Exercise is medicine, and running scientifically won’t hurt your knees.

     During the National Day, there was a news in the sports circle that attracted the attention of all parties, that is, Academician Li Jian ‘an, a well-known expert in rehabilitation medicine in China, an international academician of the National Medical College of the United States and director of the Rehabilitation Medicine Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, successfully completed seven challenges in seven days during the National Day.

  The 69-year-old academician proved people’s adaptability and endurance potential with practical actions. Netizens have also commented on this, praising Academician Li Jian ‘an’s amazing physical quality and extraordinary perseverance. At the same time, there are also some doubts: Is such a huge amount of exercise really harmless to the body?

  Recently, at the 6th China Changzhou International Sports Rehabilitation Conference, Academician Li Jian ‘an made a main report, in which he also mentioned his personal marathon experience and understanding of marathon.

  Behind the "7 days and 7 horses", you should also know these things.

  A pair of running shoes

  Let him experience the benefits of sports.

  The benefits of exercise to organs, bones, brain and other tissues and organs must be well known, and before 2015, Academician Li’s cognition of the benefits of exercise was mainly at the theoretical level.

  Academician Li’s running career began on January 6, 2016, because from 2013 to 2015, his physical condition went from bad to worse, he often caught a cold, and it was a serious viral infection, and his immunity decreased significantly. At this time, a friend who often runs gave him a pair of running shoes, so he naturally started running.

  On September 22, 2016, in the morning run, he accidentally fell and landed on the outside of his right foot. After examination, the fracture of the base of the fifth metatarsal was found.

  Fully aware of his physical condition and solid medical knowledge, Academician Li has a bold idea: promoting rehabilitation through exercise.

  So, he began the self-experiment of active rehabilitation:

  Twelve days after the fracture, he climbed the Purple Mountain.

  Eighteen days after his fracture, he limped for 10 kilometers in Xuzhou.

  On the 70th day after the fracture, he took part in the Nanjing Half Marathon.

  On December 11th, 2016, the 80th day after the fracture, he completed the first "all-horse race" in Guangzhou Marathon in 5 hours and 54 minutes. At this point, his right foot has basically recovered.

  Just after the horse race in 2016, Academician Li lost 14 kilograms, and also lost some health problems related to weight, such as hyperlipidemia, osteoporosis and fatty liver. His current bone density is equivalent to that in his 40 s. Especially since the day of running, I have never caught a cold and never got sick. Taking part in sports personally made him feel the benefits of sports.

  "Exercise is medicine"

  There are many benefits to health.

  Because of the multiple benefits of exercise to health, we often say that "exercise is a good medicine". But at the meeting, Academician Li said that he called it "exercise is medicine" because all medicines have side effects, and exercise is no exception. If you don’t have a comprehensive understanding of your physical condition and lack a scientific and reasonable exercise program, you are likely to get hurt in sports.

  For example, sudden high-intensity exercise in a short period of time will reduce our own immunity, especially high-intensity exercise for more than 90 minutes, which is also known as the "window-opening theory" of decreased immunity after exercise.

  Generally, 2-3 hours after high-intensity and long-term exercise, the innate immune system of the body begins to enter a busy working state, which will lead to the decline of the immune system’s resistance to external antigens.

  Therefore, it is easier to be attacked by viruses, bacteria and fungi at this time, and this process may last until 24 hours after exercise. Therefore, we should pay attention to controlling the intensity of exercise, step by step, and pay attention to the recovery after exercise.

  Many people will say that running hurts their knees when they mention running.

  Academician Li said: You think too much! Reasonable exercise will not only wear joints, but also make joints stronger and more durable, and reduce the incidence of arthritis. Only 3.5% of fitness runners suffer from hip and knee arthritis, while those who are sedentary have an arthritis rate of 10.5%. It is not running that hurts the knee, but running incorrectly will hurt the knee.

  Academician Li has hardly caused any pain in the competition in recent years, and his physical function has not decreased due to excessive exercise, which shows that the amount of exercise is within the controllable range.

  Academician Li also hopes that more people can understand the mechanism of human movement, master scientific sports knowledge, find a suitable exercise program, truly turn "sports are medicine" into "sports are good doctors" and enjoy the health and fun that sports bring us.

  "7 days and 7 horses"

  Three key words for finishing the game

  Throughout Academician Li Jian ‘an’s experience in horse racing since 2016, he completed one full horse and two half horses in 2016, two full horses and eight half horses in 2017, 13 full horses and nine half horses in 2018, 14 full horses and four half horses in 2019, and 10 full horses and seven half horses in seven days in 2020.

  These horse racing experiences also reflect the key points mentioned by Academician Li at the meeting: individualization, step by step, perseverance, and upholding these three key words to create a personal health curve in a wise way.

