Behind Wang Jianlin’s "100 million small goal": the Chinese class is increasingly solidified

  "First set a small goal that can be achieved, for example, I will earn 100 million yuan first." Recently, Wang Jianlin’s public remarks have been widely circulated among the general public, and many people have made fun of themselves.

  Although Wang Jianlin’s remarks have their context, which can make the sentence seem less abrupt. But the "Matthew Effect" behind this sentence reflects the "Matthew Effect" of China’s class solidification and the rich getting richer will continue to play out in the future.

  First of all, from the perspective of Wang Jianlin, as the richest man in China in 2015, he will earn 100 million as a "small goal", which is confident: Statistics show that Wanda Group’s income in the first half of 2016 was 119.93 billion yuan (Wanda general merchandise is Wang Jianlin’s personal company, and the income is not included in Wanda Group), which means that Wanda Group’s daily operating income is about 6 billion yuan. The class A share listed company Wanda Cinema had an operating income of 5.722 billion yuan and a net profit of 805 million yuan in the first half.

  As one of the largest real estate-oriented integrated enterprises in China, Wanda Group’s profit-making effect is highlighted under the advantages of industry and scale. However, for most small and medium-sized enterprises, and even many class A share listed companies, under the trend of China’s economy gradually entering low growth, life is not so good.

  Taking the 2015 annual report of listed companies as an example, there are more than 300 15 million profits within one year, more than 10% of the total number of listed companies. What is the concept of 15 million? You can only buy a real estate in the main urban area of Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. If you look at non-listed small and medium-sized enterprises, the situation may not be so good. In the past few years, foreign trade enterprises in coastal areas have closed down one after another due to the slowdown in exports. Since last year, due to the skyrocketing housing prices in hot cities, many manufacturing enterprises have been squeezed out. It can be said that with the increasing downward pressure on China’s economy in recent years, the days of Chinese enterprises, especially the manufacturing industry, have not been easy. Recently, there have even been many owners of manufacturing enterprises in Shenzhen and Dongguan. When the enterprises encountered difficulties, they lamented that they should have bought

  Correspondingly, the new loans of enterprises shrank sharply in July this year. Among the 463.60 billion yuan of new RMB loans in the Financial Institution Group in July, corporate loans did not increase, but decreased by 2.60 billion yuan, a sharp decrease of 611.40 billion yuan month-on-month. This is only the second time in history that new loans of enterprises are negative. The last time was in July 2005 ten years ago.

  Without a doubt, this shows that the real economy is withering, enterprises are reluctant to lend, and profitability and solvency are quite difficult. The marketization of the financial system determines their inevitable choice. Either the enterprise dies or they voluntarily close the enterprise, and the demand for funds falls off a cliff. Once confidence collapses, even if the banks are willing to lend, the enterprises are not willing to take it.

  At the same time, companies with deep pockets such as Baoneng and Hengda are snapping up equity and capital operations everywhere, and every carnival of financial assets has benefited them a lot.

  The strong and the weak are the epitome of the current Chinese economy. At the same time, the widening wealth and resource differentiation between the rich and the general class reflects the increasing solidification of the Chinese class.

  Wanda’s huge annual income has inflated the wealth of Wang Jianlin and his son, and a similar situation is also reflected in other wealthy people. According to statistics, the number of billionaires in China is as high as 67,000, surpassing the United States in the global rich list and making it the country with the most billionaires in the world.

  At this time, in 2015, the per capita disposable income of Chinese residents was only 21,966 yuan, and the per capita GDP was only 50,000 yuan. In addition, according to the National Bureau of Statistics, China’s social Gini coefficient was 0.462 in 2015, while the internationally recognized gap between the rich and the poor was 0.4 (the Gini coefficient is an important indicator used internationally to measure the difference in income distribution between residents. Only about 10% of countries in the world exceed 0.5, and the Gini coefficient in developed countries is generally between 0.24 and 0.36).

  In addition, in recent years, with the increasing downward pressure on the Chinese economy and the continuous release of liquidity by the central bank, the RMB has been weakening, and the depreciation pressure is not small. At this time, the rich class of high net worth can protect themselves from the impact of exchange rate and other risk factors through overseas asset allocation; but the low net worth people, that is, the "poor", seem to have little protection against risk factors such as currency devaluation.

  In terms of domestic investment channels, the public can only choose stocks, bank wealth management and other channels, so the valuation of class A shares has been high, while bank deposits and wealth management products are completely "wedding clothes" for the wealth appreciation of the rich, because a large number of bank wealth management funds flow to financial marekt structured products.

  Yan Hao, the son of Yan Jiehe, an entrepreneur who was once China’s richest man, said recently that China has now bid farewell to the era of "sudden wealth". Indeed, as economic growth gradually stabilizes and all industries and fields are touched, "sudden wealth" situations are difficult to occur as frequently as in the decades before the reform and opening up, which is also a characteristic of the country entering a mature stage.

  However, there is something else to be said about Yan Hao’s words: the current poor are less likely to become rich in the future. It is difficult to predict to what extent, but if a person can no longer live a relatively satisfactory life by virtue of knowledge and hard work, and the theory that school is useless, struggle is useless, and "fighting father" is king are frequently verified, then the negative effects of class solidification will appear, and the consequences will be unimaginable, and they may even fall into the Latin American-style middle-income trap.

  Class solidification, followed by a lack of vitality in China, which should be the vast majority of people do not want to see.

The movie "The Seven" exposes Hong Jinbao, Yuan Heping and Tsui Hark’s director special

1905 movie network news On July 20, the film set for July 29 officially opened for pre-sale, and at the same time, the director’s special was exposed to reveal the creative world of the three masters, and to provide audiences with a glimpse of the ideas and anecdotes behind the scenes of the film.

The film brings together seven master-level directors from Hong Kong to create a unique era. The film includes seven independent units of Samuel Hung’s "Practice", "Principal", "Farewell Night", Yuan Heping’s "Return", "Gold Everywhere", "Lost" and Tsui Hark’s "Deep Dialogue", just like a style picture of the Pearl of the Orient.

