A summary of public opinion information in the food industry for a week (6.12)

  Food Partner Network News From June 12 to June 18, public opinion information in the food industry included:
  Jiangxi reported the investigation and handling results of the "rat head and duck neck incident"
  Recently, the "rat head duck neck" incident in Jiangxi universities continued to ferment. On June 10, Jiangxi Province established a joint investigation team composed of the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Public Security Department, the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau to investigate. On June 17, the investigation results of the "June 1" food safety incident in Jiangxi Vocational College "were announced.
  It is reported that the joint investigation team issued a report saying that after investigating the scene and retrieving surveillance video, it was found that on June 1, the students ate a foreign object suspected to be a "mouse head" in the cafeteria, which was discarded by the cafeteria staff involved on the day of the incident. By viewing the video of the cafeteria’s back kitchen, consulting the purchase list, asking the person in charge of the cafeteria involved, the relevant parties in the back kitchen, the students involved and the onlookers at the scene, etc., it was determined that the foreign object was not a duck neck. According to the professional identification of the photos and videos taken by the students involved in the extraction by domestic authoritative animal experts, it was determined that the foreign object was the head of a rat rodent. The Changdong Branch of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Nanchang High-tech Zone and the Jiangxi Industrial Vocational TechAcademy did not seriously investigate and collect evidence,
  It has been determined that Jiangxi Industrial Vocational TechAcademy is responsible for the incident, the enterprises involved are directly responsible, and the market supervision and management department is responsible for supervision.
  At present, according to the "Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China" and its implementation regulations, Nanchang Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has revoked the food business license of the canteen involved, and the maximum penalty for the enterprises involved and the legal representative. The next step will be to seriously deal with Jiangxi Industrial Vocational TechAcademy, Nanchang High-tech Zone Market Supervision and Administration Bureau Changdong Branch and other relevant responsible units, enterprises and responsible persons, and carry out food safety special projects in the province, do a good job of source governance, and effectively protect the people’s food safety.
  "Five female doctors" fined 400,000 company apologized overnight
  On the evening of June 14, the Beijing Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau announced an administrative penalty against Beijing Qingyan Boshi Health Management Co., Ltd. (the company owned by "Five Female Doctors").
  Illegal facts show that in order to promote their products, "Five Female Doctors" released the content of "Husband is angry with me, drink! Stay up late to catch dramas, drink! One year older, drink! Collagen loss is fast, and five female doctors replenish it faster. Drink five female doctors, it’s all forced by you!" advertisement.
  The above content violates the first paragraph (7) of Article 9 of the Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China (2018) (obstructing social public order or violating good social fashion), and the Chaoyang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Beijing ordered the parties to stop publishing relevant advertisements and imposed a fine of 400,000 yuan.
  In this regard, the official Weibo of "Five Female Doctors FiveDoctors" issued an apology statement overnight, saying that the company sincerely accepted the punishment decision, resolutely rectified it, and solemnly apologized to everyone for the adverse social impact caused by the advertising content. Previously, when receiving the criticism from users, the company conducted a deep reflection, completely removed the advertisement, and launched a 30-day strict investigation and rectification within the company. In the future, it will continue to optimize the company’s advertising workflow, continuously strengthen the compliance system, and prevent such incidents from happening again.
  Previously, an elevator video advertisement of "Five Female Doctors" was suspected of insulting women on hot searches. Some netizens said that it "promoted negative stereotypes of women" and "sold gender anxiety". It was accused of disrespecting women and was suspected of rubbing edges and playing word games. In this regard, on May 12, it was reported that the relevant staff of the Chaoyang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Beijing said that in response to the complaints and reports of Beijing Qingyan Boshi Health Management Co., Ltd. publishing vulgar advertisements and false propaganda, according to the relevant provisions of market supervision and management administrative penalties, after comprehensive research and judgment, it was decided to file an investigation. At present, evidence materials are being collected and the brand side is being interviewed. The case will be closed within 90 days.

  100,000 the old man was fined 14 yuan for selling pesticide residues exceeding the standard celery? The court ruled
  Profit 14 yuan, 2 fines combined 100,000 yuan! An old farmer in Fuzhou received a sky-high fine for unqualified celery sales, which attracted heated debate.
  Recently, the Minhou court heard a case. In September 2019, Uncle Chen, Minhou, Fujian, bought 35 kilograms of celery in a neighbor’s vegetable field for 122.5 yuan and sold it to a vegetable wholesaler, earning 14 yuan. The next day, the local market supervision department sampled and found that the batch of celery residues exceeded the standard and was an unqualified product. Uncle Chen was investigated according to law for allegedly selling unqualified celery. The municipal supervision department confiscated 14 yuan of illegal income and fined him 50,000 yuan. Because of his failure to pay the fine on his own initiative, the municipal supervision department imposed an additional fine of 50,000 yuan. After being urged, Uncle Chen was unable to perform, and in February 2023, the municipal supervision bureau applied to the court for enforcement.
  The court held that Chen Bo was not a professional vegetable vendor and had violated the law for the first time. The value of the unqualified celery involved in the case was 136.5 yuan, and the profit was only 14 yuan. The amount was obviously small. He did not know that the sale of celery was unqualified, and after the case, Chen Yibo was able to cooperate with the investigation, truthfully explain the source of the unqualified celery, and actively report that others were operating without a license. They had meritorious deeds and should be mitigated or not punished according to law. The Market Supervision Bureau made an administrative penalty decision of "imposing a fine of 50,000 yuan", which was extremely severe. Moreover, the "Punishment Letter" had exceeded the legal time limit for handling the case, and the procedure was also illegal, so it was ruled that it was not allowed to be enforced. Subsequently, the Municipal Supervision Bureau filed an application for reconsideration, and the 2nd-round
  Consumers buy 1 piece of beef jerky and are secretly stuffed with 5 pieces to weigh? official notice
  On the morning of June 17, it was rumored on the Internet that a consumer bought 1 piece of beef jerky at the "Nushi Peanut Store" in Wanda Plaza, Kecheng District, Quzhou City, but was secretly stuffed with 5 pieces by the clerk, reflecting the fraudulent operation of the merchant.
  In this regard, Kecheng issued an official Weibo release notice saying that after investigation, the consumer’s report was basically true. The merchant bagged and weighed the pre-cut part of the beef jerky together with the beef jerky selected by the consumer, resulting in the actual purchase of the consumer exceeding the purchase amount. After mediation, the merchant has apologized to the consumer and reached an agreement on compensation matters. The Kecheng District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau will deal with the merchant according to law and regulations based on the results of the investigation and evidence collection.
  Official notice "specialty store pork jerky posing as beef jerky": ten times the fine
  Recently, some netizens reported that "two specialty shops in Hohhot used pork jerky as beef jerky", which attracted attention.
  In this regard, on June 18, the Yuquan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau issued a notice saying that after verification, Mengyuhong Specialty Store and Golden Grassland Specialty Store had misleading consumers and violated the Administrative Punishment Measures for Infringement of Consumer Rights and Interests. According to the relevant provisions of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests, Mengyuhong Specialty Store and Golden Grassland Specialty Store were confiscated of illegal income and fined 10 times the illegal income. At the same time, after research, it was decided to suspend the staff in charge of food circulation in the Dazhao Temple Market Supervision and Management Institute.
  The official response was that students vomited 7 times after eating rice noodles in the cafeteria
  On June 14, a college student complained of vomiting 7 times a day after eating in the cafeteria. The party said that on the 14th, she vomited 7 times after eating rice noodles in the school cafeteria, suspected of food poisoning, and other students also experienced the above symptoms.
  On June 15, the school’s staff said that some students had vomiting symptoms, and food samples had been submitted to the CDC, awaiting test results.
  The staff of the Jurong Market Supervision Administration said that the food samples have been submitted for inspection and the window involved has been ordered to be closed for rectification. The matter is being investigated and dealt with.
  Well-known hot pot brands respond to 8 yuan lettuce with only 2 leaves
  On June 15, "Haidilao responded to 8 yuan lettuce only 2 pieces" was a hot search.
  It is reported that on June 14, some netizens posted a video saying that they went to Haidilao for dinner and ordered half of the lettuce for 8 yuan and found that there were only two vegetable leaves, which felt a bit outrageous.
  On June 15, the staff of the hot pot restaurant responded that the dishes are calculated according to the gram weight, and the dishes have a fixed amount. Half of the dishes are 120 grams, so the weight of this lettuce is up to standard. This time, the vegetables may not be torn, so there are only two pieces. We will report this problem to the company later.
  "Woman takes high-speed rail and spends 15 yuan to buy’water age 16,500 ‘mineral water"
  Recently, Ms. Zhang (a pseudonym) from Shanghai bought a bottle of mineral water for 15 yuan on the high-speed rail. When she saw the packaging, it said "water age 16,500 years". She posted the text and pictures online, which caused a heated discussion among netizens.
  On June 12, the customer service of the Everest Glacier Water Resources Co., Ltd. responded: "Our water has a long mineralization cycle, and every drop of water you drink now is 16,500 years ago."
  In response, Mr. Guo of the Water Ring Institute of the China Geological Survey of the Ministry of Natural Resources said: "Personally, I think this is unscientific. [16,500 years] This is the apparent age of water, not the absolute age."

