Interview with Yang Zi: Through "Mai Chenghuan", I understand the identity of "daughter" better

The first time I met Yang Zi was in the family sitcom "Family with Children" that premiered in 2005. "Xiaoxue" with a high ponytail left a deep impression on the audience in front of the screen because of her clever and clever image. Recently, "Chenghuan" went LIVE on CCTV’s eight prime sets, and Yang Zi starred in the play as the daughter of the family in Shanghai. From "Xiaoxue" to "Mai Chenghuan", has Yang Zi changed?


"Xiaoxue and Mai Chenghuan are indeed different. The overall atmosphere of’Family with Children ‘is warm and happy, and Xiaoxue’s childhood is carefree, so she shows more of a lively and outgoing, innocent and quirky side." In an exclusive interview with Jiefang Daily Shangguan News, Yang Zi’s chatterbox was opened from the difference between the two "daughters".

"As I grew up, I found that many families were not like this. Many girls and mothers would quarrel about various things in life, including jobs, marriages, and how girls should survive in this society. The more noisy they were, the more they didn’t understand each other, and the less they knew what the problem was. And because of the constant blood relationship, they could only cold war, run away, and avoid going home during the holidays. Mai Chenghuan was one of them."

"The Story of Chenghuan" begins with the Mai family’s "family model" – a strong mother, a muddy father, and a obedient daughter and younger brother. He Saifei’s mother, Liu Wanyu, is used to controlling everything, including her daughter’s love and marital status. Mai Chenghuan, who has been working and has been an adult for a long time, even the details of his relationship have to be traced by his mother. Like many ordinary families in China, the Mai family has a warm and close parent-child relationship, but there are also difficult contradictions between the two generations due to differences in ideas.


"Chenghuan’s family is not particularly wealthy in Shanghai. The family of four is crowded in a small house in the alley, and the house leaks from time to time. The younger brother who goes to college doesn’t even have his own room, so he can only sleep on the camp bed on the balcony. Mom and Dad look to demolition to change their lives. Although the conditions are poor, they are better than warmth and intimacy." In such a family environment, Yang Zi said, Liu Wanyu is a typical "Chinese mother". In the early years, she married her father in the alley for staying in Shanghai, but she was actually dissatisfied with the stretched living conditions. "In the long family life, my father’s personality is relatively soft, which makes my mother develop a hard-spoken, soft-hearted, strong, and all-inclusive character. She hopes that her daughter will not be like herself, and can marry better and suffer less."

This is the third time Yang Zi has worked with He Saifei. "I was quite excited to learn that Teacher He Saifei plays the mother. She takes her work very seriously and has a lot of life experience. Many of her on-site treatments can make the mother-daughter relationship more delicate and real." In life, Yang Zi said, He Saifei is also an interesting person. "He will chat with us, tell some small jokes, and recommend some good things that she often uses and is very practical. In this way, we become like a real mother and daughter. This gives me more and more inspiration to create together."


On the one hand, Mak Chenghuan, who is about to turn 30, is still the pearl in the palm of his parents’ eyes that has not grown up. Even when she comes back from overtime, her father has to go to the alley to pick it up. On the other hand, she also faces the pressure of her parents to urge marriage, especially the disparity in economic conditions between her and her boyfriend Xin Jialiang, which buries the contradictions and conflicts between the two families. How Mak Chenghuan completes her self-growth in the play is the biggest test for Yang Zi, just like the fate of the characters implied by the name "Chenghuan". "She was named’Chenghuan ‘by her parents and hoped to be’under Chenghuan’s knees’, and the first 29 years of her life completely grew into what her parents expected. It was not until she was 30 years old that she began to understand the name again and learn how to’Chenghuan himself ‘and’please herself’." Yang Zi said that when she first got the script, M

In Yang Zi’s opinion, under the influence of her strong mother, Mai Chenghuan habitually compromised and dedicated to others in character. This is reflected not only in the family, but also in Mai Chenghuan’s attitude towards her boyfriend and colleagues. From helping her boyfriend with housework to bringing food to colleagues, she almost always chose to give. Compared with Xiaoxue’s carefree, Chenghuan has more helplessness of a real adult, and she lives without herself and is not so happy. "This story tells that Chenghuan does not know how to face this kind of discomfort and learns to be self-consistent." The Book of Chenghuan "made me have a deeper understanding and thinking about the identity of’daughter ‘."


In the latest plot, a monologue by Mai Chenghuan was scanned on the Internet. The Mai family discussed marriage with the Xin family, but the Xin family, who felt that they were well-off, did not give the Mai family’s parents the respect they deserved. In the face of the difficulties of the Xin family, Mai Chenghuan, played by Yang Zi, is generous, reasonable, and shows his attitude neither humble nor overbearing. In this scene, Mai Chenghuan is growing up, and the theme of growth also runs through "Chenghuan". Including the later period when Mai Chenghuan’s mother tricked her into attending the engagement party, she finally faced the conflict with her mother, which meant a change in role.

"Under the influence of the family, Cheng Huan became a obedient post-it note girl, doing everything according to her mother’s arrangement, trying to live the way her mother hoped, enduring everything, enduring it, enduring it, and enduring it again. When this strong love gradually turned into unbridled control and bondage, Cheng Huan finally longed to rebel once, to break out of the previous obedient mode, try to establish her own boundaries with her mother, and change and live her life according to her own wishes. The plot shows this process of desensitization." Yang Zi said.

For Ms. Yang, the most interesting aspect of the family portrait drama is its light-hearted and humorous approach to a realistic topic – how a mother who is used to self-sacrifice and a daughter who is good at guilt and compromise should get along. "I would be curious about how Chenghuan, in such a Chinese mother-daughter relationship, would choose to resist, to break through this strong love, and how to find a balance with her mother and achieve self-growth."


Most of the scenes in "Cheng Huan" are set in Shanghai. The Bund, Huangpu River, old bungalows, alleys, double-decker buses and other scenes are all familiar to Shanghai audiences. This shooting also made Beijing-born Yang Zi more familiar with the life in Shanghai’s alleys.

In order to get close to the character, she specially went to observe the neighborhood atmosphere and life atmosphere in Shanghai Lane, and also learned the Shanghai language from the seniors in Shanghai, imitating the tone and intonation of Shanghainese people. "Everyone will also teach me a lot of localized details, such as the way the play repeats words to call’Dad ‘and’Mom’, these experiences are very fresh."

For Yang Zi, the most memorable part of the whole filming process was not the heavy scenes, but a relatively flat family scene. "The plot is that Cheng Huan is listening to his parents, and the conversation between the family members is also very ordinary and happy. After listening to the plot, I can leave. But at that moment, I found that I couldn’t walk anymore, and I wanted to cry for no reason. It seems that I have a more complicated understanding of human nature. As people grow up, there will be more and more sour and helpless, but because the responsibility on my shoulders is getting heavier and heavier, I can’t easily vent my emotions."

The feeling is precious, she said, "and I remember it so well that I hope I can use it to further enrich the performance."

Fan Bingbing shot Guanyin Mountain and Kissed awesome

group photo of the main creator

"Fan Ye" flaming red lips are still sexy

Lovely Chen Bolin

"Bullet Girl" Zhao Ming came to cheer

  Movie Network News(Photo/Yang Nan, Text/Yang Yaru) Fan Bingbing’s first international film after the film "Guanyin Mountain" held a press conference in Beijing on February 24. Director Li Yu and starring Fan Bingbing, Chen Bolin, and Feilong waited to help out, and Tong Dawei, Guan Yue and his wife, Xu Zheng, Xiao Tao Hong and his wife, "Bullet Girl" Zhao Ming, Gao Qunshu, Zhang Yibai, Shang Jing, Jia Zhangke, Zhang Jiarui, Yang Kun, Ma Tianyu, Qin Hao and many other guests came to cheer.

Fan Bingbing shows a naughty side and learns to look like the battery is dead

What are you whispering, everyone wants to hear it

The sometimes cheerful and sometimes quiet "Fan Ye"

Fan Bingbing plays Flame Red Lips to let the audience taste "Bullet Girl" and then show "Career Line"

  On that day, "V5" Fan Ye also took the pure manly route, wearing a gray suit, trousers, and leather gloves, and dressed up to be cooler than Chen Bolin. Fan Bingbing’s hairstyle is also quite special, with all his hair on one side and playing with flaming red lips. In this regard, Fan Ye smiled and said, "Guanyin Mountain is a very special play, so my dress is also very special. I usually don’t do this, let you taste it!"

