Ideal launch L9 product experience promotion plan to improve the experience.


  With the delivery of Ideal L9 (Parameter | Inquiry), Ideal Official has recently received a lot of feedback about the product experience. A few days ago, LI officially released the ideal L9 product experience improvement plan, including three-screen simulcast, three-screen simulcast, mobile App car control authority and other functions, all of which are planned to be realized through the next OTA upgrade and the fourth quarter.

LI 2022 Ideal L9

  1. Three-screen simultaneous playback and three-screen simultaneous projection function

  When many people watch videos and play games in the car, the "interoperability" of the three screens is very important. This requires two new functions to support: three screens play the same video or three screens project at the same time.

  In the fourth quarter, three-screen simulcast and three-screen simulcast will be realized through OTA. Iqiyi will be the first application to support three-screen simulcast, and other video applications will follow. At that time, no matter in the front row or the back row, everyone can enjoy watching videos and playing games.

Ideality L9

  In order to better enhance the screen projection experience, we will also launch "Double Type-C Direct Projection Line" and "HDMI to Type-C Direct Projection Line" in the official mall, which is compatible with more game consoles, mobile phones or tablets. It is expected to go online on September 25th.

Ideality L9

  2. Problems of three-screen scanning code login application

  At present, the relationship between the three screens in the L9 car is equivalent to the three tablets we use at home, and the applications in each screen need to scan the code separately to log in. For users who have just picked up the car, it is really cumbersome. In order to solve this problem, we have a preliminary solution at present, and some applications can complete the login of three-screen applications in the same screen in the fourth quarter.

Ideality L9

  3. The sharing function of the car control authority of the mobile App.

  When many people want to use the same car, everyone needs a "mobile phone key", but privacy and convenience need to be taken into account at the same time. At present, we have formed a preliminary plan internally and plan to OTA in the fourth quarter.

  4. Small refrigerator experience improvement

  L9′ s mini refrigerator can only be opened in the second row, but we found that the driver and passenger also have the need to use the mini refrigerator. In the parking scene, when people sitting in one row reach for the small refrigerator in the second row to get drinks, the cooling or heating mode may change due to accidental touch.

Ideality L9

  In order to solve this problem, in the fourth quarter, we will increase the switch of small refrigerator door in the central control panel. At the same time, the continuous working function of the small refrigerator after leaving the car will become a long-term setting item, which can keep the small refrigerator working after locking the car only once.

  5. Air conditioning logic optimization

  In order to make the automatic air-conditioning function meet more people’s car habits, the automatic air-conditioning function of L9 provides "five automatic grades", with the first gear being the weakest and the fifth gear being the strongest.

  In the current logic, after the "automatic mode" is selected in the screen, the "automatic 1st gear" is entered by default, so when the car is very hot, everyone will feel that the cooling is not fast enough. In the next OTA, we will optimize it to "Automatic 3rd gear" by default after selecting the automatic mode, which is also the most comfortable air volume level, taking into account the cooling/heating speed.

Ideality L9

  In the remote air conditioning function, the remote air conditioner will be changed to "automatic 5th gear" by default to realize rapid cooling/heating, which will also be optimized in the next OTA.

  6. The stability of the 5G network of the vehicle is improved

  L9′ s 5G network uses an Internet of Vehicles card, which is different from our commonly used mobile phone card. In the same area, network service providers have different network configuration strategies for car networking cards and mobile phone cards, so their actual network performance may be inconsistent. In the previous network test, we have covered most cities in China, and at present, we are also jointly conducting road tests in more cities to continuously improve the network stability in various regions.

  In addition to the operator’s reasons, some strategies of the car itself may also lead to poor network experience, which may cause problems such as slow recovery of the network in and out of the basement and occasional disconnection of the App car control. We will optimize them in the next OTA and the fourth quarter.

  7. Sound effect optimization

  Based on L9′ s high-quality audio system hardware capability and everyone’s feedback, we optimized the audio effect, which will be realized by OTA in the fourth quarter.

Ideality L9

  8. Navigation-assisted driving experience is improved.

  Navigation-assisted driving relies on high-precision maps, but the update speed of maps can’t keep up with the changes of actual road conditions. For example, after the high-speed construction section in a certain place is over, if the map is not updated in time, it will lead to the degradation of navigation-assisted driving, accompanied by sound reminders. This will cause the use of navigation-assisted driving to be interrupted occasionally, which is not continuous enough.

LI 2022 Ideal L9

  In the fourth quarter, we will combine the ability of map positioning and visual perception to greatly reduce the degradation in the use of navigation-assisted driving functions. At the same time, we will greatly improve the accuracy of the speed limit value of navigation-assisted driving.

  9. Mobile phone Bluetooth key experience optimization

  In the next OTA, we will further optimize the functions of "automatic locking when leaving the car" and "automatic unlocking when approaching" of the Bluetooth key of the mobile phone, so as to solve the problem that the timing of automatic unlocking is inconsistent with everyone’s daily car habits.

  Of course, in addition to the new functions and optimization projects mentioned above, we are still planning more new functions and solving some experience problems, such as the occasional car control of mobile App, inaccurate accompanying mileage in App, etc.

Xiaomi Auto officially unveiled: Beiqi OEM, mass production in the first half of next year!

On November 15th, official website, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, released the contents of the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (the 377th batch) and the Catalogue of Energy-saving and New Energy-using Vehicles with Vehicle and Vessel Tax Exemption (the 56th batch), among which two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars, which have attracted much attention from the market, were officially exposed for the first time.

According to the public information, the two cars exposed by Xiaomi this time are pure electric cars, the models are SU7 and SU7 Max/Pro respectively, the product trademark is "Xiaomi", and the manufacturer is Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.

In terms of size, the length, width and height of the two cars are 4997mm, 1963mm and 1455mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 3000mm, which is positioned as a C-class car.

In addition, the public information shows that the English LOGO with the tail labels "Beijing xiaomi" and "Xiaomi" are also displayed at the rear of the two cars.

In terms of power battery, SU7 is equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery, and the supplier is BYD’s Foday battery. The SU7 Max/Pro is equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s ternary lithium battery;

As for the motor, the motor of SU7 comes from United Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd., and the peak power of driving motor is 220kW. The motor on the SU7 Max/Pro comes from Suzhou Huichuan United Power System Co., Ltd., and there are two power options: 220kW and 275kW.

Although the manufacturers of the above two Xiaomi cars are all Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd., the follow-up models of Xiaomi should be produced in their own factories. At present, Xiaomi’s automobile factory in Yizhuang, Beijing is under construction. Recently, there is market news that the construction of the project is divided into two stages. The first stage began in April 2022 and has begun to take shape.