  The first thing is to make a suitable exercise program, because everyone’s exercise ability and exercise experience are different. At the same time, pay attention to the recovery after exercise, such as stretching, massage, hydrotherapy and other ways to relax and recover after running, and cooperate with nutritional supplements. Carbohydrate, protein and branched-chain amino acids are all nutritional elements that need to be supplemented after long-distance running.

  Rome was not built in a day. From Academician Li’s horse racing experience, we can also see the gradual progress of his exercise and his perseverance in the past five years. Most runners are amateurs, without systematic training, and often the amount of training can’t keep up with the intensity of the competition.

  Although academician Li’s record of 7 days and 7 horses is really enviable, we can’t easily follow suit. In addition to comprehensive and systematic training, we need to have a precise grasp of our own recovery and pace design. I believe that Academician Li has also made a perfect plan for his pace during the seven-day challenge.

  Academician Li Jian ‘an hopes to share the knowledge of rehabilitation medicine and sports experience accumulated in the marathon with more people, so that more runners and ordinary people can run scientifically and enjoy the health and happiness brought by sports.

  His plan is: "When I first started running, I felt satisfied with running a marathon in my life. Now it seems that there is no pressure to run 100 marathons. My goal now is to run a hearty one when I am 100 years old!"

  Beginners of running had better start from walking.

  For beginners who have just started to participate in running, it is forbidden to run at high intensity at the beginning. The training plan is best to start from walking, gradually transition to the combination of walking and running, and finally transition to running. When a junior runner prepares for running training, he must first master the following skills:

  Step 1 walk briskly

  Walking briskly is an entry-level sport for running, which can also be understood as walking fast. When walking briskly, you should hold your head up, chest up and abdomen in, and speed up the pace, instead of increasing the stride. Your arms bend at 90 degrees and swing naturally with your body.

  Step 2: Timing

  When running, we should grasp each training time by ourselves. For example, a training plan is: ① walk for 5 minutes to warm up; ② run for 2 minutes+walk for 2 minutes; cycle for 25 minutes; ③ walk for the last 5 minutes to relax. If there is a timer with reminding function during training, set the time in advance, and we can be reminded to switch training modes when it is time.

  3. Heart rate monitoring

  Some runners may see the training effect by weighing themselves. In fact, the heart rate during running is an important indicator to measure the intensity of exercise. Therefore, we should pay attention to our own heart rate changes during running, and it is best to control the novice’s rate in the running center at 50%-80% of the reserve heart rate.

  4. Cross-training

  At the beginning of running, it is best to add some other exercise methods, such as cycling and swimming, so that on the one hand, it can alleviate the impact of simple running on the legs, on the other hand, it can also enhance the strength of the legs.

  Academician Li also gave four suggestions to the racers:

  Do what you can, don’t exceed your ability.

  2. Do a good job of warm-up, especially after the finish line, which is prone to problems. Walk for at least 5-10 minutes after the race, and don’t stop.

  3. Adhere to the principle of gradual progress and perseverance, strengthen daily exercise, and don’t rush to participate in the competition.

  4. Make sure you feel good about yourself. If you feel flustered, chest tightness, headache, shortness of breath and poor walking stability, you should slow down or even stop the game immediately.

  Comprehensive report by China News Service and CCTV in Yangzi Evening News

Changhong Meiling obtained the patent of beauty display screen, which realized the beauty function of the display screen and improved the user experience.

Patent abstract shows that the invention discloses a beauty display screen installed on a refrigerator panel through a fixed structure. And relate to that technical field of mirror beauty mirrors of refrigerator. The invention comprises a display screen body; The surface of the display screen body is plated with a nano-scale film layer; The fixing structure comprises a circular outer box cover, an embedded box and a refrigerator door body; The display screen body is arrange on one side of that outer box cov; The embedded box is clamped and fixed on the inner side of the refrigerator door body through a buckle and a T-shaped hook; The outer box cover is clamped and installed on the embedded box through L-shaped claws and L-shaped buckles. Accord to that invention, the nano-scale film layer is arrange on the glass plate with the semi-transparent and semi-reflective optical film, so that the beauty function of the display screen body is realized, and the user experience is improved; When installing and disassembling, it is only necessary to control the elongation and contraction of the miniature electric telescopic rod; Realize the quick loading and unloading of beauty display screen; It avoids the complicated steps of dismounting the embedded box when dismounting, which is convenient and quick.

