Di Lizheba’s new drama starts to take beautiful photos, pouting and acting cute as a girl, and then spreading scandals with Huang Jingyu

  On March 19, Di Lizheba also received good news again. The urban fantasy drama "Xiao Qi Qing Lan" starring him was officially launched, and the actor he co-starred with was Chen Xingxu. Although this was their first collaboration, it could also be seen from the photos of the opening scene that they were also handsome men and beautiful women, and they were particularly attractive, which made people look forward to it even more!

  Jiaxing Di Lizheba Studio also posted a set of beautiful photos for the first time. In the picture, Fat Di was also wearing a dark brown leather trench coat and stepping on black boots, and her style was still leading the fashion trend. Although her clothes were loose, her graceful figure also won everyone’s praise.

  Di Lizheba also had long black and soft hair, a shawl, and a very delicate makeup on her face. She still looked particularly sweet and pleasant, and her big eyes were also very agile.

  She also took the special red envelope of the crew and posed various shapes to the camera. Her frown and smile were particularly gentle and charming, and her wink expression made people fall into a trap in an instant. I believe she will be able to attract countless fans again in the new drama with her superb acting skills and super high appearance!

  Subsequently, Jiaxing Di Lizheba Studio also shared a set of behind- the-scene beautiful photos again, and she was wearing makeup, which made her look more natural, sometimes pouting at the camera to act cute, sometimes showing tilted head killing, and laughing when it was like first love.

  However, what was even more unexpected was that her affair with Huang Jingyu was once again rumored, because the producer of the drama she starred in was "Xian Gongfu Culture Media" and the director was "Tian Li". This was the same as the TV drama "Sea of Dreams" starred Huang Jingyu in last year, which once again triggered heated discussions among netizens.

  We all know that Di Lizheba and Huang Jingyu’s love affair has been circulating for a long time, but both parties have not expressed their singleness, and the coincidence of resources between the two is also quite high. At the opening banquet of Di Lizheba’s "Anle Biography" in 2021, the creators mentioned Huang Jingyu many times. In 2020, Huang Jingyu’s "Procuratorial Wind and Cloud" and 2022 Di Lizheba’s "Public Prosecution": the producers are all the highest inspection.

  Now, Di Lizheba is also wearing a ring on the middle finger at the boot site, I don’t know if it means something? But anyway, I’m still looking forward to Di Lizheba’s performance in the new drama, I believe it will also get a double harvest of audience ratings and word-of-mouth!

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The takeaway rider received a strange order. It turned out that the girl who placed the order asked him to call the police.

  A takeaway rider in Meituan, Zhenjiang City, received an order from the system. After receiving the order, the takeaway rider went to the merchant to pick up the meal according to the process, but when he was about to deliver the meal, the buyer sent a message saying that he was trapped in a pyramid scheme organization! And asked the rider to call the police for her. On the 6th, the Zhenjiang Runzhou police told reporters that it was based on this important information of the Meituan takeaway rider that the police immediately followed the line and successfully destroyed a latent pyramid scheme den. At present, the police are declaring justice and courage for the Meituan rider. Correspondent, Zhang Hang, Zhang Dongni

  Yangzi Evening News/Eye Raising Reporter, Wan Lingyun

  Takeout deliveryman receives strange order

  It turned out that the orderer asked him to help call the police.

  The police told reporters that Mr. Yu, a 48-year-old Zhenjiang takeaway rider, had been working as a Meituan takeaway deliveryman for almost two years. At 2:48 p.m. on April 3, Mr. Yu received a "Juewei Meat Strips" takeaway from a pork rib shop ordered by Ms. Jiang, and the address column read "Random". Master Yu called to contact, but the other party did not answer. Could it be a prank?

  Unexpectedly, Ms. Jiang, who placed the order, suddenly added to Master Yu’s WeChat. In WeChat, Ms. Jiang said that she was controlled by the pyramid scheme gang and hoped that Mr. Yu would help the police. Mr. Yu quickly asked the customer to send the location address and go to the police station to call the police.

  After that, Mr. Yu kept in touch with Ms. Jiang, the person who asked for help, according to the requirements of the police at the Zhenjiang Heping Road Police Station who received the police. During this time, he obtained Ms. Jiang’s location through WeChat.

  According to the location, the police at the Heping Road Police Station of the Runzhou Branch of the Zhenjiang Public Security Bureau searched for several times and finally found a house that was consistent with the characteristics described by Ms. Jiang after more than half an hour.

  With the help of Mr. Yu’s knock on the door, the police broke down the door and controlled the eight people in the house on the spot.

  But strangely, no one admitted to calling the police for help on the spot. The police immediately took everyone back to the police station.

  It was not until the morning of the 4th that the identity of the rescuer was clear. She was Ms. Jiang from Fujian. Zhou Fei, a police officer handling the case, told reporters: "Because the police were worried about retaliation, after the police went to the scene of the pyramid scheme den, she did not dare to admit that she called the police. The police at the scene also contacted Ms. Jiang according to the mobile phone number provided by Mr. Yu, but she deliberately turned the mobile phone to silent, so the police at the scene could not find Ms. Jiang."

