Women who have not had sex for a long time, will it really lead to premature ovarian failure? Tell you the truth

27-year-old Lily (pseudonym) was found to have an ovarian teratoma about 6 cm in size when she was examined in the hospital at the beginning of the year. At that time, the doctor advised her to have an operation as soon as possible.

But for some concerns, Lily has been procrastinating. And just see the beauty salon near the company for publicity, saidEssential oil massage can maintain ovaries and help reduce cysts.So Lily decided to try.

Until June, Lily had severe abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and her family quickly sent her to the emergency department. When looking for the source of pain, the doctor found a slightly larger mass in Lily’s right accessory area. Considering the torsion of ovarian cyst, he quickly arranged surgery for Wenwen.

On further examination, Lily’s ovarian cyst is indeedA twist of 720 degrees occurred.Fortunately, it was found in time and the operation was a success.

The doctor told Lily that she had a teratoma herself.While massage increases local abdominal pressure.Local posture changes, without the risk of cyst torsion and rupture.

Ovary also has a life span. According to normal physiological laws, ovarian function is at its peak at the age of 25-35. When women are over 35, ovarian function will gradually decline.

Among them, menopause is a sign of premature ovarian failure in women. According to statistics, Chinese womenThe average age of natural menopause is about 49 years old.However, due to living habits, mental stress and other reasons, most modern women have an early menopause trend.

Ovary has two major functions,One is reproductive function.It can store eggs and ovulate to prepare for life;The second is responsible for regulating endocrine function.Let women have Q-elastic skin and a concave-convex figure.

However, in recent years, studies have found that premature ovarian failure in women is more and more common. Premature ovarian failure is also called early-onset ovarian insufficiency. Before the age of 40, due to ovarian function decline,Persistent amenorrhea occursA group of diseases with high gonadotropin and low estrogen status.

At present, there are three recognized diagnostic criteria for premature ovarian failure: ① age < 40 years old; ② Amenorrhea time ≥6 months; ③ twice (more than one month apart) blood FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) > 40mIU/ml.

Once premature ovarian failure occurs, there is no room for recovery.Only through early detection and early control can the recession be delayed..

For women, premature ovarian failure not only means getting old in advance and lacking hormones for a long time, but also mayCauses osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease and increases the risk of cancer.Wait a minute.

Premature ovarian failure will bring health threats to women. What causes will affect ovarian function?

One is pathological factors.About 10% of premature ovarian failure is related to chromosome abnormality, and some of it is caused by autoimmune disorder, as well as viral infection, such as HIV, cytomegalovirus, tuberculosis, malaria, etc., which will all affect the ovaries.

The second is iatrogenic factors.In the process of ovarian surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the whole body organs are more or less damaged.

The third is bad living habits., such as frequencyNumerous abortions, often staying up late, smoking, drinking, and losing weight unscientific.Etc., will have a negative impact on the ovaries.

What are the manifestations of premature ovarian failure?

  • Menstrual disorder;
  • Symptoms of estrogen deficiency, such as hot flashes, night sweats, upset, decreased libido, vaginal dryness, etc.
  • Emotional instability, such as emotional excitement, depression, irritability, insomnia, etc.;
  • Fertility declines.

Many people question whether ovarian decline has an impact on sexual life.

In fact, the maintenance of ovarian function mainly depends onHypothalamus-pituitary-ovary axisAt present, there is no evidence that the decrease of sexual life is related to follicles or ovulation.

In order to prevent premature ovarian failure, many people may go back to some beauty salons or massage shops to do "ovarian maintenance". Is it really effective?

You know, the ovary is located in the bilateral iliac fossa area below the navel, in the deep position of the lower abdomen.From the outside of the stomach, it is simply impossible to touch..

Most of the essential oil can only act on the skin surface, even if it penetrates into the skin and enters the blood circulation of the whole body, it has little effect on the ovaries. At present, there is no diagnosis and treatment guide to recommend the use of massage to improve ovarian function.

In addition, it is not recommended to take drugs orally to prevent it. If these drugs really work, they are probably added with hormones.If hormone is used under the condition of unknown composition and dosage, it will cause disorders such as breast and uterus.It is easy to induce the disease, even worsen the disease, and increase the risk of tumors such as uterus and ovary.

If you are diagnosed with premature ovarian failure, don’t be too anxious. In a short time, hormone supplementation can alleviate the symptoms of low estrogen. If there is a need for fertility, you can discuss with your doctor the plan to promote ovulation and combine assisted reproductive technology to complete pregnancy.

