Community group buying "renewed war": there are "heads" who earn nearly 10,000 yuan a month.

  Look at the goods in the WeChat group, place orders in small programs, and move your fingers, and all kinds of fresh, grain and oil products will be delivered to your home. In 2020, a sudden epidemic disrupted everyone’s life rhythm, the online retail format broke out, and the community group purchase accident became an important support for the residents’ lives, and giants such as Meituan, Ali, JD.COM and Pinduoduo entered the market one after another. Recently, a reporter from Qilu Evening News and Qilu Yi went into several communities in the provincial capital to understand the current situation of community group buying.

  Qilu Evening News Qilu Yidian reporter Yu Yuxing

  Daily sales of 70-80 orders

  The maximum turnover per day is more than 10,000 yuan.

  Near eleven o’clock in the evening, Ms. Zhou "poisoned late at night" in the WeChat group, and photos and videos of spicy crayfish teased everyone’s appetite. The "Ding Ding" mobile phone kept shaking, and Ms. Zhou harvested another wave of orders before going to bed.

  In the past four years, Ms. Zhou has been a well-known "group leader" of a residential district in tianqiao district, Jinan, with two WeChat group purchases of 500 people. "In 2017, we started to do community group buying, and the users are basically the owners of the community." Ms. Zhou’s community group purchase relies on her own express collection point, and it is convenient for owners to take home the fresh food they bought the day before when they take the express delivery. "The source of customers is relatively stable, and it is not so laborious to do it. It is like opening another online supermarket. Everyone orders online and picks up the goods the next day. I am a pick-up point here."

  It is reported that there are thousands of households in Ms. Zhou’s community, and there are several community group purchases like her. "Basically, some treasure moms and mom-and-pop shops are doing it, and the user cross is very large." Ms. Zhou said that the platforms of the heads of delegations also cover each other, including Prosperity Optimization, Ten Clubs, You, Me and You. "I will send products from all platforms to the group and let users choose. Recently, a beautiful group was selected, and the activity was relatively strong, which was very popular with everyone. " 

  There are also differences in the opening of the group on each platform. Some groups are held every day, while others are held every other day. "Every time you open a group, you can trade dozens of orders and hundreds of orders. Each platform adds one, and the average is seventy or eighty orders a day." Ms. Zhou said that because most of them are fresh, grain and oil products, the single-day trading volume fluctuates greatly. "As little as two or three thousand yuan, more than ten thousand yuan. Especially on holidays, the volume of fruit gift boxes is very large, and the single-day turnover can reach about 13 thousand yuan. "

  10%-15% commission

  The "head" has a considerable monthly income.

  The second day after the rally, Ms. Zhou was the busiest time, basically from morning till night. "Especially after work, users go home and take the food back. There are often long pick-up queues at the door of the store. "

  Ms. Zhang, a working mother, is a member of the daily queue to pick up the goods. "If there is no food at home, just visit the group buying group in the community to see what to buy, and send it to the community the next day. It is simply too convenient to visit the vegetable market and supermarket." In Ms. Zhang’s view, convenience is the main reason for choosing community group buying.

  In addition to convenience, good quality and low price are also a major reason why community group buying can be a big fire. Ms. Zhou takes mangosteen, kiwi fruit, pitaya and other fruits on her platform as examples. Mangosteen, which costs more than ten yuan a catty in the supermarket, only needs 8.9 yuan to buy in the platform. 9.8 yuan in Xuxiang Kiwifruit Platform weighs three kilos, and the cheapest Kiwifruit in the supermarket also costs five or six yuan a kilo.

  "The quality of fruits and vegetables is comparable to that of supermarkets or even fresher, and the price is still cheap. Users who have bought them will place orders again and again." Ms. Zhou said that word-of-mouth communication among community users is more reliable than any advertisement. After being recognized by users, everyone will pull acquaintances in to buy together.

  It has been less than half a year since Ms. Feng, the "post-90 s" Bao Ma, became the "head" of community group buying. "My girlfriend recommended me to join, just to earn pocket money while taking care of my children." Ms. Feng said that there are more than 200 people in her group, and the daily sales are around 1,000 yuan. The platform gives 10% commission, and it can also have two or three thousand yuan a month.

  Ms. Zhou, who has two 500 people in her hand, has to double her monthly income. "There are many platforms, and the commission is basically between 10% and 15%." Ms. Zhou said that the monthly income is basically stable at around seven or eight thousand yuan. "On holidays, with the gift box, the monthly income is around 10,000 yuan."

  After seizing the market

  Doing a good job in product service is the key.

  Ms. Li, who has been the head of the Tenth Club in Dianliu Community of Jinan for more than two years, was recently invited by the US delegation and became the preferred head of the US delegation.

  "For the head of the team, multiple platform products can be sent to the same group, so that users can make their own judgments and place orders." Mr. Yuan, the preferred promoter of Meituan, said that Meituan had developed more than 3,700 WeChat groups with more than 100 people in Jinan in one and a half months.

  Different from the "seed player" such as the Tenth Club, which developed from the grassroots level of the industry, Meituan is a key project of large enterprises with a level of 100 billion. With strong financial support, it can be quickly opened nationwide at the beginning of the opening. "In the next step, relying on Meituan APP, Meituan Optimization will be made into a new industrial line alongside Meituan Takeaway."

  In Mr. Yuan’s view, there is an essential difference between the optimization of the US Mission and the Tenth Mission. The two modes are different. The Tenth Mission has small profits but quick turnover, focusing on profit and demanding sales; Meituan pays more attention to the number of orders when buying food, and wants to make data.