In November, Xiaomi held a closed meeting in the park, and invited related enterprises from the mobile phone and automobile supply chain, including BAIC Group. Xiaomi said at the time that the first car of Xiaomi Automobile would be mass-produced in the first half of 2024.

Now, with the real appearance of Xiaomi Automobile in the public list of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, it is also announced that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing smoothly and is expected to be mass-produced and listed in the first half of 2024 as planned.

According to Lei Jun’s plan, the first model of Xiaomi Automobile plans to sell 100,000 vehicles in the first year, and then deliver 900,000 vehicles in the next three years, "entering the first camp in the industry in 2024".

Editor: Xin Zhixun-Linzi

Learn from Apple and Huawei: LI’s "Superclass"

"My Weibo is generated and published by Mind GPT. He is good at surfing the Internet and surfing online. I am responsible for being amiable offline. Weibo’s remarks cannot represent me personally. " Recently, Li Xiang, Chairman and CEO of LI, posted on social platforms.

Li Xiang, Chairman and CEO of LI. Photo courtesy of enterprises

The spring breeze is full of horseshoe disease, and running all the way, LI, led by Li Xiang, has been "super-class" all the way. For a long time, LI has been learning from Apple’s products. Li Xiang said in the first quarter earnings conference call in LI in 2022: "I will look at my own ability after ten years, hoping to make it the same level as Apple."

However, under the pressure of M7, Li wants to lead the team to "learn Huawei in an all-round way" in the second half of 2022. LI, led by the "crazy" Li Xiang, is running wildly in sales, far exceeding Weilai Automobile and Xpeng Motors.

At the same time, LI’s pricing is also "beyond the standard", with the product price range from "150,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan" to "200,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan", and the pricing of pure electric vehicles will exceed 500,000 yuan by the end of the year.

LI’s strategy is also rushing, upgrading from a scale of 10 billion to a comprehensive matrix organization with a scale of 100 billion. Release the "dual energy strategy", build more than 300 high-speed charging stations by the end of 2023, and expand its charging station network to 3,000 by 2025. LI is marching towards 500 billion revenue.

Li Xiang, Chairman and CEO of LI. Photo courtesy of enterprises

Sales are running wild.

"LI has delivered more than 20,000 vehicles for three consecutive months. As of June 18, LI has sold 19,800 vehicles this month, and we will hit the higher monthly sales target of more than 30,000!" Before the Dragon Boat Festival, LI was full of confidence in June sales data.

LI relies on intensive product release. In June, 2022, LI released the Ideal L9, ending the history of living on one car for four years. On the eve of the National Day that year, LI released the ideal L8 of Li ONE replacement model.

At the same time, LI’s "three children" ideal L7 was "premature". At the conference of Ideal L8, LI released Ideal L7 "incidentally". Finally, the ideal L7 came out in February this year.

With the joint blessing of Ideal L7, Ideal L8 and Ideal L9, LI’s monthly sales increased. From January to May this year, the sales volume in LI was 15,100, 16,600, 20,800, 25,700 and 28,300 respectively.

At the same time, Weilai Automobile and Xpeng Motors in Weili met with growing pains. From January to May this year, the sales volume of Weilai Automobile was 8500, 12200, 10400, 6700 and 6200 respectively. In the same period, the sales in Xpeng Motors were 5200, 6000, 7000, 9000 and 7500 respectively.

"All the stocks in Li ONE have been sold out, and the limit of weekly production capacity in June is 7,500 vehicles. The core tasks in the third quarter are: L8 and L9 return to the monthly delivery of 10,000 vehicles, and L7 challenges the monthly delivery of 15,000 vehicles. Li ONE’s inventory sales of more than 600 vehicles per week, L8 Air will all be transformed, and it is not difficult to sell more than 10,000 vehicles per month. " LI Chairman and CEO Li Xiang said.

At the same time, in June, the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology showed that LI was officially granted the qualification of Beijing LI Co., Ltd. According to the current capacity planning, there are two production bases associated with this qualification, namely LI Green Smart Factory in Shunyi District of Beijing and Changzhou Intelligent Manufacturing Base in LI, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province.

At present, Li ONE, Ideal L9, L8 and L7 are all produced by Changzhou Intelligent Manufacturing Base in LI. Beijing Green Smart Factory in Shunyi officially started construction in October, 2021. The factory was transformed by the former Beijing Hyundai No.1 Factory. The whole project investment exceeded 7.5 billion yuan, and it is planned to be officially put into production this year. After commissioning, it will achieve an annual production capacity of 100,000 vehicles.

In pursuit of victory, LI announced in June that the first pure electric vehicle "Ideal MEGA" will be officially released at the end of this year. "I am confident that it will become the first sales volume of all passenger cars with a price of more than 500,000 yuan, regardless of energy form and body form, breaking the traditional cognition that high-end pure electric vehicles cannot become explosives."

The reason why LI can stand out among the new forces in car manufacturing is that Han Weidong, an analyst at Guosen Securities, believes that LI has adopted the dual-technology route of extended-range electric and high-voltage pure electric, which has well adapted to the needs of customers in the period of automobile electrification transformation. In the case that the problem of charging energy for pure electric vehicles still has shortcomings and cannot adapt to all travel scenarios, extended-range electric vehicles are an excellent transitional choice. It has better cost control ability and higher overall operating efficiency. Compared with the mainstream new force car companies, all business indicators and operating indicators in LI are at the best level.

Prices are running wild.

Under the rush of sales, LI’s pricing ceiling continued to break through. The pricing of the first pure electric vehicle "Ideal MEGA" will exceed 500,000 yuan.

As early as February 2021, the price range of products in LI was 150,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan. In August of that year, when it went public in Hong Kong, the LI prospectus adjusted the price range of smart electric vehicle products. The lower limit of the price range has been raised from 150,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan, that is, "strategically focus on new energy vehicles with prices ranging from 200,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan".

Shen Yanan, co-founder and president of LI at that time, told the Beijing News Shell Finance reporter that it is a fast-growing market to further define the product positioning as family-made cars. The market size of 200,000 to 500,000 yuan will exceed 5 million vehicles this year, and it is expected to exceed 8 million vehicles in 2025. We are more willing to focus on this price range. In addition, pricing is also related to the positioning of luxury smart electric vehicles.

In fact, the prices of ideal L7, ideal L8 and ideal L9 are all between 300,000 yuan and 500,000 yuan. Regarding the firm pricing, Li Xiang once said, "Many people say, why doesn’t the ideal reduce the price to less than 300,000? The same problem, consumers do not accept a good brand of medium and large SUVs sold for more than 200,000. "

However, Li thought it might be necessary to pay attention to a situation. In the first quarter of 2023, LI’s revenue was 18.79 billion yuan, and a total of 52,600 new cars were delivered, with an average price of 357,200 yuan. The average price is equivalent to the pricing of the ideal L7. At present, the sales of the ideal L7 also contribute the most.