We should also take relevant precautions in daily life, such as quitting smoking and drinking, paying attention to a balanced diet, releasing stress, maintaining an optimistic mood and keeping internal hormones in a steady state. When you notice signs of premature ovarian failure, don’t delay because of face. Early detection and early treatment are the best ways to delay the decline.


[1] Premature ovarian failure-a health killer for women. Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University.2022-12-30

[2] "These five factors will lead to premature ovarian failure, and every girl should pay attention". No.11 consulting room.2023-02-02

[3] "Ovarian maintenance causes great rescue! This case is a wake-up call for all women! . Medical Obstetrics and Gynecology Channel.2021-01-07

Reprinting is prohibited without the permission and authorization of the author.

Zhihu 34,000 likes: How terrible can it be to have culture?

Today is the first day for intensive reading to accompany you to grow up for life.2947sky


There is a topic of concern to more than 2.6 million people in Zhihu:How terrible can literacy be?

Answer @artemis ma told a story, which won 34,000 praises:

After retirement, an old professor and his wife signed up for a sunset tour group to travel, but they were dragged into a shopping store dedicated to the elderly by the tour guide, and there was a tendency not to buy or give it out.

The old professor had to wander around until he came to a camera counter.

At first glance, the little sister at the counter was another gullible old man, so she was ready to start fooling.

That would be around 2000, before the popularity of digital cameras, and it was still fresh for many young people, let alone for the elderly.

Little sister at the counter: "You haven’t seen a digital camera, have you?"

Professor: "Yes."

Little sister at the counter: "My photos are clearer than those you have seen ~"

Professor: "Is this cmos or ccd?"

Little sister said with a puzzled expression, "I don’t understand what C is. It’s right to shoot it more clearly than those. Don’t compare it blindly if you don’t buy it."

The old professor laughed and left.

In fact, the old professor didn’t mean to make things difficult. He just heard that the photo effect was very clear and wanted to know the details. I didn’t expect the unprofessional counter girl to ask questions.

For this little sister at the counter, a literate person is terrible.

However, a truly literate person is more than just knowing more knowledge.

Their vision, pattern and way of thinking all determine that they are destined to live a different life from others.

Some time ago, I saw a news that a small county in Hefei had cracked a health care product fraud case, and more than 10 thousand elderly people were deceived.

None of the more than 10,000 elderly people reported the case. Even when the police come to collect evidence, the old man is unwilling to admit that he has been cheated …

Why are some old people cheated without knowing it? In fact, it is a question of thinking mode.

They always feel that their children are busy with work, even people are not at home, and they are neglected to take care of themselves. It is not as good as these sales representatives who sell health care products, not only eager to chat, but also can be on call.

In their view, these kind sales representatives are the people who really care about themselves. They sell things to themselves and really want to be healthy.

But in fact, people with a little cost thinking can see through the scam at a glance.


How do educated people see through fraud through cost thinking?

First of all, they know that those sales representatives have to support their families themselves, and it is costly to spend so much time chatting with, helping and even taking care of the elderly every month.

Just look at how much it costs to find a nanny, and you will know how much money each of them must earn from the elderly every month.

Secondly, sales representatives can’t sell a copy by knocking on a door, so the cost of those failed sales promotion should be counted on these old people. They are kind to the elderly, in fact, they are staring at the little money in the old man’s pocket.

Finally, talk about the difference between taking medicine and taking health care products.

If you see a doctor in a hospital, not to mention that doctors are somewhat bound by medical ethics, they should seriously treat patients and save lives for their own promotion. Even the current medical troubles make them very careful when they see a doctor.

Because of the high cost of their mistakes, they are more trustworthy.

What’s wrong with eating health care products? Those sales representatives have no place to find them when they run away. In other words, the cost of their mistakes is very low.

With such a thought, we can know why many seemingly unreasonable things have happened.

I once saw someone ask on the Zhihu:At what moment did you suddenly find reading really useful?

The pigeon who asked for food said that once he went to eat, because it was early and he was the only customer, the boss casually asked, "Is Qin Shihuang the worst emperor?"

The answer to the Lord said very seriously: "Qin Shihuang has made outstanding achievements, implementing three public offices and nine ministries and managing state affairs." The enfeoffment system was abolished locally and replaced by the county system. At the same time, the books were written in the same language, and the cars were on the same track. unified measurement. Attacking Xiongnu in the north, conquering Baiyue in the south, building the Great Wall of Wan Li, building Lingqu, and communicating the water system.

