Tears from 13 years ago came to my face.

Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, September 26th Title: Tears came to my face 13 years ago-after China men’s football team lost in the semi-final.
Xinhua News Agency reporter Ji Jiadong
The defeat in Doha 17 years ago was repeated in Hangzhou, and the opponent was still the Korean team, or the semi-final.
"The first kick-off of tomorrow’s game is very important. If the China team picks it up, it will win. If it doesn’t pick it up well, the South Korean team will have a chance." On the evening of 25th, the reporter dialed Liu Kai’s telephone and asked the elder who won the bronze medal in the 2006 Doha Asian Games, and got such a key message.
Sure enough, in the men’s rugby sevens semi-final of the Hangzhou Asian Games on 26th, the Korean team went straight to the China team’s touchdown line with the first kick-off. They tortured the nerves of the China audience with four touchdowns in more than seven minutes, and the score of 24:0 at half-time surprised everyone. The tension of China players is very obvious, and they have lost their sharpness and self-confidence in previous games, and even dropped forward in their own touchdown zone (in rugby sevens, you can’t pass forward with your hands and the ball can’t land forward), giving the South Korean team a touchdown opportunity at hand.
The reporter couldn’t hold back his anxiety and bit his collar to watch the game. The cheers in the stands behind him are getting louder and louder. A child of about two years old has been screaming "Come on, China", even if all the audience are tired, they have not stopped.
In the second half, Li Haitao’s touchdown saved some face, and veteran Ma Chong scored an additional shot. People seem to see a chance to even, but time, a ruthless killer, doesn’t think so. At 7:36, the game is over.
The reporter bowed his head and walked quickly into the mixed interview area. I didn’t want to interview them, just wanted to stand beside these fighters who had been in melee. After simply thanking the audience, the players quickly walked back to the dressing room.
The Doha Asian Games in 2006 was Liu Kai’s heart, and China lost to the Korean team in the semi-final. Although he finally defeated China Taibei in the bronze medal match, he always felt that China could at least win the silver medal. After returning home, Liu Kai wrote a summary of more than 8,000 words, and later he posted these experiences on his own WeChat WeChat official account.
What he never forgets is the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. "I still feel very sorry." Liu Kai said on the phone, "We lost to the South Korean team again in the bronze medal battle. The expression of old teammate He Zhongliang appeared on TV. At that moment, I was sad and couldn’t help crying. I was in the court office." In 2009, after graduating from China Agricultural University with a master’s degree, Liu Kai temporarily left football and entered the court after passing the judicial examination.
He Zhongliang is the first rugby player in China to participate in an overseas professional league. In 2001, he and Liu Kai were selected for the China Sevens rugby team, and together they created the beginning of this national team.
"In order to participate in the Asian Games, He Zhongliang gave up the contract of the Japanese League at that time." Liu Kai said, "He is the most difficult among those athletes."
On the subway to the venue on the morning of 26th, the reporter sent a message to He Zhongliang: "Is there anyone in the team who played with you now?" He replied: "Ma Chong and I played in the National Games together, and there are several old players I have taken with them. Ma Chong is the third Asian Games, and I hope he can finish his career with good results. "
Once again, at home, South Korea, the nightmare of the past took care of today’s reality.
Back in the media workshop, the reporter said to Liu Kai, "I saw Ma Chong today and I felt the same way as you did at that time." Liu Kai replied: "Yes, that’s the smell."
Seeing the reporter’s wet eyes, the Korean reporter sitting opposite asked, "Are you okay?"
"I am disappointed, but congratulations, your tactics are very successful." Finally, I couldn’t help it. Two tears fell on the keyboard.
"Liu Kai’s tears fell on my face." For an instant, the reporter remembered this sentence. (End)

The "new new human" is on! Squash and flag football were selected as new events in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games.

