Women who have not had sex for a long time, will it really lead to premature ovarian failure? Tell you the truth

27-year-old Lily (pseudonym) was found to have an ovarian teratoma about 6 cm in size when she was examined in the hospital at the beginning of the year. At that time, the doctor advised her to have an operation as soon as possible.

But for some concerns, Lily has been procrastinating. And just see the beauty salon near the company for publicity, saidEssential oil massage can maintain ovaries and help reduce cysts.So Lily decided to try.

Until June, Lily had severe abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and her family quickly sent her to the emergency department. When looking for the source of pain, the doctor found a slightly larger mass in Lily’s right accessory area. Considering the torsion of ovarian cyst, he quickly arranged surgery for Wenwen.

On further examination, Lily’s ovarian cyst is indeedA twist of 720 degrees occurred.Fortunately, it was found in time and the operation was a success.

The doctor told Lily that she had a teratoma herself.While massage increases local abdominal pressure.Local posture changes, without the risk of cyst torsion and rupture.

Ovary also has a life span. According to normal physiological laws, ovarian function is at its peak at the age of 25-35. When women are over 35, ovarian function will gradually decline.

Among them, menopause is a sign of premature ovarian failure in women. According to statistics, Chinese womenThe average age of natural menopause is about 49 years old.However, due to living habits, mental stress and other reasons, most modern women have an early menopause trend.

Ovary has two major functions,One is reproductive function.It can store eggs and ovulate to prepare for life;The second is responsible for regulating endocrine function.Let women have Q-elastic skin and a concave-convex figure.

However, in recent years, studies have found that premature ovarian failure in women is more and more common. Premature ovarian failure is also called early-onset ovarian insufficiency. Before the age of 40, due to ovarian function decline,Persistent amenorrhea occursA group of diseases with high gonadotropin and low estrogen status.

At present, there are three recognized diagnostic criteria for premature ovarian failure: ① age < 40 years old; ② Amenorrhea time ≥6 months; ③ twice (more than one month apart) blood FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) > 40mIU/ml.

Once premature ovarian failure occurs, there is no room for recovery.Only through early detection and early control can the recession be delayed..

For women, premature ovarian failure not only means getting old in advance and lacking hormones for a long time, but also mayCauses osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease and increases the risk of cancer.Wait a minute.

Premature ovarian failure will bring health threats to women. What causes will affect ovarian function?

One is pathological factors.About 10% of premature ovarian failure is related to chromosome abnormality, and some of it is caused by autoimmune disorder, as well as viral infection, such as HIV, cytomegalovirus, tuberculosis, malaria, etc., which will all affect the ovaries.

The second is iatrogenic factors.In the process of ovarian surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the whole body organs are more or less damaged.

The third is bad living habits., such as frequencyNumerous abortions, often staying up late, smoking, drinking, and losing weight unscientific.Etc., will have a negative impact on the ovaries.

What are the manifestations of premature ovarian failure?

  • Menstrual disorder;
  • Symptoms of estrogen deficiency, such as hot flashes, night sweats, upset, decreased libido, vaginal dryness, etc.
  • Emotional instability, such as emotional excitement, depression, irritability, insomnia, etc.;
  • Fertility declines.

Many people question whether ovarian decline has an impact on sexual life.

In fact, the maintenance of ovarian function mainly depends onHypothalamus-pituitary-ovary axisAt present, there is no evidence that the decrease of sexual life is related to follicles or ovulation.

In order to prevent premature ovarian failure, many people may go back to some beauty salons or massage shops to do "ovarian maintenance". Is it really effective?

You know, the ovary is located in the bilateral iliac fossa area below the navel, in the deep position of the lower abdomen.From the outside of the stomach, it is simply impossible to touch..

Most of the essential oil can only act on the skin surface, even if it penetrates into the skin and enters the blood circulation of the whole body, it has little effect on the ovaries. At present, there is no diagnosis and treatment guide to recommend the use of massage to improve ovarian function.