  However, Mr. Yuan admits that, as far as Jinan is concerned, the order quantity of the Tenth Club is currently unmatched by the US Mission.

  However, the US Mission also has an advantage that the Tenth Mission does not have, that is, the US Mission APP. "At present, Meituan has been connected with Meituan APP, and everyone can place an order through Meituan APP, which means that all people who have Meituan APP may become the preferred users of Meituan."

  "Community group buying starts from the head of the team, but it will eventually end in the supply chain". In fact, how to do a good job in product service after seizing the market is the most critical part for community group buying platforms such as Meituan Optimization, Ten-Club Group, and City Life.

  Hot money poured in, and giants followed suit.

  Is community group buying "really fragrant"

  If you win fresh food, you win the world. In recent years, various sales models of fresh food industry have been favored by capital giants frequently. In 2020, as a "pre-sale+self-promotion" sales model in the fresh food industry, community group buying became popular overnight and was selected by the capital again under the influence of the epidemic.

  According to the data of Tianyancha, according to incomplete statistics, there have been more than ten times of financing in the field of community group buying and fresh e-commerce in China this year, amounting to 10 billion yuan. Among them, the 10th Club was voted for three times this year, with a total financing of US$ 249.7 million; Tongcheng Life received 200 million dollars and tens of millions of dollars in financing in June and July. According to LatePost, the latest round of financing of $495 million per day is the largest financing of fresh food industry to date.

  With the influx of hot money and the follow-up of giants, what is the future of community group buying?

  "Community group buying adopts ‘ Pre-sale+self-withdrawal ’ The model is based on sales, there is no turnover, there is no need for offline stores, and there is no high distribution cost for centralized self-lifting. " Ms. Zhou, who has worked hard in community group buying for three or four years, is very optimistic about "community group buying". She said that the pre-sale method of community group buying can effectively reduce the inventory, and the goods have been booked and sold before they arrive in the warehouse, which improves the turnover efficiency and reduces the product loss rate and distribution cost.

  However, Mr. Zhao, a veteran in the industry, pointed out that the so-called fixed production by sales and fixed production by demand is actually difficult to achieve. Moreover, domestic agricultural products are generally lack of standardization, and direct mining in the place of origin and taking goods at the base are mostly gimmicks. "Community group buying also requires multiple categories, which is difficult for most enterprises, and many still rely on the local first-class wholesale market."

  In addition, Mr. Zhao believes that how to keep the head of the platform and keep the tourists is also a problem worth exploring.

  It is foreseeable that the competition for community group buying resources is bound to intensify. With the entry of Internet giants, there are more possibilities for this track.

M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 was released, which laid the technical foundation for Starway Brand 2.0 era.

On August 27th, Chery’s high-end brand Starway, with the theme of "Exploring the Future", presented the new M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 and AtlantiX, the first pioneer mass production concept car of this architecture, at Chengdu Auto Show.


Huang Zhaogen, assistant general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. and general manager of Xingtu Marketing Center, and Hong Gaoming, assistant general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. unveiled AtlantiX.


Fan Xing, deputy general manager of Xingtu Marketing Center, announced M38T Chinese name.

AtlantiX, the mass production concept car of the new flagship SUV Starway M38T in the 2.0 era. While relying on the new M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 to give M38T powerful products, Starway officially announced its Chinese name-"Eta Ursae Majoris" at this auto show.


Hong Gaoming, Assistant General Manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. introduced the technological highlights of M3X Mars Architecture 2.0.

Hong Gaoming, assistant general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. said at the press conference: "M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 integrates Chery’s global superior strategic resources, and is developed and manufactured according to luxury car standards. It is an advanced architecture representing the flagship value and forward-looking technology of Starway products, and it is also a technical carrier that drives Starway to the era of intelligence and hybrid electricity, laying a solid technical cornerstone for the global upward development of Starway brand 2.0 era."

??M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 is released, which will help the future products to be advanced in an all-round way.


M3X, M means Mars, representing the spirit of continuous exploration of Starway brand, 3 representing the three core technical skills of Starway flexible hardware platform, intelligent network architecture and powertrain, and X representing infinite possibilities. This platform will generate more models to meet the needs of different customers. Since the release of M3X Mars architecture at the Beijing Auto Show in 2020, it has continuously empowered Starway products to release high-quality, high-quality and high-value kinetic energy.


The newly released M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, on the basis of continuing the "three highs" advantages, has achieved six scientific and technological improvements in the four dimensions of safety, comfort, power and intelligence, which will help Xingtu to build better products and play a vital role in improving the future product layout. The architecture can realize the product matrix covering the A+ and B-class SUV/ car /MPV markets, covering the power forms such as PHEV/ICE/REEV, etc.

At this stage, M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 will produce 2.0TGDI+8AT, 2.0TGDI+7DCT and PHEV power systems, in which the maximum torque of 2.0TGDI is 400 N m, the thermal efficiency is more than 43%, the torque of 8AT is more than 400 N m, the power of 3DHT is more than 165kW, and the wheel torque is more than 4000 N·m, which is free according to the needs of the vehicle type. It also provides seven modes of all-terrain four-wheel drive system to achieve leading handling performance.


The first body-in-white of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris Qingdao Super Factory.

Based on M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, the new cage-type energy-absorbing body technology will be adopted, which can meet the global N-CAP five-star standard in collision safety. Up to 85% of the whole vehicle is covered with high-strength steel, and 1,500Mpa ultra-high-strength thermoformed steel is used in key parts such as B-pillar, and the unique design patent of "double energy-absorbing box and double force-transmitting" path can better absorb and distribute the impact and energy generated by collision, meeting the stringent 25% small offset collision test standard.