Heavy rain, heavy rain! When the precipitation concentration period comes, it will thunder! When cold air arrives, it will snow in these places. ……

Under the constant force of warm and humid air, the recent rain and Zhejiang are particularly deeply fettered. From January 29th to February 2nd, it has rained for five days in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jinhua, Quzhou and Zhoushan, which is the fulfillment of the saying "sunny winter solstice, bad year". Yesterday, the rain didn’t slack off at all, including moderate to heavy rain in northwest Zhejiang. This morning, Zhejiang was covered with thick clouds. The lowest temperature was 3-5℃ in the north-central part of Zhejiang and 6-9℃ in the south of Zhejiang.

Rain is still active today and tomorrow, especially from tonight to tomorrow. On the 5th, the first rain intermission came, and it was cloudy to cloudy in the whole province. In particular, it should be reminded that it is warm and humid, unstable energy accumulates in the atmosphere, and it confronts the cold air that continues to go south, and lightning will appear again. There will be lightning in our province from tonight to tomorrow, so we need to be vigilant and take precautions!

On the 6th, with the strengthening of warm and humid air flow and the infiltration of cold air, a new round of precipitation will be started again, and the temperature will also experience a wave of first drop and then return to temperature. Among them, from the night of the 6th to the day of the 7th, there will be snow in the mountainous areas in central and northern Zhejiang, which is sleet or light snow.

On 7-8 days, there is a northerly wind of 8-9 in the coastal waters of Zhejiang, so pay attention! The rain is still interesting, and it will stop gradually. It will be fine weather from New Year’s Eve to the third day of the year, and the sun will appear.

The specific forecast is as follows:

From noon to evening today: there is light rain in northern Zhejiang and central and western Zhejiang, with moderate to heavy rain and local thunderstorms; It’s cloudy in other areas, and sometimes there is light rain in some areas.

From tonight to tomorrow: there is moderate to heavy rain in the whole province, including local heavy rain in central and southern Zhejiang, which may be accompanied by lightning.

The day after tomorrow: the whole province is cloudy to cloudy. Among them, there will be 6-8 northwest gusts in northern Zhejiang from tomorrow evening to the day after tomorrow.

The lowest temperature tomorrow morning: northern Zhejiang: 2-4 degrees; Southern Zhejiang: 7-9 degrees; Other areas: 5-7 degrees; The highest temperature in the daytime tomorrow: south Zhejiang and southeast coastal areas: 10-12 degrees; Other areas: 5-7 degrees

Editor: Zhejiang Weather Network

Please indicate "Source: Zhejiang Weather Network" for reprinting.

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You don’t know so many benefits of swimming?

Swimming is a sport suitable for all ages. Proper swimming can not only make people happy physically and mentally, shape their bodies, but also enhance the function of cardiovascular system, physical fitness and human coordination. Next, let’s learn more about the benefits of swimming.

Athletes who leap into the swimming pool (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

1. Plastic body and beauty.Swimming is the best way to lose weight. When swimming in water, the body suffers great resistance. When swimming for more than a certain time, the fat in the body begins to burn. Even if you soak in the swimming pool, because the water temperature in the swimming pool is generally lower than the human body temperature, in order to maintain the body temperature, the human body will automatically consume heat. Therefore, exercising in water is more effective than exercising in the air, with twice the result with half the effort, and can also exercise the muscles around the internal organs.

2. Enhance cardiopulmonary function.This is because the blood return speed of the heart will be greatly improved by the friction of the water flow on the human body. This kind of systemic exercise increases the blood transfusion of the heart and brain, which is also beneficial to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

3. Enhance cold resistance.Human capillaries will contract when they meet cold water, and will expand due to lack of oxygen during exercise, which will enhance the ability of the nervous system to control the contraction and expansion of capillaries and enhance the cold resistance of the human body to some extent.

In addition, the World Wide Web pointed out that swimming can also improve people’s coordination, because swimming is a synchronized movement of limbs, and long-term swimming will make limbs more flexible. Swimming also has a certain skin care effect. In the process of swimming, water washes the skin, which can promote blood circulation and make the skin more moist.

Although swimming has many benefits, there are also precautions!

1. Avoid swimming on an empty stomach.In the process of swimming on an empty stomach, accidents may be caused by lack of physical strength, while over-satiated swimming will affect digestion and may cause stomach cramps and even vomiting.

2. Avoid swimming after strenuous exercise.Qilu Evening News pointed out that swimming directly after strenuous exercise will increase the burden on the heart, and rushing directly into the water after strenuous exercise will cause a sudden drop in body temperature. At this time, the human body’s resistance is weak and it is easy to cause a cold. So don’t jump into the water immediately after strenuous exercise.

3. Avoid swimming alone.It is best to choose a place with more people when swimming, so that you can get rescue in case of accidents. Beginners had better have people who can swim with them.