On October 16th, at the 141st plenary session of the International Olympic Committee held in Mumbai, India, the IOC plenary session decided to adopt five new sports for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games: baseball and softball, cricket, flag football, squash and tennis.
There are three out of five items.
Appeared in Hangzhou Asian Games.
Among the five newly added events, except stick tennis and flag football, the other three events are official events of the Hangzhou Asian Games, and the China team also won the silver medal in the women’s softball event of the Hangzhou Asian Games. At the peak of women’s softball strength, China was the second in the world, and was runner-up in the Olympic Games and World Championships.
Baseball and softball events of Hangzhou Asian Games on October 2nd.
Baseball and softball, cricket and stick tennis were once Olympic events. Among them, baseball and softball entered the Olympic Games from 1992 to 2008 and 2020, cricket appeared in the Olympic Games in 1900, and stick tennis was the event of the two Olympic Games in 1904 and 1908.
Cricket, stick and tennis have a long history.
Cricket is a collective event that consists of techniques such as pitching, hitting and catching, and the main form is pitching and hitting confrontation. Cricket is not only praised as a "game for gentlemen", but also recognized as a "game for wise men". It attaches great importance to the use of eye and hand skills, requiring players not only to be quick-sighted but also to pay attention to strategy and planning.
A beach cricket match was held in the southern port of England to show off people’s skills
At home, cricket is still a "minority sport" that many people feel a little strange. But this sport, which originated in medieval England, is not unpopular in the world, especially in Asia, where India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and other countries are world-class cricket powers. Cricket has more than 2 billion global fans, which is the second largest sport in the world after football. Cricket World Cup is one of the most watched sports in the world, and it is the fourth largest event in the world after the Olympic Games, Football World Cup and Rugby World Cup.
Xingyi, Guizhou Province: A young stick tennis player courageously swings the pitch.
In contrast, the popularity of stick tennis in China is not high. Stick tennis, also known as tennis baseball in China, is an ancient sport, which originated from North American Indian tribes. Stick tennis is a collective sport that uses the net pocket at the top of the bat to control the movement of the ball, and uses the lever principle to throw the ball in the net to catch the ball and score a goal, so as to determine the outcome of the game by the final score. Modern times originated in North America. Basketball, ice hockey and other sports all took tennis baseball as a reference during their invention and creation. In this sport, the strength of the United States and Canada is more prominent.
As early as 1904, stick tennis appeared as a gold medal in the Olympic Games, and then gradually faded out of the Olympic stage because of insufficient international participation. This movement was introduced to China as early as the end of 1990s, and gradually developed in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other cities.
Squash, flag football and other emerging sports.
Be favored by young people
Although squash and flag football have never entered the Olympic Games before. But in the past two years, with the popularity of outdoor sports and the help of new media, it has become a new sport popular among young people after Frisbee, with a huge mass base.
As a branch of American football, flag football has developed rapidly in recent years because it is not so dangerous. According to the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, there are more children playing flag football in the United States than traditional football, and at the competition level, there are about 20 million flag football players in more than 100 countries, and the players’ participation is balanced.
In 2022, the competition of the first City Waist Flag Rugby League (Beijing Station) was fierce.
Compared with the formal rugby, the waist flag rugby replaces the direct contact of the body by pulling the waist flag on the belt, which reduces the collision of the project itself, expands the audience of the sport, and makes teenagers and even girls happy.
Although squash is a minority sport, it has been deeply loved by young people in recent years. Since 1998, squash has been an official event of the Asian Games, but it has been rejected by the Olympic Games. In order to join the Olympic family, the World Squash Federation even moved its headquarters to Lausanne to strengthen its ties with the International Olympic Committee. The Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee said that the sport has achieved amazing growth in the past few years, especially among young Americans, and the participation of squash increased by 87% from 2015 to 2019.
These five events have officially become new events in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games. For baseball and cricket, they are an opportunity to return to the Olympic family. For stick tennis, flag football and squash, they have entered the public’s field of vision, attracting more people to be crazy, just like cricket in the Asian Games.
The ancient Olympic movement is opening its arms to the whole world with unprecedented tolerance. As IOC President Bach said, new events make the Olympic Games younger, closer to urban life and more gender-balanced. They have brought new audiences and new communities, and they have created the "new and new humanity" of the Olympics.
(Poster news editor Guo Kai Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, Tide News, Labor News, Sports Network, etc.)
Produced by New Wave Studio

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue warnings of cold wave, blizzard and gale.

Cctv newsThe Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue warnings of cold wave, blizzard and gale at 18: 00 on November 21.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a cold wave yellow warning at 18: 00 on November 21:

Affected by the cold wave, it is estimated that the temperature in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and its north will drop by 6 ~ 10℃ from November 21st to 24th, among which the temperature in Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, western and northern North China, central and eastern Huanghuai and other places will drop by 12 ~ 16℃, and the temperature drop in some areas such as central and eastern Inner Mongolia and eastern Northeast China will exceed 16℃, and the main period of gale cooling will be from 22nd to 24th. After the cold wave, the lowest temperature 0℃ line will be located in the middle of Jiangsu and Anhui, south-central Henan, southwestern Shaanxi, southeastern Gansu and other places, and the lowest temperature in eastern Inner Mongolia and most parts of Heilongjiang will drop below -20℃, and the local temperature can reach below -30℃. Most of the above areas are accompanied by northerly winds of 4 ~ 6 grades, gusts of 7 ~ 8 grades, and local grades of 9 grades. Some areas in western Inner Mongolia and Ningxia have dusty weather; From 23rd to 25th, there will be 6-8 gale in the eastern and southern seas of China, with gusts of 9-10.