Thanks to the independent development capability of the complete electrical architecture, M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 will bring a refreshing experience to smart cars. EEA4.0 advanced electronic and electrical architecture supported by Gigabit Ethernet, OTA and Autosar. It can easily meet the continuous upgrading needs of new energy, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit. In addition to the typical NOP intelligent navigation driving assistance, ALC intelligent automatic lane change, AVP autonomous parking service and other high-heat functions, it also includes 21 ADAS basic functions and 11 high-order intelligent driving assistance functions.


Eta Ursae Majoris mass production concept car AtlantiX

In terms of comfort, the M3X Mars architecture 2.0 will enjoy like a "magnetic levitation" through chassis CDC adaptive suspension, double hydraulic suspension and Queen’s car system. With the support of Qualcomm 8155 chip, the iterative Lion Lion Zhiyun system will bring a "four haves" intelligent cockpit with value, wisdom, emotion and temperature, and can always maintain the leading technology and comfortable experience through the continuous upgrade of OTA.

??Bring "Mars" to "Eta Ursae Majoris" and truly realize products empowered by technology.


Eta Ursae Majoris real car map


Eta Ursae Majoris mass production concept car AtlantiX

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris makes full use of smooth arc curves and full and tense curved surfaces to create a product perception of "luxury, technology, vitality and fashion". Among them, the design of "light language" will also become an important feature of the future starway family, expanding the traditional "point" and "source" to the streamer "beam" and the colorful "matrix". The X-type starship-type solar energy matrix daytime running light echoes with the through-type rear taillight belt of the Milky Way, giving drivers and passengers a sense of future and luxury while fully demonstrating the trendy, intelligent and energetic brought by science and technology.


Eta Ursae Majoris mass production concept car AtlantiX

Domestic autonomous driving technology attracts global automakers to pay attention to multinational supply chain enterprises and increase local research and development.

On April 25th, the Beijing Auto Show was reopened after several years. The localization of auto software and AI-led autonomous driving technology has become the focus of multinational auto manufacturers and supply chain enterprises.

Huawei’s Gankun smart car solution debuted at the Beijing Auto Show for the first time, attracting executives from many multinational auto manufacturers to visit. According to sources, Huawei is expected to authorize advanced assisted driving (ADAS) solutions to multinational car companies to land in China, and the specific cooperation mode is still under discussion.

On the other hand, due to the rapid iterative demand of China electric vehicle manufacturers for autonomous driving technology and the trend of going out to sea, European and American automobile suppliers are also aiming at autonomous drivingartificial intelligenceBusiness opportunities generated by technology in the automotive field.

Autopilot has become a key function to boost sales.

Although the price war of electric vehicles has intensified, with China consumers increasingly seeking high-tech functions when choosing cars, domestic automobile manufacturers have promised to invest heavily in technological innovation. AI technology, including autonomous driving, is also the focus of future competition among China automobile manufacturers.

China, a global automotive technology supplier, and Yang Xiaoming, president of Asia-Pacific region, told the First Financial Reporter on the eve of the Beijing Auto Show: "The iteration speed of products in China’s automotive market is far ahead of other regions in the world, especially in electrification and intelligence, such as advanced driver assistance."

Stephen Dyer, the co-head of research institute Ai Ruibo in Greater China and the head of automobile consulting business in Asia, told the China Business News after watching the Beijing Auto Show: "Obviously, many China automakers regard advanced assisted driving technology as a key function to boost sales."

Dai Jiahui pointed out that Ai Ruibo’s recent global electric vehicle survey confirmed that China consumers really care about these functions. "China Automobile Factory is unique in that it can deploy a wider range of ADAS functions at a lower cost than foreign brands."

withXPENG MotorsFor example, He Xiaopeng, the founder and CEO of the company, said that from next month, its software and upgrade will enter an "accelerated cycle", and he also hoped that the application scope of its software platform could be extended to other Asian countries and Europe.

Earlier this year, it has indicated that it plans to recruit 4,000 employees this year and invest 3.5 billion yuan in areas such as autonomous driving.

Last month, Xpeng Motors said that it was upgrading its driver assistance software, and planned to provide all autopilot functions to drivers all over China in 2024. XNGP advanced driver assistance system in Xpeng Motors andXiaomi automobileNOA is related toTeslaThe fully automatic driving technology FSD is similar.

The German Volkswagen Group holds nearly 5% of the shares in Xpeng Motors. Volkswagen is also cooperating with Xpeng Motors to develop a new intelligent electric vehicle architecture, so as to produce new electric vehicles with more economic benefits.

Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, also recently proposed that the goal of Xiaomi’s intelligent driving is to become the first echelon in 2024. He said that Xiaomi SU7 series models will all support NOA and parking service functions of the advanced assisted driving system on the expressway, and the city NOA is planned to be opened nationwide in August.

Multinational suppliers increase R&D investment in China.

An Bofu’s important customers in the world include multinational automobile manufacturers. Yang Xiaoming said that in order to further meet the needs of China automobile manufacturers for innovative technologies, Amber is considering setting up the first artificial intelligence center in China to increase the strategic layout of China market localization; On the other hand, Amber is also using its global data in the field of intelligent driving to empower China automobile manufacturers to go to sea.

In fiscal year 2023, the sales of China region of Ampofo increased by 12%, and the Asia-Pacific region, including China, contributed 28% of the global net sales of Ampofo. Yang Xiaoming said that Amber China will achieve 50% business growth in the next five years, and a large part of the sales growth will come from expanding cooperation with independent brands in China. He predicted that the business related to China manufacturers will reach 70% in five years.

