How to protect the rights and interests of takeaway brothers and online drivers

  In recent years, with the continuous emergence of new business models and new occupations, new problems of labor disputes have also emerged… Recently, eight departments including the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security issued the "Opinions on Safeguarding the Labor Security Rights and Interests of Workers in New Employment Forms" and announced it to the public on December 18. The opinion focuses on the shortcomings of the problems faced by the protection of the rights and interests of workers in new employment forms, and protects the labor security rights and interests of workers in new employment forms such as online delivery staff, online car drivers, truck drivers, and Internet marketers through detailed measures.

  What are the highlights of the "Opinions" and what benefits will they bring to workers in new business models? The reporter of the Yangzi Evening News Ziniu interviewed labor law experts and asked them to interpret these issues.

  Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter, Wan Chengyuan

  Highlight 1: Clarifying the standards for incomplete labor relations

  Xu Xudong, a member of the Labor and Social Security Law Professional Committee of Nanjing Lawyers Association and a lawyer of Jiangsu Yicheng Law Firm, participated in the expert demonstration of the "Opinions" as an expert representative. Xu Xudong told reporters that the "Opinions" made it clear that there is strong autonomy in work arrangement among workers in new business formats. For such workers whose online work is subject to platform rules management or algorithm constraints and who obtain labor compensation, enterprises should negotiate with them to enter into a written employment agreement and reasonably determine the rights and obligations of both parties. Although the employment agreement is different from the employment contract that employers and workers need to enter into under the usual labor relationship, the purpose is the same.

  For such workers who rely on the information and scenarios provided by platform enterprises to independently conduct business activities, obtain operating income, and be responsible for their own profits and losses, the rights and obligations of both parties shall be adjusted in accordance with civil law.

  He believes that this classification in the "Opinions" will have an important impact on the types of rights, rights protection, and rights protection paths of workers in new business models.

  ◆ Highlight 2

  Make it clear that the platform is responsible for the payment of wages

  In terms of wage quota standards, the "Opinions" require that the hourly labor quota of laborers be reasonably determined by the piece-rate wage system to ensure that 90% of the new business workers in the same position can complete it within the agreed time. In terms of wage payment cycle, it is stipulated that it can be determined by hour, day, week and month, but the longest shall not exceed one month. In terms of overtime compensation, the "Opinions" stipulate that those who work on statutory holidays shall be paid wages higher than normal working hours.

  Xu Xudong believes that this leaves room for enterprises to negotiate with workers on specific standards, which is different from the usual labor relationship where workers extend their working hours, work overtime on rest days, and work overtime on statutory holidays at least 150%, 200%, and 300% of their wages, respectively. The "Opinions" make it clear that platform enterprises should take overall responsibility for the payment of wages to workers in new formats and supervise the timely and full payment of wages and compensation by enterprises that adopt cooperative employment methods with them, which adds an insurance to the wage protection of workers with incomplete labor relations.

  ◆ Highlight 3

  Safeguarding worker health and public safety

  The "Opinions" stipulate that for online car-hailing drivers, online delivery personnel, takeaway food delivery personnel, and online transportation drivers in the same city, who work continuously for more than four hours, enterprises should establish mandatory rest rules and no more orders will be dispatched within 20 minutes.

  Enterprises should ensure that workers in new business models enjoy a reasonable amount of continuous rest every working day through technical means.

  Xu Xudong believes that this regulation responds to the strong social response, and by improving the platform order distribution mechanism and the new business model worker rest system, it will effectively protect the physical and mental health and public safety of such workers.

  ◆ Highlight 4

  Protection against occupational injuries

  According to the "Opinions", when enterprises recruit laborers with incomplete labor relations, they should guide and organize them to participate in the basic old-age pension for employees of local enterprises, basic medical insurance for employees, or participate in the basic old-age insurance for urban and rural residents and basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents as required.

  Xu Xudong said that in the absence of coverage by work-related injury insurance, the pilot provides a safeguard for occupational injuries that workers with incomplete labor relations may suffer.

  ◆ Highlight 5

  The content and means of rights relief are clarified

  The "Opinions" stipulate that the labor security supervision organs shall promptly accept and handle complaints and reports on wages and compensation between laborers in new forms of incomplete labor relations and enterprises. Courts and arbitration institutions shall accept and handle disputes between such laborers and enterprises regarding wages and compensation, and should participate in compensation for occupational injuries in accordance with this opinion and the employment agreement between the two parties. Xu Xudong said that according to the provisions, labor inspection, labor arbitration and people’s courts will handle corresponding labor violations or disputes in accordance with their respective powers.

  Xu Xudong said that at present, the "Opinions" have not yet dealt with the specific provisions of incomplete labor relations workers in terms of economic compensation or compensation for the termination of employment contracts, paid annual leave, etc., pending the introduction of subsequent legislation or policies.

In terms of price, Sina quoted in May that BYD Qin PLUS DM-i had 111,800 new cars nationwide.

Many consumers think that the cost of buying a car plus the cost of maintaining a car every year is really a lot of money, but now taxi software is so popular that it is convenient and cheap to take a car, and it is not practical to buy a car. However, in bad weather such as cold or hot, carrying a heavy shopping bag or dragging a huge suitcase, or when the driver is in an emergency, he will feel the pain of waiting. Although cars are consumables, and even the rate of preservation is not high, there is no denying that owning a car of your own can really bring great convenience to life, such as going to go on road trip.

Today, we will take a look at the new car BYD Qin PLUS DM-i, including the design, rough interior, high and low performance, etc. Presumably, small owners have dived into major forums and dug countless evaluation videos, so there is no need to go into details in small series. Now, our focus is on the transaction price, discount, sales volume and value preservation of Qin PLUS DM-i, so as to help small owners who are basically targeting and waiting for the opportunity to start more comprehensively.