  Compared with Fan Bingbing’s neutral dress, Zhao Ming, who became famous as a "bullet girl", was wide-ranging. She was wearing a blue dark V dress and showed a deep "career line", which caused a commotion at the scene for a while. Tong Dawei, who had starred in Li Yu’s films, did not play a role in "Guanyin Mountain" this time. Tong Dawei said that he was really envious and jealous.

Chen Bolin, Fan Bingbing

Director Li Yu

Fan Bingbing’s neutral look is fashionable

Chen Bolin joked that the passion drama was "awesome" and revealed that he and Fan Bingbing died on the set

  "Guanyin Mountain" has a scene where Fan Bingbing and Chen Bolin want to die for love. The two lie on the train track, followed by a roaring train. It is not until the second they are about to collide that Fan Bingbing and Chen Bolin get up and run away.

  Recalling the scene at that time, Fan Bingbing still has lingering fears, "For the sake of authenticity, I didn’t say hello to the railway department when filming, it was too dangerous. At that time, we were lying on the track, and I was still wearing boots, so it was very inconvenient to move. I had my back to the train, and I could only rely on Chen Bolin to give me the signal. If it was later, I would be finished, and Chen Bolin was my last straw." Fan Bingbing shook his head, "We were all crazy at that time, really!" Chen Bolin also felt very dangerous, "There were times when we got too deep into the play, and Bingbing and I didn’t even see the train, so we were so anxious that the director ran over directly!"

  This scene also highlights the deep feelings between the two characters. Referring to the passionate kissing scene in the film, Chen Bolin said with a smile, "Playing with Bingbing, it feels not cold, very hot, and awesome!"

Starring Fat Dragon

Guan Yue and Tong Dawei came to watch the movie

Xu Zheng and Tao Hong

Ma Tianyu

Fan Bingbing: Come on, you’re older than me

Fan Bingbing was unhappy and choked. He was older than Chen Bolin. "Guanyin Mountain" was cut for 5 minutes

  When the media asked Fan Bingbing how he fell in love with an actor so much younger than her, Fan Bingbing instantly collapsed, "Chen Bolin is not much younger than me, just 1 year old, usually called’similar age ‘." Fan Bingbing looked a little helpless, hurriedly ended the answer to this question, and turned to his evaluation of the movie, "As Chen Bolin said," Guanyin Mountain "is not an art film, but a work of art!"

  "We removed a nailihu scene," Mr. Li explained hastily. "There’s nothing wrong with it, mainly to make the story more compact and direct."

Next page More wonderful pictures

8 seasons and 96 issues, "Extreme Challenge" is also an "Extreme Challenge"

In the eighth season of "Extreme Challenge", Dragon TV is using its own "challenging spirit" to meet the challenges of program iteration.

Author: West Asia

An "infinite loop" sightseeing bus, carrying the members of "Extreme Challenge" to their destination.

The number 8 in the eighth season is similar to the infinite symbol "∞". The show not only cleverly uses the setting of the hit drama "Beginning" at the beginning of the year, but also symbolizes the beginning of the new season, which still hides infinite possibilities…

On June 26, the eighth season of "Extreme Challenge", an inspirational variety show on Oriental Satellite TV, was broadcast. The new season invited Wang Xun, Yue Yunpeng, Jia Nailiang, Guo Jingfei, Huang Minghao, Huang Jingyu, Yang Chaoyue, and Gong Jun to form a new extreme challenge group to jointly start a journey full of joy and challenge.

As a comprehensive N-generation, what kind of "extreme challenge" is behind the eight-season and 96-episode programs?

In the midst of challenges, see laughter and see life

"Pie in the sky", using durian as a bowling ball, throwing golden eggs to those who want to be punished…

The first episode of the program walked into Wuzhizhou Island in Hainan. On this small island full of tropical vacation style, through fun games and faction battles between members, the new and old members embarked on a happy "ice-breaking journey".

"Welcome to the eighth season of Extreme Challenge, you have been eliminated!"

Under the challenge, reversals happen from time to time. The seemingly comfortable safe house has become a reward for the "bad guys", and the members who enter it will be eliminated. In the game "Who is Undercover 008", some members turn against their teammates, and some members forget the mission. Under the rules, some guests give up voting from beginning to end, and use the anti-routine gameplay to lead their teammates to win the "Sharing Good Brothers Combination Award" and complete the challenge together.

Transmitting happiness in the challenge also prompts thinking. It is precisely because member Gong Jun resisted the temptation throughout the process and did not vote for others to be eliminated that the group members finally won together, which also conveys the theme of this season’s "Challenge Together, Toward the Future" – on the basis of passing happiness, we also call on everyone to create a better future, and make the right choice in the face of life choices or temptations.

In the seventh season of "Extreme Challenge", the program combines topics such as the Beijing Olympic Winter Games, poverty reduction, and fire protection that the public cares about to convey the happiness of ordinary people and reflect the social picture of prosperity and development.

In this season, "Extreme Challenge" still draws inspiration from the times and life, and integrates marine protection, rural revitalization, cultural tourism development, seed industry innovation and other topics into a joyous game, enriching the form and content of the program while expanding the expression space of social value.

For example, in the first issue, in addition to the game, the island’s intelligent vacation experience is also impressive, demonstrating the flourishing attitude of Hainan’s cultural tourism industry. At the end of the collective thanks section, the audience was also introduced to the importance of marine ranching.

The content extended by the theme of "the future" is also a major attraction. In the challenge, the show presents a new era by showing the emerging lifestyle, the new development brought by the new business model, etc., and leads the audience to peek into the future – both the future life and the future era.

At the same time, from the perspective of young people, the program not only shows the current young people’s favorite camping, role-playing tabletop games, racing and other topics, but also focuses on strugglers from all walks of life, tells how Chinese wisdom solves global challenges, and shows a vivid "future in progress" through the positive mental outlook of today’s young people.

"Extreme Challenge" of 96 episodes in 8 seasons

"Extreme Challenge has become a part of my life." "This time I’m going to fight back!" "Let go and play, do my best, and try to be the best!" "I’m also that thorny rose!"…

At the beginning of the eighth season, the speeches of several new and old guests made many audiences emotional. As a show that has accompanied the audience for 7 years, from "Extreme Challenge, This is Love", to "River Running, Walking on the Waves", "Together, We Will Sure Win", "Let’s See Happiness", and then to "Challenge Together, Towards the Future", the slogan and theme of "Extreme Challenge" have been changing.

What is constant?

"The spirit of challenge," said Shi Jianing, associate director of the Oriental Satellite TV Center and general director of "Extreme Challenge." "Although there are some small changes every year, we have been trying to keep pace with the times. By combining the current hot topics, the audience can see the beauty and changes of life through walking and challenges, and inspire everyone to have a spirit of extreme challenge."

Eight seasons and 96 episodes are also an "extreme challenge" for the main creative team. Shi Jianing introduced that during the special period, this team, which was nicknamed "Extreme Challenge" and "Drifting Team", did not return home for several months, overcame difficulties and traveled to various places to shoot, worked hard to record the beautiful moments of life, brought laughter and laughter to the audience, and also outlined a corner of the production of domestic variety shows under the epidemic, showing the tenacity and challenging spirit of radio and television people.

In addition to the external "challenges", as a comprehensive N-generation, "Extreme Challenge" also has internal "challenges" – how to maintain long-term vitality and continue to go both ways with the audience?

"None of the content is repeated, and in terms of production difficulty, this is the most difficult show I have ever done," Shi Jianing said. The changes in "Extreme Challenge" have created many problems such as building new members and balancing new and old audiences. As society develops, so does the audience. It is in this process that the show develops and iterates, which means that more current content needs to be injected.

"Every generation of viewers has a constant liking – from grand propositions to new things, what moves them is what resonates with life."

Constant multi-dimensional innovation, adhering to the "spirit of challenge", and continuous attention to society, striving to balance fun and meaningful, may be the source of the vitality of this show.

Shi Jianing said that the challenge at the next stop may be the future.