"Our R&D investment in China will continue to increase. On the one hand, we are increasing the number of software engineers in China R&D Center, and at the same time, we are beginning to implement some forward-looking research in China. In the past, these studies were often placed abroad, and now we will also consider China as the first application site." Yang Xiaoming told the First Financial Reporter.

When talking about what role the artificial intelligence center in China will play in the world in the future, he said: "This artificial intelligence center will test a lot of data, and integrate artificial intelligence into the R&D process of our intelligent cars, greatly improving the R&D speed. These are also the requirements of our customers in China, which can better serve the global business of these enterprises."

Before the end of last year, ZF, a German automotive technology supplier, successfully obtained the Group’s first L4 autopilot test license in China. The company said that this will accelerate the localization development, testing and iteration of autonomous driving technology.

The First Financial Reporter learned that ZF has also increased its investment in R&D in China in recent years, including setting up an autonomous driving team in China, including investing in forward-looking technical research.

Multinational supplier overweightChina softwareLocal technology research and development is also due to the rapid rise of local suppliers. Industry insiders revealed to the First Financial Reporter that many multinational auto giants expressed interest in Huawei’s leading ADAS system. If Huawei’s smart car solution is finally licensed to multinational automobile manufacturers, it will not only help overseas automobile brands to accelerate their entry into the field of autonomous driving in China, but also mean that Huawei will have the opportunity to compete with top automotive technology suppliers Bosch and Continental Group.

A technical person in charge of Huawei’s intelligent driving related products did not comment on the details of the current negotiations between Huawei’s ADAS system and multinational automakers to the First Financial Reporter. "We can’t say anything that the company hasn’t released." He said.

Cross-border flow of automobile data attracts attention.

Dai Jiahui of Ai Ruibo told China Business News: "Multinational automobile manufacturers, especially European automobile manufacturers seem to realize that the development speed of China’s ADAS technology providers is much faster than that of European and American companies, which will also prompt some multinational companies to seek a system purchase or lease agreement with China’s ADAS suppliers for sharing. This business model is beneficial to both sides."

Francois Provost, head of purchasing and partner of French automaker Renault, said in a post on LinkedIn on Friday: "Luca de Meo, CEO of Renault, and China.Li AutoAnd Xiaomi held talks on electric and smart car technology. "This will also open the door for potential technical cooperation between the two sides.

As the global automotive technology supply chain tends to converge, cross-border flows such as data have also attracted great attention from the market. Yang Xiaoming told China Business News that the cross-border flow of data is important to promote the development of global autonomous driving technology.

"In the past, we used R&D data from Europe and the United States to support the landing of smart cars in China. As China automobile manufacturers speed up going to sea, we also hope that we can use the data trained in China to help them land overseas, but this still faces the bottleneck of data supervision." Yang Xiaoming said.

He stressed that data compliance is very important. At present, Amber is actively communicating with relevant institutions to clarify which intelligent networked automobile data can be shared and take advantage of its global data network.

"Recently, we have seen very good signs, and the regulatory authorities have given some clear instructions on data sharing, so that multinational companies like Amber can take advantage of our global data and train the software designed by China more quickly under the premise of legal compliance to help China automobile manufacturers who need to go to sea achieve their goals." He told the first financial reporter.

Recently, CEO Musk said on social platforms,TeslaFSD is expected to be implemented in China soon. In this regard, Yang Xiaoming told the First Financial Reporter: "If the new autopilot software can enter China, it will also promote the progress and development of the overall autopilot technology in China, because we can learn from better experience."

In the eyes of some insiders, the entry of FSD into China will still be a gradual process. Dai Jiahui told China Business News: "We have seen that the global autonomous driving function and autonomous level are gradually increasing, and China has adopted these technologies very quickly. However, I expect that the gradual increase of automatic driving function will become the main development path, rather than achieving a leap in fully automatic driving technology at one time. "

Re-opening of Spring Festival in 2023: The high-quality market of scheduled films shows a recovery trend.

Special feature of 1905 film network According to the preliminary statistics of the National Film Bureau, the total box office of the Spring Festival in 2023 was 6.758 billion yuan, setting a new record for the second box office of the Spring Festival in film history. Six films covered suspense, science fiction, comedy, animation and other topics, and presented audiences with one Spring Festival feast after another. With a box office score of 2.606 billion yuan, it led the Spring Festival with a harvest of 2.164 billion yuan, followed closely. What are the different features of this year’s Spring Festival? What about other films in the same period?

The Spring Festival in 2023 ended perfectly, and several films can be said to have their own points of view, with a total box office of 6.758 billion yuan. Liu Zhenfei, a data analyst of Cat’s Eye Research Institute, started from the market data and analyzed which data are worthy of attention and resumption: "The announcement period and pre-sale period of the Spring Festival this year are relatively tight, showing a trend of backward alignment or long-term announcement. The box office of 1.35 billion yuan on the first day of this year reached the level of previous years, but it can only rank fourth in the Spring Festival file in history. By the end of the schedule, it has ranked second in the history of the schedule, indicating that from the first day to the sixth day, the box office trend is more stable. This year’s Spring Festival file can achieve this more stable trend. On the one hand, the audience is constantly returning to the cinema, on the other hand, the overall film is better. "

This year’s Spring Festival movies are not only diversified in types, but also different in the duration of a single film. Among them, the head film Wandering Earth 2 lasted for three hours, and Manjianghong also lasted for two and a half hours. According to the box office weight, the average duration of this year’s Spring Festival movies is as long as 150 minutes. Compared with previous years, the longest duration of movies is about 130 minutes. As a direct result, the number of national screenings will definitely drop. From the data point of view, the number of movies this year is less than that in previous years, but the total number of people watching movies this year continues to increase, whether the length of time is increased or the number of movies is decreased.