The price of "Ideal MEGA" will exceed 500,000 yuan, or it is related to LI’s high investment. LI has previously issued a "dual-energy strategy" which includes two major directions: "intelligence" and "electricity". In June, Liu Qiang, the person in charge of power drive in LI, said, "In terms of power strategy, LI will build a 5C model with a charging time of 9 minutes and 30 seconds and a battery life of 400 kilometers, a 5C super charging network and an automatic charging robot to effectively solve the two major problems of slow charging speed and long-distance charging difficulty."

Zeng Duohong, an analyst in soochow securities, believes that the launch of new pure electric products will improve the layout of the company’s new energy vehicle product line. The L series extended range product line will match the pure electric product line launched in 2024-2025, and rely on core technologies such as 800V high voltage +5C battery +Mind GPT+ scenario NOA to help the overall sales/market share increase continuously.

Zhang Xiang, a visiting professor at Huanghe Institute of Science and Technology, believes that the competitiveness and attractiveness of the first pure electric vehicle in LI may not be as good as that of the extended-range vehicle, because the market development stage and situation are different. At first, there were few competing models of extended-range vehicles, and the market was a blue ocean; At present, there are many competitors in the pure electric vehicle market, such as Tesla and BYD.

"Now the market competition is very fierce, the growth rate of the new energy automobile industry is slowing down, and the growth of LI may also slow down. In order to maintain growth, LI should expand its product matrix, and its products should sink. It can’t just do more than 300,000 yuan, but also sink to 200,000 yuan, otherwise the growth momentum may be slowly lost." Zhang Xiang believes.

The strategy is running wild

Li Xiang has always been a fanatical fruit powder, and his products have always been in line with Apple: the doll strategy of "one configuration" is similar to that of the early iPhone with only one model; Drawing lessons from Apple’s product model, besides the Pro version and Max version, the Air version is launched.

Li Xiang was influenced by Huawei again. In June, Li Xiang wrote, "In the third quarter of 2022, the release and trading of M7 in the world directly crippled Li ONE. We have never met such a strong opponent, and for a long time we have no strength to fight back. HW’s super ability directly caused Li ONE’s sales to collapse and stop production in advance. It lost more than one billion in one quarter, and the team was disabled. I couldn’t sleep at all. Our ability was really poor, and it collapsed in the face of people’s very basic moves, which caused a large number of product experts who struggled in the front line to leave. "

In fact, at the end of June, 2022, LI’s "two children" ideal L9 was released, which was called "the best flagship SUV for home use within 5 million" by Li Xiang, and the delivery volume of LI in August of that year suffered a "waist-cutting" drop. In the third quarter of 2022, the delivery volume was 26,524 vehicles, with a year-on-year increase of only 5.6%; The company’s net loss expanded year-on-year.

In fact, the asking M7, regarded by Li Xiang as a super rival, sells for around 300,000 yuan. At that time, Huawei Yu Chengdong proposed that "the goal of M7 is still to surpass the comfortable and intelligent experience of millions of luxury large SUVs and MPVs."

In the face of pressure, Li Xiang introduced that at the end of September 2022, the company held a strategic meeting to reach a consensus to comprehensively study Huawei, upgrade the matrix organization as soon as possible, and be able to fight positional warfare and bid farewell to guerrilla warfare completely. "Our management team has bought no less than ten public books on HW. We were surprised to find that the painful problems we encountered in product research and development, sales and service, supply and manufacturing, and organization of finance and economics were solved more than ten years ago, even twenty years ago."

Determined to learn from Huawei, in December 2022, LI launched a comprehensive matrix organization upgrade with an annual income of 100 billion yuan. "In the development stage from 0-1, speed is efficiency, and the vertical organization model has helped us achieve a revenue scale of 10 billion, and we have done very well; From the development stage of 1-10, quality has become efficiency. We need to use organizational upgrading to achieve a breakthrough in the scale of billions of income and challenge the scale of trillions of income. " Li Xiang said.

At the Shanghai International Auto Show in April, 2023, LI released a "dual-energy strategy" with two directions: intelligence and electric energy. By 2025, LI will form a product layout of "one super flagship+five extended-range electric vehicles+five high-voltage pure electric vehicles", which will be oriented to a market of more than 200,000.

With the continuous high sales volume, when Li Xiang forwarded the news that "new energy vehicles are exempt from vehicle purchase tax" on June 21, he said, "Very good, and directly gave a four-year stability policy. There is no excuse for our team to achieve the strategic goal of the company in 2025. 1.6 million vehicles/year, 500 billion revenue, verified in early 2026! "

Li Xiang and LI running all the way, all the way "super class".

Han Weidong believes that it is predicted that the company’s total revenue in 2023 will continue its rapid growth in recent years, reaching a scale of about 90 billion yuan, mainly due to the rapid increase in automobile sales again. In terms of profitability, it is predicted that the company will turn losses into profits in 2023. Under the background of increasingly fierce competition in the industry, it is expected that marketing and management expenses and research and development expenses will continue to grow at a high rate, which will erode the total profit scale to some extent. At the same time, it is predicted that the company’s revenue level will continue to grow at a faster rate in 2024, reaching a scale of more than 130 billion yuan, and the profit level is expected to be significantly improved.

Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter Chen Weicheng

Editor Xu Chao

Proofread Liu Jun

These "rushing to hot search" emergency rescues make this holiday a little warm.

  This May Day holiday, a doctor "rushed to the hot search". He is Dr. Zhao Yipin from Zhoukou Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Henan Province.

  On May 3rd, in Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area, Luoyang, Henan Province, an old man suddenly fainted during the tour. Dr. Zhao not only stepped forward to rescue him, but also silently guarded him until he regained consciousness. Later, Dr. Zhao also received an unexpected "gift".

  Doctors save people during their tour and get free tickets for life in the scenic spot.

  At about 13: 30 on May 3, someone suddenly called for help in the crowd visiting Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area, saying that someone had fainted. Just as the crowd was a little flustered, a tourist quickly went forward to check on the old man.

  It turned out that the tourist’s name was Zhao Yipin and he was a doctor. After preliminarily judging the vital signs, he quickly cleaned up the food residue in the mouth for the elderly, kept the respiratory tract unobstructed and in a suitable position, and stayed with the elderly until she regained consciousness. At present, the elderly are in good health.

  After the incident, after learning of Dr. Zhao’s kindness, the scenic spot quickly found him, exempting him from all the expenses of sightseeing and accommodation in Baiyun Mountain, and enjoying free tickets for life.

  Emergency treatment of female sudden pulmonary embolism by doctors

  At 9 o’clock in the morning of April 30, at the physical examination center of Shangqiu Central Hospital, a woman suddenly felt unwell. Duan Jing, a doctor on the way to the consultation, was hurriedly called by the nurse.

