructure for the integrated development of vehicles, energy and Lu Yun.

Chen Jiachang, Vice Minister of Science and Technology, said that China automobile industry adheres to the overall R&D layout of "three verticals and three horizontals" and has embarked on a successful road of leading the development of new energy vehicles with scientific and technological innovation. The next step will be to comprehensively strengthen the frontier basic research and common key technology research of new energy vehicles, continue to deepen international scientific and technological cooperation, and constantly consolidate the future-oriented development foundation of the new energy vehicle industry.

Among them, green and low carbon is an important direction for the transformation and upgrading of the global automobile industry, and it is also an important connotation for China automobile industry to implement the goal of "double carbon" and achieve high-quality development.

In order to accelerate the green and low-carbon development of automobile industry in China, Roadmap 1.0 for Green and Low-carbon Development of Automobile Industry, which was jointly compiled by various departments, defined the accounting boundary of carbon emission of automobile industry in China for the first time at the industry level, and put forward the vision, goal, realization path and safeguard measures for green and low-carbon development of automobile industry.

According to the road map, the vision goal of green and low-carbon development of the automobile industry is becoming more and more clear: the automobile industry strives to reach the peak of carbon emissions by 2030, and then through continuous efforts, it will support the national carbon neutrality goal to be achieved as scheduled.

In order to achieve the above goals, the roadmap puts forward the realization path: focusing on reducing carbon emissions from automobile operation, and helping low-carbon transportation and energy system construction with low-carbon products; At the same time, promote the industrial competitiveness with the green coordinated development of the whole industrial chain, and promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development with new ecological construction.

In order to support the green and low-carbon development of the automobile industry, the roadmap also puts forward 15 safeguard measures and suggestions in five aspects: promoting the transformation of green and low-carbon management, supporting green and low-carbon technological innovation, promoting the development of green and low-carbon vehicles, building a green and low-carbon manufacturing system, and co-ordinating and building a green and low-carbon collaborative system.

On December 7, 2023, in the exhibition area of the World New Energy Automobile Conference, Weilai es6, et5 and other models were unveiled. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xia Tianzhe

On the 8th, the "Consensus of the 2023 World New Energy Vehicle Conference" was released at the main forum of "Accelerating the Reconstruction of the New Ecology of the Automobile Industry", which further clarified the direction for accelerating the all-round market-oriented development of new energy vehicles, promoting the new ecological reconstruction of the automobile industry and deepening the open cooperation of the global automobile industry. All parties are confident that the global market share of new energy vehicles will reach more than 50% in 2035, and will continue to promote multi-energy power technologies such as high-efficiency and high-safety power batteries, high-efficiency internal combustion engines and carbon-neutral fuels, and wide-temperature fuel cells.

Women who have not had sex for a long time, will it really lead to premature ovarian failure? Tell you the truth

27-year-old Lily (pseudonym) was found to have an ovarian teratoma about 6 cm in size when she was examined in the hospital at the beginning of the year. At that time, the doctor advised her to have an operation as soon as possible.

But for some concerns, Lily has been procrastinating. And just see the beauty salon near the company for publicity, saidEssential oil massage can maintain ovaries and help reduce cysts.So Lily decided to try.

Until June, Lily had severe abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and her family quickly sent her to the emergency department. When looking for the source of pain, the doctor found a slightly larger mass in Lily’s right accessory area. Considering the torsion of ovarian cyst, he quickly arranged surgery for Wenwen.

On further examination, Lily’s ovarian cyst is indeedA twist of 720 degrees occurred.Fortunately, it was found in time and the operation was a success.

The doctor told Lily that she had a teratoma herself.While massage increases local abdominal pressure.Local posture changes, without the risk of cyst torsion and rupture.

Ovary also has a life span. According to normal physiological laws, ovarian function is at its peak at the age of 25-35. When women are over 35, ovarian function will gradually decline.

Among them, menopause is a sign of premature ovarian failure in women. According to statistics, Chinese womenThe average age of natural menopause is about 49 years old.However, due to living habits, mental stress and other reasons, most modern women have an early menopause trend.