The audience will not only pay attention to the type and duration of the film, but also pay attention to the ticket price. The average ticket price this year is 52.3 yuan, which is the first time that the ticket price has been lowered for seven consecutive years. Spring Festival is a popular consumption schedule that is in short supply, especially under the premise that the operation of cinemas in the past three years is not ideal, the price increase of the schedule is also within the audience’s understanding. However, this year’s Spring Festival stalls may be influenced by the negative comments on the price increase of last year’s Spring Festival stalls, or because of the pursuit of allowing profits to welcome guests, but the fare has been lowered, and this move is also conducive to the audience to enter the theater for consumption. According to the data, this year’s low-frequency movie users have improved significantly compared with last year; For high-frequency movie users, the proportion of ticket purchases has also increased slightly compared with the past. It can be said that this year’s Spring Festival file has made the film market show a thriving recovery trend because of the benefits of welcoming guests and the richer types of film supply.

Before the Spring Festival, many people would predict the situation of each film. In previous years, there was often a situation of one super and many strong, but this year was very special. Wandering Earth 2 and Manjianghong went hand in hand in the past few days, and you chased me and there was a situation of "two heroes standing side by side". Liu Zhenfei mentioned: "This situation is really rare. In the past, it was said that the counter-attack of the schedule or the birth of the dark horse all started from the low position and rushed to the high position, or fell down because of word of mouth, forming a big deficit. This year is different, "Man Jiang Hong" is gradually improving, and "Wandering Earth 2" has basically not dropped much, and there is such a so-called "dual-core drive" that goes hand in hand. "

In this situation, users of high-frequency movies will choose to have them all, while users of low-frequency movies will choose to watch either the hottest movie or the best one, which is reflected in the previous slots. No matter how much the total box office is, the audience’s flow or the bonus of the slots must be concentrated on the individual movies in the head, and the slots have been improved as a whole, but the capacity has not been improved.

This year’s "Wandering Earth 2" and "Man Jiang Hong", first, the audience is very different. The audience of "Wandering Earth 2" is mostly elderly or male, including those in first-and second-tier cities; The opening of "Man Jiang Hong" will be biased towards women or sink into the market, and then it will flow to large-scale users. From the genre point of view, one of the two films is more large-scale production and big scenes, and the other one has achieved layer-by-layer inversion and endless jokes in the plot, which has produced a good form of distinguishing the audience from the temperament. It can be said that one is literary and one is martial, which absorbs different audiences and finally forms a win-win situation that keeps pace with each other.

Under the premise of quantity, the types of this year’s Spring Festival stalls are very diverse, with as many as 11 types. Liu Zhenfei said: "Judging from the different types of films in this year’s Spring Festival, there are also some differences in urban areas across the country. For example, first-and second-tier cities will be more concentrated, such as Northeast China and North China, and the most prominent is "Man Jiang Hong"; In the southern region, it may be biased towards such fantasy animation, such as Wandering Earth 2, which will be biased towards some areas in East China and South China. Therefore, the richness of the types of Spring Festival files is also a different movie-watching map formed throughout the country, and audiences all over the country will choose a movie they really like. "

Therefore, the box office performance of this year’s Spring Festival file really gave all film practitioners a shot in the arm. Next, there will be a relay release of films. Behind the brilliant achievements of this year’s Spring Festival, we can find that the third and fourth lines have sunk into the market and returned to the market very quickly. Compared with the past few years, the whole trend of returning home has taken shape again.

In 2018 and 2019, the box office peak of audience in third-and fourth-tier cities reached around the third grade, and then slowly fell back; This year, it was not only on the first day of New Year’s Day, but also on the third day of the following year, the third-and fourth-tier cities reached the high point again, which played a timely supplementary role in the Spring Festival stalls. From the market point of view, it was the tide of returning home that brought the biggest benefits to the Spring Festival stalls.

With the popularity of movies, whether it’s "When the Wind Comes Again" or "China Ping-Pong’s Jedi Fight Back", there are still many popularity movies to be released in the future movie market. What can attract the audience to the cinema continuously is that these popularity movies are released every week, so as to train moderate and heavy fans to enter the cinema frequently, which has a regulating effect on the whole market and is a benign development for the cultivation of the schedule.

Lei Jun: The ordinary version of Xiaomi SU7 has been officially delivered.

  [car home Information] On April 18th, Lei Jun revealed in the live broadcast room that after the founding version, the standard version and Max version of Xiaomi SU7 (Lei Jun called the official version) have been delivered in Beijing and Shenzhen today. According to the previous information of Xiaomi SU7 listing conference, the standard version and Max version will be delivered first at the end of April, which has been delivered 12 days in advance, while the Pro version will be delivered at the end of May. Lei Jun said that the order of Xiaomi SU7 is 3-5 times higher than previously expected, and it is already in full production to meet the delivery. Lei Jun also said that by the end of this year, 40 cities are expected to have Xiaomi car stores.

Home of the car

  Previously, on April 3, the first batch of Xiaomi SU7 founding edition was officially delivered at Xiaomi Automobile Factory in Yizhuang, Beijing. Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun personally opened the door for the first batch of car owners and delivered it.