In addition, it is not recommended to take drugs orally to prevent it. If these drugs really work, they are probably added with hormones.If hormone is used under the condition of unknown composition and dosage, it will cause disorders such as breast and uterus.It is easy to induce the disease, even worsen the disease, and increase the risk of tumors such as uterus and ovary.

If you are diagnosed with premature ovarian failure, don’t be too anxious. In a short time, hormone supplementation can alleviate the symptoms of low estrogen. If there is a need for fertility, you can discuss with your doctor the plan to promote ovulation and combine assisted reproductive technology to complete pregnancy.

We should also take relevant precautions in daily life, such as quitting smoking and drinking, paying attention to a balanced diet, releasing stress, maintaining an optimistic mood and keeping internal hormones in a steady state. When you notice signs of premature ovarian failure, don’t delay because of face. Early detection and early treatment are the best ways to delay the decline.


[1] Premature ovarian failure-a health killer for women. Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University.2022-12-30

[2] "These five factors will lead to premature ovarian failure, and every girl should pay attention". No.11 consulting room.2023-02-02

[3] "Ovarian maintenance causes great rescue! This case is a wake-up call for all women! . Medical Obstetrics and Gynecology Channel.2021-01-07

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# Music

I can’t sleep alone in an empty room. I can’t help thinking about you. I look at your photos and my eyes are blurred with tears. I also look forward to seeing you again. Your sweet words and vows come to mind again and again, and I can’t forget your face. I cried my eyes red and fell into the endless abyss. I really love you with indifference, and the more heartache I have, the more I can’t escape. You forgot the promise you made to me, and you forgot that you loved me so much.

Recently, I read this sentence: Maybe you feel out of place with your surroundings, but it is the time you spend alone that makes you more and more interesting. When people finally notice you one day, they will find a cooler person than they thought.

Review the most significant fashion trends in 2023.

Looking back on the fashion trend in 2023, winter has not been considered as the most fashionable season. In addition to the new year and holiday styles, we often fall into a fixed pattern of wearing the same clothes every day. However, some new trends appeared last winter, and they are still very popular today. For example, loose jeans (in fact, any loose clothes) have become very popular. They bring a new and tattered silhouette, which is different from the traditional straight tube or mom jeans. In addition, low-waisted jeans have become popular again, becoming the y2k fashion trend in 2023.

Mini UGG boots were a big trend last winter. Almost everyone is obsessed with mini UGG. Although they are warm and comfortable, they are not suitable for walking through snow and mud in Boston’s cold winter.

Finally, let’s talk about coats. In winter, many different styles of jackets become fashionable, and some jackets are back in fashion. For example, long dresses have always been popular. This year, we have seen a large number of long dresses, from wool to leather. A long dress can enhance the taste of any clothing, keep warm and win-win. On the other hand, we have seen the rise of short cotton-padded jackets. Although these are not the most practical purchases for the weather, they can give people a good outline and are very suitable for warmer winter days.

When winter is over and warm spring is coming, we hastily change our heavy winter clothes into light and breathable ones. Like other seasons, the wardrobe in spring has its signature items-long skirts, flowing shirts and light-colored jeans. But what is exciting is that we have seen the rise of grunge, Ballet Style and y2k Fashion, which have persisted throughout the year.

Under the influence of y2k fashion, overalls are back in fashion. Originally designed for military use, overalls are easy to identify because of their multiple pockets and loose tailoring. Work pants can be worn in a variety of ways, and can be matched with baby T-shirts, corsets, etc. It is an important item that is more substitutable than jeans or trousers in our wardrobe.

In another alternative aesthetic trend, doll style has become very popular. Doll style refers to anything feminine, pink and feminine. In the spring of 2023, we saw many trends, such as ruffles, light pink, lace tops, bows in hair and so on. Although this trend started in spring, it remained strong all year round.

Completely changing the direction, the denim trend on denim became popular in the spring of 2023. Mixing denim with different colors and patterns has become a high fashion. With the development of denim trend, there are new trends, such as denim long skirts, which bring a more exquisite appearance to our usual denim mini skirts.

Warm weather makes dressing easier. No longer obsessed with jackets and heavy clothes, the perfect summer dress usually consists of shorts, T-shirts or light summer dresses. However, if the goal is to improve the rotation this year, there are many different fashion trends that can add some new ideas to our daily wear.