From 20: 00 on the 21st to 20: 00 on the 23rd, the temperatures in northeastern Xinjiang, central and eastern northwest China, Inner Mongolia, northeastern China, most of North China, Huanghuai and other places will drop by 6 ~ 10℃ successively. Among them, the temperatures in most parts of Inner Mongolia, northwestern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, central Liaoning, northern Hebei, northwestern Shanxi and other places will drop by 12 ~ 16℃, and some parts of central and western Inner Mongolia will drop by 16 ~ 18℃.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of blizzard at 18: 00 on November 21:

It is estimated that from 20: 00 on November 21 to 20: 00 on November 23, there will be heavy snowstorms in parts of eastern Inner Mongolia, central and eastern Heilongjiang, northern Jilin and Changbai Mountain, and the accumulated snowfall will be 8-20 mm, the local area will reach 20-30 mm, and the newly added snow depth will be 6-15 cm, and the local area will reach about 20 cm. The main snowfall period is from the night of the 21st to the 22nd.

From 20: 00 on November 21 to 20: 00 on the 22 nd, there were heavy snow in parts of eastern Inner Mongolia, central and eastern Heilongjiang and northern Jilin, among which there were heavy snow (10 ~ 18 mm) in eastern Inner Mongolia and central Heilongjiang. The depth of newly added snow in the above areas is 6 ~ 8 cm, and the local area can reach more than 12 cm.

From 20: 00 on November 22 to 20: 00 on November 23, there was heavy snow in parts of central and eastern Heilongjiang and Changbai Mountain in Jilin, and there was heavy snow (10-15 mm) in the northeast of Heilongjiang. The newly added snow depth in these areas was 5-8 cm, and the local area was about 10 cm.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a gale blue warning at 18: 00 on November 21:

It is estimated that from 20: 00 on November 21 to 20: 00 on the 22 nd, there will be strong winds with grades 5-6 and gusts 7-8 in northern Xinjiang, central and western Inner Mongolia, northeastern Qinghai, northern Ningxia, northwestern Shaanxi and northwestern Shanxi, and the local gusts can reach 9; The Bohai Sea, the Bohai Strait, bashi channel, the northeastern part of the South China Sea, the central, eastern and southwestern parts will have strong winds of 7-8 grades and gusts of 9 grades.

From 20: 00 on November 22 to 20: 00 on November 23, there were strong winds with grades 5-6 and gusts 7-8 in central and eastern Inner Mongolia, southeastern Liaoning, eastern Tianjin, Shandong Peninsula and southern Xinjiang Basin, and northwestern and southern Tibet. The local gust can reach 9; There will be strong winds of 7-8 grades and gusts of 9 grades in the Bohai Sea, Bohai Strait, most of the Yellow Sea, bashi channel, the northeastern part of the South China Sea, the central and eastern parts and the southwestern part.

In 2023, the box office of New Year’s Day broke through 100 million, and Avatar 2 and Want to See You led the way.

1905 movie network news According to the data of Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 12: 25 on December 31, New Year’s Day in 2023(31 December-2 January)The total box office (including pre-sales) exceeded 100 million yuan. With a box office score of 46.684 million (including pre-sales), it is temporarily ranked first in the list, ranking second to fifth.

For 13 years, with a movie."Avatar: The Way of Water" is "making a comeback", which is highly anticipated by fans all over the world. The film is inOn December 16th, the painting was opened in China Mainland, and the cumulative box office has reached 889 million. The arrival of the New Year’s Day holiday will also help the film box office to rise again.

Seeing You, which ranked second on the list with a box office of 31.47 million yuan, is also a movie that netizens have been looking forward to for many years. The filmAdapted from the drama series of the same name, it was created by the original crew of TV series such as directing,,, and so on. The "Fengnan Team" returned again, and how the love of Huang Yuxuan, Li Ziwei, Chen Yunru, Wang Quansheng and Mo Junjie finally went, made the audience again."Above", this is full of staminaAt present, the total box office of movies has reached 171 million.

Fearless of fate, not afraid of loss, not afraid of meeting, bold to love!This New Year holiday, let’s go back to the cinema and feel the magic of this love through time and space.

Directed by, Li Jiaqi, Guo Xiangpeng, etc.The comedy film Desperate Husband, starring, temporarily ranked third in the box office list on New Year’s Day in 2023 with a box office score of 17.72 million yuan.The film tells the story of Hu Tienan (Chang Yuan) becoming a "full-time stay-at-home husband" due to an elevator accident. After experiencing a series of ridiculous "dislocation" experiences, he finally understands his wife’s silent dedication and the true meaning of "love".

New Year’s Day in 2023, comedy, science fiction, love, animation … … Various types of films gather to meet the different needs of the audience, and the China film market alsoIt ushered in a gratifying climax of watching movies.

"The Truth of the Country in the World": Creating the Right Way in the World with the Right Time, Location and Harmony.