BYD Qin PLUS DM-i achieved a maximum discount of 95,900% on the transaction price in the past month, with the highest cash drop of RMB 4,800, and the national sales of new cars starting from RMB 125,900. The point price is for reference only, and the actual transaction price is subject to the local dealer.

The figure below shows the sales data of BYD Qin Plus DM-I. The national sales volume in the last month was 13,443 vehicles. I wonder if BYD is still satisfied with this achievement. Most people will follow the sales volume when buying a car, which is the main basis for most people to judge whether a car is good or not without in-depth understanding of a car. Although it is not accurate, it is not groundless, but if you have higher requirements for car selection, you need to make more efforts to fully understand it.

When we buy a car, we will pay attention to all aspects of this model in advance, especially the posts and word-of-mouth posted by car owners in major forums and vertical websites. Apart from the navy, there are still some car owners’ real car experience that is worth learning. Let’s take a look at the word-of-mouth score of BYD Qin plus DM-I. The comprehensive score of BYD Qin PLUS DM-i is 4.75, and the result is not bad, so BYD Qin PLUS DM-i can be considered.

If you have seen the above, you still have doubts about whether BYD Qin PLUS DM-i is worth buying, then you can also look at the performance of competing products of BYD Qin Plus DM-I. Among the following competing products, the Roewe ei6 MAX sold the most last month, with 662 cars. There is always one car for you.

If the price of Qin PLUS DM-i is suitable recently, then friends will hurry! Linkage promotion in many places across the country, and there are even more discount models as low as 30%.

M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 was released, which laid the technical foundation for Starway Brand 2.0 era.

On August 27th, Chery’s high-end brand Starway, with the theme of "Exploring the Future", presented the new M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 and AtlantiX, the first pioneer mass production concept car of this architecture, at Chengdu Auto Show.


Huang Zhaogen, assistant general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. and general manager of Xingtu Marketing Center, and Hong Gaoming, assistant general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. unveiled AtlantiX.


Fan Xing, deputy general manager of Xingtu Marketing Center, announced M38T Chinese name.

AtlantiX, the mass production concept car of the new flagship SUV Starway M38T in the 2.0 era. While relying on the new M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 to give M38T powerful products, Starway officially announced its Chinese name-"Eta Ursae Majoris" at this auto show.


Hong Gaoming, Assistant General Manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. introduced the technological highlights of M3X Mars Architecture 2.0.

Hong Gaoming, assistant general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. said at the press conference: "M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 integrates Chery’s global superior strategic resources, and is developed and manufactured according to luxury car standards. It is an advanced architecture representing the flagship value and forward-looking technology of Starway products, and it is also a technical carrier that drives Starway to the era of intelligence and hybrid electricity, laying a solid technical cornerstone for the global upward development of Starway brand 2.0 era."

??M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 is released, which will help the future products to be advanced in an all-round way.


M3X, M means Mars, representing the spirit of continuous exploration of Starway brand, 3 representing the three core technical skills of Starway flexible hardware platform, intelligent network architecture and powertrain, and X representing infinite possibilities. This platform will generate more models to meet the needs of different customers. Since the release of M3X Mars architecture at the Beijing Auto Show in 2020, it has continuously empowered Starway products to release high-quality, high-quality and high-value kinetic energy.


The newly released M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, on the basis of continuing the "three highs" advantages, has achieved six scientific and technological improvements in the four dimensions of safety, comfort, power and intelligence, which will help Xingtu to build better products and play a vital role in improving the future product layout. The architecture can realize the product matrix covering the A+ and B-class SUV/ car /MPV markets, covering the power forms such as PHEV/ICE/REEV, etc.

At this stage, M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 will produce 2.0TGDI+8AT, 2.0TGDI+7DCT and PHEV power systems, in which the maximum torque of 2.0TGDI is 400 N m, the thermal efficiency is more than 43%, the torque of 8AT is more than 400 N m, the power of 3DHT is more than 165kW, and the wheel torque is more than 4000 N·m, which is free according to the needs of the vehicle type. It also provides seven modes of all-terrain four-wheel drive system to achieve leading handling performance.


The first body-in-white of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris Qingdao Super Factory.

Based on M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, the new cage-type energy-absorbing body technology will be adopted, which can meet the global N-CAP five-star standard in collision safety. Up to 85% of the whole vehicle is covered with high-strength steel, and 1,500Mpa ultra-high-strength thermoformed steel is used in key parts such as B-pillar, and the unique design patent of "double energy-absorbing box and double force-transmitting" path can better absorb and distribute the impact and energy generated by collision, meeting the stringent 25% small offset collision test standard.

Thanks to the independent development capability of the complete electrical architecture, M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 will bring a refreshing experience to smart cars. EEA4.0 advanced electronic and electrical architecture supported by Gigabit Ethernet, OTA and Autosar. It can easily meet the continuous upgrading needs of new energy, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit. In addition to the typical NOP intelligent navigation driving assistance, ALC intelligent automatic lane change, AVP autonomous parking service and other high-heat functions, it also includes 21 ADAS basic functions and 11 high-order intelligent driving assistance functions.


Eta Ursae Majoris mass production concept car AtlantiX

In terms of comfort, the M3X Mars architecture 2.0 will enjoy like a "magnetic levitation" through chassis CDC adaptive suspension, double hydraulic suspension and Queen’s car system. With the support of Qualcomm 8155 chip, the iterative Lion Lion Zhiyun system will bring a "four haves" intelligent cockpit with value, wisdom, emotion and temperature, and can always maintain the leading technology and comfortable experience through the continuous upgrade of OTA.

??Bring "Mars" to "Eta Ursae Majoris" and truly realize products empowered by technology.