It also pushed China into the era of great unification and created a new situation for the establishment of authoritarian centralization of authority. It has a far-reaching impact on China and the history of the world, laying the basic pattern of China’s political system for more than 2,000 years. He was praised by Li Zhi, a thinker of the Ming Dynasty as’ an emperor through the ages’ … "

The boss said "Oh".

After dinner, the boss resolutely refused to accept money and gave away half a catty of beef.

I think this must be only a small part of the benefits that the Lord has gained from reading. The real use of reading is obviously more than this little kindness.

In September this year, Hubei Daily official micro-announced that Jiang Kui, a 2019 doctor majoring in computer science and technology from the School of Computer Science of Wuhan University, was selected into Huawei’s "Genius Teenager" program with an annual salary of 2.01 million.

Jiang Kui, born in 1994, is still a teenager under 27 years old.

At the same time, he not only received an invitation from Huawei, but also the competition between Ali and Tencent.

In the end, he chose Huawei because he preferred Huawei’s corporate culture.

People who are capable get high returns from society and the market.


In recent years, many celebrity training courses have been opened in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, including gender relations, tea tasting, flower arrangement, etiquette, equestrian, wine tasting and so on.

These training courses are under the names of "First Lady" and "Queen of Gas Field", and they enroll students for the society.

Enrollment targets are mainly entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs’ wives.

Most of these wives have no worries about food and clothing and live a leisurely life. In order to look more elegant, they are willing to spend a lot of money. ?

The same training classes, and for children.

The training class abruptly created a "Celebrity Life Guide", claiming that it can make children "from women to goddesses, from ordinary to extraordinary."

Therefore, they teach their children how to dress, how to drink afternoon tea, how to socialize at dances, how to eat western food, etc., just to make these children behave like noble ladies as much as possible.

And the real noble lady, where is such a superficial packaging?

Their own elegance and connotation come from years of accumulation.

For example, Zhang Yuanhe, Zhang Yunhe, Zhang Zhaohe and Zhang Chonghe, the four sisters of the Zhang family in Hefei, studied China’s traditional poems and essays since childhood, and their father invited famous Kunqu teachers to teach them Kunqu opera.

Sometimes when the four sisters are happy, they will have a competition on the same stage. ?

It is said that there was always a euphemistic and beautiful Kunqu opera from the Zhang family at that time, with a lingering sound that was extremely beautiful.

A real celebrity is not amazing in appearance or noble in birth, but elegant and generous in both internal and external cultivation.

Only those with cultural background can be called celebrities, and those with empty skins can only be social flowers.

A literate person, even if he is ugly and humble, naturally exudes unique charm.

The culture I understand is not only a vast amount of knowledge, but a spiritual temperament composed of experience, vision, common sense and way of thinking.

Of course, in this process, the amount of knowledge is the foundation. At least you have to read some books and try to understand the knowledge in several fields.

As the saying goes:

When we were children, we ate a lot of food, but now we can’t remember what we ate.

But what is certain is that some of them have grown into our bones and flesh.

By the same token, a book that a person has read carefully has already melted into his soul and precipitated into wisdom and emotion. As long as it is touched, it will burst out.


2 pieces of advice to make you a literate person:

① Read more classics..

Classics are books that are still worth reading at present and in the future after being screened and eliminated by time.

Classic works generally have two characteristics:

First, it can stand the test of the strictest filter of time, which is the essence and core index..

A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn. Anything that has been experienced for a long time and its value has not been consumed has the conditions to become a classic.

Second, it has high originality, uniqueness, foundation and cognitive depth..

Therefore, even if the time and space change dramatically, we can revisit it again and again anyway, and each reading can inspire us. The text itself, explaining the point of view, the two interact endlessly, just like life is endless.

People have limited time in their lives and can’t read many books. The average person’s reading volume is in the order of thousands.

We can read for leisure, but we have to arrange enough time to read for improving our cognitive ability.

The reason is that with high-quality input, it is possible to have high-quality output and accelerate growth.

Therefore, classics must be included in your reading list.

② Be a lifelong learner..

I don’t know if you have this feeling. After a long period of training in society, you gradually realize the truth: the more you read when you are young, the more people you have experienced, and the wider your horizons and the bigger your pattern when you grow up.

He can think deeper about the same topic than you, and he can quickly find the key to the same problem. Wang Guowei called this realm of wisdom the third realm of university questioners.