Hong Jinbao dreams of being a teenager, reappearing the years of great kung fu

In "The Seven," where he has worked as an actor, director, and movement director for 50 years, he once again chose the kung fu theme "Practice," which tells the story of how a group of children who practiced on the rooftop in the 1950s worked hard and gained hope.

"Practice" is the epitome of Hong Jinbao’s true experience. In the production of the special, he recalled the experience of learning martial arts as a child. He bluntly said that the master is a very strict person, and those who catch the lazy practice will be severely punished. When he grows up, he realizes that it is this kind of strictness that has helped him succeed. In the film, there is the story of the inheritance of kung fu by masters and apprentices. Outside the film, there are good stories about the inheritance of father and son. Hong Tianming, as the star of the film directed by his father, Hong Jinbao, and played the master of Hong Jinbao when he was a teenager, added more special meaning to "Practice".

Yuan Heping showed warmth and told the story of the contradictions and reconciliation between the two generations

In "The Seven", Yuan Heping did not choose the narrative framework of an action movie, but instead used kung fu as the clue of the film, telling a warm family story through "Return".

In Yuan Heping’s opinion, there are inevitable conflicts between families, and they should all be considerate and tolerant of each other. "Return" is such a film about differences and reconciliation between relatives. Kung fu is still an important element in the film, and this is the field that Yuan Heping has been focusing on. When talking about the current situation of action movies, he lamented that most directors are unwilling to make kung fu movies, and actors do not want to take such scenes. There is a situation where talents are not accepted. Even if he has some regrets about the current situation, Yuan Heping still believes that from the script level to the technical level, the film is improving every year, and he is optimistic about the future of the film.

Tsui Hark keeps his humor and focuses on the topic of future world filmmakers

In "The Seven," Tsui Hark directs the "Deep Dialogue" unit, the story shows the wild imagination, through a dialogue that takes place in a mental hospital, thinking about the filmmaker’s self-identity.

In the special issue, Tsui Hark also interpreted "Deep Dialogue". He said that whether it is to pay tribute to friendship or to have fun together, he wants to tell the world of filmmakers through this story, so he placed a lot of interesting stories related to filmmakers, hoping that the audience will come up with their own answers after watching the film. In Tsui Hark’s heart, "The Seven" gathers seven Hong Kong directors, which is a memorable event and has very precious significance.

It is reported that the film will be released in mainland China on July 29, and the national pre-sale activities have been launched in full swing.

Dongfeng fengshen Haohan real car, Mach electric hybrid DH-i won the "China Heart" 2023 Top Ten Engine and Hybrid System Award.

  On November 6th, 2023, the selection of "China Heart" 2023 Top Ten Engines and Hybrid Systems officially came to an end. Dongfeng Motor’s Mach-electric hybrid DH-i hybrid technology successfully won the "China Heart" 2023 Top Ten Engines and Hybrid Systems Award for its "super fuel-saving, super power, super quiet and super smoothness" in full speed range and all scenes. As the world’s first hybrid system integrating "power shunt+multi-gear series-parallel connection", Mach-electric hybrid DH-i technology integrates the characteristics of multi-gear series-parallel connection with good power economy and smooth power shunt, achieving a double breakthrough in performance and energy saving.

  The "China Heart" Top Ten Engines of the Year, sponsored by Automobile and Sports magazine, ranks with "Ward Top Ten Engines" and "International Engine of the Year" as the top three engines in the world, and its authority and gold content in the industry are obvious to all. As a representative work of self-owned brand hybrid technology, Mach electric hybrid DH-i hybrid system technology won the "China Heart" Top Ten Engine and Hybrid System Award, which proved that China’s own brand has been ahead of the joint venture brand in the field of hybrid technology.

  The strength is superior and the glory is added. The debut of Mach Power is the peak.

  Mach-electric hybrid DH-i technology was born in Mach Power, an independent passenger car power brand owned by Dongfeng Motor, including Mach G, Mach MHD and Mach E, covering four major fields: oil power, hybrid power, electric power and hydrogen power. Since the official debut of the "Dongfeng Motor Brand Spring Festival" conference in 2021, Mach Power has successively won three top ten engines and hybrid systems of "China Heart", two special awards from the jury of CCTV Automobile Fengyun Festival, People’s Network "People’s Ingenuity" award and many other industry awards. The dazzling honor comes from extraordinary strength. Mach Power has been recognized by the industry for many years, and it is inseparable from strong technical reserves and profound research and development skills. This award-winning Mach-electric hybrid DH-i hybrid system is the third generation Mach-MHD hybrid system, and its performance parameters are ahead of the industry.

  Mach-electric hybrid DH-i is the world’s first hybrid system integrating "power split+multi-gear series-parallel connection", which integrates the characteristics of multi-gear series-parallel connection, good power economy and good power split smoothness, and can achieve super fuel-saving, super power, super quiet and super smoothness in the full-speed scene of the whole vehicle. The hybrid system consists of a new Mach 1.5T hybrid special engine and Mach 4HD series hybrid electric drive. The thermal efficiency of the Mach 1.5T hybrid special engine is as high as 45.18%. It was certified by China Automotive Research Institute in early 2023, and the record has not been broken so far. The maximum power of the engine reaches 118kW and the maximum torque is 240Nm. Mach 4HD series hybrid electric drive has the most gears in the industry, 7 energy management modes and 26 working modes. Based on the self-developed intelligent control system, through continuous optimization and calibration practice on the whole vehicle, taking the optimal comprehensive efficiency as the core and combining with other performance requirements, the optimal mode and operating point suitable for each scene are intelligently selected. Under comprehensive working conditions, more than 95% working points of the engine are running in the high-efficiency range of the engine with thermal efficiency greater than 40%, thus improving the efficiency of the whole hybrid system and making the whole vehicle fuel-efficient, safe, smooth and powerful in the full-speed scene.

  Hard core strength does not believe in the limit, and dongfeng fengshen Haohan PHEV is amazing.