  The 21-year-old girl fell into a pyramid scheme trap and called the police on the "curve" in the rental house

  Ms. Jiang, a 21-year-old from Fuzhou, Fujian, was tricked in November by an online user who said she had a job in Zhenjiang. The user took her to visit Zhenjiang for a few days, and then told her to "do this business" – selling products in name, but not in fact, developing offline products.

  According to Ms. Jiang, she didn’t know what a pyramid scheme was at that time. It was not until her cousin contacted her before the Chinese New Year this year that she reminded her of "beware of pyramid schemes". After searching online, she realized that she may have fallen into a pyramid scheme trap.

  Although the people around her allowed Ms. Jiang to use her mobile phone, the sound insulation in the rental house was too poor, and she was afraid of being discovered by them if she called the police. At the same time, in the pyramid scheme den, although she was not abused, beaten or detained, she could not go out alone, so she could not escape the rental house.

  "I didn’t dare to call. My cousin said why don’t you order takeout and ask the delivery person to help you call the police." It was with the reminder of her family that Ms. Jiang took this measure on the 3rd and asked Meituan’s delivery brother "Curve" to call the police.

  At present, Ms. Jiang is waiting for her relatives in Fujian to come and take her home. The police said they would next dismiss the pyramid scheme workers and contact the owner of the rental house to terminate the contract between the two parties.

  Mr. Yu, the Meituan takeaway rider who actively provided Ms. Jiang with clues for help and assisted the police in finding Ms. Jiang’s whereabouts, will report the corresponding rewards to the department for bravery.

The 14th Buchuan Film Festival closed, Ren Xianqi was crowned emperor and Xu Yingji was crowned emperor

        On July 23, 2010 local time in South Korea, the closing ceremony of the 14th Bucheon International Fantasy Film Festival in South Korea was held at 7:00 pm in Bucheon, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. More than 1,000 filmmakers and fans attended the event.

  The main awards of the Bucheon International Film Festival were presented at the closing ceremony. Hsu Young-hee won the Best Actress Award for "The End of the Kim Funan Killing Incident", Ren Xianqi won the Best Actor Award for "Fire Dragon Versus Chance", and Director Zhang Zhexiu won the Best Work Award for "The End of the Kim Funan Killing Incident".

  "Fire Dragon" is the only Hong Kong-made film that can be shortlisted for the competition at this year’s Fuchuan International Film Festival. Last year, director Lin Chaoxian won the Best Director of the Fuchuan Film Festival. This year, his work also helped Xiao Qi win the Best Actor. Both are quite excited.

  Xiao Qi said that he was winning a film award for the first time, and said excitedly: "It turns out that the award is so exciting! Thank you to the director and I for constantly researching the characters, and also to my opponent Liming for making me very involved in the role. Now I hold this award in my hand, and I am still excited. I didn’t expect that the first film award will be the male lead award, and it will be won in an overseas non-Chinese film festival. The impact is too great!"

  Director Lin Chaoxian specially went to Bucheon to attend the film festival this year to make up for the regret that he couldn’t attend last year because he was in a hurry to shoot "Fire Dragon". Although he didn’t win again this year, he thought it was very happy to see Xiao Qi win the award. Xiao Qi also said that on the night of the award, he would have a big meal with the director to celebrate. To thank the director for his credit, the two have decided to eat Korean barbecue and enjoy the richest cuisine in Korea.

  It is reported that PiFan, held in July every year in the middle of summer, can be regarded as a "summer film festival", and the participating works are also mainly horror, thriller, mystery and fantasy themes. This year’s festival will feature 193 works from 42 countries. The opening and closing films are "Death Trial" starring two Oscar winners, Adrian Brody and Forest Whitaker, and Korean horror films. It will also hold a variety of colorful side events such as "Filmmaker and Audience Dialogue", "Today I am also the protagonist of the film", PiFan congratulatory performances, and open-air free film screenings. 

Next page: Red carpet map of Bucheon Film Festival

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  After two months, Shanghai’s local rules for online car-hailing have finally been unveiled.

  This afternoon, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen each issued relevant regulations, setting clear licensing conditions for online car-hailing platform companies, vehicles, and drivers, and making the next step of online car-hailing operations "legal."

  The management approach of online car-hailing has received a high degree of attention and involves many interests. It is necessary to take into account both the healthy development of the industry and the actual conditions of Shanghai, a megacity. It is not easy to issue policies.

  As the current "fashionable" way of travel, the "name correction" of online car-hailing has become the general trend. With the implementation of local policies, in the future, eligible online car-hailing cars can finally be justifiably driven to the streets, and many special car drivers will also bid farewell to the "underground" state. The development of the industry has taken a solid step.