  Duan Jing, Doctor of Physical Examination Center of Shangqiu Central Hospital:She said she wasn’t feeling well and wanted to go to the bathroom. I said, let’s go together with you. When she walked to the glass door, she suddenly fainted. I didn’t feel the pulse at that time, so I thought I had to have CPR for the first time.

  Duan Jing helped the woman do an emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but the woman’s teeth were clenched and she didn’t feel anything.

  At this time, the emergency doctor on duty also came to the rescue. A few minutes later, with the help of many medical staff and enthusiastic citizens, the woman was pushed into the emergency room. After examination, it was learned that the woman was suffering from severe acute pulmonary embolism.

  Wei Bing, Emergency Doctor of Shangqiu Central Hospital:The mortality rate of pulmonary embolism is 45%. She (patient) is now suffering from acute myocardial infarction, and the mortality rate is more than ten times. Especially her massive pulmonary embolism, if not treated in time, there will be no life in ten to twenty minutes.

  Emergency doctor of Shangqiu Central Hospital Shi ZhenkaiThe chest compressions (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) done at the first time won valuable time for the patients.

  At present, the woman’s vital signs have returned to normal and she is receiving further observation and treatment in the hospital.

  The elderly station suddenly became ill, and the police drove to the hospital urgently.

  At about 2 pm on May 3, the police station in Beidaihe Station, Hebei Province received a passenger’s request for help. A 70-year-old man suffered a heart attack and collapsed in the waiting room seat, hoping that the police would help him.

  Police:Did you take your medicine? Do you have any medicine? Pills or something.

  Family members of the elderly:I ate it.

  Police:Just a moment, we are contacting (the hospital).

  Old man:Thank you.

  Police:Don’t worry, our car will pick you up and take you to the hospital.

  Old man:Oh, thank you so much.

  Police:Now you just talk less, don’t talk, don’t worry.

  In order to gain medical treatment time, after obtaining the consent of the elderly and their families, the police used police cars to send the elderly to the hospital for treatment. Due to timely treatment, the elderly are now in good health.

  Peng Zhiqiang, a policeman from Beidaihe Station Police Station:Passengers who have a special medical history or are physically unfit for long-distance travel are advised to travel with their relatives and friends when taking the train, and at the same time, take the commonly used essential medicines with them. In case of emergency, please contact the railway staff and the police for help in time.

How many of the four misunderstandings in computer use have you accounted for?

  As a new favorite of the family, computers have entered the homes of ordinary people. However, due to the lack of basic knowledge of home computers by ordinary users, some seemingly casual actions may directly lead to instant "paralysis" of computers and even damage human health.

  Misunderstanding 1 Clean the screen with anhydrous alcohol

  When the monitor is used for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be dust and stains. Many users think that alcohol, especially high purity (above 95%) is the best cleaner. On the contrary, there is a special protective coating on the screen of the current flat panel display to prevent static electricity and dazzle light. If alcohol is used for cleaning, it is easy to destroy the coating, but the display effect of the display is greatly reduced. In fact, the screen of the monitor, including its shell, cannot be cleaned with solvents such as alcohol, gasoline and washing powder. There is a special cleaner for monitors in the supermarket. Don’t use ordinary thick towels when cleaning the screen, you can wipe it with glasses cloth with better texture.

  Myth 2: The chassis is exposed to heat.

  When the computer is running, especially in summer, its heat dissipation is very large. Some computer enthusiasts directly open the chassis in order to strengthen heat dissipation and facilitate hardware disassembly. Although this method solves the problem of heat dissipation, the "gut opening" of the chassis exposes the hardware, which is easy to accumulate dust, and dust will become the "killer" of the computer over time. In addition, this practice is also harmful to human health. As we all know, CPU, motherboard and power lamp hardware are all high electromagnetic radiation sources, and the chassis can shield most electromagnetic radiation. If you let your body directly "receive" high electromagnetic radiation just to dissipate heat, it will not pay off.

  Myth 3: Cover the dust cover after shutdown.

  When a new computer enters the home, many people will protect it, especially paying attention to dust prevention measures. Dust cover is of course one of the necessary items, but it is not advisable to cover it immediately after shutdown. Although the mainframe has stopped running after shutdown, there is still a lot of heat in the chassis and the back cover of the monitor, and the temperature of various electronic components is very high, which needs to be cooled gradually. If you cover it with a dust cover immediately, it will easily hinder the heat dissipation of the hardware and even seriously affect its service life. It is best to turn off the machine for 1-2 hours and wait until the heat in the chassis is basically dissipated before using the dust cover.

  Misunderstanding 4 Hot-swappable peripherals with electricity

  When performing various hardware operations, some users often plug and unplug the mouse, keyboard and various serial and parallel port devices of PS/2 interface in standby mode. These operations seem normal, and actually have a certain "lethality" to the computer host, which may cause the system or hardware to work abnormally, and may even cause damage to the hardware interface or motherboard. In fact, except for USB, IEEE1394 interface and serial hard disk, all kinds of peripherals of ordinary desktops are not hot-swappable with electricity, so it is suggested that you must operate correctly when the power is turned off to avoid unnecessary losses.

"Village Super" has a new way of playing! Guizhou Rongjiang Food Football Friendly Tournament Begins.

  Xinhua News Agency, Guiyang, August 13th (Reporter Jiang Cheng) On the 13th, as a continuation of the "Village Super" football match, Guizhou Rongjiang Food Football Friendly Tournament (the first season) started in Rongjiang County, Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou Province. On the same day, eight teams from all over the world competed fiercely and presented four wonderful games for the audience.

  On August 13th, the actors performed during the break of the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xushe

  Guangdong and Guizhou cooperated to forge a new road, and Rongjiang merged into Greater Bay Area. At 2: 35pm, accompanied by the cries of tens of thousands of spectators, Rongjiang Villagers Team and Hong Kong Stars Team jointly staged the first football match and kicked out the first kick. This is a friendly and harmonious match between Rongjiang County to build Guizhou into the main position of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area’s "bridgehead" and integrate with Greater Bay Area.

  According to the arrangement of the event, the second game was played by Guizhou University Ecological Tea Team against Guangxi University Sugarcane Juice Team. It is understood that Guizhou University has helped Rongjiang County for more than ten years, helping Rongjiang win the battle against poverty, and now it is an important helping force for rural revitalization in Rongjiang County. Historically, due to the spread of war, Guangxi University moved to Rongjiang in 1944 and brought football to Rongjiang, which is the root of Rongjiang football development. This game is a friendship game between Guizhou and Guangxi universities.

