China volleyball goes all out.

Guangzhou Daily All-Media Reporter Min Yang
The volleyball qualifying tournament for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games will be held between September and October this year. Women’s Volleyball Olympic Qualifiers will be held in China, Japan and Poland from September 16th to 24th. Men’s Volleyball Olympic Qualifying Tournaments will be held in China, Japan and Brazil from September 30th to October 8th, with the specific host cities to be determined. This means that China Men’s Volleyball Team and China Women’s Volleyball Team will attack the Olympic tickets at home. At the same time, China Volleyball Association took the initiative to successfully operate Zhang Jingyin, the attacking core of China Men’s Volleyball Team, to the Polish Super League, one of the three top leagues in the world. China women’s volleyball team is also stepping up its preparations, and Zhu Ting, the main attacker who has not yet decided when to return to the team, has won the seventh MVP title since joining the Italian women’s volleyball team.
China women’s volleyball team or the same group as Brazil and the United States.
The FIVB has reformed the method of producing Olympic qualification, instead of deciding the seats except the host through the world group qualification and intercontinental qualification, it has adopted the way of combining the world group qualification with the world ranking. Take the women’s volleyball team as an example. A total of 12 teams will participate in the women’s volleyball event of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. Except for the French women’s volleyball team, 11 qualifications will be divided into two stages. The first stage is the Olympic qualifier in September, and six tickets will be decided; The remaining five seats will be allocated according to the world ranking after the 2024 World Women’s Volleyball League.
A total of 24 teams competed for 6 tickets for the Paris Olympic Games in the women’s volleyball Olympic qualifying tournament in September. Except for China, Japanese and Polish women’s volleyball teams, the other 21 teams will draw lots according to the world ranking and snake arrangement principle. Together with the host, there will be a total of 8 teams in each group to compete in a single round robin, and the top two teams in each group will go straight to Paris for the first time.
Although the draw ceremony of the FIVB Olympic Qualifying Tournament will be held on the 17th of this month, the grouping situation has basically surfaced. China women’s volleyball team is classified into Group A, and the opponents in the same group are likely to be Brazilian women’s volleyball team, American women’s volleyball team, German women’s volleyball team, Canadian women’s volleyball team, Colombian women’s volleyball team, Mexican women’s volleyball team and Peruvian women’s volleyball team. Group B includes Japanese, Italian, Turkish, Dutch, Thai, Czech, Argentine and Slovenian women’s volleyball teams. Group C includes: Poland, Serbia, Dominica, Belgium, Bulgaria, Puerto Rico, Korea and Ukraine.
Despite having the advantage of playing at home in the Olympic qualifiers in September, according to the above grouping situation, China women’s volleyball team must go all out to have a chance to go straight to Paris in the first time, because Brazil women’s volleyball team and American women’s volleyball team are two close competitors. Last year, the new China Women’s Volleyball Team did not have the upper hand in the international arena. In the World Women’s Volleyball League held from May to July this year, China Women’s Volleyball Team will also have the opportunity to play against these two teams in the sub-matches, which is also the best opportunity for the teams to find out their opponents before the Olympic qualifiers.
In terms of men’s volleyball in China, according to the world ranking and snake arrangement principle, the opponents in the same group are basically determined, including Polish men’s volleyball, Iranian men’s volleyball, Serbian men’s volleyball, Ukrainian men’s volleyball, German men’s volleyball, Czech men’s volleyball and Bulgarian men’s volleyball. In terms of comprehensive strength, China men’s volleyball team is not at the top of the group.
Olympic Qualifiers and Hangzhou Asian Games "Back to Back"
During the Tokyo Olympic cycle, China women’s volleyball team was qualified for the World Group Olympic Qualifying Tournament held in Beilun, Ningbo. China men’s volleyball team came second in the Asian Olympic qualifying tournament held in Jiangmen, and missed the Olympic Games. This year, although they are also sitting at home, it is more difficult for both men’s volleyball team and women’s volleyball team to get tickets for the Olympic Games than in the previous cycle. First of all, in terms of the number and strength of opponents, four years ago, a group of four teams competed for the first place in the Olympic Games. Now, eight teams have played the top two in seven single-cycle competitions, which puts higher demands on the physical fitness and energy of the participating teams.
Secondly, the Olympic qualifiers of men’s and women’s volleyball teams overlap with the Asian Games held from September 23rd to October 8th, which means that China men’s volleyball team and China women’s volleyball team will participate in the qualifiers and the Asian Games "back to back". In the second half of China women’s volleyball qualifying tournament, the Asian Games in Hangzhou has already started. Regardless of whether it can successfully compete for the Olympic Games, the whole team must rush to Hangzhou to fight for the gold medal in the Asian Games. Cai Bin, head coach of China women’s volleyball team, talked about this year’s goal before the closed training in February, that is, to qualify for the Paris Olympic Games in the first time and to win the gold medal in the Hangzhou Asian Games. It is a big test for the young China women’s volleyball team to complete the two competition tasks seamlessly. China men’s volleyball team also needs continuous rotation, but the order of the two competition tasks is just the opposite to that of China women’s volleyball team. The men’s volleyball team rushed to the Olympic qualifiers after attending the Hangzhou Asian Games.
China men and women volleyball main attack
"Shine" in Europe
At present, China Men’s Volleyball Team and China Women’s Volleyball Team have closed training in Zhangzhou, Fujian and Beilun, Ningbo, Zhejiang respectively. It is worth mentioning that Guangdong athletes are selected in the training lists of the two national brands, and the men’s volleyball teams include Wang Hebin and Chen Jiajie; The women’s volleyball team has Wang Yifan.
Several leading men’s volleyball players were temporarily absent from training because of playing abroad, including 23-year-old attacking core Zhang Jingyin. Under the operation of China Volleyball Association, Zhang Jingyin successfully went abroad and joined the Polish Super League, one of the three top leagues in the world. In February of this year, Zhang Jingyin wore the No.22 jersey to play for the Gdansk Club, which is in the middle of the league. On March 3rd, the Gdansk men’s volleyball team won 3-1 in the 26th round of the league, and Zhang Jingyin scored 24 points as a substitute, winning the MVP for the first time. In yesterday’s game, he played five innings as a substitute and contributed 18 points. Zhang Jingyin said that she gained a lot after joining the Gdansk Men’s Volleyball Club, especially improving her passing ability. Zhang Jingyin plans to return to China in May, when he will return to China Men’s Volleyball Team to prepare for the World Men’s Volleyball League.
In the 22nd round of Serie A competition held yesterday, the former China Women’s Volleyball Club, which focused on Zhu Ting, won ten consecutive victories, and Zhu Ting, who contributed 15 points, was elected as the MVP in a single game. Before joining Serie A, Zhu Ting was a world-famous MVP "harvester". Last October, Zhu Ting joined Scandi Qi Women’s Volleyball Club, and the cooperation period between the two sides was one season. After the start of the season, Zhu Ting won the league single MVP; three times; While representing the club in the Europa League, she won two MVP titles. Zhu Ting was also selected as the MVP of Serie A in December last year. Therefore, the single MVP she won yesterday is the seventh MVP title since she joined Serie A.
Source: Guangzhou Daily