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Tony Leung, Andy Lau, Zhang Zhaohui, Guo Fucheng, take stock of the current situation of Hong Kong’s best actors

1905 movie network news Hong Kong film and television can be said to be a representative stage of Chinese film and television. From the 1940s and 1950s to the present, Hong Kong film and television can be said to have experienced ups and downs until returning to the ordinary. During this period, many Hong Kong actors such as Tony Leung, Andy Lau, Zhang Zhaohui, and Guo Fucheng not only became famous all over the country with many classic film and television works, but also won various awards. The name of Best Actor lives up to its name. However, with the influence of Hong Kong film and television not as great as before, they have been baptized over the years, but now they are more and more flavorful.


Tony Leung: An outstanding representative of Hong Kong’s powerful actors


Tony Leung has starred in many TV dramas. Over the years, the handsome students in the TV dramas have been transformed into the strength of the award-winning best actor, with representative works such as,,, etc.; the eyes are bottomless and profound, the breath is mature and deep, and the conversation is oozed with humor and melancholy. Whether it is serious art or comedy, art film or commercial martial arts film, Tony Leung is competent, and he is an outstanding representative of Hong Kong’s powerful actors. Now, a movie starring Tony Leung is about to be released on the first day of the new year. In the movie, Tony Leung will play the unreliable "temporary father" Tu Sigu.


Andy Lau: Known as a symbol of hard work in Hong Kong


For a long time, Andy Lau has been evaluated as a good actor, a good singer, and a better character. His diligence and dedication are also very prominent in the entertainment industry, and he is known as a symbol of diligence in Hong Kong. Representative works include,, etc.; Andy Lau has played many underworld roles with affection and righteousness, and his image deeply influenced the young people at that time. After that, he tried to transform into more in-depth role types, and his acting career also took it to the next level. Now that the movie starring him is officially launched on the whole network, Andy Lau will play Lei Luo again after 25 years, which is full of expectations.


Zhang Zhaohui: Combining the characteristics of the Hong Kong acting school

Zhang Zhaohui can be said to be a combination of all the characteristics of Hong Kong’s acting school, starring in the protagonist or supporting role can be grasped, also good and evil, acting like what, difficult to distinguish between loyal and traitors, he has had wonderful performances in many film and television dramas, representative works include "Golden Decade", "Big Guy", etc. Now, the urban emotional drama "Full Time Without Women" starring him, and other film and television dramas have hit the air one after another, whether it is "overbearing president" Zhuang Huo/Ruan Man Hung, or the "good and evil" Pope, Zhang Zhaohui has pinned it just right, and has nominated Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia for Best Actor by virtue of "Full Time Without Women". With the hit broadcast of the new drama "Sex is in Love", Zhang Zhaohui, the male god of the acting school, also joined the Chinese public security Hong Kong social workers perform perfectly.


Kwok Fu-cheng: A Condensed Hong Kong Pop Culture Symbol

Kwok Fu-cheng himself is a condensed symbol of Hong Kong pop culture. From him, you can see the ups and downs of the entire Hong Kong entertainment industry. He was a youth idol, his subsequent struggles, and his achievements until today. The never-say-die spirit is the projection of the tide change in Hong Kong’s entertainment industry for 20 years. Representative works include,,, etc.; now, the spy blockbuster starring him is online, and Kwok Fu-cheng has a variety of shapes in the film, such as underground intelligence officers, tailors, beggars, etc., which have always been a topic that audiences enjoy talking about. And the movie starring him will also be released on the first day of the new year, so stay tuned.

Ministry of Veterans Affairs of the People’s Republic of China

  Navigation software can speed us up, but we can also find wonders in the "slow life"; navigation software can allow us to travel far, but we should not give up our sense of the nearby environment

  Walking on the street, opening the phone to browse the navigation interface to confirm the destination; coming to an unfamiliar place, clicking on the navigation to explore in place, hoping to find the east, west, north and south… Nowadays, navigation software has been integrated into daily life, playing an increasingly prominent role in optimizing traffic operation and saving commuting time.

  Objectively speaking, navigation software is the product of technological progress. For a long time in history, finding the way was a practical need faced by people. To avoid getting lost, the ancients relied on well-made markers, or unfolded simple maps, or asked strangers for directions. The verse "Ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy points to Xinghua Village" vividly depicts the scene of asking for directions. In reality, whether it is marking or asking for directions, it is difficult to match the accuracy, convenience and experience of mobile phone navigation.

  Today, with the help of navigation software, finding the way is no longer a problem. In 2020, our country built the Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system to provide services to the world. In space, the Beidou navigation satellite operates day and night, providing location information services to countless end points. On the ground, whether driving, cycling or walking, people open the mobile phone navigation software and follow the prompts to reach their destination. With the development of the economy and the deepening of urbanization, the popularization of navigation technology helps people reach the place they want to go more quickly and effectively, and also makes mobile China more vibrant.

  However, there are also scientific studies showing that over-reliance on navigation software may cause the brain to reduce its interaction with the surrounding environment. Not only that, but navigation not only provides us with location information, but also affects our route choices at all times, shaping our cognition of space and time. For example, the destination search function allows us to automatically pop up options without looking for a specific location on the map; the route recommendation function, so that we no longer need to choose a route based on experience. In a sense, navigation software does allow us to cross a specific space in the least time, improving the efficiency of space-time conversion, but it may also make us miss the scenery along the way.

  In the fast-paced modern society, the importance of efficiency is self-evident. But while pursuing speed, how to perceive the environment more richly and better understand the relationship between ourselves and the wider world is also a topic of "on the road". In the past, Xie Liang, the old man, volunteered to guide others for 16 years, which made many new visitors to Beijing feel the warmth of the city; now, with a mobile phone in hand, many people do not want or need to ask for directions. Once, the buildings, streets and flowers and trees of the city were deeply embedded in our memory when we knew the way; now, the route that some people remember best is the section from the subway station to the bus station. To a certain extent, focusing only on the connections and numbers in the navigation software can easily make people ignore the natural, historical, and cultural elements in the environment, as well as the fireworks, human touch, and beautiful scenery around them, thus losing the fun of "people on the journey" in a hurry.

  Today, navigation software has become a necessity for many people’s lives. It is worth thinking about how to better integrate technology into our lives. Navigation software can make us faster, but we can also find wonders in the "slow life"; navigation software can allow us to travel far, but we should not give up the feeling of the nearby environment. Keep a heart of discovery, and maybe you will find that the convenience of navigation software and the beauty of the city have always been there.

  "People’s Daily" (April 19, 2022, edition 05)

Many proposals were rejected, and the share price of Zhongju High-tech rose slightly

  The dispute over the company’s shareholding has heated up.

  Reporters He Hongyuan and Chen Sha report

  Markets seem to welcome () "scramble".

  On September 14, the company released the resolution announcement of the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022. The meeting discussed five proposals on changing the use of the first share repurchase in 2021, the draft and summary of the 2022 employee stock ownership plan, and the management measures of Zhongju High-tech’s 2022 employee stock ownership plan.

  Among them, the opposition to the first four proposals exceeded 50%, but none of them were passed.

  According to the previous disclosure of the 2022 employee stock ownership plan (draft), the total number of employees participating in the employee stock ownership plan does not exceed 491 (excluding the reserved part), and the share source of the employee stock ownership plan is the company’s repurchase of the special securities account repurchased in the torch high-tech class A shares of common stock, the employee stock ownership plan transfer price is 18.14 yuan/share, the duration of 48 months.

  The draft proposed performance appraisal requirements are: 2022-2024, the corresponding revenue target value is 5.50 billion yuan, 6.30 billion yuan, 8 billion yuan, respectively, an increase of 7.51%, 14.55%, 26.98%, net asset return target value of 13%, 14%, 15%.

  On August 29, when Zhongju High-tech was reviewing the employee stock ownership plan, there was a big controversy. At that time, 9 directors passed the motion with 5 votes in favor, 3 votes against and 1 abstention.

  According to relevant announcements, the dissenters were director Yu Jianhua, director Wan Hequn, and independent director Gan Yaoren. The main reasons for the opposition were unreasonable unlocking conditions, the nature of benefits was greater than the incentive effect, and the controlling shareholders received 1.83% of the voting rights through the committee, which affected the interests of the majority of small and medium shareholders. Exclusive director Qin Zhihua abstained.