  There are two versions of Mach-electric hybrid DH-i, HEV and PHEV, among which the PHEV version, which participated in the "China Heart" Top Ten Engine Selection, has a maximum power of 265kW and a comprehensive maximum torque of 615 N m. Based on the 4-speed parallel connection/dual-mode power split, the PHEV version significantly improves the output torque of the wheel end from 0 to 90 km/h, with the peak torque reaching 5200Nm, and the hybrid mode accelerates to 6s level, and the climbing and overtaking abilities are significantly improved.

  Thanks to the strength of Mach electric hybrid DH-i hybrid system, dongfeng fengshen Haohan PHEV has achieved the ultimate experience of power loss and fuel consumption as low as 3.8L/100km, comprehensive cruising range of 1,350 km, 0-100km acceleration in 6s and zero frustration in gear shifting, which fully embodies the brand connotation of Mach Power "extremely fast, extremely economical, extremely quiet and extremely demanding".

  Driven by the strategy of "peak carbon dioxide emissions, Carbon Neutralization", the penetration rate of new energy in China automobile market continues to rise, and hybrid technology, as a new energy technology route that can not only give consideration to cruising range, but also improve energy efficiency, is increasingly welcomed by consumers in the market. Dongfeng Mach hybrid DH-i, with its strong strength and excellent technical indicators, has set a new benchmark for China’s own brand hybrid technology. With the blessing of industry-leading technology, Dongfeng will also bring more powerful, energy-saving, safer and more comfortable new energy products to consumers, and walk out of the road of new energy belonging to China’s own brand.

BYD Tang DM-i has original sin of spontaneous combustion or hidden quality problems for key parts.

On February 17th, a video about a BYD new energy vehicle exploding and burning on a trailer in Yantai, Shandong Province was circulated on the Internet. According to the video, the towed car on the trailer started to emit smoke, then sparks began to flash at the bottom of the car, accompanied by crackling explosions, and finally it began to burn violently, and the whole car was quickly burned beyond recognition.

BYD Tang DM-i exploded and caught fire during consignment.

According to eyewitnesses, the incident occurred at about 1:10 pm on the 17th, near the East Yard of yantai mountain hospital, Guanhai Road, lai shan. At the time of the incident, the trailer was waiting for the green light at the intersection, but the bottom of BYD’s new energy vehicle towed by the car suddenly splashed with sparks, and there was a crackling explosion. Then smoke billowed, which ignited a fire, instantly wrapping the car body, and the car owners in the same industry drove away. At the critical moment, a nearby sprinkler arrived in time to put out the fire, and the fire was completely extinguished by the firefighters who followed, but at this time, this new energy vehicle had been burned to only one body.

At the scene of the accident, Yantai fire rescuers who came out to the police rescue told the verification media that fortunately there was no one in the car at that time and the cause of the fire was under investigation. BYD’s official customer service only said in the next day’s inquiry that the relevant information has not been received, and the specific reasons are still unknown, and it is necessary to wait for the investigation results to determine.

At present, it is not clear whether the car was consigned after the accident or failed to be consigned by itself, so it is impossible to analyze and define the main causes of its spontaneous combustion and fire. However, according to the live video, it can be found that sparks are constantly flashing at the bottom of the vehicle and crackling explosions are heard at the initial stage of the fire. From this, it can be roughly determined that the battery is indispensable for the violent combustion, and even the fire site may be the battery.

Judging from the body of the live video, it should be BYD Tang’s 2021 DM-i model that caught fire. The car was officially launched during the Shanghai Auto Show in April 2021. There are three models in total, and the price range is 189,800-216,800 yuan.

Tang DM-i is a heavyweight model introduced by BYD to replace the fuel version. According to the official statement, "it took nine years to finally produce this subversive model of Pratt & Whitney Volkswagen". The car is equipped with BYD plug-in hybrid system, which is composed of a turbo-charged 1.5Ti high-efficiency engine dedicated to Xiaoyun-plug-in hybrid of Miller cycle and an EHS electric hybrid system, and adopts Ferrous lithium phosphate "blade" battery dedicated to BYD hybrid.

Blade battery is an innovative product that BYD is proud of in the field of power battery. Tang DM-i is equipped with a power Ferrous lithium phosphate "blade" battery, which is different from the lamination process of BYD EV models, and adopts a winding process. Each group of blade batteries has a biscuit-shaped pole core, and a plurality of battery cells are integrated in series inside each pole core, while the whole battery pack is composed of a plurality of pole cores connected in series, and finally packaged into a "blade" battery. One of the outstanding advantages of this battery is that its heat dissipation capacity is good, and the battery uses Ferrous lithium phosphate as the positive electrode, so its performance is relatively stable, so its safety factor is relatively high in theory.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Chuanfu, Chairman and President of BYD’s Board of Directors, once said at the super conference of "Blade battery is unsheathed and safe in the world" on March 29, 2020, "Blade battery embodies BYD’s determination to completely end the safety pain point of new energy vehicles, and it will redefine the safety standard of new energy vehicles." "New energy vehicles equipped with blade batteries will completely erase the word spontaneous combustion from the dictionary of new energy vehicles."

BYD’s "blade" battery became famous in the first world war because of the puncture experiment, and it was spread in the industry. Later, it was fully promoted and applied in all models of BYD’s new energy, and made great contributions to BYD. Supposedly, such an innovative product should completely reassure consumers, but the reality is somewhat embarrassing for Boss Wang.

In fact, not only BYD Tang DM-i, but also Han DM-i, BYD e6, BYD e2, Qin Pro, Yuan EV, Song Pro DM-i, Seals and Dolphins. Just search the network news, and you will find that BYD’s new energy series vehicles have had fire or spontaneous combustion accidents, and some vehicles are still relatively frequent, and they have emerged from time to time on the network.