Eta Ursae Majoris real car map


Eta Ursae Majoris mass production concept car AtlantiX

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris makes full use of smooth arc curves and full and tense curved surfaces to create a product perception of "luxury, technology, vitality and fashion". Among them, the design of "light language" will also become an important feature of the future starway family, expanding the traditional "point" and "source" to the streamer "beam" and the colorful "matrix". The X-type starship-type solar energy matrix daytime running light echoes with the through-type rear taillight belt of the Milky Way, giving drivers and passengers a sense of future and luxury while fully demonstrating the trendy, intelligent and energetic brought by science and technology.


Eta Ursae Majoris mass production concept car AtlantiX

These advertisements are forbidden to be published! The new Internet advertising regulations will be implemented in May.

  Beijing, March 25 (Xinhua) Recently, the General Administration of Market Supervision announced the Measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising, which will be implemented on May 1.

  The Measures further clarify the responsibilities of advertisers, Internet advertising operators and publishers, and Internet information service providers; Actively respond to social concerns, and regulate behaviors such as pop-up advertisements, open-screen advertisements, and using smart devices to publish advertisements; Refined the advertising supervision rules in key areas such as "soft-text advertising", Internet advertising with links, bidding ranking advertising, algorithm recommendation advertising, live Internet advertising, and disguised advertising subject to censorship; The new regulations on the jurisdiction of advertising spokespersons provide an important institutional guarantee for strengthening the supervision and law enforcement of Internet advertising, and also give new momentum to the standardized and orderly development of Internet advertising.

  Webpage screenshot

  Specifically, the Measures make the following provisions:

  These advertisements are prohibited from being published.

  — — No unit or individual may use the Internet to design, produce, act as an agent or publish advertisements for products or services whose production and sale are prohibited by laws and administrative regulations, or for goods or services whose advertising is prohibited.

  It is forbidden to use the Internet to publish tobacco (including electronic cigarettes) advertisements. It is forbidden to use the Internet to publish prescription drug advertisements. Where there are other provisions in laws and administrative regulations, such provisions shall prevail.

  — — It is forbidden to publish advertisements for medical treatment, medicines, medical devices, health foods and formula foods for special medical purposes in disguised form by introducing health and health preservation knowledge.

  When introducing health and health preserving knowledge, the address, contact information, shopping links and other contents of commodity operators or service providers related to medical treatment, medicines, medical devices, health food and formula food for special medical purposes shall not appear on the same page or at the same time.

  — — Advertisements for medical treatment, medicines, health foods, formula foods for special medical purposes, medical devices, cosmetics, alcohol, beauty, and online game advertisements that are not conducive to the physical and mental health of minors shall not be published on websites, webpages, internet applications, WeChat official account and other Internet media aimed at minors.

  These advertisements are subject to censorship.

  Advertisements that should be examined according to laws and administrative regulations such as advertisements for medical treatment, medicines, medical devices, pesticides, veterinary drugs, health foods and formula foods for special medical purposes shall be examined by the advertisement examination organ before publication; Without review, it shall not be published.

  Internet advertisements subject to censorship shall be published in strict accordance with the contents examined and approved, and shall not be edited, spliced or modified. If the contents of advertisements that have been examined and approved need to be changed, they shall re-apply for advertisement examination.

  Advertisers shall clearly indicate "advertising"

  Internet advertisements should be identifiable and enable consumers to identify them as advertisements.

  For the goods or services ranked by bidding, the advertisement publisher should clearly mark "advertisement", which is obviously different from the natural search results.

  Except in cases where laws and administrative regulations prohibit the publication or disguised publication of advertisements, if a commodity or service is promoted through knowledge introduction, experience sharing, consumption evaluation and other forms, and a shopping link is attached, the advertisement publisher shall clearly indicate "advertisement".

  Who is responsible for the authenticity of the advertising content?

  Advertisers should be responsible for the authenticity of Internet advertising content.

  When an advertiser publishes an Internet advertisement, the subject qualification, administrative license, citation content, etc. shall meet the requirements of laws and regulations, and the relevant certification documents shall be true, legal and effective.

  Advertisers can publish their own advertisements through self-built websites, their own clients, Internet applications, WeChat official account, online shop pages and other Internet media, or they can entrust advertising agents and publishers to publish advertisements.

  Advertisers who publish Internet advertisements by themselves shall comply with the requirements of laws and regulations, establish advertisement files and update them in time. The relevant files shall be kept for not less than three years from the date of termination of advertising.

  When an advertiser entrusts to publish an Internet advertisement, it shall notify the advertising agents and publishers who provide services to it in a timely manner in written form or in other ways that can be confirmed.

  How to standardize "live broadcast with goods"?

  Where a commodity seller or service provider promotes a commodity or service through live Internet broadcast, which constitutes a commercial advertisement, it shall bear the responsibilities and obligations of the advertiser according to law.

  If the operator of the live broadcast room is entrusted to provide advertising design, production, agency and publishing services, it shall bear the responsibilities and obligations of the advertising operator and publisher according to law.

  Live marketing personnel who are entrusted to provide advertising design, production, agency and publishing services shall bear the responsibilities and obligations of advertising operators and publishers according to law.

  Live marketing personnel who recommend and prove goods and services in their own names or images, which constitute advertising endorsements, shall bear the responsibilities and obligations of advertising spokespersons according to law.

  "Make sure to close with one button"

  When publishing Internet advertisements in the form of pop-ups, advertisers and advertisement publishers shall clearly mark the closure sign to ensure one-click closure, and shall not have any of the following circumstances:

  (1) The advertisement can only be closed if there is no closing sign or the time is over;

  (two) the closure sign is false, unclear or difficult to locate, etc., which sets obstacles for the closure of advertisements;

  (three) to close the advertisement, it must be clicked twice or more;

  (four) in the process of browsing the same page and the same document, continue to pop up advertisements after closing, which will affect the normal use of the network by users;

  (five) other acts that affect the one-button closure.