  It is worth noting that in the aforementioned plan, the revenue growth targets for 2023 and 2024 exceed the company’s performance expectations.

  Since Yu Jianhua and Wan Hequn both worked within the Torch Group system, it may mean that the opposition was mainly Torch Group at that time, and the agreeing party was mainly Zhongshan Runtian controlled by the major shareholder Baoneng. Behind Torch Group stands the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Torch District, which is also the former major shareholder of Zhongju High-tech.

  In fact, the company’s shareholding dispute has become intense. On September 14, the torch high-tech announcement showed that after the completion of the reduction plan, Zhongshan Runtian accounted for 17.72% of its total share capital, narrowing the shareholding gap with Torch Group to about 5%.

  In terms of performance, Zhongju High-tech is still in the growth range. In the first half of the year, its revenue was 2.652 billion yuan, an increase of 14.52% year-on-year; the net profit attributable to the parent was 313 million yuan, an increase of 11.91% year-on-year.

  On September 15, Zhongju High-tech received 33.07 yuan, an increase of 0.43%.

  On the same day, the Shanghai Composite Consumption 80 Index closed at 5861.52 points, down 0.49%. Agriculture

   ITS: Malaysia exported 659,997 tons of palm oil from September 1 to 15

  On September 15, according to the shipping survey agency ITS, Malaysia exported 659,997 tons of palm oil from September 1 to 15, an increase of 23.8% from the 53,050 tons exported in the same period in August.

  Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: The average price of pork in the national agricultural product wholesale market fell by 0.4% from the 14th.

  According to the monitoring of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the "wholesale price index of agricultural products 200" on September 15 was 129.48, down 0.51 points from the 14th, and the wholesale price index of "vegetable basket" products was 131.63, down 0.60 points from the 14th. As of 14:00 on the 15th, the average price of pork in the national agricultural wholesale market was 30.72 yuan/kg, down 0.4% from the 14th.

  Aonong Bio: The goal of fattening costs in 2022 is to drop to 17 yuan/kg

  On September 15, () said at the 2022 semi-annual results presentation that the company’s piglets weighed about 8 kilograms and the fat pigs weighed about 115 kilograms. The company’s weaned piglets in the second quarter cost about 420-430 yuan/head, and the fattening cost is about 19.5 yuan/kg. The piglet cost is targeted to be reduced to less than 400 yuan in 2022, and the fattening cost is targeted to be reduced to 17 yuan/kg in 2022. Food and Beverage

  Nongfu Spring established a supply chain technology company in Huzhou Anji

  Industrial and commercial data show that Nongfu Spring (Anji) Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd. was established, the legal representative is Rao Minghong, the registered capital is 30 million yuan, and the registered place is Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. The business scope includes supply chain management services; domestic cargo transportation agency; general cargo warehousing services; loading and unloading and handling, etc. The company is wholly-owned by Nongfu Spring joint stock company

  Yonghui Supermarket: Bonneng and other shareholders’ shareholding changes

  On September 14, () announced that on September 13, shareholders Jiangsu Bangneng Investment Management Co., Ltd. and Beijing Jingdong Century Trading Co. Ltd. signed the "Jiangsu Bangneng Investment Management Co., Ltd. and Beijing Jingdong Century Trading Co. Ltd. Share Transfer Agreement". Bangneng transferred 736,437,197 RMB ordinary shares of Yonghui Supermarket to Beijing Jingdong Century Trading Co. Ltd through the transfer of the agreement, accounting for 8.11% of the total share capital of Yonghui Supermarket. On the same day, Jiangsu Circle E-Commerce Co., Ltd. and Suqian Hanbang Investment Management Co., Ltd. signed the "Share Transfer Agreement between Jiangsu Circle E-Commerce Co., Ltd. and Suqian Hanbang Investment Management Co., Ltd.". Jiangsu Circle transferred 478,523,104 RMB ordinary shares of Yonghui Supermarket to Suqian Hanbang Investment Management Co., Ltd. through the agreement transfer, accounting for 5.27% of the total share capital of Yonghui Supermarket. The above changes in equity will not lead to changes in the company’s controlling shareholders and actual controllers. Entertainment Games

  Tencent Music will be listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange by introduction

  On September 15, Tencent Music announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that it will be listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited by introduction, and Class A ordinary shares are expected to start trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on September 21 (Wednesday).

  Kuaishou international business organization adjustment

  On September 14, according to Caijing, Ma Hongbin, senior vice president of Kuaishou, made a round of adjustments to the organizational structure of the department after leading the internationalization business for more than a month. In addition to maintaining its existing uses overseas, Kuaishou will only maintain small-scale growth investment for the time being, such as in the South East Asia market dominated by Indonesia and the Middle East market dominated by Turkey.

  Netflix says ad-supported viewers could reach 40 million by the third quarter of 2023

  Netflix expects its upcoming low-cost subscription plan with ads to gain about 40 million users worldwide by the third quarter of 2023, the company said on Sept. 14, citing a document Netflix shared with ad buyers. In its initial forecast, Netflix said it expects 4.40 million "unique viewers" worldwide to sign up by the end of the year, 1.10 million from the United States.

  Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard is facing an in-depth investigation

  On September 15, according to media reports, Microsoft’s $75 billion acquisition of video game maker Activision Blizzard is facing an in-depth investigation by the European Union and the United Kingdom. Concerns are growing that the deal is anti-competitive and will deny competitors access to the best-selling game Call of Duty. According to two people familiar with the matter, the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is expected to launch an in-depth investigation this week after Microsoft decided not to offer any improvements at this stage.

  The new Nintendo Legend of Zelda will be released in May 2023

  On September 13, Nintendo announced that the latest installment of the popular game "The Legend of Zelda" will be released on May 12, 2023. The title of the work is "Tears of the Kingdom". The work is the sequel to the 2017 Breath of the Wild, which has sold more than 27 million sets since its release. Analysts at UBS Securities predict that the annual sales of the Breath of the Wild sequel are expected to reach 20 million sets.

   Jim Yang, the former head of Supercell’s global studio, has joined miHoYo.

  On September 14, according to the LinkedIn profile of Jim Yang, the former head of the global studio of Finnish game developer Supercell, he has joined mobile game developer miHoYo in September 2022 as the president of its international division HoYoverse. Textile Apparel

   Inditex may continue its price increase strategy

  According to media reports, Inditex, the parent company of Zara, said at the first half of 2022 financial report that the company will continue to raise prices in the autumn of 2022 to cope with the risk of rising raw material costs. In the six months ended July 31, 2022, Inditex sales climbed to 14.85 billion euros from 11.94 billion euros in the same period last year, and earnings before interest and tax rose to 2.43 billion euros from 1.69 billion euros in the same period last year. Luxury goods

  Rolex second-hand transaction prices have rebounded

  On September 14, according to the interface fashion news, the watch market monitoring platform WatchCharts monitored the performance of Rolex’s most popular 30 watches in the second-hand market for a period of time and found that one-third of the second-hand transaction prices of Rolex watches have not fallen but rose in the past month. The average second-hand price has only slightly declined by 1%, indicating that Rolex watches are close to bottoming out in the second-hand market. Second-hand prices of Swiss brand watches such as Patek Philippe and Audemars Piguet have also shown a trend of falling. Cultural Tourism

  Shanghai Disneyland will resume operations at 10:00 on the 15th

  On September 15, the official Weibo of Shanghai Disney Resort announced that as the intensity of Typhoon "Plum Blossom" weakened in Shanghai and according to the current weather forecast, Shanghai Disney Resort will resume operations on September 15 (Thursday). Shanghai Disneyland will operate from 10:00-20:30 on the 15th, Disney Town will operate from 10:00-21:30, and Star Wish Park will operate from 10:00-18:00.

LI L7, L8 and L9 will be unveiled at the Shandong International Auto Show, and there will be "gifts" in addition to good cars!

Original title: LI L7, L8 and L9 will be unveiled at Shandong International Auto Show, and there will be "gifts" in addition to good cars!

Source: Popular Newspaper Peninsula News

Original title: LI L7, L8 and L9 will be unveiled at Shandong International Auto Show, and there will be "gifts" in addition to good cars!