To achieve such a state, we must devote ourselves to becoming a lifelong learner.

Learn a little every day and make a little progress every day. With the accumulation of time, you can gradually see your own changes and open the gap with others.

The history that should not be forgotten should be seen by all Chinese people, and the alarm bell will ring long before we can work hard.

History is a mirror, so it is wise to learn from the past and know the present. Attaching importance to history and learning from it is a fine tradition in the history of Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years. Opening the history of China, there have been countless glories and some humiliations. The glories make Chinese people proud, while the humiliations inspire people to forge ahead.

The glorious history makes Chinese people excited, and the humiliating history makes us feel heavy. Most of the time, we are in the former mood when visiting museums, but we are in the latter mood when visiting the China Sino-Japanese War Museum on the Liu Gongdao in Weihai.

China Sino-Japanese War Museum is located on the Liu Gongdao in Weihai, Shandong Province. It is a national first-class museum and a memorial museum with the theme of Beiyang Navy and Sino-Japanese War. It is also the most complete preserved, the largest number of existing and the largest group of cultural relics in modern coastal defense facilities in China.

A large number of precious cultural relics are displayed in the museum, including two giant naval guns emerging from the seabed, each weighing more than 20 tons, which are the only ones left in the world. Through cultural relics, pictures, wax figures, sand tables, models and other exhibition forms and film and television means, it vividly reproduces the historical features of the Beiyang Navy and the Sino-Japanese War.

When you enter the museum, the first thing you see is a warship model, which was once called the "Dingyuan" ship model of Asia’s largest ship. Dingyuan was the flagship of the Beiyang Navy of the Qing government in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. At that time, it was the world’s most advanced first-class armored warship imported from Germany.

According to the on-site staff, in the early morning of February 5th, 1895, the ship Dingyuan was attacked by a Japanese navy torpedo boat in the defending battle of Weihai. Ding Ruchang ordered the ship to run aground to the south of Liu Gongdao before it sank, and used the naval guns on board to strengthen the defense force of the East Exit. Ding Ruchang was forced to withdraw from Dingyuan and transfer to Zhenyuan. On the afternoon of 10th, Ding Ruchang and Liu Buchan ordered to blow up the stranded Dingyuan ship with water mines.

Japan’s war of aggression against China was premeditated. The museum showed some letters of Japanese officers at that time. They used the Korean Peninsula as a springboard and base to invade China. When the Qing army sent troops to support North Korea, it suffered a heavy defeat in Pyongyang, which led to the fall of the Korean Peninsula.

On November 6, 1894, when the Japanese army invaded Jinzhou City, 10 women and children from the Qu family in the west street of the city resolutely threw themselves into the well to avoid being humiliated by the Japanese army. In February, 1896, Wang Zhixiu, a fellow coastal defense expert in Jinzhou Hall, heard about it and wrote "Ode to Qushi Well" to record his deeds. The museum fixed the picture at that time in the form of pictures and wax figures.

On November 21st, 1894, the Japanese invaders captured Lushun, located in Liaodong Peninsula, and massacred the city for four days and three nights, known as Lushun Massacre. It is said that only 36 people in charge of burying bodies (after investigation, more than 800 survivors) survived the massacre, and the number of victims was estimated to be between 20,000 and 20,000. The museum recorded the inhumanity of the Japanese invaders with pictures and documents.

The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 was a great pain, which humiliated the country and the people. With the theme of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the museum exhibited more than 650 precious historical pictures of the Sino-Japanese War, copied a large number of weapons and equipment during the Sino-Japanese War, and restored and reproduced a number of surreal figures, such as "the scene of Qu’s family throwing wells in Jinzhou" and "the scene of Li Hongzhang’s negotiation in Shimonoseki", which was the first in China.

After the failure of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the Qing government decided to make peace with Japan and sent Li Hongzhang as an ambassador for peace talks to Shimonoseki, Japan. In a hotel in Maguan, Japanese Prime Minister Hirofumi Ito led the Japanese side to compete with Li Hongzhang. After this negotiation, the Qing Dynasty was forced to compensate Japan for 200 million taels of military expenditure (equivalent to six years’ national treasury revenue of Japan). After Japan got the money, its strength immediately rose to a higher level, and it became one of the world’s great powers, thus starting the evil road of militaristic aggression.