Beijing Daily | Author Lin Shangli
In today’s world, the Communist Party of China (CPC) and his great practice of Socialism with Chinese characteristics are undoubtedly the most successful and promising achievements in the history of human civilization.With the Chinese nation marching from prosperity to strength and China approaching the center of the world stage, people all over the world are paying more and more attention to the development miracle of China, and they want to know more about the Communist Party of China (CPC), who led the people of China to create the development miracle.Without communist party, there would be no new China, and there would be no new China’s prosperity. This is the iron law of China’s development and progress, and the truth and truth contained in it are of great significance to China, the world and mankind. Because of this, the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s success has attracted worldwide attention.
A just cause should be pursued for the common good.Insisting on building the party for the public and governing for the people is the root of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s success. One is that the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a political party without its own special interests, and the interests of the people are the interests of the party. Apart from the interests of the people, the party has no special interests of its own; Second, the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a political party committed to the great achievements of the Chinese nation and the lofty cause of human development and progress. It has always taken the happiness of the people of China, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the progress of mankind and the great harmony of the world as its initial mission.
The right path in the world is the rule of the world.It is the key to the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s success to follow the principles of all countries in the world, strive for the happiness of the people, and run for the safety of the country and the people. First, the Communist Party of China (CPC) insisted on combining the basic principles of Marxism with the concrete reality of China and the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and constantly promoted the modernization of Marxism in China, thus giving the party’s leadership a scientific theory, giving the country a correct direction, giving the people a firm belief in their struggle, and always grasping the historical initiative of the development of the party and the country; Second, the Communist Party of China (CPC) insists on starting from China’s national conditions, exploring and forming a correct path that conforms to China’s reality, unswervingly taking the road of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, and always ensuring the country’s development is stable and far-reaching; Third, the Communist Party of China (CPC) insists on putting the development of the country and the nation on the basis of its own strength, being independent, self-reliant and self-reliant, and always firmly holding the destiny of China’s development and progress in its own hands.
Upholding the principle that the world is public is the value premise of grasping the truth of the world; Being based on the world is the realistic basis for practicing the principle of serving the public. Between heaven and earth, between man and heaven, between man and heaven, and between people, the world is the world. In Chinese culture, the world is man’s world, man’s world and public world, with man as its subject, people as its foundation, family as its unit and country as its structure. As Mencius said, "Everyone has a constant saying,’ the country under the world’. The foundation of the world is in the country, the foundation of the country is at home, and the foundation of the family is in the body. " ("Mencius Li Lou Zhang Sentence").The so-called principle of "country under heaven" is the right way to create a symbiotic and coexisting community with favorable weather, favorable geographical conditions and harmonious people, and it is also the world avenue to create a unity of good health, good family, good governance and peace in the world for the people under heaven.
The Communist Party of China (CPC), who upholds the world outlook and methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, always grasps and follows the law of historical development, responds to and solves all kinds of risk challenges on the road ahead based on the principles of the world and countries, and ensures that the cause of the party and the people keeps moving from victory to victory. At the end of 1935, as soon as Mao Zedong led the Party and the Central Red Army to complete the 25,000-mile Long March, he clearly put forward the political proposition of establishing an anti-Japanese national united front, stressing that the new strategy of the Party to lead and organize the whole nation to carry out the anti-Japanese struggle cannot be closed-doorism, but a broad united front must be established. The truth followed in this is the truth of the world. Four years later, Mao Zedong pointed out in the article "Introduction to communist party People" published in October 1939: "Eighteen years’ experience has taught us that the United front, armed struggle and party building are the three magic weapons for the Communist Party of China (CPC) to defeat the enemy in the China Revolution. This is the great achievement of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the great achievement of the China Revolution. " These three magic weapons were explored and formed by the Communist Party of China (CPC) by combining the basic principles of Marxism with the revolutionary practice in China, which conformed to the development law of China revolution and played a decisive role in the final victory of China revolution. These three magic weapons are the successful way for the Communist Party of China (CPC) to lead the China revolution, and what he followed was what Mao Zedong said was the principle of "the country under heaven".

Hangzhou Asian Games table tennis tournament closed! Deng Yaping: China table tennis has never lacked opponents.