  Frequent incidents of eating foreign bodies in food
  In the past week, there have been frequent incidents of foreign bodies being eaten in food.
  Case 1: The manufacturer responded that there are flocs in the flavored salt soda water
  On June 10, it was revealed that there were flocs in the Shanghai-flavored salt soda water of the Power Moment brand, which attracted the attention of netizens. It is understood that the product is produced by an enterprise in Yancheng, Jiangsu. On June 11, the manufacturer responded that this is a normal phenomenon. Sometimes the food additives are not stirred, and occasionally there are such situations, which is not a quality problem.
  Case 2: The merchant responded to the woman eating maggots in the takeaway
  On June 8, the woman claimed to have eaten maggots in the takeaway of Qiaotou Ribs (Xuhui Riyueguang Store). In response, the staff of the store involved responded: The food is all fried and ready-made, and the matter is currently under investigation. It is impossible to fry such fresh things at an oil temperature of 200 ° C. There is also monitoring in the store. At present, 12315 has been intervened and is waiting for relevant staff to come to collect evidence.
  Case 3: The Municipal Supervision Bureau responded to the food and found that the beef had maggots
  On June 11, Ms. Han (a pseudonym), a resident of Qingdao, said that she had invited customers and a group of eight people to eat at a buffet restaurant. During the process, she found that there were many maggots in the beef. After calling the store, the store admitted to the problem in the beef and was willing to pay consumers six meal coupons for free orders. Ms. Han refused. On June 12, the Laoshan District Market Supervision Bureau replied to the matter, saying that it was investigating and would report the results later.
  Case 4: The manufacturer responded that the man ate gloves in the sweet and sour fish skin
  On June 12, in Linfen, Shanxi, a man ate gloves in a brand of sweet and sour fish skin packaging. The manager of the manufacturer involved responded that the gloves were eaten or the workers did not pick them clean during the drying process, but they were all fried at high temperature. It should not be a big problem. You can apply for a return, and the management of problems reported by consumers will also be strengthened.
  Case 5: Supermarkets respond to air-leaking bags of duck wings with live maggots squirming
  On June 12, in Foshan, Guangdong, netizens posted a video saying that when buying snacks in the Lotus Supermarket, they found live maggots in bagged duck wings. During the period, they reminded a staff member pushing a truck to take a look, but the other party ignored it. Remind everyone to look at some dates when buying snacks, bread, spicy strips, etc., and pay attention to whether there is air leakage or mildew. On the 13th, the supermarket involved said that because the staff did not check in place, the packaging leaked air before maggots would grow. Only one pack of this has been disposed of that day and will be checked frequently in the future.
  Case 6: The man claims to have found floating flies in his drink
  Recently, in Jinan, Shandong, a man posted a video saying that he found flies floating in Mixue Bingcheng lemonade. On June 14, the staff of the store involved responded that they were too busy at that time, and the flies flew in when they were sealed and could not be found in time. The matter has been dealt with and some money has been paid to the customer.
  Case 7: The store responds to customers eating Band-Aids
  On June 11, in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, customers reported eating Band-Aids in Fuqian Crispy Meat, saying that the merchant’s hygiene was worrying. In response, the person in charge of the store said that the price of a crispy meat is 20 to 30 yuan, and he is willing to pay ten to twenty times the compensation, but the other party is not willing. After the staff of the Food and Drug Administration intervened, they suggested negotiation, but the price issue has not been negotiated. The customer asked for 3,000 yuan, and he felt that the other party did not sincerely solve the problem.
  Case 8: Customers scoop out maggots in Shaxian snack soup
  On June 14, in Chongqing, customers reported eating maggots in a Shaxian snack in the town of Wangu, Dazu District. In the casserole, the customer scooped it with a spoon and found many white rice-like foreign objects. On the 15th, the government staff of Wangu Town said that the market supervision department had gone to deal with it in the morning, and the administrative penalty result has not yet come out. The specific treatment situation will eventually be made public online.
  Case 9: Restaurant owner claims that more than a dozen bottles of soda have foreign objects
  On June 15, in Shuozhou, Shanxi Province, the restaurant reported that there was a foreign object in the big kiln soda, which caused customers to be unwilling to check out after eating, and the store lost more than 500 yuan. Store manager Zhang said that this happened in more than a dozen bottles of the three boxes of big kiln soda. Some customers refused to check out after drinking it, and they lost 500 yuan. But when they contacted the salesperson, the salesperson said that they could only exchange one bottle for another. In this regard, the customer service of the big kiln soda said that the "foreign object" may be sediment and will contact the local person in charge to check the store.

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31-Year-old Feng Timo was diagnosed with advanced cancer, and the cause was exposed: Stop indulging your body…

Text/Mr. Mizuki & Zhuojue

Source/Mr. Mizuki said (ID: shuimujunshuo)

Singer Von Timo is hot.

The reason is not a scandal, not a new work, but cancer.

In August this year, Feng Timo interviewed a family.

The host asked, Why did you disappear for more than half a year?

Feng Timo says:Health went wrong, got a cancer, thyroid cancer.

The host looked surprised: That’s benign, right?

Feng Timo says:No, it was advanced malignancy.

On another health talk show, Feng Timo presented his cancer medical records.

"Contrast-enhanced ultrasound shows a high probability of CA."

CA, thyroid tumor.

Feng Timo is a female anchor debut.

Singing skills, emotional intelligence is quite high. After the live streaming host industry, and through their own efforts, into the entertainment industry.

In 2016, he sang the opening song "You Don’t Understand Me" for the movie "28 Years Old".

In 2017, he sang the promotional song "Goodbye Ex" for the movie "Ex 3".

Fame rose, once became a new corner of the music scene.

Feng Timo cherishes everything that is hard-won.

After learning of the cancer, the first thing she asked the doctor was: Will it affect my singing?

The doctor said: Yes, even if you fully recover, it will be difficult to return to the past state.

Von Timo collapsed.

"Singing is not only my career, but also the meaning of my life. After knowing that it will affect my voice, my heart really died."

Unfortunately, thyroid cancer, also known as "lazy cancer," has a very low metastatic rate.

More than 90% of patients recover after surgery.

Von Timo’s surgery went well.

The laryngeal tumor was completely removed and soon discharged from the hospital.

After recovering, Feng Timo lowered his collar, revealing a "smile scar".

Just after the surgery, Feng Timo did have difficulty pronouncing.

Not to mention singing, it would be difficult to make a little louder.

But Feng Timo was unwilling to give up.

After his body recovered 80% to 90%, Feng Timo found a famous teacher and practiced his pronunciation every day.

A few months later, Feng Timo returned to the stage.

Regarding the cause of cancer, Feng Timo did not respond positively.

However, I can roughly guess from the content of her Weibo response.

"Through this cancer, I want to tell everyone, especially the girls, that you must not have internal mental friction, and don’t accumulate negative energy in your heart…"

After Feng Timo rushed into the hot search with cancer, Wu Jian, director of the Cancer Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing University, said:

It is necessary to be vigilant against long-term mental internal friction causing cancer.

Existing studies have shown that emotional internal friction such as sensitivity, suspicion, and nervousness can easily lead to endocrine dysfunction and decreased immunity, which in turn lead to various physiological dysfunctions in the body and lead to cancer.