Home of the car

  When the user locks the configuration, the factory starts to schedule production according to the set configuration. Consumers can see the approximate progress and estimated delivery time from Xiaomi Auto App. At the same time, before locking the configuration, you can also view the estimated delivery cycle of each configuration combination through the page. After the configuration is locked, the page can also view the delivery time.

  At present, the first batch of Xiaomi automobile stores covers 29 cities across the country, with a total of 59 stores, which is also the first batch of cities to be opened for delivery, as follows:

Home of the car

  At the same time, according to the needs of users, Xiaomi selected the following 10 cities to supplement the construction of sales and service stores, including Jinan in Shandong, Changzhou in Jiangsu, Nantong in Jiangsu, Jinhua in Zhejiang, Nanning in Guangxi, Changchun in Jilin, Guiyang in Guizhou, Zhuhai in Guangdong, Quanzhou in Fujian and Xiantao in Hubei. The above 10 cities will open one after another this year. Subsequent Xiaomi Auto will continue to add stores in other cities in time.

Xiaomi Auto Xiaomi SU7 2024 800km four-wheel drive with long battery life and high-order intelligent driving Max version.

Xiaomi Auto Xiaomi SU7 2024 800km four-wheel drive with long battery life and high-order intelligent driving Max version.

Xiaomi Auto Xiaomi SU7 2024 800km four-wheel drive with long battery life and high-order intelligent driving Max version.

  Xiaomi SU7 is aimed at medium and large cars, with a price of 21.59-29.99 million yuan. The new car is equipped with 8295 chips, which realizes five-screen interconnection including HUD and rear screen, and is equipped with 澎湃 OS system, and can be ecologically interconnected with Xiaomi. The new car is built on the basis of 800V architecture, which can recharge 510km in 15 minutes, with an acceleration time of 2.78 seconds from 0 to 100 km/h, a top speed of 210km/h and a cruising range of 810km for CLTC. Equipped with a laser radar, two NVIDIA DRIVE Orin chips, with a computing power of 508TOPS, the whole system supports high-speed NOA, and the city NOA was subsequently opened. (Text/car home Qin Chao)

Question: M9 will be listed in December. Huawei’s automobile concept broke out, and the industrial chain Nuggets were just then.

  In the early morning of October 9,The concept has risen sharply. As of press time,Waiting for the 5-share daily limit, Yoshioka Precision,Waiting for the top increase.

  In the news, on October 6th, the daily order volume of the new M7 in the world exceeded 7,000 units. According to Yu Chengdong, the chairman of BU, from September 12th to October 6th, the cumulative order for this car exceeded 50,000 units. In addition, at the new product launch conference of Huawei’s autumn scene held on September 25th, it was confirmed that the M9 will be officially launched in December 2023.

  It is pointed out that Huawei is behind the hot sale of the new M7.The effect of the strategic layout of the automobile industry has been continuously verified intuitively. The new M7 in Wenjie has been upgraded in many aspects, such as HarmonyOS cockpit 3.0, Huawei ADS2.0 and high-standard active and passive safety systems, while the starting price has been reduced, and the product strength and cost performance have been significantly improved. With the market recognition of Huawei’s self-driving car model, investment opportunities in the industrial chain are expected to emerge continuously, and Huawei’s smart cabin and smart driving fields will fully benefit.

  Previously, it was pointed out that in addition to M7, M9 also appeared in the 375th batch of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently."in. "With the continuous release of M7 orders and the expectation that the new model M9 will be launched soon, we will focus on the opportunities of Huawei’s automobile industry chain."

Peace of mind diet conveys the concept of health, and Spring Broadcasting won the "Golden Bridge Award, the most valuable consumer company of the year"

On November 19th, the 2020 Thinking Finance Investor Annual Meeting and the 12th Golden Bridge Award Ceremony hosted by Thinking Finance and Investor Network were successfully held in Shanghai Pudong Star River Hotel. The theme of this annual meeting is "Change and Opportunity", aiming at finding the backbone of the double-cycle era and finding new investment opportunities in the face of global economic changes. In this "Golden Bridge Award" ceremony, Chunbo, a new retail platform that advocates providing consumers with peace of mind and healthy food, won the honor of "the most valuable consumer company of the year".

Photo: Chunbo won the honor of "Golden Bridge Award, Consumer Company with the Most Investment Value of the Year"

The "Golden Bridge Award" is jointly selected by experts in the industry, such as Thinking Finance and Investor Network. It examines enterprises from four dimensions: achievements, investment value, innovation ability and social responsibility in the past year, aiming at providing a good evaluation and reference system for China’s capital market. Since its inception in 2008, the annual investor conference has been recognized by many investors as the most valuable enterprise selection ceremony, and has now become an annual gathering closely watched by many well-known domestic financiers, investors and industry experts.

Since the beginning of this year, the epidemic has changed people’s inherent concept of life and lifestyle, and it has also given fresh food home delivery a new opportunity from "survival consumption" to "daily consumption". As a new retail platform for supplying high-quality safe and healthy food, spring sowing has also pressed the "fast forward button" of development in 2020.

With the explosive growth of online fresh consumption demand and the capital attention of many players in the fresh e-commerce track, why can spring sowing stand out from many competitors and be selected as the most investment-worthy consumer company of the year by Thinking Finance and Investor Online?

Safety advantage: the first new food retail platform with CMA certified quality control laboratory in China.