Original sin or quality problems in key parts

Take the protagonist Tang DM-i as an example. In recent years, spontaneous combustion accidents are not uncommon. For example, on January 26, 2022, some netizens broke the news that a BYD Tang DM-i in Shanghai caught fire on the way to the trailer. This is really a coincidence. The situation is so similar to this accident that Xiaobian thought it was the same incident at first, and then carefully identified the license plate number and confirmed that it was two accidents. This accident eventually led to the complete burning of the car.

Also in Shanghai, on March 19th, one month later, it was revealed that the BYD Tang DM-i newly mentioned by a car advocate in Shanghai spontaneously ignited in the parking space of the community. According to the information provided by the owner and the chat record, the car caught fire at around 5 am that day, which caused the car next to it to be burned to varying degrees. According to the owner, the car was not charged at that time, but just parked there.

This is only a corner of Shanghai, and it is only a short period of incomplete online exposure news. Search those online news that have not been deleted, and you will find that BYD Tang DM-i spontaneous combustion accidents are all over the place, and there are many more.

Objectively speaking, with the widespread use of new energy vehicles, fire accidents are indeed rising. According to the statistics of the Fire and Rescue Bureau of the Emergency Management Department, in 2021, there were 3,000 fire accidents in new energy vehicles nationwide. It seems inevitable that a hot-selling new energy vehicle will have some spontaneous combustion accidents, but the mistake is that BYD Wang’s boss should not talk too much.

What’s more, such an accident is a very disturbing disaster for any individual consumer. If there are casualties in the accident, it will be a family tragedy. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the causes of spontaneous combustion of BYD Tang DM-i, even Qin Pro, Yuan EV, Song Pro DM-i and so on.

On April 29th, 2022, a recall notice issued by the State Administration of Markets indicated that 9663 Tang DM models produced from September 2nd, 2021 to March 14th, 2022 would be recalled from now on. The reason for the recall is that the installation surface of the battery pack trays of these vehicles is uneven due to manufacturing reasons, and there is a risk of water ingress. "This may cause the electrical circuit of the power battery system to fail. In extreme cases, there is a risk of thermal runaway of the power battery, which poses a safety hazard."

On July 29th, 2022, another recall notice issued by the State Administration of Markets revealed that BYD had expanded the recall scope of Tang DM and decided to recall 52,928 Tang DM electric vehicles produced from April 5th, 2021 to April 18th, 2022 from now on. The reason for the recall is that "some vehicle power battery pack trays are at risk of water ingress, which may cause arcing in the high-voltage system and pose a safety hazard."

In fact, people who don’t understand these technical terms, whether it’s thermal runaway or high-voltage system arcing, may not be too concerned. But in other words, if the common people can understand it, it is: the battery is overheated to the limit, which will cause the battery to burn or explode; As for the high-voltage system, it is simpler to pull the arc. Have you ever seen the transformer switch on? "Zizi" sparks with lightning all the way, and the high-temperature arc generated by high voltage and high current can ignite the surrounding combustible materials in an instant.

Therefore, judging from the spontaneous combustion accidents of DM-i in Tang Dynasty, although BYD conducted cold treatment in most cases afterwards, and did not give specific reasons and follow-up news, it is not difficult to find from the official announcement that the quality control of DM-i in BYD Tang did have serious problems that might lead to spontaneous combustion, so that it had to start a recall.

Returning to this consignment spontaneous combustion accident, although the specific reasons are still under investigation, consumers can also reasonably doubt their quality control. In fact, we fully understand consumers’ concern about safety, but we don’t pay so much attention to the cause or process of the accident. Because no matter whether you are short-circuited, flooded, uneven or out of control, as long as your results lead to fire, spontaneous combustion or explosion, there is virtually no difference to consumers-from car burning to "human purgatory (if you can’t run away)".

As a leading new energy vehicle company, we should pay more attention to the reasonable concerns of consumers, especially the safety concerns, and we should not be negligent. After all, vehicle safety involves many aspects, not only batteries, but also supporting systems, body structure, etc. It is an organic whole, and no one can neglect it. If the quality control is neglected, it can also lead to the abandonment of all previous efforts. Therefore, BYD needs to make more efforts in product line quality control and ex-factory quality inspection.

BYD Han DM-i Champion Edition and Han DM-p Ares Edition went on sale at the peak, with a price of 189,800 ~ 289,800 yuan.

On May 18th, 2023, BYD’s brand-new Han DM series peaked. Among them, the Han DM-i Champion Edition comes with three innovations: color, chassis and experience, and a 200km pure battery life version is launched, which will completely subvert the mainstream B sedan market! At the same time, BYD’s first mass-produced and modified super hybrid coupe, the Chinese DM-p Ares version, is amazing. With its triathlon of concept, temperament and strength, it meets the individual needs of users in multiple dimensions!

This time, among the two models of Han DM series with comprehensive and advanced product strength, the price range of Han DM-i Champion Edition is 189,800 yuan ~ 249,800 yuan, and the price of Han DM-p Ares Edition is 289,800 yuan. In addition, the new Han DM series also provides users with five major online services of Zhilian, five exclusive VIP services and two worry-free car purchase policies.

Subverting the mainstream B sedan market, Han DM-i Champion Edition is superior in strength.
Under the new energy east wind, the brand of China has risen strongly. With the strength of hard-core products, Han DM-i has rapidly increased its quantity, fully occupied more than 200,000 mid-to-high-end car markets, and gradually grasped the market dominance. Nowadays, the brand-new Han DM-i Champion Edition adheres to the market strategy of "the same price for oil and electricity", takes advantage of the situation, advances strategically within 200,000 yuan, and carries out subversion to the end!