Have a good swim in the water (Source: Xinhuanet)

In addition, there are swimming places specially provided for babies in the market now, and swimming has become a sport for babies. What are the benefits of baby swimming?

The first is to promote physical development. People’s Daily pointed out that regular swimming can promote the development of the baby’s limbs, because the baby’s limbs are completely free to move during swimming and can complete coordinated and exquisite movements early. Swimming can also expand the baby’s vision, improve the reception of signals such as sound and color, and promote the development of the baby’s nervous system.

In addition, Life Times pointed out that infant swimming also helps to enhance metabolism and make the myocardium developed. It is helpful to the development of the baby’s brain and promotes the development of intelligence; Help to improve the function of respiratory system and increase vital capacity; It also helps to improve the baby’s ability to resist germs.

Before the baby swims, parents should make adequate preparations. First, try the water temperature. When the baby adapts to the water temperature, put it into the water completely and take it with the swimming ring. Immediately after landing, wrap the baby’s body with a bath towel to prevent catching a cold. (Cao Xu)

This article is scientifically checked by Kong Junhui, director of Chinese medicine, professor and doctoral supervisor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.

The government report outlines a new blueprint for being suitable for business and living.

  "Insist that the house is used for living, not for speculation, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market because of the city’s policy." "Further promote new urbanization. Give play to the comprehensive driving role of central cities and urban agglomerations, cultivate industries and increase employment. " "Improve the convenience facilities and make the city more livable" … … This year’s government work report outlines a new blueprint for a beautiful residence with a sense of gain.

  As one of the people’s livelihood issues that people are most concerned about, housing is powerful in every word, although it is only a few short words in this year’s government work report. It not only reveals the new vision of housing work in 2020, but also clarifies the new tasks and goals of housing work.

  In this regard, a number of deputies, experts and scholars said in an interview with People’s Daily Finance that the government work report continued to adhere to the main tone of "staying in the house and not speculating, because of the city’s policy", with the intention of returning the real estate industry to its real residential attributes. In the next step, local policies will be more flexible due to the city, starting from both ends of supply and demand to ensure the smooth operation of the real estate market.

  Firmly "live in a house without speculation" and flexibly practice "policy based on the city"

  Maintaining policy strength is the key to stabilizing expectations. "Insisting that the house is used for living, not for speculation, should be the highest action orientation for the development of the real estate industry at the national level. Although there are not many words in this year’s guidance description on real estate development, it is very clear, indicating that the country’s positioning and policies for the real estate industry are continuous and clear. " Mo Tianquan, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Fangtianxia, told People’s Daily Finance.

  In Mo Tianquan’s view, since 2019, China’s real estate market has basically been running smoothly, largely due to the implementation of the positioning of "housing and not speculating" and the combination of a series of real estate control policies.

  For the future real estate regulation and control policies, Qin Hong, director of the Urban Renewal Research Center of the National Development and Strategy Research Institute of Renmin University of China, believes that four things should be adhered to:

  First, the orientation of "housing without speculation" remains unchanged, and the key is to implement the demand for "housing" and prevent the rebound of "speculation"; Second, the supply system of "rental and purchase at the same time" remains unchanged. This year, pilot cities will be the mainstay, and various localities will develop the rental market through multiple channels and policies; Third, the regulation mechanism of "policy by city" remains unchanged, and local governments are still the main body of housing security system construction and stabilizing the real estate market; Fourth, the "three stable" control objectives remain unchanged to prevent market ups and downs.

  How to implement the positioning of "housing and not speculating"?

  Qin Hong suggested that we should control the pace of real estate development with the goal of stabilizing the market: First, we should strengthen the coordinated management of the supply and demand sides of real estate and truly implement the land supply rhythm of "linking people with land"; The second is to coordinate the development of the real estate market in the core cities and surrounding small and medium-sized cities, and establish a unified and complete real estate regulation system and objectives; The third is to attach importance to urban renewal, guide the transformation and development of the real estate industry, pay more attention to revitalizing the stock market, and promote the high-quality development of the city.

  Implementing the new urbanization construction of expanding domestic demand as a starting point

  This year’s government work report pointed out that the focus should be on supporting the "two new and one heavy" construction, which not only promotes consumption and benefits people’s lives, but also adjusts the structure to increase stamina. One of the "new" is new urbanization.

  "In terms of expanding effective investment, the government work report puts ‘ New urbanization ’ It was put in an important position to elaborate, and several new formulations appeared. Urbanization is an important aspect of future economic growth, especially in expanding domestic demand. Therefore, the road to new urbanization must be unswervingly pursued. " Li Guoping, president of Peking University Capital Development Research Institute, told People’s Daily Finance.