China News Network | Author Tian Boqun Qian Chenfei
On October 1st, the table tennis men’s doubles final of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou was held in Gongshu Canal Sports Park Gymnasium. China team Fan Zhendong/Wang Chuqin defeated Korean team Zhang Yuzhen/Lin Zhongxun 4-0 and won the gold medal in this event. China News Service reporter Tian Bochuan photo
On the evening of the 2nd, the table tennis event at the Hangzhou Asian Games ended, and the China table tennis team won six gold medals except women’s doubles. For this competition, Deng Yaping, a former China women’s table tennis team player, a Grand Slam table tennis winner and an ITTF Hall of Fame candidate, said in an exclusive interview with Zhongxin.com that table tennis has shown strong strength and confidence in its overall performance, but it should also be noted that China table tennis has never lacked opponents.
From the Beijing Asian Games in 1990 to the Hangzhou Asian Games today, Deng Yaping witnessed the development of table tennis in China.
"In 33 years, I can still remember the Beijing Asian Games vividly. At that time, I was still a small player. Although I had won the women’s doubles championship at the 1989 World Table Tennis Championships and became the youngest world champion in the history of table tennis, the media was not as developed as it is now, and the broadcast was limited. The Chinese really knew that I was the Beijing Asian Games, which was the first time that China held an international comprehensive event." Deng Yaping said.
She recalled, "At that time, the enthusiasm and expectation of the people were unprecedented. I very much hoped that we would achieve good results in the Asian Games at our doorstep and win seven gold medals, but soon the men’s team lost and the women’s team was under great pressure. In the women’s team final, we had a fierce competition with the Korean team, and one of the games reached 28: 28, and finally we won. When I returned to the Asian Games Village after the game, the dormitory door was covered with celebration notes written by other teams, and the feeling of that big family was very warm. "
It was that competition that Deng Yaping became famous, and the legend of the little table tennis world appeared. In Deng Yaping’s view, his career coincides with the development track of sports in China.
"China table tennis has many excellent reserve forces. From a traditional perspective, I am not a good prospect because I am small. It is precisely because of all kinds of doubts that I constantly examine myself and forge my’ tough, fast and strange’ style of play and strong willpower that I can succeed. " Deng Yaping said.
From Beijing to Hangzhou, Deng Yaping sat on the table of table tennis at the Hangzhou Asian Games. "For more than 30 years, China’s social development has undergone tremendous changes, and China’s sports industry has also developed rapidly. However, the spirit of China athletes who never give up has never changed. Whether it is the Beijing Asian Games, the Guangzhou Asian Games, or the Hangzhou Asian Games, China has displayed a good spiritual outlook to let more foreigners know China better. "
Talking about the Asian Games, Deng Yaping said that she appreciated the personality of young athletes in China, which also reflected the confidence of the Chinese nation. "Young people should be like this. Athletes should be sharp-edged, dare to win and dare to show themselves. Winning means winning completely."
For China, there are always outstanding table tennis players. Deng Yaping thinks that this benefits from paying attention to the individualized training of athletes. "We will elaborate the style and style of every member of the national team, and emphasize personalized cultivation and excavation while passing on from generation to generation. For example, Malone and Fan Zhendong play very differently. Malone has a good pace and forehand, while Fan Zhendong is good at backhand. Not only is it a’ veteran’ who has fought many battles, but China table tennis players are like clouds. If the national team members are not sure, they will lose to a little-known teenager, and the strength of the teenager should not be underestimated. "
Frequent masters are also inseparable from the popular base. Deng Yaping said that the popularity of table tennis in China is very good, basically every province has a professional team, and the public base is very good. It can be said that China people’s understanding of table tennis is very profound. Table tennis can’t simply explain why China is strong. The key lies in why China people will continue to inherit and innovate from generation to generation, and carry it forward while precipitating.
Wang Chuqin of China defeated Huang Zhen Ting of Hongkong, China 4-2 in the men’s singles semifinal of table tennis in Hangzhou Asian Games. Photo by Tian Bochuan
Based on the performance of players from various countries and regions in this Asian Games, Deng Yaping bluntly said that the main rivals of China table tennis team are concentrated in Asia, and their overall strength is very strong, so the medal competition of table tennis in the Asian Games is not less difficult than that of the Olympic Games. Looking around the world, China table tennis is never short of opponents.
As it said, China table tennis team has been facing challenges from Waldner earlier, to Ito Meicheng in Tokyo Olympic Games, and then to the women’s doubles event in Hangzhou Asian Games.
"Athletes have a strong heart. We can win and lose at the same time. If we lose, we will try to get it back tomorrow. If we win, it doesn’t mean that we can continue to win tomorrow. It is very important for us to maintain a very stable mentality, sum up the relationship between losing and winning seriously, and better grasp ourselves and face the relationship between losing and winning. As athletes, we have to accept our own shortcomings and know how strong we are. " Deng Yaping said.
At the same time, in her view, table tennis is not only a competitive event, but also a bridge for cultural integration. "It is very important for China to continue to inherit and carry forward table tennis, and we have the responsibility and obligation in this respect. I believe that from the perspective of the future, table tennis will always be one of the cultural symbols that communicate with China and foreign countries and play a greater role. " Deng Yaping said.

The recovery has arrived, how will fashion reshape the art of travel?