  The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply to the open-screen advertisements displayed and released when the Internet application is started.

  Do not mislead users to browse advertisements in these ways.

  Do not cheat or mislead users to click or browse advertisements in the following ways:

  (a) false system or software update, error reporting, cleaning, notification and other tips;

  (two) false signs such as playing, starting, pausing, stopping and returning;

  (3) False reward promises;

  (four) other ways to deceive and mislead users to click and browse advertisements.

  It shall not affect the normal use of the network by users.

  The use of the Internet to publish and send advertisements shall not affect users’ normal use of the Internet, and shall not insert bidding advertisements into the results of searching government service websites, webpages, Internet applications, WeChat official account, etc.

  Without the user’s consent, request or clear refusal, no Internet advertisement shall be sent to his means of transportation, navigation equipment, smart home appliances, etc., and no advertisement or advertisement link shall be attached to the e-mail or Internet instant messaging information sent by the user. (End)

Xinyang Volvo XC90 is on sale! The latest offer is 467,000 yuan, which is very beneficial today.

According to the news of car home Xinyang preferential promotion channel, preferential promotion activities are being carried out in Xinyang area. The minimum starting price of this luxury SUV is 467,000 yuan, and the maximum discount amount reaches 179,900 yuan. If you are interested in this model, you may wish to click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount.

Volvo XC90 is a luxury SUV, and its design is full of strength and modernity. The front face adopts Volvo family-style design language, and the air intake grille adopts a unique straight waterfall design, which shows the unique charm of the brand. The body lines are smooth, and the overall style is simple and atmospheric, which makes people recognize that this is Volvo’s work at a glance. At the same time, XC90 is also equipped with a series of high-end configurations, such as LED headlights and unique taillight design, which makes it more conspicuous when driving at night. In addition, the XC90 also adopts a unique body color and wheel hub design, which makes it more eye-catching in appearance. In a word, the design of Volvo XC90 is full of Nordic style, which is both simple and luxurious and impressive.

Volvo XC90 is a luxury SUV, with a length, width and height of 4953*1958*1778mm and a wheelbase of 2984mm, with smooth body lines and stable overall shape. The specifications of the front and rear wheels are both 275/45 R20, and the tire width is larger, which can provide better grip and stability. The lines on the side of the car are simple and smooth, showing the unique design style of luxury brands.

The interior design of Volvo XC90 is full of Nordic style, simple and generous, with attention to detail and comfort. The steering wheel is made of leather, which supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth, so that drivers can easily find the driving posture that suits them. The 9-inch central control screen has a large size, supports voice recognition control system, and can control functions such as multimedia system, navigation, telephone and air conditioning. The front seat is made of leather, which supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment and lumbar support, providing a comfortable riding experience. The co-pilot seat also supports a variety of adjustment methods, including front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment and lumbar support. The front seats are also equipped with heating function, so that drivers can enjoy a comfortable driving experience in cold weather. The rear seats can be tilted in proportion to provide more storage space. In addition, the front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge. Generally speaking, the interior design of Volvo XC90 is very user-friendly, providing many comfortable and convenient configurations, so that drivers and passengers can feel more comfortable driving experience during the journey.

Volvo XC90 is equipped with a 2.0T 250 HP L4 engine with a maximum power of 184 kW and a maximum torque of 350 N m.. The car is equipped with an 8-speed automatic transmission, which can provide a smooth shifting experience and meet the needs of daily driving. This engine performs well when accelerating, and also has good fuel economy performance, which brings more comfortable driving experience to drivers.

The design of Volvo XC90 has always been one of its highly praised highlights, which has also been confirmed in the evaluation. He/she said that he/she was "absolutely satisfied" with the appearance of XC90, especially the iconic Raytheon Hammer, low-key blue and overall streamlined design, which was very fashionable. In fact, the design of XC90 has always been full of Nordic style and simple aesthetic feeling, and at the same time, it incorporates modern design elements, making people recognize its unique style at a glance. No matter from the details to the whole, the Volvo XC90 shows the exquisite design and care, which brings incomparable driving pleasure and experience to the owners. Therefore, if you are also interested in a luxury SUV with both fashion and personality, Volvo XC90 is undoubtedly a good choice.

Question: M9 will be listed in December. Huawei’s automobile concept broke out, and the industrial chain Nuggets were just then.

  In the early morning of October 9,The concept has risen sharply. As of press time,Waiting for the 5-share daily limit, Yoshioka Precision,Waiting for the top increase.

  In the news, on October 6th, the daily order volume of the new M7 in the world exceeded 7,000 units. According to Yu Chengdong, the chairman of BU, from September 12th to October 6th, the cumulative order for this car exceeded 50,000 units. In addition, at the new product launch conference of Huawei’s autumn scene held on September 25th, it was confirmed that the M9 will be officially launched in December 2023.

  It is pointed out that Huawei is behind the hot sale of the new M7.The effect of the strategic layout of the automobile industry has been continuously verified intuitively. The new M7 in Wenjie has been upgraded in many aspects, such as HarmonyOS cockpit 3.0, Huawei ADS2.0 and high-standard active and passive safety systems, while the starting price has been reduced, and the product strength and cost performance have been significantly improved. With the market recognition of Huawei’s self-driving car model, investment opportunities in the industrial chain are expected to emerge continuously, and Huawei’s smart cabin and smart driving fields will fully benefit.

  Previously, it was pointed out that in addition to M7, M9 also appeared in the 375th batch of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently."in. "With the continuous release of M7 orders and the expectation that the new model M9 will be launched soon, we will focus on the opportunities of Huawei’s automobile industry chain."