It’s not just thyroid cancer.

Yang Video once released a popular science video, and stomach cancer is also related to bad emotions.

Negative emotions such as internal friction and tension can reduce the body’s immunity and leave the stomach in a state of high reaction, which can lead to diseases in the long run.

New Weekly has interviewed three cancer patients.

Thyroid cancer, both in their 30s.

The results revealed that these young patients all had one characteristic:The work is stressful and the mood is very anxious.

Photo: New Weekly Interview

If it is not forced by life, who is willing to carry the burden forward.

I don’t want to say tasteless advice like "don’t work too hard" or "take a break".

I just want to say, friends, if the external environment cannot be changed for a while, we can try to change our mindset.

Last week, I had a small chat with a well-connected colleague.

Now the official account market is getting more and more difficult, and the graphic market has been severely impacted by the short video market.

Last year can earn a million accounts, this year basically halved; last year to earn 300,000 accounts, this year I am afraid even to feed themselves are difficult.

Friends complain that their income is getting lower every day, they are very anxious, and they can’t sleep well.

I asked, What’s the worst possible outcome?

The friend said: The account is not profitable, so it is sold cheaply. Maybe I will send the courier.

I asked: If you sell it, you can sell it. In Guangzhou, how much is the express delivery?

The friend said, There are eight thousand.

I said, Can’t I survive with a monthly salary of 8,000?

Friend said: It seems to be able to live…

My words are not to persuade friends to mess up, but to reduce the anxiety of the moment by adjusting the "bottom line mentality".

A few days ago on the short video platform, I saw a quote from Ma Yun.

"You should be serious about life, but don’t be too serious about work. If you are too serious, you will be very tired."

"Being a person is already so tired, and working is so tiring, it’s boring."

"Work should be like play."

This sentence is easy to be misunderstood. If you don’t work seriously, the boss will fire me every minute? How can you live without money?

I think what Ma Yun said "don’t take it too seriously" should beDon’t be too concerned about the quality of the results.

In life, some things can be changed through hard work.

For example, the level of skills, such as speech.

But some things are just about luck.

Such as talent, such as trends, such as the decline of the industry, such as some unpredictable opportunities in destiny.

We’re going to take these and then use a"Let fate belong to fate, let your own belong to yourself"Attitude, looking at everything.

This doesn’t necessarily bring happiness.

But at least it can help us reduce anxiety, make our bodies lighter and our lives lighter.

Anxiety affects people’s health.

A bad lifestyle can also destroy a person’s health.

The "2021 Contemporary Young People Staying Up Late Report" shows that,More than 40% of young people say they stay up late almost every day and fall asleep after the wee hours of the morning.

As for the reasons for staying up late, there are mainly the following:

First, follow the drama and watch the video.

Second, swipe Weibo Zhihu and so on.

Third, play games.

Fourth, think about life

Fifth, online chat

Sixth, work.

It is a common phenomenon for young people to stay up late.

But universal does not mean that this is a normal, rational way of life.

What are the dangers of staying up late?

To put it mildly, skin deterioration, baldness, hair loss, memory loss, poor concentration… People will accelerate aging.

To put it more seriously, the harder you stay up late, the greater the risk of sudden death.

We often get this kind of news.

"The 22-year-old girl died suddenly after staying up late and working overtime."

"The guy was too excited to stay up late playing games and was sent to IUC for rescue…"

I can understand why many people stay up late.

The day belongs to the company, and the night belongs to you.

When night falls and the time approaches midnight, I rationally know it’s time to fall asleep, but my heart is full of unwillingness: brush for five minutes, brush for another five minutes…

It seems that only in this way can we cherish the precious time that belongs to us.

Is that really the only way?

No, definitely not.

If you enjoy it in advance, you will always come back later.

Today you stayed up too late, and tomorrow you will use all possible rest periods during the day to catch up on sleep.

Since that’s the case, we might as well change our posture and cherish time.

Move the sleep time forward a bit.

Push the wake-up time forward a bit.

This results in not only healthy work and rest habits, but also self-discipline.

Your body is better, and your willpower will be stronger than ordinary people – and self-disciplined people are generally not too bad.

Haruki Murakami said,The body is everyone’s temple, and no matter what is enshrined in it, it should be kept strong, beautiful, and clean.

May we be open-minded and look down on external gains.

Allow everything to be as it is, and accept that everything backfires.

May we all enjoy a disciplined and disciplined life.

Less indulgence, more delayed gratification, and always put health first in life.

Today’s topic

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Author:Mr. Shuimu @Zhuojue, source: Mr. Shuimu said (ID: shuimujunshuo), analyze the society, share the view of education, and grow with 5 million readers. There is temperature, depth, and attitude. See you at 21:21 every night. Let our voice become the sound wave that promotes world change.

A post-00s mortician, entering the profession at the age of 16, does not eat meat, does not attend weddings, and does not touch babies…

These three colors are called "depressed colors", and if your child likes them, parents should pay attention!



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Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry

The General Office of the State Council on deepening reform

Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry

Guoban Fa [2016] No. 58

The people’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and all ministries, commissions, and agencies directly under the State Council:

  In order to implement the central government’s decision-making and deployment on comprehensively deepening reform, actively and steadily promote the reform of the taxi industry, encourage innovation, promote transformation, and better meet the travel needs of the people, with the approval of the State Council, the following opinions are hereby proposed.

  I. Guiding ideology and basic principles

  (1) Guiding ideology. Deeply implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the series of important speeches by the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader, implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, in accordance with the overall layout of the "Five in One" and the "Four Comprehensive" strategic layout, firmly establish and implement the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, give full play to the role of the market mechanism and the guiding role of the government, adhere to the basic idea of giving priority to the development of public transportation and moderately developing taxis, promote the structural reform of the taxi industry, effectively improve the service level and regulatory capacity, and strive to build a diversified and differentiated travel service system, promote the sustainable and healthy development of the taxi

  (2) Basic principles.

  Adhere to the passenger-oriented. Take ensuring the safe travel of passengers and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the people as the starting point and end point of reform, and provide the public with safe, convenient, comfortable and economical personalized travel services.

  Adhere to reform and innovation.Seize the favorable opportunity to implement the "Internet +" action, adhere to the problem orientation, promote the transformation and upgrading of cruise taxis, standardize the operation of online rental cars, and promote the integrated development of the two business models.

  Adhere to overall consideration. Coordinate public transportation and taxis, coordinate innovation and development with safety and stability, coordinate the development of new and old business models, coordinate the interests of passengers, drivers and enterprises, and promote reform step by step, actively and carefully.

  Adhere to legal norms. Correctly handle the relationship between the government and the market, strengthen the rule of law thinking, improve the legal system of the taxi industry, promote industry reform in accordance with the law, maintain a fair competition market order, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties.

  Adhere to territorial management. The urban people’s government is the main body responsible for taxi management. It should give full play to autonomy and creativity, and explore a management model that is in line with the actual development of the local taxi industry.

  Second, clarify the positioning of the taxi industry

  (3) Scientifically positioning taxi services. Taxi is an integral part of the urban comprehensive transportation system, a supplement to urban public transportation, and provides personalized transportation services for the public.Taxi services mainly include cruises, online reservations, and other means.The urban people’s government should give priority to the development of public transportation, develop taxis moderately, and optimize the urban transportation structure.It is necessary to coordinate the development of cruise taxis (hereinafter referred to as cruise cars) and online rental cars (hereinafter referred to as online taxi-hailing), implement dislocation development and differentiated management, and provide quality and diverse transportation services for the public.It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of large, medium and small cities, the diverse travel needs of the public and the development orientation of taxis, comprehensively consider factors such as population size, economic development level, urban traffic congestion, and taxi mileage utilization rate, and rationally grasp the scale of taxi transportation capacity and the share ratio in the urban comprehensive transportation system. Establish a dynamic monitoring and adjustment mechanism to gradually realize market regulation. New and updated taxis, priority is given to the use of new energy vehicles.