The recovery of travel has brought new opportunities to many industries. From travel bags, outdoor clothing, to restaurants and hotels, holiday season can expand customer contact points and establish a broader brand communication channel. For fashion brands, it is important to connect users through travel again and seize this new growth point.

This was the case in the early holiday series-the designer launched capsule products and released them between major series to cater to specific users. With the increase of overall consumption power and the expansion of travel groups, these once relatively small product lines are not only more and more popular among consumers, but also bring huge commercial benefits to fashion brands.

Louis Vuitton launched a new travel advertising special "Endless mood"

In Louis Vuitton’s new travel advertising special "Endless Mood", the famous player Lionel Messi took Horizon luggage case as his only travel companion and presented the Horizon luggage case series designed by Marc Newson.

Since 2014, internationally renowned Australian designer Marc Newson has reshaped the art of travel for Louis Vuitton. Horizon luggage case series designed by Marc Newson was born in 2016, and now it has become a brand classic. The lightweight shell is made of molded mesh composite material, and the veneer is specially developed Monogram or Damier checkerboard canvas with cowhide trim, which pays tribute to the brand box-making tradition.

Cabinet of Curiosities

During Milan Design Week in 2023, Louis Vuitton will also launch the Cabinet of Museums created by Marc Newson, reinterpreting the classic Louis Vuitton hard box in an elegant style. Cabinet of Curiositie transforms Louis Vuitton travel hard cases into elegant display cases. As the first Louis Vuitton hard box that can be unfolded 180, when the Cabinet of Curiositie is opened, the compartments in the box can provide exhibition space for books, artworks and travel souvenirs. There are 3 sizes and 3 colors in the storage compartment, which can be randomly configured in the box, showing a high degree of personalization, showing the designer’s own love for exquisite style and functionality.

Lululemon’s Wunderlust backpack

The holiday is coming again. Set out and go to the long-awaited distance. The bag should not only hold your travel plan, whether it is in the suburbs or far away; It is best to accommodate various styles, such as Cotton Canvas handbags and Wunderlust backpacks from lululemon; KOLON SPORT’s various accessories backpacks are mostly designed with lightweight materials and tailoring, hoping to meet the needs of various scenes such as sports, outdoor, leisure or commuting.

KOLON SPORT kelong NOACH environmental protection series

Recently, KOLON SPORT Kelon released the NOACH environmental protection series. It is reported that the design of this series of patterns is inspired by the unique patterns of many animal and plant species, which permeates the value orientation of being close to nature in the design and echoes the overall natural environment. The charm of travel is not only to feel the pleasure of rivers and mountains, but also to arouse people’s cherish and protection of the beauty of nature.

BLUE SKY LAB’s "Retro-Futurism Retro Future" Concept Series

BLUE SKY LAB, a sustainable fashion brand of NIO Life, cooperated with Rolf Ekroth, a cutting-edge Finnish designer, and recently launched the concept series of "Retro-Futurism Retro Future". At the same time, BLUE SKY LAB cooperated with Intertek, an international authoritative testing organization, to measure and disclose the carbon footprint data of three star items. In this series, Airbag backpack focuses on lightness and tolerance. At the same time, official data show that compared with the production of traditional native nylon, it is reduced by 26.1%, and compared with the production of cowhide, it is reduced by 54.39%.

Hunter travel series

With innovative design, professional fabrics and technology, people can experience a lifestyle that is integrated with nature through clothing. Hunter launched a new travel series this season, featuring portability, lightness and low saturation. At the same time, the brand said that 86% of the products of the brand will use environmentally friendly materials with low impact on the environment, including FSC?-certified natural rubber, BLOOM algae foam and recyclable fabrics. In addition, the introduction of environmentally-friendly recyclable material uppers, linings and insoles also reduces the brand’s dependence on original materials.

The tourism industry is welcoming an unprecedented recovery. Many consumers will enhance their travel experience through clothing. Travel is related to seasons, fashion and mentality.

SW2023 Spring/Summer Series

SW kicked off spring and summer with colorful kink elements. This season, we will create a new PLAYA series to balance the sense of holiday laziness and urban modernity. Mr. Edmundo Castillo, global design director of SW, said: "I hope to arouse people’s yearning for European coastal travel through the Spring/Summer 2023 series-freedom, comfort and uniqueness. The brand-new elements create a modern and beautiful environment, which makes people become the focus of the protagonist and freely travel through the bustling days and nights of the city. "

Returning to tourism itself, with the domestic tourism market’s "steady development and continuous recovery", the demand for business travel has been released, and reducing costs and increasing efficiency, green and low carbon have become hot topics in the business travel market. Recently, InterContinental Hotels Group launched the 2023 Greater China Hotel Tour Exhibition and Owner Tasting Meeting, which was held successively in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing. Mr. Sun Jian politician, Chief Development Officer of IHG Greater China, said: "The upgrading of consumption, the evolution of hotel chain trend and many other industry trends have created a new ecology of hotel investment and brand development." In the future, InterContinental Hotels Group will build more personalized service experience for business travelers, such as updating the conference room information of Holiday Inn Express on the domestic head conference management platform to provide more flexible conference services for the business travel market.