World Badminton Federation Finals: Shi Yuqi advanced to the final 2-0 Jonatan.

CCTV News: On December 16th, Beijing time, the men’s singles semi-final of the 2023 BWF World Tour Finals was contested in Hangzhou. China’s Shi Yuqi played against Jonatan. In the first game, both sides played a small climax in the opening stage, and Shi Yuqi entered the game break with 10-11 behind. Shi Yuqi, who came back after a pause, quickened his pace and gradually opened the score, taking the next game 21-16 first. In the second game, Shi Yuqi continued to play at a high level in the first game and soon opened the score. Since then, Shi Yuqi has resisted Jonatan’s crazy counterattack and won the game with a total score of 2-0.

The song and dance film "Wings of Singing" shows the beautiful scenery in Xinjiang.

1905 movie network news As a rare commercial blockbuster of youth song and dance in recent years, the Xinjiang local film "Wings of Singing", which has aroused widespread concern in the film industry and market, has been officially shown nationwide since March 28, and has been strongly supported by the national audience.

The local films in Xinjiang are thick and thin, and let the world see the real great beauty of Xinjiang.

The whole film "Wings of Singing" adopts the form of singing and dancing, and through the light and shadow writing of the songs and dances of various ethnic groups, it shows the splendid cultural traditions of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang and the happy and beautiful lives of all ethnic groups. Compared with the musical films in India and Hollywood, the creative team strives for a "new" word in this film, so that the audience can enjoy a fresh audio-visual feast of "song and dance, music and content".

Gao Huang Gang, the producer and general director of the film, introduced that Wings of Singing collected the largest investment scale, the largest human resources and the most advanced shooting equipment of Tianshan Film Studio in recent years, and traveled to seven prefectures, covering tens of thousands of kilometers in the starry night, and made extensive use of aerial photography to bring the beautiful scenery of "the bright moon lifts from the Mountain of Heaven and in an infinite haze of cloud and sea" in Li Bai’s poems to the screen.

As a musical, "Wings of Singing" uses a lot of song and dance elements, including eight circus songs, four groups of big songs and dances, and two musicals, showing the folk customs of as many as eight ethnic groups through giant screen images. Director Abdul Karim Abu Rizi said, "There are tens of thousands of people participating in this film and 17 big scenes have been filmed. The beautiful scenery of Xinjiang such as snow-capped mountains and ice peaks, hilly grasslands, Gobi deserts and plateau lakes will all be presented in the film. "


Xinjiang Song and Dance Film attracts worldwide attention, and stars gather to create a new benchmark for China Song and Dance Film.

Wings of Singing has attracted wide attention in the international film industry. At present, the film has been shortlisted for the Music, Film and Drama Festival in Kanda, Morocco, and has been nominated for Best Supporting Actress (Guldiyar Anayti), Best Original Music and Jury Award in Madrid International Film Festival. Shortlisted for the feature film unit of Buenos Aires International Film Festival; Shortlisted in the main competition unit of the European Geneva Film Festival.

Wings of Singing is organized and planned by the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, with strong support from the Culture and Tourism Department of the autonomous region. Gao Huang Gang is the general director, Abdul Klimu Abulizi is the director, Gaoshan Yan is the friendship director, Li Mushi and Gao Qi are the screenwriters, Dong Yingda composes the music, and Xia Wang, Zhang Yingbing, Corn Ti, Jiang Yihao (Ayiken) are the leading actors, and Liu Zhibing, Luo Gang, Nigmat and Si Qi are the leading actors.