  "There is a close relationship between new urbanization and employment, and the number of new jobs each year is also an important achievement in promoting new urbanization." Li Guoping said that new urbanization has been on the road. According to his prediction, China’s urbanization level will increase by about one percentage point every year, and it is expected to reach 70% in 2030.

  How to promote new urbanization with high quality?

  Liu Yunzhong, a researcher at the the State Council Development Research Center, told People’s Daily Finance: First, through the reform of household registration and land, the income of the agricultural transfer population will be increased, and the living consumption and housing consumption of such groups will be improved; The second is to promote the flow of population, capital, information and other factors between urban and rural areas, improve the efficiency of resource allocation between urban and rural areas, and promote economic growth; The third is to improve human capital and accelerate the transformation of economic mode.

  What are the problems facing the new urbanization construction with people as the core?

  "Last year, China’s urbanization level exceeded 60% for the first time, and basic supporting facilities such as software and hardware should be kept up in time to meet the needs of urban residents and new citizens. At the same time, China’s urbanization is not only the hardware construction of infrastructure and real estate development, but also the industry-driven employment. " Li Guoping said,

  "The future urbanization must attach great importance to the integration of urban and rural development. Because it connects the city and the countryside, the county has become the most important carrier. " Liu Yunzhong said that on the one hand, it is necessary to promote the healthy development of the county economy and make the county town full of vitality; on the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the public service facilities in the county town, including the construction of hardware and software facilities in medical and health care, education, social security and public security.

  Renovating old residential areas to fill the shortcomings of living environment

  Promoting the transformation of old urban communities is an important measure to improve residents’ living conditions and expand domestic demand, and it also reflects the urgency of stabilizing investment, expanding domestic demand and stabilizing people’s livelihood in an extraordinary period.

  Qin Hong said that after the epidemic, how to improve the living quality is the key direction that the government and enterprises need to consider. Therefore, the upgrading of residential products and the transformation of old residential areas will become the focus of the market and policies.

  When referring to "strengthening new urbanization", the government work report emphasizes that it is necessary to vigorously improve the public facilities and service capacity of the county to meet the increasing demand of farmers for employment and settlement in the county. Newly started to renovate 39,000 old urban communities, support the installation of elevators, and develop diverse community services such as dining and cleaning. "

  In fact, the goal of "39,000 old urban residential areas will be rebuilt this year" was clearly defined at the the State Council executive meeting held on April 14th. In addition, in the section "Promoting the reform and development of social undertakings around safeguarding and improving people’s livelihood", the report also proposes to strengthen and innovate social governance and improve community service functions.

  In this regard, Liu Yunzhong believes that the problem of insufficient carrying capacity faced by some big cities at present includes not only the transformation pressure faced by economic vitality and economic structure, but also the lack of service capacity in areas such as food, clothing, housing and transportation. Therefore, it is necessary to start rebuilding old urban communities and improve convenience facilities as soon as possible.

  Zhang Bo, dean of the branch of 58 Housing Research Institute, also said that from 2017 to 2019, real estate went from destocking to stabilizing the property market. This year, emphasis will be placed on deepening the construction of new towns, which will give full play to the comprehensive driving role of central cities and urban agglomerations, cultivate industries and increase employment. Compared with last year’s insistence on leading the development of urban agglomerations with central cities, more emphasis will be placed on the orderly development of cities as a whole in urban agglomerations, and the next step will be shifted to the transformation of old communities.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue warnings of cold wave, blizzard and gale.

Cctv newsThe Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue warnings of cold wave, blizzard and gale at 18: 00 on November 21.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a cold wave yellow warning at 18: 00 on November 21:

Affected by the cold wave, it is estimated that the temperature in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and its north will drop by 6 ~ 10℃ from November 21st to 24th, among which the temperature in Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, western and northern North China, central and eastern Huanghuai and other places will drop by 12 ~ 16℃, and the temperature drop in some areas such as central and eastern Inner Mongolia and eastern Northeast China will exceed 16℃, and the main period of gale cooling will be from 22nd to 24th. After the cold wave, the lowest temperature 0℃ line will be located in the middle of Jiangsu and Anhui, south-central Henan, southwestern Shaanxi, southeastern Gansu and other places, and the lowest temperature in eastern Inner Mongolia and most parts of Heilongjiang will drop below -20℃, and the local temperature can reach below -30℃. Most of the above areas are accompanied by northerly winds of 4 ~ 6 grades, gusts of 7 ~ 8 grades, and local grades of 9 grades. Some areas in western Inner Mongolia and Ningxia have dusty weather; From 23rd to 25th, there will be 6-8 gale in the eastern and southern seas of China, with gusts of 9-10.