Source: Popular Newspaper Peninsula News

LI is so hot now! Statistics show that in October this year, LI delivered a total of 40,422 vehicles, an increase of 12.10% from the previous month and a surge of 302.13% year-on-year, setting a new high in monthly delivery, which is the first time that it delivered more than 40,000 vehicles per month during the year. In the first ten months of this year, LI delivered a total of 284,647 vehicles, up by 193.51% year-on-year, which also means that LI will achieve the annual sales target of 300,000 vehicles ahead of schedule.

And such a "hot" LI will also appear at the 2023 Shandong International Auto Show, where the three brothers "L7, L8 and L9" will appear together, and the gold medal experts from manufacturers integrating Shandong region will gather in the ideal booth of Qingdao International Convention and Exhibition Center, bringing high-quality, professional and caring services to the consumers and fans watching the exhibition. The ideal model has a heavy upgrade of OTA5.0 to create a better trial and test drive experience. It is particularly worth mentioning that fans still have the opportunity to get the right to make an advance appointment for the ideal MEGA test drive at the auto show, which must not be missed.

▲ Fans can make an appointment to test drive the ideal MEGA at Shandong International Auto Show.

Relevant persons in LI told reporters that ordering L7, L8 and L9 at the site of Shandong International Auto Show, on the one hand, can enjoy the existing sales policy, and on the other hand, the car booking person can get extra ideal exclusive points, which is very useful. At present, the pick-up cycle of ideal models is also very short, and some colors and models are available. If you order, you only need to wait for about a week. This delivery speed is really "first-class" in the field of new energy vehicles, ensuring that our consumers can drive the car before the end of the year.

Ideal L9: Benchmark of Large New Energy SUVMarket guidance price: 429,800 yuan ~ 459,800 yuan

Since its listing in June last year, Ideal L9 has been very popular. The consumer’s response to the dispute about "color TV sofa refrigerator" is "really fragrant"!

From the appearance, L9 continues the overall design style of the ideal family, with simple and bright lines and a futuristic front face. The front of the car uses a closed grille and is equipped with penetrating LED daytime running lights, and the headlights are set in the front enclosure. The side of the car body adopts the standard SUV shape, which is very energetic as a whole. Thanks to the larger body size, the side of the ideal L9 is quite stretched. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the car are 5200 mm× 1998 mm× 1800 mm, and the wheelbase is 3100 mm. In a word, it is "big". Of course, correspondingly, its interior space will be very large.

In terms of technology configuration, the ideal L9 comes standard with HUD and safe driving interactive screen, which adopts Mini-LED and multi-touch technology. The car’s central control screen, co-pilot entertainment screen and rear cabin entertainment screen use three 15.7-inch OLED screens. Two Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chips are standard, and a computing platform consisting of 24GB memory and 256GB high-speed storage can realize five-screen interactive linkage. In addition, the ideal L9 car has 21 speakers, and the maximum power of the amplifier is even as high as 2160W. Among them, 7 groups of speakers make up the whole car surround, 3 bass units make up the bass matrix, and 4 top speakers make up the sky surround, forming a 7.3.4 panoramic sound response layout.

As for the seats, the ideal L9 six seats are wrapped in Nappa leather, and the headrest is as comfortable as ever. It is worth mentioning that all six seats are equipped with electric adjustment and seat heating, and the first two rows of seats also have seat ventilation and 10-point massage. In addition, the passengers in the second row will be taken care of extra. They not only have two rows of cup holders, but also enjoy the 8.8L dual-purpose refrigerator, which can work for 24 hours after the vehicle is powered off.

In terms of power, the ideal L9 is equipped with an extended-range power system consisting of a 1.5T four-cylinder engine and an electric motor, and is equipped with a 44.5kWh battery pack. The acceleration of the car from zero to 100km is 5.3s, and the total cruising range under CLTC conditions is 1,315km, of which the pure electric cruising range is 215km.

Comments: The ideal L9 is the "third space" for the owner. Besides the family and work unit, the car can also be a world of its own!

Ideal L8: A more cost-effective family carMarket guidance price: 359,800 yuan ~ 399,800 yuan

Ideal L8 adopts the latest family design style and has a strong sense of the future. Its body size is very large, with a length and width as high as 5080 mm /1995 mm /1800 mm and a wheelbase of 3005 mm. Obviously, this will bring more comfortable interior space and driving experience.

In terms of interior, the ideal L8 adopts a design very similar to that of L9, and the multi-function steering wheel is equipped with a safe driving interactive screen, while the center console area is composed of a central control screen and a co-pilot entertainment screen, creating a quite strong sense of science and technology.

As an intelligent electric vehicle, the performance of the ideal L8 in the intelligent driver assistance system is also remarkable. Among them, the high-equipped model is equipped with six 8-megapixel cameras, five 2-megapixel cameras, a 128-line laser radar, 12 ultrasonic radars and a millimeter-wave radar. As a foundation, the ideal L8 will be equipped with two NVIDIA Orin-X chips, which finally reaches 508TOPS, completely reaching the level of the ideal L9.

In addition, the ideal L8 is equipped with the functions of seat waist massage, one or two rows of seat ventilation, heating and the third row of seat heating, as well as three-zone automatic fresh air conditioning, four-seat nap mode and so on.

In terms of power, the L8 will be equipped with the same powertrain as the L9, using a 1.5T four-cylinder range extender. The maximum power of the system is 330 kW, the peak torque is 620 Nm, and the acceleration from zero to 100 kilometers is 5.5 seconds. In terms of battery, the ideal L8 is equipped with a 42.8 kWh battery pack, and CLTC has a pure battery life of 210 kilometers, and its comprehensive cruising range will reach 1,315 kilometers. The ideal L8 will also come standard with four-wheel drive and magic carpet air suspension.

Comments: The product strength of the ideal L8 is close to that of L9, but the price is lowered, and the cost performance is higher.

Ideal L7: The First Choice of Big Five-seater SUVMarket guidance price: 319,800 yuan ~ 379,800 yuan

The ideal L7 appearance height inherits the design of the ideal family. The size of L7 is smaller than that of L9, but the gas field on the side of the car body does not lose L9. It can be seen that the area of the rear side window of L7 is obviously smaller than that of L9, and the inclination angle of the D-pillar of the new car is larger than that of the ideal L8, so the visual effect is more fashionable.

In terms of vehicle size, the ideal L7 has a length, width and height of 5050 mm /1995 mm /1750 mm and a wheelbase of 3005 mm, which is a five-seat design. According to the standard of a five-seat SUV, this size is enough to create a spacious and comfortable interior space. At the rear of the vehicle, the L7 has a downward design from the roof to the rear of the vehicle, so the rear window also looks more refined, and the inclination angle of the rear window looks larger.

The interior is still a simple design style, mainly a suspended double screen design that runs through the co-driver, a 3K resolution LCD screen, the central control screen mainly focuses on driving information, the co-driver screen mainly focuses on entertainment information, and driving-related information is on the display screen above the steering wheel. The car is equipped with 21 speakers. With the blessing of Dolby Panoramic Sound 7.3.4, the audio-visual experience inside the new car will be further improved. In addition, the ideal L7′ s second row seats support electric adjustment, with a maximum inclination angle of 40 degrees and a cushion length of 520 mm, making the ride experience very comfortable. In addition, the right side of the second row is also equipped with electric leg rest, which provides users with a natural and comfortable ride experience.

In terms of power, the ideal L7 is equipped with a 1.5T four-cylinder engine as the extended range system, with front and rear dual motors as the main power source, equipped with a 42.8kWh ternary lithium battery pack, with a comprehensive cruising range of 1315km for CLTC and a pure electric cruising range of 210km for CLTC.

Comments: A 5-seat extended-range SUV with basic "full" configuration and performance is worth starting with.

Here comes the point!Three auto show tickets worth 90 yuan are free to grab.

First of all, you need to scan the QR code above, or search for "peninsula metropolis daily" on WeChat to enter the official WeChat homepage of peninsula metropolis daily, and then click "Auto Show Ticket Collection" at the bottom left of the page to enter the page of free ticket collection (as shown in the figure).

Then, after a simple operation, you can get three tickets for the 2023 Shandong International Auto Show for free, which is worth 90 yuan. Moreover, it should be pointed out that the number of ticket benefits for this auto show is limited, and it is first "swept" first!