The attribute is full, and the M5 series in the world can easily handle the car purchase preferences of young people!

        It’s the National Day holiday soon. Coincidentally, this year’s National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival collided, and there was an 8-day holiday. I believe many friends have already made travel plans for this small holiday. However, it is inevitable that high-speed rail and plane tickets will be hard to find every time there is a small holiday. In contrast, go on road trip is a good choice. You can enjoy the travel time and enjoy the driving pleasure. Why not? So when it comes to go on road trip, it is very important to choose a suitable car. Today, I want to talk about the M5 Smart Driving Edition in the world, which is a good "God Car" in go on road trip, and has captured the hearts of many consumers with its "double smart ceiling" and high performance. Don’t believe it? Let’s continue to look down.

Travel is worry-free and convenient, and HUAWEI ADS 2.0 gives strength.

For drivers who don’t often drive at high speed, how to safely merge from the ramp into the main road with dense traffic is a great "test". In view of this, HUAWEI ADS 2.0 equipped with the M5 Intelligent Driving Edition has quite powerful functions. It can help car owners to import and export high-speed ramps independently, with a success rate of 98.86%, and its reliability is comparable to that of skilled and experienced "old drivers".

Many people still don’t park their cars after learning their driver’s licenses. Even with the reversing radar or panoramic images, novice drivers still feel a headache. Don’t panic, the M5 Smart Driving Edition helps novice drivers in all directions, and naturally it won’t ignore the parking problem. Wenjie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition can learn independently in the garage environment and build 3D models. After parking in a fixed parking space once, it can enter the parking lot again, and then activate the valet parking assistance function to cruise to the target parking space for parking and warehousing. Based on the multi-sensor fusion perception of lidar+camera+ultrasonic radar+millimeter wave radar, Wenjie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition has "the strongest intelligent parking on the surface", which supports parking in conventional vertical, horizontal, oblique and spatial parking spaces, and supports various complex special-shaped parking spaces such as broken roads and extremely narrow parking spaces. The parking success rate is as high as 95%. From then on, novice Xiaobai can easily park in the warehouse.

HarmonyOS Smart Cockpit 3.0 is not only smart but also useful.

It is inevitable that the driver needs to be replaced when traveling for a long time, but once replaced, the seat needs to be readjusted, which is very inconvenient. However, this problem is perfectly avoided in the M5 version. Through the human eye positioning algorithm, Wujie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition is the first in the industry to realize the adaptive adjustment of HUD height. After sitting, you can quickly adjust the HUD to the optimal height, making driving safer and more convenient.

On the other hand, the addition of the rear HUAWEI MagLink magic suction car interface opens up more possibilities and scenarios for users in the car. Passengers in the front and rear rows can have meetings and share content easily, while the front row can also push the content to the back row. Let the M5 Intelligent Driving Edition in the asking world easily become the exclusive study, game hall or meeting room for users.

In fact, a good car that is praised by people will always have inexhaustible advantages. In addition to "double intelligence", the performance is also quite interesting. Wenjie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition adopts an all-aluminum chassis unique to millions of luxury cars, which makes the vehicle roll smaller and have greater rigidity, thus improving the handling performance and safety performance. Combined with the front double wishbone+rear multi-link independent suspension, the Wujie M5 intelligent driving version can maintain stability under different driving conditions, effectively prevent roll, and improve driving confidence and ride comfort.

It is worth mentioning that the HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit has also been applied in the M5 standard edition. In addition, the car also has the advantages of long battery life and intelligent extended range technology. It is a good car with a good price-to-price ratio, and it is another good choice at the same level.

With all-round leading intelligent configuration, Wenjie M5 Smart Driving Edition can definitely become the best choice for many young consumers who buy cars for the first time. At the same time, thanks for giving back to the old users’ rights and interests, the community will open a new era of smart travel with super ability and sincerity, and old users can enjoy 15,000 yuan of HUAWEI ADS 2.0 urban smart driving pilot NCA deduction rights and interests.

If you happen to be very interested in the M5 Smart Driving Edition, I suggest you go to the 4S shop to experience this car, and I believe there will be a surprise experience.

Ideal launch L9 product experience promotion plan to improve the experience.


  With the delivery of Ideal L9 (Parameter | Inquiry), Ideal Official has recently received a lot of feedback about the product experience. A few days ago, LI officially released the ideal L9 product experience improvement plan, including three-screen simulcast, three-screen simulcast, mobile App car control authority and other functions, all of which are planned to be realized through the next OTA upgrade and the fourth quarter.

LI 2022 Ideal L9

  1. Three-screen simultaneous playback and three-screen simultaneous projection function

  When many people watch videos and play games in the car, the "interoperability" of the three screens is very important. This requires two new functions to support: three screens play the same video or three screens project at the same time.

  In the fourth quarter, three-screen simulcast and three-screen simulcast will be realized through OTA. Iqiyi will be the first application to support three-screen simulcast, and other video applications will follow. At that time, no matter in the front row or the back row, everyone can enjoy watching videos and playing games.

Ideality L9

  In order to better enhance the screen projection experience, we will also launch "Double Type-C Direct Projection Line" and "HDMI to Type-C Direct Projection Line" in the official mall, which is compatible with more game consoles, mobile phones or tablets. It is expected to go online on September 25th.

Ideality L9

  2. Problems of three-screen scanning code login application

  At present, the relationship between the three screens in the L9 car is equivalent to the three tablets we use at home, and the applications in each screen need to scan the code separately to log in. For users who have just picked up the car, it is really cumbersome. In order to solve this problem, we have a preliminary solution at present, and some applications can complete the login of three-screen applications in the same screen in the fourth quarter.