  On August 13th, players of Guangxi University sugarcane juice team showed local delicacies when they entered the stadium. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xushe

  The third game is the match between Qiandongnan Soup Team and Guicheng Bamboo Shoot Team in Foshan City. Foshan City helps Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guangdong and Guizhou are concentric, and mountains and seas are connected. This competition is a dream-building competition for cooperation between the east and the west. At about 8: 30 p.m., Rongjiang Fenfen Team and Nanchang Fenfen Team, both old revolutionary base areas and food capitals, made their debut, contributing to the fourth game of the day, which was not only the inheritance of red blood, but also the collision of food culture.

  It is understood that the competition time of Guizhou Rongjiang Food Football Friendly Tournament (the first season) is from August 13 to October 28, 2023, with a total of 19 games. Considering the influence of the game, the history of Rongjiang football, the cooperation between the east and the west, the theme of the game and other factors, the organizers invited four games in the first week, aiming at producing a wonderful opening game and proofing the subsequent friendly matches.

  On August 13th, spectators dressed in national costumes were watching the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xushe

  The full name of Guizhou "Village Super" is Guizhou Rongjiang (Sanbao Dong Village) and American Country Football Super League, which is a village-level football competition mainly organized and hosted by Rongjiang villagers. Since the opening match started on May 13th, the related content has been viewed more than 30 billion times on the whole platform, making it a "phenomenal" sports event. Before the food football friendly match, Rongjiang received a total of 798 teams, and 297 teams were confirmed to be able to participate, including 83 teams in Guizhou Province and 214 teams outside the province.

  Xu Bo, the county magistrate of Rongjiang County, said in an interview earlier that the purpose of holding the friendly match of gourmet football is to make the brand of "Village Super" bigger and stronger, and gather wisdom to make "Village Super" a sustainable event, so that the bonus of "Village Super" can be shared in many places.

The four departments issued a new subsidy policy for new energy vehicles: 20% lower than the current standard.

  According to the website of the Ministry of Finance, with the approval of the State Council, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the Notice on Adjusting the Financial Subsidy Policy for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the Notice). According to the Notice, except for fuel cell vehicles, the central and local subsidy standards and ceilings for all types of vehicles in 2019-2020 will be reduced by 20% on the basis of the current standards. The policy will be implemented from January 1, 2017.

  The "Notice" pointed out that in terms of new energy buses, with the power battery as the core of subsidy and the production cost and technological progress level of the battery as the accounting basis, the entry threshold for subsidies such as energy consumption level, vehicle driving range, battery/vehicle weight ratio and battery performance level is set, and the vehicle subsidy standard is determined by comprehensively considering factors such as battery capacity, energy density level, charging rate and fuel saving rate. Further improve the subsidy standards for new energy trucks and special vehicles, and verify them according to the method of grading and regressing the battery power that provides driving power. At the same time, the upper limits of central and local subsidies are set respectively, in which the local financial subsidies (the sum of local financial subsidies at all levels) shall not exceed 50% of the central financial bicycle subsidies.

  In terms of batteries, the Notice stated that the new national standard for power batteries was introduced to improve the safety, cycle life, charge and discharge performance and other indicators of power batteries, and set the energy density threshold of power batteries. Improve the technical requirements of fuel cell vehicles.

  The following is the full text of the Notice:

  All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, the finance department (bureau), the competent department of industry and information technology, the science and technology department (bureau, science and technology commission), and the development and Reform Commission:

  In order to further promote the healthy development of the new energy automobile industry, continuously improve the industrial technology level, enhance the core competitiveness, and promote the application of new energy vehicles, with the approval of the State Council, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

  I. Adjust and improve the subsidy policy for popularization and application.

  (1) Raise the threshold of the recommended vehicle catalogue and adjust it dynamically. The first is to increase the energy consumption requirements of the whole vehicle. According to the different kerb quality of pure electric passenger cars, the power consumption requirements of 100 kilometers under corresponding working conditions are increased; According to the vehicle type, the pure electric special vehicle increases the requirements of energy consumption per unit load (Ekg) and power consumption per ton and 100 kilometers; Further improve the energy consumption per unit load (Ekg) requirements of pure electric buses. The second is to improve the threshold requirements for the driving range of the whole vehicle. Improve the driving range requirements of pure electric buses and fuel cell vehicles, and timely adjust the driving range test method of new energy buses from 40km/h constant speed method to working condition method; Gradually increase the driving range threshold of pure electric passenger cars. The third is to introduce a new national standard for power batteries, improve the safety, cycle life, charge and discharge performance and other index requirements of power batteries, and set the energy density threshold of power batteries. Improve the technical requirements of fuel cell vehicles. The fourth is to improve safety requirements. For vehicles with safety accidents caused by product quality, depending on the nature and severity of the accident, the subsidy funds will be deducted and the vehicle or enterprise subsidy qualification will be suspended. The fifth is to establish a market sampling mechanism, strengthen the management of vehicle inspection links, and timely clean up the Catalogue of Recommended Vehicles for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the Catalogue) for enterprises and products that fail to pass the sampling inspection. The sixth is to establish a dynamic management system for the Catalogue. Sales promotion of new energy automobile products can only apply for subsidies after they are included in the Catalogue. If there are still no models actually sold within one year, the qualification of Catalogue will be cancelled. Seventh, supervise and promote the application of new energy vehicles.When applying for subsidies for new energy vehicles purchased by non-individual users, the cumulative mileage must reach 30,000 kilometers (except for special vehicles for operation), and the subsidy standards and technical requirements shall be implemented according to the year when the vehicle obtains the driving license.

  (2) Under the premise of maintaining the overall stability of the subsidy policy from 2016 to 2020, adjust the subsidy standards for new energy vehicles. For new energy buses, the power battery is the core of subsidy, and the production cost and technical progress level of the battery are taken as the accounting basis. The subsidy entry threshold such as energy consumption level, vehicle driving range, battery/vehicle weight ratio and battery performance level is set, and the vehicle subsidy standard is determined by comprehensively considering factors such as battery capacity, energy density level, charging rate and fuel saving rate. Further improve the subsidy standards for new energy trucks and special vehicles, and verify them according to the method of grading and regressing the battery power that provides driving power. At the same time, the upper limits of central and local subsidies are set respectively, in which the local financial subsidies (the sum of local financial subsidies at all levels) shall not exceed 50% of the central financial bicycle subsidies (the detailed plan is attached). In addition to fuel cell vehicles, the central and local subsidy standards and ceilings for all types of vehicles in 2019-2020 will be reduced by 20% on the basis of the current standards. At the same time, relevant ministries and commissions will constantly adjust and improve according to factors such as technological progress, industrial development, and scale of popularization and application of new energy vehicles.