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  But "justifying" the name of online car-hailing is by no means allowing its boundless free expansion, let alone making it a reckless "blind spot of the rule of law". While recognizing the rationality of the existence of online car-hailing itself, the introduction of relevant systems is to effectively solve the problems exposed in the current development of this industry.

  Over the past year, the massive expansion has resulted in uneven quality of vehicles and personnel, and the platform companies’ review of vehicles has become useless. These have become "stubborn diseases", resulting in frequent cases of infringement of consumer rights and interests.

  In April this year, a "female college student called a suspicious car" was forwarded and spread on major new media platforms. The special car called by the party through the taxi software did not match the car number displayed on the software at all; in March this year, the Municipal Traffic Law Enforcement Corps seized the owner of a special car using 3 sets of vehicle number plates at the same time during the law enforcement process… and the traffic accidents, public security incidents, and criminal cases caused by online car-hailing are also increasing, and all parties are calling for "the special car should be managed".

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  In the Shanghai plan, the guiding ideology of legal management, green environmental protection, safe operation, fair competition, and protection of consumer rights and interests is basically fully implemented, and "targeted" is reflected everywhere. For example, on the entry threshold, Shanghai stipulates that the vehicles and drivers of online car-hailing in Shanghai must be "Shanghai nationality", which is mainly because, first, the city’s policy is a requirement of the national policy. After all, the city is the main body of online car-hailing management; second, the double "Shanghai nationality" precisely follows the law of the sharing economy, which can be used to confirm personal idle assets from the information end for social sharing. For example, on the vehicle access threshold, the "National Five" emission standard is fully implemented. For example, in terms of company management, Shanghai clearly requires online ride-hailing companies to take measures such as suspending business and canceling platform registration for major traffic safety accidents caused by drivers, infringing on the interests of passengers, and disrupting operational order…

  The ride-hailing industry has gone through the brutal growth in the early stage and is bathed in the current burgeoning capital expansion. Facts have proved that platform companies and practitioners have fully enjoyed the high benefits brought by the new business model, but have not fully assumed the corresponding social responsibilities. An industry that grows under unfair competition and breeds security risks should never become a pride under the "Internet +" wave, let alone a standardized template for the "sharing economy".

  Regulating the operation of online car-hailing is to let companies and practitioners take up their due responsibilities. The new regulations firmly grasp the key point of "employment threshold", control the safety valve from the qualification of personnel and vehicles, and strictly require the possession of certificates. The original intention is to consider the safety of the general public’s travel. To make online car-hailing, like taxis, have no blind spots for access and no blind spots for service standards.

Strict access to ensure the sustainable development of online car-hailing

  The government is duty-bound to the safety bottom line. Instead of covering the bottom line after the problem occurs, it is better to make effective regulation in the specification, use the invisible hand to create an orderly industry ecology, and use a certain degree of "income" to bring safer and more convenient "release". Only when all interests are checked and balanced and know how to self-restrain, will the industry usher in a broader space.

  The new rules are not short of strong restrictions, which is "income", but they are also humane in some details, such as requiring platform companies to sign employment contracts or agreements with drivers, and not refusing to allow a ride-hailing car to register multiple platforms at the same time to operate. These "liberalizing" measures are in the best interests of ride-hailing practitioners and strive to create more well-being for them.

  Many citizens are concerned about whether the strict management of online car-hailing will cause new "taxi-hailing difficulties"? Indeed, regulating online car-hailing will inevitably lead to a reduction in the supply side in a short period of time, but this is a "short-term pain". The disorderly development of the industry, the recurrence of safety accidents, and the ultimate destruction of credibility will be a "long pain".

  It is not realistic to blindly solve the problem of "travel difficulties" by a large number of social vehicles "entering the market". "Tightening" online car-hailing at the same time forces the taxi industry to self-subvert and completely transform, and encourages "ride-hailing" compliance to legally go on the road, providing more diverse choices for traveling citizens. This is the greater sense of "release".

  Shanghai’s local bylaws are not meant to stifle the vitality of an industry’s booming development, but to put the brakes on the disorder in the "leap forward". The city is willing to tolerate all innovation attempts, but more expect a fair market order. Comrade Wen Jiabao once said that social fairness and justice are more glorious than the sun. For the online car-hailing industry full of Internet genes, we also expect it to go further and better on the new track.

Seeking change can only lead to progress (New economic orientation · Key notes for small and medium-sized enterprises ④)

Drawing: Wang Zheping, Data source: Ministry of Commerce, etc

  Although summer has entered, Wang Wenjun still has lingering fears when he recalls the Spring Festival that has just passed.

  The sudden arrival of the epidemic caught him off guard, who was already preparing for the hot business of the Spring Festival. On January 25, Chengdu issued a notice banning the holding of group catering business activities, including rural self-organized banquets and dam banquets.