From 20: 00 on the 21st to 20: 00 on the 23rd, the temperatures in northeastern Xinjiang, central and eastern northwest China, Inner Mongolia, northeastern China, most of North China, Huanghuai and other places will drop by 6 ~ 10℃ successively. Among them, the temperatures in most parts of Inner Mongolia, northwestern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, central Liaoning, northern Hebei, northwestern Shanxi and other places will drop by 12 ~ 16℃, and some parts of central and western Inner Mongolia will drop by 16 ~ 18℃.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of blizzard at 18: 00 on November 21:

It is estimated that from 20: 00 on November 21 to 20: 00 on November 23, there will be heavy snowstorms in parts of eastern Inner Mongolia, central and eastern Heilongjiang, northern Jilin and Changbai Mountain, and the accumulated snowfall will be 8-20 mm, the local area will reach 20-30 mm, and the newly added snow depth will be 6-15 cm, and the local area will reach about 20 cm. The main snowfall period is from the night of the 21st to the 22nd.

From 20: 00 on November 21 to 20: 00 on the 22 nd, there were heavy snow in parts of eastern Inner Mongolia, central and eastern Heilongjiang and northern Jilin, among which there were heavy snow (10 ~ 18 mm) in eastern Inner Mongolia and central Heilongjiang. The depth of newly added snow in the above areas is 6 ~ 8 cm, and the local area can reach more than 12 cm.

From 20: 00 on November 22 to 20: 00 on November 23, there was heavy snow in parts of central and eastern Heilongjiang and Changbai Mountain in Jilin, and there was heavy snow (10-15 mm) in the northeast of Heilongjiang. The newly added snow depth in these areas was 5-8 cm, and the local area was about 10 cm.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a gale blue warning at 18: 00 on November 21:

It is estimated that from 20: 00 on November 21 to 20: 00 on the 22 nd, there will be strong winds with grades 5-6 and gusts 7-8 in northern Xinjiang, central and western Inner Mongolia, northeastern Qinghai, northern Ningxia, northwestern Shaanxi and northwestern Shanxi, and the local gusts can reach 9; The Bohai Sea, the Bohai Strait, bashi channel, the northeastern part of the South China Sea, the central, eastern and southwestern parts will have strong winds of 7-8 grades and gusts of 9 grades.

From 20: 00 on November 22 to 20: 00 on November 23, there were strong winds with grades 5-6 and gusts 7-8 in central and eastern Inner Mongolia, southeastern Liaoning, eastern Tianjin, Shandong Peninsula and southern Xinjiang Basin, and northwestern and southern Tibet. The local gust can reach 9; There will be strong winds of 7-8 grades and gusts of 9 grades in the Bohai Sea, Bohai Strait, most of the Yellow Sea, bashi channel, the northeastern part of the South China Sea, the central and eastern parts and the southwestern part.

In 2023, the box office of New Year’s Day broke through 100 million, and Avatar 2 and Want to See You led the way.

1905 movie network news According to the data of Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 12: 25 on December 31, New Year’s Day in 2023(31 December-2 January)The total box office (including pre-sales) exceeded 100 million yuan. With a box office score of 46.684 million (including pre-sales), it is temporarily ranked first in the list, ranking second to fifth.

For 13 years, with a movie."Avatar: The Way of Water" is "making a comeback", which is highly anticipated by fans all over the world. The film is inOn December 16th, the painting was opened in China Mainland, and the cumulative box office has reached 889 million. The arrival of the New Year’s Day holiday will also help the film box office to rise again.

Seeing You, which ranked second on the list with a box office of 31.47 million yuan, is also a movie that netizens have been looking forward to for many years. The filmAdapted from the drama series of the same name, it was created by the original crew of TV series such as directing,,, and so on. The "Fengnan Team" returned again, and how the love of Huang Yuxuan, Li Ziwei, Chen Yunru, Wang Quansheng and Mo Junjie finally went, made the audience again."Above", this is full of staminaAt present, the total box office of movies has reached 171 million.

Fearless of fate, not afraid of loss, not afraid of meeting, bold to love!This New Year holiday, let’s go back to the cinema and feel the magic of this love through time and space.

Directed by, Li Jiaqi, Guo Xiangpeng, etc.The comedy film Desperate Husband, starring, temporarily ranked third in the box office list on New Year’s Day in 2023 with a box office score of 17.72 million yuan.The film tells the story of Hu Tienan (Chang Yuan) becoming a "full-time stay-at-home husband" due to an elevator accident. After experiencing a series of ridiculous "dislocation" experiences, he finally understands his wife’s silent dedication and the true meaning of "love".