  (3) Improve the allocation of subsidy funds. At the beginning of each year, the production enterprise submits the capital settlement report of the previous year and the sales and operation of products, including sales invoices, technical parameters of products and vehicle registration information, etc. The lead department of new energy vehicle promotion in the place where the enterprise is registered shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, review and verify the materials reported by the enterprise and report them to the lead department of provincial promotion work step by step after publicity. The provincial lead department for the promotion of new energy vehicles shall, jointly with relevant departments, review and focus on spot checks, report the application materials to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Finance, and send a copy to the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Development and Reform Commission. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shall, jointly with relevant departments, review the application reports of all localities, and issue verification reports to the Ministry of Finance in combination with daily verification and key spot checks. The Ministry of Finance shall allocate subsidy funds according to the verification report.

  Second, implement the main responsibility of popularization and application

  (A) production enterprises are responsible for ensuring the authenticity and accuracy of the promotion information of new energy vehicles. Production enterprises should strictly abide by the relevant laws, regulations, standards and institutional measures of the state and industry; We should strengthen the management and control of our own production and sales links, and be responsible for the authenticity and reliability of the promotion information of new energy vehicles reported together with the sales enterprises; We should formulate a feasible control scheme, use product information management system, etc., and strengthen the management of sales information of its distributors at all levels. Sales enterprises should strictly check every sales information to ensure that the product promotion information and consumer information reported step by step are true, accurate and searchable. Production enterprises should establish an enterprise monitoring platform to reflect the sales and operation of vehicles comprehensively, truly and in real time, and report relevant information in a timely and accurate manner in accordance with relevant national requirements, by unifying interfaces and data exchange protocols. New vehicles must be equipped with remote monitoring equipment such as vehicle-mounted terminals; Vehicles have been shipped or sold before 2016, providing users with free installation services; For vehicles sold to individual consumers, personal privacy should be strictly protected in information collection and management.

  (two) the local government is responsible for the implementation of supporting policies, organization and promotion. Local governments should conscientiously implement the requirements of relevant documents of the State Council, assume the main responsibility for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, clarify the local lead department for the promotion of new energy vehicles, and earnestly do a good job in organizing and implementing the promotion of new energy vehicles. First, adjust and improve local support policies. Local governments at all levels should, in light of local conditions, scientifically formulate promotion plans for new energy vehicles, increase support for the charging infrastructure of new energy vehicles, intensify the renewal and replacement of new energy vehicles in public services such as urban public transport, rental and sanitation, and strengthen supervision and inspection of enterprises. The second is to strengthen the management of fund use. The local lead department for the promotion of new energy vehicles shall, jointly with the relevant departments, earnestly undertake the supervision of the management of the declaration and use of financial funds, and strictly review and check the aspects of vehicle licensing, vehicle operation, subsidy declaration and data review according to their respective responsibilities; The management of vehicle inspection should be strengthened to ensure that the core components such as vehicle and battery are consistent with the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (hereinafter referred to as the Announcement) when the vehicle is delivered for use; A system of accountability should be established, and those responsible for lax control should be investigated according to law, and penalties for dishonest enterprises such as fraudulent compensation should be increased. Local financial departments should strengthen the management of financial funds and allocate subsidy funds according to the actual promotion of enterprises to ensure the safety and effectiveness of subsidy funds. The third is to establish and improve the local supervision platform. Relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) should establish a local supervision platform for new energy vehicles, timely summarize and sort out the data submitted by enterprises, dock with the national supervision platform, and strengthen the supervision and management of vehicles in the region.The fourth is to optimize the industrial development environment. It is not allowed to implement the restriction and purchase restriction policy for new energy vehicles. The national unified Catalogue shall be strictly implemented, and obstacles shall not be set up or disguised to restrict foreign brand vehicles and parts, foreign charging facilities construction and operating enterprises from entering the local market.

  (three) the relevant departments of the state will strengthen the supervision and inspection of popularization and application. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology takes the lead in establishing a national supervision platform for new energy vehicles, and through this platform, it conducts daily supervision on the promotion and application of new energy vehicles (private purchase of passenger cars may be relaxed as appropriate). In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will establish a verification system for the promotion of new energy vehicles with relevant departments, and regularly and irregularly organize third-party institutions or relevant provincial departments to carry out verification and spot checks on the promotion information of new energy vehicles.

  Third, establish a punishment mechanism

  (1) For enterprises that seek compensation in violation of regulations and cheat compensation by means of false report or impersonator, the relevant funds sought and defrauded in violation of regulations shall be recovered, the illegal income shall be confiscated, and the relevant enterprises and personnel shall be fined and punished according to the Regulations on Penalties and Punishment for Financial Violations, and those suspected of committing crimes shall be investigated and dealt with by judicial organs. At the same time, according to the seriousness of the circumstances, take punishment measures such as suspending or canceling the "Announcement" of vehicle production enterprises and products and canceling the eligibility for subsidy funds. For those who do not cooperate with the verification of promotion information, and the relevant departments verify and spot check that false sales, product configuration and technical status are inconsistent with the Announcement and Catalogue, uploaded data are inconsistent with the actual situation, and vehicles are idle after receiving subsidies, depending on the seriousness of the case, they will take punishment measures such as deducting subsidy funds, canceling the qualification for applying for subsidy funds, suspending or canceling the Announcement of vehicle manufacturers or products. For products with potential safety hazards and safety accidents in application, depending on the nature and severity of the accident, punishment measures such as stopping production, ordering immediate correction and suspending the eligibility for subsidy funds shall be taken.

  (II) Government agencies and their staff who assist enterprises to defraud financial subsidy funds by means of false report or impersonator shall be investigated for corresponding responsibilities in accordance with the Civil Service Law, the Administrative Supervision Law and other laws and regulations; Those suspected of committing a crime shall be transferred to judicial organs for handling.

  (III) In areas where the management system is not perfect, the audit is not strict, the verification work is poorly organized, and there are fraudulent behaviors of enterprises, informed criticism will be given and infrastructure award funds will be deducted according to the seriousness of the situation.

  This notice will be implemented as of January 1, 2017, and other relevant regulations will continue to be implemented in accordance with the Notice on Financial Support Policies for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles in 2016-2020 (Cai Jian [2015] No.134).

Hans Zhang’s biggest problem is not greasy, but no entertainment spirit.

To say that the person who can climb the hot search list every day in recent days is not the latest young top stream, but Murong Yunhai-Hans Zhang, who was known to the whole country with meteor rain more than ten years ago.

No matter which entertainer is in the entertainment circle, it must be a good thing to go online for hot search. After all, it means higher exposure. Unfortunately, it’s not that Hans Zhang has anything good to do with the hot search. The hot topic of this round of search is the drama Gentlemen of East Eight Districts, which was produced, written and starred by Hans Zhang himself.