Han DM-i Champion Edition is equipped with DM-i super hybrid technology, which has six advantages of "fast, economical, quiet, smooth, green and luxurious". Its fuel consumption is only 4.2L/100km in the state of power loss, and it can be used for oil and electricity, and its comprehensive cruising range can reach 1260km. At the same time, it has the policy advantages of library-level quietness, infinite driving experience close to pure electricity, and green brand without purchase tax. In addition, the Han DM-i Champion Edition has created a luxurious and comfortable space, super intelligence, and luxury is not limited, leading more than one generation!
Continuing the foundation of success, Han DM-i Champion Edition comes with three great rejuvenation! In terms of color, it launched a brand-new glacier blue car color, using BASF’s two core material technologies, which made the color appear metallic fluidity, and the visual effect was light and pure, which vividly set off the beauty of overseas fashion design. On the chassis, FSD variable damping suspension system and aluminum alloy multi-link are standard. The perfect combination of them enables it to flexibly adapt to complex and diverse road conditions, bring comfortable riding experience and enhance the driving pleasure of the vehicle. Most notably, some models of Han DM-i Champion Edition can be equipped with Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system (the hardware has been installed, and OTA will be upgraded this year). Yunqi -C is perfectly compatible with comfort and handling, bringing subversive improvement to the driving experience.

In terms of configuration, Han DM-i Champion Edition comes standard with NFC car keys, which supports Android and Apple devices, greatly improving the convenience of car use. At the same time, BSD blind spot monitoring and W-HUD head-up display are two major configurations: "getting on the bus", active safety is strengthened, and technology is used to escort travel. In addition, the Han DM-i Champion Edition comes standard with ten core high-end configurations, which are high at the beginning and lead from the inside out, setting a new benchmark for the value of B-class cars!

In order to further meet the higher-level travel needs of elite groups in big cities, Han DM-i Champion Edition has newly launched a 200km pure electric endurance version to create a "5+2+N" full-scene car experience. 5-day daily commute, 200km long pure battery life to easily cope with the intensity of work; Two days holiday travel, the comprehensive endurance of 1260km greatly improves the length of travel; After reaching the destination, the external discharge of up to 6kW can bring n possibilities and expand the width of life indefinitely. The 200km version of the champion version of Han DM-i has achieved a ceiling of 250,000, and achieved the experience subversion of the generation difference with the flagship quality.

The first mass-produced modified super hybrid coupe, Han DM-p Ares Edition highlights the flagship nature.
At the same time, in order to further respond to the market demand and meet the needs of personalized users, Han DM series has newly launched Han DM-p Ares Edition! The new car pays tribute to Huo Qubing, the God of War, and draws inspiration from the famous sentence of Xin Qiji’s famous work "Never Meet Le Jingkou Beigu Pavilion Nostalgia", "Think of that year, Jin Ge Tiema swallowed Wan Li like a tiger", in the name of God of War, conveying China’s self-confidence and China’s strength.

In terms of color, the armor is inspired by the mysterious black color matching, and BASF third-generation black paint is used. The deep black is delicate and shimmering, which has a strong visual impact! Appearance, Han DM-p Ares Edition adopts a series of blackened appearance kits, including blackened sports wheels, matte black logo, black metal triangular windows and frames, etc., which makes the appearance of the whole vehicle more performance-oriented and highlights the hard-core strength.
The interior of the DM-p Ares Edition of Han Dynasty has added a series of sports elements and high-grade materials, such as extremely black high-grade suede-coated seats, door panels, passenger side panels, central control armrest boxes, etc., supplemented by black carbon fiber materials, and equipped with integrated sports seats and golden yellow seat belts. The interior of the whole vehicle has been upgraded in sports sense, which complements the individual appearance and the inspired color matching of armor.

In addition to the design highlights, the new car is equipped with DM-p hybrid technology, which has completely surpassed the mechanical four-wheel drive in four dimensions: power, safety, difficulty relief and energy consumption. Under the blessing of DM-p king’s hybrid, the Chinese DM-p Ares version has four characteristics: fast running, good braking, steady walking and far walking. Its peak horsepower is 580Ps, the maximum torque is as high as 822N·m, and the fastest acceleration of 100 kilometers is only 3.7s! At the same time, the golden yellow high-performance four-piston fixed pliers can escort the ultimate performance output. In addition, in terms of energy efficiency, it can be powered by oil. Under NEDC working conditions, the battery life is 200km, the fuel consumption is only 5.2L, and the comprehensive battery life is 1120km.

At the same time, BYD’s latest safety technology, Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system (hardware has been installed and upgraded by OTA this year), will also be installed on the Chinese DM-p Ares Edition, which has the technical advantages of extreme experience and extreme safety, and can make the Chinese DM-p Ares Edition realize the perfect combination of safety and handling, so as to achieve a "luxurious and leapfrog new experience".
As a super hybrid coupe modified by mass production, the Han DM-p Ares Edition is a perfect interpretation of China’s luxury performance coupe with the combination of three ip’s: DM-p King Hybrid, Yunqi -C and Ares Design!

For a long time, the auto market has always had the saying that "the person who wins the B sedan wins the world", and the B sedan market is regarded as the best stage for all auto companies to show their brand strength and product strength. Han DM-i Champion Edition and Han DM-p Ares Edition form a strong Chinese ip, which combines the two swords to break the monopoly of joint venture brands. The sword refers to the mainstream B-class sedan market champion! (Zou Zhengmao)

Subject three is popular all over the world, and Yang li Ping’s team jumped into subject three and caused controversy. Netizens have mixed opinions on this.

Original title: Subject three is popular all over the world, and Yang li Ping’s team jumped into subject three and caused controversy. Netizens have mixed opinions on this.

Recently, an online popular dance named "Subject III" not only exploded the domestic short video platform, but also spread all over the country, and even went abroad and became a global phenomenal dance.

The dance step of "Subject III" originated from the wedding in Guangxi, mainly because relatives and friends "get married" at the wedding. It is similar to social shaking, and has become very popular after improvement. Therefore, "three subjects that Guangxi people must take" has been derived, and subject three is this set of small dance steps.

Rhythmic background music, coupled with waving hands, twisting waist, swinging hips, and half-twisted foot movements, attracted all ages and industries to imitate each other. And in November, 2023, bloggers "eat eight bowls of rice at a time" and "shut your tomatoes" brought it to the forefront, which attracted the attention of netizens, and "subject three" was completely out of the circle.