  Wang Wenjun is the founder of a well-known hot pot restaurant in Chengdu. In Sichuan, where there are more than 30,000 hot pot restaurants. Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the peak season of the catering industry has dimmed without warning. A series of difficulties have weighed on Wang Wenjun’s head due to market closures, inventory backlogs, labor and rental costs.

  Every day when I open my eyes, more than 100,000 yuan is gone

  Selling vegetables to reduce wages, stop losses and reduce costs, and save yourself to protect your vitality

  "We walked all the way from a small hot pot restaurant with only 17 tables, and we have never encountered such a situation. The store is closed, and the income is gone; the salary needs to be paid, and the rent needs to be paid… As soon as we open our eyes every day, more than 100,000 yuan is gone. Coupled with the excess inventory of ingredients prepared in advance, the electricity bill of the freezer alone can’t stand it." Under multiple pressures, Wang Wenjun "almost lost half of his head".

  Survival is the first priority. Wang Wenjun and other company managers together, as soon as possible to save themselves from the siege, is the top priority.

  On the one hand, they would sell the excess food stock to nearby residents at a fair price or even at a discount. On the other hand, they would inform employees in the city to take turns to work, and non-local employees would work from home. The management would take the lead in adjusting salaries, and only keep the basic salary and social security, further reducing labor costs.

  "The rent is a big part of the cost of the hot pot store. We have to thank the competent authorities for helping us coordinate the property. We reduced the rent by 1.20 million yuan before and after, and also won tax incentives." Wang Wenjun sighed.

  To reduce inventory, reduce costs, and reduce rents, although the hot pot restaurant suffered heavy losses during the closing period of more than a month, "fortunately, it saved itself in time and didn’t hurt its vitality". What he didn’t expect was that the originally inconspicuous takeaway service and the live broadcast that he had never set foot in had become the "savior" of his next reorganization.

  Dine-in and takeout, who is the protagonist?

  Meet demand, expand takeout, and promote franchise stores

  "You have a new takeaway order! Please pay attention to check it!" As soon as he walked into the lobby of the Chengdu Huabaifang store, he heard the pleasant bell of the online platform. The store manager said that the takeaway received more than 1,500 orders a day at most, and the turnover exceeded 500,000 yuan.

  In 2016, the company launched a takeaway service. "But hot pot still has a taste for dine-in, and takeout has always been a’supporting role ‘." Wang Wenjun said that after the resumption of work and production, the demand for takeout has increased greatly. There were only two stores to deliver takeout, but soon it increased to nine. "We make takeaway posters every day, and mobilize employees to forward them together with the official Weibo and WeChat, so that relatives, friends and more residents know that we can deliver takeout. In a week, the number of takeaway orders has skyrocketed from more than 300 orders per day to more than 1,000 orders."

  In order to attract a franchise partner, the company urgently formulated a support strategy, actively arranged takeaway operation equipment, sorted out operation manuals and videos, and launched "fully sealed hot pot takeaway service" in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi’an and other places. In addition to the takeaway platform, the company’s WeChat official account also opened the online ordering entrance.

  The delivery staff delivered goods without contact, carrying health certificates and peace of mind cards with them. When there were many orders, Wang Wenjun himself also rode an electric car and became a "delivery brother".

  The takeaway area is limited, what should I do if I can’t deliver it?

  Live streaming, cross-border cooperation, new retail

  "I want to eat hot pot, but I live too far away to deliver food, and I can’t make it myself. What should I do?" A few days after the delivery service was resumed, this message in the background of Weibo attracted Wang Wenjun’s attention and thought.

  "Although it can’t be delivered, we can teach them how to make hot pot through online live broadcast." His idea was immediately in line with a live broadcast platform, and the live broadcast room was quickly set up.

  "Our main feature is’spicy ‘, so the hot pot base will use three kinds of chili peppers: sea pepper, millet spicy, and devil spicy. Soak it in warm water before serving in the pot and then smash it. Combining the flavors will produce a unique fragrance." During the live broadcast, the chef carefully reminded that when frying the hot pot base, the onion, ginger, and garlic should be fried in the pot until golden in turn and then quickly removed, so as to avoid the mushy taste, spicy but not dry. The "take home "-like explanation, the feedback is gratifying.

  "Although the preparation was rushed and we went LIVE at the meal point, there were still more than 87,000 netizens guarding the live stream in the first live stream, indicating that our live stream was too’dinner ‘." Wang Wenjun said that while the chef was live "teaching", he also launched his own various base material bags, which were sold with "significant hot pot other" such as chicken in bowls and self-heating rice. Consumers can place orders online.

  "I’m really about to cry, I’m going to buy the materials" "The base material is not easy to fry, but it is convenient and affordable to place an order online"… The enthusiastic interaction of the audience brought great confidence to Wang Wenjun. Strike while the iron is hot, he immediately planned and launched activities such as "Contactless Takeaway Delivery with confidence" with local media in Chengdu, and completed more than ten live broadcast activities of eating hot pot at home. "I didn’t expect the effect of cross-border cooperation to be so good, and the live broadcast can’t stop once it starts. Barber shops, gyms, milk, beer and other brands and stores have come to us to cooperate and provide our diners with products and vouchers through takeaway."