"Wings of Singing" is being shown in the national cinema. The audience can enjoy the beautiful scenery, colorful folk customs and songs and dances of many ethnic groups in Xinjiang through the big screen, and feel the times style of unity, forge ahead and self-improvement of people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

Heavy rain, heavy rain! When the precipitation concentration period comes, it will thunder! When cold air arrives, it will snow in these places. ……

Under the constant force of warm and humid air, the recent rain and Zhejiang are particularly deeply fettered. From January 29th to February 2nd, it has rained for five days in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jinhua, Quzhou and Zhoushan, which is the fulfillment of the saying "sunny winter solstice, bad year". Yesterday, the rain didn’t slack off at all, including moderate to heavy rain in northwest Zhejiang. This morning, Zhejiang was covered with thick clouds. The lowest temperature was 3-5℃ in the north-central part of Zhejiang and 6-9℃ in the south of Zhejiang.

Rain is still active today and tomorrow, especially from tonight to tomorrow. On the 5th, the first rain intermission came, and it was cloudy to cloudy in the whole province. In particular, it should be reminded that it is warm and humid, unstable energy accumulates in the atmosphere, and it confronts the cold air that continues to go south, and lightning will appear again. There will be lightning in our province from tonight to tomorrow, so we need to be vigilant and take precautions!

On the 6th, with the strengthening of warm and humid air flow and the infiltration of cold air, a new round of precipitation will be started again, and the temperature will also experience a wave of first drop and then return to temperature. Among them, from the night of the 6th to the day of the 7th, there will be snow in the mountainous areas in central and northern Zhejiang, which is sleet or light snow.

On 7-8 days, there is a northerly wind of 8-9 in the coastal waters of Zhejiang, so pay attention! The rain is still interesting, and it will stop gradually. It will be fine weather from New Year’s Eve to the third day of the year, and the sun will appear.

The specific forecast is as follows:

From noon to evening today: there is light rain in northern Zhejiang and central and western Zhejiang, with moderate to heavy rain and local thunderstorms; It’s cloudy in other areas, and sometimes there is light rain in some areas.

From tonight to tomorrow: there is moderate to heavy rain in the whole province, including local heavy rain in central and southern Zhejiang, which may be accompanied by lightning.

The day after tomorrow: the whole province is cloudy to cloudy. Among them, there will be 6-8 northwest gusts in northern Zhejiang from tomorrow evening to the day after tomorrow.

The lowest temperature tomorrow morning: northern Zhejiang: 2-4 degrees; Southern Zhejiang: 7-9 degrees; Other areas: 5-7 degrees; The highest temperature in the daytime tomorrow: south Zhejiang and southeast coastal areas: 10-12 degrees; Other areas: 5-7 degrees

Editor: Zhejiang Weather Network

Please indicate "Source: Zhejiang Weather Network" for reprinting.

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The government report outlines a new blueprint for being suitable for business and living.

  "Insist that the house is used for living, not for speculation, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market because of the city’s policy." "Further promote new urbanization. Give play to the comprehensive driving role of central cities and urban agglomerations, cultivate industries and increase employment. " "Improve the convenience facilities and make the city more livable" … … This year’s government work report outlines a new blueprint for a beautiful residence with a sense of gain.

  As one of the people’s livelihood issues that people are most concerned about, housing is powerful in every word, although it is only a few short words in this year’s government work report. It not only reveals the new vision of housing work in 2020, but also clarifies the new tasks and goals of housing work.

  In this regard, a number of deputies, experts and scholars said in an interview with People’s Daily Finance that the government work report continued to adhere to the main tone of "staying in the house and not speculating, because of the city’s policy", with the intention of returning the real estate industry to its real residential attributes. In the next step, local policies will be more flexible due to the city, starting from both ends of supply and demand to ensure the smooth operation of the real estate market.

  Firmly "live in a house without speculation" and flexibly practice "policy based on the city"

  Maintaining policy strength is the key to stabilizing expectations. "Insisting that the house is used for living, not for speculation, should be the highest action orientation for the development of the real estate industry at the national level. Although there are not many words in this year’s guidance description on real estate development, it is very clear, indicating that the country’s positioning and policies for the real estate industry are continuous and clear. " Mo Tianquan, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Fangtianxia, told People’s Daily Finance.

  In Mo Tianquan’s view, since 2019, China’s real estate market has basically been running smoothly, largely due to the implementation of the positioning of "housing and not speculating" and the combination of a series of real estate control policies.

  For the future real estate regulation and control policies, Qin Hong, director of the Urban Renewal Research Center of the National Development and Strategy Research Institute of Renmin University of China, believes that four things should be adhered to:

  First, the orientation of "housing without speculation" remains unchanged, and the key is to implement the demand for "housing" and prevent the rebound of "speculation"; Second, the supply system of "rental and purchase at the same time" remains unchanged. This year, pilot cities will be the mainstay, and various localities will develop the rental market through multiple channels and policies; Third, the regulation mechanism of "policy by city" remains unchanged, and local governments are still the main body of housing security system construction and stabilizing the real estate market; Fourth, the "three stable" control objectives remain unchanged to prevent market ups and downs.

  How to implement the positioning of "housing and not speculating"?