New Year’s Day in 2023, comedy, science fiction, love, animation … … Various types of films gather to meet the different needs of the audience, and the China film market alsoIt ushered in a gratifying climax of watching movies.

Strong chronological texture conveys life enlightenment (stand human language)

In recent years, a number of "time dramas" have been favored by the audience. How to tell a good life story unconventional has become a common topic for creators. The online drama "Like a Fire" has made a useful exploration with a clear and compact narrative, a personalized image and a positive energy story core. The work tells the story of five friends with different personalities, such as Xu Weibiao, Zhong Yunan and Zhang Peng, who followed the trend of the times, pursued their dreams and realized their self-worth in the 1980s. The work adopts a non-linear narrative structure, interweaves reality and memories, and enhances the sense of story age with lively hutongs, "28 big bars" bicycles and other elements. The audience seemed to walk into just visiting and empathize with the growing heroes. Chronicle drama should not only be nostalgic, but also pay attention to excavating the emotional strength and growth enlightenment of the past years. The story of "Time flies like a fire" conveys the feeling of life: youth never ends, keep a positive spirit of struggle, and stick to the good quality of courage and tenacity, and finally you can reap your own happy life.

Flag bearer of the closing ceremony of the Olympic delegation: China table tennis champion Ding Ning.

  Beijing, Rio de Janeiro, August 21 (Reporter Song Fangcan) The closing ceremony of the Rio Olympic Games was held here on the evening of the 21st. The delegations, led by the flag bearers, entered the closing ceremony and received heroic tribute. The flag bearer of the closing ceremony in China chose Ding Ning, who won two gold medals in women’s table tennis, while the United States chose byers, who won four gold medals in gymnastics.

  Athletes from 207 Olympic delegations will enter the Maracana Stadium in the "Games Heroes" session, which lasts for 47 minutes and 51 seconds. It is also a time to celebrate achievements, friendship and break down cultural barriers.

  On August 10th, the women’s table tennis singles final of Rio Olympic Games was launched. After seven fierce games, Ding Ning won the championship by beating Li Xiaoxia 4-3, thus fulfilling its Olympic champion dream. Zhongxin.com reporter Du Yangshe

  Greece will be the first to enter the stadium, and China will be ranked 45th. At this Olympic Games, for the first time, a team of refugee athletes appeared, and athletes from all delegations exchanged views harmoniously and shared their friendship. In this session, when Roberta Sa sang, the shadow of Carmen Miranda, the legendary singer of Brazil in the 1930s, appeared on the stage as the host to entertain friends from all over the world.

  The flag-bearer of the opening ceremony of the China team was the fencer Lei Sheng, and the flag-bearer of the closing ceremony chose Ding Ning. Ding Ning won two gold medals in women’s singles and women’s doubles table tennis at this Olympic Games. Earlier, Wu Minxia, the diving woman, Lang Ping, the coach of China Women’s Volleyball Team, and Zhu Ting, the main attack, were chosen as the flag bearers for the closing ceremony.


  The flag bearer of the opening ceremony in the United States was Phelps, and a female general, gymnast byers, was chosen for the closing ceremony. In this Olympic Games, byers performed well, winning four Olympic gymnastics gold medals and a bronze medal. South Africa’s flag bearer for the closing ceremony was Semenya, a "female" track and field athlete. The accused transsexual "she" won the women’s 800m gold medal.

  Li Zongwei, a famous badminton player, was elected as the flag bearer of the closing ceremony. He beat Lin Dan in the men’s singles semi-final of the Olympic Games, but lost to Chen Long in the final and won silver medals in three consecutive Olympic Games. In addition, the flag bearer of China Hongkong Team is cyclist Chen Zhenxing, and the flag bearer of Chinese Taipei Team is Xu Shujing, the gold medal winner of women’s 53kg weightlifting. She won the only gold medal for Chinese Taipei Team in this Olympic Games.

  The flag bearer of the refugee team is judo player Popole, who won the ninth place in the men’s judo 90kg class at this Olympic Games. A total of 10 players from the refugee team participated in this competition. Although they didn’t win medals, they have become big stars that everyone is chasing inside and outside the stadium. (End)

More than 90% of A/H listed car companies sold more cars in November than in the same period of last year, and the annual car sales in 2023 could reach a new height of 30 million cars.

Cailian News Agency, December 11th (Reporter Hao Xu) After "Golden September and Silver 10", the popularity of China’s automobile market continued in November. With the help of the "double 11" promotion and other consumer waves, the demand for car purchases was further released, and the market performance continued to improve and exceeded expectations.

On December 11th, data released by China Automobile Association showed that in November, the production and sales of automobiles were 3.093 million and 2.97 million respectively, up 7% and 4.1% from the previous month and 29.4% and 27.4% from the same period last year. From January to November, the production and sales of automobiles were 27.111 million and 26.938 million, respectively, up by 10% and 10.8% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 2 and 1.7 percentage points higher than that in January-October.