More than 90% of A/H listed car companies sold more cars in November than in the same period of last year, and the annual car sales in 2023 could reach a new height of 30 million cars.

Cailian News Agency, December 11th (Reporter Hao Xu) After "Golden September and Silver 10", the popularity of China’s automobile market continued in November. With the help of the "double 11" promotion and other consumer waves, the demand for car purchases was further released, and the market performance continued to improve and exceeded expectations.

On December 11th, data released by China Automobile Association showed that in November, the production and sales of automobiles were 3.093 million and 2.97 million respectively, up 7% and 4.1% from the previous month and 29.4% and 27.4% from the same period last year. From January to November, the production and sales of automobiles were 27.111 million and 26.938 million, respectively, up by 10% and 10.8% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 2 and 1.7 percentage points higher than that in January-October.

The Cailian reporter counted the sales of 14 A/H listed car companies in November. Except Haima, the other 13 car companies all achieved year-on-year growth in that month, accounting for more than 90%.

"In the same month, the production and sales of automobiles increased year-on-year, passenger cars continued their good momentum, commercial vehicles maintained rapid growth, and new energy vehicles and automobile exports led the industry growth." Chen Shihua, deputy secretary-general of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, said. Overall, in November, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 1.074 million and 1.026 million respectively, up by 39.2% and 30% respectively. "In November, the production and sales of new energy vehicles exceeded 1 million, which is the first time that the monthly production and sales of new energy vehicles exceeded 1 million; In November, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles reached 34.5%, exceeding 30% for seven consecutive months. "

According to the data of China Automobile Association, in November, 482,000 vehicles were exported, up 46.3% year-on-year, among which 97,000 new energy vehicles were exported, up 1.6% year-on-year. "Export is an important force driving the growth of China’s automobile production and sales this year." Chen Shihua believes.

Take BYD as an example. In November, the sales volume once again exceeded 300,000 vehicles, reaching 301,903 vehicles, up 31.02% year-on-year, among which the export of passenger cars reached 30,629 vehicles, up 148.7% year-on-year. According to BYD, "BYD currently sells two models overseas, one is Dolphin and the other is Yuan PLUS. Seals are being launched one after another, and it is expected that more models will be listed next year. The next focus is to further expand overseas channels and push more models overseas. "

Similarly, Changan Automobile sold 227,327 vehicles in November, up 23% year-on-year, of which 50,598 vehicles were self-owned brand new energy, up 52.7% year-on-year; Overseas sales of independent brands reached 23,976 vehicles, up 518.6% year-on-year. It is worth noting that on November 27th, two new energy products of Changan Automobile, DEEPAL L07 and DEEPAL S07, landed in Bangkok, Thailand, and opened full-line booking. Aouita 11 and Aouita 12 also made their debut in Thailand. Changan Automobile established the Southeast Asia Division, at the same time, it also established three local companies and localization operation teams, namely Changan Automobile Southeast Asia, Changan Thailand Sales and Changan Thailand Parts. The production base of new energy vehicles in Thailand has started construction.

In addition, SAIC, Great Wall Motor and Geely Automobile have performed well in new energy vehicles and exports. Among them, Great Wall New Energy Vehicle sold 31,248 vehicles in November, up 142.93% year-on-year, achieving year-on-year growth for eight consecutive months; Overseas, relying on the strategy of "going to sea by ecology", Great Wall Motor sold 35,496 vehicles overseas in November, up 76.7% year-on-year, and its sales volume exceeded 30,000 for four consecutive months.

While strengthening the layout of overseas sales, car companies are also continuing to "roll in" the domestic new energy market. Just entering December, the new energy auto market has ushered in a more fierce "price war". Traditional independent brands, such as BYD and Changan Automobile, as well as new car-making forces "Wei Xiaoli" and new energy car companies, such as Extreme Vietnam, have introduced multiple preferential policies, with the maximum preferential range exceeding 30,000 yuan.

"With the continuous emergence of policy effects, auto shows and promotional activities in various places continue to exert their strength, and the company’s final sprint in the last month, it is expected that the auto market will continue to improve in December, reappearing the phenomenon of’ tail-jumping’ at the end of the year. "Chen Shihua analysis. At the same time, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Federation, predicted that "the overall car sales this year may reach a new height of 30 million vehicles."

For the performance of China’s automobile market next year, at the "2024 China Automobile Market Development Forecast Summit" held on December 11th, Wang Qing, deputy director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the State Council Development Research Center, predicted that "the wholesale sales volume of the automobile market will continue to increase by about 5% in 2024. The growth rate of sales will largely depend on exports. " In the long run, Wang Qing predicts that by 2030, car sales will maintain a potential growth rate of around 2%-3% annually.