  Qin Hong suggested that we should control the pace of real estate development with the goal of stabilizing the market: First, we should strengthen the coordinated management of the supply and demand sides of real estate and truly implement the land supply rhythm of "linking people with land"; The second is to coordinate the development of the real estate market in the core cities and surrounding small and medium-sized cities, and establish a unified and complete real estate regulation system and objectives; The third is to attach importance to urban renewal, guide the transformation and development of the real estate industry, pay more attention to revitalizing the stock market, and promote the high-quality development of the city.

  Implementing the new urbanization construction of expanding domestic demand as a starting point

  This year’s government work report pointed out that the focus should be on supporting the "two new and one heavy" construction, which not only promotes consumption and benefits people’s lives, but also adjusts the structure to increase stamina. One of the "new" is new urbanization.

  "In terms of expanding effective investment, the government work report puts ‘ New urbanization ’ It was put in an important position to elaborate, and several new formulations appeared. Urbanization is an important aspect of future economic growth, especially in expanding domestic demand. Therefore, the road to new urbanization must be unswervingly pursued. " Li Guoping, president of Peking University Capital Development Research Institute, told People’s Daily Finance.

  "There is a close relationship between new urbanization and employment, and the number of new jobs each year is also an important achievement in promoting new urbanization." Li Guoping said that new urbanization has been on the road. According to his prediction, China’s urbanization level will increase by about one percentage point every year, and it is expected to reach 70% in 2030.

  How to promote new urbanization with high quality?

  Liu Yunzhong, a researcher at the the State Council Development Research Center, told People’s Daily Finance: First, through the reform of household registration and land, the income of the agricultural transfer population will be increased, and the living consumption and housing consumption of such groups will be improved; The second is to promote the flow of population, capital, information and other factors between urban and rural areas, improve the efficiency of resource allocation between urban and rural areas, and promote economic growth; The third is to improve human capital and accelerate the transformation of economic mode.

  What are the problems facing the new urbanization construction with people as the core?

  "Last year, China’s urbanization level exceeded 60% for the first time, and basic supporting facilities such as software and hardware should be kept up in time to meet the needs of urban residents and new citizens. At the same time, China’s urbanization is not only the hardware construction of infrastructure and real estate development, but also the industry-driven employment. " Li Guoping said,

  "The future urbanization must attach great importance to the integration of urban and rural development. Because it connects the city and the countryside, the county has become the most important carrier. " Liu Yunzhong said that on the one hand, it is necessary to promote the healthy development of the county economy and make the county town full of vitality; on the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the public service facilities in the county town, including the construction of hardware and software facilities in medical and health care, education, social security and public security.

  Renovating old residential areas to fill the shortcomings of living environment

  Promoting the transformation of old urban communities is an important measure to improve residents’ living conditions and expand domestic demand, and it also reflects the urgency of stabilizing investment, expanding domestic demand and stabilizing people’s livelihood in an extraordinary period.

  Qin Hong said that after the epidemic, how to improve the living quality is the key direction that the government and enterprises need to consider. Therefore, the upgrading of residential products and the transformation of old residential areas will become the focus of the market and policies.

  When referring to "strengthening new urbanization", the government work report emphasizes that it is necessary to vigorously improve the public facilities and service capacity of the county to meet the increasing demand of farmers for employment and settlement in the county. Newly started to renovate 39,000 old urban communities, support the installation of elevators, and develop diverse community services such as dining and cleaning. "

  In fact, the goal of "39,000 old urban residential areas will be rebuilt this year" was clearly defined at the the State Council executive meeting held on April 14th. In addition, in the section "Promoting the reform and development of social undertakings around safeguarding and improving people’s livelihood", the report also proposes to strengthen and innovate social governance and improve community service functions.

  In this regard, Liu Yunzhong believes that the problem of insufficient carrying capacity faced by some big cities at present includes not only the transformation pressure faced by economic vitality and economic structure, but also the lack of service capacity in areas such as food, clothing, housing and transportation. Therefore, it is necessary to start rebuilding old urban communities and improve convenience facilities as soon as possible.

  Zhang Bo, dean of the branch of 58 Housing Research Institute, also said that from 2017 to 2019, real estate went from destocking to stabilizing the property market. This year, emphasis will be placed on deepening the construction of new towns, which will give full play to the comprehensive driving role of central cities and urban agglomerations, cultivate industries and increase employment. Compared with last year’s insistence on leading the development of urban agglomerations with central cities, more emphasis will be placed on the orderly development of cities as a whole in urban agglomerations, and the next step will be shifted to the transformation of old communities.

The "new new human" is on! Squash and flag football were selected as new events in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games.