As a platform of "new retail of safe and healthy food", Spring Broadcasting always puts food safety in the first place. Wang Xin, the founder and CEO of Spring Broadcasting, once mentioned in the early stage of his business that Spring Broadcasting should build trust consumption between producers and consumers. To this end, Chunbo took the lead in the industry and became the first new food retail platform with CMA certified quality control laboratory in China. The quality control laboratory of spring sowing tests all the goods on the shelves, including pesticide residues, heavy metal residues, hormones, veterinary drug residues, preservatives, artificial colors and other items. A professional quality inspection team composed of dozens of masters and bachelors is responsible for routine "full inspection of each batch" and "timed inspection in warehouse" of fresh ingredients, and issues inspection reports in real time. Each product has an independent ID, and the test results can be traced back to the whole process. Only products whose test results have passed the standards of "spring sowing BEST" or "spring sowing quality control" based on national organic and national food safety standards respectively can be sold on the spring sowing platform, thus establishing the food safety advantage of the new retail platform of spring sowing healthy food in the industry.

Channel advantage: Close cooperation with embassies of many countries will bring peace of mind and delicious food from every corner of the world to China.

Spring sowing takes "20 articles of peace of mind" as the principle of product selection, and brings safe food to consumers in China through global preferred suppliers, spring sowing own planting bases and producers’ alliance to protect the earth. Since its establishment, Chunbo has established long-term trust and cooperation with embassies and food industry associations in nearly 30 countries around the world. Regardless of any country or region, buyers of spring sowing will go to the place of origin through the recommendation of the embassy or suppliers, and conduct an all-round inspection of the products from the dimensions of geographical environment, raw material cultivation, processing methods, product packaging and product flavor, so as to ensure the source control of food and ensure that the food introduced by the platform meets the standards of spring sowing selection. At the same time, combined with offline experience and online promotion activities such as exotic food week held from time to time, consumers can always taste the original and pure delicacies of various countries through the spring broadcast platform.

Commodity advantage: gathering excellent sources of origin and direct extraction resources of organic ingredients.

The spring sowing planting base was built in strict accordance with the national organic product standards, and obtained organic certification in 2015. The base produces more than 60 kinds of organic vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbages. The establishment of Conscience Guarding the Earth Producers Alliance is also an important starting point for spring sowing to advocate and promote organic crops. Based on the concept of "defending human health and protecting the earth’s environment", the alliance directly supplies and sells organic vegetables to spring sowing. In addition, the technical team of Spring Sowing Farm has accumulated a set of mature management systems for the Alliance, such as organic cultivation technology management system, variety system, farm worker management system and KPI incentive measures, which not only enhances the growth and income of new farmers in organic agriculture, but also guarantees the supply of high-quality organic agricultural products in spring sowing.

It is reported that the spring broadcast platform defends consumers’ three meals a day around the main scenes of family cooking. Up to now, there are 14 categories and more than 4,000 commodities on the platform, covering ingredients, food and utensils needed by families. Consumers only need to use WeChat applet and APP to enjoy peace of mind and delicious food without leaving home. If consumers are in Wuxi, they can also go to Chunbo Anxin Health Supermarket to select and feel the high quality of Chunbo Anxin food at close range.

Recently, Spring Broadcasting is accelerating the layout of regional pre-warehouses, and now it has opened the express service in Dongzhimen, Beijing. In the future, more China families will enjoy peace of mind food at any time with the strong aging service.

Disclaimer: This article is reprinted by our website, aiming to provide readers with more news information. The contents involved do not constitute investment and consumption suggestions, and are for readers’ reference only.

[Editor: Zhong Jingwen]

Shaoxing Volvo V60 hot promotion! The highest discount is 36,700, and the car is sufficient.

In the preferential promotion channel in Shaoxing, car home, we are very happy to announce that preferential promotion activities are under way! As a luxury car loved by consumers, the price of Volvo V60 in Shaoxing area is now more close to the people. The lowest starting price is 315,800, and the highest discount is 36,700. If you want to know more about the discount, click "Check the car price" in the quotation form!

Volvo V60 is a luxury medium-sized station wagon, with a simple design and a sense of power. The front face adopts the iconic Volvo family design, and the straight waterfall air intake grille and large chrome trim are very eye-catching. The body lines are smooth, and the sides are designed with double waistlines, which highlights the sense of movement and movement. The rear design is simple, and the taillights are made of LED strip, which is recognizable after lighting. The overall style is elegant and noble, which shows the unique design style and high-quality manufacturing technology of Volvo brand.

Volvo V60 is a medium-sized station wagon with a length of 4778mm, a width of 1850mm, a height of 1437mm and a wheelbase of 2872 mm.. The body lines are smooth and unique, especially the side line design, which is more slender and shows elegant temperament. Tyre size is 235/45 R18, and the rim style is fashionable and atmospheric, which makes the whole vehicle more sporty. The specific parameters of the rear tread (mm) and the front tread (mm) are not provided.

The interior design of Volvo V60 is simple and atmospheric, and the overall style is mainly Nordic style. The steering wheel is made of leather, which supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth, and feels comfortable. The central control screen has a size of 9 inches, supports voice recognition control system, and can control multimedia, navigation and telephone functions. There are two USB/Type-C interfaces in the front row and the back row, which is convenient for charging and connecting devices. The seats are made of leather, and the front and rear seats, backrest, height, leg rest and lumbar support can be adjusted. The front seats also support heating and electric memory functions. The rear seats can be laid down in proportion, which increases the flexibility of space. Generally speaking, Volvo V60 is a medium-sized vehicle worthy of consideration because of its rich interior configuration, comfort and practicality.

Volvo V60 is equipped with a 2.0T 250 HP L4 engine with a maximum power of 184 kW and a maximum torque of 350 N m.. The car uses an 8-speed automatic transmission, which can provide a smooth shifting experience. The high performance of the engine and the intelligent design of the gearbox enable drivers to enjoy a more comfortable and stable driving experience. In addition, Volvo V60 is equipped with advanced safety technology and luxury configuration, which brings a safer and more comfortable driving experience for drivers and passengers.