  "Boss! Another hairy belly!" As night fell, Wang Wenjun’s hot pot restaurant rang out the familiar call for food. On March 26, Chengdu fully resumed the normal business activities of catering and other service industries.

  After many months, looking at the diners queuing outside the door, although Wang Wenjun was no longer anxious and confused, his nervous tension still did not relax. "Whether it is takeout or live broadcast, it is all’wartime blood transfusion ‘. The epidemic has survived really hard, and it is also a rare stress testing. It forces us to re-examine and think about how to make efforts in the new retail and intelligent fields in the next step, and improve the ability of’postwar blood making’."

  Reporter’s notes

  Improve your ability and stay calm

  Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, our country’s catering consumption has been hit hard before and after the Spring Festival. Some catering companies have responded to market changes to face difficulties. The current difficulties have passed, and the long-term development path still needs to be considered. Traditional eating habits such as shared meals and joint meals are changing, and consumers’ consideration of safety and health is increasing, which may have a more far-reaching impact.

  In this context, many catering companies have turned their attention to the new retail sector, grabbing share through online sales and processing special dishes into standardized goods. Some companies have tasted the sweetness for the first time, but for most small and medium-sized catering enterprises, this is still a new topic. Not only test the financial strength, talent accumulation level, but also test the ability to integrate market resources.

  On the one hand, keep up with the changes in consumer psychology, advocate the meal sharing system, cultivate eating habits such as "public chopsticks and spoons", and promote the healthy development of catering culture; on the other hand, innovate the way of catering consumption, do refined management, find a development path in line with their own brand positioning, and transform and upgrade in a timely manner. Only by truly improving the "immunity" of the enterprise can we not be surprised and turn threats into opportunities.

Or cause fire and explosion! These products, remove them from the shelves immediately! Sales are strictly prohibited →

Mobile power, also known as "power bank". The latest quality supervision and sampling results of online mobile power products released by the State Administration for Market Regulation show that more than one-third of the products tested failed.

Online mobile power supply quality national supervision and spot check, more than 35% failed

CCTV Finance "Economic Information Network" column video

The results of the random inspection showed that among the 99 batches of products produced by 95 enterprises in 9 provinces (cities), 35 batches failed, and the failure rate was 35.4%.

The reporter noticed that some of these unqualified mobile power supplies have prominent problems with false capacity and cannot achieve the claimed charging effect; some have safety risks such as heat generation and deflagration, threatening consumers’ personal and property safety. According to relevant industry data, our country is not only the world’s largest producer of mobile power supplies, but also the largest consumer market. Since 2020, shipments have remained at about 100 million units. With the continuous popularity of mobile power supplies, safety accidents caused by mobile power sources have occurred all over the country.

At the end of May this year, on Line 7 of the Beijing Subway, the mobile power supply in a passenger’s satchel suddenly exploded, and a large amount of smoke instantly filled the entire carriage. Fortunately, due to the timely handling of the staff, the accident did not cause casualties.

Also in May this year, in a parking lot in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province, the mobile power supply left in the car also exploded. The center console inside the car was badly damaged, and there were traces of bursting in the front windshield.

In early January this year, a self-built house in Guiping, Guangxi Province, burst into flames in the early morning, and a family of four died tragically. According to a warning article issued by the fire department, "After preliminary investigation, the cause of the fire was a short circuit of the mobile power supply, which caused the fire. The on-site inspection found that the mobile power supply was suspected to be counterfeit and shoddy products."

Industry experts say that poor quality or improper use of mobile power supplies can lead to safety accidents, threatening consumers’ personal and property safety.

5 batches of mobile power supply failed the overcharge test, which could cause fire and explosion

CCTV Finance "Economic Information Network" column video

It generally takes a few hours or even longer for the mobile power supply to be fully charged. If you forget to unplug the power supply, you may also charge it all day and night. This situation is called charging. During this national supervision and spot inspection, it was found that 5 batches of mobile power supplies failed the charging test.

According to the testing engineer, during daily use, mobile power supplies may forget to unplug and charge for a long time, which requires that the internal battery quality of the mobile power supply must be reliable enough. Even if the circuit is damaged during overcharging, there should be no risk of fire or explosion.

Some mobile power internal battery in the test process suddenly deflagration, a lot of smoke. After the test of these unqualified mobile power batteries were burned.

After testing, 5 batches of mobile power overcharging items failed this time. They are:

Shenzhen Jinyu Dongfang Industrial Co., Ltd. produces the Yuanqi Mengmeng mobile power supply of Tmall Lofte flagship store

Dongguan Yubo Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. produces Yubo mobile power supply for Vipshop Yubo Digital Sale Flagship Store

Shenzhen Yanbu Technology Co., Ltd. produces super flash charging (mobile power supply) for Tmall eara flagship store.