"Subject 3" ordinary people are jumping, and so are the stars. Before, Zhu Zixiao had danced "Subject 3" with the staff in Haidilao, and the related videos had a high popularity. Then when Ruoyun Zhang was promoting his new work, he was also cued by the audience and jumped up "Subject 3" on the spot.

Not long ago, in Reuters, Laos station of Five Ha 4, Lu Han Michael Chen also led a group of guests to dance "Subject III", which was hilarious and funny, and was also teased by netizens that "at first glance, there was no less secret practice".

With the popularity of "subject three", more and more people have joined the challenge of "subject three". The world ballroom dancing champion took the lead in jumping "Subject 3", the Royal Russian Ballet jumped "Subject 3" at the curtain call, and the fitness blogger Pamela claimed that "Subject 3 is popular all over the world in Germany", and formally applied for the battle with her brother and danced the fitness version of "Subject 3" together. From this point of view, "subject three" is already popular all over the world.

Recently, after the performance, Yang li Ping’s team also collectively returned to the stage and danced "Subject 3". However, this incident triggered a hot discussion on the whole network, and some netizens commented that "the world is a huge subject 3".

For the current "subject three" fire, netizens’ comments are mixed. Some people think that this is a cultural export. In those days, "Jiangnan style" was popular all over the world. Why can’t "Subject III" be widely popular now?

However, some people say that they can’t appreciate the dance of "Subject III", saying that its dance movements are vulgar and I don’t know why it is popular.

In fact, there is no distinction between high and low performances. Some things are reasonable when they exist. If you like them, you can join them, and if you don’t like them, you can brush them lightly. There is no need to think that you are standing on the moral high ground to make irresponsible remarks.

Because of the popularity of "Subject III" all over the world, it has been reported that "Subject III" is about to board this year’s Spring Festival Evening, and many actors are stepping up their practice. What do you think of this?

Editor in charge:

230,000-280,000 Yuan BYD Han released the domestic pre-sale price.

  On May 19th, the "Global Super Safe Smart New Energy Flagship Car" released the domestic pre-sale price, including three EV models and one DM model. After the national comprehensive subsidy, the pre-sale price of the luxury version of Han EV is 240,000 yuan, the pre-sale price of the distinguished version of Han EV is 260,000 yuan, and the pre-sale price of the flagship version of Han EV four-wheel drive high-performance version is 280,000 yuan; Han DM four-wheel drive performance version of the luxury pre-sale price of 230 thousand yuan. The cruising range of the luxury and distinguished NEDC of the Han EV long battery life version is 605 kilometers, and the cruising range of the high-performance flagship NEDC of the Han EV four-wheel drive is 550 kilometers.

  On May 13th, BYD announced the launch of Han EV in Europe. The estimated price range in Europe is 45,000-55,000 euros (equivalent to about 346,000-423,000 yuan). On the whole, Han’s domestic pre-sale price far exceeds the industry and market expectations, which brings great surprises and is bound to have a far-reaching impact on the large and medium-sized new energy luxury car market. Of course, the pre-sale of such a heavy model is indispensable: before May 31, scan BYD e to buy small program code and deliver 99 yuan’s intention money online, so you can participate in the activity of doubling Difenhui points; Before May 31st, the authorized dealer of Han model can pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan and enjoy a gift of 60,000 yuan for science and technology. The above two rights can be enjoyed at the same time.

  Set up three benchmarks, and Han’s strength is in a comprehensive and balanced lead.

  Among the new energy vehicles that have been and will be listed in 2020, Han, as a brand-new masterpiece for the medium and large luxury car market, undoubtedly has the most flagship temperament and strength. Based on the product development concept of "all-round, balanced and leading, life-cycle safety", Hanji integrates the world’s leading hard-core technology, and its superior product strength sets a benchmark for the safety, performance and luxury of new energy cars.

  Han is the world’s first production car with blade batteries, and the battery safety performance has been doubled. Compared with ternary lithium battery pack, the leading performance of blade battery in safety has been unanimously recognized by the industry. More reasonable body structure design, load transmission path, selection of environmental protection materials in the car and safety configuration far beyond the same level products make Han the safest new energy vehicle on the market at present.

  Han is equipped with a blade battery with high volume energy density. Combined with the comprehensive optimization of high-speed energy consumption, braking feedback, temperature control in the car and other scenes, the cruising range of NEDC can be as high as 605 kilometers. In addition, Han has also created a real long battery life closer to the real car scene and a fast charging ability of 10 minutes and 135 kilometers. In addition, 3.9 seconds to accelerate the breaking of 100 meters, 32.8 meters of the world’s shortest new energy vehicle braking distance of 100 kilometers and other powerful performance, creating an amazing performance benchmark for new energy vehicles.

  The Dragon Face design language adopted by Han combines the dragon element with the efficacy aesthetics, and the curved surface design of the front face, the D-pillar slip back line and the through taillight design set off the luxury temperament of medium and large cars. The driving space in the car is centered on the large-size floating central control panel, and the multi-function steering wheel, full LCD instrument panel, air conditioning outlet and speakers are unfolded in a zigzag layout on both sides, showing the connotation of Chinese luxury.

  Han’s intelligence is also refreshing. DiLink3.0 system provides multi-theme and personalized human-computer interaction interface, and builds a luxurious and intelligent S-class flagship driving space through the seamless combination of voice and screen. At the same time, Han launched the DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, which includes the rich DiDAS driving assistance technology and the unique DiTrainer coaching mode. DiDAS includes APA full-scene automatic parking function, and DiTrainer coaching mode can selectively turn on auxiliary driving function according to driving behavior, road conditions, weather and even driving age.

  Facing three scenarios, Han knows more about new energy vehicle users.

  Han’s target population knows how to choose a high-quality new energy vehicle, and also has high standards and strict requirements for daily car scenes. Han also knows more about the real needs of consumers of new energy vehicles. Taking battery life as an example, Han EV not only has a cruising range of 605 kilometers, but also strengthens real scenes such as high speed, traffic jam and air conditioning, creating a real battery life beyond the working conditions for users.