The operating procedure is as follows:

Text/Lao Zheng

Evolving on top of high value, Geely China Star lives up to the name of "fighting for the value of Chinese cars"

"Fight for the value of Chinese cars" has never been a slogan. Geely China Star is writing the story behind this sentence with its high sales, high value and high premium, and leading Chinese brands to break through.

Data show that the total sales of China Star currently exceed 200,000 units, with monthly sales of 20,000 units, quickly detonating the Chinese auto market, becoming a phenomenon, and successfully entering the "price hinterland" of joint venture vehicles. On November 19, China Star’s flagship SUV Xingyue L ushered in evolution, and launched the Xingyue L Thor Hi · X gasoline-electric hybrid version at the Guangzhou Auto Show, breaking the inherent definition of non-traditional fuel vehicles or new energy vehicles in the past, and becoming "a higher organism in the automotive industry, a new species that continues to evolve". At the same time, Xingyue L also ushered in the first OTA upgrade of the whole vehicle, launched the "Xingyue L Star Enjoy Official Co-creation Plan", and continuously brought users a commonly used and new product experience.

Since its debut, China Star has attracted a lot of attention for breaking through the boundaries of independent and joint ventures and breaking through the barriers of technical constraints. Today, China Star not only rivals the joint venture brands, but also shows a better position in the value competition and becomes the mainstream choice of high-value.

Evolution: A number of leaders, bringing new species of gasoline-electric hybrids

China Star is a CMA high-end series created by Geely into the era of Geely 4.0 comprehensive architecture car manufacturing. It is composed of Xingyue S, Xingrui, and Xingyue L. It integrates the latest technological achievements of Geely Automobile and breaks the barriers defined by joint venture brands in the past. Among them, China Star’s flagship SUV Xingyue L not only redefines the new standard of SUV, but also has epoch-making significance.

In fact, when Xingyue L was listed, Li Shufu, chairperson of Geely Holding Group, once said, "Xingyue L not only inherits the advantages of traditional cars, but also absorbs the bright spots of new energy vehicles, opening up a new path for the transformation and upgrading of traditional cars." Now the launch of the Raytheon Hi · X gasoline-electric hybrid version once again confirms the characteristics of Xingyue L taking into account the advantages of fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles.

The evolved Xingyue L Raytheon Hi · X gasoline-electric hybrid version is Geely’s first model launched after entering the "Power 4.0 Era". It is based on the just-released "Raytheon Zhiqing Hi · X" world-class modular intelligent hybrid platform. It has far superior strength in performance, energy saving and intelligence than its Japanese hybrid competitors.

Specifically, the Xingyue L Raytheon Hi · X oil-electric hybrid version is equipped with a hybrid core drive system composed of a three-speed variable DHT Pro drive motor and a DHE15 hybrid special engine, enabling the geometric expansion of the intelligent driving mode and covering more working conditions.

Among them, the "China Heart" top ten engine DHE15 hybrid special engine, thermal efficiency has reached an unprecedented 43.32%, the coverage rate of high efficiency area is close to 50%, the maximum power is 110kW, the maximum torque is 225N · m, and the liter power and liter torque are veritable best in the same class. The three-speed electric drive transmission DHT Pro is the intelligent energy control center of this car. In the axial size of only 354mm, it is highly integrated with a generator motor and a drive motor, two motor controllers and a three-speed ratio variable speed and torsion mechanism. Under the combined action of the DHE15 engine, the average fuel consumption of 100 kilometers is as low as 4.3L, and the maximum cruising range of full fuel is 1300 kilometers, bringing the strongest power and lowest fuel consumption performance among HEV models in the same class.

At the same time, the Xingyue L Raytheon Smart Engine Hi · X gasoline-electric hybrid version has a full-speed domain parallel function, which can enter the parallel mode at a speed of more than 20km per hour to achieve ejection start, which is much lower than the parallel speed of at least 70km for Japanese hybrid cars, and the system efficiency is increased by 20%.

As a milestone product in the hybrid field, Xingyue L Raytheon Smart Engine Hi · X Hybrid Edition not only pioneered the era of multi-mode transmission of hybrid electric drive, but also adopted the intelligent electronic and electrical architecture GEEA 2.0 to realize the joint control of the power domain and other domains of the vehicle. The system can identify the driver’s driving habits and road congestion, realize driving mode adaptation, self-learning and self-adjustment, and enable 20 intelligent working modes to switch without feeling.

Upgrade: Often used and always new, bringing an experience that exceeds expectations

While Xingyue L has expanded its product lineup to the field of gasoline-electric hybrids, opening up a new path for the transformation and upgrading of traditional automobiles, Xingyue L has not forgotten to speed up its own iteration in intelligent ecology. At this auto show, Geely released the Geely Galaxy OS vehicle function OTA carried by Xingyue L, which brought 49 product upgrades worth 2,750 yuan, continuing to bring users a comprehensive vehicle intelligent ecological experience. It is reported that users who place an order before December 31, 2021 can open the upgrade for free.

In fact, this is the second upgrade of Xingyue L, which has been on the market for only four months. In August this year, Xingyue L has brought a Geely Galaxy OSV1.1 version upgrade to users, bringing 17 new smart experiences to users in four aspects: interaction, vision, application and intelligent control. The officially released OTA function of the whole vehicle adds Huawei Hicar function, which allows mobile phones to cast screens, such as map projection, game playing, etc., as well as more comfortable and convenient new functions.

As the world’s first mass-produced global FOTA fuel SUV, in the future, Xingyue L will push FOTA upgrades every quarter, which will bring product experiences that exceed expectations in intelligent driving, power performance, body control, and digital cockpit interaction. More importantly, OTA upgrades will not be limited to application ecological expansion and experience optimization in the traditional sense, but also put the upgrade of vehicle performance on the agenda. In the future, Geely will continue to keep the Xingyue L’s usual and new through iterations of the underlying design, power performance, and Geely Galaxy OS speed upgrades.

It is worth mentioning that these upgrades of China Star will be co-created with users. In Geely’s view, "products are ships, marketing is sails, and users are water", and user co-creation is the source of China Star’s living water. As early as May this year, Geely announced the user brand "we", becoming the first car manufacturer in the world to release a user brand, narrowing the distance with users.

At this year’s Guangzhou Auto Show, Geely once again promoted the implementation of the "Co-Creation Plan", opened the "Xingyue L Star Enjoy Official Co-Creation Plan", issued a total of 10 million gigabytes to encourage co-creation, invited users to propose the evolution direction of Galaxy OS according to their own preferences and thinking, and put forward their own plans for digital smart cars. Users who contribute will get the permission of Xingyue L permanent free FOTA.

From the world’s first recruitment of Star Enjoy officials, to the listing of 28,000 + Star Enjoy officials to witness together, and then to this OTA upgrade, the launch of the "Star Enjoy L Star Enjoy Officer Co-creation Plan", the continuous maintenance of the evolution ability of Geely Galaxy OS, and the creation of user communication activities IP – CMA Day, CMA Hour, CMA Summer, CMA Life, etc., user co-creation has long been engraved in Xingyue L, and in the genes of China Star, in the "open, co-creation, exploration, happy" user ecosystem, continue to bring users new experiences that exceed expectations.

Break the circle: face to face, enter the "price hinterland" of the joint venture car

The evolution and upgrade of Xingyue L is in fact a microcosm of China Star’s upward breakthrough. China Star’s total sales exceeded 200,000 units and monthly sales exceeded 20,000, becoming the "China Star phenomenon" that appeared again in Geely after the "Boyue phenomenon". It opened up a new track for Chinese brands to rise, and also showed people the courage, determination, sincerity and strength of China Star to fight for the "value of Chinese cars".

When China Star was officially released, Geely made it clear that it would fight for the "value of Chinese cars" and aimed the battlefield at the mainstream joint venture market. Now, China Star has successfully entered the "price hinterland" of the joint venture brand, breaking the boundary between joint venture and autonomy, and truly facing the "high value" and joint venture brand head-on.