Shenzhen Yimo Technology Co., Ltd. produces the LeTV super mobile power supply of Pinduoduo LeTV Yandian store

Yuantu Culture (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. produces the Starry Sky Hand Warmer of Tmall Tianxiang Chuangwu Flagship Store

According to the testing engineer, poor battery quality is often one of the main reasons for the failure of the overcharge index.

The reporter learned that if the shell quality is not up to standard, in the event of a bump or fall, the internal circuit and battery of the mobile power supply cannot be effectively protected, resulting in short circuits, battery leakage and other problems, which may also lead to safety accidents such as fire and deflagration.

For unqualified products found in supervision and spot checks, the General Administration of Market Supervision requires local market supervision bureaus to urge e-commerce platforms to immediately remove them from the shelves, and at the same time take measures such as seizure and seizure in accordance with the law to strictly prohibit the production and sales of enterprises. For unqualified enterprises, further clarify the rectification requirements, strictly supervise the implementation of rectification measures, and organize timely review.

Source: Market Supervision Half Moon Salon

Hengda Automobile Announcement: The divestiture of real estate business has suspended production due to lack of funds.

Fast technology on May 13 news, this morning Hengchi official account announced that Hengda Automobile has announced that the shareholders meeting agreed to sell 47 real estate projects to China Hengda and its subsidiaries.

This means that Evergrande has completed the divestiture of its real estate business and become a pure new energy vehicle company.

Hengda Automobile Announcement: The divestiture of real estate business has suspended production due to lack of funds.

According to the official, Hengda Automobile divested its real estate business, concentrated resources to ensure Hengchi’s research and development and production, and focused on the new energy vehicle track, which will help to improve market valuation and win the favor of capital, which is conducive to the development of Hengchi Automobile.

It is reported that China Evergrande announced on April 24 that the buyer (Anxin Holdings Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company) and the company entered into a sale and purchase agreement with Hengda Automobile, under which the buyer conditionally agreed to purchase and Hengda Automobile conditionally agreed to sell the target shares as beneficial owners, including 21 Hengda Health Valley projects, 5 Hengda Health City projects and 21 property development projects. The initial consideration of Hengda Automobile’s target shares is RMB 2.

Hengda Automobile Announcement: The divestiture of real estate business has suspended production due to lack of funds.

Hengda Automobile Announcement: The divestiture of real estate business has suspended production due to lack of funds.

At the same time, Hengda Motor mentioned in the announcement that due to lack of funds, its Tianjin factory has suspended production of Hengchi 5 and plans to resume production in May, but has not yet resumed production.

It is reported that Hengda Automobile released six models of Hengchi at the same time during the 2020 Shanghai Auto Show, including Hengchi 1, Hengchi 2, Hengchi 3, Hengchi 4, Hengchi 5, and Hengchi 6, covering passenger car models such as sedans, coupes, SUVs, MPVs, and crossovers.

This is also a highlight moment for Hengda Automobile, but shortly thereafter, Hengda Automobile has turned from prosperity to decline. As the market value of Hengda Automobile plummeted at a high level in early 2021, the share price has plummeted from a peak of 72 Hong Kong dollars to 3.2 Hong Kong dollars today.

Hengda Automobile Announcement: The divestiture of real estate business has suspended production due to lack of funds.

Geely Xingyue L won the best Zhilian car in 2021 China Automobile Fengyun Festival.

  International Online auto channel News: On April 26th, at the awarding ceremony of 2021 China Automobile Fengyun Festival held by CCTV, "Geely Xingyue L" won the best Zhilian car in China Automobile Fengyun Festival.

Geely xingyue l won the best zhilian car in 2021 China automobile Fengyun festival _fororder_image001.

  Xingyue L is a highly intelligent SUV with all the best technologies of Geely. The whole vehicle is equipped with Geely Galaxy OS Vehicle Intelligent Control Center and Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, which supports the online upgrade of FOTA, providing users with an intelligent and humanized interactive experience. Since its listing for more than 9 months, Xingyue L has won nearly 40 awards, including 2022 China SUV of the year and 2022 Ninth Xuanyuan Award-Top Ten Cars of the Year.

  Beyond the intelligence of time, Xingyue L has become the leader of intelligent SUV.

  Geely Xingyue L can realize three screens of IMAX and four screens of 25.6-inch AR-HUD — An intelligent cockpit with the largest "screen ratio" has been built. With the assistance of HWA Expressway, it can actively monitor the surrounding environment, automatically control horizontally and vertically, and stay away from large vehicles. When the lane change conditions are met, the driver can pull the steering lever to complete the lane change. Inheriting CMA’s new intelligent and evolvable electronic and electrical architecture, cross-domain integration and high-speed transmission capabilities make it possible to drive at a higher level, and at the same time, it has the ability to integrate the latest and strongest technologies in the world, so that Xingyue L has the potential for intelligent expansion in the next 5 to 10 years.