The Cailian reporter counted the sales of 14 A/H listed car companies in November. Except Haima, the other 13 car companies all achieved year-on-year growth in that month, accounting for more than 90%.

"In the same month, the production and sales of automobiles increased year-on-year, passenger cars continued their good momentum, commercial vehicles maintained rapid growth, and new energy vehicles and automobile exports led the industry growth." Chen Shihua, deputy secretary-general of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, said. Overall, in November, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 1.074 million and 1.026 million respectively, up by 39.2% and 30% respectively. "In November, the production and sales of new energy vehicles exceeded 1 million, which is the first time that the monthly production and sales of new energy vehicles exceeded 1 million; In November, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles reached 34.5%, exceeding 30% for seven consecutive months. "

According to the data of China Automobile Association, in November, 482,000 vehicles were exported, up 46.3% year-on-year, among which 97,000 new energy vehicles were exported, up 1.6% year-on-year. "Export is an important force driving the growth of China’s automobile production and sales this year." Chen Shihua believes.

Take BYD as an example. In November, the sales volume once again exceeded 300,000 vehicles, reaching 301,903 vehicles, up 31.02% year-on-year, among which the export of passenger cars reached 30,629 vehicles, up 148.7% year-on-year. According to BYD, "BYD currently sells two models overseas, one is Dolphin and the other is Yuan PLUS. Seals are being launched one after another, and it is expected that more models will be listed next year. The next focus is to further expand overseas channels and push more models overseas. "

Similarly, Changan Automobile sold 227,327 vehicles in November, up 23% year-on-year, of which 50,598 vehicles were self-owned brand new energy, up 52.7% year-on-year; Overseas sales of independent brands reached 23,976 vehicles, up 518.6% year-on-year. It is worth noting that on November 27th, two new energy products of Changan Automobile, DEEPAL L07 and DEEPAL S07, landed in Bangkok, Thailand, and opened full-line booking. Aouita 11 and Aouita 12 also made their debut in Thailand. Changan Automobile established the Southeast Asia Division, at the same time, it also established three local companies and localization operation teams, namely Changan Automobile Southeast Asia, Changan Thailand Sales and Changan Thailand Parts. The production base of new energy vehicles in Thailand has started construction.

In addition, SAIC, Great Wall Motor and Geely Automobile have performed well in new energy vehicles and exports. Among them, Great Wall New Energy Vehicle sold 31,248 vehicles in November, up 142.93% year-on-year, achieving year-on-year growth for eight consecutive months; Overseas, relying on the strategy of "going to sea by ecology", Great Wall Motor sold 35,496 vehicles overseas in November, up 76.7% year-on-year, and its sales volume exceeded 30,000 for four consecutive months.

While strengthening the layout of overseas sales, car companies are also continuing to "roll in" the domestic new energy market. Just entering December, the new energy auto market has ushered in a more fierce "price war". Traditional independent brands, such as BYD and Changan Automobile, as well as new car-making forces "Wei Xiaoli" and new energy car companies, such as Extreme Vietnam, have introduced multiple preferential policies, with the maximum preferential range exceeding 30,000 yuan.

"With the continuous emergence of policy effects, auto shows and promotional activities in various places continue to exert their strength, and the company’s final sprint in the last month, it is expected that the auto market will continue to improve in December, reappearing the phenomenon of’ tail-jumping’ at the end of the year. "Chen Shihua analysis. At the same time, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Federation, predicted that "the overall car sales this year may reach a new height of 30 million vehicles."

For the performance of China’s automobile market next year, at the "2024 China Automobile Market Development Forecast Summit" held on December 11th, Wang Qing, deputy director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the State Council Development Research Center, predicted that "the wholesale sales volume of the automobile market will continue to increase by about 5% in 2024. The growth rate of sales will largely depend on exports. " In the long run, Wang Qing predicts that by 2030, car sales will maintain a potential growth rate of around 2%-3% annually.

According to the performance of the domestic terminal retail market, Chen Chuan, director of the data energy-saving strategy research room of China Automobile, predicted that the growth rate of the passenger car market would reach 3.2% in 2024, and the sales volume was expected to increase by 700,000 vehicles to 22.5 million vehicles. Among them, the sales volume of new energy passenger cars was 9.68 million, with a growth rate of 29.9% and a penetration rate of 43%; The sales volume of new energy commercial vehicles was 460,000, with a growth rate of 32.8% and a penetration rate of 14.1%.

This article is from Hao Xu, a reporter from Cailian Association.