Behind this evaluation, there is full user support and data support. Xingrui has accumulated more than 120,000 units in the 12 months of listing, with high-end models accounting for 66% of sales. The average transaction price exceeds 130,000-140,000 yuan, breaking the "ceiling" of the main sales price of Chinese brand sedans 100,000 yuan, becoming the only Chinese brand sedan with a monthly average of more than 10,000 yuan in the 110,000-150,000 level sedan market. Xingyue L has been listed for more than three months. Sales volume is 30,355 units. At present, the total order has exceeded 75,000 units. Sales of high-end models account for more than 62%. The average transaction price of the whole series is as high as 170,500 yuan. It has become the only Chinese brand model with a monthly average of more than 10,000 in the 120,000-180,000 level five-seat SUV market.

Another set of data more intuitively reflects the impact of China Star on the joint venture market. "Now 60% of the replacement users of the’Star series’ are from joint venture brand users, which is the broken circle of China Star," said Lin Jie, senior vice-president of Geely Automobile Group.

Relying on Geely’s technological advantages in the 4.0 era and global high-quality resources, China Star continues to break through the value ceiling to lead the global architecture car-making era, the global hybrid new energy era, and the global 5G intelligent travel era.

Regarding the future, Fan Junyi, executive deputy general manager of Geely Automobile Sales Company, is full of confidence. The goal is that the China Star series will account for 30% of Geely’s total sales in 2022. In fact, "China Star is the first choice for Chinese car buyers, which has become the consensus of Chinese users in the new era. In the era of new technology, China Star will represent Chinese manufacturing to participate in global competition and shine on China’s technological strength.

At the last minute! Wang Jianlin, there is big news

At the last moment, Wang Jianlin lifted the crisis!

According to Dalian Wanda’s official website, on December 12, 2023, PAG and Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group jointly announced the signing of a new investment agreement. PAG will cooperate with other investors to reinvest in Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management after its investment redemption period expires in 2021. Existing investors invested about 38 billion RMB in Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management in August 2021, of which PAG’s investment is about 2.80 billion US dollars (about 18 billion RMB). Existing investors enjoy redemption rights in the original investment arrangement.

This means that before the deadline for Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management to list in Hong Kong, Wanda’s listing pressure has been eliminated.

Picture source: Screenshot of Dalian Wanda’s official website

Wanda’s "urgent need" solution

Wanda said that according to the new agreement, Dalian Wanda Commercial Management holds 40% of the shares, making it the single largest shareholder. Pacific Alliance and several existing and new investors will participate in the investment, with a total of 60%. However, Wanda did not disclose which new investors will enter. Some analysts believe that the possibility of insurance capital entering cannot be ruled out, and some original investors may withdraw.

The 21st Century Business Herald reporter noticed that in the new agreement, the direct shareholding ratio of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management will drop significantly from the existing 70.15%, while the shareholding ratio of investors will rise sharply from 29.84%.

Wanda said that Wanda will work with important shareholders such as Pacific Alliance to further optimize the corporate governance of the company, maintain the stability of the management team, and jointly support the long-term development of the company. The new agreement reflects investors’ high recognition of the growth potential of Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management and its operating capabilities.

In September 2021, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management, which is seeking to list in Hong Kong, signed a share transfer agreement with 22 investors including Zhuhai SASAC, Tencent, Country Garden, CITIC, Ant Financial, China Merchants Group, Warburg Pincus, and Zheng Yutong’s family. Among them, some investors signed a gambling agreement with Wanda Commercial Management. According to the agreement, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management needs to complete the listing by the end of 2023, otherwise it will have to pay investors an equity repurchase at an annual internal rate of return of 8%. It is reported that the repurchase payment will reach 30 billion yuan.

However, due to the weak environment in the Hong Kong stock market, the listing of Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has been delayed repeatedly. And as the "limit" of gambling is approaching, this new investment agreement can be described as solving Wanda’s "urgent needs".

Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has submitted to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange four times on October 21, 2021, April 22, 2022, October 25, 2022, and June 28, 2023. On November 10, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management updated its listing application form on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. According to the latest announcement, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has agreed to terminate the appointment of Credit Suisse (Hong Kong) Limited as the overall coordinator of its listing application, effective from November 9, 2023. As of now, there are two joint sponsors of the company, namely CITIC CLSA Securities Limited and J.P. Morgan Securities (Asia Pacific) Limited. Wanda has since confirmed that UBS has replaced Credit Suisse as the overall coordinator of Wanda Commercial Management.

Image source: Visual China

Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management for three consecutive years

Exceeding performance targets

Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management currently manages 494 large commercial centres in 227 prefecture-level and above cities across the country. The number of commercial centres managed by Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has grown from 417 to 494 in the past two years, an average annual growth rate of about 9%. Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management is now the world’s largest commercial management company in terms of commercial area under management.

Dalian Wanda said that since existing investors invested in 2021, Zhuhai Wanda Business Management has exceeded its performance targets for three consecutive years. After-tax income in 2021 is 23.50 billion yuan, 2022 is 27.10 billion yuan, and 2023 (estimated) is 29.30 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of about 12%. After-tax profit in 2021 is 5.30 billion yuan, 2022 is 7.50 billion yuan, and 2023 (estimated) is 9.50 billion yuan, with an annual growth rate of 34%. In the past three years, the company has paid a total of about 10 billion yuan in taxes, and dividends to shareholders are 4.60 billion yuan in 2021, 6.70 billion yuan in 2022 and 8.50 billion yuan in 2023 (estimated).

Wang Jianlin previously sold off assets

In order to solve the liquidity problem, some time ago, Wang Jianlin also sold off assets.

On December 6, Wanda Film announced that the 51% stake of the company’s controlling shareholder, Beijing Wanda Investment Co., Ltd. was to be transferred to Shanghai Ruyi Investment Management Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Ruyi Holdings Co., Ltd. In other words, Wang Jianlin sold Wanda Film. If the deal is completed, plus the previous transaction, Shanghai Ruyi will hold 100% of Beijing Wanda Investment, thereby indirectly holding 20% of Wanda Film and becoming the actual controller of Wanda Film.

According to the surging news on the 7th, on December 6th, the reporter learned that during the recent communication with investors, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management revealed that Wanda Group plans to sell its Wanda Plaza in first- and second-tier cities in exchange for liquidity, and is currently negotiating with insurance institutions. However, Wanda did not disclose which insurance institution it contacted. At the same time, there is still no IPO timetable for Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management’s listing in Hong Kong.

In addition, on October 26, there was a market news that "Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management intends to delay its listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and is discussing providing compensation to investors to avoid triggering a repurchase." In response, people close to Wanda Group told the "Daily Economic News" reporter, "The current listing work is advancing normally. Whether it is contacting investors or applying for an IPO normally, it is a daily work, and there are no new changes."


● According to Daily Economic News, Dalian Wanda official website, The Paper, 21st Century Business Herald, Securities Times, China Fund News, etc

Original title: "Last minute! Wang Jianlin, there is big news"

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After the new M7 order surge, the ideal held a meeting

Recently, a reader initiated a small survey on our exchange group – Huawei asked which of the two cars, the new M7 and the ideal L7, would you choose?

Here are the responses from readers in the group:

After the new M7 order surge, the ideal held a meeting

That’s right, all ask the world about the new M7. Correspondingly, the order of the new M7 broke through 50,000 units in 25 days.

With this new car orders surge, the greatest sense of crisis is ideal.

According to 36Kr, in the last week before the festival, Li Auto held a strategy meeting to discuss its development direction in the next 5-10 years. One significant adjustment was that it was ideal to replace the first strong opponent by BYD with Huawei.

Although Huawei has always insisted on not building cars, its influence in the car circle cannot be shaken, and asking the new M7 to "come back to life" in a short period of time is the best proof. So after Cyrus hitched a ride, Chery was also waiting for Huawei to fire its own new energy vehicle.

Not only ideal, other car companies are also beginning to pay attention to this new opponent. Huawei’s tentacles are getting longer and longer, who will be the next to be squeezed off the table?

What are you afraid of Huawei?

The success of the new M7 is based on the popularity of the masses.

The public opinion of the mountain and tsunami can be seen and touched, and these can be converted into real orders. It is reported that Huawei aims to ship 60 million – 70 million smartphones in 2024, double the annual shipment (30 million) in 2022.

With the appeal of Huawei mobile phones in the end point market, Huawei’s empowered Q models have also begun to reflect.

During the National Day holiday, the new M7 has a maximum of 7,000 units in a single day. Since its listing in mid-September, the cumulative number of units has exceeded 55,000.