On October 16th, at the 141st plenary session of the International Olympic Committee held in Mumbai, India, the IOC plenary session decided to adopt five new sports for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games: baseball and softball, cricket, flag football, squash and tennis.
There are three out of five items.
Appeared in Hangzhou Asian Games.
Among the five newly added events, except stick tennis and flag football, the other three events are official events of the Hangzhou Asian Games, and the China team also won the silver medal in the women’s softball event of the Hangzhou Asian Games. At the peak of women’s softball strength, China was the second in the world, and was runner-up in the Olympic Games and World Championships.
Baseball and softball events of Hangzhou Asian Games on October 2nd.
Baseball and softball, cricket and stick tennis were once Olympic events. Among them, baseball and softball entered the Olympic Games from 1992 to 2008 and 2020, cricket appeared in the Olympic Games in 1900, and stick tennis was the event of the two Olympic Games in 1904 and 1908.
Cricket, stick and tennis have a long history.
Cricket is a collective event that consists of techniques such as pitching, hitting and catching, and the main form is pitching and hitting confrontation. Cricket is not only praised as a "game for gentlemen", but also recognized as a "game for wise men". It attaches great importance to the use of eye and hand skills, requiring players not only to be quick-sighted but also to pay attention to strategy and planning.
A beach cricket match was held in the southern port of England to show off people’s skills
At home, cricket is still a "minority sport" that many people feel a little strange. But this sport, which originated in medieval England, is not unpopular in the world, especially in Asia, where India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and other countries are world-class cricket powers. Cricket has more than 2 billion global fans, which is the second largest sport in the world after football. Cricket World Cup is one of the most watched sports in the world, and it is the fourth largest event in the world after the Olympic Games, Football World Cup and Rugby World Cup.
Xingyi, Guizhou Province: A young stick tennis player courageously swings the pitch.
In contrast, the popularity of stick tennis in China is not high. Stick tennis, also known as tennis baseball in China, is an ancient sport, which originated from North American Indian tribes. Stick tennis is a collective sport that uses the net pocket at the top of the bat to control the movement of the ball, and uses the lever principle to throw the ball in the net to catch the ball and score a goal, so as to determine the outcome of the game by the final score. Modern times originated in North America. Basketball, ice hockey and other sports all took tennis baseball as a reference during their invention and creation. In this sport, the strength of the United States and Canada is more prominent.
As early as 1904, stick tennis appeared as a gold medal in the Olympic Games, and then gradually faded out of the Olympic stage because of insufficient international participation. This movement was introduced to China as early as the end of 1990s, and gradually developed in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other cities.
Squash, flag football and other emerging sports.
Be favored by young people
Although squash and flag football have never entered the Olympic Games before. But in the past two years, with the popularity of outdoor sports and the help of new media, it has become a new sport popular among young people after Frisbee, with a huge mass base.
As a branch of American football, flag football has developed rapidly in recent years because it is not so dangerous. According to the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, there are more children playing flag football in the United States than traditional football, and at the competition level, there are about 20 million flag football players in more than 100 countries, and the players’ participation is balanced.
In 2022, the competition of the first City Waist Flag Rugby League (Beijing Station) was fierce.
Compared with the formal rugby, the waist flag rugby replaces the direct contact of the body by pulling the waist flag on the belt, which reduces the collision of the project itself, expands the audience of the sport, and makes teenagers and even girls happy.
Although squash is a minority sport, it has been deeply loved by young people in recent years. Since 1998, squash has been an official event of the Asian Games, but it has been rejected by the Olympic Games. In order to join the Olympic family, the World Squash Federation even moved its headquarters to Lausanne to strengthen its ties with the International Olympic Committee. The Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee said that the sport has achieved amazing growth in the past few years, especially among young Americans, and the participation of squash increased by 87% from 2015 to 2019.
These five events have officially become new events in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games. For baseball and cricket, they are an opportunity to return to the Olympic family. For stick tennis, flag football and squash, they have entered the public’s field of vision, attracting more people to be crazy, just like cricket in the Asian Games.
The ancient Olympic movement is opening its arms to the whole world with unprecedented tolerance. As IOC President Bach said, new events make the Olympic Games younger, closer to urban life and more gender-balanced. They have brought new audiences and new communities, and they have created the "new and new humanity" of the Olympics.
(Poster news editor Guo Kai Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, Tide News, Labor News, Sports Network, etc.)
Produced by New Wave Studio

How to keep the safety red line under the upsurge of frequent safety accidents in ski resorts?

  CCTV News:In recent years, China’s ice and snow industry has developed vigorously, and ice and snow sports have risen rapidly. Skiing in winter has become a new fashion for many Chinese people to exercise and relax. However, under the upsurge, accidents occur frequently. Since this year alone, there have been safety accidents in several ski resorts. In mid-January, two accidents occurred in Hebei within three days. First, a woman died accidentally while skiing, and then a 10-year-old boy fell off a cliff in a ski resort and died. On February 3rd, a temporary unlicensed ski resort in Julu, Hebei Province collapsed, injuring five people. On February 9, another accident occurred in a ski resort in Linyi, Shandong Province, in which children were caught in the conveyor belt of the snow field and died. What caused these accidents? What kind of alarm bells have these accidents sounded to people? How to keep the red line of safety under the skiing craze?

  Shandong: A 9-year-old girl who was bitten by a conveyor belt in a snow field was killed.

  On the morning of February 9, 9-year-old Chenchen was involved in the conveyor belt of the snow field while skiing in a ski resort in Linyi, Shandong Province, and died.

  Chenchen’s mother Chen Di:At that time, when the child was called, the child would not say a word. I said wake up in the morning, it’s mom, wake up, but I didn’t agree to shout.

 Schematic diagram of accident

  On the day of the incident, Chenchen stood on the conveyor belt wearing a snowboard. When she was near the finish line, she squatted down and picked up her cane, but her hair was caught. She tried to catch her hair with her hands, and her left hand was brought into the gap of the conveyor belt. Because the conveyor belt kept sliding forward without stopping, the strong biting force quickly bit Chenchen’s whole arm, which eventually caused a tragedy.