Ideality L9

  3. The sharing function of the car control authority of the mobile App.

  When many people want to use the same car, everyone needs a "mobile phone key", but privacy and convenience need to be taken into account at the same time. At present, we have formed a preliminary plan internally and plan to OTA in the fourth quarter.

  4. Small refrigerator experience improvement

  L9′ s mini refrigerator can only be opened in the second row, but we found that the driver and passenger also have the need to use the mini refrigerator. In the parking scene, when people sitting in one row reach for the small refrigerator in the second row to get drinks, the cooling or heating mode may change due to accidental touch.

Ideality L9

  In order to solve this problem, in the fourth quarter, we will increase the switch of small refrigerator door in the central control panel. At the same time, the continuous working function of the small refrigerator after leaving the car will become a long-term setting item, which can keep the small refrigerator working after locking the car only once.

  5. Air conditioning logic optimization

  In order to make the automatic air-conditioning function meet more people’s car habits, the automatic air-conditioning function of L9 provides "five automatic grades", with the first gear being the weakest and the fifth gear being the strongest.

  In the current logic, after the "automatic mode" is selected in the screen, the "automatic 1st gear" is entered by default, so when the car is very hot, everyone will feel that the cooling is not fast enough. In the next OTA, we will optimize it to "Automatic 3rd gear" by default after selecting the automatic mode, which is also the most comfortable air volume level, taking into account the cooling/heating speed.

Ideality L9

  In the remote air conditioning function, the remote air conditioner will be changed to "automatic 5th gear" by default to realize rapid cooling/heating, which will also be optimized in the next OTA.

  6. The stability of the 5G network of the vehicle is improved

  L9′ s 5G network uses an Internet of Vehicles card, which is different from our commonly used mobile phone card. In the same area, network service providers have different network configuration strategies for car networking cards and mobile phone cards, so their actual network performance may be inconsistent. In the previous network test, we have covered most cities in China, and at present, we are also jointly conducting road tests in more cities to continuously improve the network stability in various regions.

  In addition to the operator’s reasons, some strategies of the car itself may also lead to poor network experience, which may cause problems such as slow recovery of the network in and out of the basement and occasional disconnection of the App car control. We will optimize them in the next OTA and the fourth quarter.

  7. Sound effect optimization

  Based on L9′ s high-quality audio system hardware capability and everyone’s feedback, we optimized the audio effect, which will be realized by OTA in the fourth quarter.

Ideality L9

  8. Navigation-assisted driving experience is improved.

  Navigation-assisted driving relies on high-precision maps, but the update speed of maps can’t keep up with the changes of actual road conditions. For example, after the high-speed construction section in a certain place is over, if the map is not updated in time, it will lead to the degradation of navigation-assisted driving, accompanied by sound reminders. This will cause the use of navigation-assisted driving to be interrupted occasionally, which is not continuous enough.

LI 2022 Ideal L9

  In the fourth quarter, we will combine the ability of map positioning and visual perception to greatly reduce the degradation in the use of navigation-assisted driving functions. At the same time, we will greatly improve the accuracy of the speed limit value of navigation-assisted driving.

  9. Mobile phone Bluetooth key experience optimization

  In the next OTA, we will further optimize the functions of "automatic locking when leaving the car" and "automatic unlocking when approaching" of the Bluetooth key of the mobile phone, so as to solve the problem that the timing of automatic unlocking is inconsistent with everyone’s daily car habits.

  Of course, in addition to the new functions and optimization projects mentioned above, we are still planning more new functions and solving some experience problems, such as the occasional car control of mobile App, inaccurate accompanying mileage in App, etc.

Xiaomi Auto officially unveiled: Beiqi OEM, mass production in the first half of next year!

On November 15th, official website, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, released the contents of the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (the 377th batch) and the Catalogue of Energy-saving and New Energy-using Vehicles with Vehicle and Vessel Tax Exemption (the 56th batch), among which two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars, which have attracted much attention from the market, were officially exposed for the first time.

According to the public information, the two cars exposed by Xiaomi this time are pure electric cars, the models are SU7 and SU7 Max/Pro respectively, the product trademark is "Xiaomi", and the manufacturer is Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.

In terms of size, the length, width and height of the two cars are 4997mm, 1963mm and 1455mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 3000mm, which is positioned as a C-class car.

In addition, the public information shows that the English LOGO with the tail labels "Beijing xiaomi" and "Xiaomi" are also displayed at the rear of the two cars.

In terms of power battery, SU7 is equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery, and the supplier is BYD’s Foday battery. The SU7 Max/Pro is equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s ternary lithium battery;

As for the motor, the motor of SU7 comes from United Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd., and the peak power of driving motor is 220kW. The motor on the SU7 Max/Pro comes from Suzhou Huichuan United Power System Co., Ltd., and there are two power options: 220kW and 275kW.

Although the manufacturers of the above two Xiaomi cars are all Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd., the follow-up models of Xiaomi should be produced in their own factories. At present, Xiaomi’s automobile factory in Yizhuang, Beijing is under construction. Recently, there is market news that the construction of the project is divided into two stages. The first stage began in April 2022 and has begun to take shape.

In November, Xiaomi held a closed meeting in the park, and invited related enterprises from the mobile phone and automobile supply chain, including BAIC Group. Xiaomi said at the time that the first car of Xiaomi Automobile would be mass-produced in the first half of 2024.

Now, with the real appearance of Xiaomi Automobile in the public list of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, it is also announced that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing smoothly and is expected to be mass-produced and listed in the first half of 2024 as planned.

According to Lei Jun’s plan, the first model of Xiaomi Automobile plans to sell 100,000 vehicles in the first year, and then deliver 900,000 vehicles in the next three years, "entering the first camp in the industry in 2024".