  III. Deepening the reform of cruise vehicles

  (4) Reform the management system of the right to operate. All new rental car operating rights shall be subject to term restrictions, and no further indefinite restrictions shall be imposed. The specific period shall be determined by the city people’s government according to the actual local situation. All new rental car operating rights shall be used free of charge, and the operating entity shall not be changed. If the existing rental car operating rights need to be changed within the term, the modification procedures shall be handled in accordance with the conditions and procedures stipulated by laws and regulations, and no speculation or unauthorized transfer shall be allowed. For existing rental car operating rights that do not specify the specific operating period or have been used for compensation, the city people’s government shall comprehensively consider all factors, scientifically formulate a transition plan, reasonably determine the operating period, and gradually cancel the paid use fee. Establish and improve the operation rights allocation and management system guided by service quality and reputation, and withdraw the operation rights in accordance with relevant regulations if the period of operation rights expires or there are major service quality problems, major safety production liability accidents, serious illegal business activities, and unqualified service quality and reputation assessments during the operation process.

  (5) Completing the benefit distribution system. Taxi operators shall sign employment contracts or business contracts with drivers in accordance with the law. Contractors who adopt the contracting mode of operation and self-employed individuals who have obtained the right to operate shall obtain the qualification of taxi drivers, register for employment according to regulations and directly engage in operational activities. It is necessary to use Internet technology to better build a business model in which enterprises and drivers share operational risks and reasonably distribute benefits. Encourage, support and guide taxi enterprises, industry associations to negotiate on an equal footing with taxi drivers and trade unions, and reasonably determine and dynamically adjust the taxi contract fee standard or quota task according to factors such as operating costs and changes in freight rates. If the existing contract fee standard or quota task is too high, it should be reduced. It is necessary to protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers and build a harmonious labor relationship. It is strictly forbidden for taxi companies to charge high collateral from drivers, and the existing collateral should be reduced if it is too high.

  (6) Straighten out the price formation mechanism. All localities can implement government pricing or government-guided pricing for cruise car freight rates according to the actual situation in the region, and incorporate them into the government pricing catalogue according to law. Taking into account the operating costs of taxis, the income levels of residents and drivers, traffic conditions, service quality and other factors, scientifically formulate and timely adjust the level and structure of taxi freight rates. Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for taxi freight rates, improve pricing rules, improve the linkage method between freight rates and fuel prices, and give full play to the leverage role of freight rates in adjusting the supply and demand relationship in the taxi transportation market.

  (7) Promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry.Encourage cruise car operators and online taxi booking operators (hereinafter referred to as ride-hailing platform companies) to implement corporatized management in accordance with modern enterprise systems through mergers, restructurings, and absorption of shares, so as to achieve the integrated development of new and old business models. Encourage cruise car enterprises to transform and provide online ride-hailing services. Encourage cruise cars to provide operation services through telecommunications, Internet and other e-hailing service methods, promote the use of non-cash payment methods that meet financial standards, expand service functions, and facilitate public ride-hailing.Encourage self-employed people to form a company with a certain scale, implement organizational management, improve service quality, reduce management costs, and enhance anti-risk ability. Encourage business operators to strengthen branding, take the initiative to disclose service standards and quality commitments, carry out safety, integrity, and high-quality service creation activities, strengthen service quality management, and provide high-quality services.

  IV. Standardize the development of online car-hailing and private passenger car sharing

  (Eight) standardize the development of online car-hailing.Online car-hailing platform companies are providers of transportation services, and should have online and offline service capabilities, assume carrier responsibility and corresponding social responsibility. Drivers and their vehicles providing online car-hailing services should meet the basic conditions for providing passenger transportation services. Market-adjusted prices are implemented for online car-hailing, and government-guided prices may be implemented if the city people’s government deems it necessary.

  (9) Regulate the business behavior of online car-hailing. Online car-hailing platform companies shall make full use of Internet information technology, strengthen the production, operation and management of service vehicles and drivers, and continuously improve the ride experience and service level. Provide operation services in accordance with relevant state regulations and standards, reasonably determine the metering method, ensure the safety of operation and the legitimate rights and interests of passengers, and shall not engage in improper price behavior. Strengthen network and information security protection, establish and improve data security management systems, collect, use and protect personal information in compliance with the law, and shall not disclose sensitive information involving national security. The personal information collected and the business data generated shall be stored and used in the Chinese mainland. Online car-hailing platform companies shall safeguard and protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers.

  (10) Regulate private passenger car sharing. Private passenger car sharing, also known as carpooling and ride-sharing, is a shared mode of travel where the ride-sharing service provider publishes travel information in advance, and people with the same travel route choose to take the ride-sharing service provider’s passenger car, share part of the travel cost or help each other for free. Private passenger car sharing is conducive to alleviating traffic congestion and reducing air pollution. City people’s governments should encourage and regulate its development, formulate corresponding regulations, and clarify the rights and obligations of the three parties, including the ride-sharing service provider, the ride-sharing person, and the ride-sharing information service platform.

  Create a good market environment

  (11) Improve service facilities. The urban people’s government shall incorporate comprehensive taxi service areas, stopping points, waiting berths and other service facilities into the urban infrastructure building plan, make overall and reasonable arrangements, conscientiously organize and implement them, and properly solve the actual difficulties of taxi drivers in parking, dining, toileting, etc. In airports, stations, docks, shopping malls, hospitals and other large public places and residential areas, cruise bus waiting areas shall be demarcated to facilitate taxi operations and better provide services for passengers to travel.

  (12) Strengthen the construction of the credit system. It is necessary to implement the service quality credit assessment system and the driver qualification management system, formulate taxi service standards, credit management systems for operators and employees, and clarify the basic requirements for operating in accordance with the law and providing honest services.Actively use the Internet, big data, cloud computing and other technologies to establish an evaluation system for taxi operators and drivers, strengthen the recording of information such as violations of laws and regulations, dishonesty, complaints and reports, and passenger service evaluations, as an important basis for taxi operators and employees to enter and exit, and incorporate it into the national credit information sharing platform and the national enterprise credit information publicity system.

  (13) Strengthen market supervision.It is necessary to innovate supervision methods, simplify licensing procedures, and implement online processing.It is necessary to disclose information such as the main body, quantity, mode of acquisition and change of operating rights of taxi operators, conduct regular taxi service quality assessments and release them to the public, and further improve the transparency of industry supervision. It is necessary to establish a joint supervision and law enforcement mechanism led by the government, with the participation of departments and the linkage of blocks, and a joint punishment and exit mechanism. It is necessary to establish and improve the supervision platform, strengthen the supervision of the whole process, investigate and punish the behavior of taxis that hinder fair competition in the market and price violations in accordance with the law, and severely crack down on illegal operations, gathering crowds to disrupt social order, or inciting organizations to disrupt the operation order and damage the public

  (14) Strengthen the construction of the legal system. It is necessary to accelerate the improvement of laws, regulations and standards for the management and operation of taxis, clarify management responsibilities and legal responsibilities, standardize qualification conditions and business licenses, and form a relatively complete system of laws and regulations for the management of taxis, business services and market supervision.

  (15) Implement the main responsibility of the local people’s government. All localities should establish a reform leadership mechanism to strengthen the organization and leadership of deepening the reform of the taxi industry. It is necessary to formulate specific implementation plans, clarify work objectives, refine and decompose tasks, establish relevant departments, trade unions, industry associations and other multi-party joint working mechanisms, and steadily advance various reform tasks. It is necessary to strengthen social communication, smooth the channels for interest appeals, take the initiative to release information, respond to social concerns, build consensus on reform, and create a good public opinion environment. For major decisions in reform, it is necessary to carry out social stability threat and risk assessments, improve emergency plans, prevent and resolve various contradictions, and maintain social stability.

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ???   General Office of the State Council

 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? July 26, 2016

  (This article is published publicly.)

NIO makes mobile phones: The outside world does not understand, and the owner is crazy

Author | Cloud

"Besides NIO owners, who else would buy it?"

"Is it unreasonable for a brand that has just entered the mobile phone industry to sell for 6,899 yuan?"

"Is it meaningful to customize a mobile phone specifically for a car?"

As a car brand that continues to lose money and has not yet shown any signs of profitability, NIO’s mobile phone production is not news, but it has never been optimistic.

On September 21, after the official launch of NIO Phone, founder Li Bin was once again labeled as "not doing his job properly". He mentioned in an interview after the press conference that NIO’s mobile phone business team has as many as 500 people and invests 500 million yuan annually. The outside world’s skepticism about NIO’s business has reached its peak.