Ovary has two major functions,One is reproductive function.It can store eggs and ovulate to prepare for life;The second is responsible for regulating endocrine function.Let women have Q-elastic skin and a concave-convex figure.

However, in recent years, studies have found that premature ovarian failure in women is more and more common. Premature ovarian failure is also called early-onset ovarian insufficiency. Before the age of 40, due to ovarian function decline,Persistent amenorrhea occursA group of diseases with high gonadotropin and low estrogen status.

At present, there are three recognized diagnostic criteria for premature ovarian failure: ① age < 40 years old; ② Amenorrhea time ≥6 months; ③ twice (more than one month apart) blood FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) > 40mIU/ml.

Once premature ovarian failure occurs, there is no room for recovery.Only through early detection and early control can the recession be delayed..

For women, premature ovarian failure not only means getting old in advance and lacking hormones for a long time, but also mayCauses osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease and increases the risk of cancer.Wait a minute.

Premature ovarian failure will bring health threats to women. What causes will affect ovarian function?

One is pathological factors.About 10% of premature ovarian failure is related to chromosome abnormality, and some of it is caused by autoimmune disorder, as well as viral infection, such as HIV, cytomegalovirus, tuberculosis, malaria, etc., which will all affect the ovaries.

The second is iatrogenic factors.In the process of ovarian surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the whole body organs are more or less damaged.

The third is bad living habits., such as frequencyNumerous abortions, often staying up late, smoking, drinking, and losing weight unscientific.Etc., will have a negative impact on the ovaries.

What are the manifestations of premature ovarian failure?

  • Menstrual disorder;
  • Symptoms of estrogen deficiency, such as hot flashes, night sweats, upset, decreased libido, vaginal dryness, etc.
  • Emotional instability, such as emotional excitement, depression, irritability, insomnia, etc.;
  • Fertility declines.

Many people question whether ovarian decline has an impact on sexual life.

In fact, the maintenance of ovarian function mainly depends onHypothalamus-pituitary-ovary axisAt present, there is no evidence that the decrease of sexual life is related to follicles or ovulation.

In order to prevent premature ovarian failure, many people may go back to some beauty salons or massage shops to do "ovarian maintenance". Is it really effective?

You know, the ovary is located in the bilateral iliac fossa area below the navel, in the deep position of the lower abdomen.From the outside of the stomach, it is simply impossible to touch..

Most of the essential oil can only act on the skin surface, even if it penetrates into the skin and enters the blood circulation of the whole body, it has little effect on the ovaries. At present, there is no diagnosis and treatment guide to recommend the use of massage to improve ovarian function.

In addition, it is not recommended to take drugs orally to prevent it. If these drugs really work, they are probably added with hormones.If hormone is used under the condition of unknown composition and dosage, it will cause disorders such as breast and uterus.It is easy to induce the disease, even worsen the disease, and increase the risk of tumors such as uterus and ovary.

If you are diagnosed with premature ovarian failure, don’t be too anxious. In a short time, hormone supplementation can alleviate the symptoms of low estrogen. If there is a need for fertility, you can discuss with your doctor the plan to promote ovulation and combine assisted reproductive technology to complete pregnancy.

We should also take relevant precautions in daily life, such as quitting smoking and drinking, paying attention to a balanced diet, releasing stress, maintaining an optimistic mood and keeping internal hormones in a steady state. When you notice signs of premature ovarian failure, don’t delay because of face. Early detection and early treatment are the best ways to delay the decline.


[1] Premature ovarian failure-a health killer for women. Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University.2022-12-30

[2] "These five factors will lead to premature ovarian failure, and every girl should pay attention". No.11 consulting room.2023-02-02

[3] "Ovarian maintenance causes great rescue! This case is a wake-up call for all women! . Medical Obstetrics and Gynecology Channel.2021-01-07

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The history that should not be forgotten should be seen by all Chinese people, and the alarm bell will ring long before we can work hard.

History is a mirror, so it is wise to learn from the past and know the present. Attaching importance to history and learning from it is a fine tradition in the history of Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years. Opening the history of China, there have been countless glories and some humiliations. The glories make Chinese people proud, while the humiliations inspire people to forge ahead.