Editor: Xin Zhixun-Linzi

Learn from Apple and Huawei: LI’s "Superclass"

"My Weibo is generated and published by Mind GPT. He is good at surfing the Internet and surfing online. I am responsible for being amiable offline. Weibo’s remarks cannot represent me personally. " Recently, Li Xiang, Chairman and CEO of LI, posted on social platforms.

Li Xiang, Chairman and CEO of LI. Photo courtesy of enterprises

The spring breeze is full of horseshoe disease, and running all the way, LI, led by Li Xiang, has been "super-class" all the way. For a long time, LI has been learning from Apple’s products. Li Xiang said in the first quarter earnings conference call in LI in 2022: "I will look at my own ability after ten years, hoping to make it the same level as Apple."

However, under the pressure of M7, Li wants to lead the team to "learn Huawei in an all-round way" in the second half of 2022. LI, led by the "crazy" Li Xiang, is running wildly in sales, far exceeding Weilai Automobile and Xpeng Motors.

At the same time, LI’s pricing is also "beyond the standard", with the product price range from "150,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan" to "200,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan", and the pricing of pure electric vehicles will exceed 500,000 yuan by the end of the year.

LI’s strategy is also rushing, upgrading from a scale of 10 billion to a comprehensive matrix organization with a scale of 100 billion. Release the "dual energy strategy", build more than 300 high-speed charging stations by the end of 2023, and expand its charging station network to 3,000 by 2025. LI is marching towards 500 billion revenue.

Li Xiang, Chairman and CEO of LI. Photo courtesy of enterprises

Sales are running wild.

"LI has delivered more than 20,000 vehicles for three consecutive months. As of June 18, LI has sold 19,800 vehicles this month, and we will hit the higher monthly sales target of more than 30,000!" Before the Dragon Boat Festival, LI was full of confidence in June sales data.

LI relies on intensive product release. In June, 2022, LI released the Ideal L9, ending the history of living on one car for four years. On the eve of the National Day that year, LI released the ideal L8 of Li ONE replacement model.

At the same time, LI’s "three children" ideal L7 was "premature". At the conference of Ideal L8, LI released Ideal L7 "incidentally". Finally, the ideal L7 came out in February this year.

With the joint blessing of Ideal L7, Ideal L8 and Ideal L9, LI’s monthly sales increased. From January to May this year, the sales volume in LI was 15,100, 16,600, 20,800, 25,700 and 28,300 respectively.

At the same time, Weilai Automobile and Xpeng Motors in Weili met with growing pains. From January to May this year, the sales volume of Weilai Automobile was 8500, 12200, 10400, 6700 and 6200 respectively. In the same period, the sales in Xpeng Motors were 5200, 6000, 7000, 9000 and 7500 respectively.

"All the stocks in Li ONE have been sold out, and the limit of weekly production capacity in June is 7,500 vehicles. The core tasks in the third quarter are: L8 and L9 return to the monthly delivery of 10,000 vehicles, and L7 challenges the monthly delivery of 15,000 vehicles. Li ONE’s inventory sales of more than 600 vehicles per week, L8 Air will all be transformed, and it is not difficult to sell more than 10,000 vehicles per month. " LI Chairman and CEO Li Xiang said.

At the same time, in June, the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology showed that LI was officially granted the qualification of Beijing LI Co., Ltd. According to the current capacity planning, there are two production bases associated with this qualification, namely LI Green Smart Factory in Shunyi District of Beijing and Changzhou Intelligent Manufacturing Base in LI, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province.

At present, Li ONE, Ideal L9, L8 and L7 are all produced by Changzhou Intelligent Manufacturing Base in LI. Beijing Green Smart Factory in Shunyi officially started construction in October, 2021. The factory was transformed by the former Beijing Hyundai No.1 Factory. The whole project investment exceeded 7.5 billion yuan, and it is planned to be officially put into production this year. After commissioning, it will achieve an annual production capacity of 100,000 vehicles.

In pursuit of victory, LI announced in June that the first pure electric vehicle "Ideal MEGA" will be officially released at the end of this year. "I am confident that it will become the first sales volume of all passenger cars with a price of more than 500,000 yuan, regardless of energy form and body form, breaking the traditional cognition that high-end pure electric vehicles cannot become explosives."

The reason why LI can stand out among the new forces in car manufacturing is that Han Weidong, an analyst at Guosen Securities, believes that LI has adopted the dual-technology route of extended-range electric and high-voltage pure electric, which has well adapted to the needs of customers in the period of automobile electrification transformation. In the case that the problem of charging energy for pure electric vehicles still has shortcomings and cannot adapt to all travel scenarios, extended-range electric vehicles are an excellent transitional choice. It has better cost control ability and higher overall operating efficiency. Compared with the mainstream new force car companies, all business indicators and operating indicators in LI are at the best level.

Prices are running wild.

Under the rush of sales, LI’s pricing ceiling continued to break through. The pricing of the first pure electric vehicle "Ideal MEGA" will exceed 500,000 yuan.

As early as February 2021, the price range of products in LI was 150,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan. In August of that year, when it went public in Hong Kong, the LI prospectus adjusted the price range of smart electric vehicle products. The lower limit of the price range has been raised from 150,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan, that is, "strategically focus on new energy vehicles with prices ranging from 200,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan".

Shen Yanan, co-founder and president of LI at that time, told the Beijing News Shell Finance reporter that it is a fast-growing market to further define the product positioning as family-made cars. The market size of 200,000 to 500,000 yuan will exceed 5 million vehicles this year, and it is expected to exceed 8 million vehicles in 2025. We are more willing to focus on this price range. In addition, pricing is also related to the positioning of luxury smart electric vehicles.