But NIO’s phone was robbed crazy by the owner. According to NIO co-founder and president Qin Lihong at the press conference,At present, the NIO mobile phone has been sold out without three-party channels, and the order is scheduled for December.

At least in the small circle of less than 400,000 NIO owners, the popularity of NIO Phone is not inferior to this year’s iPhone 15 series.

Obviously, making a mobile phone is another decision made by NIO after insisting on changing the battery and insisting on being a community. The outside world cannot understand it, and the car owner loves it.

Entertainment Capital

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At the industry level, the "necessity" of car companies to make mobile phones has also been verified to a certain extent. Just before the Huawei conference that just topped the chart, Tan Benhong, chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology, also said on Weibo "spoiler" that Huawei and Avita jointly created Mate 60 Pro Avita Special Edition "is advancing rapidly".

Although Avita is a new car brand cooperated by Huawei, Ningde Times, and Changan Automobile, and "driver interconnection" is also Huawei’s strength, the trend of "making mobile phones for cars" has obviously been set off by NIO.

Zhang Junyi, a former managing partner of NIO Capital and a managing partner of Oliver Wyman, said:

"Li Bin’s work is good from a strategic perspective, but the matching of timing and funding is a matter of opinion, just like insisting on the power exchange model, the heavy operation of user companies, and the lack of investment in research and development. There are also many controversies, but the management of NIO still insists on doing it, and the user feedback is also very good."

What NIO and Li Bin do is often referred to as "business religion" – products and services are strongly bound, users are recruited with ideas, and users spontaneously expand.And is making a mobile phone a part of the realization of "doctrine" and the self-improvement of users, or is it a real and valuable enterprise decision?

The answer to this question lies in the hands of NIO’s owners.

NIO owner: You can buy it, it’s not too expensive

The biggest doubt about NIO’s mobile phones is that mobile phones are an industry where the annual shipments of mainstream brands are tens of millions, and the total number of NIO users is less than 400,000, of which 60% use iPhone – an ecological closed but complete product that is difficult to replace.

As a consultant in the new energy industry who owns Tesla, NIO, Ideal, Polaris, Volkswagen, and many other brands of electric vehicle products, and has worked in four car companies, Yiran was invited to participate in the NIO conference on September 21 and was one of the first contacts of NIO Phone.

At the same time, he is also one iPhone 60% of users, "For many users who already hold iPhone and Android, it may be easier to accept NIO phones, but I have only owned one phone for many years, and I am not willing to spend too much time managing the phone. So the process of NIO Phone becoming the second machine also needs to be adapted."

The reason why NIO’s NIO Phone is called the "Deluxe Edition Car Key" is because it enhances the experience unlike ordinary mobile phones, mainly focusing on the "UWB chip" and "SkyOS Tianshu" operating system standard on its new generation models.

Owners who use NIO Phone can unlock the vehicle more conveniently, stably and safely than other mobile phones, accurately locate the heating and ventilation massage control of each seat, and realize functions such as mobile phone doppelganger and application relay on the car. In addition, NIO also sets a separate vehicle control physical button for NIO Phone, which can call out the car control interface with one click.

Although most of the above features can be implemented by apps, using a NIO Phone is faster and smoother.

Although Yiran praised these features that NIO Phone can provide, he also made it clear that the biggest challenge for NIO to do mobile phone business lies in"Changing users’ past habits."

For example, in actual use, the NIO App has not even solved the problem of dual end point login. If "dual users" log in to the brand account on the NIO Phone, the account of their original device will be offline, which is not friendly for users who have just started using dual phones.

For core community users who know NIO as well as Yiran, buying a NIO Phone is almost a "painless decision."

It can be seen in the NIO App that the user needs 4,900 yuan to make NIO’s intelligent assistant "NOMI" have a movable entity, another in-car AR product set "N-Box Enhanced Entertainment Host" is worth 4,600 yuan, and the "Moon Theme" kit of the "Blackened" Logo is priced at 4,500 yuan…

In the product series of this "high-end brand", the mobile phone priced at 6,499 yuan is a highly technical and cost-effective product.

A few years ago, when Luo Yonghao was still making mobile phones, he once expressed the opinion that "domestic mobile phones are all assembled except Huawei". Li Bin also said similar words at the press conference, but was pointed out by some users who paid attention to the "machine circle". It is also an indisputable fact that the vast majority of mobile phone brands follow the R & D rhythm of core component manufacturers such as Qualcomm and MediaTek to release products.

Zhang Junyi said that most mobile phone companies do not control the whole process by themselves, but the expectations of NIO users for NIO Phone are a "NIO phone", not a "NIO joint Android phone", although the first generation of mobile phones may not be sound and complete, but also reflects some of Li Bin’s ideas in user experience and technological innovation.

As a "super atypical NIO owner" – due to frequent business trips, the annual driving mileage of NIO is only more than 100 kilometers. Zhang Junyi has a stronger sense of the owner’s rights and ecological experience provided by NIO. "I believe that many people will choose NIO Phone based on ecology." Similarly, when Huawei and Porsche designed a joint name, many users who purchased related products were not Porsche owners, but they were also inspired by brand power to place orders.

In his opinion, as a portable social tool, the current pricing of NIO Phone is not "thrilling", and the mobile phone can also be used as a wearable device – such as the bracelet mentioned by management at the press conference, and the central existence of AR glasses that have been "in the car", "this is an ecosystem".

Due to the high-end brand positioning, many of NIO’s core users, like Yiran and Zhang Junyi, see things more from an "ecological" perspective and are less sensitive to price. Therefore, they have a smoother acceptance of NIO Phone.

But for the "silent majority" and some "swing users", "wait and see" is normal. Holding a Huawei Mate 40 Pro, the big reason (pseudonym) for the NIO brand has always maintained a "distant" relationship:

Does not care about the brand conference, the information update mainly from the owner group Fellow (service specialist), but recognized the service value of NIO, two years ago purchased the most top NIO models – plus "worry-free service" and "worry-free insurance" NIO ES8, priced at more than 600,000 yuan, when his other option is not yet domestic BMW X5, priced at about 700,000 yuan.

Da Zai is a representative of another type of car owner of NIO. They are "early adopter pioneer users" in second-tier cities, but they are not as strongly bound to the brand as NIO core users and are keen to recommend NIO to people around them. One of his friends was recommended by him to buy the NIO ES6, but in the end, because he was not used to the tram, he was persuaded to return to the oil car by battery life anxiety. Da Zai said:

"I feel okay with the car, the power change is very good, and I’m not worried about NIO going out of business, but I won’t recommend it to my friends again. As for the phone, I’ll consider it."

NIO is also "performance maximization through business collaboration", will Li Bin become the next Jia Yueting?

When it comes to NIO’s mobile phone layout, Zhang Junyi and Yiran both mentioned "ecology" and "security".

At present, there are three models of "Driver Connect".

One is the "Huawei Smart Choice" model:

Huawei does not directly build cars, but enters the "light asset" in charge of car design, research and development, and manages production to a certain extent. The Huawei Wenjie brand is a product of this model. The Wenjie model directly adopts the "Hongmeng" car machine, which can be highly interconnected with Huawei mobile phones. Avita, which belongs to the "HI (Huawei Inside) model", can also obtain similar capabilities and will launch a customized version of the mobile phone.

The second is the "Geely-Star Meizu" mode:

Geely Group through the acquisition of Meizu brand, using its mobile phone research and development capabilities to upgrade the car machine to empower, according to user and media feedback, the former car machine system has been greatly improved after Meizu intervention, Meizu mobile phone and Geely’s Lynk and Krypton brand interaction, has also approached the level of Huawei Hongmeng system.

The third is the "Driver in One" mode pioneered by NIO:

The mobile phone is completely led by the car OEM, and the brand is also consistent, so that the mobile phone can be customized to meet the needs of the intelligent car. It is foreseeable that if Xiaomi succeeds in building a car, MIUI will also realize the deep interaction between the car and the mobile phone. As the author of "Musk the Martian", Yiran said that Tesla is also likely to promote its own mobile phone business. At that time, Musk will further open up the content platform (X), portable smart end point and smart car end point, as well as the software ecosystem of Unicom.