The glorious history makes Chinese people excited, and the humiliating history makes us feel heavy. Most of the time, we are in the former mood when visiting museums, but we are in the latter mood when visiting the China Sino-Japanese War Museum on the Liu Gongdao in Weihai.

China Sino-Japanese War Museum is located on the Liu Gongdao in Weihai, Shandong Province. It is a national first-class museum and a memorial museum with the theme of Beiyang Navy and Sino-Japanese War. It is also the most complete preserved, the largest number of existing and the largest group of cultural relics in modern coastal defense facilities in China.

A large number of precious cultural relics are displayed in the museum, including two giant naval guns emerging from the seabed, each weighing more than 20 tons, which are the only ones left in the world. Through cultural relics, pictures, wax figures, sand tables, models and other exhibition forms and film and television means, it vividly reproduces the historical features of the Beiyang Navy and the Sino-Japanese War.

When you enter the museum, the first thing you see is a warship model, which was once called the "Dingyuan" ship model of Asia’s largest ship. Dingyuan was the flagship of the Beiyang Navy of the Qing government in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. At that time, it was the world’s most advanced first-class armored warship imported from Germany.

According to the on-site staff, in the early morning of February 5th, 1895, the ship Dingyuan was attacked by a Japanese navy torpedo boat in the defending battle of Weihai. Ding Ruchang ordered the ship to run aground to the south of Liu Gongdao before it sank, and used the naval guns on board to strengthen the defense force of the East Exit. Ding Ruchang was forced to withdraw from Dingyuan and transfer to Zhenyuan. On the afternoon of 10th, Ding Ruchang and Liu Buchan ordered to blow up the stranded Dingyuan ship with water mines.

Japan’s war of aggression against China was premeditated. The museum showed some letters of Japanese officers at that time. They used the Korean Peninsula as a springboard and base to invade China. When the Qing army sent troops to support North Korea, it suffered a heavy defeat in Pyongyang, which led to the fall of the Korean Peninsula.

On November 6, 1894, when the Japanese army invaded Jinzhou City, 10 women and children from the Qu family in the west street of the city resolutely threw themselves into the well to avoid being humiliated by the Japanese army. In February, 1896, Wang Zhixiu, a fellow coastal defense expert in Jinzhou Hall, heard about it and wrote "Ode to Qushi Well" to record his deeds. The museum fixed the picture at that time in the form of pictures and wax figures.

On November 21st, 1894, the Japanese invaders captured Lushun, located in Liaodong Peninsula, and massacred the city for four days and three nights, known as Lushun Massacre. It is said that only 36 people in charge of burying bodies (after investigation, more than 800 survivors) survived the massacre, and the number of victims was estimated to be between 20,000 and 20,000. The museum recorded the inhumanity of the Japanese invaders with pictures and documents.

The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 was a great pain, which humiliated the country and the people. With the theme of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the museum exhibited more than 650 precious historical pictures of the Sino-Japanese War, copied a large number of weapons and equipment during the Sino-Japanese War, and restored and reproduced a number of surreal figures, such as "the scene of Qu’s family throwing wells in Jinzhou" and "the scene of Li Hongzhang’s negotiation in Shimonoseki", which was the first in China.

After the failure of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the Qing government decided to make peace with Japan and sent Li Hongzhang as an ambassador for peace talks to Shimonoseki, Japan. In a hotel in Maguan, Japanese Prime Minister Hirofumi Ito led the Japanese side to compete with Li Hongzhang. After this negotiation, the Qing Dynasty was forced to compensate Japan for 200 million taels of military expenditure (equivalent to six years’ national treasury revenue of Japan). After Japan got the money, its strength immediately rose to a higher level, and it became one of the world’s great powers, thus starting the evil road of militaristic aggression.

This is Wen Yiduo’s "Song of Seven Sons. ahava": Let me guard the oldest sea in China, and the hills of the original saints are here. Mother, don’t forget that I am an expert in preventing the sea. I have a Liu Gongdao as my shield. Come back quickly, the time has come. The remains of saints are buried behind me! Mother! I want to come back, mother!