According to the performance of the domestic terminal retail market, Chen Chuan, director of the data energy-saving strategy research room of China Automobile, predicted that the growth rate of the passenger car market would reach 3.2% in 2024, and the sales volume was expected to increase by 700,000 vehicles to 22.5 million vehicles. Among them, the sales volume of new energy passenger cars was 9.68 million, with a growth rate of 29.9% and a penetration rate of 43%; The sales volume of new energy commercial vehicles was 460,000, with a growth rate of 32.8% and a penetration rate of 14.1%.

This article is from Hao Xu, a reporter from Cailian Association.

# Music

I can’t sleep alone in an empty room. I can’t help thinking about you. I look at your photos and my eyes are blurred with tears. I also look forward to seeing you again. Your sweet words and vows come to mind again and again, and I can’t forget your face. I cried my eyes red and fell into the endless abyss. I really love you with indifference, and the more heartache I have, the more I can’t escape. You forgot the promise you made to me, and you forgot that you loved me so much.

Recently, I read this sentence: Maybe you feel out of place with your surroundings, but it is the time you spend alone that makes you more and more interesting. When people finally notice you one day, they will find a cooler person than they thought.

How big is the gap between those who insist on exercising and those who don’t?

Voltaire said: Life lies in movement.

The ancients did not deceive me. Insisting on exercise can not only bring us a tall and graceful posture and a rosy face, but also bring us magical changes in places we can’t see.

Over time, there will be a big difference between a life of exercise and a life without exercise.

Persist in exercise, and the ending of life can be complete.

Some time ago, a video "The Last Decade of Life" broke out on the Internet, which showed two completely different lifestyles of fitness and non-fitness in the last decade of life:

One is to walk in the park in sneakers every morning, and the other is to sit on a sickbed with an infusion tube in his hand and look at the sky outside through the window;

One is to travel around by bike and play with children and grandchildren, the other is to sit in a wheelchair, be taken care of and eat a bunch of pills;

One is to wear a suit and tie, get together with family and share delicious food, the other is to wear a hospital gown and hang an oxygen mask, and the whole family is guarding the ward.

After watching the video, many people were silent.

At the end of our lives, the level of health determines whether we can leave with dignity. And this health is a reward for insisting on exercise.

A survey report published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, which lasted for 15 years and involved 80,000 people, shows that ordinary people can reduce the risk of death by 28% through physical exercise.

From now on, stick to exercise, whether jogging or hiking, there is always a sport for you.

You will see that you are getting better and your life is getting better.

Fat and bloated no longer, replaced by tight lines; Exhaustion is swept away, and I am radiant and energetic every day.

The benefits of exercise may not be visible in the short term.

However, after one year, five years and ten years, you will live younger and happier than your peers.

You can go further, see more beautiful scenery and enjoy more beautiful time on the road of life.

Insisting on exercise brings five benefits.

1. It helps to sleep. Modern people are under great pressure, and many people suffer from insomnia. In addition, with the growth of age, people’s sleep patterns will change and their sleep will become shallow.

Studies have shown that women who take walks and other aerobic exercises for at least one hour four times a week have a 50% higher sleep quality than those who don’t like sports. Therefore, insisting on exercise can be described as a very effective "sleeping pill".

2. Controlling weight and keeping fit is the only way to keep fit. Exercise, especially aerobic exercise, needs to burn fat to provide energy. During exercise, it consumes calories and has the effect of reducing fat.

In addition, some strength-based exercises can exercise people’s muscles well, enhance their metabolic ability, increase their daily energy consumption, avoid the accumulation of calories to form fat, and make their muscles have a sense of lines, making people fit and sunny.

3, delay aging, prolong life With the growth of age, all functions of the human body will decline, while insisting on exercise will increase muscle mass, making people still have a good body when they are old, and exercise can slow down the decline of various system functions of the body and prolong life.

According to foreign reports, after people reach middle age, insisting on aerobic exercise can delay physiological aging for 12 years.

4. Exercise improves brain function and intelligence. People often use "developed limbs and simple mind" to describe people who exercise and keep fit, but in fact, people who love sports are not simple at all.

Exercise can not only strengthen people’s physique, but also promote brain development, improve and improve brain function, and contribute to intellectual development. During exercise, people can enhance their memory by remembering the movements and essentials of exercise.

5. Reducing the risk of cancer Lack of exercise is an important cause of obesity. More and more epidemiological evidence indicates that obesity will increase the morbidity and mortality of some cancers, such as endometrial cancer, breast cancer, esophageal cancer and colorectal cancer.

Therefore, persistent exercise and weight control can reduce the risk of cancer.

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