  Chenchen’s father Dong Wenshan:The seam of the conveyor belt is so wide that my hand sinks in and my chest is cut off directly, but not directly at that time.

  Family members questioned: Is the gap in the conveyor belt compliant?

 Conveyor belt gap

  The conveyor belt of the snow field, also known as the "magic carpet", is equivalent to the "snow field elevator", similar to the conveyor belt of the airport. During the interview, Chenchen’s father showed several photos of the gap in the conveyor belt. So, does such a gap meet the specifications? The reporter didn’t find any relevant regulations in the "Regulations on the Management of Ski Resort in China". So, I consulted the local safety supervision department.

  Quality Supervision Bureau: The conveyor belt does not belong to the elevator.

  Liu Yongqiang, a staff member of lanshan district Safety Supervision Bureau in Linyi City, Shandong Province:Our safety supervision bureau is a comprehensive coordination department and does not have the qualification to check this professional equipment. Magic carpet (conveyor belt) is the most similar to elevator. At the first time, we also called the Quality Supervision Bureau, but the Quality Supervision Bureau replied that this magic carpet (conveyor belt) did not belong to the elevator.

  The conveyor belt of the ski resort was equipped with an emergency shutdown device, but this key device did not play a role in a critical moment. What’s going on here?

  Liu Yongqiang, a staff member of lanshan district Safety Supervision Bureau in Linyi City, Shandong Province:They (the conveyor belt) has an emergency switch, but his (ski resort) personnel are not in place, which leads to the equipment not stopping in time.

  The reporter randomly investigated several other ski resorts in China. Almost all ski resorts are equipped with conveyor belts. It is clearly stated in the riding instructions at the entrance of the conveyor belt that when tourists get on the conveyor belt, the interval of queuing is 2-mdash; 3 meters. However, due to the excessive passenger flow in winter, people are often crowded on the conveyor belt, and there is no staff management control at the scene. The conveyor belt of individual ski resorts is seriously damaged, and there are big gaps on both sides of the conveyor belt. Once someone falls, the danger is easy to happen.

  Hebei: A 10-year-old boy fell off a cliff and died without a safety net in the snow field.

  There is also a boy Xiao Guan, 10 years old, who suffered tragedy in the ski resort. On January 18, Xiao Guan fell off a cliff while skiing on the intermediate track of a ski resort in Hebei, and died after being rescued. Mr. Guan, the father of the child, was not around when the accident happened.

  Mr. Guan wrote on the Internet that there was no safety net installed at the accident site of the child, and the protective fence was a steel frame and wooden board with no buffering capacity. In addition, the gap under the guardrail installed in this position is too large, so it is easy for skiers to slip out of the snowy road and fall off the cliff.

  According to "Management Standard of China Ski Resort", "The safety net should be 1.5m ~ 2m high, generally orange, and the column should be elastic". Obviously, the protective device of the ski resort is not up to standard.

  After the incident, the reporter came to the ski resort again. The guardrail of the snowy road in the accident was still not replaced, but a blue sponge isolation pad was installed, and there were gaps in the safety net of some snowy roads.

  Because there is no video surveillance installed in the snow field, it is still uncertain whether Xiaoguan fell off the cliff because he was too fast or because of the collision of others. Mr. Guan can only post on the internet to seek witnesses. The reporter visited a number of ski resorts, and most of them did not install monitoring equipment.

  Family members issued a document: the child’s head was suspected "Fatal impact"

  According to industry insiders, it is very necessary to assemble a certain number of cameras in ski resorts, but there is no clear regulation on this in China at present. In addition, Mr. Guan also mentioned in the article: "The helmet worn by the child is seriously broken and cracked, so it can be speculated that the child’s head must have been fatally hit." So, usually, how fast do you ski? How big is the impact? The ski instructor said that the speed of the primary track in the ski resort can reach 30 yards (speed), the speed of the intermediate track will reach 50-60 yards, and the speed of the advanced track will reach 70 yards or more, which is equivalent to driving at a high speed. In the event of a collision, the probability of injury is quite high.

  Some skiers lack safety awareness.

  Through the above two cases, it is not difficult to find that the imperfect hardware facilities and inadequate management personnel are the important reasons for the accident. In addition, the reporter found in the investigation that skiers lack sufficient safety awareness, which is also a major cause of accidents. According to the relevant national regulations, skiing is a high-risk sport. However, the reporter visited and found that many skiers regard it as an entertainment activity. There are even many people who experience skiing for the first time and go straight to the snowy road without wearing safety equipment. There are also some beginners who go to the ski resort for the first time and go to the intermediate ski resort with more difficulty.

Skiers are not wearing helmets.

Skiers are not wearing helmets.

  In addition, the reporter noticed that although every ski resort has posted a safety code for skiing behavior, it is often ineffective.

  Zhang Luwei, the teaching principal of a ski resort:As far as I know, only 20%-30% people will pay attention to this code and read carefully what kind of safety instructions there are.

  Skiing safely and having fun: tips from professionals

  According to industry insiders, there is no uniform grading standard for skiing level in China at present, but many places have begun to formulate and implement local standards, and national standards are also being formulated.

  Facing the skiing craze, as participants, we should be calm and rational. How can we correctly participate in it and enjoy the fun brought by ice and snow sports safely?