This is Wen Yiduo’s "Song of Seven Sons. ahava": Let me guard the oldest sea in China, and the hills of the original saints are here. Mother, don’t forget that I am an expert in preventing the sea. I have a Liu Gongdao as my shield. Come back quickly, the time has come. The remains of saints are buried behind me! Mother! I want to come back, mother!

At the end of the museum, there is a huge "History is here to think" written on the wall, and in the center of the hall is a bronze clock engraved with the words "The alarm bells will ring, and we will strengthen our coastal defense …". The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 made the Chinese nation face life and death, and it also completely awakened the Chinese nation! The Qing government died quickly because of this war. In the process of reform and anti-aggression, the Chinese nation seized the opportunity of life and ushered in a new dawn!

The waves of the Yellow Sea seem to be silently telling the sad song of the Sino-Japanese War. Visiting this unique museum of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, our mood is very complicated, even hard to hide our grief. At the same time, it is not difficult for us to see the unyielding character of the soldiers of the Beiyang Navy who fought bravely against the enemy. We should remember this history, and we will be beaten if we fall behind, and the pace of striving for strength will become more and more firm.

How big is the gap between those who insist on exercising and those who don’t?

Voltaire said: Life lies in movement.

The ancients did not deceive me. Insisting on exercise can not only bring us a tall and graceful posture and a rosy face, but also bring us magical changes in places we can’t see.

Over time, there will be a big difference between a life of exercise and a life without exercise.

Persist in exercise, and the ending of life can be complete.

Some time ago, a video "The Last Decade of Life" broke out on the Internet, which showed two completely different lifestyles of fitness and non-fitness in the last decade of life:

One is to walk in the park in sneakers every morning, and the other is to sit on a sickbed with an infusion tube in his hand and look at the sky outside through the window;

One is to travel around by bike and play with children and grandchildren, the other is to sit in a wheelchair, be taken care of and eat a bunch of pills;

One is to wear a suit and tie, get together with family and share delicious food, the other is to wear a hospital gown and hang an oxygen mask, and the whole family is guarding the ward.

After watching the video, many people were silent.

At the end of our lives, the level of health determines whether we can leave with dignity. And this health is a reward for insisting on exercise.

A survey report published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, which lasted for 15 years and involved 80,000 people, shows that ordinary people can reduce the risk of death by 28% through physical exercise.

From now on, stick to exercise, whether jogging or hiking, there is always a sport for you.

You will see that you are getting better and your life is getting better.

Fat and bloated no longer, replaced by tight lines; Exhaustion is swept away, and I am radiant and energetic every day.

The benefits of exercise may not be visible in the short term.

However, after one year, five years and ten years, you will live younger and happier than your peers.

You can go further, see more beautiful scenery and enjoy more beautiful time on the road of life.

Insisting on exercise brings five benefits.

1. It helps to sleep. Modern people are under great pressure, and many people suffer from insomnia. In addition, with the growth of age, people’s sleep patterns will change and their sleep will become shallow.

Studies have shown that women who take walks and other aerobic exercises for at least one hour four times a week have a 50% higher sleep quality than those who don’t like sports. Therefore, insisting on exercise can be described as a very effective "sleeping pill".

2. Controlling weight and keeping fit is the only way to keep fit. Exercise, especially aerobic exercise, needs to burn fat to provide energy. During exercise, it consumes calories and has the effect of reducing fat.

In addition, some strength-based exercises can exercise people’s muscles well, enhance their metabolic ability, increase their daily energy consumption, avoid the accumulation of calories to form fat, and make their muscles have a sense of lines, making people fit and sunny.

3, delay aging, prolong life With the growth of age, all functions of the human body will decline, while insisting on exercise will increase muscle mass, making people still have a good body when they are old, and exercise can slow down the decline of various system functions of the body and prolong life.

According to foreign reports, after people reach middle age, insisting on aerobic exercise can delay physiological aging for 12 years.

4. Exercise improves brain function and intelligence. People often use "developed limbs and simple mind" to describe people who exercise and keep fit, but in fact, people who love sports are not simple at all.

Exercise can not only strengthen people’s physique, but also promote brain development, improve and improve brain function, and contribute to intellectual development. During exercise, people can enhance their memory by remembering the movements and essentials of exercise.

5. Reducing the risk of cancer Lack of exercise is an important cause of obesity. More and more epidemiological evidence indicates that obesity will increase the morbidity and mortality of some cancers, such as endometrial cancer, breast cancer, esophageal cancer and colorectal cancer.

Therefore, persistent exercise and weight control can reduce the risk of cancer.

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