In the summer of 2023, y2k fashion was in full swing. Baby T-shirts, lace vests and miniskirts in the early 2000s dominated the fashion style. With the rise of fashion in the 2000s, second-hand shopping and consignment shopping became popular-not only did the early 2000s clothes return, but also sustainable shopping became popular. In summer, we saw a lot of baby T-shirts, trimmed vests, low-waisted denim skirts/shorts, etc.

Crocheting is a big trend in summer, from crocheted vests to bikinis and even skirts, crocheting is popular in fashion. Once the temperature rises, crocheted items will always return. But don’t get me wrong, this is not another short-lived trend. Crocheted items are becoming a model of summer style, surpassing the status of "fashion" and becoming a must-have item in summer.

Female contraceptive methods and its harm

There are many contraceptive methods for women, and there are many choices, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some for reference.

Among the birth control measures, intrauterine device (IUD) has the characteristics of reversibility, safety, small adverse reactions and simple operation, and is widely used in women of childbearing age.

For women with IUD, the side effects and complications are bleeding, pain, infection, IUD falling off and incarceration. Because the occurrence of these complications can cause great trauma to women’s physical and mental health, it is necessary to strengthen the comprehensive analysis of these complications in clinic and formulate corresponding solutions according to the analysis results. (1) Pain and bleeding. After placing the IUD, due to the action of prostaglandin, the uterine muscles contract strongly, which leads to endometrial damage, bleeding and pain. Usually, within 10 days after placing the IUD, most women will have bleeding and pain, but the degree is mild and tolerable, and with the increase of placing time, this discomfort will gradually reduce and disappear. But if the pain is severe or lasts for a long time, it indicates that there is a problem. If the pain lasts for a long time, it is usually caused by the improper size or downward movement of the IUD. It is necessary to take out the IUD and give symptomatic treatment to the patient. After the condition improves, choose a suitable IUD. The late pain mostly occurs one month after operation, and the main causes are deformation and infection of IUD, so it is advisable to resist infection and replace appropriate IUD according to the actual situation of patients. In order to effectively prevent the occurrence of pain, clinicians need to improve their operation level of placing intrauterine devices, and choose the most suitable IUD for women and children according to their physical conditions, especially paying attention to gentle movements. Bleeding occurs in three forms: irregular vaginal bleeding, intraoperative bleeding and postoperative bleeding. If it is irregular vaginal bleeding, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze the actual situation of the patient before operation. Moreover, the operator should also master the methods and skills of placing intrauterine devices, and reasonably choose anti-fibrinolytic drugs and prostaglandins according to the actual situation of the patient. If necessary, the intrauterine device can be taken out. For patients with a small amount of bleeding, it is necessary to stop bleeding, but if the amount of bleeding is large, the operation should be stopped and symptomatic treatment should be given according to the specific situation of the patient.

(2) Uterine perforation, ectopic and incarcerated IUD. The occurrence of uterine perforation during surgery is generally due to excessive flexion or retroflexion of the uterus; The lactation uterus is smaller and softer; Cesarean scar uterus, etc. If it is a probe perforation, if the condition permits, uterine contractions can be used to promote the contraction of the patient’s uterus and give anti-infection treatment to promote the healing of the perforation, and closely observe the basic vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse and respiration of the patient; If the IUD is perforated, it needs to be taken out by laparoscopy and repaired. Incarceration is mostly caused by choosing a large IUD or damaging the uterine wall when it is placed, or not taking it out in time after menopause. The IUD is placed outside the uterus, or the IUD presses the uterine wall, which causes local tissues to sink, thus causing the IUD to be embedded in the muscle wall or moved out of the uterus. If the IUD is incarcerated, the IUD should be taken out immediately. If the symptoms of incarceration appear under the endometrium, it is necessary to scrape the endometrium first, and then take out the IUD in a standardized way. If incarceration occurs at the myometrium, the IUD should be removed by laparoscopy.