  Wu Bin, Vice Chairman of Beijing Ski Association:Before going to the ski resort, you should learn what skiing is all about and what you need to pay attention to from the internet or related books. If you haven’t gone skiing, then we suggest that it is best to find a coach. Generally, we suggest that children must ask a coach when they go skiing. In addition, children should never let them move on their own in the ski resort. Another one is about insurance. It is better to take the initiative to buy an insurance. This insurance is actually not expensive, some are 5 yuan, and some are 10 yuan.

  At present, China’s ice and snow sports industry is developing rapidly, and the frequent accidents sound an alarm for us: safety is the bottom line and red line of development. At present, the Management Standard of China Ski Resort, which is in the trial operation stage, clearly stipulates the operation and construction of ski resorts, the behavior requirements of skiers and the responsibilities of relevant managers. We expect such industry safety standards to be improved and implemented as soon as possible, so that people can skate safely and safely. (CCTV reporter Ye Wei)

Department of Large Banks of the General Administration of Financial Supervision: Explore the establishment and improvement of the monitoring and evaluation system for large commercial banks serving t

Beijing business today News (Reporter Li Haiyan) On January 10th, according to the news of WeChat WeChat official account of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, in order to promote the high-quality development of large banks to a new level and improve the quality and efficiency of serving the real economy, the Department of Large Banks of the General Financial Supervision and Administration said that it would explore the establishment and improvement of a monitoring and evaluation system for large commercial banks serving the real economy. Urge large commercial banks to actively assume the responsibility of being a big state-owned bank, implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, strengthen financial support for national strategies and key areas, and promote the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of the economy. Give full play to the group’s diversified financial advantages and improve the timeliness and efficiency of financial supply. Better coordinate high-quality development and high-level safety, and focus on broadening the scope of sustainable commercial financial services through the use of financial technology and improving the level of risk control.

At the same time, guide large banks to do "five big articles". Guide the innovative credit mechanism, accurately connect with technology-based enterprises, and explore and solve the problem of due diligence exemption. Prospective study on carbon pricing mechanism, strengthen the supply of green finance, and help promote carbon neutrality in peak carbon dioxide emissions. Optimize the policy of supervision, assessment and evaluation, and cooperate to improve the statistical caliber of inclusive finance. Enrich the supply of the third pillar financial products for the aged, and further promote the pilot of specific pension savings and personal pension wealth management products. Accelerate the digital transformation and improve the agile response ability to the financial needs of the real economy.

In addition, improve people’s sense of financial acquisition and satisfaction. Supervise large commercial banks to adhere to the people-centered value orientation and strengthen financial products and services in the field of people’s livelihood. Support the cultivation and expansion of new consumption, and vigorously develop digital consumption, green consumption and healthy consumption. Strengthen the protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests and help improve the financial literacy of the whole people.


Strong chronological texture conveys life enlightenment (stand human language)

In recent years, a number of "time dramas" have been favored by the audience. How to tell a good life story unconventional has become a common topic for creators. The online drama "Like a Fire" has made a useful exploration with a clear and compact narrative, a personalized image and a positive energy story core. The work tells the story of five friends with different personalities, such as Xu Weibiao, Zhong Yunan and Zhang Peng, who followed the trend of the times, pursued their dreams and realized their self-worth in the 1980s. The work adopts a non-linear narrative structure, interweaves reality and memories, and enhances the sense of story age with lively hutongs, "28 big bars" bicycles and other elements. The audience seemed to walk into just visiting and empathize with the growing heroes. Chronicle drama should not only be nostalgic, but also pay attention to excavating the emotional strength and growth enlightenment of the past years. The story of "Time flies like a fire" conveys the feeling of life: youth never ends, keep a positive spirit of struggle, and stick to the good quality of courage and tenacity, and finally you can reap your own happy life.

The tenant was rejected in the hotel table tennis room. Employee: The boss prepared it for his son.

  The picture shows the table tennis room of the hotel.

  When I checked in at the hotel, the table tennis room in the hotel was told that it was forbidden to use. The reason was that "this is specially prepared by the boss for my son". This "wonderful" hotel experience was met by Mr. Liu, a citizen of Chengdu.

  Does the hotel have the right to prohibit customers from using public facilities? How reasonable is it to charge guests for using hotel activity facilities? The reporter recently conducted an investigation and visit.

  1 encounter

  Because "the boss prepared it for his son"

  Guests are denied the use of the table tennis room.

  More than a month ago, Mr. Liu, a citizen of Chengdu, and his son stayed at Meishan Renshou Jasman Jinjiang International Hotel. Mr. Liu told reporters that they had booked a big bed room and stayed in 500 yuan for one night. Mr. Liu’s son likes playing table tennis and takes a racket when he goes out.

  At about two o’clock in the afternoon, Mr. Liu first called the front desk to ask if there was a table tennis room. After getting a positive answer, he went to play ball with his son. "Transparent sliding glass door, one side of which reads ‘ Activity room ’ There are no other signs. " Mr. Liu said that the table tennis room is facing the hotel swimming pool, and there is a table and two chairs inside.

  "We went in for a few minutes, and a waiter came to ask where we were." After Mr. Liu took out his room card, the waiter told him that he could not play table tennis there. What Mr. Liu can’t accept is that the reason given by the waiter is: "This is specially prepared by the boss for his son."