But before these players who have landed or "seem reliable", LeTV was the first to come up with a "performance maximization through business collaboration" plan, and at the same time promote various smart end points and car manufacturing businesses. Therefore, after NIO’s decision to make mobile phones came out, there have been voices linking Li Bin with Jia Yueting, who has never returned to China.

But Li Bin himself obviously does not agree with such a judgment. After the press conference, he not only mentioned that the threshold for mobile phones is "not that high", but also regarded mobile phones as an easier business than cars. In short, NIO’s mobile phone is "high and low".

According to Yiran, NIO has discussed cooperation with some mainstream mobile phone manufacturers. But both sides have very important considerations for user experience, data security and channel interests, and it is difficult to coordinate. In the end, NIO decided to do it himself.

Specifically, at the executive level, NIO recruited Meitu Mobile Phone President Yin Shuijun and a group of executives under his command, and established a mobile phone team of about 500 people, investing 500 million yuan annually to share R & D resources with the car and machine.

In his opinion, the higher the brand positioning, the more stringent the user’s requirements for data security and user privacy will be, but a smooth experience requires data to get through, so NIO must be the safest to do it by itself."Of course, NIO’s mobile phone user scale is only a few tens of thousands of people, this business is destined to lose money, equal to the user experience blood transfusion."

Zhang Junyi, who had in-depth communication with Li Bin in the early days of NIO’s startup, mentioned that even though there are not many users of the brand at present, Li Bin, as an entrepreneur who studied sociology, "has an ideal social practice" – he hopes to use good service to attract customers, so that existing customers can influence and attract new customers. "This is the original intention of NIO that has not changed. They are dedicated to doing good for users, impressing users with sincerity and care, and forming a positive energy community."

It is worth mentioning that, despite the extensive discussion on the NIO Phone, the press conference on September 21 was not dedicated to this "water testing" product, but a conference that comprehensively introduced the research results of NIO technology and was named "NIO IN".

Hoping to promote the inherent and R & D strength of the NIO brand to users, NIO’s self-developed lidar main control chip "Yang Jian" was also launched, which is another product of NIO’s "From 0 to 1".

It is understood that there are many voices inside and outside NIO suggesting that brands should communicate and tell stories at the technical level to "justify" the high R & D expenses in the financial report – they are spent on self-developed motors, batteries, chips and many other core components. If successful, it will build a deeper moat for the brand and help NIO cope with the "knockout" of the new energy market in the next decade.

Conclusion: After mobile phones, car companies have to sell cars

NIO is the target of many new car brands.

Geely’s polar krypton brand almost replicates NIO in marketing and user operation, and also uses a lot of NIO talents; other brands cannot avoid NIO’s methodology when doing community and service; China’s power exchange system, starting from NIO, currently SAIC, BYD and other large groups are also trying to join.

But for the time being, no car company will fully apply the "NIO solution", and the reason is also very simple:

As an independent car company, it has been in business for ten years and has sold nearly 400,000 cars, but there is no sign of profitability, and there are often "religious brand communication" that "I don’t understand it outside the circle, but I love it inside the circle". Public opinion is polarized.

Compared with the ideal, NIO’s sales are climbing too slowly. The "throne" that used to be the "highest-end new energy brand" is almost untenable after the launch of BYD’s "Look Up" brand. The service system that once made NIO proud has also deteriorated in the process of further user growth.

Li Bin mentioned several times before and after the press conference that although business expansion is within control, NIO’s organizational and management capabilities do have shortcomings that need to be filled.

A NIO internal staff responsible for technology-related work said that for the mobile phone business, he held a "unclear and uncertain" state, and he was noncommittal about Li Bin’s decision to invest heavily in mobile phones because it was too far from his work.

He Xiaopeng once asked someone to give Li Bin a message, advising him to invest cautiously and spend cautiously. The former "learned from the pain" after the pricing turmoil of G9, revolutionized the organizational structure, reduced the price of the product, and the sales volume recovered immediately. Only then did the advantages of intelligent driving technology that had been heavily invested in really begin to take effect.

However, people who are familiar with Li Bin and care about NIO often highly appreciate the founder’s strategic vision, which is in sharp contrast to the lack of understanding from the outside world and the unattractive figures on the financial report.

Perhaps, the distance from strategy to tactics, from thinking to landing, is the distance between the vision of the NIO brand and the reality of making money back. The NIO Phone will not crush NIO, but it will not make NIO "one step to the sky."

Qin Lihong once said that NIO’s current heavy investment is "paying tuition fees", but in China, "getting grades" is sometimes more important than "having a process". In addition to "ecology", another consensus between Yiran and Zhang Junyi is:

Selling more cars is the most important thing for NIO.

"Life Apocalypse" Hu Ge and Yan Ni kiss: The picture is too beautiful for me to watch

 In "Life Apocalypse", Yan Ni and Hu Ge talked about the love between siblings. The intimacy scenes between the two were frequent and explosive, and the kissing scenes were bold and eye-popping. The netizens called out "to the police," "I can’t accept it, it’s a violation!" "The picture is too beautiful to see!" Even Hu Ge’s fans left a message on Weibo: "My heart has been broken into slag."

 Yan Ni and Hu Ge’s TV drama "Life Apocalypse" is on the air, in which Yan Ni and Hu Ge talk about their sister-brother love. The two make out scenes frequently and powerfully, and the kissing scene is bold and eye-popping. The netizens called out "to call the police", "I can’t accept it, it’s a violation!" "The picture is too beautiful to watch!" Some fans of Hu Ge even left a message on Weibo: "My heart has been broken into slag."

 Yan Ni in "Zhang Xiaowu’s Spring" and William Li’s love frenzy, in "Life Apocalypse" and Hu Ge desperate love obsession, in the new drama "Wang Dahua’s Revolutionary Career" and partner 11 years younger than her actor Zhang Bo, no wonder some netizens ridiculed: "Yan Ni is simply a winner in life among mature actresses."

Interview with Huang Xiaoming + Yang Mi: "National CP"’s Comical Self-Black Talk Show

    1905 movie network feature At many press conferences, Huang Xiaoming and Yang Mi were referred to as "national cp" by the propagandists, or some people would be a little dissatisfied to see such a big name, but regardless of whether the screen couple they formed was a good match or not, looking back at the years of hard work in the entertainment industry, the two still have a "fate".

    In Zhang Ji’s version of "The Condor Heroes", Huang Xiaoming misses a group of women for life, and Yang Mi plays the infatuated little Guo Xiang. At that time, Yang Mi was still in school, and in the play, he called Huang Xiaoming "big brother" one by one, and occasionally his parents would come to visit the class during filming. After so many years, Yang Mi and Huang Xiaoming had never worked together again, but both of them had experienced various "spiritual tempering" from "being hacked" to "self-hacking". Now Yang Mi could casually tease the "foot odor" meme, and Huang Xiaoming would always use "making too much trouble" to recall his "black history"…

    Until the two partnered again in "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" and became the male and female protagonists in the story of the "overbearing president" at the originator level, years of friendship and each other’s experience allowed them to seize the opportunity to black each other. During the interview, the two sat side by side. When Huang Xiaoming was reasoning for a long time, Yang Mi was next to him imitating his gestures. After he finished speaking, Yang Mi also said: If he were to chat with me, he would definitely be interrupted by me in less than a minute.

    Don’t look at Huang Xiaoming as a senior brother of the film school and the "big brother" in "The Heroes of the Condor", Yang Mi is several steps ahead of him on the road of life: at present, Yang Mi is guarding Liu Kaiwei and Xiao Nuomi’s family of three, and Huang Xiaoming is still showing his love with Angelababy all day long. Yang Mi said that "Uncle Liu" is a gentle and considerate man. Under such care, although she became a mother, her mentality will always be a girl; Huang Xiaoming himself is actually a little anxious: it is time to get married and have children. I don’t want my children to be young when I am in my seventies and eighties.

    But when it comes to the word "domineering president", as the most Jacques-Su-like actor in China, Huang Xiaoming immediately starts to play the role: "You have to impose your kindness on her, whether she accepts it or not."

    These days, celebrities are too good at finding trouble for themselves.

interview transcript

    1905 Movie Network: Is this style still taking the luxurious route?

    Yang Mi: Not luxurious, our play is really not luxurious.