(3) The IUD falls off and moves down. Generally, it is due to the operator’s lack of skill, not putting it into the uterine bottom, or the improper size of the selected IUD, or the relaxation of the internal cervix, as well as the patient’s individual factors, which requires that attention should be paid not only to the depth of the uterine cavity, but also to the width. If the uterine cavity is wide, consider choosing a larger size, and if the uterine cavity is narrow, choose a smaller size.

(4) infection. Infection is generally caused by inflammation of reproductive organs or lax aseptic operation, or disrespect for doctor’s advice after operation. For those infected after operation, anti-infection treatment should be given immediately. If the infection symptoms are serious, it is necessary to take anti-infection and take out the intrauterine device. In order to effectively reduce the incidence of infection, it is necessary to fully understand the basic situation of patients before operation, eliminate the inflammatory reaction of reproductive organs, and treat women with inflammation symptomatically, and only after the inflammation is effectively controlled can they be treated with intrauterine devices. Strictly follow the principle of aseptic operation, do not let the contraceptive device touch the vaginal wall and voyeurism during the operation, and fully disinfect the operating room and instruments. Tell the patient the relevant precautions after operation and return to the clinic on time.

(5) IUD pregnancy. If there is an error in judging the size of a woman’s uterus before operation, it will affect the choice of IUD model, and then increase the risk of female pregnancy with IUD. In addition, ectopic and falling-off IUD can also cause IUD pregnancy. Because pregnancy with IUD is prone to abortion, bleeding, injury, etc., patients need to receive termination treatment immediately after diagnosis, and the IUD should be taken out as required. In order to reduce the incidence of pregnancy with IUD, clinicians need to choose the most suitable IUD according to the size of women’s uterus, and it is forbidden to choose an IUD that is too small. At the same time, women should return to the clinic on time after placing the IUD to find out whether the IUD is ectopic, deformed or falls off. For patients with any of the above conditions, effective measures should be taken to intervene in time to avoid unintended pregnancy.

In a word, after placing intrauterine devices, women can be affected by many factors and have side effects and complications, which has caused great trauma to their physical and mental health. Therefore, through continuous study and practice, the operator needs to improve his professional ethics and operational ability, master the skills of placing IUD skillfully, comprehensively check the physical condition of the patient before operation, strictly grasp the indications and contraindications, strictly follow the principle of aseptic operation, find out the position of the uterus, and choose the appropriate type and model of IUD, so as to reduce the risk of side effects and complications of women after placing IUD.

Female birth control, that is, complications of tubal ligation, intestinal injury and bladder injury during operation, is that the patient is nervous and poorly coordinated during operation, and the bladder is not emptied according to the regulations before operation, resulting in bladder filling and moving up, leading to injury during operation, or the incision during operation is too low, and the vascular clamp is biased towards the pelvic cavity, resulting in bladder injury. Postoperative complications, such as incision bleeding and hematoma, may appear and be found within a few hours after operation. The reasons may be that the blood points were not ligated during operation, or the vasoconstrictor used in anesthesia subsided after operation, which made the blood vessels open and bleed. Analysis of infection in pelvic cavity and suppuration of incision infection may be due to the lack of strict aseptic operation during the operation, the failure to deal with the congestion in time when sewing the incision, and the possibility that the patient does not pay attention to rest and personal hygiene after the operation, which may lead to incision infection. Postoperative menstrual disorder and lumbago and abdominal pain may have a great relationship with the psychology of the patient. Temporary menstrual disorder or lumbago and abdominal pain after operation can gradually recover naturally and can be treated if necessary.

Contraceptive pills taken by women are all toxic, and their mechanism and side effects will be discussed next time.

The use of condoms, in addition to a very small number of women allergic to it can not be used, the experience is almost poor, in fact, is a healthier choice.

[1] Jiang Xiukui. On female ligation and prevention of complications [J]. Chinese and Foreign Health Abstracts, 2014,(22):261-261.

[2] Sun Xuyan. Analysis of common complications and prevention of placing intrauterine devices [J]. Psychologist, 2018,24(11):35-36.

[3] Liu Wei. On the types and side effects of female contraceptives [J]. China Modern Drug Application, 2015,(7):246-247.