  Mr. Liu, puzzled, offered to see the hotel manager. About 5 minutes later, a female staff member came to the ball room and still said that she could not play here. At the insistence of Mr. Liu, the staff member also proposed to pay. "The price is about 20 yuan per hour." Mr. Liu recalled that at that time, he proposed to pay the bill to the room. The staff member said that he would "ask the leader" and then left. Later, he did not mention the matter of collecting money.

  However, about 40 minutes later, another waiter came again and still said that he could not play here. Mr. Liu offered to leave after playing the last 21 balls. "That waiter has been watching at the door." This made Mr. Liu feel very unhappy. He said that the hotel did not come up with evidence from beginning to end to prove that it could not play ball. Besides, as a guest, isn’t it a normal right to use the sports facilities of the hotel?

  2 experience

  There is an extra charge for using the table tennis room.

  The specific price should be "asked by the leader"

  The reporter saw on Ctrip. com and other tourism platforms that Meishan Renshou Jasman Jinjiang International Hotel clearly marked "Table Tennis Room, Swimming Pool" in the "Leisure and Entertainment" column of facilities introduction.

  On the 11th, the reporter checked into the hotel as an ordinary citizen and asked the front desk whether the fitness center, table tennis room and indoor swimming pool could be used. The front desk staff said that "only the indoor swimming pool can be used free of charge and will be open to the public from 1 pm".

  In the afternoon, the reporter went to the table tennis activity room on the third floor of the hotel. A few minutes later, a waiter came over and told me that it was necessary to pay for playing there, but "the specific price needs to be asked by the leader". Ten minutes later, he replied that the price was 28 yuan per hour. When the reporter asked if there was a relevant price list, the waiter said "not for the time being", but he would provide a payment voucher. Half an hour later, the reporter paid 14 yuan to the staff member, and the consumption name on the payment voucher was: table tennis tickets.

  3 response

  Hotel general manager: The waiter was an intern that day.

  "The boss prepared it for his son" is a slip of the tongue.

  The reporter then interviewed Song Gang, the general manager of the hotel, about Mr. Liu’s experience. Song Gang said, "Our activity facilities and projects are all open to the outside world, except that they are temporarily closed due to security risks".

  After verifying the situation on that day, Song Gang replied to the reporter that the waiter Mr. Liu met that day was an "intern" who worked in a hotel during the summer vacation, and had left his job and returned to school. At present, he could not be contacted, so it was impossible to confirm whether this happened. He said that the statement that "the boss specially prepared it for his son" should be a slip of the tongue. The hotel has never had similar regulations, and it has never mentioned similar things when training interns.

  "If that’s the case, I’d like to apologize to consumers on behalf of the waiter that day." Song Gang said that all the projects in the hotel are open to the public, but some need to be paid and some are included in the room rate. For example, hotel guests can use the hotel’s indoor swimming pool for free, while if they want to use the gym and table tennis room, they need to pay extra. At the same time, these projects are also open to the public, and other people can also pay for them.

  At 5: 30 in the afternoon, when the reporter was ready to check out and leave, the waiter who charged the reporter for using the table tennis room found the reporter and said that he had received the wrong money today, and the hotel guests did not have to pay for using the table tennis room.

  4 statement

  Industry and commerce department: the hotel charges a reasonable fee, but it should fulfill its obligation to inform.

  Can "the boss specially prepares it for his son" be used as a reason to refuse guests? Is it reasonable for the hotel to charge the guests for using the hotel’s activity facilities? Should the hotel include the corresponding cost description when introducing leisure and entertainment projects on the Internet?

  The reporter can see that the hotel’s leisure and entertainment projects include chess room, massage health care, fitness center, table tennis room, indoor swimming pool and so on. But no matter online or in the hotel, the reporter didn’t see the information about whether to charge.

  "It is reasonable for the hotel to charge a certain fee, but it is necessary to clearly inform the guests." Ceng Yong, head of the Consumer Protection Unit of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce Quality Supervision of Renshou County, Meishan City, said that the hotel should clearly inform consumers in written or oral form whether the services provided are free and the cost. "This is to prevent consumers from using the items that the hotel needs to pay for without knowing it."

  Ceng Yong told reporters that if the guests were not explicitly told that a certain place could not be used, they should all be open to consumers, and they must not refuse the guests with the statement that "the boss specially prepared it for his son".


  No matter what the reason, it is dereliction of management not to inform the guests before they enter.

  Professor Yuan Lee from the School of Tourism, Sichuan University said that there are several basic concepts that need to be understood clearly: First, the hotel building space is not all open to guests, and there is a difference between the guest service functional area and the non-guest service area, which allows the hotel to refuse guests to use. Obviously, the table tennis room in this case does not belong to the non-guest service area. Secondly, the hotel can refuse to use the guest service area for some reasons, such as it has been booked and needs maintenance. The boss’s son can also book a table tennis room, but he needs to inform the guests in advance or close the table tennis room. In this case, the hotel didn’t lock the door and didn’t inform it in advance, which was a dereliction of management. It was very inappropriate to refuse the guests with various excuses afterwards. He believes that there should be a significant price list in the hotel charging area, not a verbal explanation. And in this case, the hotel staff are not clear about the charging standard and need to ask the leader temporarily, which shows that there are problems in the hotel’s rules and regulations and staff training.

  Chengdu Business Daily reporter Lin Cong’s photo report