Geely xingyue l won the best zhilian car in 2021 China automobile Fengyun festival _fororder_image003.

Xingyue l

  Beyond the safety of imagination, Xingyue L is born and powerful, inheriting the world’s top safety genes of CMA supermatrix.

  Thanks to the 24 sensing components with the largest number of mass-produced fuel vehicles, Xingyue L has nine large-area safety, meeting the global five-star safety in China, Europe and America. The EMA emergency steering assistance system carried by Xingyue L can help the driver to make emergency avoidance when danger comes and minimize the possibility of injury; Elk passed the test with a score of 79km/h, and its body posture is close to perfection, giving users the strongest protection with extreme safety.

Geely xingyue l won the best zhilian car in 2021 China automobile Fengyun festival _fororder_image004.

Xingyue l

  Beyond the expected luxury, Xingyue L is in line with the value of 300,000-level products.

  Cuiyu Blue, which draws on oriental classical elegance, perfectly blends with Xingyue L, and has a long wheelbase of 2845mm; The fineness of pearl stitching and the delicacy of suede complement each other. In order to let users enjoy the quiet experience of "baby-level sleep", Xingyue L has made great efforts in the aspects of acoustic materials, sound insulation materials, sealing strips and double-layer laminated sound insulation glass, and applied ANC active noise reduction technology of high-end headphones to the extreme, with excellent mute effect in all working conditions.

  Xingyue L comes standard with the Drive-E series 2.0TD engine. The high-power version has a maximum power of 175kW and a maximum torque of 350N·m, which matches Aisin 8AT gearbox and the sixth generation electro-hydraulic four-wheel drive system launched in China, with an acceleration of 7.7 seconds per 100 kilometers and a braking of 37.37 meters per 100 kilometers. The comprehensive mechanical quality far exceeds the same level.

Geely xingyue l won the best zhilian car in 2021 China automobile Fengyun festival _fororder_image005.

Xingyue l

  As a heavy product of Geely Automobile, China Star, the high-end series of Geely brand CMA represented by Xingyue L, insists on the popularization of high-end products and the creation of quality cars in the eyes of users. At present, the cumulative sales volume has exceeded 340,000, and the average price has reached 150,000, which has opened up a brand-new track for Geely brand and has become a banner of Geely’s high-quality development. (Photo courtesy of Geely Automobile)

Confusion: Is concert audio recording okay?

  Recently, a celebrity posted a series of Weibo, expressing his views on whether audio recording, video recording and photography should be banned at concerts, which has aroused widespread discussion. The opinions of netizens vary. Some think that since they have paid for the concert, they should be in charge of themselves, and that taking photos and recording videos is only for sending Moments and should not be restricted. Some think that since they come to listen to live performances, they should respect the requirements of the performers, fully commit themselves, and should not use mobile phones. Some netizens think that audio recording and video recording infringe the copyright of the organizers, but photography is not used for profit, does not violate portrait rights, and prohibiting photography is a bit overkill. Can you record, video or take pictures when watching live performances? How is it defined in law?

  "Note to the audience" is a contract

  On the back of the performance tickets purchased by the audience, most of them are printed with "Audience Instructions", the most common clause of which is "Without permission, audio, video and photography are prohibited on the spot." This type of audience information is actually a format contract between the ticket seller, the ticket buyer and the user. The so-called format contract refers to a contract that is pre-drawn up by one party for repeated use and cannot be negotiated by the other party at the time of signing. Like the tickets we often come into contact with, the "Audience Instructions", "Visiting Instructions", "Park Instructions" and "Passenger Instructions" in the ticket are all format contracts. Because of its wide use, it is generally tacit that after appropriate prompts, the ticket buyer has been informed and approved of this type of contract requirements at the time of ticket purchase.

  Maybe everyone is a bit "talking about the tiger changing color" when it comes to the format contract, but if the party providing the format clause exempts its liability, increases the liability of the other party, and excludes the main rights of the other party, the format clause should be invalid. If the format clause is valid, then when the ticket holder accepts the contract, it should abide by the requirements of the corresponding clause; if it is invalid, the ticket holder is not bound by the invalidation clause. So, in the "Audience Notice", the "No audio, video and photography on the spot without permission" clause is invalid?

  Unauthorized audio and video recordings infringe copyright

  Copyright includes the right of publication, the right of authorship, the right of modification, the right to protect the integrity of the work, the right of reproduction, the right of performance, the right of information network dissemination, the right of filming, the right of compilation and other rights. Article 38 of the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China stipulates that performers have the right to license others to broadcast live and publicly transmit their live performances and receive remuneration for their performances; the right to license others to record and receive remuneration for their performances; the right to license others to copy and distribute the audio and video products of their performances and receive remuneration; and the right to license others to disseminate their performances to the public through information networks and receive remuneration. At the same time, Article 47 stipulates that without the permission of the performer, live broadcast or public transmission of his live performance, or recording his performance, is an infringement, and shall, according to the circumstances, bear civil liabilities such as stopping the infringement, eliminating the impact, apologizing, and compensating for losses.