At the end of the museum, there is a huge "History is here to think" written on the wall, and in the center of the hall is a bronze clock engraved with the words "The alarm bells will ring, and we will strengthen our coastal defense …". The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 made the Chinese nation face life and death, and it also completely awakened the Chinese nation! The Qing government died quickly because of this war. In the process of reform and anti-aggression, the Chinese nation seized the opportunity of life and ushered in a new dawn!

The waves of the Yellow Sea seem to be silently telling the sad song of the Sino-Japanese War. Visiting this unique museum of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, our mood is very complicated, even hard to hide our grief. At the same time, it is not difficult for us to see the unyielding character of the soldiers of the Beiyang Navy who fought bravely against the enemy. We should remember this history, and we will be beaten if we fall behind, and the pace of striving for strength will become more and more firm.

Female contraceptive methods and its harm

There are many contraceptive methods for women, and there are many choices, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some for reference.

Among the birth control measures, intrauterine device (IUD) has the characteristics of reversibility, safety, small adverse reactions and simple operation, and is widely used in women of childbearing age.

For women with IUD, the side effects and complications are bleeding, pain, infection, IUD falling off and incarceration. Because the occurrence of these complications can cause great trauma to women’s physical and mental health, it is necessary to strengthen the comprehensive analysis of these complications in clinic and formulate corresponding solutions according to the analysis results. (1) Pain and bleeding. After placing the IUD, due to the action of prostaglandin, the uterine muscles contract strongly, which leads to endometrial damage, bleeding and pain. Usually, within 10 days after placing the IUD, most women will have bleeding and pain, but the degree is mild and tolerable, and with the increase of placing time, this discomfort will gradually reduce and disappear. But if the pain is severe or lasts for a long time, it indicates that there is a problem. If the pain lasts for a long time, it is usually caused by the improper size or downward movement of the IUD. It is necessary to take out the IUD and give symptomatic treatment to the patient. After the condition improves, choose a suitable IUD. The late pain mostly occurs one month after operation, and the main causes are deformation and infection of IUD, so it is advisable to resist infection and replace appropriate IUD according to the actual situation of patients. In order to effectively prevent the occurrence of pain, clinicians need to improve their operation level of placing intrauterine devices, and choose the most suitable IUD for women and children according to their physical conditions, especially paying attention to gentle movements. Bleeding occurs in three forms: irregular vaginal bleeding, intraoperative bleeding and postoperative bleeding. If it is irregular vaginal bleeding, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze the actual situation of the patient before operation. Moreover, the operator should also master the methods and skills of placing intrauterine devices, and reasonably choose anti-fibrinolytic drugs and prostaglandins according to the actual situation of the patient. If necessary, the intrauterine device can be taken out. For patients with a small amount of bleeding, it is necessary to stop bleeding, but if the amount of bleeding is large, the operation should be stopped and symptomatic treatment should be given according to the specific situation of the patient.

(2) Uterine perforation, ectopic and incarcerated IUD. The occurrence of uterine perforation during surgery is generally due to excessive flexion or retroflexion of the uterus; The lactation uterus is smaller and softer; Cesarean scar uterus, etc. If it is a probe perforation, if the condition permits, uterine contractions can be used to promote the contraction of the patient’s uterus and give anti-infection treatment to promote the healing of the perforation, and closely observe the basic vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse and respiration of the patient; If the IUD is perforated, it needs to be taken out by laparoscopy and repaired. Incarceration is mostly caused by choosing a large IUD or damaging the uterine wall when it is placed, or not taking it out in time after menopause. The IUD is placed outside the uterus, or the IUD presses the uterine wall, which causes local tissues to sink, thus causing the IUD to be embedded in the muscle wall or moved out of the uterus. If the IUD is incarcerated, the IUD should be taken out immediately. If the symptoms of incarceration appear under the endometrium, it is necessary to scrape the endometrium first, and then take out the IUD in a standardized way. If incarceration occurs at the myometrium, the IUD should be removed by laparoscopy.