A TV series with such a high volume of content has attracted everyone’s attention, not because it is so good-looking, but because it is beyond measure. Winning the historic score of 2.1 points has successfully become the lowest record in domestic film and television dramas in Douban score. There is more than a little bit of sadness in the play, and the source of all this is of course our producer, screenwriter and starring Hans Zhang.

In this regard, some netizens teased that Hans Zhang had taken over the greasy work of domestic male stars in an all-round way, which can be called an unprecedented and unprecedented master. But the question is, is Hans Zhang just greasy? In fact, his biggest problem is not greasy, but no entertainment spirit.

Said he didn’t have a strong spirit of entertainment, there have been two well-known events, which reflects this.

Once it was an expression pack incident.

Hunan Satellite TV followed suit to shoot Korean dramas, and produced a super-power TV series similar to You from the Stars, so it invited Hans Zhang to star in this drama-Different Handsome Man. Most netizens mentioned this drama, and they should not remember it at all.

However, there is a special expression pack in this drama, that is, looking back and smiling from Hans Zhang. This screenshot showing 18 big white teeth has made everyone spoof. Netizens are actually not malicious, they just think it’s fun. Many stars, such as Jacky Cheung and Z.TAO, have experienced it and let the whole network take it as an expression pack. Stars, their existence is to let the audience entertain.

It happened that Hans Zhang was unconvinced and blacked out several marketing numbers that forwarded this emoticon. Some of them went too far, so he simply sued them directly. Later, he also responded to this incident and explained plausibly: "At that time, I just met a low state and was teased by others. During that time, I was very uncomfortable. I slept for three hours every day and took sleeping pills every day."

However, when netizens heard him talk like this, they didn’t feel that Hans Zhang at that time was distressing, but it made people feel that he couldn’t afford to play. There are more people in the entertainment circle than Zhang Hanhong, who are subjected to black, slander, rumors and personal attacks. I have never seen others come forward to find so many reasons and excuses for themselves.

There was a discordant episode before the big explosion drama "Shanshan is coming" was broadcast and a preview was released in advance. There is a clip in the preview, in which Feng Teng, the hero played by Hans Zhang, said to Shanshan, the heroine played by Zhao Liying, "I want everyone to know that this fish pond has been contracted by you." Then, a film and television blogger intercepted the video and sent a long picture saying, "I really don’t understand, there is nothing to show off."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is just a joke of a blogger who spits. When the TV series is combined in the later stage, there is a reason for the hero to say this sentence. He wants to reassure his beloved woman and use the fish pond as a metaphor.

And Hans Zhang didn’t have the courage to hold his breath at all. He went to Weibo directly, and even swore, "Because I am your good father, my sons go out every day to embarrass themselves and lose their moral integrity. How can dad earn money to support you if he doesn’t pretend?" Originally, it was a small-scale spit, but as a result, a stone stirred up a thousand waves at once, making countless people think that he was so stupid. Today, the blogger is on Hans Zhang’s Lahei list.

Artists walking in the entertainment circle, if they don’t have any entertainment spirit, then they should take pictures with peace of mind, isolate themselves from the audience, try to show people with their roles, take filming as their work, and don’t expose their temperament. If there is no way to be single-minded and just shoot movies, you should keep interacting with fans and netizens. Even if you can’t cultivate an invulnerable diamond heart, you should at least have the entertainment spirit of being willing to play with the public.

The three ministries and commissions issued a series of policies to encourage consumption, and the automobile industry became the focus.


  Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and other three ministries and commissions issued a series of policies to encourage consumption to promote the upgrading of key consumer goods such as automobiles, household appliances and consumer electronics. Among them, the cost of new energy vehicles is greatly reduced, and it is strictly forbidden to introduce new car purchase restrictions in various places. All localities are not allowed to restrict or purchase new energy vehicles, and so on. What is the background of the "prohibition order"? How much automobile consumption potential is expected to be released? How should all localities do a good job in implementation? Our reporter interviewed relevant experts — —

  A few days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Ministry of Commerce issued the Implementation Plan for Promoting the Updating and Upgrading of Key Consumer Goods and Smooth Resource Recycling (2019— 2020) (hereinafter referred to as the "implementation plan"), put forward a series of measures to promote automobile consumption, which aroused social concern.

  Consumption potential needs to be released

  The "Implementation Plan" proposes that, on the one hand, all localities should not impose restrictions or purchase restrictions on new energy vehicles, and those that have been implemented should be cancelled. Encourage local governments to give support to car-free families to purchase the first home new energy vehicle. On the other hand, it is strictly forbidden to introduce new automobile purchase restriction regulations in various places. Local governments that have implemented automobile purchase restriction should speed up the shift from restricting purchase to guiding use according to the effect of urban traffic congestion, pollution control and traffic demand control.

  "This policy is highly targeted, which is not only a major positive for new energy automobile enterprises, but also means that there will be no new cities with restricted purchases in the future, which is conducive to breaking the barriers to passenger car consumption." Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, said.

  At present, how big is the automobile consumption potential of cities with restricted purchases? Li Xianjun, director of the Tsinghua University Automobile Development Research Center, said that as of the end of March 2019, the number of effective applications for waiting for lottery cars in Hangzhou had reached 819,000, including 802,000 individuals; As of April 26, 2019, the number of valid applications for waiting for lottery cars in Shenzhen has reached 1.227 million, including 1.209 million individuals, which is equivalent to the annual sales of passenger cars in Russia; As of April 8, 2019, there were 3.689 million car purchases in Beijing, including 3.209 million individuals, which is more than the demand of European countries in one year.

  "The above three cities have a total of 5.735 million lottery numbers. If this part of the car purchase potential can be released, it will account for 20.4% of domestic car sales last year and 24.8% of passenger cars." Li Xianjun said, "Even if an average family of three people participate in the lottery at the same time, the potential purchasing power will reach 1.91 million, which is expected to contribute 6.8% to the increase in automobile consumption."

  The "Implementation Plan" also emphasizes that localities should reasonably set up congestion areas in combination with road congestion and guide their use. "Intelligent management of vehicle traffic should be realized, and the number of times vehicles enter congested areas should be restricted to prevent excessive use of motor vehicles." Li Xianjun said.

  Aim at pain points and promote consumption

  "In addition to canceling the restrictions and purchases of new energy vehicles, the" Implementation Plan "also proposes to vigorously promote the electrification, intelligence and greening of the automobile industry, and strive to enhance the supply guarantee capability of new products." Wu Songquan, chief expert of China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd. and deputy chief engineer of Information Institute, believes that the Implementation Plan focuses on many bottlenecks and difficult problems in the consumption of new energy vehicles and clearly puts forward targeted measures.