  First of all, high-speed road conditions, 70% of the resistance comes from wind resistance, Han ultra-low wind resistance coefficient can greatly reduce high-speed energy consumption, so that the heart will no longer "jump together" with electricity. Second, the city is congested with road conditions. Han is equipped with the world’s most efficient IPB energy recovery system, which can recover 10% more braking energy and "feed back" the battery life. The third is the temperature control in the car. Han maintains excellent air tightness in the car through three seals of the whole car, which can keep warm in winter and summer, effectively reducing the frequency of air conditioning; At the same time, Han adopts Fuyao’s double-layer silver-plated windshield, which can reflect 40% of the heat outside the car. In summer, the heating speed inside the car is much better than that of ordinary models, saving power consumption again and increasing the battery life.

  Every time a new car comes out of BYD dynasty series, its reputation will go up to a higher level. As the flagship of the dynasty, Han will play the same role, bringing users a higher quality experience. What surprises will Han bring after the pre-sale price is announced? Let’s look forward to it.

Lei Jun: The ordinary version of Xiaomi SU7 has been officially delivered.

  [car home Information] On April 18th, Lei Jun revealed in the live broadcast room that after the founding version, the standard version and Max version of Xiaomi SU7 (Lei Jun called the official version) have been delivered in Beijing and Shenzhen today. According to the previous information of Xiaomi SU7 listing conference, the standard version and Max version will be delivered first at the end of April, which has been delivered 12 days in advance, while the Pro version will be delivered at the end of May. Lei Jun said that the order of Xiaomi SU7 is 3-5 times higher than previously expected, and it is already in full production to meet the delivery. Lei Jun also said that by the end of this year, 40 cities are expected to have Xiaomi car stores.

Home of the car

  Previously, on April 3, the first batch of Xiaomi SU7 founding edition was officially delivered at Xiaomi Automobile Factory in Yizhuang, Beijing. Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun personally opened the door for the first batch of car owners and delivered it.

Home of the car

  When the user locks the configuration, the factory starts to schedule production according to the set configuration. Consumers can see the approximate progress and estimated delivery time from Xiaomi Auto App. At the same time, before locking the configuration, you can also view the estimated delivery cycle of each configuration combination through the page. After the configuration is locked, the page can also view the delivery time.

  At present, the first batch of Xiaomi automobile stores covers 29 cities across the country, with a total of 59 stores, which is also the first batch of cities to be opened for delivery, as follows:

Home of the car

  At the same time, according to the needs of users, Xiaomi selected the following 10 cities to supplement the construction of sales and service stores, including Jinan in Shandong, Changzhou in Jiangsu, Nantong in Jiangsu, Jinhua in Zhejiang, Nanning in Guangxi, Changchun in Jilin, Guiyang in Guizhou, Zhuhai in Guangdong, Quanzhou in Fujian and Xiantao in Hubei. The above 10 cities will open one after another this year. Subsequent Xiaomi Auto will continue to add stores in other cities in time.

Xiaomi Auto Xiaomi SU7 2024 800km four-wheel drive with long battery life and high-order intelligent driving Max version.

Xiaomi Auto Xiaomi SU7 2024 800km four-wheel drive with long battery life and high-order intelligent driving Max version.

Xiaomi Auto Xiaomi SU7 2024 800km four-wheel drive with long battery life and high-order intelligent driving Max version.

  Xiaomi SU7 is aimed at medium and large cars, with a price of 21.59-29.99 million yuan. The new car is equipped with 8295 chips, which realizes five-screen interconnection including HUD and rear screen, and is equipped with 澎湃 OS system, and can be ecologically interconnected with Xiaomi. The new car is built on the basis of 800V architecture, which can recharge 510km in 15 minutes, with an acceleration time of 2.78 seconds from 0 to 100 km/h, a top speed of 210km/h and a cruising range of 810km for CLTC. Equipped with a laser radar, two NVIDIA DRIVE Orin chips, with a computing power of 508TOPS, the whole system supports high-speed NOA, and the city NOA was subsequently opened. (Text/car home Qin Chao)

When will the controversy over cultural elegance and vulgarity stop when Yang li Ping Dance Company dances "Subject III"?

3.jpg, the star of criticism.

□ Xu Jinglan (Chongqing University)

Recently, the Yang li Ping Dance Company and the Russian Royal Dance Company danced "Subject III", which once again pushed this dance to the forefront, and triggered a heated discussion among the public about the boundaries between dance art and culture. Many netizens have previously said that "Yang li Ping’s jumping subject three is my biggest bottom line". However, Yang li Ping’s team really jumped up "Subject 3" at the curtain call recently.

With its unique repetitive movements and magical music, the dance of "Kemusan" quickly became popular in the Haidilao incident, and its easy-to-understand characteristics undoubtedly attracted a large number of audiences. However, the popularity of this "vulgar" culture has also triggered in-depth discussions on artistic value and connotation. Many people question whether a professional art team like Yang li Ping should take part in such a "popular" performance, which is considered to be detrimental to the elegance and depth of art.

The debate between refined culture and popular culture is not a new topic, it reflects the society’s pluralistic cognition of art and culture. On the one hand, we can’t ignore the powerful influence and attraction of "vulgar" culture in mass communication. Popular cultural phenomena such as Phoenix Legend’s Divine Comedy in Square Dance, with its grounded language, cheerful melody and easy-to-imitate movements, have successfully crossed the boundaries of age, region and social class and won the love and pursuit of the general public. This feature of being close to the people and entertaining makes the "vulgar" culture spread and popularize rapidly and become an indispensable part of people’s daily life.

However, on the other hand, we should also be soberly aware that those enduring cultural treasures often contain profound connotations and far-reaching significance. These cultural forms may be classical literature, traditional art, philosophical thoughts or historical heritage. They have undergone the baptism of time and the precipitation of history, bearing the crystallization of human wisdom and the richness and diversity of the spiritual world. These cultural treasures are not only our cultural heritage, but also important resources for us to understand ourselves, explore the world, improve our literacy and enlighten our thinking.