After the new M7 order surge, the ideal held a meeting

This achievement also made Yu Chengdong sigh "it’s not easy". Of course, in terms of product strength, the new M7 also has enough confidence. The starting price of the new M 7.2498 million yuan is 40,000 cheaper than the old model.

Huawei has invested 500 million yuan in research and development, and has made upgrades to the chassis and performance, space design and layout, and most importantly, intelligent driving.

The intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit are the killer features of the new M7.

The new M7 is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, and the most significant change is the addition of a lidar, which has the ability to assist driving in high-speed, urban, parking, and other scenarios.

After the new M7 order surge, the ideal held a meeting

HUAWEI ADS 2.0 is equipped with 27 sensors including 1 overhead lidar, 3 millimeter wave radars, 11 high definition visual perception cameras and 12 ultrasonic radars. It can realize NCA function based on BEV large model, road topology inference network and joint planning control without high definition map.

This is also Huawei’s greatest reliance. The urban smart driving pilot assistance (urban NCA) function will cover urban areas and expressways across the country in December this year.

After the new M7 order surge, the ideal held a meeting

The ideal AD Max 3.0 city NOA navigation assistance driving system has only been pushed to closed beta users since the second quarter of this year. It is expected to be pushed to more than 100 cities in China by the end of this year.

So from this round, Huawei is indeed far ahead, and even Li Xiang himself admits that their intelligent driving is half a year late.

And Huawei empowered the world, from birth to entry, as Huawei managing director, end point BG CEO, intelligent car solutions BU chairperson of Yu Chengdong, played a crucial role.

After the new M7 order surge, the ideal held a meeting

From "Yu big mouth" to "far ahead", Yu Chengdong can be said to be a "marketing wizard", but Lao Yu "although big mouth", but what goes around is technology.

The marketing focus was also technology. He was extremely good at packaging a certain technology in language, and then giving a review – far ahead.

Previously, Yu Chengdong said in an interview with the media that Huawei’s goal in entering the automotive industry is to be first, because no one will remember the second, and he once bluntly said that "the cattle I bragged about have basically been realized."

In this regard, Yu Chengdong is actually very similar to Li Xiang, the "king of Weibo", and he is a sharp-edged person in personality.

Therefore, Yu Chengdong was a person who understood both technology and marketing. Even as a new player, he could cut into the competitive Red Sea automobile market with a attitude of dimensional reduction.

How can the ideal be broken?

When a car company sells its cars better and better, and its competitors become more and more numerous, its original weaknesses will gradually surface. This is a good example of the reverse trend of the new M7.

The ideal obviously realizes this.

– His investment in intelligent driving has been slightly conservative and cautious.

36Kr reported that at this ideal autumn strategy meeting, intelligent driving became the core topic. Li Xiang reflected and concluded at the meeting that investment in intelligent driving should start half a year earlier, that is, from the middle of last year, we should go all out, rather than starting to increase efforts at the beginning of this year.

After the new M7 order surge, the ideal held a meeting

An important consensus was reached at the meeting, that is, "make up for the missed classes, and break the game by strengthening investment." After all, the ideal account still has 70 billion cash.

At the meeting, Wang Xing, Lu Qi and other shareholder bosses also said that "increase investment, and even sacrifice some efficiency" when talking about their attitude towards ideal smart driving.

Reviewing the time node of Ideal Smart Driving’s research and development, Ideal announced the start of high-precision maps in 2021, and only landed on high-speed NOA in December of the same year. In August 2022, Ideal officially delivered the Smart Driving 2.0 system on the L series.

Since then, the ideal of intelligent driving has been divided into two products: AD Max and AD Pro. AD Max 2.0 uses NVIDIA OrinX chip and Wesai car-grade lidar to deliver the first high-speed NOA product for visual fusion lidar; AD Pro 2.0 uses Horizon Journey 5 chip to deliver the first high-speed NOA product for pure visual perception.

After the new M7 order surge, the ideal held a meeting

Until September this year, Li Auto released the closed beta of urban NOA technology and commuter mode, and announced its city-opening plan, but it is worth noting that Li Auto’s city-opening plan is only limited to early bird users.

Under such a rhythm, it is not difficult to feel the actual landing ability of Li Auto’s intelligent driving function, which has a certain gap with friends such as XPeng Motors and Huawei.

Therefore, at this strategic meeting, the development of intelligent driving was also raised to an unprecedented level within the ideal.

First, the person in charge of the ideal internal perception and system was promoted to vice president respectively. On the third day after the National Day, Li Auto’s official account released more than 50 smart driving club recruitment positions.

After the new M7 order surge, the ideal held a meeting

Which covers the software algorithm, large model, vehicle hardware, testing, operation and other fields, intelligent driving algorithm engineer and a series of positions, most of the starting salary of about 30,000 yuan, large model and autonomous driving related positions, the highest monthly salary can reach 90,000 yuan.

At present, there are as many as 63 job openings for Ideal Smart Driving, covering visual perception algorithms, autonomous driving models, simulation platforms, map data engines, and other categories. The smart driving R & D team has also increased to 800 people.

All kinds of actions show that the weight of the smart driving business has been greatly increased within the ideal. Correspondingly, in the face of the current strong counterattack of the new M7 in the world, the ideal at this stage has decided to take advantage of its strengths and avoid its weaknesses, continue to strengthen the product longboard in the home market, and no longer compete with the new M7.

According to a report by 36Kr, the sales side has also changed its language, and does not take the initiative to mention the M7. If a car owner asks, they will say that an L6 model will be launched next year, which is the same price as the M7.

In addition to this, Li Auto’s product SOP plan has also been extended to 2027. During this period, Li Auto’s technology platform will experience an earth-shaking iteration. It is expected that by 2026, a new generation of technology platforms will be launched, with fully autonomous driving capabilities.

The two will fight

At the strategy meeting, many aspects of the ideal were planned, and the sea plan was also mentioned.

Ideally, going to sea will not be the ideal strategic focus for a relatively long period of time, and it may not be seriously considered until 2028. Before that, parallel exports will be the main focus.

In July this year, Li Xiang himself also sent a Weibo saying that Li Auto will not consider overseas markets before 2025, and will concentrate all resources to achieve the 2025 goal: to achieve the first sales volume of all luxury brands in the Chinese market, the annual delivery volume reaches 1.60 million vehicles, and to achieve revenue of 500 billion yuan.

After the new M7 order surge, the ideal held a meeting

The ideal is lofty, but it is indeed possible to achieve. Only 8 years after its establishment, the ideal has become the second most valuable car company in China after BYD. In 46 months, it has achieved the delivery of 500,000 vehicles.

How did Li Auto do it?

Li Xiang has publicly given the answer that growth is the core driving force of Li Auto, and every time he encounters a bottleneck, it is a time to frantically absorb growth. In his dictionary, growth is a closed loop composed of two parts, one is learning, the other is training, that is, practice.

Li Xiang himself is a very good learner and a reflective person, and the learning object is Huawei, which is also a competitor.

As early as June, Li Xiang released a small essay late at night, in which he reflected on the reason why the ideal ONE was discontinued early. Li Xiang admitted that it was because of the release of the original Q-World M7 that Huawei’s super capabilities directly caused the sales of the ideal ONE to collapse and stop production early, and the team was crippled.

After the new M7 order surge, the ideal held a meeting

In the case of failure, the ideal choice was to learn from Huawei. Li Xiang said that all the ideal management teams had purchased at least 10 Huawei public books to read.

Discovering that the painful problems encountered by Ideal in Product Research & Development, sales and service, supply manufacturing, organization and finance, etc., were solved by Huawei more than a decade ago, or even 20 years ago, which gave him a great shock.

And the ideal implementation of a talent rank system similar to Huawei’s, breaking down the ranks into more details, such as the original P9 sequence corresponding to more than 20 levels of the new rank, which can make "the promotion speed will be faster and have an incentive effect".

After the new M7 order surge, the ideal held a meeting

The same extended-range technology, similar product positioning and segmentation areas, make the world and the ideal destined to be entangled with each other. The old M7 in the world has impacted the ideal ONE, and now the new M7 has made the ideal feel the crisis again.

There will be a battle between the two, who will win? Another question is, who will you choose for the ideal L7 and the new M7?

Article source: Hunting Cloud Network