    Huang Xiaoming: Yes, we are more realistic and not so beautiful. A lawyer has the identity of a lawyer, and he must wear the clothes he should wear. Zhao Mosheng also has her identity, but I still think that from the point of view of the girls, the style is still good-looking.

    1905 Movie Network: Yang Mi has seen big scenes in it. Will he feel a lot simpler this time?

    Yang Mi: You mean Brother Xiaoming has never seen a big scene?

    Huang Xiaoming: I admit, I really haven’t seen any big scenes. It’s just a suit, it’s very boring, very boring…

    Yang Mi: Eh! English! English!

    Huang Xiaoming: Yes! English is so good~

    1905 Movie Network: Has Yang Mi read the novel "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" before?

    Yang Mi: Actually, I read it a long time ago, because I like reading novels in my life. After I knew I was going to shoot it, I watched it again, and I also talked to Tang Yan about this play. In fact, there was no communication on how to act, but just how the character was and everyone’s understanding.

    1905 Movie Network: You always seem to be able to play the heroine of the novel that girls love to fantasize about.

    Yang Mi: (with a shy face) How can it always be…

    Huang Xiaoming: Yes! You summed it up right! Her appearance is typical of many heroines in novels. Maybe it’s because of her personality. I think an actor who creates a character must first be particularly suitable for this role, and her acting skills also make this character particularly full. The reason for the success of many movies and TV dramas must also be the credit of the male and female protagonists. Yang Mi is such an actor.

    (At this moment, Yang Mi has been imitating Huang Xiaoming’s gestures when speaking.)

    1905 Movie Network: Do you like to make fun of some of Huang Xiaoming’s signature moves?

    Yang Mi: Because the two of us are too familiar, I wouldn’t dare to change others. Brother Xiaoming is a particularly tolerant person. I called him big brother when I was a child. He has never had a temper with me, no matter how much I run on him.

    1905 Movie Network: After that, Huang Xiaoming seems to have played this "handsome" role again.

    Huang Xiaoming: I’m not as serious as I used to be. As a person who came out of the film school, I always think that big movies are my destination. But at the beginning of making movies, I can’t get good roles. Later, when I want to break through, I will choose roles that are not handsome. Maybe I didn’t do well enough. Sorry for polluting everyone’s eyes. That was my mistake. Just like when you are a reporter, you may not be the best one, but you are still working hard. I am the same as everyone else. Maybe everyone doesn’t like the characters I play, but I worked hard and I broke through. Now "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" I really like this novel and the character He Yichen. As Yang Mi said, just do what you like. Life is not long, and it is very important to do what you like…

    Yang Mi: I wouldn’t give him such a long time to chat with me. Maybe he was interrupted by me in less than a minute.

    1905 Movie Network: What kind of character do you think He Yichen is when you read the novel?

    Yang Mi: "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" is considered the originator of the overbearing president! When we were filming, we also read the script and read the novel, hoping to achieve the role in everyone’s mind.

    Is Huang Xiaoming a domineering CEO in his life? He seems to be quite obedient in front of Baby.

    Huang Xiaoming: (Seriously) It’s like this, that’s one side, and at the same time, I will also impose some arrangements and surprises on her, which is also a manifestation of domineering. You should impose your kindness on her, whether she accepts it or not, men should be like this, girls like surprises.

    Yang Mi: (earnest) You understand women too well.

    1905 Movie Network: Does Yang Mi like this type?

    Yang Mi: I like the kind of boy like our Uncle Liu~ He is a gentle and considerate man who helps you think about and take good care of everything.

    1905 Movie Network: When you read a novel, don’t you fantasize about being beaten by the male protagonist or something?

    Yang Mi: I just fantasize about being beaten by the wall, so what have I become! (laughs)

    1905 Movie Network: Is it because after becoming a mother, the mentality is not so girly?

    Yang Mi: I have always been a girl! Because Uncle Liu has always protected me well, I have always been very young mentally.

    1905 Movie Network: Now people all over the country are anxious about Huang Xiaoming’s marriage. Will you urge him as a past person?

    Yang Mi: No, no, I’m talking about what he’s doing, what does it have to do with me…

    Huang Xiaoming: That’s right! Whether I get married or not has something to do with her!

    1905 Movie Network: Looking at Yang Midu’s family of three and happy, aren’t you in a hurry?

    Huang Xiaoming: It’s alright. After all, it’s time to get married and have children. After all, I’m old, and I don’t want to wait until I’m in my seventies and eighties when my children are still very young.

    1905 Movie Network: You two seem to be typical examples of mainland actors and actresses who have been on the road of self-destruction for a long time.

    Huang Xiaoming: It has started, and it will go further and further.

    Yang Mi: I can help hack him! I came up with a lot of jokes on the set.

    1905 Movie Network: Which of you is stronger at heart?

    Huang Xiaoming: It must be her! At a young age, I also want to learn from her.

    Yang Mi: If you say that again, I should kneel down and draw…

    1905 Movie Network: Compared with the TV series version, what are your chances of winning?

    Huang Xiaoming: We don’t PK, we just work hard. (Yang Mi repeats this sentence on the side) Zhong Hanliang’s performance is really good, and there are things worth learning from. This is a sensitive topic. To put it bluntly, the entertainment industry is a big cake. You can’t finish it alone. Let’s eat it together.

    Yang Mi: Actually, Tang Yan and I don’t care about each other’s performances in private. There are so many roles. If I don’t play, you can do it. If you don’t play, there are others. Just like when we held a press conference today, a reporter said that there were four movies promoting at the same time in one day. I think this kind of competition is healthy.

Andy Lau eats fast to pray for his mother, celebrating Eason Chan’s birthday, Miao Qiaowei throws cakes at each other

  Miao Qiaowei said that he would also invite the birthday star Andy Lau to celebrate his birthday. Will he play bowling with Andy Lau? He said: "Maybe, but he has been busy with concerts recently, playing less and has poor ball skills. (Will he let Sai?) It will make him angry, and he would rather lose brilliantly and pay the bill with his head down. (Prepared a birthday gift?) I want to give him a bowling ball with all the hits, but I can’t find it! Haha." In addition, Eason Chan admitted that he grew up watching Miao Qiaowei and Andy Lau’s dramas and TV shows carefully, and now it feels like a dream to work with them. There are rumors that he will cooperate with Zheng Xiuwen (listening to songs) to shoot a new film of Mai Zhaohui. Eason Chan said that it has not been implemented yet, and he has not contacted Zheng Xiuwen. In addition, when it was mentioned that Jacky Cheung had changed 21 Filipino maids in three years and was blacklisted by the Philippine Consulate, Andy Lau said that he did not know the actual situation of the incident, so it was inconvenient to talk more. Eason Chan said that although it was none of his business, everything had two sides. As for Miao Qiaowei, who said that the Filipino domestic helper had been employed for 17 years, he also regarded the Filipino domestic helper as a family member and a friend. Miao Qiaowei also said: "Ask him (Jacky Cheung) to invite an Indian maid."

230,000-280,000 Yuan BYD Han released the domestic pre-sale price.

  On May 19th, the "Global Super Safe Smart New Energy Flagship Car" released the domestic pre-sale price, including three EV models and one DM model. After the national comprehensive subsidy, the pre-sale price of the luxury version of Han EV is 240,000 yuan, the pre-sale price of the distinguished version of Han EV is 260,000 yuan, and the pre-sale price of the flagship version of Han EV four-wheel drive high-performance version is 280,000 yuan; Han DM four-wheel drive performance version of the luxury pre-sale price of 230 thousand yuan. The cruising range of the luxury and distinguished NEDC of the Han EV long battery life version is 605 kilometers, and the cruising range of the high-performance flagship NEDC of the Han EV four-wheel drive is 550 kilometers.

  On May 13th, BYD announced the launch of Han EV in Europe. The estimated price range in Europe is 45,000-55,000 euros (equivalent to about 346,000-423,000 yuan). On the whole, Han’s domestic pre-sale price far exceeds the industry and market expectations, which brings great surprises and is bound to have a far-reaching impact on the large and medium-sized new energy luxury car market. Of course, the pre-sale of such a heavy model is indispensable: before May 31, scan BYD e to buy small program code and deliver 99 yuan’s intention money online, so you can participate in the activity of doubling Difenhui points; Before May 31st, the authorized dealer of Han model can pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan and enjoy a gift of 60,000 yuan for science and technology. The above two rights can be enjoyed at the same time.