  In view of the cost of new energy vehicles, the "Implementation Plan" proposes that the cost of new energy vehicles should be greatly reduced. Specific measures include accelerating the research and development and industrialization of a new generation of vehicle power batteries, improving the energy density and safety of batteries, gradually realizing battery platformization and standardization, and reducing battery costs. Guide enterprises to innovate business models, promote the separation of consumption modes of new energy vehicles, such as battery leasing, and reduce the cost of car purchase. Optimize product access management, avoid repeated certification, and reduce enterprise operating costs.

  "The key to reducing costs lies in batteries, which is also an important factor restricting the development of new energy vehicles at present." Cui Dongshu said that it was planned that the battery density of new energy vehicles would reach 260 WHr/kg in 2020, but it is still difficult now, so it is necessary to increase research and development.

  In view of the "anxiety" in the use of new energy vehicles, the "Implementation Plan" proposes to speed up the development of new energy vehicles with convenient use. Specific measures include focusing on pain points such as short driving range and long charging time, drawing lessons from the power exchange mode and application experience in the public service field, and encouraging enterprises to develop new energy vehicle products with the combination of charging and replacing, flexible battery configuration and long driving range. Promote the development and application of high-power fast charging, wireless charging, mobile charging and replacing electricity and other technical equipment, and improve the convenience of charging and replacing new energy vehicles.

  Cui Dongshu believes that the development of new energy vehicles is characterized by the rapid increase in driving range and the obvious large-scale vehicles. At present, the development of micro-electric vehicles is slow and there is a big demand gap. Therefore, the "Implementation Plan" emphasizes that the development of new energy vehicle products that take into account the length of driving range is not only in the right direction, but also forward-looking.

  The "Implementation Plan" also proposes to speed up the update of vehicles in urban public areas. Promote the upgrading of vehicles in urban public areas, accelerate the use of new energy or clean energy vehicles for new and updated buses, sanitation, postal services, taxis, commuting and light logistics distribution vehicles in urban built-up areas, and reach 80% in key areas for air pollution prevention and control by the end of 2020. Encourage local governments to increase support for the operation of new energy vehicles and reduce the use cost of new energy vehicles.

  "In key regional cities for air pollution prevention and control, new energy or clean energy vehicles will account for 80% of vehicles used in the public sector. This is a rigid indicator and will have a huge pulling effect on the new energy automobile industry." Cui Dongshu said.

  "The" Implementation Plan "puts forward a series of measures to promote the consumption of new energy vehicles, focusing on the bottlenecks and pain points of current automobile consumption, especially new energy vehicle consumption, which is of great significance for promoting the upgrading of key consumer goods such as automobiles." Wang Qing, deputy director and researcher of the Institute of Market Economy of the State Council Development Research Center, said that the introduction of the "prohibition order" meets the needs of consumers and the market, which is conducive to the overall consideration of the combination of long and short, and promotes the upgrading of consumption.

  Guangzhou and Shenzhen took the lead in responding.

  The "Implementation Plan" also proposes to innovate and develop smart cars; Accelerate the elimination of old cars and the renewal of vehicles in urban public areas, and actively promote the upgrading of rural vehicle consumption; Vigorously promote the circulation and consumption of used cars, actively guide the innovation of auto financial products, and gradually improve the infrastructure such as charging and replacing electricity and parking.

  Cui Dongshu said that this policy has a good guiding role in the development and market of new energy automobile industry, and it is good for local governments, enterprises and consumers. The key lies in how local governments introduce specific measures to further refine and implement them.

  In January this year, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transport and other ten ministries and commissions jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for Further Optimizing Supply, Promoting Steady Growth of Consumption and Promoting the Formation of a Strong Domestic Market (2019)", focusing on six measures to promote automobile consumption. Among them, the requirements for the gradual liberalization of the automobile purchase restriction policy are included.

  Up to now, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have taken action. On June 2, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Transportation and Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Transportation respectively issued the Notice on Increasing the Allocation Quota of Incremental Indicators for Small and Medium-sized Passenger Cars. Starting from June this year, Shenzhen will increase the allocation quota of incremental indicators for ordinary cars by 40,000 per year from 2019 to 2020 on the basis of the original regulation target of 80,000 per year. On the basis of the original quota, Guangzhou will increase the number of small and medium-sized passenger cars by 100,000 from June this year to December 2020.

  "The market is one of the core elements of industrial competition." Li Xianjun pointed out that automobile is one of the industries with the largest impact coefficient on the national economy, the strongest employment, the most remarkable development of related industries and the strongest ability to integrate new technologies. At present, the number of cars with 1,000 people in China is more than 170, which is not only far lower than that of developed countries, but also lower than the world average. This means that there is still much room for growth in China’s automobile consumption. Especially with the rapid development of new technologies and the emergence of new products, China’s automobile industry contains great innovation vitality and potential. Therefore, we should constantly optimize the consumption environment, smooth the recycling of resources, continuously release the potential of domestic demand, further promote the upgrading of automobile consumption and promote the formation of a strong domestic market.

Just after the auspicious day of Wenchang Yaojun, I have prepared some gift boxes to help me study with wisdom and intention, and recommend the Plus version.

Original title: Just after the auspicious day of Wen Chang Xi Jun, I have prepared some gift boxes to help me study smartly and attentively, and recommend the Plus version.

In southern Fujian and Taiwan Province, Wen Chang has always been highly regarded, and everyone knows that he is the master in charge of the examination and writing of subjects, and he is a scholar who pays special attention to the title of subjects. The above pictures were taken by me earlier when I visited Wen Kui and Wenchang in Longshan Temple, Taipei, and they were also for the guests who married Wenchang.

Every year, the third day of the second month of the lunar calendar is the spring festival in Wenchang’s ceremony, and it is also one of the particularly good days to read books twice a year.One is on the third day of February, and the other is on the first day of August, which are auspicious days for you in Wenchang.)。

As in previous years, after the Spring Festival in Wenchang, San, in early February of the lunar calendar, some [Wenchang Kui] were also prepared for limited release to fans or their families who need to study more/learn their luck well in the coming year to protect your efforts.

People often ask, who can ask for education?

All kinds of students, company employees, and corporate employees can choose, and try their best to improve their intelligence and study smoothly. In addition to general academic evaluation, industry professional evaluation and workplace rating evaluation can all help (including small university, foreign language, and industry employees’ evaluation)

In the past, old customers always urged me to try my luck. Since it was launched, I have received quite a lot of positive feedback from to be no.1. I will briefly talk about three cases that benefited from Wenchang Daiwei and Wenchang Luojun:

In case A, an old man came to my guest for his own feelings, and he was preoccupied with his nephew’s future. My nephew lingered in the last third of the class before his graduation. At that time, he chose an auspicious time after 1: 00 a.m. to arrange Wenchang for her, but she gritted her teeth and did it anyway. Later, my nephew successfully got a copy.

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