In this article about the price reduction promotion of Volvo V60, we have introduced various features and advantages of this model. It has impressive design, spacious and comfortable interior space, excellent safety performance and powerful power system. Now, we are pleased to announce that we are offering special promotions so that you can buy this excellent model at a more affordable price. If you are interested in Volvo V60, now is an excellent time. Don’t miss this rare opportunity. Go to our dealer now to learn more details and enjoy this offer!

Affordable Volvo XC90 is listed! Full-time four-wheel drive, 2.0T hybrid +8AT, tall and mighty only 220,000.

Recently, a medium-sized and large SUV was officially launched at the Beijing Auto Show. This new car is also a large SUV that I particularly liked in the past. It has excellent mechanical literacy and the price is really cheap now. This model is the Lectra 09. The global version of the four-wheel drive is listed this time.

The guide price of this Lexus 09 is 265,800 yuan, and the manufacturer directly gives the price of 235,800 yuan, and there is still a subsidy of about 10,000 yuan at the terminal. The price of bare cars that can basically be sold is 225,800 yuan.

The advantages of the new car are actually very many. The first is the power system, which is equipped with a 2.0T+48V light mixing system and matches the eight-speed automatic manual transmission. More importantly, this Lectra 09 matches the central differential, full-time four-wheel drive, and adopts the front double wishbone independent suspension and the rear multi-link independent suspension system like BMW. The handling properties and mechanical literacy are in place, which is also the main reason why I liked this new car at first. In addition, the new car also has six driving modes, such as off-road, snow, strong dynamic performance, plus hard-core four-wheel drive, which can be very anti-skid

Although the appearance design is tall and powerful, it also has some shortcomings, which is also the main reason why I gave up this new car. As far as the appearance is concerned, the domineering shape is full of masculinity, the all-black appearance shows domineering, the hidden electric door handle, the 19-inch petal-shaped wheel hub and the four exhaust pipes, so the face value can definitely be beaten. In the body data section, the length, width and height of this Lectra 09 are 5042/1977/1780mm and the wheelbase is 2984mm, which is a seven-seat SUV.

The internal design has also been greatly upgraded. In addition to the two screens we saw, the new car has actually upgraded the chip of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 on the new model, and compared with the previous model, it has more Lectra OS N design. The 5G network signal adopted by the new car has active noise reduction function and remote control of the mobile phone, and it is also equipped with L2-level intelligent assisted driving system as standard in the whole system. There are only two kinds of maps: Gaode and Baidu. Automatic parking in place, automatic lane change assistance is readily available. Bluetooth key, card key and panoramic sunroof can be opened, which are also standard in the whole system. In addition, even the seats are equipped with heating, ventilation, massage, memory and boss buttons, and the global version of our four-wheel drive is also available.

So what’s wrong with this Lexus 09? From all aspects, it is actually perfect, with good price, domineering appearance and high intelligence. Why don’t many consumers buy it? The main reason is that it is very similar to the shortcomings of Volvo’s SUV, for example, the space inside the car is very small, and the mute effect inside the car is also very general. In fact, it is understandable, because this Lectra 09 and Volvo XC90 are the same chassis, and their advantages and disadvantages are basically the same.

Xiaomi Auto officially unveiled: Beiqi OEM, mass production in the first half of next year!

On November 15th, official website, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, released the contents of the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (the 377th batch) and the Catalogue of Energy-saving and New Energy-using Vehicles with Vehicle and Vessel Tax Exemption (the 56th batch), among which two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars, which have attracted much attention from the market, were officially exposed for the first time.

According to the public information, the two cars exposed by Xiaomi this time are pure electric cars, the models are SU7 and SU7 Max/Pro respectively, the product trademark is "Xiaomi", and the manufacturer is Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.

In terms of size, the length, width and height of the two cars are 4997mm, 1963mm and 1455mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 3000mm, which is positioned as a C-class car.

In addition, the public information shows that the English LOGO with the tail labels "Beijing xiaomi" and "Xiaomi" are also displayed at the rear of the two cars.

In terms of power battery, SU7 is equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery, and the supplier is BYD’s Foday battery. The SU7 Max/Pro is equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s ternary lithium battery;

As for the motor, the motor of SU7 comes from United Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd., and the peak power of driving motor is 220kW. The motor on the SU7 Max/Pro comes from Suzhou Huichuan United Power System Co., Ltd., and there are two power options: 220kW and 275kW.

Although the manufacturers of the above two Xiaomi cars are all Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd., the follow-up models of Xiaomi should be produced in their own factories. At present, Xiaomi’s automobile factory in Yizhuang, Beijing is under construction. Recently, there is market news that the construction of the project is divided into two stages. The first stage began in April 2022 and has begun to take shape.

In November, Xiaomi held a closed meeting in the park, and invited related enterprises from the mobile phone and automobile supply chain, including BAIC Group. Xiaomi said at the time that the first car of Xiaomi Automobile would be mass-produced in the first half of 2024.

Now, with the real appearance of Xiaomi Automobile in the public list of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, it is also announced that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing smoothly and is expected to be mass-produced and listed in the first half of 2024 as planned.

According to Lei Jun’s plan, the first model of Xiaomi Automobile plans to sell 100,000 vehicles in the first year, and then deliver 900,000 vehicles in the next three years, "entering the first camp in the industry in 2024".

Editor: Xin Zhixun-Linzi