The evaluation of art and culture should not only stay on the superficial distinction between elegance and vulgarity. Every cultural form has its own value and significance. Whether it is elegant art or popular entertainment, it may touch people’s emotions at some level, lead to thinking or bring fun. In recent years, with the rise of "fast-paced culture", people’s stay for works of art is shorter, and magical works of art occupy our eyes. However, this does not mean that the value of depth and connotation in art and culture has been weakened. On the contrary, the existence of fast-paced culture highlights people’s desire for instant satisfaction and relaxed entertainment, which is an important embodiment of the diversity of art and culture.

We need a more open and inclusive attitude in the face of the controversy over cultural elegance and vulgarity. The development of art and culture should be a process of multiple coexistence and mutual influence. Professional art teams try different performance forms, including the so-called "vulgar" culture, which may provide new inspiration and perspective for artistic innovation, and at the same time attract public attention to artistic works. At the same time, we should also encourage and support those cultural creations with profound meaning and connotation, so as to enrich our spiritual life and social and cultural landscape.

The phenomenon that "the world is a huge subject three" reminds us that no matter who jumps into "subject three", in this era of information explosion, we encourage artists and creators to explore and try different art forms and expressions bravely, and at the same time, we should create more and better works that people like. We should also face and evaluate art and culture with an open and inclusive attitude, so as to jointly promote the progress and development of human spiritual civilization.

Huawei terminals attended the China Mobile Global Partner Conference, and all the new products in the whole scene were exhibited.

    From October 11th to 13th, 2023, the 2023 China Mobile Global Partner Conference and the 11th China Mobile Global Partner Conference were held in Guangzhou Poly World Trade Expo, China. During the exhibition, Huawei terminals brought a variety of products to participate in the exhibition, allowing participants to deeply experience the latest products of Huawei terminals.

    Recently, Huawei Terminal has released the new M7 and Mate60 series in three key areas, namely, new energy vehicles, mobile phones and full-scene smart life, which has boosted the rapid development of the industry.

    At this exhibition, Huawei Terminal brought flagship new products, sports health, government-enterprise solutions, smart home and new M7 in the world to the exhibition. The site is divided into five sections: 1+8 exhibition area, sports health, smart home, terminal government and enterprise, and the new M7 test drive. Huawei also won two awards from China Mobile, the Best Terminal Partner Award and the Most Popular Product Award.

    Mate60 series single ride

    According to the supply chain news, as of the end of September, the sales of Huawei Mate 60 Pro and Mate 60 have exceeded 1.1 million units. At present, the industry is optimistic about the future performance of Mate series.

    The impact of Huawei terminals on the industry lies not only in the market, but also in the continuous sales of Huawei Mate60 series, which has a greater impact on the domestic supply chain. Enterprises such as optics, panels and structural parts are accelerating production to meet the market demand of Huawei Mate60 series.

    Huawei Terminal and China Mobile have always maintained close cooperation, with a high degree of cooperation in the fields of mobile phones, wearables, routers and other products, consumers and businesses, as well as number card business and consumer stickiness. This time, Huawei’s terminal exhibition area also has a terminal government and enterprise area for the live audience to experience, and continue to empower the industry in the field of secure instant messaging with partners.

    Ask the new M7 to turn the tide.

    As the star SKU of Huawei’s smart car selection, Wenjie New M7 has recently ushered in an upgrade and change. After listing, it has become the top stream in the recent auto market with its excellent product strength. The data shows that since its release on September 12th, the cumulative quantity of the new M7 has exceeded 50,000 vehicles.

    Huawei’s smart car selection, especially the series of cars in the world, has experienced a low period, which is basically in line with the current situation of the domestic new energy vehicle market. Often, the technical upgrade of new models is obvious, and then they set sail in a high profile at the initial stage of listing. However, due to the rapid technical upgrade of the industry, as more brands of new products come out one after another, the result will be a rapid suppression of old models, which will lead to the weakness of the latter, and the impact will be to force major brands to continue to invest heavily to ensure the technological leadership of new cars.

    The upgrade of the product strength of the new M7 in the world and the "increasing the quantity without increasing the price" brought by the high cost performance are also the main reasons for detonating the market. At the conference site, Huawei Terminal also set up a new M7 test drive exhibition area for customers with test drive needs to test drive. It is reported that Huawei’s deeply empowered products, such as M9 and S7, will also be available.

   Full scene, new products landing, efficient ecological experience

    This time, Huawei Terminal also moved almost all the new products from the autumn full-scene conference to the exhibition site, so the audience can experience the new products of Huawei Terminal in the first time. Huawei terminals have always had a clear category positioning for each business line, and at the same time, they have also planned more carefully in ecological positioning, further consolidating the ecological moat.

    Huawei MatePad Pro 13.2 inches has a stronger office atmosphere. The new PC-level WPS Office, combined with HarmonyOS intelligent interaction, brings a better PC-level office experience, and realizes the document synchronization between PC and mobile phone for the first time; Huawei WATCH ULTIMATE DESIGN Extraordinary Master Smart Watch is Huawei’s new interpretation of luxury industrial products. As Huawei’s first gold smart watch, this product has made another breakthrough in material technology, blending 18K precious gold for the first time; Huawei FreeBuds Pro 3 TWS headphones use the star flash technology, which improves the physical bandwidth by 4 times and the anti-interference ability by 2 times. Based on the new L2HC 3.0 protocol, it can realize lossless transmission of 1.5Mbps audio and bring lossless sound quality with super CD quality.

    Huawei’s terminal’s understanding of new products in the whole scene, while fully putting cutting-edge innovative technologies into product strength, brings a unique ecological wisdom interactive experience according to category positioning. Under the "1+8+N" system, the central position of the mobile phone is defined, and with the intelligent interaction of HarmonyOS, a number of core technologies are used as the starting point to expand and explore more functions. Huawei terminals have successfully built their own ecological moat.