  Set up three benchmarks, and Han’s strength is in a comprehensive and balanced lead.

  Among the new energy vehicles that have been and will be listed in 2020, Han, as a brand-new masterpiece for the medium and large luxury car market, undoubtedly has the most flagship temperament and strength. Based on the product development concept of "all-round, balanced and leading, life-cycle safety", Hanji integrates the world’s leading hard-core technology, and its superior product strength sets a benchmark for the safety, performance and luxury of new energy cars.

  Han is the world’s first production car with blade batteries, and the battery safety performance has been doubled. Compared with ternary lithium battery pack, the leading performance of blade battery in safety has been unanimously recognized by the industry. More reasonable body structure design, load transmission path, selection of environmental protection materials in the car and safety configuration far beyond the same level products make Han the safest new energy vehicle on the market at present.

  Han is equipped with a blade battery with high volume energy density. Combined with the comprehensive optimization of high-speed energy consumption, braking feedback, temperature control in the car and other scenes, the cruising range of NEDC can be as high as 605 kilometers. In addition, Han has also created a real long battery life closer to the real car scene and a fast charging ability of 10 minutes and 135 kilometers. In addition, 3.9 seconds to accelerate the breaking of 100 meters, 32.8 meters of the world’s shortest new energy vehicle braking distance of 100 kilometers and other powerful performance, creating an amazing performance benchmark for new energy vehicles.

  The Dragon Face design language adopted by Han combines the dragon element with the efficacy aesthetics, and the curved surface design of the front face, the D-pillar slip back line and the through taillight design set off the luxury temperament of medium and large cars. The driving space in the car is centered on the large-size floating central control panel, and the multi-function steering wheel, full LCD instrument panel, air conditioning outlet and speakers are unfolded in a zigzag layout on both sides, showing the connotation of Chinese luxury.

  Han’s intelligence is also refreshing. DiLink3.0 system provides multi-theme and personalized human-computer interaction interface, and builds a luxurious and intelligent S-class flagship driving space through the seamless combination of voice and screen. At the same time, Han launched the DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, which includes the rich DiDAS driving assistance technology and the unique DiTrainer coaching mode. DiDAS includes APA full-scene automatic parking function, and DiTrainer coaching mode can selectively turn on auxiliary driving function according to driving behavior, road conditions, weather and even driving age.

  Facing three scenarios, Han knows more about new energy vehicle users.

  Han’s target population knows how to choose a high-quality new energy vehicle, and also has high standards and strict requirements for daily car scenes. Han also knows more about the real needs of consumers of new energy vehicles. Taking battery life as an example, Han EV not only has a cruising range of 605 kilometers, but also strengthens real scenes such as high speed, traffic jam and air conditioning, creating a real battery life beyond the working conditions for users.

  First of all, high-speed road conditions, 70% of the resistance comes from wind resistance, Han ultra-low wind resistance coefficient can greatly reduce high-speed energy consumption, so that the heart will no longer "jump together" with electricity. Second, the city is congested with road conditions. Han is equipped with the world’s most efficient IPB energy recovery system, which can recover 10% more braking energy and "feed back" the battery life. The third is the temperature control in the car. Han maintains excellent air tightness in the car through three seals of the whole car, which can keep warm in winter and summer, effectively reducing the frequency of air conditioning; At the same time, Han adopts Fuyao’s double-layer silver-plated windshield, which can reflect 40% of the heat outside the car. In summer, the heating speed inside the car is much better than that of ordinary models, saving power consumption again and increasing the battery life.

  Every time a new car comes out of BYD dynasty series, its reputation will go up to a higher level. As the flagship of the dynasty, Han will play the same role, bringing users a higher quality experience. What surprises will Han bring after the pre-sale price is announced? Let’s look forward to it.

Lei Jun: The ordinary version of Xiaomi SU7 has been officially delivered.

  [car home Information] On April 18th, Lei Jun revealed in the live broadcast room that after the founding version, the standard version and Max version of Xiaomi SU7 (Lei Jun called the official version) have been delivered in Beijing and Shenzhen today. According to the previous information of Xiaomi SU7 listing conference, the standard version and Max version will be delivered first at the end of April, which has been delivered 12 days in advance, while the Pro version will be delivered at the end of May. Lei Jun said that the order of Xiaomi SU7 is 3-5 times higher than previously expected, and it is already in full production to meet the delivery. Lei Jun also said that by the end of this year, 40 cities are expected to have Xiaomi car stores.

Home of the car

  Previously, on April 3, the first batch of Xiaomi SU7 founding edition was officially delivered at Xiaomi Automobile Factory in Yizhuang, Beijing. Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun personally opened the door for the first batch of car owners and delivered it.

Home of the car

  When the user locks the configuration, the factory starts to schedule production according to the set configuration. Consumers can see the approximate progress and estimated delivery time from Xiaomi Auto App. At the same time, before locking the configuration, you can also view the estimated delivery cycle of each configuration combination through the page. After the configuration is locked, the page can also view the delivery time.

  At present, the first batch of Xiaomi automobile stores covers 29 cities across the country, with a total of 59 stores, which is also the first batch of cities to be opened for delivery, as follows:

Home of the car

  At the same time, according to the needs of users, Xiaomi selected the following 10 cities to supplement the construction of sales and service stores, including Jinan in Shandong, Changzhou in Jiangsu, Nantong in Jiangsu, Jinhua in Zhejiang, Nanning in Guangxi, Changchun in Jilin, Guiyang in Guizhou, Zhuhai in Guangdong, Quanzhou in Fujian and Xiantao in Hubei. The above 10 cities will open one after another this year. Subsequent Xiaomi Auto will continue to add stores in other cities in time.

Xiaomi Auto Xiaomi SU7 2024 800km four-wheel drive with long battery life and high-order intelligent driving Max version.

Xiaomi Auto Xiaomi SU7 2024 800km four-wheel drive with long battery life and high-order intelligent driving Max version.

Xiaomi Auto Xiaomi SU7 2024 800km four-wheel drive with long battery life and high-order intelligent driving Max version.

  Xiaomi SU7 is aimed at medium and large cars, with a price of 21.59-29.99 million yuan. The new car is equipped with 8295 chips, which realizes five-screen interconnection including HUD and rear screen, and is equipped with 澎湃 OS system, and can be ecologically interconnected with Xiaomi. The new car is built on the basis of 800V architecture, which can recharge 510km in 15 minutes, with an acceleration time of 2.78 seconds from 0 to 100 km/h, a top speed of 210km/h and a cruising range of 810km for CLTC. Equipped with a laser radar, two NVIDIA DRIVE Orin chips, with a computing power of 508TOPS, the whole system supports high-speed NOA, and the city NOA was subsequently opened. (Text/car home Qin Chao)

Question: M9 will be listed in December. Huawei’s automobile concept broke out, and the industrial chain Nuggets were just then.

  In the early morning of October 9,The concept has risen sharply. As of press time,Waiting for the 5-share daily limit, Yoshioka Precision,Waiting for the top increase.

  In the news, on October 6th, the daily order volume of the new M7 in the world exceeded 7,000 units. According to Yu Chengdong, the chairman of BU, from September 12th to October 6th, the cumulative order for this car exceeded 50,000 units. In addition, at the new product launch conference of Huawei’s autumn scene held on September 25th, it was confirmed that the M9 will be officially launched in December 2023.

  It is pointed out that Huawei is behind the hot sale of the new M7.The effect of the strategic layout of the automobile industry has been continuously verified intuitively. The new M7 in Wenjie has been upgraded in many aspects, such as HarmonyOS cockpit 3.0, Huawei ADS2.0 and high-standard active and passive safety systems, while the starting price has been reduced, and the product strength and cost performance have been significantly improved. With the market recognition of Huawei’s self-driving car model, investment opportunities in the industrial chain are expected to emerge continuously, and Huawei’s smart cabin and smart driving fields will fully benefit.

  Previously, it was pointed out that in addition to M7, M9 also appeared in the 375th batch of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently."in. "With the continuous release of M7 orders and the expectation that the new model M9 will be launched soon, we will focus on the opportunities of Huawei’s automobile industry chain."