(3) The IUD falls off and moves down. Generally, it is due to the operator’s lack of skill, not putting it into the uterine bottom, or the improper size of the selected IUD, or the relaxation of the internal cervix, as well as the patient’s individual factors, which requires that attention should be paid not only to the depth of the uterine cavity, but also to the width. If the uterine cavity is wide, consider choosing a larger size, and if the uterine cavity is narrow, choose a smaller size.

(4) infection. Infection is generally caused by inflammation of reproductive organs or lax aseptic operation, or disrespect for doctor’s advice after operation. For those infected after operation, anti-infection treatment should be given immediately. If the infection symptoms are serious, it is necessary to take anti-infection and take out the intrauterine device. In order to effectively reduce the incidence of infection, it is necessary to fully understand the basic situation of patients before operation, eliminate the inflammatory reaction of reproductive organs, and treat women with inflammation symptomatically, and only after the inflammation is effectively controlled can they be treated with intrauterine devices. Strictly follow the principle of aseptic operation, do not let the contraceptive device touch the vaginal wall and voyeurism during the operation, and fully disinfect the operating room and instruments. Tell the patient the relevant precautions after operation and return to the clinic on time.

(5) IUD pregnancy. If there is an error in judging the size of a woman’s uterus before operation, it will affect the choice of IUD model, and then increase the risk of female pregnancy with IUD. In addition, ectopic and falling-off IUD can also cause IUD pregnancy. Because pregnancy with IUD is prone to abortion, bleeding, injury, etc., patients need to receive termination treatment immediately after diagnosis, and the IUD should be taken out as required. In order to reduce the incidence of pregnancy with IUD, clinicians need to choose the most suitable IUD according to the size of women’s uterus, and it is forbidden to choose an IUD that is too small. At the same time, women should return to the clinic on time after placing the IUD to find out whether the IUD is ectopic, deformed or falls off. For patients with any of the above conditions, effective measures should be taken to intervene in time to avoid unintended pregnancy.

In a word, after placing intrauterine devices, women can be affected by many factors and have side effects and complications, which has caused great trauma to their physical and mental health. Therefore, through continuous study and practice, the operator needs to improve his professional ethics and operational ability, master the skills of placing IUD skillfully, comprehensively check the physical condition of the patient before operation, strictly grasp the indications and contraindications, strictly follow the principle of aseptic operation, find out the position of the uterus, and choose the appropriate type and model of IUD, so as to reduce the risk of side effects and complications of women after placing IUD.

Female birth control, that is, complications of tubal ligation, intestinal injury and bladder injury during operation, is that the patient is nervous and poorly coordinated during operation, and the bladder is not emptied according to the regulations before operation, resulting in bladder filling and moving up, leading to injury during operation, or the incision during operation is too low, and the vascular clamp is biased towards the pelvic cavity, resulting in bladder injury. Postoperative complications, such as incision bleeding and hematoma, may appear and be found within a few hours after operation. The reasons may be that the blood points were not ligated during operation, or the vasoconstrictor used in anesthesia subsided after operation, which made the blood vessels open and bleed. Analysis of infection in pelvic cavity and suppuration of incision infection may be due to the lack of strict aseptic operation during the operation, the failure to deal with the congestion in time when sewing the incision, and the possibility that the patient does not pay attention to rest and personal hygiene after the operation, which may lead to incision infection. Postoperative menstrual disorder and lumbago and abdominal pain may have a great relationship with the psychology of the patient. Temporary menstrual disorder or lumbago and abdominal pain after operation can gradually recover naturally and can be treated if necessary.

Contraceptive pills taken by women are all toxic, and their mechanism and side effects will be discussed next time.

The use of condoms, in addition to a very small number of women allergic to it can not be used, the experience is almost poor, in fact, is a healthier choice.

[1] Jiang Xiukui. On female ligation and prevention of complications [J]. Chinese and Foreign Health Abstracts, 2014,(22):261-261.

[2] Sun Xuyan. Analysis of common complications and prevention of placing intrauterine devices [J]. Psychologist, 2018,24(11):35-36.

[3] Liu Wei. On the types and side effects of female contraceptives [J]. China Modern Drug Application, 2015,(7):246-247.