In fact, the prices of ideal L7, ideal L8 and ideal L9 are all between 300,000 yuan and 500,000 yuan. Regarding the firm pricing, Li Xiang once said, "Many people say, why doesn’t the ideal reduce the price to less than 300,000? The same problem, consumers do not accept a good brand of medium and large SUVs sold for more than 200,000. "

However, Li thought it might be necessary to pay attention to a situation. In the first quarter of 2023, LI’s revenue was 18.79 billion yuan, and a total of 52,600 new cars were delivered, with an average price of 357,200 yuan. The average price is equivalent to the pricing of the ideal L7. At present, the sales of the ideal L7 also contribute the most.

The price of "Ideal MEGA" will exceed 500,000 yuan, or it is related to LI’s high investment. LI has previously issued a "dual-energy strategy" which includes two major directions: "intelligence" and "electricity". In June, Liu Qiang, the person in charge of power drive in LI, said, "In terms of power strategy, LI will build a 5C model with a charging time of 9 minutes and 30 seconds and a battery life of 400 kilometers, a 5C super charging network and an automatic charging robot to effectively solve the two major problems of slow charging speed and long-distance charging difficulty."

Zeng Duohong, an analyst in soochow securities, believes that the launch of new pure electric products will improve the layout of the company’s new energy vehicle product line. The L series extended range product line will match the pure electric product line launched in 2024-2025, and rely on core technologies such as 800V high voltage +5C battery +Mind GPT+ scenario NOA to help the overall sales/market share increase continuously.

Zhang Xiang, a visiting professor at Huanghe Institute of Science and Technology, believes that the competitiveness and attractiveness of the first pure electric vehicle in LI may not be as good as that of the extended-range vehicle, because the market development stage and situation are different. At first, there were few competing models of extended-range vehicles, and the market was a blue ocean; At present, there are many competitors in the pure electric vehicle market, such as Tesla and BYD.

"Now the market competition is very fierce, the growth rate of the new energy automobile industry is slowing down, and the growth of LI may also slow down. In order to maintain growth, LI should expand its product matrix, and its products should sink. It can’t just do more than 300,000 yuan, but also sink to 200,000 yuan, otherwise the growth momentum may be slowly lost." Zhang Xiang believes.

The strategy is running wild

Li Xiang has always been a fanatical fruit powder, and his products have always been in line with Apple: the doll strategy of "one configuration" is similar to that of the early iPhone with only one model; Drawing lessons from Apple’s product model, besides the Pro version and Max version, the Air version is launched.

Li Xiang was influenced by Huawei again. In June, Li Xiang wrote, "In the third quarter of 2022, the release and trading of M7 in the world directly crippled Li ONE. We have never met such a strong opponent, and for a long time we have no strength to fight back. HW’s super ability directly caused Li ONE’s sales to collapse and stop production in advance. It lost more than one billion in one quarter, and the team was disabled. I couldn’t sleep at all. Our ability was really poor, and it collapsed in the face of people’s very basic moves, which caused a large number of product experts who struggled in the front line to leave. "

In fact, at the end of June, 2022, LI’s "two children" ideal L9 was released, which was called "the best flagship SUV for home use within 5 million" by Li Xiang, and the delivery volume of LI in August of that year suffered a "waist-cutting" drop. In the third quarter of 2022, the delivery volume was 26,524 vehicles, with a year-on-year increase of only 5.6%; The company’s net loss expanded year-on-year.

In fact, the asking M7, regarded by Li Xiang as a super rival, sells for around 300,000 yuan. At that time, Huawei Yu Chengdong proposed that "the goal of M7 is still to surpass the comfortable and intelligent experience of millions of luxury large SUVs and MPVs."

In the face of pressure, Li Xiang introduced that at the end of September 2022, the company held a strategic meeting to reach a consensus to comprehensively study Huawei, upgrade the matrix organization as soon as possible, and be able to fight positional warfare and bid farewell to guerrilla warfare completely. "Our management team has bought no less than ten public books on HW. We were surprised to find that the painful problems we encountered in product research and development, sales and service, supply and manufacturing, and organization of finance and economics were solved more than ten years ago, even twenty years ago."

Determined to learn from Huawei, in December 2022, LI launched a comprehensive matrix organization upgrade with an annual income of 100 billion yuan. "In the development stage from 0-1, speed is efficiency, and the vertical organization model has helped us achieve a revenue scale of 10 billion, and we have done very well; From the development stage of 1-10, quality has become efficiency. We need to use organizational upgrading to achieve a breakthrough in the scale of billions of income and challenge the scale of trillions of income. " Li Xiang said.

At the Shanghai International Auto Show in April, 2023, LI released a "dual-energy strategy" with two directions: intelligence and electric energy. By 2025, LI will form a product layout of "one super flagship+five extended-range electric vehicles+five high-voltage pure electric vehicles", which will be oriented to a market of more than 200,000.

With the continuous high sales volume, when Li Xiang forwarded the news that "new energy vehicles are exempt from vehicle purchase tax" on June 21, he said, "Very good, and directly gave a four-year stability policy. There is no excuse for our team to achieve the strategic goal of the company in 2025. 1.6 million vehicles/year, 500 billion revenue, verified in early 2026! "

Li Xiang and LI running all the way, all the way "super class".

Han Weidong believes that it is predicted that the company’s total revenue in 2023 will continue its rapid growth in recent years, reaching a scale of about 90 billion yuan, mainly due to the rapid increase in automobile sales again. In terms of profitability, it is predicted that the company will turn losses into profits in 2023. Under the background of increasingly fierce competition in the industry, it is expected that marketing and management expenses and research and development expenses will continue to grow at a high rate, which will erode the total profit scale to some extent. At the same time, it is predicted that the company’s revenue level will continue to grow at a faster rate in 2024, reaching a scale of more than 130 billion yuan, and the profit level is expected to be significantly improved.

Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter Chen Weicheng

Editor Xu Chao

Proofread Liu Jun