  According to the above legal provisions, in a narrow sense, unauthorized audio and video recording during live performances is an infringement; and in a broad sense, the author believes that static designs such as stage arrangement, performance costume design, and performer modeling during performances also condense the creative work of the organizers, making public the results of a large number of intellectual activities of the organizers of the performance department, and restricting photography are also acts of performers and organizers to protect their own copyrights.

  When the audience purchases tickets to watch the performance, they actually enjoy only the right to watch the artistic performance provided by the performer and the organizer, and do not obtain the authorization to copy, record and disseminate the performance. The above format clause does not exclude the main rights of the audience, just as when visiting a museum, there are some exhibits that can only be appreciated and not allowed to be photographed due to the fact that the copyright has not expired.

  Therefore, whether from the perspective of copyright protection, or from the perspective of the legality and rationality of format contracts, audiences should abide by the regulations prohibiting audio recording, video recording, and photography. Especially now that live broadcast software is very popular, many live audiences broadcast live performances through software platforms without permission, which directly infringes the copyright of performers.

  Due to the above reasons, it is recommended that the general audience carefully read the "Audience Instructions" when watching live performances such as concerts, concerts, and dramas, abide by relevant regulations, do not use cameras, mobile phones, and other electronic devices to record, respect the intellectual achievements and legitimate rights and interests of others, and at the same time bring themselves a better viewing experience.

  Unauthorized photography or infringement of portrait rights

  Does taking photos at concerts infringe upon the image rights of celebrities? When it comes to portrait rights, everyone is not unfamiliar with it. Article 100 of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China stipulates: "Citizens enjoy portrait rights, and without their consent, they shall not use their portraits for profit."

  But it does not mean that other people’s portraits can be used at will without the purpose of profit. Article 120 of the General Principles of the Civil Law also stipulates: "If a citizen’s right to name, portrait, reputation, and honor has been infringed, he has the right to demand that the infringement be stopped, his reputation be restored, the impact be eliminated, and an apology be made, and he may demand compensation for the loss." In fact, the right to portrait, like the right to name, is an exclusive right. Without his permission, others cannot use it at will. That is to say, in the absence of illegal obstacles (such as retention of evidence, coverage, and the issuance of a "wanted notice" by the public security organ, etc.), the production, reproduction, dissemination, and exhibition of other people’s portraits shall be subject to his permission. Otherwise, the right to portrait of others shall be infringed.

  Malicious processing and defacement of other people’s portraits not only infringes the right of portrait, but also constitutes damage to the right of reputation. For example, the unauthorized use of celebrity photos to make peripheral products for sale, advertising, etc., are all acts of infringement of portrait rights. In addition, most of the popular emojis are made without their consent, which is also an act of infringement of portrait rights. If they are used for commercial purposes, they also need to bear corresponding compensation liabilities.

  It should be noted that in order to protect the public’s right to know, artists, well-known public officials, etc., as public figures, have the obligation to tolerate a certain degree of photojournalism in public. And for shooting that is not for the purpose of photojournalism, under the current laws of our country, there is still some controversy as to whether it should be regarded as an infringement of portrait rights. However, without permission, shooting in the private life of public figures, whether for news purposes or simply shooting without dissemination, is a candid shooting and may be investigated for civil liability. In daily life, everyone should know how to protect their privacy rights, portrait rights, and reputation rights, and at the same time respect the legitimate rights and interests of public figures.

  (Author unit: Beijing Shijingshan District Court)

Changan Suzuki is facing a historic opportunity

  As we all know, in the past three decades, Suzuki has been a great success in the Chinese market with its environmental protection + small car strategy, winning the reputation of energy conservation and environmental protection. To take a recent example, in the 2014 average fuel consumption of passenger car enterprises announced by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently, Changan Suzuki won the energy-saving championship among nearly 100 large domestic passenger car enterprises participating in the publicity with the stunning data of 5.8L/100km.

  Suzuki’s perseverance has provided an opportunity for Suzuki to usher in a new round of leaps and bounds.

  With the increasing air pollution caused by factors such as motor vehicle displacement in recent years, advocating energy conservation and environmental protection has become a consensus of the whole society. Especially in this year’s government work report, it is clearly stated that it is necessary to "fight the tough battle of energy conservation and emission reduction and environmental governance" and "control motor vehicle exhaust". The attention of the national level and the improvement of environmental awareness of ordinary people also call on car companies to fulfill more social responsibilities and introduce greener and more environmentally friendly products through various means such as innovative technology.

  It can be seen that Suzuki’s car-making philosophy and long-standing efforts coincide with the general trend of today’s China. Especially for Changan Suzuki, which has raised "energy conservation and environmental protection" and built "low-energy-consuming and high-quality" cars to the height of its corporate mission, the weather, the location, and the people are all available. Good wind is waiting for Kunpeng to take advantage of!